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Root growth, grain yield and water uptake by wheat in relation to soil water regime and depth of nitrogen (N) placement were studied in metallic cylinders filled with loamy sand soil. Root-length and -weight densities were greater under irrigated than under unirrigated conditions and they increased with deep placement as compared to surface mixing of fertilizer N. The differences were relatively larger in the deeper than in the upper soil layers and increased during later stages of plant growth. Under non-irrigated conditions, constant water table at 100 cm depth produced maximum root growth in the top 30 cm soil. Water uptake rate increased with increase in root density depending on root age and soil water status. Dry matter accumulation at different stages of plant growth and grain yield varied significantly with moisture regime and depth of N placement. Deep placement of fertilizer N under shallow water table and non-irrigated conditions caused greater root growth, better water utilization and a higher production.  相似文献   

Florida is the largest producer of fresh-market tomatoes in the United States. Production areas are typically intensively managed with high inputs of fertilizer and irrigation. The objectives of this 3-year field study were to evaluate the interaction between N-fertilizer rates and irrigation scheduling on yield, irrigation water use efficiency (iWUE) and root distribution of tomato cultivated in a plastic mulched/drip irrigated production systems. Experimental treatments included three irrigation scheduling regimes and three N-rates (176, 220 and 230 kg ha−1). Irrigation treatments included were: (1) SUR (surface drip irrigation) both irrigation and fertigation line placed right underneath the plastic mulch; (2) SDI (subsurface drip irrigation) where the irrigation line was placed 0.15 m below the fertigation line which was located on top of the bed; and (3) TIME (conventional control) with irrigation and fertigation lines placed as in SUR and irrigation being applied once a day. Except for the “TIME” treatment all irrigation treatments were controlled by soil moisture sensor (SMS)-based irrigation set at 10% volumetric water content which was allotted five irrigation windows daily and bypassed events if the soil water content exceeded the established threshold. Average marketable fruit yields were 28, 56 and 79 Mg ha−1 for years 1-3, respectively. The SUR treatment required 15-51% less irrigation water when compared to TIME treatments, while the reductions in irrigation water use for SDI were 7-29%. Tomato yield was 11-80% higher for the SUR and SDI treatments than TIME where as N-rate did not affect yield. Root concentration was greatest in the vicinity of the irrigation and fertigation drip lines for all irrigation treatments. At the beginning of reproductive phase about 70-75% of the total root length density (RLD) was concentrated in the 0-15 cm soil layer while 15-20% of the roots were found in the 15-30 cm layer. Corresponding RLD distribution values during the reproductive phase were 68% and 22%, respectively. Root distribution in the soil profile thus appears to be mainly driven by development stage, soil moisture and nutrient availability. It is concluded that use of SDI and SMS-based systems consistently increased tomato yields while greatly improving irrigation water use efficiency and thereby reduced both irrigation water use and potential N leaching.  相似文献   

Summary Field experiments were conducted at two sites with differing root zone water holding capacities. Corn grain yield was measured as a function of water management treatments. Stress development in given treatments was generally limited to one of three periods (planting-to-12-leaf, 12-leaf-to-blister-kernel, and blister-kernel-to-physiologic-maturity) during the growing season. Stress levels were defined as low (L), moderate (M) or severe (S) and were based on degree of soil water depletion and an allowable level of leaf xylem pressure depression in midafternoon.Yield vs seasonal ET exhibited linear relationships. Slope of an estimated upper bound function was 0.28 T/ha-cm of water use. Maximum seasonal grain yields were consistently produced with an L-L-L stress sequence allowing about 30–40% depletion of the root zone available water capacity (to 122 cm depth) between irrigations. A trickle irrigated treatment that maintained near zero soil water potential averaged about 4% more yield than the 30–40% depletion criteria, but this difference was not significant at P=0.05.Results, when normalized as relative yield (Y/Ym) vs relative seasonal evapotranspiration (ET/ETm), indicated an upper bound slope of 1.50% yield loss per 1% decline in seasonal ET from the ETm level. When stress was concentrated in the 12 leaf to blister kernel period, the yield reduction slope was 2.60%.Average observed Y/Ym ratios were 0.95 for M-L-L, 0.92 for S-L-L, 0.85 for L-M-L, 0.62 for L-S-L, 0.62 for L-S-L, 0.90 for L-L-M, and 0.69 L-L-S stress sequences.If water stress is limited to one growth period per season an upper bound yield attainment is likely if irrigations relieve stress before available root zone storage capacity is 90–95% depleted in the planting to 12 leaf period, 80–90% depleted in 12 leaf to blister kernel period or when a programmed depletion to 100% available water exhaustion near physiological maturity is achieved in the later grain fill period.Yield reduction of less than 5 % from potential levels appears likely in the climatic setting of this study when root zone available water depletions are limited to 60–70% in the early vegetative period (assumes near field capacity moisture at planting), 30–40% in the 12 leaf to blister kernel period, and 50–60% in the later grain fill period.This work was supported by North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Projects 1432 and 1435 and by funds provided by the U.S. Department of Interior, Water and Power Resources Service  相似文献   

