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When devising policies for financing private silvicultural operations on public forest land, government agencies should consider carefully the benefits and costs of alternative arrangements and how they arc likely to affect tenure holders' behavior. Three general methods of achieving silvicultural objectives arc discussed — the creation of incentives for private voluntary expenditures, reimbursement by governments of expenditures on approved or required silvicultural operations, and required silvicultural operations at the tenure holder's expense.Private firms will only invest voluntarily in silviculture on public lands if they have adequate security of tenure and hold sufficient equity in the timber values resulting from their activities. If firms' silvicultural costs arc reimbursed, their behavior will depend on the extent of reimbursement and whether they have a financial interest in the outcomes of their reimbursed activities. Generally, reimbursement of expenditures must be supported by minimum performance standards and costly monitoring and enforcement procedures. If silvicultural operations are required at the tenure holder's expense, firms will only undertake silviculture to avoid penalties and have a strong incentive to achieve required standards at minimum cost. More stringent monitoring and enforcement procedures may be necessary than if costs arc reimbursed.The impact of policy alternatives is illustrated by means of a survey of silvicultural expenditures on two forest tenure types in British Columbia.  相似文献   

This paper reports results from a survey of forest contractingfirms (‘contractors’) in Northern Scotland, carriedout as part of a tripartite 1991–94 study of forestryin rural development in Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republicof Ireland. Aspects of the overall study focused upon the structureand activities of the contractor sector of the Scottish forestryindustry, in par-ticular its sources of business, employmentcharacteristics, capital assets and future prospects. Resultsshow that the sector in 1992 was highly fragmented, while sub-contractingwas common.Harvesting and general contractors were heavily relianton the Forestry Commission for con-tracts, while silviculturalcontractors mostly relied on forest management companies andfarmers. During the last 12 years, employment has increasedonly in the general sector, while workers directly employedtended to live closer to the firm's address than sub-contractors.Finally, most harvesting and silvicultural firms in the aa were,at the time of survey, pessimistic as to the future survivalof their businesses  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to predict the likely amounts of carbon sequestration on a national scale for Japan in the Article-3.4 private planted forests of the Kyoto Protocol during the first commitment period. We regarded the planted forests that had undergone silvicultural practices such as weeding, pruning, and thinning since 1990 as Article-3.4 planted forests in accordance with the definition given by the Forestry Agency of Japan. Regression models were developed to predict the forest areas that had undergone silvicultural practices, employing silvicultural subsidies and forest workers' wages as predictor variables. Then the time series changes in the predictor variables were provided by extending their recent trends, with the result being that the forest areas that have undergone silvicultural practices were predicted on the basis of the three scenarios of the variables. Thus, the Article-3.4 forest area was calculated considering overlaps of silvicultural practices over fixed stands, and the area was converted into the amount of carbon sequestration by multiplying it by coefficients such as a volume table, biomass expansion factor, and others. The result implied that Article-3.4 private planted forests were expected to sequester 8.16–8.87 Mt-C year−1 during the first commitment period. These amounts cover 63%–68% of the carbon sequestration goal by land-use change and forestry activities capped under the Marrakesh Accords. To realize this prediction, it is important to provide a sufficient silvicultural subsidy to last until the end of the first commitment period and to implement silvicultural practices on the forest stands that have not undergone such practices since 1990.  相似文献   

