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水牛卵母细胞体外成熟22h后,分别用盲吸法、点击法和纺锤体成像系统(Spindle—View System)去核。结果,三者的去核率分别为65.1%、81.8%和95.0%,差异极显著(P〈0.01)。以水牛胎儿成纤维细胞为供体,通过核移植构建的重构胚的融合率、分裂率和囊胚发育率,在上述3种方法之间均没有显著差异(P〉0.05)。认为点击法是一种较为简单、实用和有效的去核方法。  相似文献   

对猪体细胞克隆技术中关键步骤之一的去核方法作了较深入的研究。结果表明,由本实验室改进的Willadsen去核法——二步挤压去核法,无论在去核操作成功率(73.9%)上还是在去核效率(81.2%)上都明显好于McGrath-Solter去核法(42.5%、67.4%,P〈0.05);同时,本试验还发现,卵母细胞成熟培养36h后去核组去核效率(89.1%)显著地高于成熟培养44h后去核组(55.8%,P〈0.05),而核移植重构胚的发育率2个组间无显著差异。  相似文献   

延边黄牛卵母细胞去核方法的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用改进的Willaden去核法与McGrath-Solter去核方法对延边黄牛卵母细胞进行去核操作,比较其去核操作效率。结果表明,本实验改进的willaden去核法——挤压去核法,无论在去核操作时间(1.0 min/枚,P<0.05)上,还是在去核效率(94%,P<0.01)上都显著地高于McGrath-Solter去核法(1.4 min/枚、72%)。表明改进的Willaden去核方法是一种适用于延边黄牛卵母细胞操作的快速、简单、实用的去核方法。  相似文献   

本文研究昆明鼠卵母细胞的去核方法,并通过对去核卵母细胞的固定染色,显示其中期Ⅱ染色体,由此观察统计其确定的去核率。  相似文献   

自1938年Spermann为研究不同发育时期细胞核的发育能力而提出的细胞核移植构想以来,核移植技术已经取得了极大的成就,特别是1997年由英国科学家Wilmut等经体细胞核移植克隆出绵羊"多莉"而带来的克隆风暴更是以迅猛之势席卷全球。  相似文献   

细胞松弛素B浓度对小鼠卵母细胞去核效果的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨细胞松弛素 B浓度对小鼠卵母细胞去核效果的影响。方法 常规超排 KM小鼠获卵母细胞 ,将有明显第一极体的卵母细胞放入含有 5× 10 - 3、1× 10 - 2 、2× 10 - 2 g/ L CB的成熟培养液中孵育 15 min,采用盲吸法去核 ,去核后的卵母细胞放入含 5× 10 - 3g/ L Hoechst33342的成熟培养液中染色 15 min,在荧光显微镜下检查去核的效率。结果  CB组去核率可达 88.2 % ,而对照组去核成功率仅达 2 9.7% ,两者的去核效果统计学上有显著差异 ;同时 CB的浓度过高会影响去核的效果 ,使卵母细胞的破溃率升高。结论  CB有利于去核 ,同时卵胞膜可以借助磷脂双层的游动性而很快得到修复 ;高浓度的 CB对卵胞膜作用过于强烈 ,细胞骨架严重破坏 ,磷脂双层结构的弹性和粘性减弱 ,修复能力降低 ,影响胚胎的构建。  相似文献   

为了探讨改进的小鼠表面张力辅助去核法(STA)的可靠性,本试验用改进的表面张力辅助去核法与表面张力辅助去核法对小鼠卵母细胞进行去核操作,比较其去核操作效率。结果发现,改进的表面张力辅助去核法能显著减少去核操作时间,去核率与表面张力去核法无显著差异。改进的小鼠表面张力辅助去核法是一种适用于小鼠卵母细胞操作的快速、简单、实用的去核方法。  相似文献   

