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Nutritional support of hospitalized animals is new and encouraging, although it is in need of rigorous evaluation. Principles and procedures of established value in human patients appear to be readily applied to other species, with due regard to comparative physiologic properties and medicine.  相似文献   

Exertional rhabdomyolysis represents a syndrome of typically recurrent exercise‐associated muscle damage in horses that arises from a variety of aetiologies. Major advances have been made in recent years in our understanding of the pathophysiology of equine rhabdomyolysis syndrome (ERS), and a few specific causative genetic defects have been identified. Despite the fact that there is no single procedure or set of procedures (including diet and management) that can guarantee against further episodes of ERS, appropriate management of susceptible individuals, including nutrition, may help to reduce the likelihood, severity or frequency of future episodes. Whilst the dietary advice can be more specific and targeted for those with a known intrinsic muscle problem, for all affected individuals, regardless of the underlying cause, a balanced diet (which is suitable for the individual), together with a well‐designed exercise programme, should be the initial management target. This paper will briefly review the condition and give general nutrition and management advice.  相似文献   

The equine colon is the primary site of fibre digestion and water absorption. It is therefore not surprising that colitis and associated colonic dysfunction can result in severe nutritional derangements, which can be exacerbated by reduced feed intake in affected horses. Dietary management of colitis is important for optimum recovery. In broad terms, it should prioritise provision of nutrients to horses that otherwise have reduced appetites. In some forms, such as right dorsal colitis, as well as those with chronicity, nutritional recommendations include restricting or eliminating long‐stem roughage from the diet and feeding a complete pelleted diet. Voluntary enteral nutrition is preferred, but horses that are not ingesting enough to meet the minimum recommended requirements as outlined, should be fed via nasogastric tube (if tolerated – no reflux, no ileus and no colic present; faecal output present). Parenteral nutrition may be necessary in some cases, as some colitis cases do not tolerate enteral feeding for reasons such as colic, intestinal dysmotility or abdominal distension. Timing and constitution of nutritional intervention is vital and should be tailored to the individual patient to prevent further complications of the disease process.  相似文献   

Effective nutritional support requires a sound knowledge of both basic and clinical nutrition of dogs and cats as well as familiarity with products and their administration. Management includes the assessment of a patient's nutritional status and estimation of fuel sources. Most starved or stressed patients utilise fatty acids at over 70 per cent kcalME (metabolisable energy) and protein at over 20 per cent kcalME; appropriate diets contain at least 30 per cent kcalME from protein as well as fat. Approximate calorie needs are based on maintenance energy requirements. Enteral nutritional support is superior to parenteral support in most patients as gastrointestinal integrity and enterocyte viability are maintained. Meat-based pet foods, liquid enteral products and nutrient supplements are offered in slurries and via tubes. Management includes careful monitoring of patients and the gradual transition to diets with more complex nutrient sources.  相似文献   

Nutritional diseases of exotic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Aside from food hypersensitivities, nutritional skin diseases in pets fed commercial foods appear to be very uncommon. Nutritional deficiencies all cause seborrheic skin signs and most of the clinical presentations are not pathognomonic for a specific nutrient deficiency. Careful consideration of the history and the results of skin biopsies usually suggest which nutrient is deficient. Because nutritional supplements can unbalance an animal's diet, they should not be used indiscriminately but only when indicated. Balanced nutrition should minimize the need for supplements.  相似文献   

The incidence of developmental abnormalities in domestic animals is low, however there is continuing pressure on the veterinarian to answer concerns of the producer as to why the abnormality occurred and what significance it has for the rest of the herd. Generally, both normal and abnormal development are products of both genetic and environmental factors. These genetic and environmental factors can be single or multiple in nature. Interactions between environment and genes may confuse matters further. In addition, a number of genetic or environmental factors may produce the same abnormality. For these reasons, one must be aware of the complex principles of normal development and how they may be disturbed before attempting a methodological approach to solve etiology.  相似文献   

Modern pastoral farming has radically transformed the niche where agricultural animals live. Recent trends in husbandry tend to give as much emphasis to economic profit and human convenience, as do a concern for the farmed species. Most of the traditional ways of handling sheep, cattle, goats, horses and pigs, like castration, ear tagging, tail-docking or horse breaking, have been accepted by the public with little concern. Inevitably, as renewed public interest focuses on intensive farming, some questions are directed towards extensive pastoral farming practices, particularly in newly-farmed species like deer. Criteria for the humane care of pastoral animals must he set by consensus. These should include the avoidance of injury, handling animals in the least stressful manner, and meeting the unique needs of each farmed species, This is particularly important at times of critical intervention like the birth of the young, shearing, dipping, milking, yarding and during transport. Several examples of current emotive issues of welfare in pastoral animals are discussed. In general, New Zealand owners of extensive pastoral holdings produce a welfare product which should command a premium in the more affluent overseas markets. Vigilance will he needed to keep it so and in this veterinarians have a key role to play.  相似文献   

调控应激的营养途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1能量适当提高日粮中的能量水平,以保证猪每日所需能量的绝对摄入量,可减缓应激(Nienaaber)。由于在日粮中提高了能量浓度,降低了热增耗。在应激畜禽中用油脂代替部分碳水化合物,可使动物获得较高的生产净能,同时改善饲料适口性,并不是应激状态下畜禽对脂肪的需要量增加。具体的方法有:①适当提高日粮的能量浓度;②日粮中添加脂肪。一般认为,在高温条件下,日粮添加2%~3%混合脂肪是提日粮能量水平、稳定猪增长速度的有效措施(JohnGoihl,1989),特别在日粮赖氨酸供应不足时,该效果明显;③日粮中添加乳糖、蔗糖。…  相似文献   

Fluid therapy in patients with pulmonary disease is challenging. Although a single set of rules cannot be applied to every patient, the following guidelines can be used when managing patients with pulmonary disease. Euvolemic patients with adequate tissue perfusion should be given sufficient isotonic fluid to balance insensible losses. If severe pulmonary compromise is present, cessation of all fluid therapy may be considered if the patient is able to match its losses by voluntary intake. In hypovolemic or hypotensive patients, small boluses of isotonic crystalloids or colloids should be given to restore perfusion, avoiding rates of more than 30 mL/kg an hour for isotonic crystalloids. If perfusion is not restored by adequate volume resuscitation, vasopressors or positive inotropes should be administered to prevent fluid overload and deterioration in pulmonary function.  相似文献   

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