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The interference of wild onion with various densities of lentil and chickpea and its management through competitive cropping were studied under field conditions from 2001–2002 and 2002–2003 at Jabalpur, India. The observed yield loss and predicted yield loss related to wild onion indicated that wild onion was less competitive with chickpea than with lentil. As a result of intraspecies competition, the dry weight and number of seeds per plant for wild onion were reduced with increasing density. The suppressing effect of different crops on the seed rain of wild onion was in the order of pea > mustard > wheat > chickpea > linseed > lentil > French bean. Wheat, pea, and mustard were the most competitive crops against wild onion. The high shading ability of these crops was thought to contribute to the suppression of wild onion. French bean offered the least suppression while chickpea, linseed, and lentil showed moderate weed suppression.  相似文献   

为明确入侵植物黄花刺茄对当地主栽经济作物番茄种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,本文采用培养皿滤纸法,在智能光照培养箱的变温控制条件下,分别研究了黄花刺茄根、茎、叶浸提液对番茄种子发芽率、发芽指数及幼苗根长和苗高的影响。结果表明:(1)黄花刺茄不同器官的浸提液对番茄种子发芽率、发芽指数、幼苗根长和苗高的影响不同,其茎、叶浸提液的化感作用较为显著(P<0.01)。(2)黄花刺茄同部位浸提液对番茄种子发芽率、发芽指数、幼苗根长和苗高不同指标的影响也不同。根浸提液对种子发芽率、幼苗根长影响不显著(P>0.05),但对种子发芽指数的影响极显著(P<0.01)。茎和叶浸提液各浓度对种子发芽指数的影响比种子发芽率、幼苗根长和苗高的影响显著(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to isolate, identify and characterize ascochyta blight pathogens from Cicer judaicum , a wild annual Cicer species which grows in Israel and other Mediterranean countries in sympatric distribution with legume crops, and determine their virulence and aggressiveness to other wild and domesticated legumes. Native C. judaicum plants exhibited symptoms resembling ascochyta diseases of grain legume crops. Two distinct pathogens were isolated and identified as Phoma pinodella and Didymella rabiei using morphological and molecular tools; their infectivity was verified using Koch's postulates. The virulence of these pathogens was examined on 13 legume species, of which P. pinodella was virulent to Pisum sativum , P. fulvum , C. judaicum , C. arietinum , C. reticulatum , C. pinnatifidum and C. bijugum . Didymella rabiei infected all these Cicer species, but not the other legume species tested. Aggressiveness of the pathogens was tested on wild and domesticated chickpea and pea. Didymella rabiei isolated from C. judaicum had significantly higher ( P  < 0·001) aggressiveness than P. pinodella from C. judaicum on both wild and domesticated chickpea. Disease severity on the former species ranged from 62·5% to 70% and on the latter from 41% to 56%. Phoma pinodella isolates from C. judaicum were more aggressive on C. arietinum and P. sativum than on C. judaicum and P. fulvum . Results of the current study suggest that C. judaicum may serve as an alternative host to ascochyta pathogens that endanger chickpea and possibly other crops and wild species growing in close proximity.  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a major legume crop, with Australia being the second largest producer worldwide. Pratylenchus neglectus is a root-lesion nematode that invades, feeds and reproduces in roots of pulse and cereal crops. In Australia, chickpea and wheat (Triticum aestivum) are commonly grown in rotation and annual damage by P. neglectus accounts for large economic losses to both crops. Cultivated chickpea has narrow genetic diversity that limits the potential for improvement in resistance breeding. New collections of wild chickpea species, C. reticulatum and C. echinospermum, have substantially increased the previously limited world collection of wild Cicer germplasm and offer potential to widen the genetic diversity of cultivated chickpea through the identification of accessions with good resistance. This research assessed 243 C. reticulatum and 86 C. echinospermum accessions for response to P. neglectus in replicated experiments under controlled glasshouse conditions from 2013 and 2014 collection missions that were received, tested and analysed in two experimental sets. Multi-experiment analyses showed lower P. neglectus population densities in both sets of wild Cicer accessions tested than Australia's elite breeding cultivar PBA HatTrick at the significance level p < 0.05. Provisional resistance ratings were given to all genotypes tested in both experimental sets, with C. reticulatum accessions CudiB_008B and Kayat_066 rated as resistant in both Set 1 and Set 2. New sources of resistance to P. neglectus observed in this study can be introgressed into commercial chickpea cultivars to improve their resistance to this nematode.  相似文献   

