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This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of deforestation on physical and chemical properties of soils under native forest in the Mediterranean region of northwestern Jordan. Land use/cover maps of 1953, 1978 and 2002 were interpreted and analysed within GIS to quantify the shift from forest to rainfed cultivation. Six sites were sampled in a non‐changed forest and in cultivated fields, three for each. Different soil properties of texture, bulk density, organic matter, total nitrogen, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), phosphorous and potassium were analysed. Results showed that many forests were changed into cultivated lands at a rate more than the reforestation. Subsequently, adverse effects on the studied physical and chemical properties were observed. The most affected properties were particle size distribution, bulk density of surface soil and subsoil. Organic matter and CEC decreased in cultivated soil as compared to the forest soil. Cultivated soils were found to exhibit a significantly lower status in physical and chemical soil properties as compared to forest soils. This general decline in the soil physical and chemical properties, in turn, contributed to soil erosion, reduction of soil fertility and land degradation. There is an urgent need to improve soil quality by developing sustainable land use practices to reduce the rate of soil degradation and to ensure long‐term sustainability of the farming system in the study area and in similar biophysical settings. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in land use/land cover have important consequences on the management of natural resources including soil and water quality, global climatic systems and biodiversity. This study analysed the spatial and temporal pattern of land use/land cover change in the Camili forest planning unit that includes the Camili Biosphere Reserve Area within the Caucasian hotspot, in the northeast corner of Turkey. To assess the patterns during a 33‐year period, the necessary data were obtained from forest stand maps and evaluated with Geographic Information Systems and FRAGSTATS. Results showed that the total forested areas increased from 19 946·5 ha (78·6% of the study area) in 1972 to 20 797·3 ha (81·9 per cent) in 2005 with a slight net increase of 851 ha. Softwood cover types (411·8 ha) completely transitioned to other cover types over 33‐year period. In terms of spatial configuration, the total number of forest fragments increased from 172 to 608, and mean size of forest patch (MPS) decreased from 147·7 ha to 41·8 ha during the period. Nearly 84 per cent of the patches in 1972 and 93 per cent of them in 2005 generally seem to concentrate into 0–100 ha patch size class, indicating more fragmented landscape over time that might create a risk for the maintenance of biodiversity of the area. There were apparent trends in the temporal structure of forest landscape, some of which may issue from mismanagement of the area, social conflict, and illegal utilization of forest resources due to ineffective forest protection measurements. The study revealed that it is important to understand both spatial and temporal changes of land use/land cover and their effects on landscape pattern to disclose the implications for land use planning and management. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于多时相TM/ETM+数据的浙江省沿海地区土地利用变化研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images in 1985, 1986, 1993, 1994 and 2001 were used to quantify the land use and land cover changes (LUCC) in the Zhejiang coastal region with a stratified unsupervised classification technique in conjunction with visual interpretation and to attempt an identification of the socioeconomic driving forces. In level I an overall accurate classification was achieved using a modified Anderson's Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ-level classification scheme. The overall accuracy of the land use classification at Anderson level Ⅰ were 89.7% (1985), 91.6% (1993), and 90.4% (2001). The most rapid land use change was a dramatic increase in urban or built-up areas, which quadrupled from 1985 to 2001. Over 90% of this newly expanded built-up area was originally paddy fields or other croplands. In different parts of the Zhejiang coastal region, urban land expansion was spatially uneven. Temporally, land use development did not stabilized, and the two study periods of time (1985-1993 and 1993-2001) had different transition styles. Socioeconomic factors, such as gross domestic product, total population, and financial expenditure, were all highly correlated with the expansion of urban or built-up areas. Based on the degree of urban sprawl and socioeconomic factors, cities and towns were further divided into six subgroups, which may help decision makers improve land use for the region.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲土地利用/覆盖变化对地表温度的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) technologies were used to detect land use/cover changes (LUCC) and to assess their impacts on land surface temperature (LST) in the Zhujiang Delta. Multi-temporal Landsat TM and Landsat ETM+ data were employed to identify patterns of LUCC as well as to quantify urban expansion and the associated decrease of vegetation cover. The thermal infrared bands of the data were used to retrieve LST, The results revealed a strong and uneven urban growth, which caused LST to raise 4.56℃ in the newly urbanized part of the study area. Overall, remote sensing and GIS technologies were effective approaches for monitoring and analyzing urban growth patterns and evaluating their impacts on LST.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲新生湿地土地利用/土地覆被演化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据1986年、1996年和2001年土地覆被数据,运用ARC/INFO软件,研究了近代黄河三角洲的土地覆被演化状况。结果表明:在各覆被类型中耕地面积最大,就耕地变动而言,1986~1996年间耕地的减少明显多于其开垦面积,而1996~2001年间两者面积相当,基本上维持了耕地的动态平衡;1986~1996年间盐生植被的顺向演替与逆向演替面积相当,海域造陆速度明显高于蚀退,而1996~2001年间,顺向演替的面积超过逆向演替,造陆速度明显减缓,蚀退面积超过造陆面积,呈现陆地萎缩的趋势;15年间建设用地迅速增加,1996~2001年间比1986~1996年间增长速度更快,使建设用地面积由1986年的第6位,上升为1996年的第3位,到2001年仅次于耕地处于第2位。  相似文献   

