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Using an econometric model of the sawtimber and pulpwood market in price region 1 (the northern part of Sweden), it is considered whether the subsidies paid to regeneration costs in this region have had any measurable effect on short‐run wood supply. The analysis is a continuation of the work presented by Brännlund et al. (1985 b), in which it was claimed that subsidies have had a non‐positive effect on short‐run supply. A more elaborated test is used in this study. The test is based on the use of a reference model which, in this case, consists of an econometric model for the whole country of Sweden. The results from the test cannot be used to reject the conclusion that subsidies have had a non‐positive effect on short‐run wood supply.  相似文献   

Following the literature on automation, we model the industrial network of the forest-based sector, with random demands, in the presence of supply contracts. The economic network is composed of upstream, instream and downstream agents. Through the resolution of the variational inequality model, we investigate the network equilibrium flows and compute the prices at which the former can be attained. With respect to other results on optimal pricing of timber and wood products in France, the model outputs show that forest resources are overvalued, while manufactured products are undervalued. At last, we explicitly state the equilibrium conditions in case of vertical integration between the upstream and instream agents.  相似文献   

A major worldwide trend toward the use of agroforestry and other sustainable agricultural systems has heightened the need for training. Such training is currently underway on every continent. This paper addresses the general principles and practices of training in agroforestry focusing on who needs training, what training is required, and designing training programs. The breadth and depth of training required by the various clientele groups — villagers, politicians, technicians, and professionals — are quite different. Politicians require broad but rather shallow training in agroforestry making them aware of the physical and biological constraints, as well as the social and economic aspects of agroforestry. Villagers require applied, hands-on training but teaching principles also enables them to develop and modify their own systems. Technicians and professionals both need more in-depth and thorough training consisting of both principles and practices. Spaid's approach to training involves the 4-D program: Define, Design, Develop and Deliver. Another model for training, the critical events model, emphasizes the need for feedback and evaluation in every stage of the training program. If a series of well-defined steps is followed, valuable, efficient, effective training programs that further the understanding and practice of agroforestry can be a reality.  相似文献   

让尺对杉木材积及经济效益的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾国容 《森林工程》2002,18(1):24-26
通过调查4m长且直径为4-18cm的杉原木11358株,分别统计国标及不同让尺程度的材积,并与实际材积进行比较,以及经济效益分析,认为国标检尺作为木材交易的尺度是准确的、公平的。让尺检尺、选材既损失大量木材地降低单位经济效益,同时容易滋生行业不正之风和以尺谋私等问题。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]记者从10月18日由国家林业局经济发展研究中心和环球木材综合发展有限公司在人民大会堂联合举行的新闻发布会上获悉:2003年(首届)中国林业与木业可持续发展国际研讨会将于10月26日至28日在北京国际会议中心举行。会议由国家林业局经济发展研究中心和环球木材综合发展有限公司主办,由(泰国)顺和成集团、承达木材制品有限公司、大兴安岭林业集团公司协办。会议的主题是全面落实《中共中央国务院关于加快林业发展的决定》,努力实现中国林业与木业的可持续发展。会议主要研讨内容为:中国林业与木业可持续发展趋势;非公有制林业发展对中…  相似文献   

介绍了我国木材和竹材资源的基本情况,对我国木材供需矛盾作了分析,提出了如何加大竹材资源的开发力度的建议。  相似文献   

We analyze legality in the forest sector in Bolivia, focusing particularly on the domestic timber value chain in the northern Bolivian Amazon. Bolivia adopted wide-reaching forest, land and democratic regulatory changes since the mid-1990s that were partly intended to reduce illegal logging and related practices. The new forest regulations, in turn, led to new illegal practices because implementation and sanctioning were poor, but also because new forest and land regulations were inadequate and often contradictory. In response, the government and various forest agencies adopted new measures to address the new illegal practices. These forest regulatory and forest policy renovations and modifications of the last two decades are, for instance, reflected in the domestic timber market of the northern Bolivian Amazon, a region that relies heavily on the forest sector. The paper analyzes Bolivia’s regulatory changes that were relevant for legality in the forest sector and the multiple modifications that were made to address shortcomings of these reforms. It also analyses legality in the domestic timber value chain in northern Bolivia. The new actors involved in especially the domestic timber value chain have moved away from formal and legal mechanisms to benefit from timber that grows on their land and forests to practices that were not considered or actually shunned in the law and that appear difficult to regulate. Unless these new practices are recognized adequately in a new forestry law, some of the production and trade of the timber value chain will likely continue to operate at the margin of legality.  相似文献   

