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2006~2007年我们在海南省文昌市会文镇某海水养殖基地实施《高位池精养点带石斑鱼高产技术研究》项目。经近一年时间的精心饲养管理,取得了理想的结果,现将项目实施的操作技术总结如下,以供业内人士参考。  相似文献   

胡金城 《水产养殖》2006,27(4):29-30
点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabaricus),俗称青班,是我国南方海水网箱养殖的主要品种之一,具有个体大、生长快、适应性强、便于活体运输和暂养的特点。为了丰富北方海水养殖品种,于2004年进行了北方地区点带石斑鱼池塘养殖的试验,现将试验情况总结如下。1养鱼池及配套设施每个养  相似文献   

胡金城 《齐鲁渔业》2006,23(4):36-37
点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabarieus)俗称青班,是我国南方海水网箱养殖的主要品种之一,具有个体大、生长快、适应性强、便:列舌体运输和暂养的特点。为了丰富北方海水养殖品种,天津市海发珍品实业发展有限公司于2004年进行了北方地区点带石斑鱼池塘养殖的试验,现将试验情况总结如下。  相似文献   

“养虾先养水”是业内人士都认同的观点 ,它说明了水色在对虾养殖生产中的重要性。在整个养殖过程中 ,要营造良好而稳定的水色是养虾技术的重点和难点。说起来容易 ,做起来难度很大。现针对对虾高产养殖生产中经常碰到一些有关水色调控的问题 ,提出一些处理方法 ,以供参考或共同探讨 :1 虾池水色的标准及作用水色是虾池水体理化因子的综合反映 ,它与水中浮游生物的种类和数量有密切关系。对虾养殖生产中通常以池水的颜色、透明度的大小和清爽度来衡量池水水色的好坏 ,良好的水色应是黄褐色、黄绿色 ,清爽而亮泽 ,硅藻和绿藻同时成为优势种…  相似文献   

<正> 所谓水色是指池水在阳光的照射下所呈现出来的颜色,组成水色的物质主要是水中的浮游生物,它们悬浮生活于水层之中,肉眼难于看到,许多种类虽略能自由浮动,但游泳能力不强,一般不能逆水前进,只能依靠池水中的波浪作被动运动。浮游生物分为浮游植物和浮游动物两个类群。浮游植物主要包括绿藻、金藻、甲藻、隐藻、硅藻、裸藻和蓝藻等几个门的种类以及各种浮游细菌。浮游动物主要包括原生动物、轮虫、枝角类和桡足  相似文献   

石斑鱼是名贵的养殖经济鱼类,本文作者探索对虾池中试养石斑鱼,通过初步试验,已获得初步结果。虾池试养石斑鱼,实践证明是可行的。  相似文献   

点带石斑鱼属鲈形目、鮨科、石斑鱼亚科、石斑鱼属,具有雌雄同体、先雌后雄性逆转现象,属一年一次分批产卵类型、暖水性、礁穴栖息、肉食性的凶猛鱼类。至今为止,在我国已记录近50种的石斑鱼属种类中,点带石斑鱼是分布最广的种类之一,北起浙江南至南沙群岛的海域均有其踪迹。  相似文献   

目前,海蜇养殖技术不很成熟,但是海蜇价格较高,养殖周期短,许多养殖户纷纷尝试,养殖产量和效益或高或低,不很稳定。为了充分利用虾池,探索海蜇养殖生产技术,我们于2003—2004年连续二年利用虾池进行海蜇养殖试验,均取得了较好的养殖效果。现将养殖技术总结如下。  相似文献   

目前,海蜇养殖技术不很成熟,但是海蜇价格较高,养殖周期短,许多养殖户纷纷尝试养殖,养殖产量和效益或高或低,很不稳定。为了充分利用虾池,探索海蜇养殖生产技术,我们于2003-2004年连续2年利用虾池进行海蜇养殖试验,均取得了较好的效果。现将养殖技术总结如下:  相似文献   

南美白对虾精养虾池放养密度试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在连江进行南美白对虾精养虾池放养密度试验,通过水质测定,生长测定和效益分析等方面寻找能取得最好效益的适宜放养密度。研究表明:除了溶解氧与对虾放养密度成反比外,COD、PO_4-P、NO_2-N、NO_2-N、NH_4-N等水质指标均与放养密度无关,只是随着养殖时间延长,COD、PO_4-P逐渐增加。研究还表明:放养密度与对虾的体长、体重成反比,而与饵料系数成正比。养殖结果显示:在适当的条件下,提高放养密度可以增加单位面积的产量和产值。  相似文献   

