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Objective— To compare tibial plateau rotation after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy with the radiographically planned rotation and to determine the effect of translations and rotations of the tibial plateau fragment on the biomechanical stability of the construct under cyclic loading.
Study Design— Experimental biomechanical study.
Animals— Cadaveric canine pelvic limbs (n=10).
Methods— Titanium pins were inserted into the tibial plateau and the proximal metaphysis to track the fragment movements by means of computed tomography (CT) imaging. CT scans were performed (1) before osteotomy, (2) after osteotomy and tibial plateau rotation, and (3) after stabilization with plate and screws. The bones were then cyclically loaded in axial compression.
Results— The radiographically planned tibial plateau rotation correlated significantly with the achieved rotation (r=0.73, P =.016), although deviations of up to 4.7° were observed. A significant positive correlation between the amount of rotation about the sawing axis and the plastic deformation of the construct after 30,000 test cycles could be found (r=0.81, P =.005).
Conclusion— Considerable deviation occurred between planned and achieved rotation of the tibial plateau fragment. Lower degrees of rotation were beneficial for biomechanical stability.
Clinical Relevance— Dogs with larger tibial plateau angles may be at a relatively higher risk for fixation failure, but further studies are needed to establish a safe margin of tibial plateau rotation.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old spayed female Golden Retriever was admitted with chronic lameness of the right hind limb. A tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) had been performed on this leg approximately three years previously. A progressively growing soft tissue mass, affecting the right stifle, previously treated with TPLO was biopsied and found to be a histiocytic sarcoma. Previously proposed links between the development of neoplasia in the stifle region and the presence of chronic synovitis, osteotomy, orthopaedic implants, and specifically the Slocum TPLO plate, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The unambiguous identification of a biological specimen can deliver invaluable evidence to solve criminal cases. In this case the origin of a heart had to be clarified. Using the polymerase chain reaction technique and species-specific primer pairs for two genes it was clearly shown that this tissue was not from a human but from a pig.  相似文献   

Polyethylene terephtalate-covered identification transponders were injected in 4 week old piglets to examine clinically and histologically the reaction in the surrounding tissue after 4, 7 and 21 days and 6 months. Inflammatory signs at the injection site were clinically noticed from 2 days onwards and gradually decreased after day 3. A second series of inflammatory events occured in some animals around day 7. Swelling was observed thereafter in a few animals. In the pigs slaughtered at day 4, all samples showed a layer of exudate and debris surrounding the transponder. Afterwards a fibrous capsule developed. The mean thickness of reactive tissue decreased significantly (p < 0.01) between days 4 and 7 and days 14 and 21, and remained unchanged between day 21 and 6 months. The mean (+/- s.e.) capsule thickness was 0.32 +/- 0.12 mm after 6 months. It is concluded that PET-covered transponders are encapsulated in fibrous connective tissue within 3 weeks after injection at the base of the ear. After 6 months the capsule around the transponder revealed no or only minor signs of inflammation.  相似文献   

An inactivated Brucella ovis saline-in-oil vaccine was administered to 14 adult ewes using both the intraperitoneal route and the subcutaneous route. Pairs of animals were necropsied at intervals between 24 hours and ten weeks after injection. The nature of the local inflammatory reaction to the administration of the vaccine was similar at all sites. The lesion consisted of granulomatous inflammation arranged around droplets of oily vaccine. Diffuse peritonitis was seen at necropsy in 12 of the 14 animals. A local extraperitoneal inflammatory response at the injection site was present in four animals despite careful attempts to deposit the vaccine within the abdominal cavity. A second study of 30 rams vaccinated by the intraperitoneal technique confirmed that extraperitoneal deposition of vaccine commonly occurred and that approximately 20% of animals vaccinated by the intraperitoneal method still had peritonitis six months later.  相似文献   


An inactivated Brucella ovis saline-in-oil vaccine? was administered to 14 adult ewes using both the intraperitoneal route and the subcutaneous route. Pairs of animals were necropsied at intervals between 24 hours and ten weeks after injection. The nature of the local inflammatory reaction to the administration of the vaccine was similar at all sites. The lesion consisted of granulomatous inflammation arranged around droplets of oily vaccine. Diffuse peritonitis was seen at necropsy in 12 of the 14 animals. A local extraperitoneal infammatory response at the injection site was present in four animals despite careful attempts to deposit the vaccine within the abdominal cavity. A second study of 30 rams vaccinated by the intraperitoneal technique confirmed that extraperitoneal deposition of vaccine commonly occurred and that approximately 20% of animals vaccinated by the intraperitoneal method still had peritonitis six months later.  相似文献   

