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Many ecosystems are now dominated by introduced species, and because dominant species drive ecosystem properties, these changes lead to increased uncertainty in estimates of carbon storage and cycling. We examined aboveground biomass in forests dominated by the introduced tree Rhamnus cathartica (common buckthorn) relative to forests dominated by native species, and measured aboveground biomass increment over a three-year period (2005-2008). Three of the four lowest biomass levels occurred in R. cathartica-dominated forests, and biomass in these forest types was stored primarily in trees 10-20 cm DBH. By contrast, forests dominated by native trees (including those with R. cathartica understories) had the six highest biomass levels, and biomass was stored primarily in trees >50 cm DBH. On average, forests dominated by R. cathartica stored half as much aboveground biomass (14.6 ± 3.3 kg/m2) as forests dominated by native tree species (28.9 ± 8.3 kg/m2). R. cathartica-dominated forests also had half the aboveground biomass increment of native-dominated forests (0.28 vs. 0.60 kg/m2/year). Although known anecdotally as a fast-growing species, R. cathartica growth rates declined with increasing size. Between 2005 and 2008, R. cathartica individuals <10 cm DBH grew faster than native species; however, R. cathartica individuals >10 cm DBH grew consistently slower than native species. Overall, our findings indicate that intrinsic size limitations on R. cathartica will lead to lower biomass stocks in forests where it acts as a canopy dominant relative to forests dominated by native tree species.  相似文献   

Emerging forests on abandoned land: Puerto Rico’s new forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The species composition of forests change continuously as the earth’s biota evolves and adjusts to environmental change. Humans are accelerating the rate of species turnover by moving species around the planet and dramatically changing environmental conditions. Our focus is on new forests in Puerto Rico that emerge naturally on abandoned lands previously converted to agriculture and degraded. These forest stands have combinations of species that are new to the island’s landscapes. New forests exhibit high species dominance during forest establishment, which includes dominance by alien tree species. These alien tree species establish and maintain forest cover, which may facilitate regeneration of native tree species. Landscape analysis and literature review revealed that these emerging stands are highly fragmented (60% were <1 ha in 1991), function as refugia for native organisms, and at 60–80 years old have similar species richness and structural features as native stands of similar age. However, the island’s new forests exhibit important differences from mature native forests on unconverted forestlands. New forests have fewer endemic species and fewer large trees (≥55 cm dbh) than mature native forests; they have higher soil bulk density and lower soil carbon and litter stocks; and they accumulate aboveground biomass, basal area, and soil carbon more slowly than native forests of similar age. We suggest that new forests will become increasingly prevalent in the biosphere in response to novel environmental conditions introduced to the planet by humans.  相似文献   

We report results of new research on (1) community composition of novel subtropical dry forests developing on abandoned pastures and agricultural fields in both private and protected public lands and (2) seed germination and growth rates of plantings of native tree species on degraded soils. We found that novel dry forests were dominated by introduced species, which accounted for 59 percent of the Importance Value (IV) of stands. These forests had high species dominance, with the most dominant species averaging 51 percent of the IV but reaching values as high as 92 percent. The floristic similarity between novel and mature native forests was low (5.6 percent) compared with the similarity among novel forest stands (26 percent). Collectively, the emerging novel forests had relatively high species richness (39 species/1.2 ha). After 45-60 years of growth and development, novel forests lagged mature native forests in basal area, tree density, and species richness, and lagged stands of similar age and past land use inside a protected area. Novel forest stands inside the protected Guánica Forest had higher species richness than those located outside in private lands. Most regeneration was from seed (67 percent of the new stems were single stems). The results from the germination and planting experiment show that seeds of 17 of 21 native tree species germinated in the laboratory and grew successfully in abandoned pastures when planted and watered for a period of 13 months. Our research shows that after the initial invasion and dominance of introduced species on degraded sites, the stands diversify with native species thus evolving towards new forest types with novel species combinations.  相似文献   

