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To analyze the effect of different lowland rice varieties and different cooking methods on physical and chemical characteristics of cooked rice. A factorial randomized block design with two factors was used and each combination of the factors was repeated three times. The first factor was rice variety(Ciherang and Ciliwung) and the second factor was the cooking method(stovetop, boiling and steaming, and rice cooker). Results showed that Ciherang and Ciliwung varieties were classified into slender grain rice type with yellowred color. The amylose content of Ciherang was classified as moderate, while the amylose content of Ciliwung classified as low. The most abundant amino acid contained in Ciherang and Ciliwung varieties was glutamic acid. Statistical analysis showed that cooking method had significant effects on texture, lightness, chroma, hue and moisture content of cooked rice. Rice cooked with liwet method had the lowest texture value, lowest lightness value, highest chroma value, and highest moisture content.  相似文献   

水稻糯性突变对淀粉理化特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了籼、粳两个糯性突变品种与原亲本品种淀粉的理化特性。糯性突变后除了直链淀粉含量显著降低外,淀粉的糊化温度变高、胶稠度增大、RVA谱(rapid viscosity analyzer)参数下降。RVA谱参数降低的幅度从高到低依次是消减值>回复值>冷胶粘度>热浆粘度>最高粘度>崩解值,表明控制直链淀粉含量的Wx位点对淀粉糊化特性和粘滞性是有影响的,存在多效性。同时,两个糯稻品种之间的RVA谱差异较大,其中崩解值和最高粘度差值均大于糯性突变对它们的影响,说明除直链淀粉外,支链淀粉也影响淀粉的理化特性。对Wx位点鉴定的结果显示扬辐糯4号wx基因第一内含子剪切位点+1位的碱基由原品种的G突变成了T,扬糯2号与其原品种相同(均为T);两个糯稻突变品种wx基因前导区的(CT)n微卫星重复序列与原品种相比都发生了变化。  相似文献   

Purple rice is a source of bioactive antioxidants for rice consumers. Loss of the major antioxidant compounds after a range of cooking processes was evaluated by measuring the changes in anthocyanin concentration (ATC) and antioxidant capacity (DPPH activity) of four non-glutinous and four glutinous genotypes. However, soaking in water prior to cooking generally decreased more ATC and antioxidant capacity in non-glutinous than in glutinous genotypes. Wet cooking (WC) and soaking before wet cooking (S-WC) led to lose almost all the ATC and antioxidant capacity with only slight variation between genotypes. In the glutinous genotype Pieisu, which had the highest raw rice ATC, ATC remained the highest when cooked by the WC method. By contrast, almost no ATC remained after WC and S-WC in the low ATC genotypes such as Kum Doi Saket. Overall, the loss of ATC was greater in non-glutinous than in glutinous genotypes for both WC and S-WC methods, but the reverse occurred for antioxidant capacity. WC using electric rice cooker retained higher ATC than the pressure cooking. Thus, for genotypes with high ATC and antioxidant capacity, the selection of cooking method is critical for retaining and stabilizing rice quality.  相似文献   

食用稻米米饭质地及适口性的研究   总被引:40,自引:4,他引:36  
 通过对米饭压缩及拉伸应力曲线的测定及研究,确定了米饭硬性、松弛性、凝聚性、粘附性、粘度等5个质地指标的表达式,并对籼(36份)、粳(30份)的米饭质地指标与感官评分作了相关分析和回归分析。结果表明,籼、粳稻的米饭适口性与用Instron测得的米饭的硬性、凝聚性呈极显著负相关,与松弛性、粘附性、粘度呈极显著正相关,籼、粳米饭质地5项指标对适口性的回归方程的决定系数分别为0.673和0.630,达极显著水平;运用所建立的回归方程对籼(6份)、粳(14份)的适口性得分进行预测,预测得分与感官评分的相关性分别达显著、极显著水平。多重比较分析结果表明在区别米饭适口性优劣时,米饭质地指标较直链淀粉含量、胶稠度更具有参考价值。  相似文献   

