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伊犁马体尺与速力关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伊犁马是我国优良的速挽兼用型培育品种,具有体格高大、外貌俊秀、气质灵敏、适应性强、耐粗饲、力速兼备等优良特点,在国内马业中享有较高的声誉,在全国和自治区赛马中也取得了好成绩,深受国内马术运动爱好者欢迎。本文就伊犁马的体尺与速力之间的关系进行研究探讨,通过对参加速度赛马的伊犁马的体尺和不同赛程的速力测定,经过统计分析,为选择运动用伊犁马提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为探讨伊犁马青年种公马体尺、体重之间的相关性,选择2~3岁肉用型和骑乘型伊犁马青年种公马100匹,测量其体高、体长、胸围、管围和体重数据,并进行统计分析.结果表明,伊犁马青年种公马不同类型不同年龄体尺、体重之间存在显著差异(P<0.05).其体高、体长、体重均以3岁肉用型为最高,其次为3岁骑乘型(P<0.05).其胸围...  相似文献   

伊犁马速步赛成绩与体尺性状的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验对伊犁马速步赛的体尺性状与比赛成绩之间的相关性进行了研究。测定速步赛中不同比赛项目伊犁马的体高(X1)、体长(X2)、胸围(X3)和管围(X4),计算体长率(X5)、胸围率(X6)和管围率(X7),并用SPSS 18.0软件分析其与比赛成绩之间的相关性。结果表明,在不同的比赛项目中,体尺性状与比赛用时有显著或极显著的相关性(P<0.05;P<0.01)。1000 m速步赛中比赛用时随体高、体长、胸围的增大而减少,随管围、胸围率和管围率的减小而减小;3000 m速步赛中比赛用时随体高、体长的增大而减小,随胸围率和管围率的减小而减小;5000 m速步赛中比赛用时随体高、胸围、体长的增大而减小,随管围率的减小而减小。  相似文献   

伊犁马体尺年龄对其竞赛性能影响的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
对伊梨马体尺、年龄与不同赛程成绩关系的研究表明:体高对各赛程影响极显著(P<0.01),但随赛程增长,影响逐渐减弱;胸围和管 围对各赛程影响显著(P<0.05);年龄对长赛程影响显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

旨在研究不同体尺伊犁马之间心脏结构和功能参数的内在联系,提高运动马选育效率。本研究使用彩色多普勒超声系统测定健康状况良好的30匹2岁伊犁马的心脏结构和功能参数,分析伊犁马体高、体长、胸围、管围等体尺与心脏结构和功能参数的相关性并拟合线性模型。结果表明,伊犁马体重、体表面积、体长、胸围与舒张末期左心房内径(LADd)呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);体重、体表面积、胸围与二尖瓣内径(MVD)、舒张末期肺动脉内径(PAd)呈显著正相关(P<0.05);体长与MVD呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与收缩末期左心室游离壁厚度(LVFWs)、左心室心肌质量(LVM)呈显著正相关(P<0.05);体高与左心室长轴径(LVLD)呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);管围与收缩末期左心房内径(LADs)、MVD呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。其他各体尺与心脏结构间相关性均不显著(P>0.05)。体重、体表面积、体长、胸围与舒张末期左心室容量(EDV)、收缩末期左心室容量(ESV)呈显著正相关(P<0.05);体表面积、胸围与左心室射血分数(EF)呈显著负相关(P&...  相似文献   

对平武黄牛主产区生态条件的调查、外貌的观察和体尺的测定,与四川现有黄牛地方品种的比较分析,结果表明平武黄牛在体尺、外貌、体尺指数等方面有别于其它黄牛品种,是川西北山区良好的役用型黄牛种群,具有向役肉兼用型方向发展的优良特性。  相似文献   