选择茂兰国家级喀斯特森林自然保护区内灌木植被为研究对象,对区内不同地形中的植被进行群落学调查。通过重要值计算结果选取了灌木的24个优势种,根据植物种间联结性,对优势种进行植物功能群划分,结果表明:该灌木优势种共可划分为5组功能群,F1:主要分布在漏斗地形中,以革叶铁榄为优势种;F2:主要分布在漏斗地形中,以裂果卫矛为优势种;F3:主要分布在槽谷地形中,以长梗罗伞为优势种;F4:主要分布在槽谷地形中,以球核荚!为优势种;F5:主要分布在坡地地形中,以中华蚊母树为优势种。由群落的种间联结特征推断喀斯特地区植物种间松散的联结关系可能是森林植被物种共存的机制之一。  相似文献   

Lianas are often overlooked in temperate ecological studies even though they are important components of forest communities. While lianas have been shown to damage tropical canopy trees and reduce the growth of juvenile trees, the impact of lianas on canopy tree growth in temperate systems is largely unknown. Growth of trees ≥8 cm dbh was examined over a 9-year period within 50-year old post-agricultural secondary forests in the Piedmont region of New Jersey, USA. Five lianas, Celastrus orbiculatus, Lonicera japonica, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Toxicodendron radicans, and Vitis species, occurred throughout the forest. Total liana basal area, number of stems, and percent cover within host trees were evaluated to assess liana burdens on 606 previously censused trees. These data were related to tree growth to assess liana impacts. Forest trees were separated based on their dominance in the canopy to determine whether lianas had the potential to influence forest composition. In general, lianas in the forests were fairly abundant, with 68% of the trees having at least one liana present. On average, each tree supported 9.7 cm2 of liana basal area and 23% of the canopy was covered by lianas. Most of the variation in tree growth was related to the dominance of trees within the canopy, with canopy dominant and co-dominant trees growing 2.5× more than suppressed trees. Liana basal area and number of lianas stems were not related to tree growth, but liana canopy cover decreased tree growth. However, not all trees were equally affected as canopy cover of lianas only reduced growth in dominant and co-dominant trees. Lianas were most influential on host tree growth in unsuppressed trees when occupying a majority of the canopy, only a minority of forest trees. This suppression was not related to differential liana colonization of canopy trees as all canopy classes supported equivalent liana burdens. Though lianas impacted only a minority of the trees in this system, some liana species, C. orbiculatus and Vitis spp., are still increasing and may pose future risks to forest growth and development.  相似文献   

Sample plots were established in the principal forest types in the the Nevado de Toluca National Park, Mexico including those dominated by Pinus hartwegii, Abies religiosa, Quercus laurina and Alnus jorullensis. The vertical structure was defined by three strata in the coniferous forests and two strata in the broadleaved forests. Timber harvesting in Abies religiosa and Quercus laurina forests and fires generated by humans in Pinus hartwegii forests impeded the recruitment of saplings. Mature trees were also heavily impacted by logging in Pinus hartwegii forests. On the contrary, Alnus jorullensis forests were increasing due to the disturbance of Pinus and Quercus forests, as well abandoned crop lands within the park. A combination of logging, uncontrolled fire, and grazing appears to be compromising the recruitment of important tree species in this national park. These factors, together with human settlements, have also increased the proportion of early successional species. Changes in forest structure from human disturbance indicate a need to control these activities if conservation goals are not to be compromised.  相似文献   

The fungus Ceratocystis huliohia was detected for the first time in dead and dying Metrosideros polymorpha trees on the Island of Kaua?i, Hawai?i, U.S.A. Fungal isolates were recovered from diseased trees into culture, and identities were confirmed by diagnostic qPCR assay and DNA sequencing. Growth chamber inoculations confirmed C. huliohia pathogenicity on M. polymorpha seedlings and subsequently the same fungus was recovered, completing Koch's postulates. DNA sequence analysis revealed a unique ITS haplotype for Kaua?i isolates of C. huliohia that has not been found on Hawai?i Island.  相似文献   