Irrigation water is a limited resource, and therefore irrigation practices must be rationalized for high water-use efficiency. Little is known about the influence of stored water in deep soils on the water needs and the post-sowing irrigation requirements of crops. A 3-year field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of combinations of light and heavy pre-sowing irrigations with two post-sowing irrigation regimes on yield, root growth, water use and water-use efficiency of wheat on a deep alluvial sandy loam soil. Post-sowing treatments consisted of (i) five 75-mm irrigations at five growth stages, and (ii) irrigations based on pan evaporation, i.e. at IW/PAN-E ratio of 0.75 (75 mm of irrigation water were provided as soon as the open-pan evaporation minus rainfall since previous irrigation was 100 mm).The latter regime required 175 mm less water than that with irrigation at growth stages. Profile water utilization was inversely related to post-sowing irrigation water. Where pre-sowing irrigation was light, post-sowing irrigations based on pan evaporation yielded significantly less than those based on growth stages. With heavy pre-sowing irrigation, irrigation based on the pan evaporation yielded as much as five irrigations at growth stages. The former decreased the mean water application by 153 mm and increased the water-use efficiency by 26%. Irrigation based on pan evaporation stimulated greater utilization of stored water by increasing the rooting density in deeper layers.It is indicated that for higher water-use efficiency and yield, wheat should be sown after a heavy pre-sowing irrigation, and post-sowing irrigation should be based on 0.75 pan evaporation.  相似文献   

A greenhouse study was conducted to investigate the response of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to water salinity applied at different times of salinization. Faba beans were grown on loamy sand in pots and irrigated daily with modified half-strength Hoagland's solution. Salinization of the nutrient solution with NaCI and CaCl2 (2:1 molar ratio) provided four treatment solutions with electrical conductivities of 2, 6, 10 and 14 dS m−1 and was imposed on the tenth day from planting, and continued until day 30 (T1), from day 30 until day 50 (T2) and from day 50 to day 70 (T3) using a randomized block factorial design with five replications. The results indicated that faba bean was more sensitive to salinity during the vegetative stage and less sensitive at later stages. Water salinity significantly reduced the grain yield and grain number but did not affect grain weight. Vegetative growth decreased significantly by salinity stress during the three salinization periods but was more serious at the first stage.  相似文献   