该文针对三门峡水库回水变动区水位变动情况,借助RS、GIS技术对潼关以下库区1987~2002年间典型年的汛期和非汛期土地利用/土地覆被变化情况进行了分析;并基于景观生态学理论和方法,对研究区生态系统景观格局随水位变动的变化情况进行了分析。其结果表明:研究区内河流与耕地面积在汛期和非汛期均呈减小趋势,而裸地的面积却逐渐增大,林地面积不论是在汛期还是在非汛期,其波动都不大。季节性淹水区内各生态系统除砾石滩地面积略有增加外,其他类型的面积均有所减少,受水位变动的影响较大;台地和阶地区内耕地面积有所减少,但草地和裸地面积有大幅度的增加,表明在水位变动的影响下草地分布的高程有所升高;其他生态系统类型受水位变动的影响不大。景观格局分析表明:研究区景观多样性、景观均匀度均呈下降趋势,生态系统正朝单一性、不均匀化的方向发展;景观破碎度略有增加;相对优势度也有一定的增加,研究区受阶地上各生态系统类型的支配程度正在增强。  相似文献   

陕北黄土高原地区土地利用/覆被分类及验证   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
陕北地区自退耕还林工程实施以来,区域土地覆被发生巨大变化,退耕后土地利用/覆被分类有利于实现退耕前后土地利用/覆被动态监测,评价退耕还林工程进展程度。该文在前人分类系统的基础上,通过对研究区不同土地覆被类型分布特征的实地调查,首先构建了适合陕北地区的土地覆被分类系统;其次依照上述分类系统,以MODIS/NDVI数据、DEM数据和陆面温度数据为依据,采用决策树分类方法对2008年陕北地区土地覆被进行分类;最后采用野外调查数据和Google Earth高分辨率遥感数据,利用误差矩阵的方法对分类结果的整体精度和典型区域不同土地覆被类型的区分精度进行验证。结果表明,基于上述方法的土地覆被分类不仅反映了土地覆被分布的整体情况,而且不同的土地覆被类型之间也得到较好的区分。  相似文献   

盐池县土地利用/覆被变化的人文因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以位于我国西部风沙区的盐池县为研究区域,利用土地利用现状变更调查和社会经济统计数据,建立土地利用/覆被变化的人文因素指标体系.用多元线性回归分析与灰色关联分析法,分析了盐池县土地利用/覆被变化的人口、贫富状况、社会经济、技术、政策、文化观念因素,以及土地利用/覆被变化的人文主导指标.结果表明:1)盐池县土地利用以耕地、...  相似文献   