A 4 · 5‐month‐old, 13 · 8 kg, female neutered mixed breed dog was presented for evaluation of acute non‐weight bearing right pelvic limb lameness. Radiographs revealed a tibial tuberosity avulsion fracture for which open reduction/internal fixation was performed. Asymmetrical premature closure of the cranial aspect of the proximal tibial physis ensued with a tibial plateau angle of ?12°. Abnormal stifle biomechanics resulted in lameness and caudal cruciate ligament fraying. Tibial plateau ‐levelling osteotomy was performed in standard fashion with the exception that the proximal tibial ‐fragment was rotated cranioproximally to increase the tibial plateau angle from ?12° to +5° (reverse tibial ‐plateau levelling osteotomy). Normal healing and resolution of lameness followed and the dog remained ‐clinically healthy 2 years postoperatively. This case report demonstrates that any change in proximal tibial anatomy, whether traumatic, iatrogenic or with therapeutic intent, can cause altered stifle biomechanics and should not be underestimated. Surgical management through corrective ‐osteotomy can be used to restore adequate function.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of a force plate as a method for objective gait analysis in adult poultry, to characterize ground reaction forces (GRFs) produced in adult chickens during normal walking, and to assess the variability of GRFs. ANIMALS: 18 clinically normal 5-month-old Brown Leghorn hens. PROCEDURE: Vertical, craniocaudal, and mediolateral GRFs were measured as hens walked across a standard force plate embedded in the middle of a runway. RESULTS: All GRFs were significantly affected by speed, and variability was high. With increasing speed, overall stance time decreased, but the percentage of stance time spent in braking or propulsion remained approximately equal. There was an overall increase in maximum propulsion force, which was produced at a greater rate over a shorter time; thus, propulsion integral decreased. Maximum braking forces and braking integrals were variable, but the rate at which the forces were generated increased. Mediolateral forces were 2 to 3 times greater in hens than values that have been reported for other species. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A standard force plate can be used to objectively measure GRFs in walking adult hens; however, the large variation in the data suggests that the technique in its current form would be of limited clinical use. Overall, vertical and craniocaudal forces had similar characteristics to those of other species, whereas mediolateral forces were found to be much greater in chickens than for other species.  相似文献   

Killed vaccines in oil emulsions are critical components of breeder and layer vaccination programs. Current vaccination sites are limited, and each has inherent problems. Oil emulsion vaccines are associated with increased condemnations of spent fowl when vaccines are injected intramuscularly into the breast. In an attempt to reduce tissue reaction when injected into the breast muscle, a commercially available Pasteurella multocida bacterin was heated to 41 C (100 F) for 5 hr prior to administration. A second treatment group was injected with the same bacterin at room temperature, 25 C. The vaccine was injected into the breast muscle at 10 and 18 wk of age into white Leghorn hens. Seroconversion was evaluated using P. multocida enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at 10, 18, and 24 wk. Treatment and control groups were euthanized and lesions scored at 24 wk of age. One replicate was challenged with type 1 P. multocida at 24 wk of age. Lesion scores for the heated vaccine group were significantly lower than the room temperature vaccine. ELISA titers were not significantly different at 24 wk between the two treatment group; however, a significant rise in antibody titer was observed at 18 wk in the group that was injected with the heated vaccine. Survivability to challenge was improved in birds injected with the heated vaccine. Results suggest that heating of a P. multocida bacterin reduces local tissue reaction without having a deleterious effect on immunity as measured by ELISA and challenge.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a great deal of interest in polynucleotide vaccination also referred to as DNA vaccines or genetic immunization for inducing long-term immunity in various animals and humans. The main attraction of this technology is the possibility to induce a broad range of immune responses without the use of conventional adjuvants. To date, most of the studies (>500 reports) have focused on DNA vaccination in mice. The present report summarizes the limited number of trials that have used target animal species to not only test the immune responses but also correlate them to protection.  相似文献   

Cadaveric material has long been used to teach anatomy and more recently to train students in clinical skills. The aim of this study was to develop a systematic approach to compare the impact of four embalming solutions on the tissues of human cadavers. To this end, a formalin‐based solution, Thiel, Genelyn and Imperial College London soft‐preservation (ICL‐SP) solution were compared. The effect of these chemicals on the properties of the tissue was assessed by measuring the range of motion (ROM) of joints and measuring the dimensions of different structures on computed tomography (CT) images before and after embalming. The mean changes in the ratio (angle to ROM) differed statistically between embalming methods (Welch Statistic 3,1.672 = 67.213, p = 0.026). Thiel embalmed cadavers showed an increase in range of motion while ICL‐SP cadavers remained relatively the same. Genelyn and formalin embalmed cadavers registered a notable decrease in range of motion. Furthermore, investigation into the impact of the embalming chemicals on the dimensions of internal organs and vessels revealed that Thiel embalming technique leads to a decrease in the dimension of the cardiovascular system alone while formalin‐based solutions maintain the shape of the organs and vessels investigated. Our findings suggest that the joints of cadavers’ embalmed using ICL‐SP technique may faithfully mimic that of unembalmed cadavers and that formalin is necessary to retain shape and size of the organs and vessels investigated in this study. Despite this, a study with larger numbers of cadavers is required to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

P F Cotter  T Wing 《Avian diseases》1987,31(3):643-648
Human plasma produced cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity when injected into chicken wattles. The kinetics of the response development were affected by presensitization, whether or not complete Freund's adjuvant was used. Presensitized chickens developed their maximum response significantly sooner (12.6 hr earlier) than the controls.  相似文献   

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