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A survey of 2559 stables, representative for Switzerland, was conducted in the year 2004, with questions related to age, sex, breed, housing conditions, social contact, use, feeding, ability to move freely on the one hand, and health prophylaxis and health disorders in the past 12 months on the other. With a respond rate of 30.9% to the questionnaire, data for 2912 horses and ponies were recorded. The data were compared to a previous survey of 1997 (Bachmann & Stauffacher, 2002). In this study, data on population, housing and use were analysed. The proportion of horses kept individually, especially in tie-stalls, had substantially decreased since 1997, whereas the proportion of horses living in group housing systems had increased. In 2004, Warmblood and Thoroughbred were kept more often individually than in groups in comparison to other breeds. Swiss Franches-Montagnes horses were kept more often tied up than horses of all other breeds. Access to pasture or paddock was available more often in horses kept in structured group housing systems, but in general more restricted in the winter season. A correlation between use or intensity of use and frequency of pasture/paddock access was not evident. Even though horses older than 20 years were more rarely used or intensively used, they were not stabled differently from younger horses.  相似文献   

The risk of injury to veterinarians treating horses is high, particularly when performing painful procedures. The present retrospective study investigated this risk, including the frequency and severity of kick injuries, by submitting questionnaires to 700 veterinary practitioners in Switzerland. Evaluation of 216 completed questionnaires revealed that the frequency of kick injuries was affected by the professional experience of the veterinarian, veterinarians being an owner of a horse, the season, the type of procedure, the percentage of equine patients in the practice population, the treatment location (stall, pasture) and chemical restraint of the patient. Severe injuries incurred by veterinarians in recent years were few in number and the result of a number of unfortunate circumstances, which included hurried procedures due to time restraints and unforeseen events that frightened the patient. The risk factors derived from the full statistical model are the percentage of equine patients in the practice population, the treatment location, the type of procedure and chemical restraint of the patient. Using this information, it should be feasible to reduce the risk of injuries. Sedation of horses undergoing painful procedures, choosing a safe treatment location and caution on the part of the veterinarian are advised to reduce the number of injuries.  相似文献   

饲草料作为发展畜禽养殖必不可少的物质,在畜牧业发展中占有着重要的位置,是畜牧业发展壮大的重要基础支撑。甘肃省气候类型复杂、草地类型众多、可利用饲用植物达743种,饲草资源多样,加之有着悠久的牧草种植传统,饲草料产业得到了长足的发展,成为了地方经济产业发展的重要组成部分。为全面掌握全省草产业发展现状,在分析发展优势的基础上,增强产业发展后劲,本文就2016—2019年的草产业发展情况进行分析,摸清了发展底数,为下一步稳定发展草产业,加速相关产业的有效融合提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Between March 1988 and December 1989, 198 gastrointestinal tracts from slaughtered horses from different areas of Switzerland have been analysed for the presence and the frequency of Gasterophilus spp. During the same period--always between July and November--200 horses from selected areas of Western Switzerland have been checked for the presence of eggs and their subsequent developmental stages in order to investigate further clinical and biological aspects of this infection. The evaluation has been performed according to origin, age, sex, colour of the horse and seasonal pattern of the cases and the various larval stages, respectively. The prevalence of Gasterophilus spp. amounts to 64.6%, showing a marked seasonal distribution. Only Gasterophilus intestinalis has been detected and the Western part of Switzerland appears to be considerably more contaminated than the other areas of the country. The reasons are discussed. It is possible that an intensive horse-traffic at the border is partly responsible. Horses with a dark coat are more often parasitized whereas no difference occurs with regard to age and sex. The observed high prevalence of this parasite infection in the Swiss horse population confirms that gasterophilosis has to be taken into serious consideration and prophylactic measures might be indicated.  相似文献   

The copper and zinc contents of 25 rations for adult horses were evaluated. The total amount of copper and zinc daily ingested was obtained by adding the amount of each element contained and added of the commercial feed to the amount contained in ingested hay and oats. The total amount of copper and zinc ingested daily was compared with the official recommendations for the maintenance of an adult horse of 550 kg. The results show that a traditional ration oats/hay does not contain a sufficient amount of copper and zinc in order to cover their respective requirements. Furthermore, many rations which include commercial feed also do not cover the requirements of these two elements. The importance of these observations is discussed in the light of the eventual need to complete the rations.  相似文献   

