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目的:为研究酒精阳性乳的病因及其机制。在酒精阳性乳中,奶牛的血钙水平直接影响乳钙水平。有资料报道,奶牛酒精阳性乳与血清和乳的钙水平有关。方法:可以采用乙二胺四乙酸二钠滴定法,测定血清和乳中钙的含量。结果:试验结果表明,各组间相比较,血清钙中差异显著,乳钙中没有差异。结论:血液中钙含量的升高,导致了乳中钙含量的升高,从而引起牛乳稳定性的降低,导致出现酒精阳性乳。  相似文献   

奶牛酒精阳性乳指用68%~72%的酒精与等量牛奶混合,会产生细微颗粒或絮状凝块,这种奶加热易凝固,是不合格奶,不能用作原料乳进行深加工,也不能销售,常被废弃,给奶牛业生产造成很大的经济损失。1病因1.1饲养管理失调,日粮成分不平衡,可消化粗蛋白和总消化养分过量或不足。矿物质  相似文献   

奶牛酒精阳性乳的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奶牛低酸度酒精阳性乳是由于饲养不当、钙磷代谢障碍、青饲料不足、喂精料过多等原因,导致奶牛乳腺中的奶液酸度过高的一种非病原微生物所引起的病状。酒精阳性乳又称之为“酸乳”,是指在新鲜牛奶中加入68%~70%酒精混合后出现凝集现象的牛奶。在临床上比较常见,一段时间内低酸度酒精阳性乳可达20%以上,有几天甚至高达50%以上,造成很大经济损失。1发病原因1.1饲养管理不当,饲料单一。一般情况下,3次上槽,3次挤奶,日粮结构单纯,只喂给混合精料和青草;饲料中钠离子的缺乏,饲料中盐和碳酸氢钠添加不足,造成奶和…  相似文献   

发生酒精阳性乳的原因 ,一是饲养管理不当 ,饲料单一。如只喂给混合精料和青草 ,饲料中钠离子的缺乏 ,饲料中盐和碳酸氢钠添加不足 ,造成奶和血液中钠离子浓度低等均可造成酒精阳性乳的产生。其二钙磷代谢障碍。牛奶中的酪蛋白与部分Ca、P结合吸附 ,一部分呈可溶性的Na、K、Cl等化合物 ,这些化合物均以真溶性状态存在 ;酒精阳性乳的酪蛋白与Ca、P结合较弱 ,胶体疏松 ,颗粒较大 ,遇到 68%~ 70 %的酒精时 ,蛋白水分丧失 ,蛋白颗粒与Ca相结合而发生凝集。三是气候和环境温度对酒精阳性乳的产生有一定的关系。患酒精阳性乳的牛夏季比冬季多…  相似文献   

奶牛酒精阳性乳(奶牛酸奶症),在临床上虽不属多发病,但时有发生,一旦发生会给养牛户造成很大经济损失。1临床资料介绍一饲养100多头奶牛的牛场,有16头奶牛产酒精阳性乳。其中有6例发生在产后1个月内,乳房外观无异常变化,乳房炎试验检查为(-)性,但榨乳后马上以酒精试验检查乳汁呈絮状。这种类型酒精阳性乳,为代谢型奶牛酸奶症。有8例发病在泌乳期内,无规律性变化,多数在旺奶期,个别的发生在旺奶期之后。乳房无热、痛,无形态学上的改变,试验室隐性乳房炎检查为( )性,为隐性乳房炎型酒精阳性乳(酸奶症)。其他2例是在旺奶期营养良好的高产奶牛,…  相似文献   

酒精阳性乳是指乳酸度在11~18°T之间,用70%左右的中性酒精与等量的乳混合,产生微细颗粒状和凝块的乳。由于这种乳的热稳定性较差,当温度超过120℃时容易发生凝固而阻塞管道,乳无法通过板式换热器。由于乳凝在管壁上,设备难以  相似文献   

该文通过系统的对挤奶牛群酒精阳性乳产生原因、机理、发病规律进行分析和对理化性质的测定进行了探讨,提出酒精阳性乳综合性防治措施,目的是避免酒精阳性乳的产生,指导奶牛养殖者积极预防,指导奶业生产。  相似文献   

奶牛鲜乳的风味、质量在乳制品生产中占有非常重要的地位。影响鲜乳质量的因素复杂,涉及到奶牛的品质、饲养管理和奶牛的健康状况、饲料品种等。近几年来,在奶牛生产中,酒精阳性乳的发生率较高,致使大量牛奶被废弃,造成一定的经济损失。因此,对发生酒精阳性乳的原因进行了系统的分析研究,总结出了有效的防治措施,生产应用证明,成效显著,经济效益明显。  相似文献   

酒精阳性乳是指用68%或70%的酒精与等量的牛奶均匀混合后发生微细颗粒或絮状凝块的牛奶。2003年秋冬合肥地区不少养牛户和专业场出现酒精阳性乳,造成很大经济损失。对此,结合我场的防治经验分析叙述,以供参考。  相似文献   

酒精阳性乳是指用70%或72%的酒精与等量的牛奶混合发生微细颗粒或絮状凝块的牛奶。根据其酸度的差异可将酒精阳性乳分为高酸度阳性乳和低酸度阳性乳。高酸度酒精阳性乳是由于牛奶在收藏、运输过程中卫生消毒不严,清洗不净,冷却不及时等,使乳中微生物大量繁殖,乳糖分解为乳酸,致使酸度增高,这种乳加热凝固。低酸度酒精阳性乳指酸度在11~18°T之间,加70%酒精可产生细小絮状凝块的乳,这种乳加热不凝固。这种乳刚从乳房挤出来就会出现酒精阳性反应。1酒精阳性乳发生的原因低酸度酒精阳性乳的出现是乳牛全身变化的局部反应,是机体的一种应激表…  相似文献   

