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Plasma amino acid concentrations were measured in 36 dogs diagnosed with superficial necrolytic dermatitis (SND) via skin biopsy. The median age of the dogs was 10 years, and 27 out of 36 (75%) were male. Twenty-two out of 36 (61%) of the dogs were accounted for by six breeds; West Highland white terriers (six), Shetland sheepdogs (five), cocker spaniels (four), Scottish terriers (three), Lhasa apsos (two) and Border collies (two). The mean concentration (+/- standard deviation) was calculated for each measured plasma amino acid and compared to previously documented concentrations of plasma amino acids measured in dogs with acute and chronic hepatitis. The ratio of branched chain amino acids to aromatic amino acids in the dogs with SND was 2.6, slightly lower than that in normal dogs. The mean plasma amino acid concentrations for dogs with SND were significantly lower than for dogs with acute and chronic hepatitis. A metabolic hepatopathy in which there is increased hepatic catabolism of amino acids is hypothesized to explain the hypoaminoacidaemia seen in SND.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that immunological aberrations and epidermal barrier defects could be important in the pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) and that oral polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) might influence the epidermal barrier. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a spot-on formulation containing PUFAs and essential oils on pruritus and lesions caused by CAD. Forty-eight privately owned dogs of different breeds, ages and genders diagnosed with atopic dermatitis were included in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicentre clinical trial. Dogs were treated with a spot-on formulation containing PUFAs and essential oils or placebo on the dorsal neck once weekly for 8 weeks. Before and after the study, CAD extent and severity index-03 (CADESI-03) and pruritus scores were determined by veterinarians and owners, respectively.There was significantly more improvement in CADESI-03 and pruritus scores in the treatment group than in the placebo group (P = 0.011 and P = 0.036, respectively). Additionally, more dogs improved by at least 50% in CADESI-03 and pruritus scores in the treatment group than in the placebo group (P = 0.008 and P = 0.070, respectively). No adverse reactions were observed. The topical preparation containing PUFAs and essential oils was a safe treatment and beneficial in ameliorating the clinical signs of CAD.  相似文献   

A review of records from the AnTox database of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Animal Poison Control Center identified 43 dogs that developed increased blood urea nitrogen concentration, serum creatinine concentration, or both as well as clinical signs after ingesting grapes, raisins, or both. Clinical findings, laboratory findings, histopathological findings, treatments performed, and outcome were evaluated. All dogs vomited, and lethargy, anorexia, and diarrhea were other common clinical signs. Decreased urine output, ataxia, or weakness were associated with a negative outcome. High calcium x phosphorus product (Ca x P), hyperphosphatemia, and hypercalcemia were present in 95%, 90%, and 62% of the dogs in which these variables were evaluated. Extremely high initial total calcium concentration, peak total calcium concentration, initial Ca x P, and peak Ca x P were negative prognostic indicators. Proximal renal tubular necrosis was the most consistent finding in dogs for which histopathology was evaluated. Fifty-three percent of the 43 dogs survived, with 15 of these 23 having a complete resolution of clinical signs and azotemia. Although the mechanism of renal injury from grapes and raisins remains unclear, the findings of this study contribute to an understanding of the clinical course of acute renal failure that can occur after ingestion of grapes or raisins in dogs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to retrospectively describe the outcome of 127 dogs with naturally occurring diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and to examine the association between outcome of canine DKA and clinical and clinicopathologic findings. Eighty-two (65%) dogs were diagnosed with DKA at the time of initial diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM). Eighty-seven dogs (69%) had one or more concurrent disorders diagnosed at the time of hospitalization. Commonly identified concurrent conditions included acute pancreatitis (52, 41%), urinary tract infection (21, 20%), and hyperadrenocorticism (19, 15%). Dogs with coexisting hyperadrenocorticism were less likely to be discharged from the hospital (P = .029). Of 121 treated dogs, 89 dogs (70%) survived to be discharged from the hospital, with a median hospitalization of 6 days. Nonsurvivors had lower ionized calcium concentration (P < .001), lower hematocrit (P = .036), lower venous pH (P = .0058), and larger base deficit (P = .0066) than did survivors. Time from admission to initiation of subcutaneous insulin therapy was correlated with lower serum potassium concentration (P = .0056), lower serum phosphorus concentration (P = .0043), abnormally high white blood cell count (P = .0060), large base deficit (P = .0015), and low venous pH (P < .001). Multivariate analysis showed that base deficit was associated with outcome (P = .021). For each unit increase in the base deficit, there was a 9%) greater likelihood of discharge from the hospital. In conclusion, the majority of dogs with DKA were not previously diagnosed with DM. Concurrent conditions and electrolyte abnormalities are common in DKA and are associated with length of hospitalization. Survival was correlated to degree of anemia, hypocalcemia, and acidosis.  相似文献   