水稻籽粒蛋白质含量选择对杂种早代蒸煮食味品质的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
选用品质和产量性状不同的4个粳稻品种配制2个杂交组合,研究籽粒蛋白质含量选择对水稻杂种早代蒸煮食味品质的影响。各品质性状变异系数的变化范围在9.73%~94.99%;直链淀粉含量与蛋白质含量间存在明显的动态关系;稻米味度值先是随着蛋白质含量的下降而增加,当蛋白质含量下降到某一临界值后,随蛋白质含量下降而下降,蛋白质与直链淀粉含量适中的后代株系味度值较高;在蛋白质含量水平较高时,稻米RVA谱特性随着蛋白质含量的下降有所改善,但蛋白质含量下降到一定程度后则又会导致RVA谱特性变劣;蛋白质含量过高或过低都会导致稻米蒸煮食味品质变劣,协调蛋白质与直链淀粉含量的平衡关系是提高稻米蒸煮食味品质的关键。  相似文献   

云南稻种矿质元素含量与形态及品质性状的关系   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
 以653份云南稻种为材料进行了8种矿质元素含量与4个品质性状及其24个形态性状间的相关性分析,结果表明核心种质的P、K、Ca和Mg含量与绝大多数形态和品质性状的关系密切,以P与茎蘖数(-0.2043** )、K与直链淀粉含量 (-0.2043** )、Ca与株高(-0.4151** )、Mg与蛋白质(0.2570** )相关性相对较高; 核心种质的Mn、Zn、Cu和Fe含量与少数形态品质性状的关系密切, 以Fe与胶稠度(-0.1121** )、Zn与结实率(-0.1411** )、Cu与每穗实粒数(-01398** )、Mn与株高(-0.2492** )相关性相对较高。  相似文献   

Correlations between four grain quality, 24 plant morphological traits and eight element contents of 653 accessions from Yunnan rice were analyzed. P, K, Ca and Mg contents of core collection were closely correlated to the most plant morphological and grain quality traits, and there were highly significant correlations (P 〈0.01) among some traits including P content to number of stems and tillers, K content and amylose content, Ca content and plant height, Mg content and protein content. Mn, Zn, Cu and Fe contents of core collection were closely related to a few traits, such as Fe content and gel consistency (-0.1121^**), Zn content and seed setting rate (-0.1411^**), Cu content and number of grains per panicle (-0.1398^**), Mn content and plant height (-0.2492^**).  相似文献   

两个籼稻品种垩白对稻米蒸煮食味与营养品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以冈优527(杂交籼稻)和窄叶青8号(常规籼稻)为材料,研究垩白对稻米蒸煮食味品质及营养品质的影响。与非垩白米相比,冈优527垩白米的直链淀粉含量极显著升高,最终黏度、消减值、回复值显著升高,胶稠度、峰值黏度、崩解值显著降低,RVA谱的其余指标无显著变化。窄叶青8号垩白米与非垩白米的上述各指标间无显著差异。窄叶青8号垩白米的粗蛋白含量显著低于非垩白米,而冈优527垩白米的粗蛋白含量与非垩白米相比无显著变化。2个品种垩白米的清蛋白、球蛋白、醇溶蛋白、赖氨酸含量与非垩白米间无显著差异, 但谷蛋白含量显著低于非垩白米。  相似文献   

行株距配置对水稻茎秆形态生理与群体生态的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
以籼稻品种丰优香占和粳稻品种武运粳7号为材料,研究了不同行株距配置对茎秆形态生理与群体生态的影响。结果表明,中等行距(30.0 cm×13.3 cm)处理的产量最高,窄行距产量最低,差异显著(P<0.05)。中等行距配置较宽、窄行距处理显著减少了节间长度,增加了节间粗度、茎壁厚度及维管束数目,植株抗折力得到明显的提高,差异达显著水平(P<0.05);中等行距处理下水稻茎秆在齐穗期和灌浆后期单位长度节间干物质含量及灌浆期干物质转运量最大。此外,中等行距配置群体具有适宜的叶面积指数和较高的剑叶光合速率;不同行距配置群体内部CO2浓度、光照强度、温度和湿度等微气象因子具有一定差异,中等行距配置具有良好的群体微气象环境。阐述了适当扩大行距是水稻高产的必备条件。  相似文献   