In the cows of the whole group under study, a significant negative relation (r = = -0.4797) was found between the histidine level in arterial blood and protein content in milk; further, there was a significant positive relation (r = 0.4624) between alanine level in milk and protein content in milk, and a significant negative relation (r = -0.5028) for the level of threonine. The group of cows with a higher milk output showed a significant negative relation between methionine level in milk and protein content in milk (r = -0.7482) and a highly significant negative relation between threonine level and protein content in milk (r = -0.8410). The negative relations of some amino acids to the content of protein in milk suggest that there is a poor supply of these amino acids for the production of protein in milk.  相似文献   

通过分析酒精阳性乳患牛血清与乳清中硒(Se)和碘(Ⅰ)含量变化以及相关激素、酶水平的检测,探讨了机体Se、Ⅰ代谢与酒精阳性乳症发生的关系。试验结果显示酒精阳性乳患牛血清与乳清中Se、Ⅰ严重缺乏,谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性显著降低,甲状腺激素T3、T4水平显著降低。综合分析,酒精阳性乳患牛甲状腺机能低下;机体整体与乳腺局部Se和Ⅰ代谢紊乱,乳腺组织的代谢异常可能导致异常乳的分泌。  相似文献   

Three groups of freshly calved dairy cows suffering from fatty liver syndrome of different stages were examined for serum cholic acid (SCA) levels to assess the value of SCA-determination as a diagnostic approach to fatty liver syndrome. A. Comparison of the SCS levels between cows with and without ketonuria: Cows with ketonuria (n = 13) and with elevated plasma ASAT activity, indicating a moderate liver damage, showed a rise of their mean SCA level to 35.3 (+/- 14.9) mumol/l. Freshly calved cows without ketonuria (n = 10) had at the same time a mean SCA level of 17.9 (+/- 6.4) mumol/l, falling practically into the physiological range. The SCA level increased above the physiological range in 10 of the 13 cases with ketonuria, in seven of them even more than twice. B. Interrelationship between SCA level and hepatic lipid content: Increase in hepatic total lipid (TL) was always associated with SCA-elevation. The mean SCA level was 55 (+/- 22.0) mumol/l in cases of severe fatty liver (TL = 200-280 g/kg), and 39.5 (+/- 6.0) mumol/l in the moderate form (TL = 180-200 g/kg) of the syndrome. C. Peripartal SCA levels of cows with fatty liver: Clinically healthy cows (n = 6) with ketonuria and an elevation of serum ASAT and FFA concentrations had a mean SCA level of 35-45 mumol/l. One cow of this group, which developed acute fatty liver syndrome and died within the period of study, showed an extreme SCA level of 100 mumol/l in it's terminal stage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is the enzyme responsible for production of cholesteryl esters in plasma. The LCAT activity is reduced in cows with fatty liver developed during the nonlactating stage and those with the fatty liver-related postparturient diseases such as ketosis. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether reduced LCAT activity during the nonlactating stage could be detected before the occurrence of postparturient diseases. Sera from 24 cows were collected at approximately 10-day intervals from -48 to +14 days from parturition. Of the 24 cows, 14 were apparently healthy, whereas 7 had ketosis and 3 had milk fever at around parturition. Of the 14 healthy cows, 7 had unaltered LCAT activity during the observation period, whereas 7 showed reduced activity from -20 to +14 days. Ketosis and milk fever occurred at from -3 to +10 days, but reductions of LCAT activity in diseased cows had already been observed from days -20 to 0. These results suggest that LCAT activity is virtually unaffected during the peripartum period at least in some healthy cows and also that the reduction in LCAT activity can be detected before the occurrence of ketosis and milk fever.  相似文献   

为了研究不同采食水平下泌乳前期奶牛产奶量、乳成分及血清指标的差异,从40头健康泌乳前期奶牛中选取18头,分高采食量(HF)组(平均采食量为53.67 kg/d)、中采食量(MF)组(平均采食量为48.55 kg/d)和低采食量(LF)组(平均采食量为44.15 kg/d),每组各6头,在相同的条件下饲养,试验期70 d,每周记录产奶量并采集奶样(50 mL),分别于试验开始、第30和60天采集血样。结果显示:与LF组相比,MF组、HF组的产奶量分别增加了4.79 kg、9.83 kg(P0.05),MF组、HF组的4%标准乳分别增加了5.94 kg(P0.05)、9.8 kg(P0.05),HF组的尿素氮下降了10.21%(P0.05);HF组的白蛋白、甘油三酯含量随采食水平显著升高(P0.05);MF组、HF组的游离脂肪酸、总胆固醇、胰岛素显著高于LF组(P0.05);HF组的胰岛素样生长因子、神经肽的含量显著高于MF组和LF组(P0.05);LF组的胆囊收缩素含量显著高于MF组和HF组(P0.05)。结果表明:高采食量的奶牛不仅产奶量高,营养物质和能量代谢快,而且与采食调控和能量代谢相关的生化指标和激素含量要比低采食奶牛变化更显著,为研究采食量调控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Serum activities of sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (gamma-GT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were measured before, during, and after milk fat depression in 9 cows fed a high-concentrate ration during 2 experiments. In 7 of the 9 cows, increases in serum SDH and LDH activities were observed during milk fat depression. The gamma-GT activity showed only moderate changes, whereas the ALP activity remained unchanged. During recovery from milk fat depression, decreases of SDH, LDH, and gamma-GT activities were found in nearly all cows. Association of this phenomenon with changes found in beef cattle, such as ruminal lesions and liver abscesses, are discussed.  相似文献   

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