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Summary Sap flow measurements in the trunk and potential transpiration computed from meteorological data were used during two irrigation seasons to determine orchard water requirement. Standard commercial irrigation was applied except for two trees which were irrigated every 3 days to maintain unlimited soil water availability and used as reference trees. Measured transpiration was proportional to potential transpiration. The ratio between the two, averaged for all trees, was approximately 0.3 when soil water availability was not limiting falling to 0.2 when soil water potential in the main root zone dropped to -90 kPa. This ratio was successfully used to schedule orchard irrigation at an arbitrarily chosen reduction of 20% in the ratio as measured on the first day after irrigation. Yield of individual trees was highly correlated with their seasonally accumulated transpiration. Analysis of variability in transpiration between trees led to the conclusion that orchard transpiration may be determined with acceptable accuracy by this approach which can, therefore, be used to schedule orchard irrigation.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, the Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 3074-E, 1990 Series  相似文献   

The need for sophisticated irrigation strategies in fruit tree orchards has led to an increasing interest in reliable and robust sensor technology that allows automatic and continuous recording of the water stress of trees under field conditions. In this work we have evaluated the potential of the leaf patch clamp pressure (LPCP) probe for monitoring water stress in a 4-year-old ‘Arbequina’ hedgerow olive orchard with 1667 trees ha−1. The leaf patch output pressure (Pp) measured by the LPCP probe is inversely correlated with the leaf turgor pressure (>50 kPa). Measurements of Pp were made over the entire irrigation season of 2010 (April to November) on control trees, irrigated up to 100% of the crop water needs (ETc), and on trees under two regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies. The 60RDI trees received 59.2% of ETc and the 30RDI trees received 29.4% of ETc. In the case of the RDI trees the irrigation amounts were particularly low during July and August, when the trees are less sensitive to water stress. At severe water stress levels (values of stem water potential dropped below ca. −1.70 MPa; turgor pressure < 50 kPa) half-inversed or completely inversed diurnal Pp curves were observed. Reason for these phenomena is the accumulation of air in the leaves. These phenomena were reversible. Normal diurnal Pp profiles were recorded within a few days after rewatering, the number depending on the level of water stress previously reached. This indicates re-establishment of turgescence of the leaf cells. Crucial information about severe water stress was derived from the inversed diurnal Pp curves. In addition Pp values measured on representative trees of all treatments were compared with balancing pressure (Pb) values recorded with a pressure chamber on leaves taken from the same trees or neighbored trees exposed to the same irrigation strategies. Concomitant diurnal Pb measurements were performed in June and September, i.e. before and after the period of great water stress subjected to RDI trees. Results showed close relationships between Pp and Pb, suggesting that the pressure chamber measures relative turgor pressure changes as the LPCP probe. Therefore the probe seems to be an advantageous alternative to the pressure chamber for monitoring tree water status in hedgerow olive tree orchards.  相似文献   

Plant age and size, seasonal growth patters and crop load, among other factors, have been reported to decrease the usefulness of trunk diameter variation (TDV) derived indices as water stress indicators in olive trees. Our hypothesis, however, is that indices derived from TDV records in old, big olive trees are sensitive enough to detect levels of water stress in trees of orchards under deficit irrigation that, although severe, are below the threshold for fruit shrivelling. This is of importance for the production of good quality oils, since fruit shrivelling may affect oil quality. The aim of this work was to assess different TDV-derived indices as water stress indicators in 40-year-old ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees with heavy crop load. We derived the maximum daily shrinkage (MDS), daily growth (DG) and daily recovery (DR) from TDV records taken during the 2008 dry season both in well-irrigated FAO trees and in deficit-irrigated RI trees. Measurements of volumetric soil water content (θv), leaf water potential (Ψl), stomatal conductance (gs), net CO2 assimilation rate (A), water and oil accumulation in the fruits and yield parameters were made for both treatments. The trunks did not grow during the experimental season, either in the FAO or RI trees, likely because of the heavy crop load. Therefore, DG was useless as water stress indicator. For MDS and DR, which were responsive to the increase of the trees’ water stress, we calculated the variability, quantified by the coefficient of variation (CV), the signal intensity (SI) and the sensitivity (SI/CV) values. In addition, we derived reference equations for irrigation scheduling from the relationships between MDS values in the FAO trees and main meteorological variables. Values both of SI-MDS and SI-DR were steady until September 9, despite of increasing differences in θv between treatments from early in the dry season. The Ψl vs θv values showed an outstanding capacity of the RI trees to take up water from the drying soil, and the Ψl vs gs values showed a near-isohydric behaviour of those deficit-irrigated trees. These results explain, at least in part, the lack of response of MDS and DR on that period. Both SI-MDS and SI-DR peaked for the first time on September 9, 16 days before the appearance of fruit shrivelling. Our results suggest that using TDV-derived indices as water stress indicators for irrigation scheduling in old olive orchards with medium to low plant densities, i.e. with large root zones, may be useless in case the irrigation strategy is aimed at keeping the soil close to field capacity. Nevertheless, the MDS and DR indices may be useful indicators for the avoidance of fruit shrivelling in deficit irrigated olive orchards for the production of good quality oil. Reliable reference equations for scheduling irrigation with the signal intensity approach were obtained from the regression of MDS values vs the daily maximum values of both the air temperature and the vapour pressure deficit of the air.  相似文献   

