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The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of a commercial European porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)-inactivated vaccine after 18-month use in gilts/sows at a farm with high seroprevalence. In a farrow-to-finish farm with 1100 sows, all sows and gilts were systematically vaccinated with the PRRS-inactivated PROGRESSIS vaccine for a period of 18 months. Farm's reproductive and litter characteristics were longitudinally recorded for this period and historically compared with those of the year prior to vaccination. Serology, employing immunoperoxidase monolayer assay, had confirmed a high prevalence of PRRS-specific antibodies in most age groups within the farm prior to vaccination. Seroprevalence during the experiment ranged between 0% and 100% in weaners and growers, but remained at stable high levels (> 93%) in finishing pigs and gilts throughout all 2-year period of serology measurements. No local or systemic vaccine side effects were noted throughout the trial period. Vaccinations had resulted over time in a significant improvement of sow reproductive performance (e.g. reduction of premature farrowings, abortions and increase of farrowing rate) and litter characteristics (e.g. increase of the number of live born and weaned pigs and decrease of stillborn, mummified, weak and splay-legged piglets). It has also been observed that the higher the degree of immunization of a sow, the better the improvement of her reproductive parameters. Sows after vaccination have shown improved characteristics compared to homoparous sows prior to the application of vaccinations in the farm.  相似文献   

A live vaccine based on a European isolate of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (Porcilis PRRS) was tested in this study in order to determine the protection of fattening pigs against the respiratory form of the syndrome under field conditions. Ten thousand pigs in an infected farm were vaccinated against PRRS virus at the age of 6 weeks and were compared with non-vaccinated pigs with respect to their health status, mortality, performance parameters (average daily gain, average daily feed intake, feed conversion ratio) and the presence of certain pathogens in their lungs. The results showed that treated pigs became ill less frequently and demonstrated reduced mortality compared with untreated ones. As compared with non-vaccinated animals, PRRS-vaccinated pigs also performed in a better way with respect to the feed conversion ratio (P < 0.05) and average daily gain (P < 0.05), while feed intake was similar for both groups (P > 0.05). Bacteriological examinations of the lungs revealed increased incidence of respiratory bacterial infection in untreated pigs compared with treated ones. A tendency for a faster antibody response was also detected in the vaccinees. The results of the present study show that immunization with a live vaccine does protect fattening pigs against the respiratory manifestations of PRRS.  相似文献   

猪繁殖-呼吸综合征活疫苗对仔猪的安全性试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验用猪繁殖-呼吸综合征(PRRS)活疫苗和国内分离的PRRS强毒CH—1a株接种PRRS阴性的断奶仔猪,分别在接种后的3、7、14d各剖杀1头,取各脏器分别做冰冻切片和病理切片观察。用间接免疫荧光法检测各脏器PRRS病毒的分布。结果表明,PRRS活疫苗在免疫初期,抗原主要分布在脾脏、淋巴结,其次是肾脏和肺脏,少见于肝脏和心脏,第14d时在脾、淋巴结和肾脏有一定量的抗原,而肺脏相比则数量很少,肝脏和心脏未检到PRRS病毒抗原的存在,表明接种PRRS活疫苗随着时间的推移抗原分布呈下降趋势。而强毒抗原分布以脾脏最多,依次是肾脏、肺脏、淋巴结、肝脏、心脏,接种后第14d仍能在各脏器检到PRRS病毒抗原。病理组织学检测结果表明,活疫苗产生以下颌淋巴结、脾脏增生为特征的免疫应答,组织损伤轻微,对肺的病变较少,且仔猪生长良好。强毒则引起以大面积的肺泡隔增宽为特点的间质性肺炎和微循环障碍的病理变化,淋巴小结、脾脏滤泡发生崩解与周围界限不清,个别淋巴细胞核浓缩,组织损伤严重。本试验表明弱毒疫苗对仔猪是安全的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether cell-mediated immunity against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus is correlated with protection against reproductive failure in sows during clinical outbreaks of PRRS in commercial herds. DESIGN: Outbreak investigation in 4 swine breeding herds. ANIMALS: 97 sows. PROCEDURES: On each farm, blood samples were collected from sows with clinical signs (abortion or increased fetal death; case sows) and from clinically normal sows (control sows). The intensity of the cell-mediated immune (CMI) response was determined by use of an interferon-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay. Multiple logistic regression analyses and t tests were used to compare ELISPOT assay values between case and control sows. Multiple linear regression was used to investigate associations between cell-mediated immunity and the magnitude of clinical signs. RESULTS: In 2 farms, case sows had lower ELISPOT assay values than control sows. A negative association between the intensity of the CMI response and the number of pigs born dead per litter was detected on 1 farm. In 1 farm, no association was detected between the intensity of the CMI response and protection against reproductive failure. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Evidence that a strong CMI response was correlated with protection against clinical PRRS was detected in 3 of 4 farms. However, farms and sows within farms varied considerably in their immune responsiveness and in the degree to which they were protected clinically. Increasing cell-mediated immunity within infected herds has the potential to decrease clinical reproductive disease, but only if the sources of intra- and interfarm variation in the intensity of cell-mediated immunity to PRRS virus can be identified.  相似文献   