稻米蒸煮品质性状的QTL定位   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 以D50/HB277衍生的由190个家系组成的F7重组自交系群体为研究材料,构建了包含102个SSR标记的遗传连锁图谱,覆盖水稻基因组1226.4 cM区域,平均图距为12.02 cM。利用Windows QTL Cartographer 2.5软件,对蒸煮品质进行QTL分析。在杭州和海南两地实验中,共检测到6个具有显著加性效应的QTL。其中,分别控制直链淀粉含量和胶稠度的主效QTL(qAC6和qGC6)均位于第6染色体短臂RM508和RM587之间,控制碱消值的主效QTL(qASV6)位于第6染色体短臂RM111和RM3438之间,且均能在两地稳定表达。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the starch digestibility, physicochemical properties and cooking characteristics of polished rice (varieties IRGA417 and IAC202) subjected to the doses of 0 (as the control), 1, 2 and 5 kGy of gamma radiation. The highest dose decreased the apparent amylose content, peak viscosity, water absorption and volume expansion. Irradiation increased the solid loss by 119% and 187% for IAC202 and IRGA417, respectively, when comparing the higher dose with the control. For IAC202, irradiation decreased the rapidly digestible starch and increased the slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS). IRGA417 showed an elevation of SDS and a reduction in RS. And 1 kGy dose of gamma radiation generated the highest level of RS for both the two varieties and presented the smallest changes in other physicochemical and cooking properties.  相似文献   

Proteins in Rice Grains Influence Cooking Properties!   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Australian rice industry is small compared to others. In order to compete, the industry targets the high-quality end of niche markets. To maintain quality it is important to understand quality attributes and to extract the most information from tests to evaluate quality. Viscosity of the flour (RVA) is a useful tool for evaluating quality. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of proteins on forming a viscosity curve, and then to understand how proteins affect the quality of cooked rice. The results demonstrate clearly that proteins influence viscosity curves both through binding water, which increases the concentration of the dispersed and viscous phase of gelatinised starch and through the agency of a network linked by disulphide bonds. Increasing rates of N nutrition decreases the peak height, consistent with fewer disulphide bonds so less contribution from the linked network. Storage also decreases peak height by increasing disulphide bonds. Proteins affect the amount of water the rice absorbs early in cooking, and the availability of water early in cooking will determine the hydration of the protein and the concentration of the dispersed and viscous phases of the starch, which will determine the texture of the cooked rice.  相似文献   

以携带相同Wxb基因的籼稻品种黄华占和扬稻6号为试验材料,系统分析了这2个优质籼稻品种的理化特性和淀粉精细结构.结果表明,黄华占稻米蛋白质含量显著低于扬稻6号,而表观直链淀粉含量高于扬稻6号,其他理化品质如胶稠度、总淀粉含量和碱消值两者无显著差异;黄华占稻米具有较高的糊化温度和热焓值.黄华占和扬稻6号稻米淀粉粘滞曲线较...  相似文献   

以津川1号和津原E28为材料,采用自来水和纯净水煮饭,通过米饭感官评价和质地测定,明确水质对其食味的影响,同时研究这种影响是否与煮饭时的加水量和浸泡时间有关。结果表明,随加水量的增加,米饭外观、饭香、味道和综合评价感官得分先增大后减小,米水质量比为1:1.50时上述指标得分最高,食味最好;米水质量比在1:1.25~1.50范围内,用纯净水蒸煮的米饭的味道和粘度感官得分要高于用自来水蒸煮的米饭。随煮饭加水量的增加,米饭的硬度下降、粘度增加,与感官评价结果一致。随大米浸泡时间延长,米饭外观、味道、粘度和综合评价感官得分先增加后减小,浸泡1.0 h,上述指标得分最高,食味最好。浸泡时间延长会降低米饭的饭香。在浸泡时间15.0 h内,与用自来水浸泡后蒸煮相比,用纯净水浸泡后蒸煮的米饭食味感官综合评价更高。综上,对津川1号和津原E28而言,米水质量比为1:1.50,浸泡1.0 h,使用纯净水煮饭可以获得更好的食味。  相似文献   

