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利用舒泰50(替来它明和唑拉西泮合剂)对36只野生猕猴按(5.79±1.28)mg/kg的剂量肌肉注射进行麻醉,麻醉期间对镇痛、镇静、肌松、呼吸、心率、血压、体温及血氧饱和度等指标进行监测.结果显示:舒泰对猕猴的诱导期为(2.72±1.72)min,平均诱导效果判定为"极好",麻醉期间体温为(38.74±0.46)℃,...  相似文献   

围手术期低体温是麻醉手术中常见并发症之一.犬体体温调节系统通常将中心体温设定在38℃,而围手术期体温在36.5℃以下称为体温过低,其发生率为60%~80%,多发生在手术麻醉中.尤其是手术时间长、老年犬及幼龄犬更易发生.低温在某些时候对机体可能是有益的(低温灌注时的器官保护),但多数情况下会产生不良影响.  相似文献   

为了评估右美托咪啶与舒泰(替来他明和唑拉西泮合剂)对虎的麻醉效果,17只虎(4只孟加拉虎、4只华南虎和9只东北虎)按0.025~0.038 ml/kg的剂量肌肉注射进行麻醉,最终以阿替美唑进行苏醒,分别对诱导、麻醉及苏醒效果进行观察和评分。右美托咪啶和舒泰联合用药对虎的诱导期为(12.24±4.56)min,侧卧姿势进入麻醉期,平均诱导效果判定为1(极好),麻醉期间体温为(39.4±0.95)℃,较正常体温高;呼吸频率为(7.50±2.56)次/min,下降极显著,血氧饱和度为(87.32±8.43)%,与麻醉前相差不大。平均麻醉效果判定为4~5(中度麻醉至外科麻醉水平),静脉注射颉颃药阿替美唑后,苏醒时间(8.31±3.87)min,平均麻醉效果为2~3(一般,好),苏醒过程中所有虎出现较明显的共济失调或不协调的现象,苏醒后6 d内未见神经症状及其他副作用。右美托咪啶与舒泰联合用药对健康的虎是一种有效的麻醉药物,但苏醒过程中可能出现共济失调现象。  相似文献   

为了探索速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂对比格犬的麻醉效果,选用健康比格犬20只,用速眠新Ⅱ(0.6mg/kg)与舒泰(0.75mg/kg)混合肌注诱导麻醉,30min后给予该混合制剂静脉维持麻醉(每小时速眠新Ⅱ0.2mg/kg,舒泰0.3mg/kg),随麻醉时间延长逐渐减量。结果显示,速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂,诱导麻醉迅速,维持麻醉效果安全、稳定,镇痛及肌松等效果良好,麻醉期间能保证动物的正常心肺功能。试验表明该复合麻醉剂是一种理想的麻醉剂,能满足各种外科手术操作需求。  相似文献   

舒泰是一种新型分离麻醉剂,曾在犬猫临床上使用多年,舒泰的诱导时间短,在经肌肉和静脉途径注射时,具有良好的局部耐受性。但是,在使用舒泰对1只雄性孟加拉虎和1只雌性东北虎进行麻醉的案例中,2只虎均在麻醉4 d后出现四肢僵硬,无法站立,大便糊状等症状。使用肌肉注射头孢塞肟钠、地塞米松、维生素和盐酸纳洛酮治疗,3~4 d后痊愈。我们曾用舒泰麻醉黑猩猩、赤猴、山魈、金钱豹、猎豹、非洲狮,均未出现不良反应。2只虎出现的不良反应目前原因不明。因此,使用舒泰进行麻醉时应注意以下事项:动物最好先禁食禁水12 h再麻醉;麻醉前10 min,可先肌肉注射阿托品以抑制唾液分泌;麻醉过程中和麻醉后,注意监测动物的体温、心跳和呼吸频率等体征;不要与乙酰丙嗪、氯丙嗪等吩噻嗪类药物和氯霉素合用。  相似文献   

为了比较舒泰与右美托咪定或丙泊酚复合对新西兰兔麻醉效果,将12只健康成年新西兰兔分为2组,每组6只,其中舒泰右美组静脉注射舒泰50(15 mg/kg)和盐酸右美托咪定(0.02 mg/kg),舒泰丙泊酚组静脉注射舒泰50(15 mg/kg)和丙泊酚(6 mg/kg),对2种麻醉方案进行麻醉指标、生理生化指标监测。结果显示:麻醉时期,舒泰右美组诱导期(2.6±0.4)min,麻醉期(31.2±5.2)min,苏醒期(8.5±2.6)min;舒泰丙泊酚组诱导期(3.6±2.24)min,麻醉期(50±5.48)min,苏醒期(3.8±1.31)min。镇静镇痛肌松效果显示,麻醉中舒泰右美组好于舒泰丙泊酚组。舒泰右美组体温、心率下降明显,舒泰丙泊酚组呼吸抑制明显;2组肝功能指标无显著变化、肾功能指标有一定影响。结果表明,舒泰右美复合方案麻醉诱导期短,对新西兰兔体温和心率有抑制作用,对肾功能有一定影响;舒泰丙泊酚复合方案麻醉期长,呼吸抑制明显,对肾功能影响较小。2种方案麻醉效果良好,均可用于兔的麻醉。  相似文献   