Vaccination is a useful option to control infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), and several modified live-PRRSV vaccines have been developed. These vaccines have shown some efficacy in reducing the incidence and severity of clinical disease as well as the duration of viremia and virus shedding but have failed to provide sterilizing immunity. The efficacy of modified live-virus (MLV) vaccines is greater against a homologous strain compared with heterologous PRRSV strains. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Fostera PRRS MLV vaccine in protecting against challenge with a heterologous field strain widely circulating in the swine herds of eastern Canada. Forty-six piglets were divided into 4 groups: nonvaccinated-nonchallenged; nonvaccinated-challenged; vaccinated-challenged; and vaccinated-nonchallenged. The animals were vaccinated at 23 d of age with Fostera PRRS and challenged 23 d later with a heterologous field strain of PRRSV (FMV12-1425619). Overall, the vaccine showed some beneficial effects in the challenged animals by reducing the severity of clinical signs and the viral load. A significant difference between nonvaccinated and vaccinated animals was detected for some parameters starting 11 to 13 d after challenge, which suggested that the cell-mediated immune response or other delayed responses could be more important than pre-existing PRRSV antibodies in vaccinated animals within the context of protection against heterologous strains.  相似文献   

本试验将繁育母猪60头,随机分为免疫组和对照组,每组各30头,免疫组注射PRRS活疫苗(R98株),于母猪配种前一周接种,接种剂量2 mL/头;接种疫苗的母猪所产仔猪于断奶前一周接种PRRS活疫苗,接种剂量1 mL/头。对照组及所产仔猪不接种PRRS活疫苗。通过小群试验对比观察,收到了理想的免疫效果。在规模猪场和养猪大户中进一步推广应用,PRRS的流行得到了有效控制。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) could persist in non-pregnant sows and if persistently infected sows could transmit virus to naive contact controls. Twelve PRRSV-naive, non-pregnant sows (index sows) were infected with a field isolate of PRRSV and housed in individual isolation rooms for 42 to 56 days postinfection. Following this period, 1 naive contact sow was placed in each room divided by a gate allowing nose-to-nose contact with a single index sow. Index sows were not viremic at the time of contact sow entry. Virus nucleic acid was detected by polymerase chain reaction, and infectious virus was detected by virus isolation in sera from 3 of the 12 contact sows at 49, 56, and 86 days postinfection. All 3 infected contacts developed PRRSV antibodies. Virus nucleic acid was detected in tissues of all of the 12 index sows at 72 or 86 days postinfection. Nucleic acid sequencing indicated that representative samples from index and infected contacts were homologous (> 99%) to the PRRSV used to infect index sows at the onset of the study. This study demonstrates that PRRSV can persist in sows and that persistently infected sows can transmit virus to naive contact animals.  相似文献   

