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A method for quantification of recombinant DNA for Roundup Ready (RR) corn and RR soybean in soil samples is described. Soil DNA from experimental field samples was extracted using a soil DNA extraction kit with a modified protocol. For the detection and quantification of recombinant DNA of RR corn and RR soybean, a molecular beacon and two pairs of specific primers were designed to differentially target recombinant DNA in these two genetically modified crops. Soil DNA extracts were spiked with RR corn or RR soybean DNA, and recombinant DNA was quantified using real-time PCR with a molecular beacon. As few as one copy of RR corn genome or one copy of RR soybean genome was detected in the soil DNA extract.  相似文献   

Several countries have introduced mandatory labeling requirements on foods derived from genetically modified organisms. Real-time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has quickly become the method of choice in support of these regulations and requires the development of separate PCR assays targeting the transgenic sequence as well as a specific endogenous gene sequence. To develop a Brassica napus-specific PCR assay, partial sequences of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase BnACCg8 gene from B. napus and the closely related Brassica rapa were determined and compared, and a region of unique nucleotide sequence was identified. Universal amplification primers were designed to either side of this region, and a locked nucleic acid TaqMan probe was designed to the B. napus-specific sequence. Evaluation of this primer/probe combination indicated a high level of specificity to B. napus: no amplification signal was observed with any other species tested, including five closely related Brassica species. The method was assayed with 14 different B. napus cultivars, and comparable amplification curves were consistently obtained for all. The assay was highly sensitive, with a limit of detection between 1 and 10 haploid copies. Practically, the method was demonstrated to be effective for the detection of processed food samples and for the quantification of Roundup Ready canola content in mixed samples.  相似文献   

A novel one-step methodology based on real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology has been developed for the identification of two of the most valuable tuna species. Nowadays, species identification of seafood products has a major concern due to the importing to Europe of new species from other countries. To achieve this aim, two specific TaqMan systems were devised to identify Thunnus alalunga and Thunnus albacares. Another system specific to Scombroidei species was devised as a consensus system. In addition, a relative quantification methodology was carried out to quantify T. alalunga and T. albacares in mixtures after the relative amount of the target was compared with the consensus. This relative quantification methodology does not require a known amount of standard, allowing the analysis of many more samples together and saving costs and time. The utilization of real-time PCR does not require sample handling, preventing contamination and resulting in much faster and higher throughput results.  相似文献   

Roundup Ready (RR) genetically modified (GM) corn and soybean comprise a large portion of the annual planted acreage of GM crops. Plant growth and subsequent plant decomposition introduce the recombinant DNA (rDNA) into the soil environment, where its fate has not been completely researched. Little is known of the temporal and spatial distribution of plant-derived rDNA in the soil environment and in situ transport of plant DNA by leachate water has not been studied before. The objectives of this study were to determine whether sufficient quantities of plant rDNA were released by roots during growth and early decomposition to be detected in water collected after percolating through a soil profile and to determine the influence of temperature on DNA persistence in the leachate water. Individual plants of RR corn and RR soybean were grown in modified cylinders in a growth room, and the cylinders were flushed with rain water weekly. Immediately after collection, the leachate was subjected to DNA purification followed by rDNA quantification using real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) analysis. To test the effects of temperature on plant DNA persistence in leachate water, water samples were spiked with known quantities of RR soybean or RR corn genomic DNA and DNA persistence was examined at 5, 15, and 25 degrees C. Differences in the amounts and temporal distributions of root-derived rDNA were observed between corn and soybean plants. The results suggest that rainfall events may distribute plant DNA throughout the soil and into leachate water. Half-lives of plant DNA in leachate water ranged from 1.2 to 26.7 h, and persistence was greater at colder temperatures (5 and 15 degrees C).  相似文献   

