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<正>唇(Hemibarbus labeo),属鲤科,属,俗称为重唇鱼,遍布全国各大水系,辽宁地区的主要繁殖栖息地为鸭绿江、太子河、浑河、英那河及碧流河等[1]。唇是辽宁地区土著鱼类中著名的优良品种,具有肉质细嫩,味道鲜美、营养丰富的特点[2]。由于水资源环境不断变化,唇的传统生态环境急剧恶化,野生唇资源锐减,市场价格不断上升,使之成为值得人工养殖的食用鱼类,并且在形态特征、人工繁殖、苗种培育、池塘驯养等方面进行了研究[3-7],  相似文献   

本文主要研究了花[鱼骨]的繁殖生物学和人工繁殖技术。经过实验摸清了花的性成熟年龄和成熟最小型,性腺的发育状况,花的繁殖力、产卵时间和水温、雌雄鉴别等;比较了不同催产药物对花的催产效果,2008年催产率达100%,受精率95.3%,孵化率95%,获鱼苗14.12万尾。  相似文献   

从鸭绿江及其支流瑷河中收集野生唇鲳Hemibarbus labeo(Pallas)苗种,在池塘和网箱中培育3-4年后,于2009和2010年对这些亲本进行了7批次人工繁殖试验,共催产亲鱼231组,获卵470万粒,水花282.5万尾,基本摸清了该流域唇鲋的雌雄鉴别、成熟度鉴别、繁殖时期与温度、催情药物、人工授精、孵化等规模化生产人工繁殖技术。  相似文献   

对唇和花进行了网箱养殖效果对比试验。结果表明:在蓄水池内搭建网箱,分别放养平均规格38.7g/尾和39.1g/尾的Ⅰ冬龄唇和花冬片鱼种,放养密度0.98kg/m2,投喂饲料粗蛋白38%~40%的人工配合饲料,经240d养殖期,唇平均规格达到226.8g/尾、花平均规格219.8g/尾;试验结果经两样本均值差异显著性检验,t=2.23>t0.05=2.02,唇与花的体重增长有显著差异。  相似文献   

为探索花(Hemibarbus maculates)(♀)×唇(H.labeo)(♂)远缘杂交的可行性,2009—2011年进行花(♀)×唇(♂)的远缘杂交试验。结果表明:采用常规人工干法授精获得花(♀)×唇(♂)杂交受精卵,受精卵在(20±1)℃水温下孵化,受精率、孵化率和出苗率分别达到89.3%、72.6%和67.9%。杂交子一代仔鱼在受精后68h,30min出膜。经过25~30d饲养,夏花鱼种体长达到3~4cm,成活率66%。试验结果证明花(♀)×唇(♂)杂交子一代受精卵能够正常发育,且鱼苗、鱼种及成鱼都能正常生长发育。  相似文献   

比较了人工繁殖的一冬龄、二冬龄花亲鱼和野生亲鱼(2-3龄)的个体生殖力。结果表明,人繁子代培育的花亲鱼一冬龄可达性成熟,但在同体长范围内(18-21 cm),野生亲鱼和人繁一冬龄花亲鱼的个体相对生殖力差异极显著,人繁一冬龄和人繁二冬龄个体相对生殖力差异极显著,而野生亲鱼和人繁二冬龄亲鱼的个体相对生殖力差异不显著。研究表明,人繁二冬龄花的个体绝对生殖力在0.6-4.2万粒/尾,平均为2.05万粒/尾,相对生殖力为8.07-17.53万粒/kg,平均为137粒/g;而人繁一冬龄花的相对生殖力仅为0-5.87万粒/kg,平均为34粒/g。研究认为,花人工繁殖子代亲鱼在池塘培育条件下完全可以进行人工催产。  相似文献   

<正>唇(Hemibarbu labeo)地方名为重重或重唇,属于硬骨鱼纲、鲤形目、鲤科、鮈亚科、属的一种。唇主要分布在黑龙江及其支流、镜泊湖、五大连池等,是黑龙江名优土著鱼类~([1])。唇营养价值较高,具有很高的经济价值~([2])。在20世纪60年代至70年代,唇在黑龙江流域的渔获量中占有一定的比例,但随着近些年环境的破坏及  相似文献   

<正>唇(Hemibarbus labeo)属鲤形目,鲤科,鮈亚科,属,其分布广,除西部高原地区之外,我国南北各大水系、浙江省内各水系都有分布,为瓯江流域主要经济鱼类之一。唇肉味鲜美,深受当地群众喜爱,市场价较高且供不应求,是浙江省热门的养殖品种之一,并成为丽水市江河增殖放流规模最大、效益最好、最受渔民群众欢迎的当家品种。为了保护和开发唇这一名贵的土著鱼类,笔者在1997—1998年利用捕捞瓯江性腺成熟野生唇个  相似文献   