Polypoid cystitis is a rare disease of the urinary bladder in dogs characterized by inflammation, epithelial proliferation, and development of a polypoid mass or masses without histopathologic evidence of neoplasia. Medical records of 17 dogs with polypoid cystitis were reviewed to determine the clinical and laboratory features of this disorder and to assess treatment and outcome. Most affected dogs (15/17) were female and presented for evaluation of hematuria or recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI). Proteus spp were the most common bacterial isolates (12/52 or 23.1%) identified when all urine samples obtained for culture at any time during the course study were considered. Other commonly isolated organisms included Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus spp, and Enterococcus spp. Several dogs (7/17) also had cystic calculi at some time during the course of their disease. Most of the masses (11/14) were located cranioventrally in the bladder as opposed to transitional cell carcinoma, which has a predilection for the bladder neck or trigone area. It is unknown whether persistent or recurrent UTI predisposes to polyp formation or if polyps predispose to UTI. Surgery and removal of all polyps was the most efficacious treatment in dogs of this study. The question of whether or not polyps represent preneoplastic lesions remains unanswered and constitutes an area for future investigation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to summarize the clinical findings in 40 dogs with systemic hypersensitivity reactions associated with the administration of potentiated sulfonamides. Dogs ranged from 6 months to 14 years of age, with a mean of 5.7 +/- 3.2 years. Spayed female dogs were overrepresented (24 of 40, or 60% of the dogs), as were Samoyeds (3 of 40; 8%) and Miniature Schnauzers (5 of 40; 13%). Mean dosages of potentiated sulfonamides were 47.0 +/- 14.9 mg/kg/d (range, 23.4-81.4 mg/kg/d). The time from the 1st administration of the drug to the onset of the clinical signs of hypersensitivity ranged from 5 to 36 days, with a mean of 12.1 +/- 5.9 days. There was no relationship between either the dosage or type of sulfonamide given and the time to the onset of the clinical signs. Fever was the most common clinical sign observed (55% of the dogs); thrombocytopenia was 2nd (54%), and hepatopathy (28%) was 3rd. Neutropenia, keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), hemolytic anemia. arthropathy, uveitis, skin and mucocutaneous lesions, proteinuria, facial palsy, suspected meningitis, hypothyroidism, pancreatitis, facial edema, and pneumonitis were also observed in some patients. Of 39 dogs with adequate follow-up, 30 (77%) recovered, whereas 8 (21%) either died or were euthanized, and 1 recovered clinically but had persistent increases in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity. Dogs with hepatopathy generally had a poorer prognosis (46% recovery) than dogs without hepatopathy (89% recovery; P = .0035). Sixty-three percent of the dogs with thrombocytopenia recovered, compared to 90% of the dogs without thrombocytopenia (P = .042). Recovery was not associated with sex, age, breed, or type of sulfonamide administered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize features and response to treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) associated with oral administration of etodolac in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. SAMPLE POPULATION: 65 cases obtained from a survey of veterinary ophthalmologists (group A) and 146 cases reported to Fort Dodge Animal Health (group B). PROCEDURES: Data analyzed included breed, sex, age, weight, dose and duration of etodolac administration, results of Schirmer tear test at the time of diagnosis and last follow-up, treatments, and response to treatments. Groups A and B were analyzed separately by use of forward stepwise logistic regression models developed to predict probability of complete remission or clinical improvement as a function of several variables. RESULTS: Most dogs developed severe KCS (84 eyes of 50 dogs [group A]; 111 eyes of 62 dogs [group B]). Resolution of KCS occurred in 7 of 65 (A) and 23 of 146 (B) dogs. No response to treatment was observed in 26 of 65 (A) and 27 of 146 (B) dogs. Fifty-one (A) and 52 (B) dogs had records that were sufficiently complete to use in models. In group B, dogs with etodolac treatment intervals < 6 months prior to the onset of KCS were 4.2 times as likely to have remission as were dogs with treatment intervals > or = 6 months. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Shorter duration of etodolac administration (< 6 months) was associated with improved outcome in 1 population of dogs. Monitoring of tear production should be considered prior to and during administration of etodolac in dogs.  相似文献   