选用两个品质不同的粳稻品种,研究在抽穗期喷洒6 苄氨基嘌呤(6 BA)对灌浆成熟期籽粒氮代谢及蒸煮食味品质的影响。 抽穗后随灌浆进程籽粒谷氨酰胺合成酶活性逐渐增加,达到峰值后又逐渐下降,呈单峰曲线变化,且抽穗后20 d 的酶活性最高;蛋白质含量高的品种灌浆前期籽粒谷氨酰胺合成酶活性高于蛋白质含量低的品种;与未喷6 BA对照相比,抽穗期喷洒6 BA供试品种的味度值、最高黏度、崩解值、可溶性蛋白含量等均有不同程度的提高,籽粒谷氨酰胺合成酶活性和消减值降低,但蛋白质和直链淀粉含量变化很小。  相似文献   

[目的]近两年江苏省选育了大量的半糯型粳稻品种.不同半糯型粳稻品种间的食味品质及稻米理化特性仍存在较大差异.探究影响半糯粳稻食味品质形成的原因,将为优良食味水稻育种提供理论依据.[方法]以2019年参加江苏省优良食味稻米评比的39个半糯型粳稻品种为试验材料,通过对蒸煮食味、外观、理化、RVA谱特征值等24个品质相关指标...  相似文献   

Cooking and nutrition qualities of grain are two of the most important aspects of rice quality. To understand the difference in cooking and nutrition qualities among the grains at different positions within a rice panicle, the distributions of gel consistency (GC), amylose content (AC) and crude protein content (CPC) of grains in a panicle in association with different nitrogen levels (0, 120 and 240 kg/ha) were investigated by using two rice varieties, Yangdao 6 (indica) and Wuyujing 3 (japonica). In general, the grains at the basal part of a panicle had lower GC and higher AC than those at the upper or middle part of a panicle. The 1st grain on the secondary branch with earlier flowering exhibited the highest GC, whereas the 2nd grain on the primary branch with later flowering showed the highest AC. For Yangdao 6, CPC in the grains on the primary branches was lower at the middle part of a panicle than at the upper or basal part of a panicle. For Wuyujing 3, there were no significant differences in CPCs in the grains among the upper, middle and basal parts of a panicle. GC in the grains was increased, whereas AC was reduced from zero nitrogen application (0N) to low amount of nitrogen application (LN), and the result was reversed from LN to medium amount of nitrogen application (MN). CPC was increased with the increase in the amount of nitrogen application.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of chalkiness on cooking, eating and nutrition qualities of rice using Gangyou 527 (indica hybrid rice) and Zhaiyeqing 8 (conventional indica rice) as materials. Compared with the milled rice without chalkiness, amylose content, final viscosity, setback and consistence increased significantly, while gel consistence, peak viscosity and breakdown decreased remarkably and other RVA values did not have significant changes in the chalky rice of Gangyou 527. The differences in the above indices between the chalky and non-chalky rice was not remarkable in Zhaiyeqing 8. The crude protein content of chalky rice in Zhaiyeqing 8 was significantly lower than that of non-chalky rice, but there was no remarkable change between the chalky and non-chalky rice in Gangyou 527. Glutelin content fell significantly, and albumin, globulin, prolamine and lysine contents did not change significantly in chalky rice compared with non-chalky rice in the two varieties.  相似文献   

两个高产两系杂交稻组合形态与产量形成特征的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对两个高产两系组合与两个三系对照组合的比较研究表明,该两个两系杂交稻组合具有以下形态及产量形成特征;剑叶较长,穗下节间长,基部节间短且茎壁较厚,叶片直立性好,叶披垂度小;群体中、下部透光性能好;干物质总积累量大,但茎鞘物质转运率小,总库容大,源库比较小;群体穗数少,穗粒数多,粒重小,结实率稍低。  相似文献   

主要节水灌溉方式对水稻根系形态生理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻是耗水第一大作物。发展节水栽培对稻田水分高效利用和缓解我国水资源短缺具有重要意义。水稻根系是吸收水分和养分的重要器官,也是多种激素、氨基酸和有机酸合成的重要部位。水分管理措施的改变会直接或间接引起根系生长发育发生改变,从而影响水稻地上部生长发育和产量形成。本文综述了干湿交替灌溉、控制灌溉和覆盖旱种对水稻根系形态和生理特性的影响,提出了今后节水灌溉下水稻根系的研究重点,以期为改善水稻根系形态生理和高产节水栽培提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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