何剑平 《水利渔业》2006,26(3):113-114
通过沿海地区虾池、人工湖挖掘工程实践,学习、摸索、总结出一套虾池挖掘技术。该项技术切实可行、经济实用,解决了水中挖方的难题。  相似文献   

点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabaricus)属鲈形目(Perciformes)、鮨科(Serranidae)、石斑鱼亚科(Epinephelinac)石斑鱼属(Epinephelus),俗称青斑,为热带和亚热带海域的肉食性暖水性礁栖鱼类。石斑鱼肉质鲜美,营养丰富,深受消费者的青睐,作为一种名贵的海产经济鱼类,因其具有生长速度快,对环境适应能力强的优点,  相似文献   

点带石斑鱼池塘生态育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabaricus)属鲈形目(Perciformes),鮨科(Serranidae),石斑鱼亚科(Epinephelinae)、石斑鱼属(Epinephelus),俗称青斑,主要分布在热带、亚热带海域,在我国广泛分布于东南沿海,属名贵的珊瑚礁鱼类。  相似文献   

采用人工配制海水(盐度为10)、自配粉状饲料(蛋白含量45%),在水温24~29℃的范围内,对2 200尾体重3~4g的点带石斑鱼幼鱼进行培育试验.经过67 d培育,鱼体体重达到32.7 ~35.0 g,约增加9倍,日均增重量达0.44 ~0.46 g,特定生长率为3.24~3.57% ·d-1;平行养殖试验结果显示成活率分别为70%和80%,饲料系数分别为0.93和0.86;养殖过程完全实现不换水、不用药的节水型和健康型模式.  相似文献   

介绍了玛拉巴石斑鱼从亲鱼培育到幼鱼出池的人工繁殖及苗种培育技术。讨论了人工繁殖和苗种培育过程中影响仔、稚、幼鱼成活率的三个主要因素,并提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

Soil physicochemical properties of the growout ponds of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) were examined in relation to shrimp yields for one production cycle. The culture ponds were old (>5 years) and new (newly constructed) types. Soil texture was silty clay with low sand content and high proportion of clay for both the pond types with alkaline soil pH (7.87–9.71). Organic matter (OM) concentration was higher (7.48 ± 0.01%) in old ponds and positively related (r = 0.58, P < 0.05) with total nitrogen (TN). The major cations (Ca, Mg, and Na) were higher in the soil of old ponds and did not fluctuate significantly during culture. The majority of trace elements, i.e., Fe (349.22 ± 35.7 ppm), Mn (56.19 ± 30.2 ppm), Zn (88.56 ± 8.09 ppm), Al (454.3 ± 200.6), Pb (1.3 ± 0.96 ppm), Co (3.4 ± 0.2), V (6.56 ± 1.79 ppm), Cr (19.32 ± 0.63 ppm), Ti (82.78 ± 54.3 ppm), As (5.60 ± 0.28 ppm), Ag (0.38 ± 0.5 ppm), and Sb (3.89 ± 0.48 ppm) were found to be higher in new pond soils than the old ponds. Except for soil manganese, no major fluctuations in trace elements were observed during the culture period. Shrimp growth was not significantly different in the two types of ponds, and no distinct correlation between shrimp growth and element content of soils could be drawn. The results indicate that shrimp pond age may not affect production of shrimp if soils are properly managed pre- and postculture. The differences in production in different ponds might be the result of management practice such as quality of shrimp post larvae, pond preparation, water and feed quality, and available live feed in the pond bottom or other environmental factors like water nutrients and physicochemical parameters.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton dynamics in shrimp ponds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The productivity, community composition and dynamics of phytoplankton were examined in commercial shrimp [= penaeid prawn] ponds in eastern Australia. Nutrient and light regimes were examined concurrently. Analysis of chlorophyll a, algal accessory pigments and bacterial numbers over a 6-month period showed considerable daily variation. Bacterial numbers and nutrient concentrations were not significantly different between the top and bottom of the water column nor between sites within a pond, but there were significant depth differences in chlorophyll a, and the diatom and cyanobacteria indicator pigments, fucoxanthin and zeaxanthin, and site differences in alkalinity and fucoxanthin. Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal variation was used to develop sampling strategies. Our results showed that to accurately reflect changes in phytoplankton throughout the grow-out season, chlorophyll a and the accessory pigments must be sampled for longer than five consecutive days. A suggested alternative to manual sampling is the use of automated loggers. Factors that might be limiting phytoplankton growth and affecting community composition were determined. Light appears to be limiting phytoplankton growth and it is suggested that a shallower pond depth and/or higher turbidity would increase algal productivity. Changes in nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios and ammonia concentrations coincided with changes in phytoplankton community structure.  相似文献   