Summary Development of a ploughpan has been reported in Bangladesh for almost all ploughed soils which are puddled for transplanted rice cultivation. Field information on the water requirement of dryland crops such as wheat and the effects of loosening the dense layer on crop yield and water use efficiency are very limited. Field experiments were, therefore, conducted in the grey floodplain soil of Sonatala series (Aeric Haplaquept) to study the irrigation and tillage effects on the yield and water relations of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Sonalika). The split plot design experiment comprised four irrigation treatments in the mainplots viz. W0 = no irrigation, W1 = irrigation of 5 cm at 4 weeks after planting, W2-W1 + irrigation(s) of 5 cm each at irrigation water to cummulative pan evaporation (IW/CPE) ratio of 0.75 and W3- W1 + irrigation(s) of 5 cm eacht at IW/CPE ratio of 0.50. The sub-plot tillage depth treatments were: A-7.5 cm (traditional), B-15 cm, C-22.5 cm, D-22.5 cm practised in alternate wheat seasons. Measurements were made of grain and straw yield, soil water depletion and water expense efficiency.Irrigation had no effect on grain or straw yield. Tillage to 15 cm increased wheat yield by about 15% over traditional depth to ploughing. In general, deep tillage coupled with one irrigation at four weeks after planting produced the largest wheat yield.Soil water depletion (SWD) in the 0–90 cm profile was greatest in the treatment receiving two irrigations, one at 4 weeks and again at IW/CPE ratio of 0.50. The average SWD in this treatment was 113 in 1982–83 and 82 mm in 1983–84. Plots receiving traditional tillage (7.5 cm) had the greatest SWD. Total water expense were the greatest in treatments receiving three irrigations. The maximum water expense efficiency (WEE) of wheat was observed in the non-irrigated plots in 1982–83 and 1983–84, respectively. Deep tillage treatments, in general, had significantly greater WEE than those under traditional ploughing. Intensive irrigation and efficient soil and water management are important factors in enhancing crop productivity. The former not only permits judicious water use but also better utilization of other production factors thereby leading to increased crop yield which, in turn, helps stabilize the farming economy. The best way to meet increasing demand for water is to adopt efficient water management practices to increase water use efficiency.Irrigation should aim at restoring the soil water in the root zone to a level at which the crop can fully meet its evapo-transpiration (ET) requirement. The amount of water to be applied at each irrigation and how often a soil should be irrigated depend, however, on several factors such as the degree of soil water deficit before irrigation, soil types, crops, and climatic conditions (Chaudhury and Gupta 1980).Knowledge of movement of water through the soil is imperative to efficient water management and utilization. The presence of a dense pan impedes water movement into the sub-soil. As a result, the top soil becomes saturated by irrigation and sensitive dryland crops can fail as this plough layer impedes the penetration of roots into deeper soil layers and decreases water extraction. Crops growing in these soils often undergo severe water stress within 5–8 days after rainfall or irrigation (Lowry et al. 1970). Due to decrease rates of water flow, the lower soil layer may remain unsaturated and as a result, the recharge and soil water storage in the profile are considerably decreased (Sur et al. 1981).In Bangladesh, ploughpans develop to varying degree in almost all ploughed soils (Brammer 1980). They are particularly marked in soils which are puddled for transplanted rice cultivation where the pan is usually only 8–10 cm below the soil surface and 3–5 cm thick. Its presence is generally regarded as advantageous for cultivation of transplanted rice in that it prevents excessive deep percolation losses of water. But in the same soil this cultivation for a subsequent dryland crop would adversely affect yield. A slight modification of the plough layer could enable good yields of both rice and a dryland crop to be obtained in the same soil in different seasons (Brammer 1980). The sub soils have a good bearing capacity, both when wet and dry and the pan can easily be reformed, if desired, for cultivating transplanted rice after a dryland crop like wheat.Professor of Soil Science, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh  相似文献   

The increasing demand for irrigation water to secure food for growing populations with limited water supply suggests re-thinking the use of non-conventional water resources. The latter includes saline drainage water, brackish groundwater and treated waste water. The effects of using saline drainage water (electrical conductivity of 4.2–4.8 dS m−1) to irrigate field-grown tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv Floradade) using drip and furrow irrigation systems were evaluated, together with the distribution of soil moisture and salt. The saline water was either diluted to different salinity levels using fresh water (blended) or used cyclically with fresh water. The results of two seasons of study (2001 and 2002) showed that increasing salinity resulted in decreased leaf area index, plant dry weight, fruit total yield and individual fruit weight. In all cases, the growth parameters and yield as well as the water use efficiency were greater for drip irrigated tomato plants than furrow-irrigated plants. However, furrow irrigation produced higher individual fruit weight. The electrical conductivity of the soil solution (extracted 48 h after irrigation) showed greater fluctuations when cyclic water management was used compared to those plots irrigated with blended water. In both drip and furrow irrigation, measurements of soil moisture one day after irrigation, showed that soil moisture was higher at the top 20 cm layer and at the location of the irrigation water source; soil moisture was at a minimum in the root zone (20–40 cm layer), but showed a gradual increase at 40–60 and 60–90 cm and was stable at 90–120 cm depth. Soil water content decreased gradually as the distance from the irrigation water source increased. In addition, a few days after irrigation, the soil moisture content decreased, but the deficit was most pronounced in the surface layer. Soil salinity at the irrigation source was lower at a depth of 15 cm (surface layer) than that at 30 and 60 cm, and was minimal in deeper layers (i.e. 90 cm). Salinity increased as the distance from the irrigation source increased particularly in the surface layer. The results indicated that the salinity followed the water front. We concluded that the careful and efficient management of irrigation with saline water can leave the groundwater salinity levels unaffected and recommended the use of drip irrigation as the fruit yield per unit of water used was on average one-third higher than when using furrow irrigation.  相似文献   