基于文献计量分析的家庭牧场国内外研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅理  谢应忠  马红彬 《草业学报》2018,27(8):142-154
为更全面深入了解家庭牧场相关研究在国内外的现状和发展趋势,客观反映相关研究国家、机构、期刊、文献及研究者的科研动向和影响力。综合检索CNKI和Web of Science核心合集数据库1984-2017年间有关家庭牧场研究的相关文献,进行基于信息计量学统计和分析。结果表明:1)相关研究的全球发文量总体呈上升趋势,美国的发文量遥遥领先,中国的相关文献被WOS收录量排19位,但在CNKI的发文时间早于美国15年,且近年来增速很快;2)国际合作上,美国的贡献最大,我国需加强与国际发达国家的合作和成果分享;3)内蒙古农业大学、中国农业科学院草原研究所、内蒙古大学及兰州大学在发文总量、被引次数等方面优势明显,荷兰的瓦赫宁根大学、巴西的圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学和法国农业研究发展国际合作中心贡献突出,占前10研究机构发文总数的45.5%;4)发文量突出的期刊主要有《草业与畜牧》、《新疆畜牧业》、《Sociologia Ruralis》、《Journal of Rural Studies》等,《中国农业科学》、《家畜生态学报》、《草业学报》虽然发文总数未进前10,但平均被引次数遥遥领先于前10期刊的总和;5)从学科层次来看基础学科比重很大,而技术和工程学科非常少,有待突破;6)国内韩国栋和国外Acquavella的相关研究文献被引次数较高,提升了其所属机构和期刊影响力;7)综合分析研究前沿趋势,提出了未来家庭牧场将以生态家庭牧场构建水-土-草-畜动态平衡和可持续发展为研究热点。  相似文献   

The study deals with the situation regarding housing of dogs and cats in Swiss shelters and kennels. In shelters, dogs were mainly held inside a cubicle with a small outside yard. In kennels, housing of dogs took place mainly in inside rooms. Usually two or three dogs were kept together. Cats were held in rooms, with or without outside yards, mainly in groups; no establishment preferred exclusively the housing in cubicles. Shelters received on average 183 dogs and 262 cats each year. Among them, about a third were lost animals while the remaining ones were relinquished. The study highlights some possibilities for improvements and the great diversity of the establishments regarding their size, infrastructure, housing conditions and aims.  相似文献   

A retrospective, cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the leptospiral seroprevalence in clinically healthy horses in Switzerland. A representative sample of 615 horse sera was examined by microscopic agglutination test for the presence of antibodies against 15 Leptospira?spp. serovars. In total, 58.5?% (n?=?360) of the horses were positive for one or more of the antigens analysed, with 20.3?% of them showing titres >=?400. The most prevalent serovar was Pyrogenes (22.6?%), followed by serovars Canicola (22.1?%) and Australis (19.2?%). Older horses, mares, ponies and animals spending increased time on pasture exhibited significantly higher prevalence rates (p?相似文献   

苏氨酸市场现状及发展前景   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1苏氨酸的营养研究进展1.1苏氨酸发现及代谢途径苏氨酸(Thr)化学名称为α-氨基-β-羟丁基,1935年由W.C.Rose在纤维蛋白水解物中分离和鉴定出来。1936年,Meger对它的空间结构进行了研究,因结构与苏糖相似,故将其命名为苏氨酸。苏氨酸有4种异构体,天然存在并对机体有生理作用的是L-苏氨酸。苏氨酸在机体内的代谢途径和其他氨基酸不同,是唯一不经过脱氢酶作用和转氨基作用,而是通过苏氨酸脱水酶(TDH)和苏氨酸脱酶(TDG)以及醛缩酶催化而转变为其他物质的氨基酸。途径主要有3条:通过醛缩酶代谢为甘氨酸和乙醛;通过TDG代谢为氨基丙酸、甘氨…  相似文献   

通过入户调研武威市三县一区牛羊规模养殖整体情况和不同规模牛羊场资源化利用现状,针对小规模牛羊场量多,治理难度大,治理工艺不完善,粪污资源化利用收转运体系不健全等问题,分析小规模牛羊场如何因地制宜进行粪污资源化利用。  相似文献   

The effects of four intravenous combinations, xylazine (0.7 mg/kg)/methadone (0.1 mg/kg), xylazine (0.7 mg/kg)/buprenorphine (0.004 and 0.006 mg/kg) and acepromazine (0.05 mg/kg)/buprenorphine (0.006 mg/kg) on arterial blood pressure, central venous pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood gases were studied in four experimental ponies. With xylazine/buprenorphine and xylazine/methadone onset of sedation was rapid and obvious and although no surgical or diagnostic procedures were carried out, sedation was judged to be satisfactory for the next 30 to 40 minutes. Onset of sedation after intravenous injection of acepromazine/buprenorphine was slower and less obvious, while its duration was difficult to determine for the ponies could be aroused by noise even when apparently fully sedated. The observations indicated that at the stated doses all the drug combinations should be safe for clinical use.  相似文献   

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