以猪体外成熟卵母细胞周围分离得到的卵丘细胞作为猪体细胞核移植的供核细胞,研究了卵母细胞不同去核方法(盲吸法、活性荧光染色去核法、盲吸法和活性荧光染色法联合去核法)的去核率差异,并比较了卵丘细胞透明带下注核和胞质内注核两种重建胚构建方法的胚胎裂解率、4 8细胞发育率和桑椹胚率的差异。结果表明:(1)以荧光染料染色法的去核率(87.18%)最高,与其他试验组相比差异显著(P<0.05);盲吸法去核所用时间最少(1.2 min/个),与其他试验组相比差异显著(P<0.05)。(2)透明带下注核比卵母细胞质内直接注核的卵裂率(40.11%/29.75%)和4 8细胞率(11.86%/6.81%)高,差异显著(P<0.05);桑椹胚率(1.75%/1.79%)无明显差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

对兔卵母细胞的孤雌激活方法进行探讨,为兔的体细胞核移植奠定良好的技术平台。体外成熟培养20~22h的兔卵母细胞随机分组,分别进行以下试验:采用不同脉冲电压、脉冲次数和脉冲时间,电激活兔卵母细胞,摸索最佳电激活参数;比较不同的激活方法处理免卵母细胞的效果,Ⅰ:Ion5min+6-DMAP3h,Ⅱ:Ion5min+CHX3h,Ⅲ:Ion5min+6-DMAP联合CHX3h,Ⅳ:电激1次联合6-DMAP+CHX3h;优化6-DMAP与CHX作用时间。结果显示:当电激参数为:电压40V/mm,脉冲时间20μs和脉冲次数3次时,兔孤雌胚的分裂率和囊胚率最高,可达80.64%和14.51%;采用第Ⅳ种方法激活兔的卵母细胞,胚胎的分裂率和囊胚率(80.64%,13.71%)均显著高于Ⅰ组(66.67%,8.6%)和Ⅱ组(43.21%,1.24%,P〈0.05),略高于第Ⅲ组(77.59%,12.07%);当兔孤雌胚分别在含6-DMAP和CHX的CM中培养1。h和3h时,1h处理组在分裂率(80.68%vs77.59%)和囊胚率(15.91%vs12.07%)上都略高于3h处理组。结果表明:兔卵母细胞经Ion处理5min,或先电激1次(参数为电压40V/mm,脉冲时间20μs,脉冲3次),再用2mmol/L6-DMAP+5mg/LCHX处理1~3h,均可获得较好的激活效果,有利于兔孤雌胚的发育。  相似文献   

受体卵母细胞去核是核移植过程中至关重要的一步,几种去核方法已在核移植技术中得到应用。为了达到完全去核的目的,荧光染料和紫外光被应用在去核方法中,但同时也带给母源胞质负面影响。末期和化学辅助去核也得到应用,但不同的方法对受体卵母细胞的影响不同,导致不同的后期胚胎发育结果和不同的克隆效率。作者综述了不同的卵母细胞去核方法在动物克隆中的效率及它们各自的优势和缺陷。  相似文献   

Lagomorpha are often used as animal models in reproductive experiments. The aim of the present study was to examine the glycoconjugate modifications occurring mainly in the zona pellucida during oocyte growth in the rabbit and hare, using a battery of lectins combined with sialidase digestion and chemical treatments. This histochemical approach made it possible to identify sulpho- and asulpho-carbohydrates in the terminal and/or subterminal position linked to sialic acid residues. The lectins that stained the zona pellucida of both species most effectively were SBA, PNA and WGA, indicating the presence of beta-D-N-acetylgalactosamine, beta-D-galactosamine and N-acetylglucosamine residues. The differences in the glucidic residue content and in their spatial distribution that depended on the species and stage of follicle development were also detected.  相似文献   