Background: Splenic marginal zone lymphomas (MZL) in dogs arise from the marginal zone of B‐cell follicles and can progress slowly. Objectives: To describe clinical features, treatment, and outcome of dogs with splenic MZL. Animals: Five dogs with naturally occurring MZL. Methods: Clinical, laboratory, and follow‐up data were retrospectively reviewed. Diagnosis was based on clinical, histopathological, and immunophenotypic features. Results: All dogs had stage IV disease; among them, 2 were symptomatic (substage “b”) because of splenic rupture. Four dogs underwent splenectomy and adjuvant doxorubicin, and 1 dog underwent surgery only. Three out of the 4 dogs treated with surgery and chemotherapy died of causes unrelated to lymphoma, after 760, 939, and 1,825 days, whereas the remaining dog was alive and in complete remission after 445 days. The dog not receiving any adjuvant treatment had recurrence of the tumor after 180 days. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Splenic MZL appears indolent and can benefit from splenectomy, with or without systemic chemotherapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine common postoperative complications and risk factors for development of postoperative glaucoma or failure to preserve vision after phacoemulsification for cataract removal in dogs. Design-Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 172 dogs (290 eyes) that underwent phacoemulsification surgery for cataract removal. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed for postoperative complications; prevalence rates for each complication were calculated for follow-up periods of 3 months, > 3 to 6 months, > 6 months to 1 year, > 1 to 2 years, > 2 to 3 years, > 3 to 4 years, and > 4 years. Odds ratios for breed, age, sex, cataract hypermaturity, lens-induced uveitis, and diabetes mellitus were determined with respect to glaucoma and failure (ie, blindness, enucleation, or evisceration). RESULTS: The most common complication was mild posterior capsule opacification. Retinal detachment was uncommon (1% to 2%) for all time periods. Prevalence of glaucoma increased with time, although it remained < 10% until after the 1-year follow-up period. Boston Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Cocker Spaniel-Poodle crosses, and Shih Tzus had increased risk of developing glaucoma. Eyes with hypermature cataracts were more likely to develop glaucoma. Prevalence of failure increased with time, although it remained < 10% until after the 3-year follow-up period. Cocker Spaniel-Poodle cross and Shih Tzus were more likely to have failure. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Evaluation of breed and cataract hypermaturity may aid in the selection of patients. The increasing prevalence of postoperative complications with time indicated that longterm monitoring is warranted.  相似文献   

Objective – Compare outcome of dogs that did and did not receive fresh frozen plasma (FFP) for treatment of pancreatitis. Design – Retrospective case series between 1995 and 2005. Setting – University referral hospital. Animals – Seventy‐four dogs were enrolled with a total of 77 cases as 2 dogs had repeat episodes of pancreatitis. Diagnosis of pancreatitis was based on clinical signs, physical examination, and abdominal ultrasonographic examination. Interventions – The medical database was searched for dogs with a diagnosis of pancreatitis. Information collected included signalment, vital signs, CBC, use of FFP, length of stay, use of antimicrobials and supplemental nutrition, surgical intervention, preexisting illness, evidence of a coagulopathy and outcome. Outcome was compared between those patients that did and did not receive FFP. Measurements and Main Results – Fifty‐nine dogs survived to discharge. Two dogs with repeat pancreatitis survived to discharge after each episode. Thirteen dogs died and 2 were euthanized. FFP was administered to 20 dogs. Two dogs that were hospitalized for repeat pancreatitis did not receive FFP. Seven of 20 (35%) cases that received plasma died or were euthanized compared with 6 of 57 (12%) cases that did not receive plasma. Plasma administration was significantly related to outcome (P<0.001). Severity of illness scores were difficult to assign, however, dogs meeting criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome were not more likely to receive FFP. Other therapies included supplemental nutrition, antimicrobials, and surgical intervention, which did not affect outcome. Conclusions – Mortality rate for those dogs receiving plasma was higher than those that did not. Severity of illness scores were difficult to assign; however, preexisting illness, evidence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and presence of a coagulopathy were not significantly different between the groups that did and did not receive FFP. No benefit for administration of FFP was noted. Additional investigation should be performed to confirm this result.  相似文献   