Water extracts that were obtained from the flowers and phyllodes of Acacia melanoxylon were used to determine their allelopathic potential in relation to the germination and seedling growth of the native species, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), and common sorrel (Rumex acetosa), as well as a general biotest specie, lettuce (Lactuca sativa), in laboratory bioassays. The flowers and phyllodes of A. melanoxylon were soaked separately in distilled water in a ratio of 1:1 (w/v) for 24 h in order to prepare the aqueous extracts. Distilled water was used as the control. The seeds of the target species were germinated in Petri dishes and counted daily for up to 7 days. The A. melanoxylon flower extract (100%, 75%, and 50%) decreased the seed germination of D. glomerata, R. acetosa, L. perenne, and L. sativa. The flower extract caused the most reduction in the germination index and germination speed in D. glomerata, L. perenne, and L. sativa. The mean LC50 value of the A. melanoxylon flower and phyllode extracts in relation to the germination inhibition of L. perenne was 43% and 41%, respectively, 40% and 38%, respectively, in R. acetosa, and 53% and 41%, respectively, in L. sativa. All four concentrations of the flower extract proved to be more phytotoxic than the phyllode extract, reducing the root length of all four species, while the phyllode extract decreased the root length of L. perenne and R. acetosa at the 100% concentration. The L. perenne and D. glomerata grass seeds were more sensitive regarding germination, as compared to L. sativa and R. acetosa. The flower aqueous extract of A. melanoxylon was more phytotoxic, as compared to the phyllode aqueous extract, even at the lowest concentration (25%).  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted under a controlled environment to study the effects of different temperature regimes (15/10°C, 20/15°C, and 25/20°C day/night) and sowing depths (0, 2, 4, and 6 cm) on the seedling emergence and early growth (height gain) of wheat (cv. Marvdasht) and wild barley ( Hordeum spontaneum ). The cumulative emergence and plant height gain over time were modeled with the use of a logistic function. For a particular temperature regime, the maximum percentage emergence (E max ) of wheat was higher than that of wild barley across all sowing depths. The maximum and minimum E max values for both species occurred at 20/15°C and 25/20°C, respectively. The time taken to reach 50% of the E max (i.e. E50) increased with the sowing depth in both species under all temperature regimes. The E50 of wild barley was greater than that of wheat for all temperature regimes, with maximum differences observed at 20/15°C. The greatest maximum plant height (H max ) was observed at the surface planting for both plants. The H max was reduced at temperatures either lower or higher than 20/15°C, with a more notable reduction in wild barley. At all temperature regimes, the time taken to reach 50% of the H max (i.e. H50) increased linearly with the sowing depth but, at higher temperatures, the accelerated growth rate reduced the H50. The wild barley seedling emergence and height gain rate, as expressed relative to those of wheat, revealed the highest superiority of wheat over wild barley at 25/20°C and the sowing depth of 4 cm.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted in order to determine if Persian clover ( Trifolium resupinatum ) and Berseem clover ( Trifolium alexandrium ) contained water-soluble and methanol-soluble constituents that could affect the seedling growth of four test species; namely, Amaranthus retroflexus , Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed), Secale cereale , and Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard) . The above-ground tissues of the Persian and Berseem clover plants were collected during the vegetative growth stage and oven-dried. Three concentrations of aqueous and methanolic extracts were used at full-strength (33.3 g L−1), half-strength (16.7 g L−1), and quarter-strength (8.3 g L−1). Distilled water was used as the control. The weed seeds were placed in Petri dishes containing the legume extract or distilled water (control). The seedling growth of the weed species declined with the increasing concentration of the clover extracts. Wild mustard exhibited the highest sensitivity to both the legume extracts. Compared to the aqueous extract, the methanolic extract caused a greater decline in the seedling growth of the weeds. Berseem clover was the stronger inhibitor of the weed seedling growth, as compared to Persian clover. Therefore, the amounts of allelochemicals present might differ in these two clover species. Field bindweed showed the least sensitivity to both the legume extracts. Field bindweed showed more tolerance to the allelochemicals produced by the clover species.  相似文献   

The leaching of phenolics from decoated seeds, seed coats and pericarps of hound's-tongue ( Cynoglossum officinale L.), factors affecting leaching, and seed germination and seedling growth inhibitory activities of the leachate were investigated. Embryonic axes and cotyledons contained a large amount of methanol-soluble phenolic substances. Decoated seeds released phenolics into an aqueous incubation medium and this solution was capable of inhibiting root elongation of several grassy and broadleaf species, but not of hound's-tongue. The leachate and the phenolic fraction of the leachate inhibited germination of bluebunch wheatgrass ( Pseudoroegnaria spicata (Pursh) A. Löve [syn. Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. and J. G. Sm.]). The non-phenolic fraction of the leachate did not inhibit seed germination or root and shoot elongation of bluebunch wheatgrass. Low oxygen and an increasing temperature significantly increased the amount of phenolic substances leached from decoated seeds. Increased leaching of phenolic substances related to an increasing temperature was associated with the loss of seed viability. Further investigation of the role of water-extractable hound's-tongue seed phenolics in the interaction of this species with its biotic environment under field conditions is needed to determine the ecological significance of these findings.  相似文献   