黄牛体尺差异性分析方法的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究借助于IBM电子计算机、运用最小二乘分析、主成分分析和聚类分析法对较复杂、难以直观分析的7个黄牛品种的8项体尺资料,经过一系列完整的处理运算,最终给出了形象逼真,使人容易理解和分析的简化形式的数据结构和图形,从而容易揭示出一些有意义的规律。研究结果把7个黄牛品种依体格大小分为大、中、小三种类型群,这与现存事实基本相符,借此方法可大大提高比较品种差异的准确性。  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过验证不同专用饲料的应用价值,为幼年期伊犁马找出一种有利于其生长发育的模式,并以此建立科学有效的饲养方案。试验通过测定不同月份伊犁马幼驹体重以及体尺指标变化,综合对比不同专用饲料对于其发育影响,判定伊犁马幼驹补饲形式。结果表明:试验Ⅰ组和试验Ⅱ组马驹的平均日增重与对照组相比分别提高了20.83%和25%|试验Ⅰ组和试验Ⅱ组与对照组相比在体高日变化、体长日变化、胸围日变化和管围日变化4项体尺水平上分别增加61.22%和61.22%、23.61%和31.94%、22.13%和9.84%、10%和20%。试验Ⅱ组马驹体重的增加和体长、管围2项体尺的增长比试验Ⅰ组快,体高和胸围2项体尺的增长试验Ⅰ组比试验Ⅱ组略快,但两个组之间均差异不显著(P > 0.05)。综上,两种饲料补饲后都明显地提高了伊犁马幼驹的生长发育速度,试验Ⅱ组对于幼驹影响综合效果较试验I组更好。 [关键词] 伊犁马|体尺性状|幼驹|生长性能  相似文献   

周岁麦盖提羊体重与体尺指标相关性的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对麦盖提羊周岁羊体尺指数和周岁体重与体尺指标的参数进行研究分析,并对周岁羊体重与体高,体长,胸围,胸宽,胸深,管围,耳长,尾长,尾宽和尾厚等指标的相关性进行研究分析,认为麦盖提羊周岁体重与体高,胸围和管围有正相关关系而且差异极显著(P<0.01),可作为早期选种的依据。  相似文献   

为更好地了解凉山牛的生长发育情况,本研究随机选择40头不同月龄阶段的凉山牛进行了12个部位的体尺测定,计算体尺指数,分析不同性别、年龄阶段之间的差异。结果表明,凉山牛有较好的体型,与30年前测定的数据相比,体尺指标保持得较为稳定。  相似文献   

In order to provide some reference on scientific training and determination of horse trot training race, experiment was conducted on analysis of speed characteristic of Yili horse trot training race. The grade of 7 Yili horses 1000 m trot training race and the speed per 50 m were measured, which was used as a research object and sample, by statistical analysis, correlation analysis, the difference of the linear regression method for quantitative analysis. It was resulted that between subsection speed (2 to 18) and average speed were significantly or extremely significantly correlated (P<0.05;P<0.01), the 9th subsection speed had the highest relevancy; 6 high correlation subsection speeds were choosed for regression analysis, equation:Y=4.039X9+2.256X8-2.653X16-1.361X5-3.739X13+2.529X19-0.728. The experiment preliminary proved the difference among every subsection speed of 1000 m speed training race and the correlation between subsection speed and average speed, establishing a regression equation of subsection speed and average speed.  相似文献   

Our aim was to ascertain inbreeding depression in the Spanish Purebred horses for eight body measurements. A total of 16,472 individuals were measured for height at withers, height at chest, leg length, body length, width of chest, heart girth circumference, knee perimeter and cannon bone circumference. Three different multivariate animal models including, respectively, no measure of inbreeding, individual inbreeding coefficients (Fi) or individual increase in inbreeding coefficients (ΔFi) as linear covariates were used. Significant inbreeding depression was assessed. Even though the models including measures of inbreeding fitted better with data, no effect on estimates of genetic parameters was assessed. However, the inclusion of inbreeding measures affected the ranking order according to the Expected Breeding Values (EBV). Due to the better fit with data and nice properties (the adjustment of individual inbreeding coefficients with the pedigree depth and linear behaviour) the use of ΔFi in the evaluation models can be recommended for morphological traits in horses.  相似文献   

