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The total and external surface areas of nineteen British clay soils were determined from measurements of their water and nitrogen adsorption respectively. In addition, four physical and chemical properties of these soils were determined; liquid limit, plastic limit, cation exchange capacity, and clay content. The correlation between these six measured properties was examined. Total surface-area, liquid limit, and cation exchange capacity, had correlation coefficients of 0.90 or greater. This is sufficiently high to enable an indication of these three properties to be obtained from measurements of any one of them. The correlation between these three properties and the rest was slightly lower for the plastic limit, and considerably lower for the clay content and external surface-area, although all were significant at the 5 per cent level.  相似文献   

pH对土壤吸持磷酸根的影响及其原因   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
本文选择了浙江、江苏15个性质变化范围较大的土壤样品,研究在两种支持电解质、不同pH条件下对磷酸根的吸持反应。结果表明,加碱提高强酸性土壤的pH值,导致交换性铝的水解和羟基铝聚合物的生成,增加对磷的吸持。磷酸根同酸性土壤的反应,可促进交换性铝的水解,释放出H+,降低体系的pH。在CaCl2介质中,当pH>6时,可能有磷酸钙类盐形成,使溶液中磷浓度显著降低。有机质对土壤吸持磷有重要影响。在低pH下有机质通过与Al3+形成络合物,阻碍溶液中A13+的水解,并与磷酸根竞争羟基铝化合物表面的反应点位,从而降低酸性土壤对磷酸根的吸附量。  相似文献   

Chemical and mineralogical properties of brown podzolic soils, brown earths, a podzol, and an Andept have been studied with particular reference to the kinds and distribution of amorphous materials. In addition to pyrophosphate extractable (Fe + Al)/per cent clay, brown podzolic soils can be distinguished from brown earths by Fe-oxalate/Fe-dithionite and Fe-pyrophosphate/Fe-dithionite ratios, fluoride reactivity, and the presence of intergrade 2:1-2:2 and smectite-like clay minerals in surface horizons. Significant amounts of amorphous alumino-silicates resembling allophane were found in the Bs horizons of the brown podzolic soils, particularly those on igneous rocks. These amounts are sufficiently large to suggest the recognition of an Andic sub-group of brown podzolic soils in England and Wales.  相似文献   

Cadmium sorption was measured in 10 agricultural soils with pH ranging from 4.5 to 7.9, and total Cd content from 0.27 to 1.04 μg g?1 dry soil. With initial Cd concentrations of 0.5 to 100.0 μM, sorption from 0.002 M CaCl2 was described by the Freundlich adsorption equation but the gradients of the isotherms increased when the initial concentrations were below 0.5 μm. This indicates that there are specific sites of differing sorption energy; differences between soils in the gradients of the isotherms at low initial concentration could largely be accounted for by their contents of ‘free’ Fe2O3. When initial concentrations were below 0.5 μm there was a linear relationship between the quantity of Cd sorbed and the final concentration in solution. This relationship held with all soils except that of lowest pH from which there was a net loss of Cd to the solutions. Desorption was measured from three soils with contrasting pH. With the soil of lowest pH, over 80 per cent of sorbed Cd was desorbed to 0.002 m CaCl2 and up to 30 per cent to 100 or 500 μm solutions of heavy metal chlorides. In contrast, only very small proportions (<1.25 per cent) were desorbed from the other soils with pH 6.7 and 7.8. The results indicate that Cd is strongly sorbed by soils of pH of above 6.0 when added in amounts comparable to additions in sewage sludges or phosphatic fertilizers, and illustrate the importance of liming as a means of reducing the mobility of this metal in soils.  相似文献   

The shrinkage potential of natural clods from a variety of clayey soils was measured and related to their physical, chemical and mineralogical properties. It is shown that the most important factors affecting shrinkage are initial bulk density, clay content, organic carbon content and cation exchange capacity of the peroxidised clay, and mica-smectite content on a whole soil basis. Multiple regression equations involving the initial bulk density, clay content, organic carbon and cation exchange capacity accounted for 87 and 82 per cent of the variation in total shrinkage of topsoils and subsoils respectively. Because of restrictions on shrinkage imposed by factors such as climate, crops, ground-water and moisture release characteristics of soils, soils with a high shrinkage potential may not behave very differently to soils with a much lower potential. On these grounds it is concluded that the shrinkage criteria used in US Taxonomy are not applicable in Britain.  相似文献   

Isotherms for the sorption of inorganic phosphate (P) by three contrasting soils during 40 h showed a dependence on solution: soil ratio. Above a final solution P concentration of 0.5 μg ml?1, more P was sorbed at a solution: soil ratio of 5:1 than at 40:1 for a given level of P in solution. With time up to 146 h, the effect of solution: soil ratio on P sorption was kinetically controlled. Equilibrium solution P concentrations, estimated by extrapolation of the linear relationships between solution P concentration and the reciprocal of time to I/t= o (i.e. t=∞)appeared to be coincident for each solution:soil ratio at high and the low levels of added P. Consequently, sorption isotherms at equilibrium would be coincident, irrespective of the solution soil ratio used. The kinetic control of solution: soil ratio on P sorption is interpreted in terms of the number of P sorbing sites and initial solution P concentration on the rate of P sorption by soils.  相似文献   