经济林产业是林业产业的重要组成部分,经济林产品是国家经济建设和人民生活所需的重要产品。据统计,我国主要经济林产品1990~2000年的市场供应量平均每年增长12%以上,它们在满足国内消费需求的同时,为我国产品出口创汇作出了重要贡献。以苹果、柑橘、梨、核桃、板栗、枣、茶叶、杏仁、枸杞、生漆、竹笋干为主的出口产品,在国际市场上形成了一定的优势,多年来基本上保持着稳定的出口量。但是,从目前的发展现状来看,有的经济林产品已出现明显的供过于求,如低档的苹果、柑橘等。有的产品仍然供应不足,如阿月浑子、龙眼、猕猴桃、可可、咖啡、…  相似文献   

市场机制配置资源具有效率,全部商品林与少部分生态公益林主要通过市场机制调节经营。决定市场机制运行的动力是供给与需求,认识供给与需求及其相互作用的关系是市场经济条件下认识与解决问题的基础。从供给的角度论述了木材供给曲线形成的基础及其影响因素,为构造木材或森林资源供求模型奠定了基础,为分析商品林经营政策及其政策的有效性提供了前提,同时为制定合理的商品林经营政策提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

近几年来,我国木材市场一直处于供大于求、买方市场地位难动的局面。特别是1998年我国发生大面积洪涝灾害,国家实施天然林保护工程以后,大量进口材涌进国内,造成市场销售不畅,产品严重积压,无论给国家或是商家企业,都带来了巨大损失。痛定思痛,国内木材市场一方面不断受资源日益减少的困扰,另一方面却显示供求失衡的恶果,其原因究竟在哪里?每年进入流通市场的木材到底有多少从国家林业部门每年商品木材计划的数量来看,实施天保工程前在5500万m3至5800万m3之间,1998年以后则逐渐下降到5000万m3,2000年进入到流通领域的木材产量约为4700万…  相似文献   

Matching tree species to appropriate site conditions and stand management is crucial for sound agroforestry production. In this study, survival, growth and site index for laurel (Cordia alliodora (Ruiz and Pavón) Oken.) were measured between 1987–1999 in two forestry (line plantings and pure plantations) and four agroforestry systems (taungya and three laurel – cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) systems) in the lowland humid tropics of Costa Rica and Panama. Mortality ranged between 2 and 52% at age nine years. Poor drainage, flooding and high water tables resulted in low laurel survival on some sites. At age 5, laurel site index was 21 m in cacao – plantain (Musa AAB) – laurel associations (CLP), but only 15 m in line plantings. Diameter at breast height at that age was 28.5 cm in CLP and only 15.6 cm in pure plantations. Laurel growth and site index were high when planted in association with intensively managed crops (e.g., cacao, plantain or taungya sequences).  相似文献   

We propose a game-theoretic model for a first-price sealed-bid auction (FPSB auction) of standing timber. A FPSB auction means that bidders simultaneously submit sealed bids so that no bidder knows the bid of any other participant. The highest bidder pays the submitted price. The mathematical model has been elaborated considering only two bidders. Each bidder is supposed to know only the probability distribution of the bid of the other bidder. Using appropriate distributions, the adversity and propensity of a bidder to risk can be described. From the view point of a bidder, the conservative solution is calculated for both types of the other bidder. If a standing timber belongs to a public owner, the market has to follow a public evidence procedure, including public auctions. The function obtained is illustrated with a numerical example of a typical standing timber auction from a forest located in central Italy. Considering average costs and prices of the local chestnut timber market, winning bids and expected gains are estimated. Their amounts are comparable with the currently average stumpage price registered in this market.  相似文献   

The European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) was adopted in 2010. This Regulation prohibits placing illegally harvested timber on the EU market and obliges economic operators who put timber products for the first time on the EU market to exercise due diligence. So far, little research has been done to understand the politics of the EUTR. Based on 25 interviews with key informants and the analysis of 32 policy documents, this paper explains the emergence of the Regulation as a result of coalitional politics driven by both conflict and cooperation among state and non-state actors. We show that the politics of the EUTR is marked by heated policy debates and mistrust, in particular in regards to the prohibition clause and the relation between legality and sustainability. Domestic timber producers (public and private forest owners), forest industry (sawmilling, furniture, pulp and paper) and forest-rich EU member states (e.g. Austria, Germany, Finland and Sweden) represented in the Council built a CONTRA-coalition that were (initially) opposed to the regulatory changes suggested by the PRO-coalition of environmental groups and the European Parliament. The Regulation emerged through a strategic alliance between environmental groups, timber import-dependent forest industries and retailers. This “Baptists-and-Bootleggers” alliance was facilitated by an overlap of environmentalists' beliefs and moral arguments (emphasizing the negative societal and ecological impacts of illegal logging) and timber industries' economic interests (protectionism and market expansion as well as reputational improvement). The EUTR was finally adopted through the political support of national authorities of EU member states who are timber import-dependent (the UK, the Netherlands and Denmark), and the European Parliament. The paper concludes with a reflection on the importance of coalitional politics for policy change at the nexus between environmental, trade and market policies.  相似文献   