The characterization of equine prealbumin (Pr) proteins by antigen-antibody crossed electrophoresis. Acta vet. scand. 1979, 20, 180–190. — Selected equine Pr phenotypes from a total of 55 horses of mixed breeds were investigated. The horse sera were subjected to acid starch gel electrophoresis at pH 4.8, followed by right angle electrophoresis in agarose gels containing rabbit-produced anti-Pr protein. This technique gives peaks in the agarose gels corresponding to the Pr zones in acid gels.The investigation revealed patterns of the Pr protein which were more complex than those seen when using ordinary acid starch gel electrophoresis. The phenotypes FF, II and LL showed a total of eight peaks, each with three main peaks in the front. Ahead of these, the Pr II and Pr LL phenotypes each had a fourth small peak. The basic fast pattern for these two phenotypes therefore consisted of four bands. The Pr WW and Pr SS showed a similar picture as regards the fast moving peaks. The Pr NN type appeared with two peaks in the front, one small and one large and with two slow moving ones. The Pr UU type had four peaks, but only in the area of the main Pr U band in acid gels.Four heterozygous Pr phenotypes appeared as a combination of the corresponding homozygous phenotypes, the number and height of the peaks depending on positions and overlappings of these in the respective homozygotes. Thus the Pr FW phenotype showed a total of 10 peaks.The effect of variations in pH of the starch gel buffer was studied. The Pr NN and Pr FF phenotypes were run at pH 4.8, 5.0, 5.2 and 5.4. With increasing pH, the slow moving peaks weakened and moved closer to the fast ones. At pH 5.4 only one large fast moving peak remained.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is a need for study of a method for restoring a ventrally positioned uterus to a horizontal position involving fertility of mares with delayed uterine clearance. Hypothesis: A ventrally‐angled uterus can be elevated to a horizontal position using a laparoscopic technique. Objective: To develop a laparoscopic technique of imbricating the mesometria to elevate the uterus to a horizontal position. Methods: The right and left mesometria of 5 pluriparous mares, all barren for 1–8 years (mean 3.8 years), with a pendulous, ventrally‐angled uterus were shortened laparoscopically, by imbrication, with the mares standing, to raise the uterine body and horns to a horizontal position. Sutures were placed through the dorsal aspect of the uterine body and uterine horn and the adjacent region of the mesometrium using a simple continuous suture pattern. Results: The uterus of all 5 mares was elevated successfully to a horizontal position. Three of the mares became pregnant the same year, without other treatment, after the procedure. Conclusions: A pendulous, ventrally‐angled uterus can be returned to a normal, horizontal position by imbricating the mesometria, using a laparoscopic technique. Potential relevance: Elevating a ventrally‐angled uterus to a horizontal position may improve egress of uterine debris, thereby improving fertility.  相似文献   

REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Cheek teeth (CT) diastemata are a significant cause of painful dental disease in horses and limited factual information is available on the treatment of this disorder. OBJECTIVE: To assess the response to mechanical widening in the treatment of diastema. METHOD: Details of the presenting signs and treatment of cases of CT diastema by widening were recorded and the response to treatment of these cases assessed by re-examinations and by obtaining follow-up information from owners. RESULTS: Sixty horses of various breeds, median age 9 years, with clinically significant CT diastemata were classified as having primary (inadequate rostro-caudal CT compression: n = 29) and secondary (to other dental abnormalities: n = 31) diastemata. Quidding was present in 82% of cases, weight loss in 35%, halitosis in 17% and bitting disorders in 12%; 85% of the identified CT diastemata involved mandibular CT and 15% maxillary CT, with caudal CT more commonly affected. Of 273 identified diastemata in the 60 horses, 207 were deemed to have significantly associated periodontal food pocketing and were widened to 4.5-5.5 mm diameter on their occlusal surface using a mechanical burr. The 29 horses with primary diastemata received a median of 1.3 treatments each and at 10 months following their last treatment 72% showed complete remission of signs and 28% showed good improvement. The 31 horses with secondary diastemata received a median of 2.2 treatments each and, at mean 9 months following their last treatment, 48% showed full improvement, 42% good improvement, 6% slight improvement and 3% no improvement. Inappropriate areas of the clinical crown were removed from 4 CT without causing pulpar exposure; one case was reported to have a transient oral infection post treatment and another developed an apical infection in a treated tooth that was unrelated to the diastema widening. CONCLUSION: Diastema widening is an effective treatment of periodontal pocketing in CT diastemata. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The described treatment of CT diastema widening by trained personnel is an effective and safe treatment, but repeated treatments are often necessary, especially with secondary diastemata.  相似文献   