通过调查了不同时期择伐后形成的长白山北坡天然次生林的群落特性,研究了28年恢复期间乔木种多样性的变化动态。结果表明:(1)天然次生林内林分的乔木种丰富度S变化较小,始终保持在18-22;(2)在次生林内更新层、演替层及林分的Simpson指数D变化趋势基本类似,主林层在受到干扰后的前15年恢复期Simpson指数D缓慢减小,第15年以后变化比较小;(3)天然次生林的多样性指数变化较小,Shannon-Wiener指数(H)变化幅度始终保持在原始林的H±10%以内。图3表1参14。  相似文献   

Intensive Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plot data collected in the Allegheny National Forest (ANF), Pennsylvania, between 1999 and 2006 were evaluated for their ability to predict ANF’s vulnerability to invasion by exotic plants. A total of 26 variables classified by biotic, abiotic, or disturbance characteristics were examined. Likelihood of colonization by invasive exotic and non-invasive exotic plants was analyzed using a logistic regression model. Approximately, 11% of the 449 species documented in these plots were exotic, which is higher than has been found in other northeastern forested plots. Only 1% of the ANF flora was invasive exotic plants and these were at low abundance, confirming that most invasions are still at an early stage of establishment. Sites richer in native or non-invasive exotic plants and with more alkaline soils were more likely to be invaded. Younger forests, forests with non-forest patches present, and forests rich in native species were more likely to be colonized by exotic (invasive or non-invasive) plants. Frangula alnus, which is starting to spread locally, differed from the other invasive exotic species in terms of its association with high sapling density to tree density ratios, high soil nitrogen levels, and the presence of fire. Variables representing mortality due to beech bark disease and distance to the nearest exotic planting manifested counterintuitive results. In both cases, the combined occurrence of mortality due to beech bark disease or a close (less than 500 m away) known propagule source and the presence of an invasive or non-invasive exotic plant was rare. We encourage increased use of intensive sampling for FIA in the U.S.A. and similar monitoring programs in other countries, but suggest adding a step to the plot selection phase that would allow forest-wide or regional stratified sampling of typically coarse-scale variables, such as historic or predicted defoliation or fire events, and forest or land type. A more accurate picture of the importance of disturbance variables in defining forest vulnerability to plant invasion may be achieved.  相似文献   

This study determined existing quantitative stand structure and its implication on silvicultural management of homestead forestry. The results showed that fruit and timber species have importance values of 57% and 43%, respectively, in the study area, which is in contrast to the commonly held view of absolute domination of fruit species. The fruit species were only moderately dominant over timber species in relation to the quantitative stand structure of homestead forests. Two fruit species, Mangifera indica and Artocarpus heterophyllus, contribute about one third of the stand structure, while amongst the timber species Samanea saman and Albizia spp. are the most important species. A simulated evaluation of soil expectation value of homestead forest showed that the existing stand structure would not maximize the financial gain perpetually, in contrast, the quantitative stand structure could be effectively regulated to maximize grower benefit without compromising the existing biodiversity. Optimization of the quantitative stand structure of homestead forests could be achieved by changing the species composition, specifically by increasing the percentage of commercially valuable species like Michelia champaca, Tectona grandis, Artocarpus chapalasha, Gmelina arborea, Litchi chinensis, Citrus grandis, Psidium guajava, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Swietenia mahogany, etc., reducing the percentage of species like Mangifera indica, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Cocos nucifera, Samanea saman, Spondias pinnata, Phoenix sylvestris, etc., and eradicating species like Lannea coromandelica and Ficus benghalensis. It was estimated that the optimal relative density of fruit and timber species that would generate optimal financial benefit would be 40.4% and 59.6%, respectively.  相似文献   