Tomato rooting patterns, yield and fruit quality were evaluated in a field trial where three irrigation regimes [0.6 (DI), 0.9 (DII) and 1.2 ETc (DIII)] and three drip irrigation depths [surface (R0), subsurface at 20 cm depth (RI) and subsurface at 40 cm depth (RII)] were imposed following a split-plot experimental design, with four replications. The behaviour of the root system in response to the irrigation treatments was evaluated using minirhizotrons installed between two plants, near the plant row. Root-length intensity (L a)—length of the root per unit of minirhizotron surface area (cm cm−2)—was measured at four crop stages. For all sampling dates, none of the factors studied were found to influence L a or rooting depth significantly or the interaction between treatments. For all treatments most of the root system was concentrated in the top 40 cm of the soil profile, where the root-length density ranged from 0.5 cm cm−3 to 1.4 cm cm−3 . The response of tomato fruits to an increase in the water applied was similar in quantitative and qualitative terms for the different drip irrigation depths. Water applied by drip irrigation had the opposite effect on commercial yield (t ha−1) and soluble solids (°Brix) (r=−0.82, P<0.001), however, yield in terms of total soluble solids (t ha−1) was the same for the 0.9 and 1.2 ETc. The increase in commercial yield can be described by the equation   相似文献   

Irrigation management strategy invites the quantification of crop response to irrigation frequencies. Conventionally, mulches increase the yield and water use efficiency (WUE) to a great extent by augmenting the water status in the root zone profile. A field study was carried out during the winter season (November-March) of 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 at the Central Research Farm of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (Latitude 22°58′N, Longitude 88°31′E and altitude 9.75 m amsl), Gayeshpur, India, to evaluate the effect of irrigation frequencies and mulches on evapotranspiration rate from tomato crop field as well as leaf area index (LAI), fruit yield and WUE of the crop. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design where three irrigation treatments {rainfed (RF); CPE50 and CPE25 where irrigation was given at 50 and 25 mm of cumulative pan evaporation (CPE)} were kept in the main plots and the subplots contained four mulch managements {no mulch (NM), rice straw mulch (RSM), white polyethylene mulch (WPM) and black polyethylene mulch (BPM)}. Under CPE25, tomato crop recorded significantly higher leaf area index (LAI) over CPE50 and rainfed condition. LAI value under BPM was 9-30% more over other mulches. Maximum variation of LAI among different treatments was recorded at 60 days after transplanting (DAT). Fruit yield under CPE25 was 39.4 Mg ha−1; a reduction of 7 and 30% has been obtained under CPE50 and RF condition. The use of mulch increased 23-57% yield in comparison to NM condition. Actual evapotranspiration rate (ETR) was 1.82 mm day−1 under CPE25 and declined by 15 and 31% under CPE50 and RF condition, respectively. The variation of ETR among different mulches became more prominent under maximum water stressed (RF) condition, whereas the variation was negligible under CPE25 frequency. Irrespective of mulching WUE was highest under moderately wet (CPE50) soil environment. Among different mulches, BPM was responsible for attaining the highest WUE value (25.1 kg m−3), which declined by 22, 21 and 39% under WPM, RSM and NM, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Several corn and alfalfa varieties were subjected to varying levels of water deficits under field conditions over a two-year period at the Utah State University Evans farm at Logan, Utah. Dry matter yields of corn and alfalfa varieties showed a linear relationship to evapotranspiration (E t . In most cases grain yields also showed a linear response to E t . When relative yields of dry matter and grain of corn varieties were related to relative E t it was found that the slopes of the linear regression lines changed more between the two years than between the varieties within a given year. It was found that yields predicted by Hanks' (1974) model were highly correlated with measured yields for both corn and alfalfa.in coperation with Agric. Exp. StnGraduate student and professor, respectively  相似文献   