Background: Alterations in cellular and chemical constituents in blood are indicators of physical or chemical restraint in deer. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the effects of physical and chemical restraint on hematologic and biochemical analytes in captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Methods: Six adult deer were physically restrained and randomly anesthetized in a crossover design using 3 protocols (P). In P1, anesthesia was induced directly with isoflurane using a face mask and was maintained with isoflurane delivered by endotracheal tube. In P2, oral premedication with midazolam was followed 1 hour later by induction and maintenance of anesthesia with isoflurane, as in P1. In P3, intravenous anesthesia with a combination of ketamine, xylazine, and atropine was followed by anesthesia with isoflurane, as in P1. Blood was collected immediately after physical restraint (T0) and during anesthesia at 20‐minute intervals (T15, T35, and T55). Hematologic and biochemical constituents were determined using manual methods or automated analyzers, with cortisol measured by enzyme immunoassay. Results: During physical restraint, following food and water restriction, significant hemoconcentration, increased WBC count, and lower cortisol concentration were observed compared with results at T15, T35, and T55. During anesthesia, lymphocyte count was lower in P2 than P1, urea concentration was decreased at T15 using P2, and plasma glucose concentration was increased after T0 (P<.01). Among the anesthetic protocols, there was a trend for decreased cortisol concentration using P2. Conclusions: Physical restraint and anesthesia affect some blood constituents in captive brown brocket deer, and midazolam premedication may modify the intensity of the stress response.  相似文献   

Six young horses presented with clinical signs of maxillary cheek teeth apical infection (bilateral in 2 horses) that included the presence of rostral maxillary swellings with discharging sinus tracts and were unexpectedly found to have no evidence of endodontic infection in 7 affected teeth. The apical infection of these teeth was attributed to infundibular dysplasia that allowed inoculation of the periapical tissue with contaminated oral contents. Treatment was by debridement and obturation of affected infundibula from their occlusal aspect using techniques normally used for endodontic therapy. Five out of 6 cases showed resolution of clinical signs over a mean follow‐up period of 19 months (range 6–48 months). These cases demonstrate that patency of the infundibular apex is a potential cause of cheek teeth apical infection in young horses, which can be successfully treated by debridement and subsequent infundibular restoration.  相似文献   

The physical form of the diet plays an important role for morphological adaptations of organs in the gastrointestinal tract. It was hypothesized that different physical forms of one diet could exert extra‐enteric effects, under local and systemic neuroendocrine regulation. Gross morphology, fresh mass and cytoarchitecture of mandibular glands (MG) were studied in growing pigs fed with one diet processed under four different physical forms. Four dietary treatments were offered for 4 weeks to 32 growing pigs (initial BW: 8.30 ± 0.83 kg) allotted into 4 experimental groups: FP, finely ground pellet (dMean, 0.46 mm); CM, coarsely ground meal (dMean, 0.88 mm); CP, coarsely ground pellet (dMean, 0.84); CE, coarsely ground extruded (dMean, 0.66). Conventional and immuonohistochemical techniques were used to immunolocalize, in particular, leptin (Ob) and its receptor (ObR). A significant effect was observed on the relative mass of the MG, depending on the diet (p < 0.03) and on the BW (p < 0.04), with no interactions (diet*BW). The immunohistochemical reactions for Ob and ObR showed a marked positivity in the MG from the group fed with the CM diet, displaying Ob‐positive acinar cells and ObR‐positive cells in the striated ducts, together with endocrine‐like cells. The intensity of chromogenic reactions positively testing to ObR was used to evaluate the cytoarchitecture of the MG and its possible correlations. Pearson's correlation coefficient resulted to positively link (p < 0.0001) the ObR expression with the absolute mass of MG in the 61.1% of pigs. The physical form of the diet is related to extra‐enteral effects, inducing changes in gross and microscopic morphology of the MG in the growing pig. The local production of Ob and the expression of the respective ObR in the striated duct cells shed a new light on the mitogenic activity of Ob in extra‐enteral organs, like the MG, in relation to the physical form of the diet.  相似文献   

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