As the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) labeling policies are issued in many countries, qualitative and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques are increasingly used for the detection of genetically modified (GM) crops in foods. Qualitative PCR and TaqMan real-time quantitative PCR methods to detect and identify three varieties of insect resistant cotton, i.e., Mon531 cotton (Monsanto Co.) and GK19 and SGK321 cottons (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), which were approved for commercialization in China, were developed in this paper. Primer pairs specific to inserted DNAs, such as Cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTI) gene of SGK321 cotton and the specific junction DNA sequences containing partial Cry1A(c) gene and NOS terminator of Mon531, GK19, and SGK321 cotton varieties were designed to conduct the identified PCR assays. In conventional specific identified PCR assays, the limit of detection (LOD) was 0.05% for Mon531, GK19, or SGK321 in 100 ng of cotton genomic DNA for one reaction. Also, the multiplex PCR method for screening the three GM cottons was also established, which could save time and cost in practical detection. Furthermore, a real-time quantitative PCR assay based on TaqMan chemistry for detection of insect resistant gene, Cry1A(c), was developed. This assay also featured the use of a standard plasmid as a reference molecule, which contained both a specific region of the transgene Cry1A(c) and an endogenous stearoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturase (Sad1) gene of the cotton. In quantitative PCR assay, the quantification range was from 0.01 to 100% in 100 ng of the genome DNA template, and in the detection of 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0% levels of three insect resistant cotton lines, respectively, all of the relative standard deviations (RSDs) were less than 8.2% except for the GM cotton samples with 1.0% Mon531 or GK19, which meant that our real-time PCR assays involving the use of reference molecule were reliable and practical for GM insect resistant cottons quantification. All of these results indicated that our established conventional and TaqMan real-time PCR assays were applicable to detect the three insect resistant cottons qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Four real-time polymerase chain reaction systems aiming at the specific detection and quantification of maize DNA are described. They have been developed in four independent laboratories targeting different maize sequences, i.e., alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh1), high mobility group protein (hmga), invertase A (ivr1), and zein, respectively. They were all fully specific, showing a very similar quantification accuracy along a number of distantly related maize cultivars and being either single or low copy number genes. They were highly sensitive and exhibited limits of quantification below 100 maize genomic copies. In consequence, they are considered suitable for use as maize specific endogenous reference genes in DNA analyses, including GMO quantitative tests.  相似文献   

Quality assurance is a major issue in the food industry. The authenticity of food ingredients and their traceability are required by consumers and authorities. Plant species such as barley (Hordeum vulgare), rice (Oryza sativa), sunflower (Helianthus annuus), and wheat (Triticum aestivum) are very common among the ingredients of many processed food products; therefore the development of specific assays for their specific detection and quantification are needed. Furthermore, the production and trade of genetically modified lines from an increasing number of plant species brings about the need for control within research, environmental risk assessment, labeling/legal, and consumers' information purposes. We report here the development of four independent real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays suitable for identification and quantification of four plant species (barley, rice, sunflower, and wheat). These assays target gamma-hordein, gos9, helianthinin, and acetyl-CoA carboxylase sequences, respectively, and were able to specifically detect and quantify DNA from the target plant species. In addition, the simultaneous amplification of RALyase allowed bread from durum wheat to be distinguished. Limits of detection were 1 genome copy for barley, sunflower, and wheat and 3.3 copies for rice real-time PCR systems, whereas limits of quantification were 10 genome copies for barley, sunflower, or wheat and approximately 100 haploid genomes for rice real-time PCR systems. Real-time PCR cycling conditions of the four assays were stated as standard to facilitate their use in routine laboratory analyses. The assays were finally adapted to conventional PCR for detection purposes, with the exception of the wheat assay, which detects rye simultaneously with similar sensitivity in an agarose gel.  相似文献   

This interlaboratory study evaluated a real-time multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for identification of salmon and trout species in a range of commercial products in North America. Eighty salmon and trout products were tested with this method by three independent laboratories. Samples were collected in the United States and Canada, and only the collecting institution was aware of the species declaration. Following analysis with real-time PCR, all three laboratories were able to identify species in 79 of the 80 products, with 100% agreement on species assignment. A low level of fraud was detected, with only four products (5%) found to be substituted or mixtures of two species. The results for two of the fraudulent products were confirmed with alternate methods, but the other two products were heavily processed and could not be verified with methods other than real-time PCR. Overall, the results of this study show the usefulness and versatility of this real-time PCR method for the identification of commercial salmon and trout species.  相似文献   

A duplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method able to detect bovine milk in ovine cheeses was developed. This method is based on the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes to generate fragments of different lengths. The proposed methodology presents an alternative DNA extraction procedure faster and more economical than the kits commercially available. A linear normalized calibration curve was obtained between the log of the ratio of the bovine band intensity and the sum of bovine and ovine band intensities versus the log of cow's milk percentage. The method was applied successfully to the detection and quantification of raw, pasteurized, and powdered bovine milk in different cheeses. The proposed duplex PCR provides a simple, sensitive, and accurate approach to detect as low as 0.1% bovine milk in cheeses and to quantify bovine milk in ovine cheeses in the range of 1-50%.  相似文献   

Transgenic soybean line GTS-40-3-2, marketed under the trade name Roundup Ready (RR) soy, was developed by Monsanto (USA) to allow for the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient of the herbicide Roundup, as a weed control agent. RR soy was first approved in Canada for environmental release and for feed products in 1995 and later for food products in 1996 and is widely grown in Canada. Consumer concern issues have resulted in proposed labeling regulations in Canada for foods derived from genetically engineered crops. One requirement for labeling is the ability to detect and accurately quantify the amount of transgenic material present in foods. Two assays were evaluated. A conventional qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay to detect the presence of soy and RR soy and a real-time PCR to quantify the amount of RR soy present in samples that tested positive in the first assay. PCR controls consisted of certified RR soy reference material, single transgenic soybeans, and a processed food sample containing a known amount of RR soy. To test real-world applicability, a number of common grocery store food items that contain soy-based products were tested. For some samples, significant differences in amplification efficiencies during the quantitative PCR assays were observed compared to the controls, resulting in potentially large errors in quantification. A correction factor was used to try to compensate for these differences.  相似文献   

As the cultivars of rice markedly affect eating quality, processing suitability, and price, identification or differentiation of rice cultivar is very important. We developed suitable 14 STS (sequence-tagged site) primers for PCR (polymerase chain reaction), and it became possible to differentiate 60 Japanese dominant rice cultivars from each other using template DNA extracted and purified from rice grains. A multiplex primer set was shown to be useful to effectively differentiate rice cultivars produced in various countries by PCR. A novel multiplex primer set for PCR has been developed to differentiate KoshihikariBL, which is closely related with the premium cultivar, Koshihikari, in Japan. The application of the cultivar identification method by PCR method to commercially processed rice products was investigated. We developed an enzyme treatment method, in which the gelatinized starch is decomposed by the heat-stable alpha-amylase at 80 degrees C, followed by the hydrolysis of proteins by proteinase K with sodium dodecyl sulfate and purification of extracted DNAs by phenol/chloroform/iso-amyl alcohol. It became possible to identify the material rice cultivars of the commercially processed rice products, such as cooked rice, rice cake, or rice cracker, by a PCR method using template DNA prepared by the enzyme treatment method and novel multiplex primer sets.  相似文献   

Locust bean gum and guar gum are galactomannans used as additives (E 410 and E 412, respectively) in the food industry as stabilizing agents. Analytical discrimination between the two additives in gums and foods is now feasible by molecular techniques. However, only complex and time-consuming DNA isolation protocols are available to date. We have developed simple improved protocols to obtain enough DNA suitable for PCR amplification from a few milligrams of commercial E 410 and E 412 additives (containing more than 75% polysaccharides). The suspension of additives in water or 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, efficiently recovers DNA suitable for authentication in PCR assays. However, the Tris method was much more efficient for the extraction of DNA from E 410 than for E 412 additives. Conversely, the water method was the most suitable for detecting DNA extracted from E 412 or from E 410/E 412 mixtures. Combined with the use of the two specific ribosomal primer pairs previously designed, our methods are well-suited for a fast and simple high-throughput sample treatment of commercial gums for molecular certification.  相似文献   