准确量化土地覆被变化对蒸散发的影响是深刻理解全球变化背景下的水资源响应机理的重要前提。该研究基于土地覆被产品MCD12Q1、蒸散发产品MOD16及涡动相关等数据,通过构建剔除气候变化的动态分析方法,量化了2001-2020年间澜湄流域热带地区土地覆被变化对蒸散发耗水量的动态影响。结果表明:1)MCD12Q1与MOD16在该流域的精度较高,其中MCD12Q1的总体精度为82.3%,MOD16在8 d以及月尺度上的RMSE仅略大于1 mm/d;2)2001-2020年研究区植被整体退化明显,其中森林转变为灌木和灌木转变为农田约占流域变化面积的61.2%;3)2001-2020年期间主要土地覆被变化导致区域蒸散发耗水量减少约278.87亿m3,主要土地覆被变化区气候差异导致蒸散发耗水量增加190.96 亿m3。总体上,澜湄流热带地区植被整体呈现出退化的趋势,主要表现为森林转变为灌木和灌木转变为农田。该地区土地覆被变化区域也使得其近20年内蒸散发耗水量减少,改变了土地覆被变化区域水资源循环过程。以上研究结果可为澜湄流域热带地区水资源安全提供有效监测,对地区土水资源合理配置提供重要的科学参考依据。  相似文献   

中国1999-2009年土地覆盖动态变化的时空特点   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
基于SPOT NDVI时间序列研究中国近10 a来(1999-2009年)土地覆盖动态变化的时空特点。首先,对BISE模型进行改进并对数据进行预处理;其次,结合光谱角分类和最小距离分类算法各自的优势构建了一个新的分类算法(SAM-MDM),并对多年NDVI数据分类和后处理,提高了分类精度,能满足土地覆盖变化趋势分析要求;再次,应用土地覆盖动态度模型和GIS叠加方法分析了全国土地覆盖的时空变化,建立了土地覆盖类型转移概率矩阵;最后,应用马尔科夫(Markov)过程建立了类型转移演化模型,对未来20 a土地覆盖动态变化过程进行了预测。通过该研究探讨了中国土地覆盖近10 a来在时间上的动态变化特点、空间上的变化差异、土地覆盖类型的转移概率分布和未来10~20 a的时空变化趋势。  相似文献   

The combined effects of erosive rains, steep slopes and human land use have caused severe land degradation in the Ethiopian Highlands for several thousand years, but since the 1970s, however, land rehabilitation programmes have been established to try to reverse deterioration. In order to characterize and quantify the transformations in the north Ethiopian Highlands, a study was carried out over 8884 km2 of the Tigray Highlands of northern Ethiopia. Using Landsat Multispectral Scanner and later Thematic Mapper imagery (1972, 1984/1986 and 2000), historical terrestrial photographs (1974–1975) and fieldwork (2008), we prepared land use and cover maps. For assessing the use of the historical terrestrial photographs, Landsat images from 1972 were classified using two different methods, namely conventional change detection (image differencing) and ground truthing (using the historical photographs of 1974–1975). Results show that the use of terrestrial photographs is promising, as the classification accuracy based on this method (Kappa coefficient 0·54) is better than the classification accuracy of the method based on image differencing (Kappa coefficient 0·46). Major land use and cover changes indicate the following: (1) a gradual but significant decline in bare ground (32 per cent in 1972 to 8 per cent in 2000); (2) a significant increase of bushland (25 to 43 per cent) and total forest area (including eucalypt plantations, 2·6 to 6·3 per cent); and (3) creation of numerous lakes and ponds. The dominant change trajectory (27 per cent of the study area) indicates a gradual or recent vegetation increase. These changes can be linked to the population growth and the introduction of land rehabilitation initiatives, complemented by growing awareness of land holders. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The development of synergies between efforts to mitigate land degradation and biological diversity decline can enhance effectiveness, speed up implementation and avoid potential conflicts. Due to the variable nature of these processes and to the variable characteristics of the areas where they occur, there is no general rule linking land degradation and biological diversity decline. Thus, a geographically limited approach focusing on drivers of change may provide a more appropriate base upon which synergies can be built. This exercise is undertaken for the case of northern Mediterranean. Three related processes are discussed: land use change (in the form of agricultural abandonment and intensification, as well as urbanization), wildfires and overuse of freshwater resources. Agricultural abandonment stands out as it may or may not have adverse effects on land resources and it may promote either a reduction in biological diversity or a shift in community synthesis. Agricultural intensification affects adversely both biological diversity and land resources, though often through different mechanisms. Urbanization, by taking up space, wildfires, if they recur in short intervals or they are very extended spatially, and overuse of freshwater resources adversely affect both issues through common mechanisms. The fact that the various drivers may operate through different mechanisms and sometimes they do not even produce consistently positive or negative results calls for a site‐specific understanding of the mechanisms. As many of the processes generating these patterns are not reversible, e.g. intensification of agriculture or tourism growth, ways should be sought to reconcile them with conservation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