点带石斑鱼的核型、C带、Ag-NORs   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
邹记兴 《水产学报》2005,29(1):33-37
采用PHA活体注射结合秋水仙素培养,取点带石斑鱼全肾,低渗处理,空气干燥制片法制作染色体标本,对染色体进行Giemsa染色、C带及Ag-NORs等系列研究。结果表明:(1)点带石斑鱼2n=48,核型组成为48t,NF=48,没有异型性染色体分化;(2)在最小一对染色体的着丝粒与其染色体臂之间,靠近着丝粒部位有明显的次缢痕;(3)在间期核中,通过银染表现出核仁的数目为1~4个,1个核仁的间期核数目最高,多达55%,4个核仁的间期核数目占2%;(4)50%有丝分裂中期相能观察到Ag-NORs,Ag-NORs主要出现在第24对同源染色体上,第5对同源染色体也可观察到,但其它染色体上则没有;(5)Ag-NORs的数目在不同的细胞中表现出多态性,数目为1~4个,出现4个Ag-NOR~的频率最低(6.8%),出现2个Ag-NORs的频率最高(58.1%);(6)第24对同源染色体近着丝粒的臂内具次缢痕,是A乎NORs所在的区域,该区域分布有大量的结构异染色质,即Ag-NORs与C带强阳性呈现严格的同步对应;(7)点带石斑鱼所有染色体着丝粒为阳性C带,而且第24对染色体几乎整个染色体臂都呈C带阳性,着色强度与该对染色体上的着丝粒C带相同。最后讨论了核型演化规律和Ag-NORs、C带的发生机制。  相似文献   

将从平均体质量400 g的点带石斑鱼中肾分离出的白细胞培养在添加0、0.5、1、2 mmol/L 谷氨酰胺的培养基中2、6、12、24 h后,测定白细胞的吞噬和呼吸爆发活力,结果发现,添加谷氨酰胺后白细胞的吞噬和呼吸爆发活力显著提高,随着培养时间的延长,吞噬和呼吸爆发活力进一步提高,最高值均在培养12 h后的1 mmol/L组。在培养12、24 h后测定了白细胞的增殖能力,发现培养12 h后,添加谷氨酰胺的各组增殖效果明显优于未添加谷氨酰胺组(对照组)( P<0.05),但添加谷氨酰胺的各组之间差异不显著(P>0.05),最高值在1 mmol/L组;培养48 h后,除2 mmol/L组外,其他处理组的增殖效果均下降。白细胞对迟钝爱德华氏菌杀菌率变化趋势与吞噬活力相符,1、2 mmol/L 组杀菌率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而0.5 mmol/L组与对照组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验结果表明,谷氨酰胺是石斑鱼有效的免疫增强剂,在培养基中添加1 mmol/L 谷氨酰胺培养12 h效果最佳。  相似文献   

Coastal shrimp (Penaeus monodon) aquaculture in Bangladesh is mostly practiced in a special type of field/pond situated by the side of a river -- called a Gher -- that is used to cultivate rice in winter and shrimp in summer. Ghers of different sizes are managed in different ways. In order to understand the effects of Gher size and their corresponding management practices on the production and economic returns of shrimp farming, we conducted an on-farm study in three small (1–5 ha), three medium (6–10 ha) and three large (>10 ha) Ghers located in the coastal Southwest region of Bangladesh. The mean harvest weight of shrimp was similar in all Ghers, but survival rates were higher in the small (50%) and medium (37%) ones than in the large (18%) ones. The high mortality in the large units led to a production that was lower than one-half of that in the small Ghers (about 80 and 200 kg/ha, respectively). The total variable costs per unit area were similar in all Ghers, but the importance of different items varied with Gher size. In the small Ghers, there are relatively high investments on inputs and labor. This expenditure results in lower shrimp mortality and higher production, which in turn results in gross returns that are larger than the total costs -- hence, a positive and high net return. In large Ghers, the fixed costs are larger than in the small ones simply because of the size of the pond. Variable costs include higher investments in post-larvae and labor than in small Ghers, and lower inputs applied only at pond preparation. This results in higher shrimp mortality and lower production, which in turn results in gross returns that are smaller than the total costs -- hence, a negative or low net return. These findings have positive implications for the future policy formulation of coastal shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

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