Enucleation of a recipient oocyte is an important essential process in the procedure of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The present study investigated a method for the improvement of enucleation efficiency. Oocytes were denuded of cumulus cells before the completion of nuclear maturation (pre-denuded) after 12 h of culture at MI stage and subsequently cultured for additional 6 h until the completion of nuclear maturation and extrusion of the first polar body (PB1). The extrusion rate of PB1 was not significantly different in the pre-denuded oocyte group, compared with control oocyte group matured for 18 h. However, the number of oocytes showing the metaphase II (MII) located just underneath the PB1 was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the pre-denuded oocyte group than those in control oocyte group. To test the effect of pre-denuding on the enucleation rate and developmental potential of embryos to blastocyst stage, subsequent somatic cell nuclear transfer comparisons were made with three different methods of enucleation at MII stage using vital dyes (demicoline and Hoescht) or the PB1 (blind enucleation) to localize the chromosome plate. Enucleation rate of the oocytes with demicoline, Hoechst and pre-denuding enucleation groups were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of blind enucleation groups. However, cleavage rate to two-cell stage and, developmental rate to blastocyst and hatched blastocyst stage, the mean numbers of total and ICM cells in the SCNT embryos with Hoechst enucleation groups were significantly decreased (p<0.05), compared to those of blind, demicoline and pre-denuding enucleation groups. Moreover, the level of telomerase activity was also significantly (p<0.05) decreased in SCNT blastocysts of Hoechst enucleation group, compared to those of blind, demicoline and pre-denuding enucleation groups. Taken together, pre-denuding enucleation group using pre-denuded oocytes was a useful and simple enucleation method for bovine SCNT embryos.  相似文献   

The present investigation was carried out to find an efficient chemically assisted procedure for enucleation of goat oocytes related to handmade cloning (HMC) technique. After 22-h in vitro maturation, oocytes were incubated with 0.5 μg/ml demecolcine for 2 h. Cumulus cells were removed by pipetting and vortexing in 0.5 mg/ml hyaluronidase, and zona pellucida were digested with pronase. Oocytes with extrusion cones were subjected to oriented bisection. One-third of the cytoplasm with the extrusion cone was removed with a micro blade. The remaining cytoplasts were used as recipients in HMC. Goat foetal fibroblasts were used as nuclear donors. The overall efficiency measured as the number of cytoplasts obtained per total number of oocytes used was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in chemically assisted handmade enucleation (CAHE) than oriented handmade enucleation without demecolcine (OHE) (80.02 ± 1.292% vs. 72.9 ± 1.00%, respectively, mean ± SEM). The reconstructed and activated embryos were cultured in embryo development medium (EDM) for 7 days. Fusion, cleavage and blastocyst development rate were 71.63 ± 1.95%, 92.94 ± 0.91% and 23.78 ± 3.33% (mean ± SEM), respectively which did not differ significantly from those achieved with random handmade enucleation and OHE. In conclusion, chemically assisted enucleation is a highly efficient and reliable enucleation method for goat HMC which eliminates the need of expensive equipment (inverted fluorescence microscope) and potentially harmful chromatin staining and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation for cytoplast selection.  相似文献   

Although much progress has been made in oocyte cryopreservation since 1971, live offspring have only been obtained in a few species and in rabbits. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of vitrification and slow freezing on the meiotic spindle, cortical granule (CG) distribution and their developmental competence. Oocytes were vitrified in 16.84% ethylene glycol, 12.86% formamide, 22.3% dimethyl sulphoxide, 7% PVP and 1% of synthetic ice blockers using Cryotop as device or slow freezing in 1.5 m PROH and 0.2 m sucrose in 0.25 ml sterile French mini straws. Meiotic spindle and CG distribution were assessed using a confocal laser-scanning microscope. To determine oocyte competence, in vitro development of oocytes from each cryopreservation procedure was assessed using parthenogenesis activation. Our data showed that oocytes were significantly affected by both cryopreservation procedures. In particular, meiotic spindle organization was dramatically altered after cryopreservation. Oocytes with peripheral CG distribution have a better chance of survival in cryopreservation after slow-freezing procedures compared to vitrification. In addition, slow freezing of oocytes led to higher cleavage and blastocyst rates compared to vitrification. Our data showed that, in rabbits, structural alterations are more evident in vitrified oocytes than in slow-frozen oocytes, probably as a consequence of sensitivity to high levels of cryoprotectants. Slow-freezing method is currently the recommended option for rabbit oocyte cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Vitrification of immature bovine oocytes by the microdrop method   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study was conducted to determine the optimal vitrification conditions for immature bovine oocytes using the microdrop method. In experiment 1, the optimal pre-equilibration period for microdrop vitrification was examined. The maturation rate of vitrified oocytes with a 3 min first pre-equilibration period (41.1%) was higher than that of vitrified oocytes with a 0 min first pre-equilibration period (21.4%), and the values of those with a 1 (33.9%) or 5 min (27.4%) first pre-equilibration period were intermediate. The value for a 1 min second pre-equilibration period (44.4%) was significantly higher (P<0.05) than those for a 0.5 (28.6%) and 2 min (21.4%) second pre-equilibration period. In experiment 2, the distribution of microtubules in matured oocytes was investigated. There was no difference among the first pre-equilibration times in terms of the rates of normal spindles in vitrified oocytes. However, this value was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the 1 min group (52.8%) compared with the 0.5 (16.7%) and 2 min groups (12.3%). In experiment 3, we investigated the developmental capacity of immature bovine oocytes vitrified under optimal pre-equilibration conditions (3 min and 1 min for the first and second pre-equilibrations, respectively). Although the total fertilization rates were significantly lower (P<0.05) in the vitrified oocytes (65.6%) compared with the control oocytes (92.4%), there was no difference in the rate of normal fertilization (2PN) between the vitrified (78.6%) and control (82.0%) oocytes. Cleavage and blastocyst rates were significantly lower (P<0.05) in vitrified oocytes (55.7 and 2.3%) than in control oocytes (84.4 and 34.7%). Thus, these results indicated that immature bovine oocytes can survive after microdrop vitrification and subsequently can be cultured to mature oocytes capable of undergoing fertilization in vitro and developing into blastocysts.  相似文献   