用本厂生产的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)活疫苗及病毒液分别以不同剂量给PRRS阴性猪注射,并在不同时间采血测其相应的抗体水平,比较不同剂量抗体水平维持时间。结果表明,猪注射该疫苗后14d即可产生较高的抗体水平,并在21—35d达到高峰,42d略有下降,70d时抗体水平仍为阳性,104d仍有85%以上的猪抗体水平阳性。  相似文献   

Porcine infections with highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) cause significant morbidity and mortality and currently there are no effective vaccines for disease prevention. An attenuated strain, HuN4-F112, was obtained by passaging the HP-PRRSV HuN4 on Marc-145 cells (112th-passage). PRRSV-free pigs were inoculated intramuscularly with HuN4-F112 (102.0, 103.0, 104.0, 105.0 and 106.0 TCID50 for groups 1–5, respectively). The groups 3–5 could resist the lethal challenge and did not show any obvious changes in body temperature nor clinical signs throughout the experiment, the pathological lesions were milder and the gained weight at a greater rate (P < 0.05), compared to group 1 and control. Sequence analysis of the HuN4 passages showed a conserved epitope in GP5 protein was mutated (196QWGRL/P200 → 196RWGRL/P200), as a result the monoclonal antibody could not recognize the HuN4-F112 any more. These results suggested that the HuN4-F112 could protect piglets from lethal challenge and might be a candidate vaccine against the HP-PRRSV.  相似文献   

为建立猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)疫苗的大规模生产工艺,本研究应用工作体积为l00 L的激流灌注式生物反应器培养Marc-145细胞,接种PRRS病毒R98株(PRRSV-R98),进行病毒培养,结果显示,培养6d细胞数量可增殖5倍~7倍,单次病毒收获量相当于3 000个~5 000个10L转瓶,而且培养的PRRSV-R98各项指标均符合规程要求.本研究在国内首次建立了应用100 L激流灌注式生物反应器制备PRRS活疫苗的生产工艺,为规模化培养工艺的推广与使用提供了技术参数.  相似文献   

