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贵州省7个地区主要山羊流产疫病的流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解2011—2012年间贵州省山羊5种流产疫病的流行情况,采用虎红平板凝集试验(RBPT)、间接血凝试验(IHA)和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)3种血清学方法对贵州省7个地(州、市)74个养殖场的514份山羊血清进行5种流产疫病抗体的血清学监测,并通过PCR方法对10个规模化养殖场流产死亡母羊子宫、胎儿、肺和肺门淋巴结组织进行羊流产亲衣原体病和山羊传染性胸膜炎的病原核酸进行检测。结果显示:布氏杆菌病、羊流产亲衣原体病、弓形虫病、蓝舌病、山羊传染性胸膜炎的丝状支原体山羊亚种和绵羊肺炎支原体血清抗体阳性率分别为0、1.26%、6.72%、26.95%、2.35%和6.79%;羊流产亲衣原体病、山羊传染性胸膜肺炎的丝状支原体山羊亚种和绵羊肺炎支原体病原核酸检测阳性率分别为0、0、10%。结果表明:目前除布氏杆菌病以外,其余4种山羊流产疫病均在贵州存在不同程度的流行。  相似文献   

山羊传染性胸膜肺炎病例分子病原学诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对贵州省某规模化养羊场出现疑似山羊传染性胸膜肺炎(CCPP)症状的山羊采用分子生物学方法进行CCPP病原核酸检测,并通过生物信息学分析对病原进行确定性诊断。结果表明,本次疫情确诊为CCPP,临床病料经分子生物学和生物信息学分析认为病原基因与绵羊肺炎支原体(Mo)Y98标准株在分子进化上一致,表明引起该场CCPP的病原为...  相似文献   

为明确贵州省开阳县1例疑似山羊传染性胸膜肺炎(CCPP)病原种类,实验通过病原分离培养、形态学观察、生化试验和PCR方法对病原进行了分离与鉴定。结果显示,所分离病原具有支原体的生长特性,菌落形态与支原体相似;支原体分离株与Mo模式株生化试验结果相同,与Mmc模式株存在差异;PCR试验进一步确定分离株为Mo模式株。试验结果表明,本次山羊传染性胸膜肺炎疫情应为绵羊肺炎支原体感染所致。  相似文献   

为了解贵州省山羊流产与山羊痘的相关性,采用琼脂扩散试验和PCR法对本省10个市(县)流产羊群的血清和病料样本进行山羊痘抗原抗体及病原核酸检测,同时血清进行布氏杆菌抗体检测,流产胎儿病料进行羊流产亲衣原体病原核酸检测。结果发现山羊痘羊群流产率达37.1%(4329/11660),山羊痘血清抗体阳性率为38.2%(34/89),抗原阳性率为72.7%(32/44),流产胎儿山羊痘病毒核酸检出率为83.3%(10/12),发病羊群未检出布氏杆菌和羊流产亲衣原体感染。结果表明,山羊流产与山羊痘感染有一定关系,提示在山羊养殖中应加强饲养管理,防止山羊痘感染引起孕羊流产。  相似文献   

为实现山羊传染性胸膜肺炎(CCPP)快速检测,研究基于病原体山羊支原体山羊肺炎亚种的16S rRNA基因,设计合成特异性引物及探针,采用5'FAM-TAMRA3'标记物进行标记.结果显示,试验建立的CCPP-16S实时荧光定量PCR方法可特异性检测CCPP,产生特异性荧光信号,对相关其他病菌无法检出荧光信号;以CCPP...  相似文献   

接触传染性山羊胸膜肺炎(CCPP),是亚洲和非洲很多地方严重危害山羊的一种疾病。病原为丝状支原体山羊亚种,曾经多次在美国的患有结膜炎、关节炎和肺炎的山羊体内分离到,但是显然没有从呈现CCPP临床症状的病例分离出来过。直至今天西半球  相似文献   