文章对九疑山兔体型外貌、体重、体尺、繁殖性能、生长速度、产肉性能、毛皮品质和兔肉营养学指标等主要种质特性进行了研究和评价;并对九疑山兔选育提高和利用途径进行了研讨。  相似文献   

The present study explored a suitable parthenogenetic activation (PA) procedure for rabbit oocytes and investigated the developmental potential of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos using rabbit foetal fibroblasts (RFFs). The electrical activation had the optimal rate of blastocyst (14.06%) when oocytes were activated by three direct current (DC) pulses (40 V/mm, 20 μs each) followed by 6‐dimethylaminopurine (6‐DMAP) and cycloheximide (CHX) treatment; the blastocyst rate of ionomycin (ION) + 6‐DMAP + CHX (12.07%) activation was higher than that of ION + 6‐DMAP (8.6%) activation or ION + CHX (1.24%) activation; there was no significant difference in blastocyst rate between ION + 6‐DMAP + CHX and DC + 6‐DMAP + CHX groups. The blastocyst rate of ION + 6‐DMAP + CHX‐activated oocytes in the basic rabbit culture medium (M‐199) + 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS; 14.28%) was higher than that in buffalo conditioned medium (5.75%) or G1/G2 medium (0), and the blastocyst rate was increased when M‐199 + 10% FBS was supplemented with amino acids. Refreshing culture medium every day or every other day significantly increased the blastocyst rate. Treatment of donor cells with 0.5% FBS for 3–5 days increased blastocyst rate of SCNT embryos (33.33%) than no serum starvation (22.47%) or 0.5% FBS treatment for 6–9 days (23.61%); the blastocyst rate of SCNT embryos derived from nontransgenic RFFs was higher than that derived from transgenic RFFs by electroporation. The blastocyst development ability of SCNT embryos derived from RFFs by electroporation (32.22%) was higher than that of liposome (19.11%) or calcium phosphate (20.00%) transfection, and only the embryos from electroporation group have the EGFP expression (24.44%). In conclusion, this study for the first time systematically optimized the conditions for yield of rabbit embryo by SCNT.  相似文献   

本文探讨了透明质酸酶(HYA)的浓度和作用时间对牛体外成熟卵母细胞脱卵丘的影响,不同强度电脉冲 乙醇 6-DMAP对牛体外成熟卵母细胞的孤雌激活作用以及和乙醇 6-DMAP激活的比较。对电融合脉冲强度、脉冲次数进行了优化。结果表明:卵母细胞成熟培养22h,用0.20%HYA作用10min或0.50%HYA作用5min效果较好。在激活电压1.6kV/cm、20μs/次、间隔1s,脉冲次数为1次的条件下的激活效果较好,在此条件下与乙醇 6-DMAP激活相比较,孤雌激活胚胎的囊胚率分别为19.6%和26.9%,差异不显著。  相似文献   

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