Silviculture to maintain old-growth forest attributes appears to be an oxymoron since the late developmental phases of forest dynamics, described by the term old-growth, represent forests that have not experienced human intervention or timber removal for a long time. In the past, silvicultural systems applied to old-growth aimed to convert it into simplified, more productive regrowth forests substantially different in structure and composition. Now it is recognised that the maintenance of biodiversity associated with structural and functional complexity of late forest development successional stages cannot rely solely on old-growth forests in reserves. Therefore, in managed forests, silvicultural systems able to develop or maintain old-growth forest attributes are being sought. The degree to which old-growth attributes are maintained or developed is called “old-growthness”. In this paper, we discuss silvicultural approaches that promote or maintain structural attributes of old-growth forests at the forest stand level in (a) current old-growth forests managed for timber production to retain structural elements, (b) current old-growth forests requiring regular, minor disturbances to maintain their structure, and (c) regrowth and secondary forests to restore old-growth structural attributes. While the functions of different elements of forest structure, such as coarse woody debris, large veteran trees, etc., have been described in principle, our knowledge about the quantity and distribution, in time and space, of these elements required to meet certain management objectives is rather limited for most ecosystems. The risks and operational constraints associated with managing for structural attributes create further complexity, which cannot be addressed adequately through the use of traditional silvicultural approaches. Silvicultural systems used in the retention and restoration of old-growthness can, and need, to employ a variety of approaches for managing spatial and temporal structural complexity. We present examples of silvicultural options that have been applied in creative experiments and forestry practice over the last two decades. However, these largely comprise only short-term responses, which are often accompanied by increased risks and disturbance. Much research and monitoring is required still to develop and optimise new silvicultural systems for old-growthness for a wide variety of forest ecosystem types.  相似文献   

Major changes in Mediterranean forests have occurred in recent decades, mainly as a result of the abandonment of traditional activities and population decline in rural areas. In this study, we analyzed the short-term (11-year) evolution of forests in the region of Catalonia (NE Spain) and the role of management, by comparing seven biodiversity indicators estimated from 7,664 plots from the Second and Third Spanish National Forest Inventory. We evaluated the changes in unmanaged and managed stands with different silvicultural treatments, and considered the effect of stand density and land ownership on these dynamics. We found a general naturalization and maturation of forests and an increase in all of the biodiversity indicators investigated during the study period, with the increments being greater in unmanaged than in managed plots. Some types of silvicultural treatments, such as selection cutting or thinning, were shown to be compatible with an increase in the analyzed indicators, and thus were more adequate for a multifunctional management that considers forest production together with the maintenance or improvement of the diversity of forest communities. The increases in shrub species richness and in the number of large-diameter trees after silvicultural treatments were more prominent in dense stands. Private lands presented greater short-term increases than public forests in all biodiversity indicators, except for large-diameter trees. From these results, we concluded that the application of silvicultural treatments can be a key tool to shape and maintain diverse and healthy forest structures in the context of socioeconomic and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region, which may induce potentially excessive densification and homogenization of some forest stands and landscapes.  相似文献   

Forestry and forest industry in the Republic of South Africa are compared first with other primary and secondary industries in the country with regard to capital invested, value of output, number of employees, salaries and wages paid out, and export earnings.

Secondly, South Africa is compared with other countries with regard to forest area, growth and timber output, and per caput consumption of forest products.  相似文献   

姚顺波 《林业科学》2005,41(6):85-88
证伪了森林生态效益补偿研究的2个理论假设:具有正外部性的经济活动需获得补偿,森林生态效益(使用价值)即森林生态价值。说明森林生态效益补偿研究尚缺乏必要的理论支撑。林业补助是政府为鼓励营林生产而对营林活动进行补助的制度设计,其理论基础是利益导向学,即生产要素向投资回报率高的行业流动。林木补偿是政府为了生态安全限制林木所有权行使对林木所有者造成经济损失的一种弥补措施,其理论依据是法理上的既得权说、特别牺牲说及公平负担说。构建林业补助与林木补偿制度替代现行的森林生态效益补偿制度是适应林业生产发展的制度改革。  相似文献   