The relationship between soil properties and spatial distribution of native woody species was studied in three Taita Hills forest fragments which, although degraded, are ranked among 34 biodiversity hotspots of the world due to their high biodiversity of both plant and animal species. This relationship was assessed by using Spearman correlation and principal component analyses (PCA). The results of these analyses should be useful in instituting forest restoration programs that are crucial for the forests. Both the soil and vegetation studied were sampled from 17 subplots in the natural forest fragments of Ngangao (120 ha), Chawia (86 ha) and Mbololo (185 ha). The soil variables measured were: pH, texture, soil nutrients of C, N, Ca, P, K, Mg and Na. In total 36 native tree species from 13 families were identified from the three forest fragments. Ordination results show that axis 1 accounted for 35% and axis 2 for 25% of the total variation in species composition, indicating that the structure of vegetation is related to two major environmental gradients. The correlation analyses of species and soil properties showed that Na and clay particles were the most important determinants of species distribution; pH and soil variables such as C, N, Ca and P also played minor roles. Unexpectedly, some species (e.g. Psychotria petitii) showed positive relationships with Na attributed to possible substitution for K. Relationships with P were both positive (e.g. Craibia zimmermannii) and negative (e.g. Albizia gummifera) with some species, attributable to pH levels. An ANOVA for soil variables showed that there were differences in the Ca content in Mbololo (due to the parent material) and P in Ngangao where a special relationship was observed between some of the species. The presence of gaps accounted for the distribution of seedlings but not for the saplings, whose distribution responded more to factors similar to those to which mature trees respond. Soil-species relationships that were established may be utilized along with soil analyses when choosing native species for restoration.  相似文献   

Forest managers and policy makers increasingly demand to have access to estimates of forest fragmentation,human accessibility to forest areas and levels of anthropogenic pressure on the remaining forests to integrate them into monitoring systems,management and conservation plans.Forest fragmentation is defined as the breaking up of a forest unit,where the number of patches and the amount of expose edge increase while the amount of core area decreases.Forest fragmentation studies in Mexico have been limited to local or regional levels and have concentrated only on specific forest types.This paper presents an assessment of the fragmentation of all forest types at the national level,their effective proximity to anthropogenic influences,and the development of an indicator of anthropogenic pressure on the forests areas.Broadleaf forests,tropical evergreen forests and tropical dry deciduous forests show the greatest fragmentation.Almost half(47%) of the tropical forests are in close effective proximity to anthropogenic influences and only 12% of their area can be considered isolated from anthropogenic influences.The values for the temperate forests are 23% and 29% respectively.Anthropogenic pressure in the immediate vicinity of anthropogenic activities is much higher in the tropical forests(75 in a scale 0-100) than in the temperate forests(30).When considering these results jointly,the tropical forests,and more specifically,the tropical evergreen forests and tropical dry deciduous forests are under the greatest pressure and risks of degradation.  相似文献   

Although wildfires are occurring frequently in the pine–oak forests in the Sierra Madre Oriental (northeastern Mexico), data on post-fire succession and forest structure are still rare. Our objectives were to (1) assess the changes in woody plant species composition after fire and to (2) to relate successional patterns to environmental variability. Based on their fire history 23 plots were selected in the Parque Ecológico Chipinque (PECH). Changes in forest structure across the chronosequence of burned stands were deduced from density, height and diameter measurements of trees and shrubs (>5 cm in diameter) in all plots of 1000 m2. Differences in woody plant species composition among the plots were evaluated using Shannon evenness measure and the Whittaker's measure and by Hierarchical cluster analysis and Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis showed a high similarity among all recently burned plots, independed of the aspect. Multivariate analysis showed that local environmental factors, including time since fire, continue to structure species composition. Oak species (mainly Quercus rysophylla) resprouted successfully after fire and dominated young post-fire stands. Pine species (Pinus pseudotrobus and Pinus teocote) only appeared 18 years after fire and were the dominating species in mature stands (62 years after fire). In contrast, woody plant species composition in older stands tended also to be influenced by factors such as aspect and by the potential solar radiation (PSR) during the growing season. The results demonstrate that in the PECH, natural regeneration is sufficient and woody plant species composition will be similar to pre-fire conditions after 60 years of succession. We conclude that the park managers should consider incorporating natural disturbance regimes into their management practices.  相似文献   