Two PCR methods were developed for specific detection of the trnS-trnG intergenic spacer region of Prunus persica (peach) and the internal transcribed spacer region of Malus domestica (apple). The peach PCR amplified a target-size product from the DNA of 6 P. persica cultivars including 2 nectarine and 1 flat peach cultivar, but not from those of 36 nontarget species including 6 Prunus and 5 other Rosaceae species. The apple PCR amplified a target-size product from the DNA of 5 M. domestica cultivars, but not from those of 41 nontarget species including 7 Maloideae and 9 other Rosaceae species. Both methods detected the target DNA from strawberry jam and cookies spiked with peach and apple at a level equivalent to about 10 μg of total soluble proteins of peach or apple per gram of incurred food. The specificity and sensitivity were considered to be sufficient for the detection of trace amounts of peach or apple contamination in processed foods.  相似文献   

准确高效的奶牛发情检测技术能够提高其受胎率、缩短胎间距,是改善奶牛繁殖效率和提高经济效益的重要手段。规模化、集约化养殖环境下,众多学术与科学研究证实奶牛行为方式和活动量是判断其是否发情的重要指标。目前常用奶牛行为决策方法主要是针对单点数据进行行为分类,而奶牛运动传感数据是按照时间顺序采集的多元时间序列数据,因此该文提出基于结构相似度的子序列段快速聚类算法(SC-SS,subsequence clustering based on structural similarity),首先利用加速度一阶差分值将奶牛运动动态时间序列传感数据划分成若干子序列段,然后计算子序列段加速度值、能量、标准方差等特征结构相似度;最后根据各个子序列的结构相似度进行快速聚类。试验数据分析对比表明,SC-SS较常用K-means算法具有更高的运行效率,可更有效地完成奶牛行为分类,提高奶牛发情检测的准确率。  相似文献   

Usually spices are identified morphologically using simple methods like magnifying glasses or microscopic instruments. On the other hand, molecular biological methods like the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) enable an accurate and specific detection also in complex matrices. Generally, the origins of spices are plants with diverse genetic backgrounds and relationships. The processing methods used for the production of spices are complex and individual. Consequently, the development of a reliable DNA-based method for spice analysis is a challenging intention. However, once established, this method will be easily adapted to less difficult food matrices. In the current study, several alternative methods for the isolation of DNA from spices have been developed and evaluated in detail with regard to (i) its purity (photometric), (ii) yield (fluorimetric methods), and (iii) its amplifiability (PCR). Whole genome amplification methods were used to preamplify isolates to improve the ratio between amplifiable DNA and inhibiting substances. Specific primer sets were designed, and the PCR conditions were optimized to detect 18 spices selectively. Assays of self-made spice mixtures were performed to proof the applicability of the developed methods.  相似文献   

The 5S intergenic spacers were amplified using a common pair of primers and sequenced from four species (Brassica napus, Zea mays, Helianthus annuus, and Glycine max). Crop-specific assays were developed from primers designed from the spacers and tested to amplify corresponding DNAs in both conventional end-point and real-time polymerase chain reactions (PCRs). The high copy numbers of the 5S DNA in plants make it possible to detect very small amounts of DNA using this marker. This sensitivity made it possible to compare different DNA extraction methods for highly processed food products using 5S spacers, even allowing dilution of templates to overcome PCR inhibition.  相似文献   