为了探究舒泰50麻醉对家兔相关生理生化指标影响及家兔血流动力学变化机制,试验取12只健康家兔,按体重肌肉注射0.1 mL/kg舒泰50,建立舒泰50麻醉模型,并记录家兔麻醉相关时间(诱导、维持、苏醒和总麻醉时间).对舒泰50麻醉前(0分钟)、麻醉后5,10,15,20分钟及苏醒后10分钟的收缩压(SAP)、舒张压(DA...  相似文献   

使用盐酸赛拉嗪和舒泰对犬麻醉进行手术发生过敏反应时,应及时采取急救措施.本文所述病例中通过对盐酸赛拉嗪、舒泰复合麻醉过敏犬注射盐酸苯噁唑、肾上腺素、地塞米松等药物,辅助以持续胸部按压,使其成功脱离危险,并使后续手术得以继续完成.  相似文献   

为了探讨用舒泰与盐酸右美托咪定对实验兔进行复合麻醉在小型手术和试验中使用的可行性,试验在兔的耳缘静脉分别按体重注射舒泰(0.3 mL/kg)和盐酸右美托咪定(0.02 mL/kg),记录麻醉诱导时间、麻醉时间、苏醒时间,麻醉前(0分钟)及麻醉后5,10,15,20,25,30分钟的镇痛、镇静和肌松作用效果及体温(T)、呼吸频率(RR)、心率(HR)、血氧饱和度(SpO2)等生理指标;分别在麻醉前(0小时)及麻醉后1,2,24小时时耳缘静脉采血,测定血常规和血液生化指标。结果表明:该复合麻醉方案的麻醉诱导时间为(2.6±0.4)min,麻醉时间为(31.2±5.2)min,苏醒时间为(8.5±2.6)min。麻醉后5分钟大多数实验兔进入良好的镇静状态,并持续至麻醉后第25分钟;麻醉后5分钟大多数实验兔进入良好的镇痛状态,并持续至麻醉后第20分钟;麻醉后15分钟大多数实验兔肌松状态良好,并持续至麻醉后第20分钟。与麻醉前相比,实验兔T、RR、HR、SpO2均呈现先下降后上升趋势。T在麻醉后10分钟显著下降(P<0.05);随后逐渐升高,基本...  相似文献   

为了探讨舒泰与速眠新Ⅱ对绵羊进行复合麻醉的麻醉效果,试验以绵羊为试验动物,按体重1 mg/kg静脉注射舒泰同时按体重0.5,1,2 mg/kg肌肉注射速眠新Ⅱ,记录试验绵羊麻醉前后呼吸频率、心率、体温、血氧饱和度及诱导、镇痛、麻醉时长,对麻醉效果进行观察,并进行临床应用试验。结果表明:按照舒泰1 mg/kg静脉注射、速眠新Ⅱ1 mg/kg肌肉注射的剂量进行麻醉时,可以达到(52.67±1.53) min的完全麻醉时间,说明舒泰与速眠新Ⅱ复合应用于绵羊麻醉效果良好,可以应用于临床。  相似文献   

The cardiovascular effects, anesthetic effects, and recovery rates were evaluated in racing Greyhounds under barbiturate anesthesia. Greyhounds and mixed-breed dogs of similar body weights were given (by IV route) thiopental (15 mg/kg), thiamylal (15 mg/kg), methohexital (10 mg/kg), and pentobarbital (20 mg/kg). The anesthesia lasted longer in Greyhound than in non-Greyhound mixed-breed dogs given thiopental, thiamylal, and methohexital. The mean times from recumbency to standing were 3 to 4 times longer for Greyhounds anesthetized with thiobarbiturates than for non-Greyhound mixed-breed dogs anesthetized with the same drugs, with recovery times for some Greyhounds lasting more than 8 hours. With thiobarbiturate anesthesia, Greyhounds had long periods of respiratory depression, struggled, and relapsed into sleep, whereas in the other dogs, the recovery was quiet. Respiratory depression related to the stage of anesthesia was produced by all barbiturates, but did not result in significant changes in blood gas values. Rectal temperature decreased in all dogs, but did not result in significant hypothermia. Cardiovascular variables and acid-base estimations in Greyhounds were not significantly different from those in mixed-breed dogs before and during barbiturate anesthesia. Packed cell volumes in Greyhounds were significantly higher than those in non-Greyhound mixed-breed dogs after the thiobarbiturates and methohexital were administered. Total plasma protein concentrations were significantly lower in Greyhounds, compared with those in the other dogs before and during barbiturate anesthesia. Methohexital is a useful alternative to thiobarbiturates for short-duration barbiturate anesthesia in Greyhounds.  相似文献   