Human-induced forest edges are common in many forest landscapes throughout the world. Forest management requires an understanding of their ecological consequences. This study addressed the responses of three ecological groups (non-forest species, secondary forest species and primary forest species) in edge soil seed banks and edge understory vegetation, and explored the relationship between the invasion of non-forest species in edge understory vegetation and the accumulation of their seeds in edge soil seed banks. The soil seed banks and understory vegetation were sampled along transects established at the edges of a continuous subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest tract (Lithocarpus xylocarpus forest) bordering anthropogenic grasslands and three tropical seasonal rain forest fragments (Shorea wantianshuea forest) bordering fallows. Species composition in both soil seed banks and understory vegetation showed great difference among edge sites. In soil seed banks, the dominance (relative abundance and relative richness) of each ecological group did not change significantly along the edge to interior gradient. In understory vegetation, the invasion of non-forest species concentrated on the first several meters along the edge to interior gradient. The dominance of secondary forest species decreased with distance from the edge, while the dominance of primary forest species increased with distance from the edge. In forest edge zones, the invasion of a majority of non-forest species in understory vegetation lags behind the accumulation of their seeds in soil seed banks. Forest edges do not act as a good barrier for the penetration of non-forest species seeds. The lack of non-forest species in understory vegetation must then be due to conditions that are not appropriate for their establishment. Therefore, to prevent germination and survival of non-forest species further into the forest, management should focus on maintaining interior forest conditions.  相似文献   

Between 1987 and 2000, a spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis) outbreak infested 1.19 million ha of spruce (Picea spp.) forests in Alaska, killing most of the large diameter trees. We evaluated whether these forests would recover to their pre-outbreak density, and determined the site conditions on which spruce germinated and survived following the spruce beetle outbreak in forests of the Anchor River watershed, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. White spruce (Picea glauca) and Lutz's spruce (Picea × lutzii), a hybrid between white and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), dominate the study area. We measured the pre- and post-outbreak density of spruce in 108 3 m × 80 m plots across the study area by recording all live trees and all dead trees >1.5 m tall in each plot. To determine the fine scale site conditions on which spruce germinated and survived, we measured ground surface and substrate characteristics within 20 cm circular plots around a subset of post-outbreak spruce seedlings. The density of post-outbreak spruce (855/ha) was adequate to restock the stands to their pre-outbreak densities (643/ha) for trees >1.5 m tall. We could not accurately estimate recovery for pre-outbreak spruce seedlings because dead seedlings may have decayed in the 5–18 years since the beetle outbreak occurred. At the fine scale, spruce that germinated post-outbreak grew on a wide variety of substrates including downed log, stump, mesic organic mat, peat, hummocks and mineral soil. They exhibited a strong preference for downed logs (53%) and stumps (4%), and most (91%) of the downed logs and stumps that spruce rooted on were heavily decayed. This preference for heavily decayed logs and stumps was especially evident given that their combined mean cover was only 2% in the 3 m × 80 m plots. Within the 3 m × 80 m plots, spruce seedling survival was negatively correlated with bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) litter cover.  相似文献   

Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. was introduced in Yunnan Province of China around 1940. Since then it has been spreading rapidly, particularly in the southern and southwestern parts of China and caused serious economic loss. The biological research and integrated control on E. adenophorum were carried out from 1980‘s in Yunnan Province. Together with other 15 invasive external species, the weed has been listed in the White Paper by The State Environmental Protection Administration of China. This paper briefly reviews thestudies on natural distribution, biological character, ecological character, chemical component, hazard, potential application and the control of E. adenophorum. The research direction for this invasive external species in future was also discussed.  相似文献   

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