研究不周浓度盐溶液(NaCl、MgSO4、盐渍土壤)和PEG模拟干旱胁迫对沙米种子吸胀、萌发和幼苗生长的影响,并观察胁迫解除后种子的反应.结果表明:随着NaCl、MgSO4和PEG浓度的升高,沙米种子吸胀率先升后降,种子萌发率呈现不同程度降低,盐渍土壤溶液对萌发率没有显著影响;对沙米种子萌发和幼苗生长的胁迫效应是NaC...  相似文献   

Herbicides produce a wide range of toxic side-effects that pose a potential hazard to the environment. The development of natural allelochemicals is one method of addressing these issues. Here, we describe the allelopathic activity of itchgrass ( Rottboellia cochinchinensis ), which can inhibit the seed germination and growth of weeds. Farmers in Lampang, northern Thailand, have been cultivating itchgrass and using it as a mulching material to control other weeds in vegetable fields. It has long been observed that itchgrass interferes with the growth of other plants. This study showed that the density of weed species in the itchgrass-infested areas was lower than that in the itchgrass-uninfested areas. The shoot and root growth of Bidens pilosa , Mimosa pudica , Ageratum conyzoides , Echinochloa crus-galli , Oryza sativa var. RD 6, and Lactuca sativa var. OP were significantly reduced in soil previously planted with itchgrass. Water-soluble extracts from all parts of itchgrass had inhibitory effects on the growth of some test plants. Allelochemicals from itchgrass can inhibit seed germination and plant growth better at a 1 cm distance than at a 3 cm and 5 cm distance from itchgrass. Our results suggest that itchgrass has a strong competitive ability and possible allelopathic activity to other plant species. The allelopathic activity of itchgrass in the soil can influence the germination of adjacent species, causing reduced growth of seedlings.  相似文献   