我国热带、亚热带干热地区土壤发生特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张桃林  赵其国 《土壤学报》1990,27(2):207-218
本文对我国四川渡口、云南元谋和元江、广西田林以及海南岛西部等几个干热地区土壤的形成条件和发生学特征及发育程度进行了对比研究,同时对该类土壤发生上的共性及差异性进行了对比研究.结果表明,干热地区土壤与相应湿润地区土壤相比,具有淋溶特征不明显及土壤发育程度较轻等共同特征.不同干热地区因干热程度及水热配置上的不同,土壤在发育强度上也表现出明显差异,其顺序是:粤11号>滇5号>桂7号>滇1号>滇4号,分别处于铁铝化、弱铁铝化、准铁铝化、铁硅铝化及硅铝化阶段.  相似文献   

Phosphate sorption was studied on surface and subsurface soils sampled from the old field experiments at Askov, Denmark. Two empirical three-parameter equations, an extended Freundlich and an extended Langmuir equation are proposed and compared with the Langmuir, the Freundlich, the ‘double’ Langmuir, the Gunary, and the Fitter-Sutton equations. In the proposed equations the affinity parameter of the Langmuir equation and the exponent of the Freundlich equation are replaced by the term Bc ?D the value of which decreases with increasing phosphate concentration, c. On average the Freundlich equation thus modified yielded the closest fit to the sorption data. This was followed by the Fitter-Sutton, the modified Langmuir, the ‘double’ Langmuir, the Gunary, the Freundlich, and finally the Langmuir equation. Out of the three equations that yielded the closest fit to the sorption data the correlation between the parameters within the equations, furthermore, was least for the proposed extended Freundlich equation. Therefore, this equation may be generally suitable for describing phosphate sorption by soils.  相似文献   

上海土壤磷的吸附特性及缓冲性能的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文以上海土壤为对象,研究选定了土壤磷等温吸附试验条件为:水土比10,平衡时间6天,控温25℃,磷加入量为100,200,400,600μgP/g土,溶液基质为0.01M CaCl2。磷缓冲能力试验条件为:平衡时间2天,磷加入量为20,40,100,200μgP/g土。根据Freundlich, Tempkin和Langmuir方程计算的土壤吸附指标与土壤类型及土壤性质有密切关系,是土壤磷素肥力的重要指标。反映土壤缓冲能力的“磷肥指标”与土壤有机质、粘粒、活性铝及pH值相关较好。上海几种主要土壤中以青紫泥的最大吸附量(Xm),0.2ppm P吸附量和“磷肥指标”为最高,其次为青黄土,沟干泥和黄泥头,最小为夹沙泥。应用磷吸附指标与“磷肥指标”来预测土壤需磷量,初步试验是可行的,但实际应用还需进一步试验研究。  相似文献   

The sorption of inorganic phosphate (P) by soils and hydrous ferric oxides was studied at times up to 192h. An initially rapid decrease in solution P concentration was followed by a much slower decrease between 48 and 192h with soils, Fe gel. and natural goethite, whereas synthetic goethite gave a well-defined equilibrium condition after only 48h. Resolution of the sorption isotherms showed that the increase in P sorption with time involved an appreciable shift of P from a more-physically sorbed form to a chemisorbed form. This was supported by chemical fractionation which showed that NaOH-extractable P was fairly constant with increasing sorption time, whereas the additional sorbed P was extracted by citrate-dithionite-bicarbonate from soils, and by HC1 from Fe gel and natural goethite. These sorbents contained short-range (amorphous) material, whereas synthetic goethite, from which all sorbed P was NaOH –extractable. did not. It is proposed that the time-dependent sorption of P and the associated shift of P to chemisorbed forms, involves the diffusion of P into “structurally porous”, short-range order material.  相似文献   

The mechanisms governing the retention and release of Cd in two soils, a loam and a loamy sand, pretreated with anaerobically digested sewage sludges or with chemical fertilizers, were studied using batch equilibration in 0.05 m Ca(NO3)2 solution containing up to 6 μg Cd/ml. Adsorption rather than precipitation as Cd3(PO4)2 limited solution Cd2+ concentration. With the addition of 50 μg Cd/g, however, precipitation as CdCO3 was likely at pH 7.6. Cadmium adsorption increased with increasing soil pH. The differences in Cd adsorption between different soil treatments were attributed mainly to the soil pH (6.9 to 7.9) induced by sludge application. About 82 to 92 per cent of adsorbed Cd was retained by cation exchange and complexing sites. Soils treated with sludge increased the amount of exchangeable Cd but reduced the amount of complexed Cd compared with the fertilized soil. Cadmium retention by cation exchange became more dominant as the amount of Cd in the soil was increased.  相似文献   