Two experiments were undertaken to evaluate whether porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus was able to cross the placenta and infect midgestation fetuses following intranasal inoculation of sows and whether PRRS virus directly infected fetuses following in utero inoculation. In experiment 1, eight sows between 45 and 50 days of gestation were intranasally inoculated with PRRS virus (ATCC VR-2332), and four control sows were inoculated with uninfected cell culture lysate. Virus inoculated sows were viremic on postinoculation (PI) days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, shed virus in their feces and nasal secretions, and became leukopenic. Sixty-nine of 71 fetuses from principal sows euthanized on PI day 7, 14 or 21 were alive at necropsy and no virus was isolated from any of the fetuses. Two principal sows that farrowed 65 and 67 days PI delivered 25 live piglets and three stillborn fetuses. The PRRS virus was isolated from two live piglets in one litter. In experiment 2, laparotomies were performed on five sows between 40 and 45 days of gestation and fetuses were inoculated in utero with either PRRS virus alone, PRRS virus plus a swine serum containing PRRS antibodies, or uninfected cell culture lysate. Three sows were euthanized on PI day 4 and two sows on PI day 11. Viral replication occurred in fetuses inoculated with virus alone and was enhanced in fetuses inoculated with virus plus antibody. No virus was isolated from control fetuses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document shedding of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus in mammary gland secretions of experimentally inoculated sows, to evaluate effects of vaccination during gestation on virus shedding during the subsequent lactation, and to evaluate shedding of PRRS virus in milk of sows in commercial herds. ANIMALS: 6 sows seronegative for PRRS virus were used for experiment 1, and 2 sows were retained for experiment 2. For experiment 3, 202 sows in commercial herds were used. PROCEDURE: In experiment 1, 2 sows were inoculated with PRRS virus, 2 sows were vaccinated with modified-live PRRS virus vaccine, and 2 sows served as control pigs. Mammary gland secretions were assayed for PRRS virus. In experiment 2, pregnant vaccinated sows from experiment 1 were vaccinated with another modified-live PRRS virus vaccine. Mammary gland secretions were assayed in the same manner as for experiment 1. For experiment 3, milk collected from 202 sows in commercial herds was assayed for PRRS virus. RESULTS: In experiment 1, PRRS virus was detected in mammary gland secretions of both vaccinated and 1 of 2 virus-inoculated sows. In experiment 2, virus was not detected in samples from either vaccinated sow. In experiment 3, all samples yielded negative results. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Na?ve sows inoculated late in gestation shed PRRS virus in mammary secretions. Previous vaccination appeared to prevent shedding during the subsequent lactation. Results for samples obtained from sows in commercial herds suggested that virus shedding in mammary gland secretions of such sows is uncommon.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection is now recognized as the major factor in the development of post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). Although Koch's postulates have been fulfilled for PCV2 and PMWS, the severe clinical expression of the disease observed in field cases has been difficult to reproduce experimentally. Some studies have demonstrated that immune stimulation associated with the use of some commercially available swine vaccines may trigger progression of PCV2 infection to disease and lesions characteristic of PMWS. Here we describe the effects on PCV2 infection in an experimental model following the use of a commercially available modified live vaccine to porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus (PRRSV). Although none of the piglets infected with PCV2 developed clinical PMWS, the severity of microscopical lesions and the PCV2 antigen load associated with these lesions were higher in the PRRSV-vaccinated piglets compared with those detected in the PCV2 only infected animals.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the efficacy of vaccination against genotype 1 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in terms of reduction of the transmission. Ninety-eight 3-week-old piglets were divided in two groups: V (n = 40) and NV (n = 58) that were housed separately. V animals were vaccinated with a commercial genotype 1 PRRSV vaccine while NV were kept as controls. On day 35 post-vaccination, 14 NV pigs were separated and inoculated intranasally with 2 ml of a heterologous genotype 1 PRRSV isolate (“seeder” pigs, SP). The other V and NV animals were distributed in groups of 5 pigs each. Two days later, one SP was introduced into each pen to expose V and NV to PRRSV. Sentinel pigs were allocated in adjacent pens. Follow-up was of 21 days. All NV (30/30) became viremic after contact with SP while only 53% of V pigs were detected so (21/40, p < 0.05). Vaccination shortened viremia (12.2 ± 4 versus 3.7 ± 3.4 days in NV and V pigs, respectively, p < 0.01). The 50% survival time for becoming infected (Kaplan–Meier) for V was 21 days (CI95% = 14.1–27.9) compared to 7 days (CI95% = 5.2–8.7) for NV animals (p < 0.01). These differences were reflected in the R value as well: 2.78 (CI95% = 2.13–3.43) for NV and 0.53 (CI95% = 0.19–0.76) for V pigs (p < 0.05). All sentinel pigs (10/10) in pens adjacent to NV + SP pens got infected compared to 1/4 sentinel pigs allocated contiguous to a V + SP pen. These data show that vaccination of piglets significantly decrease parameters related to PRRSV transmission.  相似文献   