An open question with regard to the community ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) concerns how to best amplify AMF in the soil, which contains a large proportion of DNA from AM extra-radical mycelium and spores. However, to date, a direct comparison of AMF primers for soil samples, which would systematically assess their amplification efficiency, is still missing. In our present study, we compared and characterized four widely used primer sets targeting AMF 18S rDNA or SSU-ITS-LSU rDNA from three soil samples as follows: (1) SSUmAf/LSUmAr?+?SSUmCf/LSUmBr, (2) GeoA2/Geo11?+?NS31/AM1, (3) AML1/AML2?+?NS31/AM1 and (4) AMV4.5NF/AMDGR. These primer sets were compared in terms of the proportion of Glomeromycota detected, AMF diversity and community composition. Our data revealed that the newly combined primer set 3 was the most suitable one for amplifying AMF from soil samples. It yielded the highest AMF alpha diversity, and was very specific to Glomeromycota. Primer set 2 was unable to amplify Claroideoglomus from soil 1, which was the dominant AMF clade as proved by other three primer sets. Primer set 4 demonstrated its instability among different soil samples, since the proportion of AMF in total sequences varied from 5% to 83%. Although primer set 1 showed the highest proportion of AMF (95–100%) in the soil samples, it captured the lowest AMF diversity, and the operational taxonomic units obtained by this primer set were only 36.4% of that by primer set 4. Taken together, our data suggested that AMF diversity in soil samples could be underestimated by primer set 1, 2 and 4. Our result confirmed the important role of the choice of AMF primers for analyzing AMF communities in soil and explored the most suitable one for amplifying AMF from soil samples.  相似文献   

The stability of free tryptophan (Trp) was examined in five cookie-resembling models at varying baking temperatures and durations. Trp was measured by HPLC coupled with a fluorescent detector. Trp degradation was significantly greater in cookies formulated with glucose compared with sucrose, regardless of the temperatures and durations of baking. A lag period was clearly observed in cookies formulated with sucrose. The type of sugar used in the dough formulation affected not only the thermal destruction kinetics but also the degree of degradation of free Trp. However, the type of leavening agent (ammonium bicarbonate versus sodium bicarbonate) did not affect the rate of Trp destruction as happens in Maillard-driven reactions. In addition, the free Trp content was analyzed in nine different flours and sixty-two commercial cookies, and it was found that free Trp varied from 0.4 to 1287.9 mg/kg for rice and wheat bran, respectively. It was found that free Trp was significantly higher in dietetic commercial samples formulated with wheat bran compared with other flours.  相似文献   

Identification of fish species is significant due to the increasing interest of consumers in the meat of sea fish. Methods focusing on fish species identification help to reveal fraudulent substitution among economically important gadoid species in commercial seafood products. The objective of this work was to develop a conventional PCR method for the differentiation of the following gadoid fish species in fish products: Alaska pollack ( Theragra chalcogramma), blue whiting ( Micromesistius poutassou), hake spp. ( Merluccius spp.), Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua), saithe ( Pollachius virens), and whiting ( Merlangius merlangus). The species-specific primer pairs for gadoid species determination were based on the partial pantophysin I ( PanI) genomic sequence. Sequence identification was confirmed by cloning and sequencing of the PCR products obtained from the species considered. For the simultaneous detection of Alaska pollack, blue whiting, and hake spp., a quadruplex PCR system was constructed. Other gadoid species were detected in separate PCR reactions. After optimization of the reactions, the developed PCR systems were used for the analysis of codfish samples obtained from the Czech market and the customs' laboratories. This method represents an alternative approach in the use of genomic DNA for the identification of fish species. This method is rapid, simple, and reliable without the need for further confirmative methods. Furthermore, the identification of a mixture of more than one species is possible. The PCR system has been optimized for routine diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

We report the development of a duplex real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the simultaneous detection and quantification of wheat- and barley-derived DNA. We used a single primer pair to amplify the single-copy gene PKABA1 from wheat and barley, using minor-groove-binding probes to distinguish between the two cereals. The assay was fully specific, and different wheat and barley cultivars exhibited similar Ct values, indicating stability across cultivars with respect to allelic and copy number composition. The limits of detection were 5 and 10 PCR-forming units for wheat and barley, respectively, making the duplex assay as sensitive as other singleplex reference gene systems published. We were able to detect both wheat and barley simultaneously in real food samples, and the duplex assay is considered to be suitable as an endogenous reference gene system for the detection and quantification of wheat and barley in genetically modified organisms (GMO) and other food and feed analyses.  相似文献   

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