咸水灌溉对土壤水盐分布和小麦产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在石羊河流域中游开展田间灌溉试验,试验设置3种灌水量,灌溉定额分别为355,280,205 mm(W1,W2和W3);4种灌水矿化度0.7,3.0,5.0和7.0 g/L(S1,S2,S3和S4),共12个处理,每个处理3组重复.研究结果表明:淡水灌溉条件下,土壤积盐率不超过15%,当灌水矿化度在3.0 g/L以上时,土壤剖面盐分积累峰值在20~40 cm层,灌溉水带入的盐分有40%~80%积累在60 cm深度.当灌水矿化度为3.0 g/L时,盐分胁迫造成春小麦减产在10%以下;灌水矿化度为5.0 g/L和7.0 g/L时,春小麦减产严重,最高可达28%.相同灌水矿化度条件下,与充分灌溉(W1)相比,W2和W3分别减产10%和15%左右.拔节期-灌浆期是春小麦需水关键期,灌水要及时,3种灌水量均可以保证春小麦根区含水量维持在田间持水量的60%~80%.因此,3.0 g/L的微咸水灌溉不会造成春小麦大幅减产,合理调控灌水时间,灌水量为205~355mm可以保证春小麦土壤含水量维持在适宜的水平.  相似文献   

The effects of water deficits on photosynthesis, plant growth and dry matter accumulation and distribution in the kiwifruit, cv Hayward, grown under controlled conditions in the glasshouse were studied. Water stress was imposed by irrigating the plants with 100%, 85%, 65% and 40% of water needed to reach pot capacity in the soil. Water deficits reduced the rate of photosynthesis by up to 53–64% in relation to the control. This decline was attributed to stomatal closure, since stomatal conductance was reduced significantly, or/and to inhibition of photosynthesis at chloroplast level. Severe water stress reduced plant height by 78–84%, total dry weight by 58–66% and total leaf area by 72–77%. The root to shoot ratio was 3.5 times higher in water-stressed plants, showing that water stress in kiwifruit alters the pattern of dry matter distribution favouring the roots. The decrease in growth induced by water deficits was a consequence of a reduction in both photosynthesis and photosynthates partitioning, which adversely affects leaf area development.  相似文献   

Food production and water use are closely linked processes and, as competition for water intensifies, water must be used more efficiently in food production worldwide. A field experiment with wither wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.), involving six irrigation treatments (from rain-fed to 5 irrigation applications), was maintained in the North China Plain (NCP) for 6 years. The results revealed that dry matter production, grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE) were each curvilinearly related to evapotranspiration (ET). Maximum dry matter at maturity was achieved by irrigating to 94% and maximum grain yield to 84% of seasonal full ET. A positive relationship was found between harvest index (HI) and dry matter mobilization efficiency (DMME) during grain filling. Moderate water deficit during grain filling increased mobilization of assimilate stored in vegetative tissues to grains, resulting in greater grain yield and WUE. Generally, high WUE corresponded with low ET, being highest at about half potential ET. At this location in NCP, highest WUE and grain yield was obtained at seasonal water consumption in the range 250–420 mm. For that, with average seasonal rainfall of 132 mm, irrigation requirements was in the range of 120–300 mm and due to the deep root system of winter wheat and high water-holding capacity of the soil profile, soil moisture depletion of 100–150 mm constituted the greater part of the ET under limited water supply. The results reveal that WUE was maximized when around 35% ET was obtained from soil moisture depletion. For that, seasonal irrigation was around 60–140 mm in an average season.  相似文献   