4种外源激素处理对羊草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了100~600μg/g赤霉素(GA3)和吲哚乙酸(IAA)、25~100μg/g 6-苄氨基嘌呤(6-BA)和脱落酸(ABA)对羊草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,100~300μg/g GA3和IAA以及25μg/g 6-BA对羊草种子的萌发最终表现为促进作用,总体效果为GA3>IAA>6-BA。当GA3和IAA浓度大于400μg/g或6-BA浓度大于50μg/g时对羊草种子的最终发芽率均表现为不同程度的抑制;25~100μg/g的外源激素ABA对羊草种子萌发没有抑制作用。GA3处理均能显著促进羊草幼苗的伸长,IAA和6-BA则表现为不同程度的抑制作用;GA3、IAA和6-BA 3种促进激素对羊草的根长和根冠比均表现为抑制作用;25~100μg/g ABA对羊草苗长、根长以及根冠比没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Several laboratory and glasshouse experiments were conducted to assess seed germination, seedling establishment and growth patterns of wrinklegrass (Ischaemum rugosum Salisb.) influenced by temperature and light regimes, and chemical media. Wrinklegrass was a positively photoblastic species, and seed germination was temperature‐dependent and light‐mediated. Seeds soaked in distilled water for 24 h, or oven‐dried at the respective temperature regimes of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40°C prior to treatment in distilled water and incubated in darkness, failed to germinate. Likewise, no germination prevailed when the seeds were exposed to similar temperature regimes and treated with 0.2 m KNO3, 5% H2O2 or 0.01 m HNO3, and incubated under continuous darkness. Seeds treated with 5% H2O2 at 30°C, or oven‐dried and treated with 0.01% M HNO3 at 35°C registered 10 and 20% germination. Approximately 75 and 90% of the light‐exposed seeds for all treatments germinated in the first three and six days at 25°C. No germination occurred at 15°C in the first three days after treatment. Seeds subjected to 40°C for six days after treatment recorded 36% germination. The optimum temperatures for seed germination were 25–30°C. Seed drying and soaking treatments widened the windows of the optimal temperatures for wrinklegrass germination. The acidic media of KNO3, H2O2 or HNO3 favored seed germination. Less than 5% of seed germination occurred with burial or water inundation at depths exceeding 2 cm. Seed burial or inundation at ≥2 cm depths inhibited seed germination. Seeds sown onto moist paddy soils registered ca. 50% germination. Free‐floating seeds on the water surface registered ca. 98% germination within the first six days after seeding. The mean number of seedlings that survived was inversely proportional to water depths, with close to 100% mortality at the 14 cm depths of inundation. Both plant height and seedling survival were linearly proportional to the amount of root mass of seedlings which penetrated the soil. The weed was a prolific seed producer (ca. 6000 seeds/genet or 18 000 seeds/genet per year). The vegetative and reproductive efforts of each wrinklegrass plant registered values of 0.68 and 0.32, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of soil nitrate and the herbicide, isoxaflutole, on chickpea nodulation were examined in a glasshouse experiment. The treatments consisted of one isoxaflutole‐tolerant and one isoxaflutole‐sensitive chickpea cultivar, five nitrate concentrations (0, 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, and 6.0 mmol L?1), and three herbicide rates (0, 75 [the recommended rate], and 300 g ha?1). The sensitive cultivar was more susceptible to isoxaflutole damage with an increasing herbicide rate and nitrate concentration, compared with the tolerant cultivar. Isoxaflutole at the recommended rate reduced the nodule dry weight of the sensitive cultivar by 51% and by 33% in the tolerant cultivar. The nodule dry weight of the sensitive cultivar was reduced by 28%, 40%, 64%, and 76% with the addition of the 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, and 6.0 mmol L?1 nitrate concentrations, respectively. In comparison, the nodule dry weight of the tolerant cultivar was reduced by 50% and 79% at the 3.0 and 6.0 mmol L?1 nitrate concentrations, respectively. In addition, the level of damage from increasing rates of isoxaflutole increased with the highest nitrate concentrations of 3.0 and 6.0 mmol L?1, regardless of the cultivar. Isoxaflutole at the recommended application rate had a detrimental effect on the nodulation of both chickpea cultivars, but the isoxaflutole‐tolerant cultivar suffered less injury than the sensitive one in relation to some growth parameters. The damage to chickpea from the recommended rate of isoxaflutole also increased with soils of higher nitrate content.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Seed treatments with the chloronicotinyl insecticide imidacloprid (Gaucho 600 FS) were evaluated to determine whether differences in concentration and exposure regime influence the germination and early growth of rice. RESULTS: Continuous exposure to imidacloprid (4 days at 2000 mg AI L(-1)) significantly (P < 0.001) reduced normal germination by an average of 18% across the 15 cultivars examined. Nine days after sowing, plants showed no adverse effects from continuous imidacloprid treatment during germination, with shoot lengths and root system dry weights equalling, or occasionally exceeding (P < 0.05), those of untreated plants. Short-term imidacloprid exposure (2 h at 2000 mg L(-1)) at initial seed wetting did not affect germination (P > 0.05), and short-term (1 h) exposure of 48 h pregerminated seed to imidacloprid (2000 mg L(-1)) similarly had no significant effect on early subsequent growth. Plants arising from 48 h pregerminated seed exposed to imidacloprid (1 h) at concentrations up to 4000 mg L(-1) immediately before sowing were not significantly different from control plants at either 9 or 25 days post-sowing. CONCLUSION: Results show that imidacloprid will have no adverse effects on plant growth if applied to pregerminated rice shortly before sowing. Continuous exposure of seed during germination had more pronounced effects, and the initial response of different cultivars was highly variable. Cultivars with high levels of sensitivity (such as IR72) require further testing before continuous exposure to imidacloprid during germination can be recommended.  相似文献   

室内用PEG6000模拟干旱胁迫培养实验研究了不同水分条件下不同化学物质浸种对小麦种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:GA浸种显著地提高了小麦的发芽势、发芽指数和苗高,MnSO4及含有MnSO4的化学物质浸种降低了其发芽率和发芽指数.PP333和MnSO4单独浸种显著提高了小麦的根系干重,但二者的混合处理的小麦根系干重却有所降低.在水分胁迫情况下,用化学物质浸种可以有效地防止水分不足对苗高的影响.GA+MnSO4处理的小麦在水分胁迫后,根系干重及干物质累积量有明显的提高,说明在水分胁迫条件下,利用GA+MnSO4处理具有促进根系生长,培育小麦壮苗的突出作用.  相似文献   