Olive is one of the fruit tree species for which measurements of the trunk diameter variation (TDV) has shown a lower potential both for monitoring water stress and for scheduling irrigation. This is particularly true in the case of old, big olive trees with heavy fruit load. Fernández et al. (2011, J. Environ. Exp. Bot. 72, 330-338) observed that the daily difference for maximum trunk diameter between deficit irrigated ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees and control trees growing under non-limiting soil water conditions, termed DMXTD, is more sensitive and reliable for detecting the water stress of the trees than other widely used TDV-derived indices. However, they considered their results as preliminary because of the lack of replications. The aim of this work was to evaluate the usefulness of the DMXTD index for detecting plant water stress in an orchard with 12-year-old ‘Arbequina’ olive trees with heavy fruit load. The performance of DMXTD for detecting water stress of the trees was compared to that of the signal intensity for the maximum daily shrinkage (SI-MDS) derived from the same TDV records. Results showed that SI-MDS was not useful for indicating the water stress of the trees. On the other hand, the dynamics of DMXTD mimicked those of the soil and plant water status. Four instrumented trees per treatment (replicates) were enough to reduce the uncertainty of the TDV measurements to a reasonable level. Our results show that DMXTD is a useful index to detect the onset, and severity, of water stress in mature ‘Arbequina’ olive trees with heavy fruit load. They also suggest a potential of DMXTD for scheduling low frequency deficit irrigation strategies.  相似文献   

The compensation heat-pulse method for measuring sap flow is tested here in olive trees (Olea europaea L.). We describe a rigorous three-way examination of the robustness of the technique for this species, and examine the potential of the technique for an automatic control of the irrigation system. Two tests were carried out using heat-pulse gear inserted into the stem of 12-year-old ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees. One test used forced-flow through a stem section, and the other involved measured water uptake by an excised tree. The measured sap flow in these two tests was in agreement with calculations from heat-pulse velocities when using a standard ‘wound correction’ to account for the presence of the probes and the disruption to the sap flow. Thus, this technique for monitoring transpiration can, we feel, be used with confidence in olives.The third experiment was carried out in the field, where we analysed sap flow data from two 29-year-old olive trees — one tree was under regular drip irrigation and the other was from dry-farming conditions. We use measurements of sap flow in the trunk to examine the hydraulic functioning of the tree, and to explore some diagnostics of water stress. Our heat-pulse measurements in the irrigated olive tree exhibited a profile of sap flow that was weighted towards the outer xylem of the tree trunk while the water-stressed trees in the field showed a profile of sap flow weighted towards the centre of the trunk. The loss of hydraulic functioning in the outermost section of the vascular system, as a result of water stress, we consider to be due both to stomatal control and to embolisms in the xylem vessels.The fourth experiment was also carried out in the field, in which sap flow measurements were made at three locations in the trunk as well as in two roots of another 29-year-old olive tree. The soil explored by each root, on opposite sides of the trunk, was differentially wetted by separate irrigation of each side. Our data showed that the surface roots were able to absorb water immediately after wetting, despite a reasonably prolonged period of moderate drought. Root activity quickly shifted to the regions where the soil had been wetted. A root in dry soil exhibited no flow at night, whereas sap flows of about 0.02 l h−1 were measured around midnight in the root drawing water from the wetter soil. Our observations suggest that the hydraulic behaviour of the trunk and surface roots might be used as a diagnostic of the onset, or severity, of water stress. Here there is not the imperative to replicate, for the prime goal is not transpiration estimation. Rather interpretation of the diurnal dynamics is used to infer the onset, or severity of water stress.The compensation heat-pulse seems a suitable technique for automatically controlling the irrigation system of olives, and probably other trees, based either on the estimation of the short-time dynamics of transpiration, or on changes in the hydraulic behaviour of the trees.  相似文献   