以黄芪多糖和白花蛇舌草多糖作为免疫增强剂联合猪高致病性繁殖与呼吸综合征灭活疫苗免疫26日龄断奶仔猪,免疫后7,14,24,34,44,54,69 d前腔静脉采血,检测外周血淋巴细胞增殖,并用ELISA法检测血清中抗猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒抗体及IL-2水平.结果表明,与生理盐水组比较,黄芪多糖和白花蛇舌草多糖均能极显著促进外周血淋巴细胞的增殖,使抗体提早产生并提高抗体滴度和IL-2表达水平;因此,黄芪多糖和白花蛇舌草多糖能增强猪对高致病性繁殖与呼吸综合征灭活疫苗的免疫应答能力.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate if virus shedding could be reduced following a killed porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) vaccination (KV) of PRRSV infected pigs. In experiment 1, PRRSV infected pigs were vaccinated with KV on days 14 and 28 following infection. Viremia and serum neutralizing (SN) antibody were compared to infected pigs with no KV. The second experiment was conducted in an identical manner. In addition to viremia and SN antibody, virus in oropharyngeal scrapings and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) producing cells were monitored. Magnitude and duration of viremia were not different between KV vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups. No virus was detected in oropharyngeal scraping from any pig, nor was there a difference in the detection of viral RNA. In both experiments, however, increases in SN titer and number of IFN-gamma producing cells were observed. The SN titer was significantly higher in KV vaccinated groups than in non-vaccinated group on days 42 and 42-56 following infection in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. The number of IFN-gamma producing cells was slightly higher in KV vaccinated groups than in non-vaccinated group on days 42 and 63. These observations suggest that KV had no effect on virus shedding. However, previously infected pigs responded immunologically to KV, as demonstrated by increases in SN antibody titers and IFN-gamma producing cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of a commercial European porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)‐inactivated vaccine after 18‐month use in gilts/sows at a farm with high seroprevalence. In a farrow‐to‐finish farm with 1100 sows, all sows and gilts were systematically vaccinated with the PRRS‐inactivated PROGRESSIS® vaccine for a period of 18 months. Farm's reproductive and litter characteristics were longitudinally recorded for this period and historically compared with those of the year prior to vaccination. Serology, employing immunoperoxidase monolayer assay, had confirmed a high prevalence of PRRS‐specific antibodies in most age groups within the farm prior to vaccination. Seroprevalence during the experiment ranged between 0% and 100% in weaners and growers, but remained at stable high levels (>93%) in finishing pigs and gilts throughout all 2‐year period of serology measurements. No local or systemic vaccine side effects were noted throughout the trial period. Vaccinations had resulted over time in a significant improvement of sow reproductive performance (e.g. reduction of premature farrowings, abortions and increase of farrowing rate) and litter characteristics (e.g. increase of the number of live born and weaned pigs and decrease of stillborn, mummified, weak and splay‐legged piglets). It has also been observed that the higher the degree of immunization of a sow, the better the improvement of her reproductive parameters. Sows after vaccination have shown improved characteristics compared to homoparous sows prior to the application of vaccinations in the farm.  相似文献   

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection compromises the host's innate and adaptive immunity. The aim of this study was to investigate the immune responses of piglets infected with highly pathogenic (HP) PRRSV (HuN4 strain) with or without the immunization with CH-1R attenuated PRRSV vaccine. The response was evaluated for the clinical signs, pathological changes and virus load in immune organs, antibody responses and levels of serum IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-10. The result showed that in comparison with the piglets received the immunization, the piglets infected with HP-PRRSV alone had the thymus atrophy, decreased serum levels of IL-4 and increased serum levels of IL-10 and INF-γ. These results suggest that elevated IL-10 levels at the early stage of the infection may enhance virus survival and delay the induction of protective immunity, while increased levels of IL-4 induce the effective immune responses and increase the animals' health status.  相似文献   

We examined the two acute phase proteins, alpha (alpha)-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP) and haptoglobin (HP), in serum of pigs following experimental porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus infection. Increased levels of serum HP, but not AGP, were observed from 7 to 21 days post-inoculation in the infected pigs. Furthermore, serum IL-6 increased in the infected pigs, but TNF-alpha did not. The increase of serum IL-6 in pigs following PRRS virus infection may induce production of HP. Also, in the field investigation, serum HP in pigs was dramatically increased after exposure to the PRRS virus.  相似文献   

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