Peripheral vasoconstriction and plasma catecholamine concentrations were studied in 37 dogs after cervical disc fenestration and salivary gland excision, laparotomy for intestinal anastomoses and cystotomy, or laparotomy for repair of diaphragmatic rupture, gastrotomy, and pyloromyotomy. Meperidine (4.4 mg/kg) was administered before extubation of 12 dogs undergoing laparotomy. Heart rate, respiratory frequency, indirect blood pressure, rectal temperature, toe web temperature, and plasma concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine were determined before induction of anesthesia, after intubation, after extubation, at sternal recumbency, and at standing. All dogs were hypothermic during surgery. After surgery, peripheral hypothermia (large rectal-toe web temperature gradients) increased from a mean of 4.6 degrees C after intubation to a mean of 10.4 degrees C when the dogs initially stood. Heart and respiratory rates and blood pressures during recovery were similar to those before anesthesia. Mean plasma catecholamine concentrations were neither significantly higher during recovery than before surgery nor were they increased in any surgical group, including the dogs not treated with meperidine. After anesthesia, 15% of the epinephrine and 12% of the norepinephrine samples were more than two standard deviations above the mean of the preanesthetic concentrations of all dogs. The ratio of all dogs with an epinephrine concentration more than two standard deviations above the mean of baseline epinephrine concentrations was greater at sternal recumbency than before anesthesia and the ratio of dogs with an increased epinephrine concentration at sternal recumbency was greater in the laparotomy dogs (9 of 24) than in the cervical surgery dogs (0 of 12).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The sighthounds are an ancient group of dog breeds that have been selectively bred for high-speed pursuit of prey by sight. Probably as a consequence of this selection process, these dogs have a number of idiosyncrasies that can potentially adversely affect their anesthetic management. These include (1) nervous demeanor which can lead to stress-induced clinical complications, such as hyperthermia; (2) lean body conformation with high surface-area-to-volume ratio, which predisposes these dogs to hypothermia during anesthesia; (3) hematological differences such as a higher packed cell volume and lower serum protein compared with other dog breeds which may complicate interpretation of preanesthetic blood work; (4) Impaired biotransformation of drugs by the liver resulting in prolonged recovery from certain intravenous anesthetics, especially thiopental; and increased risks of drug interactions. Safe anesthetic management of sighthounds should include sedative premedication and appropriate use of analgesic drugs to minimize perioperative stress. Thiopental, or any other thiobarbiturate, should not be used in these dogs. Propofol, ketamine/diazepam combination, and methohexital are recommended alternative intravenous anesthetics. Avoid coadministration of agents that inhibit drug biotransformation, such as chloramphenicol. Inhalation anesthesia using isoflurane is the preferred anesthetic maintenance technique. Core body temperature should be monitored closely and techniques to minimize hypothermia should be employed both during anesthesia and into the recovery period.  相似文献   