陕西省某山羊养殖场发生了一起山羊流产病,经流行病学调查,临床症状和病理剖检观察进行初步诊断;利用布鲁菌虎红平板凝集试验、衣原体间接血凝试剂盒对10份流产母羊血清检测;对病料进行细菌学检测;依据GenBank收录的山羊流产性衣原体基因组设计1对特异性引物,通过PCR方法从病料中扩增衣原体特异性片段。结果表明,根据临床症状和病理变化初步怀疑为布鲁菌和鹦鹉热亲衣原体感染;10份血清检测结果为布鲁菌病血清全部阴性,衣原体感染血清全部为阳性;细菌学检测结果为阴性;PCR结果获得523bp基因片段,测序结果与鹦鹉热亲衣原体100%相似。依据流行病学调查,临床症状和病理剖检观察,病原学和血清学诊断,最终确诊该病为鹦鹉热亲衣原体引起的山羊地方流行性流产。  相似文献   

通过比较研究羊流产嗜衣原体与弓形虫抗体的间接血凝试验(IHA)与酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测结果,选择适宜贵州省山羊流产血清学调查的检测方法。通过IHA和ELISA两种方法对贵州省195份山羊血清进行羊流产嗜衣原体与弓形虫抗体的检测,统计并分析两种疫病的阳性符合率、阴性符合率和总符合率。结果表明,羊流产嗜衣原体与弓形虫IHA与ELISA的总符合率分别为77.95%和78.97%,阳性符合率均仅为50%,阴性符合率为80.45%和79.27%。说明在检测两种疫病血清抗体方面,IHA比ELISA更适合在贵州省基层推广。  相似文献   

山羊传染性胸膜肺炎(contagious caprine pleuropneumonia,CCPP)是由山羊支原体山羊肺炎亚种(Mycoplasma capricolum subsp.capripneumoniae,MCCP)引起的山羊急性或慢性呼吸道传染病,其病原MCCP的分离培养困难,同丝状支原体簇其他成员之间具有相似的生化和血清学性质,因此用传统的病原学和血清学方法无法对其进行准确鉴定。而基于PCR的分子检测技术,凭借其特异性高和敏感性强等诸多优点已被广泛应用于疾病的早期临床诊断。本文综述了CCPP的分子诊断方法,以期为该病的防治提供技术参考。  相似文献   

山羊传染性胸膜肺炎(Contagious caprine pleuropneu-monia,CCPP),是山羊高度接触性传染病,是国际兽疫局控制的B类病,临床上以高热、卡他性鼻液、咳嗽、眼结膜炎、呼吸道罗音、纤维素性胸膜炎、肺炎以及部分母羊流产、进行性消瘦为主要特点〔1〕。本病传播快、发病率死亡率高。  相似文献   

为调查贵州省细菌性山羊流产疫病的主要原因,分析山羊源流产细菌对正常怀孕动物免疫平衡的影响,本试验采集贵州省6个地区(州、市)12个规模养羊场临床健康和发病流产山羊的胎儿、子宫和母羊的阴道棉拭子样本共计107份进行细菌分离和鉴定,采用药敏纸片琼脂扩散法对3种主要羊源分离菌进行20种抗生素的耐药性调查,并用羊源流产细菌建立BALB/c小鼠流产模型,通过ELISA方法对妊娠相关细胞因子和激素进行测定。结果显示,从采集的107份样本中共分离到13个属细菌共302株,其中发病流产山羊生殖器官中分离的细菌种类多于临床健康山羊;流产山羊生殖器官中分离的羊源细菌耐药率高于临床健康山羊细菌耐药率;3种主要羊源流产细菌埃希氏菌、葡萄球菌和链球菌均可引起怀孕BALB/c小鼠发生不同程度的流产,流产率为埃希氏菌>葡萄球菌>链球菌;胚胎吸收率为埃希氏菌>葡萄球菌>链球菌;与空白对照组相比,各试验组BALB/c小鼠血清中的IFN-γ、IL-2含量上升,而IL-4、IL-10和孕酮含量降低。结果表明,贵州省细菌性山羊流产的发生与山羊生殖器官细菌种类多少、耐药性高低有一定相关性,推测山羊源流产细菌可能通过影响怀孕山羊的主要妊娠相关细胞因子和激素的含量导致山羊流产。  相似文献   