Phosphate sorption data for twenty-nine soils were found to fit the Freundlich adsorption isotherm better if a measure of native labile P was first added to the sorption data, and this sum plotted against intensity. The exponent from the isotherm thus obtained was closely related to exchangeable A1 (in acid soils) and exchangeable Ca (in neutral and calcareous soils), with a mole ratio of one P to 6 A1 or Ca.  相似文献   

Data for the sorption of added inorganic phosphate (P) by contrasting soils and iron oxide gel were resolved by a method of successive approximation of the Langmuir sorption constants. Three distinct Langmuir equations described the overall isotherm irrespective of the experimental conditions used. Free energies of sorption (ΔG) for a particular region were similar for each soil and for iron oxide gel under all experimental conditions. In contrast, the sorption maximum for each region was influenced by the sorbent and experimental conditions. Because of the pronounced similarities in their P sorption characteristics iron oxide gel was used as a model surface for P sorption by soils. Three mechanisms for P sorption by iron oxide gel and by soils are proposed: (i) chemisorption at protonated surface sites, (ii) chemisorption by replacement of surface hydroxyls, and (iii) a more-physical sorption of P as a potential-determining ion.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical properties of red soils, white rendzina, light chestnut, dark chestnut, grey, black, and recent alluvial soils as mapped by Geze (1956) were compared statistically. No statistically significant differences were found between surface soil (0–15 cm) and upper subsoil (15–30 cm) in any properties. Red soils were significantly lower than the others in total N, CEC, and CaCO3 content. Recent alluvial soils were high in montmorillonite probably derived from the white rendzinas. The rendzinas were significantly higher in available P and CaCO3 than any other soil. Black and grey soils, previously classified as one category, should be separated as they were significantly different in most properties.  相似文献   

The reaction of sodium fluoride solution with soils and soil minerals at constant pH has been assessed as a possible single-value characteristic in the classification of soils, particularly those containing significant amounts of poorly ordered inorganic material. A suitable method involves reaction of the soil or clay at 25°C with 0·85 M sodium fluoride at pH 6·8, the amount of OH? released after 25 min being taken as the single-value characteristic. There was a statistically significant correlation between the amount of OH? released and the amount of alumina extracted with cold 5 per cent sodium carbonate solution from both freely drained and poorly drained Scottish soils. The multiple correlation coefficients were improved for freely drained soils by including the dithionite-extracted ferric oxide and the silica soluble in 5 per cent sodium carbonate solution. The procedure is not suitable for surface soils, because of interference by organic matter, or for carbonate-containing soils unless carbonate is removed.  相似文献   

赵美芝 《土壤学报》1988,25(2):156-163
用0.5NHOAc、0.5NNH4F和0.1NNaOH浸提的方法,研究了几种土壤和粘土矿物上磷的解吸与矿物组成和时间的关系,以及追加吸附及其解吸状况,结果表明,全部供试样品磷的解吸量都随吸磷量的增加而增加;解吸平衡的时间除红壤需要1天外,其余样品均在1小时内基本上达到平衡,同时可见缓慢解吸作用的存在;追加吸附中可见到从吸附正值到吸附负值的转变,以及0.1NNaOH解吸磷量的明显变化。  相似文献   

The amounts of inorganic phosphate (P) sorbed by four contrasting unfertilized soils during 40 h were influenced by the ionic strength and cation species of the contacting solution (support medium) used, as indicated by isotherms over the final P concentration range of 0 to 1 μg P/ml and 0 to 10 μg P/ml. An increase in ionic strength enhanced P sorption during 40 h but the species of cation also influenced the amount of P sorbed, as shown by the isotherms obtained in 10?2M Ca and 3 × 10?2M Na systems. Although pH affected the amounts of P sorbed, pH effects alone could not adequately explain the differences in P sorption. Kinetic studies indicated that within the range of P addition used for each soil, the equilibrium P concentration, at infinite time, was independent of ionic strength and cation species. Consequently, the composition of the solution affected only the rate at which equilibrium was attained. The results are attributed to the effects of ionic strength on the surface charge of retaining components and the thickness of the diffuse double layer, and the effects of specilic sorption of a divalent cation on surface charge, as they relate to the rate of P sorption.  相似文献   

Amounts of inorganic phosphate (P) sorbed by two unfertilized soils, during times less than required to reach equilibrium, were affected by the ionic strength and cation species of the matrix solution. For non-equilibrium conditions the amounts of P sorbed increased with increasing ionic strength and were greater with Ca2+ than Na+. For higher P additions, resulting in equilibrium solution P concentrations greater than 30 to 40μrnole 1?1, the effects of the matrix solution on P sorption were maintained at equilibrium, whereas at lower P additions the dependence of sorption on matrix solution composition was eliminated at equilibrium. Equilibrium sorption isotherms for each soil and matrix solution were described by three Langmuir equations, which corresponded to distinct concentration ranges or regions (I, II, and III) on the overall isotherm. The free energies of sorption (ΔG) for each region, were essentially independent of the soil matrix solution. The sorption maxima for regions I and II of the isotherm for a particular soil were also virtually independent of the matrix solution used. The sorption maximum for region III, however, was markedly dependent on the matrix solution, implying a potential-determining (p.d.) sorption mechanism.  相似文献   

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