长江上游地区土地利用/覆被和景观格局变化分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用1980年、1990年和2000年3个时期土地利用数据,将GIS和景观生态学的数量分析方法相结合,运用Arc Info和Arc View以及Fragstats(栅格版),分析了长江上游地区1980~2000年间的土地利用/覆被和景观格局的变化。结果表明:研究期间,林地和耕地大幅度减少,草地和建设用地面积显著增加,水域和未利用地相对变化幅度不大。研究区土地利用类型转移的主要方向是林地转化为草地和耕地、耕地转化为建设用地和草地、草地转化为未利用地。通过对该区斑块类型级别指标的分析,得出水域、建设用地和未利用地分离度和破碎度较大,而耕地、林地和草地在宏观政策和人类活动强烈干扰下,分离度和破碎度呈现先降低后升高的趋势。通过对景观级别指标的分析,得出整个区域景观结构日趋破碎,景观异质性也逐渐提高,土地向着多样化和均匀化发展。长江上游地区脆弱的生态体系对土地利用变化响应强烈,造成水土流失和沙漠化程度加剧,自然灾害频发等景观生态效应。可通过调整景观尺度上的土地利用方式,使长江上游地区生态建设及水土资源实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

大渡河上游生计方式的时空格局与土地利用/覆被变化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
该文以大渡河上游壤塘县、马尔康县和金川县为例,在野外考察、农户调查、历史资料分析的基础上,利用遥感、地理信息系统等多种手段,研究了该区1950~2000年生计方式的时空格局和1967~2000年的土地利用/覆被变化过程。结果表明:在河谷区、中山区、林区和牧区,居民生计方式的演变具有不同的特点。随着生计方式的演变,大渡河上游具有多样的土地利用/覆被变化过程。1980年代以后,该区不同地带劳动力向二三产业的转移具有显著的差异,居民对环境退化具有不同的响应方式。该研究还表明,生态脆弱区社会经济发展和生态重建的关键在于改变居民的生计方式,促进劳动力向二三产业转移。  相似文献   

喀斯特山区土地利用/覆被变化情景模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
该文运用CLUE-S模型模拟研究了贵州中部猫跳河流域在不同情景模式下未来十年内土地覆被的空间变化情况。根据研究区土地覆被结构的现状以及影响土地覆被变化的宏观因素,作者设计了生态安全目标、粮食安全目标、经济发展目标以及综合发展目标等4种可能出现的情景。结果表明,在不同土地利用情景下,猫跳河流域未来十年的土地覆被格局及其效应存在明显的差别。生态安全目标情景能在较大程度上改善流域的生态环境,但会对流域的粮食安全构成较大的威胁。粮食安全目标情景能够保障流域的粮食安全,但会导致区域生态环境质量下降。经济发展目标模式可充分保障经济建设用地的需求,但会威胁到流域的粮食安全。综合发展目标情景比较全面地考虑到了流域经济发展、生态保护以及粮食安全等需要,是研究区未来较为可取的土地利用模式。  相似文献   