外源植物激素对宁夏枸杞种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别用赤霉酸GA3(25~300μg/ml),α-奈乙酸NAA(25~200μg/ml)和6-苄基腺嘌呤6-BA(25~200μg/ml)对宁夏枸杞种子进行24 h浸泡处理,测定其萌发率和幼苗生长。结果表明:不同浓度的GA3和NAA对种子萌发均有促进作用,但6-BA仅在25μg/ml浓度下有促进作用。总体效果为GA3NAA6-BA,其中300μg/mlGA3处理的萌发率最高,达92.8%。萌发的幼苗在原培养基上生长46 d后,用300μg/ml GA3处理的宁夏枸杞幼苗在株高,叶片数目,叶片长度,可溶性蛋白含量等方面均高于对照;大于100μg/ml NAA处理的幼苗在叶片生长情况,可溶性蛋白含量方面高于对照;6-BA处理的幼苗各指标均低于对照,不能正常生长。  相似文献   

不同程度干旱胁迫对油菜种子萌发及幼苗生长特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用不同渗透势聚乙二醇(PEG 6000)模拟干旱胁迫处理,观察油菜种子的萌发及生长状况.结果表明,干旱胁迫不同程度降低了油菜种子的萌发速率和出苗速率,-0.5~-1.0 MPa处理的最终发芽率随着渗透势的降低而显著降低,较对照降低了3.9%~86.9%,在-0.6~-1.0 MPa渗透势范围内不能成苗.试验7 d后将...  相似文献   

苘麻Abutilon theophrasti Medikus具有生长旺盛、结籽量大和适应性强等特点,已成为多种农田中的恶性杂草,研究环境条件对苘麻萌发的影响对进一步探究其生物学特性与综合防治技术具有重要意义。通过室内试验研究温度、光照、酸碱度、水分胁迫、盐胁迫与苘麻种子萌发及埋土深度与其出苗的关系。结果表明,在10~35℃下苘麻种子均可萌发,20~30℃为其最适萌发温度范围;种子萌发对光照不敏感;适应pH范围广,在pH 4~9条件下种子发芽率均在70%以上;水势在-0.2~0 MPa范围内种子发芽率最高,当水势小于-0.7 MPa时,种子萌发受到完全抑制;有较强的耐盐性,NaCl浓度为160 mmol/L时发芽率超过40%;种子对播种深度适应性较强,覆盖不超过8 cm的土层均可出苗。  相似文献   

以阿瓦提1号为材料,研究新疆地区不同种植密度对鹰嘴豆植株性状、干物质积累量、产量与品质的影响。结果表明,随密度的增加,生育期提前,株高增高,叶面积指数上升,单株干物质积累量减少。单株荚数随着密度增大极显著减少。每荚粒数、粒重等与密度的关系不大。蛋白质含量、亚麻酸含量和廿碳烯酸含量都呈现增加的趋势。种植密度对鹰嘴豆维生素B1和油酸含量的影响不显著。在本试验条件下,以44.5万株/hm2处理的表现最佳,产量达5946.09 kg/hm2,品质较好。  相似文献   

为探讨新型气体信号硫化氢(H22S)对渗透胁迫下作物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,以裸燕麦(Avena nude)品种‘定莜9号’种子为材料,采用H22S供体硫氢化钠(NaHS)浸种浓度和聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)模拟渗透胁迫两因素试验,其中NaHS浓度设0、0. 2、1. 0 mmol·L-1和5. 0 mmol·L-14个水平,PEG浓度设0、119、149、178 g·L-1和202 g·L-15个水平,进行完全组合设计,共20个处理,测定不同处理裸燕麦种子萌发参数(发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、平均发芽时间和贮藏物质转运率)和幼苗生长参数(胚根长、胚芽长和幼苗干重),运用隶属函数分析方法对不同处理种子的耐渗透能力进行综合评价。结果表明:(1)NaHS浓度和PEG浓度对各萌发参数和幼苗生长参数均有显著影响;两者的交互作用对发芽指数、活力指数、平均发芽时间和胚根长影响显著。(2)在同一NaHS浓度下,随着PEG浓度提高,各萌发参数和幼苗生长参数均显著下降,而平均发芽时间呈增加趋势。(3)在相同PEG浓度下,0.2 mmol·L-1NaHS浸种对各萌发参数和幼苗生长参数均无显著影响;1.0 mmol·L-1NaHS浸种提高了发芽指数、活力指数、贮藏物质转运率、胚根长、胚芽长和幼苗干重,降低了平均发芽时间;5.0 mmol·L-1NaHS浸种提高了平均发芽时间,而其余各萌发参数和幼苗生长参数均呈下降趋势。(4)利用隶属函数综合分析得知,用1.0 mmol·L-1NaHS浸种可提高PEG渗透胁迫下的综合评价D值,而5.0 mmol·L-1NaHS浸种处理的D值显著下降。由此表明,适宜浓度NaHS (1.0 mmol·L-1)浸种能够促进渗透胁迫下裸燕麦的种子萌发和幼苗生长。  相似文献   

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