We evaluated the usefulness of short-term trunk diameter variations (TDV) as water stress indicator in field-grown grapevines cv. Tempranillo. Two indices were calculated from TDV, maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS), and trunk growth rate (TGR). The seasonal evolution of both indicators was compared with occasional determinations of pre-dawn leaf water potential and stem water potential, measured at early morning (Ψsem) and at midday (Ψsmd) in irrigated and non-irrigated vines. In the second season, the effect of crop load on the vine water status indicators was also studied. Crop load did not affect either the vine water relations or the TDV. All water potential determinations had much lower variability and were more sensitive than both MDS and TGR to water restrictions. The ability of both indices to detect plant water stress varied largely depending upon the phenological period. In fact, MDS and TGR were only able to detect vine water stress during a short period of time before veraison. During this period, TGR was linearly related to both Ψsem and Ψsmd, while for MDS a curvilinear, quadratic equation, better described the relationship with plant water status. After veraison no apparent relationship existed between plant water status and MDS or TGR. Hence, our results question the practical use of both MDS and TGR as variables to automate irrigation scheduling for grapevine.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to water stress of different plant water status indicators was evaluated during two consecutive years in early nectarine trees grown in a semi-arid region. Measurements were made post-harvest and two irrigation treatments were applied: a control treatment (CTL), irrigated at 120 % of crop evapotranspiration demand to achieve non-limiting water conditions, and a deficit irrigation treatment, that applied around 37 % less water than CTL during late postharvest. The plant water status indicators evaluated were midday stem water potential (Ψ stem) and indices derived from trunk diameter fluctuations: maximum daily shrinkage (MDS), trunk daily growth rate, early daily shrinkage measured between 0900 and 1200 hours solar time (EDS), and late daily shrinkage that occurred between 1200 hours solar time and the moment that minimum trunk diameter was reached (typically 1600 hours solar time). The most sensitive [highest ratio of signal intensity (SI) to noise] indices to water stress were Ψ stem and EDS. The SI of EDS was greater than that of Ψ stem, although with greater variability. EDS was a better index than MDS, with higher SI and similar variability. Although MDS was linearly related to Ψ stem down to ?1.5 MPa, it decreased thereafter with increasing water stress. In contrast, EDS was linearly related to Ψ stem, although the slope of the regression decreased as the season progressed, as in the case of MDS. Further studies are needed to determine whether EDS is a sensitive index of water stress in a range of species.  相似文献   

The most common sugarcane variety in the Gharb plain of Morocco (CP 66-345 variety) was grown in a lysimeter in the laboratory. It developed during 6 months with a water-table at 0.7 m below the soil surface. The water-table was then successively maintained with a Mariotte bottle at 0.45, 0.2 and 0.05 m from the soil surface for 21, 31 and 24 days, respectively. Transpiration was measured by Dynamax sap flow sensors. Soil water pressure heads were measured at six different depths; soil hydraulic properties and root density profile were also determined. No transpiration reduction was observed with soil waterlogging. Two different models were used to predict the pattern of root water uptake (RWU) with water-table at 0.45 m below the soil surface. These two models are based on a RWU function used as sink term in the Richards equation. The first model, HYDRUS-2D (Simunek et al., 1996), is based on the α-model RWU (Feddes et al., 1978a) which depends on a reduction function varying according to the soil water pressure head and on the root density. The second model, SIC (Breitkopf and Touzot, 1992) is based on the hr-model RWU (Whisler and Millington, 1968, Feddes et al., 1974). It is proportional to the difference between soil and root pressure heads, to unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and to root density. Calculated soil water flows from pressure head measurements are compared to predicted pressure heads by the two models. These predictions compare well with the measured values and show that sugarcane roots mainly absorbed water in the water-table. However, while goods predictions were obtained using the actual root density profile with the hr-model, it was necessary to modify this profile to obtain proper results using the α-model.  相似文献   

