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An agroforestry project was funded by the US Agency for International Development and implemented by the Pan American Development Foundation in Haiti from 1981 to 1991. This project is considered by many to be one of the most successful projects of its kind in Haiti, and in the tropics as a whole. Over the ten years of its implementation, the project, referred to in Haitian Creole as Pwoje Pyebwa (Tree Project), evolved from a tree production and planting project to a much broader soil-conservation-based program involving trees. This paper summarizes the training and extension systems that developed during that period. The socioeconomic background studies that were done before the project began, and the flexible, consultative mode of field-team implementation, incorporating elements of the learning process approach, were important to the success of the project. During the implementation of the project, however, concern for farmer input and participation should have been incorporated more systematically into the field operations of the regional teams.  相似文献   

Agroforestry offers unique opportunities for increasing biodiversity, preventing land degradation, and alleviating poverty, particularly in developing countries, but factors explaining the adoption by farmers are not well understood. A survey of 524 farm households was conducted in Bhakkar district of Punjab, Pakistan to study factors that determine the adoption of agroforestry on the sand dunes in the resource-deficient region of Thal. Two types of agroforestry systems were studied: intercropping and border cropping (also known as boundary or perimeter planting). Both agroforestry systems included irrigated cultivation of the timber trees Eucalyptus camaldulensis (local name: sufeda) and Tamarix aphylla (local name: sars) with wheat, chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) (local name: chana) or cluster beans (Cyamous tetragocalobe) (local name: guars). The majority of the farmers was in favour of intercropping and border cropping. Most farmers reported the protection of nearby crops from dust storms as the most important positive perception about both agroforestry systems. Age, education, and farm to market distance were significant determinants of agroforestry adoption. Older and less-educated farmers, with farms closer to markets were less likely to adopt tree planting or border cropping in Thal. In general, the agroforestry systems examined were more likely to be adopted by farmers who can wait 3–4 years for harvesting crop outputs, but not by poorer farmers who are totally dependent on subsistence agriculture and cannot afford the high initial cost of agroforestry establishment, nor can they wait for crop output for extended periods. Furthermore, the adoption of both agroforestry systems was more likely in remote marginal areas than in areas close to markets. To increase agroforestry adoption rates, government policies should strengthen farmers’ knowledge of every stage of agroforestry through extension services, focusing particularly among the prime prospects, i.e. farmers who will be most likely to adopt agroforestry. Once the prime prospects have adopted it, the older, less-educated, and poor farmers of the rural population can be also focused on to motivate adoption.  相似文献   

The first steps in developing an agroforestry extension and training program involve compilation, synthesis, and analysis of current knowledge on existing practices. Equally important is to understand the perceptions of landowners and professionals of agroforestry as a land use option. No systematic effort has been made to assess these critical issues in the southeastern United States. Therefore, needs assessment surveys were developed following an analysis of major demographic issues that frame land use in the region and synthesis of information obtained from informal site visits and interviews with people engaged in resource and land use in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain. Surveys of extension professionals and landowners were then undertaken in the states of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia to represent the southeastern region. In addition to getting insights into the perceived benefits and concerns about agroforestry practices, the surveys indicated that the extent of alley cropping, forest farming and silvopasture practiced by landowners was less than anticipated, and that the prominence of windbreaks was overlooked by professionals. Managed riparian forest buffers or streamside management zones and windbreak technologies were the most widely used forms of agroforestry in the study area, although landowners did not recognize influence of agroforestry practices on quality or quantity of water among benefits of highest importance to them. Multistrata patio- or home gardens were also a prominent landowner-practice and acknowledged by professionals. These survey results can be useful for developing a relevant agroforestry extension and training program in the subtropical Southeast and may be of interest to agroforestry efforts in other similar settings. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Information on carbon (C) sequestration potential of agroforestry practices (AP) is needed to develop economically beneficial and ecologically and environmentally sustainable agriculture management plans. The synthesis will provide a review of C sequestration opportunities for AP in temperate North America and the estimated C sequestration potential in the US. We estimated carbon sequestration potential for silvopasture, alley cropping, and windbreaks in the US as 464, 52.4, and 8.6?Tg?C?yr?1, respectively. Riparian buffers could sequester an additional 4.7?Tg?C?yr?1 while protecting water quality. Thus, we estimate the potential for C sequestration under various AP in the US to be 530?Tg?yr?1. The C sequestered by AP could help offset current US emission rate of 1,600?Tg?C?yr?1 from burning fossil fuel (coal, oil, and gas) by 33?%. Several assumptions about the area under different AP in the US were used to estimate C sequestration potential: 76?million?ha under silvopasture (25?million?ha or 10?% of pasture land and 51?million?ha of grazed forests), 15.4?million?ha (10?% of total cropland) under alley cropping, and 1.69?million?ha under riparian buffers. Despite data limitation and uncertainty of land area, these estimates indicate the important role agroforestry could play as a promising CO2 mitigation strategy in the US and temperate North America. The analysis also emphasizes the need for long-term regional C sequestration research for all AP, standardized protocols for C quantification and monitoring, inventory of AP, models to understand long-term C sequestration, and site-specific agroforestry design criteria to optimize C sequestration.  相似文献   