This retrospective study in 39 dogs with incompletely resected oral melanoma examined the efficacy of hypofractionated radiation therapy and platinum-containing chemotherapy. All dogs were completely staged, with the majority of dogs classified as stage 1. Dogs received 6 weekly fractions of 6-gray (Gy) megavoltage irradiation with a cobalt-60 unit or a 4-MeV (megaelectron volts) linear accelerator. Dogs received cisplatin (10-30 mg/m2 IV) or carboplatin (90 mg/m2 IV) chemotherapy 60 minutes before radiation delivery. Durations of local control, metastasis-free survival time, and overall survival time were recorded. By the Kaplan-Meier method, 15% of the dogs had local recurrence within a median time of 139 days. Fifty-one percent of the dogs developed metastatic disease within a median time of 311 days (range, 24-2, 163 days). Median survival time for all 39 dogs was 363 days. The combined use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in this protocol provided local control consistent with previous studies. Low-dose chemotherapy was used with the intent of enhancing radiation therapy for the local control of an incompletely excised tumor. Survival times were longer than previously reported for dogs with oral malignant melanoma. Additional studies are required to determine whether these results were due to the effects of chemotherapy on microscopic disease or the enhanced local control provided by chemoradiation therapy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of the MOPP chemotherapy protocol (mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone) as a rescue regimen in dogs with lymphoma. One hundred seventeen dogs that had resistance to previously administered chemotherapy were evaluated. Before treatment with MOPP, all dogs received a median of 6 chemotherapy drugs for a median duration of 213 days. Thirty-one percent (36 of 117) had a complete response (CR) to MOPP for a median of 63 days, and 34% (40 of 117) had a partial response (PR) for a median of 47 days. Sixteen percent (19 of 117) had stable disease (SD) for a median of 33 days. Predictors for response to MOPP were not identified. Gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity occurred in 28% (33 of 117) of the dogs, and 13% (15 dogs) required hospitalization. Five dogs developed septicemia, and 2 died as a result. MOPP was an effective treatment for dogs with resistant lymphoma and was well tolerated by the majority of affected dogs.  相似文献   

Objective To describe the incidence of haematological, renal, hepatic and gastrointestinal toxicities in tumour‐bearing dogs receiving 1‐(2‐chloroethyl)‐3‐cyclohexyl‐1‐nitrosourea (CCNU). Design The medical records of 206 dogs that were treated with CCNU at the Melbourne Veterinary Specialist Centre between February 2002 and December 2007 were retrospectively evaluated. Results Of the 206 dogs treated with CCNU, 185 met the inclusion criteria for at least one class of toxicity. CCNU was used most commonly in the treatment of lymphoma, mast cell tumour, brain tumour, histiocytic tumours and epitheliotropic lymphoma. Throughout treatment, 56.9% of dogs experienced neutropenia, 34.2% experienced anaemia and 14.2% experienced thrombocytopenia. Gastrointestinal toxicosis was detected in 37.8% of dogs, the most common sign of which was vomiting (24.3%). Potential renal toxicity and elevated alanine transaminase (ALT) concentration were reported in 12.2% and 48.8% of dogs, respectively. The incidence of hepatic failure was 1.2%. Conclusions CCNU‐associated toxicity in dogs is common, but is usually not life threatening.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine ultrasonographic abnormalities in dogs with hyperammonemia. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 90 client-owned dogs with hyperammonemia. PROCEDURE: Ultrasonography of the abdominal vessels and organs was performed in a systematic way. Dogs in which the ultrasonographic diagnosis was a congenital portosystemic shunt were included only if they underwent laparotomy or necropsy. Dogs in which the abdominal vasculature appeared normal and dogs in which the ultrasonographic diagnosis was acquired portosystemic shunts and portal hypertension were included only if liver biopsy specimens were submitted for histologic examination. RESULTS: Ultrasonography excluded portosystemic shunting in 11 dogs. Acquired portosystemic shunts were found in 17 dogs, of which 3 had arterioportal fistulae and 14 had other hepatic abnormalities. Congenital portosystemic shunts were found in 61 dogs, of which 19 had intrahepatic shunts and 42 had extrahepatic shunts. Intrahepatic shunts originated from the left portal branch in 14 dogs and the right portal branch in 5. Extrahepatic shunts originated from the splenic vein, the right gastric vein, or both and entered the caudal vena cava or the thorax. Ultrasonography revealed splenic-caval shunts in 24 dogs, right gastric-caval shunts in 9 dogs, splenic-azygos shunts in 8 dogs, and a right gastric-azygos shunt in 1 dog. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that ultrasonography is a reliable diagnostic method to noninvasively characterize the underlying disease in dogs with hyperammonemia. A dilated left testicular or ovarian vein was a reliable indicator of acquired portosystemic shunts.  相似文献   

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