如何解决本材供需矛盾,缓解森林资源压力,确保“天保”工程的顺利实施,成为困扰林业行业和国民经济发展的重大问题之一。大力发展商品人工林以保护天然林资源和满足林产品需求,是世界人工林发展的总体趋势。文章结合国内外商品人工林发展状况,阐述了商品人工林对解决木材供需平衡的重要性,提出商品人工林营林实践中面临的问题和环境可持续经营,以及提高商品人工林经营水平的建议,对当前速生丰产林建设及退耕还林的实施也有一些借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the competitiveness of the US timber industry under different exchange rate policies using a dynamic optimization model of global timber markets. Recent exchange rate adjustments by economies that compete with the United States in the timber sector suggest that it is important to consider how future trends in exchange rates may affect roundwood producers in the US that are already facing competitive pressures from abroad due to differences in capital and labor costs, environmental restrictions, and other factors. We assume that exchange rates affect the cost structure of harvesting and managing forests and simulate the model for baseline conditions and six additional real exchange rate policies. Two policies consider a strengthening United States dollar (US $) scenario, two policies examine weak South American currencies, and two scenarios assume a persistently weak US $. The results indicate that US competitiveness in the forestry sector is sensitive both to strong US $ policies and to the weak currency policies pursued by South American governments, as well as a weak dollar policy that is intended to improve the United States' competitiveness in the global timber market and reduce the large trade gap and account deficit. A 20% increase in value of the US $ compared to all other currencies can reduce harvests by 4–7% in the United States over the next 50 years, while a similar reduction in currency values in South America can reduce U.S. production less than 1%. A 20% devaluation of the US $ can increase annual domestic timber harvests by 2–3% and net present value of producer surplus by 3–10%.  相似文献   

We estimated the annual value of old growth trees in Israel using a Contingent Valuation (CV) study. We used the payment card (PC) procedure and surveyed both forest visitors as well as a representative sample of the general population. It was found out that the annual value can range between 2.35 and 19.9 million Euros depending on the assumption with respect to who are the beneficiaries of the project. This value is important since old growth trees are used less for active recreation but has an important role in the heritage of the country. As such they should be allocated funds to be preserved. This paper tries to understand the value of this commodity from an economic point of view in order to conclude if it deserves the financial effort needed to be preserved.  相似文献   

通过对我县木材产销中存在问题的分析,提出改进意见和管理办法,全面提高企业经济效益。  相似文献   


This paper comparatively examines two forest management planning approaches: multipurpose forest management and traditional timber management, with carbon, timber and oxygen production objectives in mind. The effects of both approaches on carbon and oxygen values were estimated with an oxygen and carbon flow matrix, while timber production was modelled through a growth and yield model. The estimated values were simultaneously integrated into a linear programming model developed for this study. The objective was to maximize the net present value (NPV) of the profits of timber, oxygen and carbon under the constraints of an even flow of timber production and ending forest inventory for each planning approach. The results showed that the ecological and environmental regulations in multipurpose management substantially decreased the NPV of timber production even though they increased the NPV of carbon and oxygen flow. The results also indicated that over a 100 year planning horizon the total NPV of all forest ecosystem values including carbon, timber and oxygen is almost the same (only 1.9% reduction in multipurpose management approach) in both management approaches. Although multipurpose management creates more NPV of carbon and oxygen than timber management does, the latter provides better results in terms of timber production. It is therefore important to take into account the NPV of all apparent and quantifiable forest values in preparing forest management plans, particularly in developing new management planning approaches.  相似文献   

A possible method of protecting biosphere reserve core zones is to encourage transition and buffer zone activities which are compatible with the core and which provide sufficient returns to the human population to make entry into the core zone unnecessary. The AMISCONDE project is promoting block plantations and coffee/tree agroforestry systems to do this, but did not analyze their financial or economic feasibility. Unprofitable systems will not be adopted without subsidy and are not sustainable after a project ends. Analyses show internal rates of return exceeding 30% for coffee/tree combinations both with and without project subsidies. Coffee/tree systems have significantly higher returns than coffee without trees, reduce the risk from coffee price fluctuations, and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers. Returns from a block plantation of cypress are a small fraction of coffee and coffee/tree system returns, but still are positive and have the advantage of requiring much smaller initial investments. The systems analyzed seem likely to be sustainable and to contribute to project conservation and development objectives. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

随着纸及纸板生产与消费数量的不断提高,我国造纸工业结构调整的发展对木材原料的需求将持续增加。我国木材市场数据显示,以原木、锯材等为代表的木材原料,以木浆、木片为代表的造纸原料进口均呈平稳增长趋势,木材市场供需矛盾突出。造纸工业竞争的核心是木材原料的争夺,而我国木材市场自有木材供给的严重不足性和进口总量的绝对依赖性特征决定了造纸工业木材原料未来仍将依靠进口。  相似文献   

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