Pomegranate trees (Punica granatum L.) is a deciduous fruit tree included in the so-called group of minor fruit tree species, not widely grown but of some importance in the south east of Spain. Pomegranate trees are considered as a culture tolerant to soil water deficit. However, very little is known about pomegranate orchard water management. The objective of this research was to asses the feasibility of using trunk diameter variation (TDV) indexes, obtained by means of LVDT sensors, as a plant water stress indicators for pomegranate trees. The experiment was carried out with mature trees grown in the field under three irrigation regimes: control well watered trees; trees continuously deficit irrigated at 50% of the control regime (SDI); and trees that had a summer water stress cycle being irrigated at 25% of the control rates only in July and August (RDI). The seasonal variations of maximum diurnal trunk shrinkage (MDS) and trunk growth rates (TGR) were compared with midday stem water potential (Ψstem) measurements. During the course of the entire season, control trees maintained lower MDS values than the SDI ones. In the RDI treatment, as water restrictions began, there was a slow increase in MDS, in correspondence with a decrease in Ψstem. When water was returned at full dosage, the RDI quickly recovered to MDS and Ψstem values similar to the control. However, lower MDS for a given Ψstem values were observed as the season advanced. The magnitude of differences between well watered and deficit irrigated trees was much larger in the case of MDS than for Ψstem. However, the tree-to-tree variability of the MDS readings was more than four times higher than for Ψstem; average coefficient of variation of 7.5 and 36% for Ψstem and MDS, respectively. On the other hand, TGR did not clearly reflect differences in tree water status. Overall, results reported indicated that MDS is a good indicator of pomegranate tree water status and it can be further used for managing irrigation. However, the seasonal changes in the MDS-Ψstem relationship should be taken into account when attempting to use threshold MDS values for scheduling irrigation.  相似文献   

Projected climate changes and expansion of viticulture to drier regions justify the installation and management of deficit irrigation (DI) strategies. Contradictory results on the effect of DI on crops may be ascribed to the incorrect application of these techniques. The lack of discrimination between basal crop (K cb) and stress coefficients (K s) can be an obstacle to proper irrigation management. A sap flow (SF) technique associated with microlysimeters and eddy covariance (EC) methods was applied to five commercial vineyards, aiming to discriminate those coefficients, during the driest period of the vegetative cycle. A comparative analysis of the coefficients, in relation to measured vegetation parameters (for K cb) and plant water status (for K s) is presented. K cb, ranging from about 0.35 to 0.75, was highly correlated with leaf area index at stand level. K s, which decreased till 0.2 in the most stressed vineyard, was well correlated to plant water status (K s function), represented by predawn leaf water potential. K s functions for the different experiments exhibited falling slopes with decreasing water status, with variable trends depending on the rates of maximal crop transpiration (T m). These experimental results show that specific parameters for K s functions, necessary to estimate water use and irrigation depths, in order to control the stress levels in DI scheduling, are also dependent on T m.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of the xylem sap flow by the stem heat balance technique can be a valuable aid for determining the irrigation demand of field crops. In the present study, soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) sap flow was evaluated under well-watered and water-stressed conditions using Dynamax SGA10 sap flow gauges. Solar radiation was measured continuously throughout the growing season. Soil water content was measured before and after each irrigation. There was a close relationship between solar radiation and xylem sap flow. The water flux in the soybean stems responded realistically to changes in the soil water content. However, the absolute values of sap flow were highly questionable. Calculating crop transpiration from sap flow measurements, the results were up to 4 times as high as calculated transpiration from soil moisture data and simulated transpiration using the locally calibrated soybean crop growth model SOYGRO. A sensitivity analysis of the stem heat balance technique gave no indications of technique or input errors. The gauge design was possibly not appropriate for the outdoor installation on soybeans.  相似文献   