COST (COST is an intergovernmental framework for European cooperation in science and technology. COST funds network activities, workshops and conferences with the aim to reducing the fragmentation in European research) Action E47, European Network for Forest Vegetation Management??Towards Environmental Sustainability was formed in 2005 and gathered scientists and practitioners from eighteen European countries with the objective of sharing current scientific advances and best practice in the field of forest vegetation management to identify common knowledge gaps and European research potentials. This paper summarizes the work of the COST action and concludes that although diverse countries have by necessity adopted different means of addressing the challenges of forest vegetation management in Europe in the 21st century, some common themes are still evident. In all countries, there is a consensus that vegetation management is a critical silvicultural operation to achieve forest establishment, regeneration, growth and production. It appears that herbicides are still in use to some degree in all the countries reviewed, although at a lower intensity in many of the northern countries compared to other regions. The most common alternatives to herbicides adopted are the use of mechanical methods to cut vegetation and achieve soil cultivation; overstorey canopy manipulation to control vegetation by light availability; and in some instances the use of mulches or biological control. Any reductions in herbicide use achieved do not seem to have been driven solely by participation in forest certification schemes. Other factors, such as national initiatives or the availability of additional resources to implement more expensive non-chemical approaches, may be equally important. The development of more cost-effective and practical guidance for managers across Europe on non-chemical control methods can best be brought about by future collaborative research into more sustainable and holistic methods of managing forest vegetation, through the identification of silvicultural approaches to reduce or eliminate pesticide use and through gaining a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms and impacts of competition.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the role and effectiveness of community organisers in supporting the development of people’s organisations in achieving community-based forest management objectives in Leyte Province Philippines. Community organisers were found to be effective in forming people’s organisations (POs), motivating people to participate in voluntary activities organised by POs and encouraging cohesiveness among PO members. Community organisers manage to raise the level of environmental awareness and knowledge of members of people’s organisations, develop leadership interest and skills, create various livelihood opportunities and provide direction and facilitate the establishment of large tree plantations. However, the short duration of community organisers’ contracts (typically two years) is insufficient to establish mature and cohesive POs prepared to assume management on their own, including the management of tree plantations. Further, lack of training and funding support, low wages, delayed payment of salaries and limited time to work with people’s organisations, as well as the pressure to produce tangible outputs such the establishment of large tree plantations, prevents them from placing greater emphasis on the development and empowerment of the people.  相似文献   

Use of reduced-impact logging (RIL) techniques has repeatedly been shown to reduce damage caused by logging. Unfortunately, these techniques do not necessarily ameliorate the low growth rates of many commercial species or otherwise assure recovery of the initial volume harvested during the next cutting cycle. In this study, we analyze the effect of logging and application of additional silvicultural treatments (liana cutting and girdling of competing trees) on the growth rates on trees in general and on of future crop trees (FCTs) of 24 commercial timber species. The study was carried out in a moist tropical forest in Bolivia, where we monitored twelve 27-ha plots for 4 years. Plots received one of four treatments in which logging intensity and silvicultural treatments were varied: control (no logging); normal (reduced-impact) logging; normal logging and low-intensity silviculture; and, increased logging intensity and high-intensity silviculture. Tree growth rates increased with intensity of logging and silvicultural treatments. The growth rates of FCTs of commercial species were 50–60% higher in plots that received silvicultural treatments than in the normal logging and control plots. Responses to silvicultural treatments varied among functional groups. The largest increase in growth rates was observed in FCTs belonging to the partially shade-tolerant and the shade-tolerant groups. These results indicate that silvicultural treatments, in addition to the use of RIL techniques, are more likely to result in a higher percentage of timber volume being recovered after the first cutting cycle than RIL alone.  相似文献   

恒被林及其育林体系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
恒被林很早就被提出来了,但其育林体系直到现在才得到推行,这个育林体系不包括皆伐,要求林冠永远地覆盖林地,而不使土壤裸露。这个育林体系既能维护森林环境,不影响森林景观和森林结构的变化,又能培育与收获木材,很符合现代的森林经营观念。英国的恒被育林体系包括:群状与单株择伐,渐伐,带状与群状渐伐,有计划的群状采伐,伐块范围不超过0.25hm2,采用人工栽植或天然更新或两者结合以形成复层异龄混交林。对于同龄纯林可采用上述育林体系进行改造。  相似文献   