用酚/氯仿提取法提取了唇、花和长吻鱼鳍组织的总DNA,利用特异引物进行PCR扩增,得到1140bpCytb基因片段,纯化后进行测序。所得同源序列用Mega3.1软件分析,并结合鮈亚科其它种类Cytb基因序列用NJ法和UPGMA法构建系统树。结果表明:(1)三种鱼Cytb基因片段序列碱基平均差异百分比为13.7%,变异位点201个,转换颠换比为4.6;(2)属三种鱼类成一单系群,唇与花亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

唇(Hemibarbu labeo),俗名重唇,重重,属鲤科,属,广泛分布于我国的各大水系,在黑龙江流域主要分布于嫩江、松花江、乌苏里江、牡丹江等水系,是黑龙江名优土著鱼类。20世纪60年代~70年代,唇在黑龙江流域的渔获量中占有一定的比例,但近年来由于过渡捕捞和生存环境的破坏,其资源锐减,市场价格逐渐升高。  相似文献   

This study investigated for the first time the reproductive biology of Prochilodus lineatus in a system of rivers in southeastern Brasil, relating it to the role of tributary rivers in the reproductive success of this important commercial fish in the Upper Paraná River basin, where a cascade of hydroelectric dams were deployed. Specimens were caught bimonthly in three river sites: (S1) Grande River, downstream from the Porto Colômbia dam; (S2) Pardo River; and (S3) Mogi Guaçu River. Sex steroid plasma levels, fecundity, follicular atresia, oocyte diameter and gonadosomatic index (GSI) were compared among sites. In S1, fish exhibited changes in the reproductive parameters: lower GSI, oocyte diameter and fecundity and higher follicular atresia index, when compared to S2 and S3. Frequency of maturing fish was higher in S3 and spawning was only registered in S3. In sites S2 and S3, plasma concentrations of testosterone and 17β-estradiol in females and testosterone in males showed wide variations following gonadal maturation. Fish from S1 showed few significant variations in sex steroid concentrations throughout the gonadal cycle. These results indicate that P. lineatus does not reproduce in Grande River (S1), but probably uses the Pardo River (S2) as a migratory route towards the Mogi Guaçu River (S3) where they complete gonadal maturation and spawning. Our findings contribute for understanding the reproductive biology of P. lineatus and to highlight the importance of tributaries in impounded rivers as a favourable environment for migration and spawning of fish.  相似文献   

为了筛选出与长丰鲢生长性状相关的分子标记,以指导其种质鉴定和选择育种工作,实验利用15个多态微卫星标记,对6、17和36月龄长丰鲢进行了遗传多样性和生长性状关联分析.结果 显示,各月龄长丰鲢的观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(Hc)均高于0.5,PIC均值分别为0.555、0.445和0.490,表明各月龄长丰鲢群体均具...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to simulate changes in water quality standards caused by the installation of aquaculture parks for caged fish farming in the eight large artificial reservoirs in the Paranapanema River according to the different scenarios of technical and legal limitations: (i) occupancy of 1% of the total surface of the reservoirs and (ii) occupancy according to the environmental carrying capacity. For water quality modelling, these two scenarios were simulated to determine the trophic state index (TSI) of each reservoir. Based on the total area of all reservoirs in the first scenario, the fish farm facilities would occupy 18.3 km2 and have an annual fish production of an estimated 513 thousand MT. However, because of limitations in the carrying capacity, the annual production in the second scenario would be 98 thousand MT and the fish farm facilities would occupy 3.5 km2. Simulating the TSI for the first scenario, approximately 75% of the total area of all reservoirs was estimated to change from oligo or mesotrophic conditions to eutrophic, supereutrophic and hypereutrophic conditions, and four reservoirs may become completely eutrophic (Canoas 2, Canoas 1, Taquaruçu and Rosana). For the second scenario, however, eutrophic areas accounted for less than 30% of the total, although the Taquaruçu and Rosana reservoirs were still at risk of total eutrophication. These results indicate as well‐intentioned legislation can have unintended environmental consequences in dynamic social–ecological aquaculture systems as in the case of large reservoirs in the Paranapanema River.  相似文献   