In order to study the main reason of bacterial goat abortion in Guizhou province,and analyze the bacteria impact of abortion goat immune balance in normal pregnancy animals,107 samples of the goat fetus,uterus and vaginal swabs were collected from clinical health and morbidity abortion goat in 12 scale goat farms of 6 areas in Guizhou province.The bacteria were isolated and identified.The drug susceptibility disc agar diffusion method was launched for the survey of the resistance of three main sources of goat isolates to 20 kinds of antibiotics.The BALB/c mice model of abortion was established using abortion bacteria isolated from goats.The pregnancy related hormones and cytokines were determined by ELISA method.The results showed that 302 strains bacteria of 13 genera were isolated from the samples,and the species of bacteria isolated from morbidity abortion goat were more than the clinical health goats.The bacteria resistant rate of goat reproductive organs in abortion goats was higher than that of clinical healthy goats bacteria.The varying degrees of abortion of BALB/c mice could cause by Escherichia,Staphylococcus and Streptococcus isolated from goats,the rates were Escherichia>Staphylococcus>Streptococcus,respectively and the embryo resorption rates were Escherichia>Staphylococcus>Streptococcus,respectively.Compared with the control group,IFN-γ and IL-2 in the serum were increased;However,IL-4,IL-10 and progesterone were decreased.The results indicated that the occurrence of bacterial goat abortion diseases had certainly related to the number of bacterial types and the level of drug resistance in goat reproductive organs.The levels of pregnancy related hormones and cytokines in goats serum could be changed by abortion bacteria,thus lead to goats abortion.  相似文献   

丁芳  刘加文 《草业科学》2013,30(3):457-460
发展草地畜牧业一直是贵州发展经济和改善生态环境的重要措施,本研究通过实地调查和试验的方法对贵州省赫章县黑山羊的越冬问题进行调查。结果表明,赫章县黑山羊的越冬死亡率高,总体死亡率为14.9%,其中羊羔死亡率最高达31.0%,体况较好的育肥羊最低(3.8%)。越冬期间,黑山羊体质量平均减轻11.4%,1月减少最多,流产率达到28.6%。试验结果显示,布鲁氏杆菌、弓形虫、衣原体抗体阳性率均为0,说明赫章县黑山羊的流产并不是由布鲁氏杆菌、衣原体、弓形虫等疫病引起的。因此,可通过加强圈舍建设、提高家畜营养水平、强化饲养管理等措施来减少越冬死亡率,降低流产率,避免冬季的无效饲养,从而解决贵州省赫章县黑山羊养殖的越冬问题,不断提高草地畜牧业生产效益。  相似文献   

The efficacy of danofloxacin (Advocin A180) was evaluated for the treatment of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) caused by Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae. Ten healthy Angora goats, confirmed free of CCPP, were exposed to clinically affected animals from a natural outbreak in Thrace, Turkey. After 14 days exposure, 8 goats showed pyrexia ( > or = 41 degrees C). Shortly after, the Angora goats were divided randomly into two groups. Five of these were injected with danofloxacin (6 mg/kg subcutaneously), which was repeated after 48 h; the five remaining animals received saline. Goats were monitored clinically and blood samples were collected for serology. Animals with severe disease were withdrawn from the trial. Goats completing the study were euthanized at day 42. Lung tissue and bronchial fluid were collected for mycoplasma isolation. All danofloxacin-treated goats showed resolution of clinical disease by the end of the trial. Two saline-treated goats failed to complete the study owing to CCPP. Danofloxacin-treated goats showed fewer lung lesions and had significantly lower combined clinical scores than saline controls (p < 0.001). Danofloxacin was found to be highly effective in the treatment of CCPP in goats.  相似文献   

Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) is a major threat to goat farming in parts of Africa and Asia. It classically causes acute high morbidity and mortality early in infection, but little is known of its long term epizootiology and course. In this study, 10 goats were inoculated with Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (M. capripneumoniae) and then mixed with 15 goats for contact transmission. The disease course was monitored in each goat for 56-105 days, whereafter the goats were killed and necropsied. Varying features signifying infection occurred in altogether 17 goats (7 inoculated, 10 in-contact). Clinical signs were severe in 8 goats but no fatalities occurred. Only 6 goats had serum antibody titres against M. capripneumoniae in ELISA. Fourteen goats (5 inoculated, 9 in-contact) had chronic pleuropulmonary lesions compatible with CCPP at necropsy and 7 of those showed M. capripneumoniae antigen in the lung by immunohistochemistry. Neither cultivation nor PCR tests were positive for the agent in any goat. The results indicate that the clinical course of CCPP in a flock may be comparatively mild, M. capripneumoniae-associated lung lesions may be present at a late stage of infection, and chronic infection may occur without a significant serological response.  相似文献   

Fifty goats were immunised in the field against contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) using a single dose (0.15 mg) of lyophilised, saponin killed Mycoplasma strain F38. Two months after vaccination, these goats together with 50 unimmunised control goats were challenged by contact with goats experimentally infected with CCPP. Twelve vaccinates and 14 controls died of diarrhoea due to salmonella infection during the first two weeks after challenge. The remaining immunised goats (38) with the exception of two goats which had elevated temperatures were protected from CCPP. Of the remaining 36 control goats, 30 contracted CCPP at a mean of 39 (+/- 14.3 SD) days after challenge and 27 of them died. These results show that the lyophilised killed F38 vaccine conferred 100 per cent protection against mortality and 95 per cent protection against clinical disease caused by Mycoplasma species strain F38.  相似文献   

The study was conducted in two selected districts of Southern Omo zones of Ethiopia, namely Hammer and Benna-Tsemay, during November 2004 and May 2005 to determine the status of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP). Participatory disease investigation was conducted in the goat flocks owned by pastoralists of the districts. Participatory methods such as proportionate piling and matrix scoring of diseases were used to characterise major diseases of goats. Clinical and post-mortem examinations and isolation of the causative agent of CCPP were done. Serological tests were conducted using CFT. CCPP (locally termed Sompo) ranked as the first important disease of goats in the study area. Local perception of causes and signs of CCPP were described. Matrix scoring between groups revealed that disease signs and causes showed weak, moderate and good agreement by Kendall’s coefficient concordance (W = 0.21–0.99). The overall sero-prevalence of CCPP was 15.5%. The causative agent was isolated from sick animals in the lab. The characteristic clinical signs, gross lesions, bacteriological isolation of the causative agent supported by participatory epidemiological disease investigation revealed that CCPP is a major disease of goats in the study districts. Participatory epidemiology using indigenous knowledge could efficiently be used to generate sufficient information with minimum cost, local materials and within reasonably short period of time, assisting the designing of feasible disease control programme in developing countries.  相似文献   

Three groups of 15 goats each were immunised against contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) using sonicated antigens of the F-38 strain of mycoplasma incorporated in incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA), emulsified in aluminium hydroxide and phosphate buffered saline respectively. Three months after immunisation, five goats from each group were challenged by the in-contact method. The goats immunised with the antigen incorporated in IFA were all solidly immune to the challenge whereas only two of five of the goats in the other two groups were protected. When the remaining 10 animals from each group were challenged six months after immunisation, those immunised with the antigen in IFA were still solidly immune while only two goats from each of the other two groups were protected. These results show that effective immunity against CCPP caused by the F-38 strain can be induced by vaccination with sonicated F-38 antigens emulsified in IFA.  相似文献   

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