Agroforestry practices of farming communities are investigated in southern Punjab province, Pakistan. It is hypothesized that rural people of this areas are more inclined than elsewhere in the province to practice agroforestry due to greater profitability than cropping. A landholder survey revealed that the majority of farmers are inclined to plant trees on their land. Low accessibility of institutional credit is a constraint for both agroforestry farmers (AF) and non-agroforestry farmers. However, among AF respondents only 24% were found to need credit for agroforestry practice, as against nearly 76% for crop production. Mostly farmers were found to have positive perceptions regarding agroforestry practice, because they understand the multiple benefits from growing trees, compared with cropping where farmers face various constraints, including poor access to credit, natural hazards, and little support from local authorities. Further, effort to sensitize farmers that growing trees has multiple benefits compared to only cultivation of field crops can bring about change in farmer’s perceptions and attitudes in the Indus River basin, resulting in motivation for agroforestry adoption.  相似文献   

This paper offers a different framework for managing Mediterranean drought carob-tree orchard ecosystems. Two dry-farming systems were compared during two consecutive years: pure productive orchards and mixed orchards in a total of 360 mature trees distributed by 18 plots with areas of 0.55 and 0.30 ha per plot, respectively. Carob, fig, almond and olive trees compose mixed orchards. Trees of the mixed orchards were more productive than those of pure orchards. The main problem of both systems was the large variability and the low fruit production due to non-bearing trees, inducing unfavorable economic returns. Yield varied between 7.7 and 28.5 kg tree?1 respectively in pure and mixed orchards. In this paper we propose to use carbon sequestration calculations as an added benefit to farmers. A carbon stocking model estimation was established, based on trunk diameters of different trees. We depicted two management scenarios based on fruits production and carbon sequestration incomes: a low value scenario, using mean fruit production, and a high valuable scenario based on the hypothesis that all trees reached its potential maximum. Since under dry-farming systems fruit production irregularity is still a pendent problem, mixed orchards may offer a potential higher revenue, while maintaining higher crop diversification and whole biodiversity. C sequestration benefit, as here we purpose, may represent 125–300 % of income, respectively under low or high valuable scenario. Thus, CO2 equivalent is a novel ecological economic incentive that may potentiate a new income for farmers while assuring carob ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Integrated management of natural resources and the multiple use of trees and forests have prevailed in most European societies since prehistoric times. In the Middle Ages, expanding and intensified agriculture resulted in the separation of trees from agricultural fields. During the last century, with the introduction of sustainable and highly productive forest management, the goal of increased wood production has been achieved in most parts of central, northern, and eastern Europe. Today, agroforestry is not considered to be an important land-use option within the region; however, there are many practices that could rightfully be classified as agroforestry. These include tree/crop systems in which trees provide products and/or environmental benefits, and tree/animal systems in which animals are grazed in forests or open woodlands.The future seems to offer some prospects for agroforestry. Large areas, hitherto used for food production, are either marginally suited to agriculture, or will probably be taken out of production due to agricultural policy considerations. Agroforestry may, at least in part, offer alternatives for the use of such lands. The availability of (surplus) fertile soils, capital, and labor may provide incentives for site-adapted forms of agroforestry, including improved fallow management. The focus of such systems would be on maintenance of biodiversity in the landscape, environmental protection, recreation, and product diversification.There are numerous expectations as to what agroforestry might provide for the land holder and for society as a whole. These expectations should be carefully analyzed and evaluated prior to political decisions on future land use. The promotion of agroforestry requires overall investment; agroforestry does not happen by itself. A set of integrated actions — not isolated efforts — must be implemented if agroforestry is to become a successful land-use option.  相似文献   

Agroforestry in Nepal: research and practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agroforestry research and practice in Nepal is reviewed. The social and ecological complexity of the country is outlined along with some of the methodological problems. The central importance of trees for fodder and areas that they can be planted on farms are discussed. The role of adjacent forest for compost, firewood and tree seedlings is also highlighted. A system containing Nepalese Alder is outlined and assessed as an agroforestry system that is increasingly being adapted in the middle hills of eastern Nepal.  相似文献   