The availability of timber in the United States depends largely on forest management and investment decisions of nonindustrial private forest landowners since they hold the largest share of forest land in the nation. Since NIPF landowners are so diverse, there is a need to better understand the determinants of their decisions so that policies could be in place to motivate them. A survey was carried out in 2005 to the nonindustrial private forest landowners of West Virginia to examine the factors affecting their forest management decisions. The study looked at four categories of decisions related to forest management: timber harvest, silvicultural activities (i.e., tree planting, herbicide application, fertilization, thinning, grapevine control, and timber stand improvement), property management activities (i.e., road construction, road maintenance, surveying/boundary maintenance, and access control), and wildlife habitat management and recreation improvement activities. Four models were developed to examine factors affecting each category of forest management activity. The results showed that landowner, ownership, and management characteristics of NIPF landowners are associated with their forest management decisions. Specifically, age, education, profession, income, ownership size, period of forestland acquisition, distance of the forestland to the place of residence, whether the forestland was purchased or acquired through inheritance or as a gift, primary objective of forestland ownership, and presence of a written forest management plan were found to be significant determinants for at least one of the categories of forest management activities. The models explained 25%, 27%, 31%, and 24% of the variation in timber harvesting, silvicultural activities, property management activities, and wildlife habitat management and recreation improvement activities, respectively. Understanding the underlying factors influencing forest management decisions of this diverse group of forest landowners could form the basis for developing, modifying and targeting policy instruments to motivate NIPF landowners in forest management.  相似文献   


? Context

Two-thirds of Britain’s forest area is privately owned. Thus, understanding private forest owners and managers, and their attitudes to uncertainty and change, is essential for the success of climate change adaptation policies.

? Aim

The aims of this study are to (1) assess how beliefs in climate change in the private sector have influenced forest management practices; (2) identify constraints related to changes in species choice and silvicultural systems; (3) analyse the implications for implementing climate change policy in forestry.

? Method

Semi-structured interviews with key informants who provide advice to, or manage woodlands in, the private forest sector in north Wales.

? Results

Woodland managers and some advisers are not generally convinced of a need to adapt. They feel the future is uncertain, more usually in relation to tree disease than to climate change itself. Species choice is the principle focus of adaptation activities and reveals a deep divide in opinion. Commercial advisors look to new exotics but are inhibited by absence of markets, while small-scale owners rely more on native genetic diversity.

? Conclusions

Findings that are likely to apply widely include: the influential role of forest agents in forest management decisions including species choice; lack of confidence in climate change predictions, and in markets; more immediate concerns about tree pests and diseases; demand for leadership from the public sector, and for engagement amongst the private sector. Further research is needed across a wider area to test the variability in relationship between attitudes and behaviours, and local conditions including climate change predictions.  相似文献   

The elementary method based on Faustmann's analysis and extended by Hartman is used for the design of payment schemes inciting forest owners to manage their assets in a way more conducive to nature conservation. It is not aimed at extending the elementary theory but rather, to elicit its most important empirical implications. It is taken for granted that the conservation benefit of a forest increases linearly with time. Linearity is not only in sufficient agreement with ecological facts but also makes it easy to derive important conditions, in particular the minimal payment inducing owners never to harvest. The theory is applied to a German beech forest model (Fagus sylvatica). It is found that inciting owners to delay cutting cannot be recommended. The instrument should be used for the objective of abandoning cutting altogether which, however, demands that the conservation objective, as expressed in its present value, is granted a very high value by society. In the sequel, various aspects as to the scheme's practicability are discussed, including the need to capitalise annual payments into one single sum, the choice of a discount rate, the allowance for current costs in forestry and the likely approval of payments in the political arena. Although the discussion identifies several obstacles to the practical application of the scheme, there appears to exist no principal reason why a conservation policy based on the Faustmann–Hartman approach should not work in forestry.  相似文献   