Abstract. Counts were made of cormorants, Phalacrocorax carbo (L.), feeding on the River Bush. County Antrim. Northern Ireland during the post-dawn period on three occasions. Two of the counts during May 1986 indicated that up to 264 birds may have been feeding at least once per day throughout the catchment during the salmon, Salmo salar L., smolt run. The number of feeding birds had dropped to an estimated 61 by the time of the third count on 1 July 1986. Stomach samples from shot birds showed that upstream feeding was concentrated on wild smolts and brown trout. Salmo trutta L. However, cormorant predalion downstream from the salmon hatchery at Bushmills was restricted solely to hatchery smolts. Estimates of the total daily predation rates were calculated at 653–1214 wild smolts. 107–231 hatchery smolts and 422–785 brown trout. The possible impact of this level of predation on the salmonid stocks of the river was assessed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of the use of the inclusion of açaí on the diet of shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei on antioxidant and histopathological responses after exposure to ammonia. The shrimps were fed two experimental diets: control and with 10% of açaí inclusion (W/W), for 35 days. Afterwards, the organisms were exposed at four concentrations of ammonia (0.01‐control; 0.26; 0.48 and 0.91 mg NH3‐N L?1) for 96 hr. The total antioxidant capacity (ACAP) of the gills decreased significantly in both diets when exposed to ammonia, whereas in the muscle, the açaí promoted an increase in ACAP. Concomitantly, lipid peroxidation levels increased in the gills and decreased in muscle. After exposure to ammonia, glutathione‐S‐transferase activity increased in hepatopancreas in shrimps fed with açaí facilitating the detoxification of lipid peroxidation by‐products, and the concentration of protein sulfhydryl groups decreased in the gills and muscle of the shrimp of the control diet, evidencing protein damage, an unobserved response in shrimps that received the açaí diet. Histopathological changes decreased in açaí‐fed shrimps about the control diet after exposure to ammonia. It is concluded that açaí mitigated ammonia‐induced histopathological changes, improved the antioxidant defence system (gills and muscle) and attenuated the lipid damage in the muscle.  相似文献   

2010年4月对三峡库区26条主要支流的底栖动物进行了采集,经鉴定共检出97种;其中,水生昆虫78种,软体动物10种,寡毛纲6种。常见种为蜉蝣科(Ephemeridae)、小蜉科(Ephemerellidae)、四节蜉属(Baetis)、细蜉属(Caenis)、宽基蜉属(Choroterpes)、扁蚴蜉属(Ecdyonurus)稚虫及直突摇蚊属(Orthocladius)、斑特突摇蚊属(Thienemanimyia)幼虫,平均密度673.22个/m2,平均生物量9.9398g/m2。MDS分析表明,御临河、龙溪河、长滩溪和嘉陵江站点明显偏离其他22条河流;种类组成聚类分析表明,抱龙河和汤溪河、童庄河和大宁河、咤溪河和黄金河、磨刀溪和小江、大溪河和官渡河、龙河与梨香溪、御临河与綦江、龙溪河与长滩溪的种类相似度较高;物种多样性分析表明,Shannon-Wiener指数变动在0.6365~2.9329,平均为1.6120;Margalef指数变动在0.6266~5.3074,平均为2.2976。本研究旨在为三峡库区水环境预警平台的建立提供必要的信息和技术支撑。  相似文献   

2010年4月对三峡库区26条主要支流的底栖动物进行了采集,经鉴定共检出97种;其中,水生昆虫78种,软体动物10种,寡毛纲6种。常见种为蜉蝣科(Ephemeridae)、小蜉科(Ephemerellidae)、四节蜉属(Baetis)、细蜉属(Caenis)、宽基蜉属(Choroterpes)、扁蚴蜉属(Ecdyonurus)稚虫及直突摇蚊属(Orthocladius)、斑特突摇蚊属(Thienemanimyia)幼虫,平均密度673.22个/m2,平均生物量9.9398g/m2。MDS分析表明,御临河、龙溪河、长滩溪和嘉陵江站点明显偏离其他22条河流;种类组成聚类分析表明,抱龙河和汤溪河、童庄河和大宁河、咤溪河和黄金河、磨刀溪和小江、大溪河和官渡河、龙河与梨香溪、御临河与綦江、龙溪河与长滩溪的种类相似度较高;物种多样性分析表明,Shannon-Wiener指数变动在0.6365~2.9329,平均为1.6120;Margalef指数变动在0.6266~5.3074,平均为2.2976。本研究旨在为三峡库区水环境预警平台的建立提供必要的信息和技术支撑。  相似文献   

对陕西省适宜秦岭细鳞鲑生存的白云峡河、太白河东和红崖河的秦岭细鳞鲑资源量进行调查分析,结果显示,秦岭细鳞鲑总资源量从多到少依次为白云峡河(4 157尾)、太白河东(1 557尾)和红崖河(963尾).河道单位长度的秦岭细鳞鲑资源量从多到少依次为白云峡河(每100 m 63.37尾)、红崖河(每100 m 8.31尾)和...  相似文献   

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