The evapotranspiration of hedge-pruned olive orchards (Olea europaea L. cv. Arbequina) was measured under the semiarid conditions of the middle Ebro River Valley in a commercial olive orchard (57 ha) during 2004 and 2005. No measured ETc values for this type of olive orchards have previously been reported. An eddy covariance system (krypton hygrometer KH20 and 3D sonic anemometer CSAT3, Campbell Scientific) was used. The eddy covariance measurements showed a lack of the energy balance closure (average imbalance of 26%). Then sensible and latent heat (LE) flux values were corrected using the approach proposed by Twine et al. (2000) in order to get daily measured olive evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop coefficient (Kc) values. The highest measured monthly ETc averages were about 3.1-3.3 mm day−1, while the total seasonal ETc during the irrigation period (March-October) was about 585 mm (in 2004) and 597 mm (in 2005). Monthly Kc values varied from about 1.0 (Winter) to 0.4-0.5 (Spring and Summer). These Kc values were similar to Kc values reported for round-shape canopy olive orchards, adjusted for ground cover, particularly during late Spring and Summer months when differences among measured and published Kc values were about less than 0.1.  相似文献   

根据避雨番茄筒栽试验结果,分析了不同旱渍胁迫组合及不同天气条件下的茎流速率日变化,采用通径分析和灰色关联分析的方法,计算了以太阳辐射、气温、相对湿度和土壤含水率4种环境影响指标为自变量对番茄茎流速率的相关系数、决定系数及灰色关联度.结果表明:不同天气下番茄茎流速率日变化规律差异显著,晴天下呈现峰值在正午的单峰型曲线,多云下呈现在10:00和14:00左右达到峰值的双峰型曲线,阴雨下茎流速率较小且波动不大;相同环境下不同旱渍组合的茎流速率日变化曲线可以反映水分的亏缺和渍害程度,轻度亏缺能够抵抗渍水的迫害,增大茎流速率,但是亏缺程度超过一定范围会显著降低茎流速率;通径分析与灰色关联分析的结果基本一致,影响茎流速率最大的是太阳辐射,决定系数达到0.91.  相似文献   

Use of stem diameter variations to detect plant water stress in tomato   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sensitivity of stem diameter variations (SDV) measured with linear variable transducer (LVDT) sensors as indicators of plant water status in tomato was evaluated. Two tomato crops were grown sequentially in a sandy loam soil in an unheated plastic greenhouse. These were an autumn–winter tomato crop (autumn crop) and a spring–summer tomato crop (spring crop). One drying cycle of 61 days was imposed to the autumn crop in winter at 92 days after transplanting (DAT). Two drying cycles, each of 29 days, were applied to the spring crop, to young (58 DAT) and mature plants (121 DAT). For each drying cycle, four replicate plots did not receive irrigation, and four were well watered. During each drying cycle, LVDT sensors continuously measured SDV, and daily measurements were made of leaf (Ψ leaf) and stem water potential (Ψ stem). SDV data was interpreted using the SDV-derived indices, maximum daily shrinkage (MDS) and stem growth rate (SGR). The response of SDV-derived indices to water deficit differed with (1) climatic conditions during stress imposition and (2) crop age. In the winter drying cycle of the autumn crop, the responses of the SDV-derived indices to soil drying were relatively small and slower than Ψ leaf and Ψ stem. Under warmer conditions, the SDV-derived indices were much more responsive to soil drying. In rapidly growing young plants, where SDV was characterized by high SGR and small MDS, SGR was the most sensitive SDV-derived index. In more mature plants with little stem growth, MDS was the most sensitive SDV-derived index. In mature plants grown in warm to hot conditions, MDS (1) responded at a similar time or earlier than Ψ leaf and Ψ stem and (2) had larger “signal” values (ratio of values from unwatered to control plants) than Ψ leaf and Ψ stem. However, there was appreciably more “noise” (coefficient of variation, CV) associated with the SDV-derived indices, giving lower “sensitivity” values, determined from “signal” to “noise” ratios, than for Ψ leaf and Ψ stem. Regression analysis between MDS of well-watered plants and climatic variables gave best results for a linear relationship between MDS and daily maximum vapor pressure deficit. There were strong linear relationships between MDS and Ψ leaf for each drying cycle. The slopes of these relationships differed with crop age indicating that there was no constant relationship between MDS and Ψ leaf for a whole season. Overall these results demonstrated that MDS and SGR can be sensitive indicators of the water status of tomato crops under conditions of moderate to high evaporative demand. However, the variability associated with the SDV-derived indices and the changing MDS–Ψ leaf relationship with crop age represent major issues regarding the development of irrigation scheduling protocols for tomato.  相似文献   