Effects of changes in land‐cover on soil quality parameters in an area in northern Ghana were studied. Land‐cover changes were derived from maps of the study area for 1984, 1992 and 1999. There were no significant differences between properties of soils under natural vegetation and soils put under cultivation from 1992, but permanently cultivated soils (1984–1999) showed significantly lower physical and chemical soil properties. Soils recently opened up since 1992 for cultivation in the last seven years (i.e. 1992–1999) were found to manifest significantly higher contents of organic C, N, Ca, Mg and ECEC than those under permanent cultivation, suggesting that continuous cropping is responsible for deterioration in soil quality. Minimum organic C contents necessary to meet critical levels of selected soil quality parameters were estimated. The organic C content of recently cultivated soils would need to be increased by about 7 t ha to replenish soil nutrient capital. This calls for a strategy to synchronize organic matter management with inorganic fertilizer application. Further research is also needed to develop farming systems that conserve organic matter and also improve the quality of organic matter in the study area. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了更加深刻地理解气候和地形条件对土地覆盖的作用机理,该研究以2001年-2009年逐年的MODIS Land Cover(MCD12Q1)为主要数据源,参考中国土地覆盖分类体系整合国际上通用的5种(IGBP、UMD、LAI-fPAR、NPP和PFT)土地覆盖分类体系,分析年际尺度上中国西北干旱半干旱地区的土地覆盖时空分异及其对气候和地形的响应。研究结果表明:IGBP较其他4种更适合年际尺度上干旱半干旱地区土地覆盖的时空分异研究。2001年-2009年,5种分类体系中农田和草地增加,水体湿地和荒漠减少,聚落保持不变,森林有增有减,并且土地覆盖类型间相互发生转换,其在空间上的转移与干旱半干旱地区的自然条件变化和人类活动相适应。6种土地覆盖类型对自然条件的响应与光、热、水在时空格局上的分配以及人类活动作用的强弱相一致。研究结果可为区域或全球土地利用和土地覆盖研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Humans change the landscapes and especially the coastal zones for their requirements. The aim of the study was to analyse land use changes in the Çeşme coastal zone, Turkey, during a 48‐year period (1957–2005) using remote sensing and GIS. In this study, land use changes in the Çeşme coastal zone were analysed using the four sets of land use maps derived from aerial photographs and classified satellite image taken in the years 1957, 1976, 1995 and 2005. Post‐classification algorithm change detection was applied to observe land use changes during three time periods: Period 1 (1957–1976), Period 2 (1976–1995) and Period 3 (1995–2005). The results showed that natural land cover and agricultural lands decreased and built‐up area increased throughout the study area during the 48‐year period between 1957 and 2005. Furthermore, land use change was successively increased in Period 1, Period 3 and Period 2. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The emergence of land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) as one of the major themes within the global environmental change research community poses a series of difficult but not insurmountable problems. LUCC takes place incrementally through the operation of sets of human and biophysical forces largely specific to the locale in question, but cumulatively LUCC contributes significantly to global environmental change. Linking LUCC to global change requires the cooperation of the natural and social sciences to bridge the local to global dynamics involved. The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme are undertaking the development of an international research project with such aims in mind. This project seeks to improve understanding of LUCC dynamics by balancing the need for a nuanced understanding at the local level with the need from improved regional and global LUCC models. The rudiments of this effort and some of problems confronting it are outlined here.  相似文献   

Land degradation is a natural and socioeconomic cause–effect phenomenon that is widespread all over the world. This study investigated the socioeconomic factors and causes of land degradation (e.g. population growth and urbanization, poverty, overgrazing, pollution, biodiversity, erosion) in the eastern part of the Mediterranean region. The study revealed a significant land use change from agricultural and natural vegetation to urbanized areas due to the high population increase during the last ca. 80 years (51‐times the magnitude of the total built‐up area). The high poverty rate that exists in the area (57 per cent of the population can be classed as ‘poor’) has resulted in damaging environmental practices (overgrazing and intensive usage of natural plants); we found 83 per cent of the farmers admitted to the adoption of these practices. Poverty has also resulted in an inverse and significant correlation (at the 95 per cent confidence level) between holding size and the sale of land for urban uses. We also noted that 75 per cent of the smallholder farmers surveyed had sold their lands for immediate benefits to cope with poverty. This relation was affected by the education level of the farmers; we found a direct and significant (95 per cent confidence level) correlation existed between these factors. Overgrazing was practised by 70 per cent of the farmers and was found to be one of the most important environmental consequences of land use change (1600 ha have been transformed from natural grazing to built‐up (urban) in the study area). Socio‐economic induced land degradation demands efforts to improve farmer environmental awareness as well as environmental standards, laws and bylaws and the reduction of mismanagement of land. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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