Analytical studies of flow from irrigation sources into regions of root water uptake typically require the root distribution and the local water extraction rate as data of the problem. In reality, these are strongly influenced by local soil water content and, hence, position relative to the source. This work introduces a model with moisture-dependent root water extraction rate, so that the spatial distribution of uptake is no longer a datum, but emerges as part of the solution. For a diversity of conditions we obtain simple steady solutions describing the interactions between continuous sources and regions of wetting and water extraction. It is shown that as the uptake rate increases, the region decreases markedly in size and becomes more symmetrical in the vertical; for sources at depths that are small relative to the sorptive length, interaction with the surface becomes important; surface evaporation losses significantly reduce the region and increase asymmetry; with non-evaporating surfaces, the region is larger and more symmetrical. The dimensionless coefficient β, proportional to the ratio of the local extraction rate to the Kirchhoff potential, determines behaviour. Estimating β under controlled and field conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to simulate the uptake concentrations (weights of ion per volume of water absorbed) of Na+ and Cl in hydroponic tomato crops as a function of the NaCl concentration in the root zone. An empirical model was calibrated and validated, which can be incorporated into on-line operating decision support systems aimed at optimizing the nutrient supply and minimizing the discharge of drainage solution in tomato crops grown in closed-cycle hydroponic systems. Three experiments were conducted, of which one was carried out to calibrate the model using irrigation water with NaCl concentration ranging from 0 to 14.7 mol m−3 while the other two experiments were commissioned to validate the model within either a low (0.5-2 mol m−3) or a high (1.2-12 mol m−3) concentration range. The model could successfully predict the uptake concentration of Na+, but Cl could not be simulated by this model at external Cl concentrations lower than 10 mol m−3. The results indicate that Na+ is excluded actively and effectively by the tested tomato cultivar even at low external Na+ concentrations, while Cl is readily taken up at low concentrations, particularly during the initial growing stages. Due to the efficient exclusion of Na+ by tomato, the Na+ concentration in the root environment increased rapidly to extremely high levels even when the Na+ concentration in the irrigation water was relatively low. These results indicate that tomato genotypes characterized by high salt-exclusion efficiency, require irrigation water with a very low NaCl concentration, if they are grown in closed hydroponic systems and the drainage water is not flushed periodically. To maintain Na+ at levels lower than 19 mol m−3 in the root zone of the tomato hybrid ‘Formula’ in closed hydroponics, a maximum acceptable Na+ concentration of 0.53 mol m−3 was estimated for the irrigation water.  相似文献   

Excessive amounts of irrigation water and fertilizers are often utilized for early potato cultivation in the Mediterranean basin. Given that water is expensive and limited in the semi-arid areas and that fertilizers above a threshold level often prove inefficacious for production purposes but still risk nitrate and phosphorous pollution of groundwater, it is crucial to provide an adequate irrigation and fertilization management. With the aim of achieving an appropriate combination of irrigation water and nutrient application in cultivation management of a potato crop in a Mediterranean environment, a 2-year experiment was conducted in Sicily (South Italy). The combined effects of 3 levels of irrigation (irrigation only at plant emergence, 50% and 100% of the maximum evapotranspiration - ETM) and 3 levels of mineral fertilization (low: 50, 25 and 75 kg ha−1, medium: 100, 50 and 150 kg ha−1 and high: 300, 100 and 450 kg ha−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O) were studied on the tuber yield and yield components, on both water irrigation and fertilizer productivity and on the plant source/sink (canopy/tubers dry weight) ratio. The results show a marked interaction between level of irrigation and level of fertilization on tuber yield, on Irrigation Water Productivity and on fertilizer productivity of the potato crop. We found that the treatments based on 50% ETM and a medium level of fertilization represent a valid compromise in early potato cultivation management. Compared to the high combination levels of irrigation and fertilization, this treatment entails a negligible reduction in tuber yield to save 90 mm ha−1 year−1 of irrigation water and 200, 50 and 300 kg ha−1 year−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, with notable economic savings for farmers compared to the spendings that are usually made.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested, whether soil wetness and phosphorus status could regulate the evapotranspiration rate (ETR), which is of special interest in the lower Gangetic Plain. Rajmash was grown during November-February of 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 on a sandy loam soil, and was irrigated when cumulative pan evaporation (CPE) attained the value of 33 mm (CPE33); 44 mm (CPE44) and 66 mm (CPE66). Four levels of phosphate application were 0 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P0); 30 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P30); 60 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P60) and 90 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P90). Seed yield under CPE33 was 1.37 Mg ha−1 and reduced by 18% and 35%, respectively under CPE44 and CPE66. Continuous increasing trend in yield was recorded with an increase in phosphate level (PL). Irrespective of growth stages, similar trends were recorded for leaf area index (LAI). Maximum variation in LAI among the treatments was recorded at 60 days after sowing. On average, actual ETR was 1.37 mm day−1 under CPE33 and declined by 13% and 16% under CPE44 and CPE66, respectively. Variation in ETR under different PL was highest under CPE33 and lowest under CPE44. Except P90, irrespective of PL, highest value of water use efficiency (WUE) was obtained under CPE44. However, magnitude of net evapotranspiration efficiency (WUEET) and irrigation efficiency (WUEI) attained the highest level under CPE33 regime. All water use indices showed an increasing trend with the increase in phosphate level from 0 to 90 kg ha−1. Impact of phosphorus on various parameters was pronounced under CPE33.  相似文献   