为了实现黄土高原地区滴灌条件下枣树园土壤含水率的小范围快捷监测,根据FAO-56水分胁迫系数的定义和相关计算公式,得到了基于土壤水分胁迫系数的黄土高原地区滴灌条件下枣树根层土壤平均含水率估算公式.2009年4-9月将该公式应用于西北农林科技大学陕西米脂孟岔试验站的枣树试验园,配置了3种不同的土壤含水率控制下限,对枣树2个重要生育期的土壤含水率进行了估算,模拟了水分动态变化过程,并对估算值和实测值进行对比和误差分析.结果表明:采用基于FAO-56水分胁迫系数的计算公式对土壤含水率的动态模拟达到了较高的精度,估算值与实测值之间误差较小:其中开花坐果期各处理(灌水下限为60%,50%,40%的田间持水率)的估算值与实测值之间的相关系数分别为0828 0,0907 3,0935 1;标准误差分别为0055,0093,0068.果实膨大期各处理的相关系数分别为0777 2,0766 7,0905 5;标准误差分别为0057,0092,0079.估算值与实测值之间的相关系数随土壤含水率的增大而减小,随土壤水分胁迫程度的增大而增大,即土壤含水率较高时对公式精度有一定的影响.该方法较适用于黄土高原半干旱地区,对农业用水管理具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

Trunk sap flow of tree is an important index in the irrigation decision of orchard. On the basis of the measured sap flow (SF) of pear tree (Pyrus pyrifolia) in the field, the multiple-linear regression for simulating the SF was obtained after analyzing the relationships between the SF and its affecting factors in this study and an artificial neural network (ANN) technique was applied to construct a nonlinear mapping to simulate the SF, then the simulated SF by two models was, respectively, compared to the measured value. Results showed that trunk SF had significant relationship with the vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in the single-variable analysis method but with soil volumetric water content (θ) using the ANN models with default of different variables. The correlation coefficient (R2), mean relative error (MRE) and root mean square error (RMSE) between the measured and simulated sap flows by the ANN model developed by taking VPD, solar radiation (Sr), air temperature (T), wind speed (Ws), θ, leaf area index (LAI) as the input variables were 0.953, 10.0% and 5.33 L d−1, respectively, and the simulation precision of ANN model was superior to that of multiple-linear regression due to its better performance for the nonlinear relationship between trunk SF and its affecting factors, thus ANN model can simulate trunk sap flow and then may help the efficient water management of orchard.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a notable worldwide increase in the amount of land devoted to olive orchards. Most of these new orchards are irrigated and represent large financial investments. The irrigation of young olive trees should reduce the period during which their production is small or non-existent. Although the water requirements of young olive orchards are thought to be low, little is in fact known in this regard. In the present work, three irrigation treatments (100, 75 and 50% coverage of water needs) were designed using the Orgaz method, and their effects on young olive trees tested in different plots over a period of 3 years. The 50% deficit treatment was designed to provide the trees with an amount of water in the region of that stipulated by the FAO method, the most commonly used irrigation scheduling system for olive orchards. No significant differences in shoot water potential nor abaxial leaf conductance were seen between the trees receiving the different treatments. However, canopy volume and shoot growth were affected. These results indicate that the traditional FAO model, which would have supplied about 35% of the water supplied by the Control treatment, may well reduce the economic benefits to be derived from young olive orchards.  相似文献   

Five-year-old peach trees were irrigated at 50% and 100% of calculated maximum evapotranspiration (MET) in order to determine the influence of water stress on the pattern of water uptake from the soil and on the actual evapotranspiration (AET) of the crop. A simplified water balance method based on the relationship between the drainage component and the soil water content averaged over the soil profile has been used to estimate AET from periodic neutron probe measurements.Maximum water uptake is from the upper 60 cm of soil when trees are well-watered. Decreased soil water content induces a shift in the soil water uptake towards deeper layers, which can be due either to upward fluxes of water or to an increased water uptake by deeper roots.AET in the 50% MET regime is reduced from July to September, compared to the 100% MET regime, partly because of stomatal closure. There is no drainage in the 50% MET treatment from June to September; it is about 1 mm day−1 in the 100% MET regime until the end of August and ceases in September when the soil dries.  相似文献   

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