Initiatives promoting community forestry in South America have significantly increased over the past decade. Many of these efforts have concentrated on indigenous lands where a large proportion of commercially valuable forests are located. One such project, among the Chiquitano Indians of Lomerio in southeast Bolivia, is examined here. Interviews with Chiquitano leaders, NGO and development organisation workers, and forest and sawmill workers, as well as ethnographic research in Chiquitano communities, are used to describe problems faced by the project in establishing forest management activities, organizing labour, administration, paying wages and distributing benefits. The author argues that many of the problems that the Lomerio project is experiencing can be traced to fundamental conflicts between Chiquitano culture and the values that necessarily accompany market-based development efforts such as community forestry. The research suggests that the key to success in Lomerio will lie in moulding the organisation of the project in ways that reflect Chiquitano patterns of work and production, and reconciling the demands of market economics with the values of reciprocation that permeate life in Chiquitano communities.  相似文献   

Forest management is often carried out in different ways, without any appropriate environmental restrictions. Stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Galicia (NW Spain) have been harvested by alternating high forest and, mainly, coppice forest. However, some totally inappropriate silvicultural treatments have been used, such as thinning of the best trees and inadequate pruning. The objective of the present study was to analyse how environmental characteristics affect the management of oak forests in Galicia. For this, a botanical inventory was carried out in 39 selected stands of Q. robur and a total of 42 parameters were measured, 4 of which were physiographical, 12 climatic, 19 edaphic and 7 silvicultural. In order to analyse the possible relationships among these variables, the silvicultural data were compared with the other data, by canonical correlation analysis. All parameters were correlated with the silvicultural regime, although the correlation was weak for the floristic data. It is therefore evident that the environmental conditions affect how forest stands should be managed, although this does not imply that more profitable use of the stands cannot be achieved than at present, and alternative silvicultural methods must be found to enable appropriate management and conservation of oak stands.  相似文献   

The conversion of secondary pine plantations into mixed broadleaf stands is considered to be an important mechanism in the process of sustainable forest management. The silvicultural process of forest conversion in ageing pine plantations is associated with active management aimed at inducing, steering or accelerating stand development. The aim of the present study was to investigate owner-specific factors – socio-demographic and forest-related characteristics, and motivation of ownership – influencing NIPF owners' active engagement in silvicultural conversion (henceforth referred to as ‘conversion activity’). The study relies on a survey of non-industrial private owners (n = 276) of pine plantations on poor sandy soils in Flanders (northern Belgium). The study revealed that NIPF owners, in general, make only minor contributions to forest conversion. Conversion activity (including thinning, making space for broadleaves, removing invasive species, clear-cut, planting) was rather low, but positively influenced by a number of factors. Private forest owners with clear motivations of ownership were more likely to engage in conversion activity. However, the nature of motivation was not very decisive as most of the items listed (with exception of land investment goals) had a positive influence. Furthermore, the conversion activity of owners called ‘economists’ did not significantly differ from those of ‘recreationists’, but ‘passive owners’ (those with unclear motivations of ownership) were less active. We thus suggest that it is the absence of clear motivations of ownership, rather than a particular ownership goal that would explain low conversion activity. Socio-demographics like age, gender and education, and also forest size had only marginal influence. But frequency of forest visits and proximity to the forest had a significant influence. As an overall conclusion from this study, we emphasize the importance for active forest management, and silvicultural conversion in particular, of forest owners being connected to their forest. In this sense, mental connectedness (motivation of ownership), as well as physical connectedness (living close to the forest and visiting it frequently) do matter.  相似文献   

日本的施业案具有执行国家林业方针政策, 落实近远期全国森林计划, 对全国森林经营进行监督的职能。我国要实现森林经营方案这一已经法定的职能, 需要完善各种法规制度, 建立森林计划体系和确立森林经理工作在整个林业生产过程中的统治地位。  相似文献   

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