In humans and other mammals, general anesthesia impairs thermoregulation, leading to warm core blood redistributing to the periphery. This redistribution is an important contributor to hypothermia that can be reduced with pre-warming before anesthesia. Additionally, sedation following premedication has been associated with hypothermia in dogs. In a prospective, randomized, cross-over study, 8 adult male and female rats (weighing 388 to 755 g) were sedated with intramuscular ketamine-midazolam-hydromorphone, then placed in an unwarmed cage or warmed box for 14 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of isoflurane anesthesia with active warming. Core body temperature was monitored throughout. After sedation, warmed rats gained 0.28°C ± 0.13°C and unwarmed rats lost 0.19°C ± 0.43°C, a significant difference between groups (P = 0.004). After anesthesia, warmed rats maintained higher core temperatures (P < 0.0001) with 2/8 and 6/8 of warmed and unwarmed rats becoming hypothermic, respectively. Pre-warming during sedation and active warming during general anesthesia is effective in minimizing hypothermia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of hypothermia and duration of anesthesia on the infection rate in clean wounds in dogs and cats. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective clinical study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Seven hundred seventy-seven dogs and cats undergoing clean surgical procedures. METHODS: Records of animals prospectively evaluated for postoperative wound infection were retrospectively evaluated for the prevalence of perioperative hypothermia. Body temperatures during the perioperative period and the duration of surgery and anesthesia were recorded. Data were analyzed to identify differences between animals with infected and uninfected wounds and multiple logistic regression modeling was used to evaluate the independent contribution of risk factors to the incidence of postoperative wound infection. RESULTS: No statistically significant differences were found in the analysis of temperature data between animals with infected and uninfected wounds. Duration of anesthesia was significantly greater in animals with wound infections (P = .01). Multiple logistic regression modeling identified duration of anesthesia as a risk factor for postoperative wound infection independent of the duration of surgery. CONCLUSIONS: In animals with clean surgical wounds, mild perioperative hypothermia is not a significant risk factor for postoperative wound infection. The duration of anesthesia, however, is a significant risk factor independent of the duration of surgery. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: To decrease the incidence of postoperative wound infection, the duration of anesthesia should be minimized. Surgical time, as well as the time required for ancillary diagnostic tests while under anesthesia should, therefore, be kept to a reasonable minimum.  相似文献   

为满足手术机器人腹腔手术效果和安全性的测试,建立相应的巴马猪麻醉方案.以低剂量舒泰和高剂量多咪静作诱导麻醉剂,异氟烷作维持麻醉剂,布托啡诺作术中镇痛剂,安定醒作苏醒剂.用手术机器人分别进行胆囊切除、左肾摘除、部分肝切除手术,于整个麻醉过程监测巴马猪心率、血氧饱和度、平均动脉压及体温的变化,以评估该方案的麻醉效果.结果显...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether moderate hypothermia during 4 hours of anesthesia with isoflurane substantially affects serum concentrations of transdermally administered fentanyl in the perianesthetic period in cats. ANIMALS: 7 healthy mature cats. PROCEDURE: A fentanyl patch (25 microg/h) was applied to the shaved thorax 24 hours before induction of anesthesia. Anesthesia was induced at time 0. Each cat received 2 treatments in a random order. Treatments were isoflurane anesthesia with normothermia and isoflurane anesthesia with hypothermia. Cats were intubated, connected to a nonrebreathing circuit, and maintained at 1.3X minimum alveolar concentration for 4 hours. Cats in the hypothermia treatment groups were actively cooled to 35 degrees C following the induction of anesthesia. Serum fentanyl analysis was performed at -24, -12, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 24 hours. RESULTS: Mean +/- SEM serum fentanyl concentration (SFC) for the hypothermia treatment group (0.598 +/- 0.3048 ng/mL) was significantly lower than the baseline concentration (1.834 +/- 0.6393 ng/mL) at 1 hour. This significant reduction persisted for the duration of anesthesia for the hypothermia treatment group. Serum fentanyl concentrations returned to baseline values within 1 hour of the end of anesthesia, regardless of body temperature. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Hypothermia during inhalant anesthesia induced a significant reduction in SFC obtained with transdermal administration. The impact of this reduction in SFC on the contribution of transdermally administered fentanyl to any reduction in the need for inhalant anesthesia remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Hypothermia during anesthetic events is a common adverse effect of anesthesia in laboratory animals. In particular, small rodents such as mice is susceptible to hypothermia during anesthetic events. Therefore, the animals will need additional thermal support by external heating devices during and after anesthesia. In general, the time of recovery from anesthesia is typically longer in case of injectable anesthesia rather than inhalant anesthesia. However, the durations of thermal support have been almost limited to 1 hr from administration of anesthesia in general. Our study objectives are two-fold: 1) to compare the levels of hypothermia induced by injectable anesthesia with medetomidine-midazolam-butorphanol (MMB) and inhalant anesthesia with isoflurane (ISO); 2) to find the adequate durations of thermal support for preventing hypothermia induced by their anesthesia in mice. Adult male ICR mice were anesthetized during 40 min without and with the thermal support for 1 (both anesthetic groups), 2, 3, and 5 hr (in MMB group). Without thermal support, the decrease of body temperature in MMB group were more severe than that in ISO group. The durations of thermal support completely prevented hypothermia at 5 hr-support in MMB group and that at 1 hr-support in ISO group. However, the other short durations did not prevent hypothermia at 1, 2 and 3 hr-support in MMB group. These results suggest that the mice should be received thermal support over 5 hr after injection of MMB anesthesia to prevent hypothermia.  相似文献   

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