Agroforestry is a key land use in the development of ecological corridors in tropical rainforests biomes. This research tested the social dimensions of agroforestry adoption and maintenance in the Atlantic rainforest of Southern Bahia, Brazil. A quasi-experiment research design compared a group of farmers who participated in an agroforestry development program with a group of similar farmers who were not participants in the program. The effects of the program on the participants’ self-efficacy, attitudes and intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry were tested. The effects of socio-economic factors and attitudes were also compared to self-efficacy in terms of farmers’ intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry. Results indicate that the program neither raised nor lowered the farmers’ attitudes, self-efficacy or intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry. However, multiple regression and logistic model analyses indicate that perceived behavioral control, attitudes about conservation and available labor contributed most significantly to farmers’ intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry. Overall, perceived behavioral control proved to have the most significant correlation with farmers’ intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry. Therefore, agroforestry development programs could benefit from focusing on farmers’ perceived control of certain behaviors to enhance the persistence of agroforestry practices.  相似文献   

Ever since the Kyoto Protocol, agroforestry has gained increased attention as a strategy to sequester carbon (C) and mitigate global climate change. Agroforestry has been recognized as having the greatest potential for C sequestration of all the land uses analyzed in the Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry report of the IPCC; however, our understanding of C sequestration in specific agroforestry practices from around the world is rudimentary at best. Similarly, while agroforestry is well recognized as a land use practice capable of producing biomass for biopower and biofuels, very little information is available on this topic. This thematic issue is an attempt to bring together a collection of articles on C sequestration and biomass for energy, two topics that are inextricably interlinked and of great importance to the agroforestry community the world over. These papers not only address the aboveground C sequestration, but also the belowground C and the role of decomposition and nutrient cycling in determining the size of soil C pool using specific case studies. In addition to providing allometric methods for quantifying biomass production, the biological and economic realities of producing biomass in agroforestry practices are also discussed.  相似文献   

Agroforestry for ecosystem services and environmental benefits: an overview   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Agroforestry systems are believed to provide a number of ecosystem services; however, until recently evidence in the agroforestry literature supporting these perceived benefits has been lacking. This special issue brings together a series of papers from around the globe to address recent findings on the ecosystem services and environmental benefits provided by agroforestry. As prelude to the special issue, this paper examines four major ecosystem services and environmental benefits of agroforestry: (1) carbon sequestration, (2) biodiversity conservation, (3) soil enrichment and (4) air and water quality. Past and present evidence clearly indicates that agroforestry, as part of a multifunctional working landscape, can be a viable land-use option that, in addition to alleviating poverty, offers a number of ecosystem services and environmental benefits. This realization should help promote agroforestry and its role as an integral part of a multifunctional working landscape the world over.  相似文献   

Russell  D.  Franzel  S. 《Agroforestry Systems》2004,61(1-3):345-355
Agroforestry Systems - In many developing countries, especially in Africa, farmers have been introduced to agroforestry with little consideration for the markets for trees and tree products aside...  相似文献   

Today,shisham plantations in Punjab,Pakistan face major constraints,especially dieback disease.This article reviews the multidisciplinary team work by forest and plant pathologists and economists to resolve the confusions in the pathology of dieback disease.It is intended to be of practical use to the foresters and plant pathologists reporting on this issue.  相似文献   

Experiences from not only ‘success stories’ but also ‘failed’ agroforestry projects provide potentially useful lessons for future agroforestry-project designers. Experimental one-hectare agroforestry plots were established on 50 small-scale farms in the western Brazilian Amazon State of Rondonia from 1993 to 1995. Drawing from a menu of 25 different species (10 tropical hardwoods and softwoods and 15 fruits and palms), this species trial shows encouraging survival and growth performance for most species under wide ranging plot management regimes. Tropical hardwood survival rates (after 18 months) ranged from 65% for Cerejeira (Torresea acreana) to 88% for mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla). Survival rates for commercial fruit and palm species were even higher. A comparison of attributes of two sub-groups (successful and unsuccessful planters) suggests that previous experience with perennial monocultural cropping, greater social participation, land use history, and soil chemistry are positively associated with successful agroforestry species performance, while no significant differences exist between successful and unsuccessful planters in household size, area deforested, area in pasture, and land tenure security. A closer analysis of ‘failed’ agroforestry plots indicates the primary importance of social factors originating at the household-level (e.g. inadequate plot maintenance, improper planting techniques, illness, etc.). Twelve different causes of plot failure were cited, falling into three classes. Of the total number of reasons given for plot failure, household level factors represented 54% of all causes cited. Project design and implementation factors (inappropriate plot design, defective planting material, etc.) were cited 25% of the times and environmental factors (soil fertility constraints and pasture grass invasion) were cited 21% of the times. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Agroforestry systems in China: a survey and classification   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We classified agroforestry systems in China by system type and system unit. A system type is defined as a homogenous group whose major components are closely related economically, socially, and environmentally. A system unit is defined as a basic functional unit that reveals the specific biological relationships among the major components and requires similar management strategies and techniques. Seven system types and 26 system units are recognized in China. Among them, agrosilvofishery, silvomedicinal and agrosilvomedicinal systems have values unique to Chinese. Each system type is discussed in the context of its geographical extent in China, main species components, and system units.  相似文献   

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