The effects of irrigation methods, application rates and initial moisture content on soil water storage and surface runoff were studied in soils liable to surface crust formation during 1995–1996 at the University of Jordan Research Station near Al-Muwaqqar village. Four irrigation methods were tested (sprinkler, furrow, basin and trickle) and four application rates (6.2, 14.4, 24.4 and 28.4 mm/h). Two runs were performed (soil initially dry and soil initially wet). Basin irrigation provided the highest application efficiency followed by trickle, sprinkler and furrow irrigation methods. Entrapping water by the basin borders increased soil water storage by allowing more water to infiltrate through the surface crust. Decreasing the application rate from 28.4 to 6.2 mm/h increased soil water storage significantly in all 150 mm layers to a depth of 600 mm. If the soil was already wet, soil moisture storage decreased owing to siltation during the prewetting and formation of a surface crust and low soil water storage capacity. A sedimentary crust formed at the bottom of the furrows in the furrow irrigation treatment, which reduced soil water storage and increased surface runoff significantly owing to the reduction in infiltration. Increasing the application rate from 6.2 to 28.4 mm/h in the furrow surface irrigation treatment increased the runoff discharge 10-fold. Even with the lowest application rate the runoff coefficient under sprinkler irrigation was 20.3% indicating high susceptibility of Al-Muwaqqar soils to surface crust formation.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports the results of a two-year field study at Logan, Utah which was one of a series of similar experiments carried out at Ft. Collins, Colorado, Davis, California and Yuma, Arizona. A range of water application rates were imposed using the line-source system (Hanks et al., 1976) and in some treatments water was withheld during certain growth stages. Salinity variables were imposed by presalinization before planting and by the use of saline irrigation water. Regardless of irrigation or salinity regime, corn grain and total dry matter production were linearly related to evapotranspiration, which was measured as the sum of irrigation, rainfall and soil water depletion minus drainage. Presalinization of the soil decreased yields in proportion to the salinity imposed, the decrease being associated with reductions in evapotranspiration caused by reduced soil water depletion as compared to the nonsalinized treatments.Contribution from Utah State University, Department of Soil Science and Biometeorology, in cooperation with Utah Agr. Exp. Sta., Logan, Utah 84 322. Journal Paper No. 2188. Supported in parts by Grants No. C-5189, Consortium for International Development and No. B-121-UT, Utah Water Res. Lab. and USDI, Office of Water Res. and TechnologyProfessor, Associate Professor, and Research Assistants, respectively  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal pattern of root water uptake in partially wetted soil was studied in the root zone of a 6-year-old microsprinkler-irrigated almond tree. The water balance of about one quarter of the root zone’s wetted soil volume (2.0×2.0×0.9 m3) was determined by catch cans, neutron probe and tensiometer measurements. Twenty-five neutron probe access tubes with catch cans were distributed in a square grid of 50 cm spacing. Eight pairs of tensiometers were installed at depths of 82.5 and 97.5 cm in a regular pattern between the access tubes. Neutron probe readings at 15 cm depth increments and tensiometer readings were taken at time intervals of 4–24 h. The rate of soil water depletion was calculated and used to estimate the spatial and temporal distributions of root water uptake. Soil water dynamics was studied in two stages: (1) during a week of conventional irrigation management with three irrigation events; and (2) during a period of 16 days without irrigation, after the monitored soil volume was thoroughly moistened so that soil water was easily available everywhere, initially. The zones of maximum root water uptake were the same for both stages in periods of high local rates of water application. After water applications, root water uptake occurred initially near the tree trunk and then progressed towards the root system periphery, thereby changing locations of maximum root water uptake and shifting to root zone regions with minimum soil water stress.
Kouman S. KoumanovEmail: Phone: +359-32-692349Fax: +359-32-670808

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