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Severe spotting and blighting of leaves were found on bacopa (Sutera cordata), a scrophulariaceous ornamental, in greenhouses in Gunma Prefecture, Japan, from January through February 2007. After we isolated and identified the causal fungus as Colletotrichum destructivum and inoculated host plants with the isolate to confirm pathogenicity, we named this new disease anthracnose of bacopa.  相似文献   

Anthracnose of Japanese radish found in Kagoshima and Miyazaki prefectures was demonstrated to be caused by Colletotrichum dematium based on inoculation experiments and morphological and molecular identification of the pathogenic fungus. Although symptoms of Japanese radish anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum higginsianum were similar to those caused by C. dematium, damage by the latter pathogen was more severe than that by C. higginsianum.  相似文献   

Anthracnose disease was found on centipede grass [Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.] planted as a ground cover on paddy field levees in Shiga Prefecture in 2004. The symptoms were ear blight, stalk blight, and leaf spots. The causal fungus was morphologically identified as Colletotrichum caudatum (Sacc.) Peck. This is the first report of centipede grass anthracnose caused by C. caudatum.  相似文献   

Severe fruit rot of sweet pepper was found in Shimane, Hyogo, Chiba, Toyama, and Nagano prefectures, Japan from 2005 to 2011. Dark, sunken spots with concentric rings of orange conidial masses appeared on fruits. Pathogenic isolates from diseased fruits in the prefectures were identified as Colletotrichum scovillei. This species was added to the pathogens of sweet pepper anthracnose in Japan. The representative isolate was pathogenic to sweet pepper, tomato and chili pepper fruits, kidney bean pod, azuki bean, pea and strawberry leaves, but a caused no symptoms on cucumber or carrot in inoculation tests.  相似文献   

A Colletotrichum sp. was isolated from water-soaked lesions on sansevieria (Sansevieria trifasciata Prain cv. Laurentii) in Japan. Classifying the species only from the morphology of the fungus was difficult; therefore, host range was tested and the ribosomal DNA ITS2 region was phylogenetically analyzed. The fungus was pathogenic only on sansevieria among 20 test plants belonging to 11 families. In a phylogenetic analysis with the neighbor-joining method, the two isolates used formed a single-isolate clade. The fungus is thus proposed to be a new species, Colletotrichum sansevieriae. This report is the first of anthracnose on sansevieria.  相似文献   

Severe blight of stems was found on Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) in Shizuoka and Okinawa prefectures, Japan, in July 2003 and September 2004, respectively. Similar fungi were isolated from the diseased plants. The isolated fungi caused the disease after inoculation and subsequently were reisolated from diseased tissues. The fungi were identified as species closely related to C. siamense or C. tropicale according to sequences of the β-tubulin-2 gene, indicating that they belong to the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex. This is the first report specifying the genetic relationships of the pathogens of Madagascar periwinkle anthracnose in the complex.  相似文献   

Severe wilt with spots and/or leaf and stem blight were found on a scrophulariaceous flowering plant, Nemesia strumosa, grown in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in February 1999. Wilted plants had numerous lesions and died early. A mitosporic fungus isolated repeatedly from the diseased plants was identified as Colletotrichum fuscum and was demonstrated to cause the disease. N. strumosa is a new host for C. fuscum, which has been known to attack foxglove (Digitalis spp.). The present disease was named “anthracnose of N. strumosa” as a new disease. Received 10 October 2000/ Accepted in revised form 11 January 2001  相似文献   

Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum acutatum, is an important disease of almond and has caused significant economic losses in California, Israel and Australia. Anthracnose development was monitored for three growing seasons in an almond orchard in South Australia on two almond cultivars, Price and Nonpareil, with up to 80 % of fruit affected in 2004. Lesions, typical of anthracnose, formed on young developing fruit and symptoms continued to appear until the fruit were ca 20 mm long, after which no further lesions developed. Symptoms were observed on leaves, woody tissue showed signs of dieback, but blossom blight was not observed. Maximum disease incidenceperfor, man and Relative Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (RAUDPC) were significantly larger for Price than Nonpareil for each season, but differences in the apparent rates of infection for both cultivars were insignificant for the three growing seasons. The apparent rates of infection were correlated with rainfall and daily temperature for the three years combined but there was no correlation between maximum disease incidence or RAUDPC and these environmental parameters. Considerably more mummified fruit remained on the trees of cv. Price than Nonpareil each year; however, there was no correlation between the number of mummified fruit in one season and maximum disease incidence, RAUDPC or apparent rate of infection, in the following season. C. acutatum was recovered from mummified fruit, peduncles and bark, from both Price and Nonpareil, every month throughout a year-long sampling period. C. acutatum was also recovered from asymptomatic leaves, fruit, bark, buds and blossom, however, less frequently and at lower rates than from mummified fruit and peduncles. Recovery was consistently greater from Price than from Nonpareil for all tissues.  相似文献   

Severe spotting and blight of leaves caused by Colletotrichum destructivum were found on snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.), a scrophulariaceous ornamental, in open fields in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, from June through September 2004. The fungus is added to the group of the pathogens causing anthracnose of snapdragon.  相似文献   

The infection process of Colletotrichum destructivum, a hemibiotrophic anthracnose fungus, was studied by light microscopy in two cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cultivars which differ in disease reaction type. Large, multilobed, intracellular infection vesicles, followed by necrotrophic, radiating, secondary hyphae were produced in tissues of the susceptible cv. IT82E-60. In the resistant cv. TVx3236, both the production of appressoria and their melanisation were impaired, resulting in reduced penetration. Where penetration occurred, the initially-infected epidermal cells underwent a hypersensitive response, restricting the growth of multilobed vesicles and thereby blocking the destructive necrotrophic phase of disease development. The phytoalexins kievitone and phaseollidin accumulated earlier and more rapidly in stem tissues of the resistant cultivar, associated with the appearance of delimited, necrotic spots on inoculated surfaces. In contrast, delayed and slower accumulation of these compounds occurred in the compatible interaction, together with the development of typical spreading, water-soaked, anthracnose lesions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Colletotrichum dematium, the causal agent of mulberry anthracnose, was examined to produce phytotoxins in vitro and in planta. Raw and autoclaved mulberry leaves infected with the fungus, as well as the fungus incubated with several solid or liquid media, were extracted with acetone. Extracts obtained from the fungus grown on raw and autoclaved mulberry leaves caused brown necrotic lesions on susceptible mulberry leaves when they were placed (10 mul) on the wounded adaxial surface. Whereas, no extracts obtained from media, except inoculated medium containing homogenized mulberry leaves, induced the necrosis, suggesting that the fungus produced phytotoxins in planta and that some components in mulberry leaves may be indispensable substrates for producing the toxins. The phytotoxins obtained from the diseased leaves induced necrosis on nonhost plants leaves as well as on mulberry leaves. The toxins were present in the border of anthracnose lesions on the leaves, and the sensitivity to the toxin correlated with that to the fungus infection in each susceptible or resistant mulberry cultivar. These results suggest that the phytotoxins are host nonspecific and play a role in fungal pathogenesis in the development of the lesions. Four toxic compounds were isolated and purified from anthracnose lesions. However, due to the low yield, the chemical structure of the compounds could not be identified.  相似文献   

阳春砂仁叶枯病药剂防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内药效测定以甲基托布津对砂仁叶枯菌的抑菌效果最好。田间小区防治试验以70%甲基托布津1000倍液效果最佳,20%粉诱宁乳油1500倍液和64%杀毒矾M500倍液对该病的的防治效果亦较好。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Spread of strawberry anthracnose, resulting from the rain splash dispersal of Colletotrichum acutatum conidia, was determined in field plots by assessing fruit disease incidence at a range of distances from an introduced point source of infected fruit with sporulating lesions. Four within-row plant densities were established in replicated plots in each of 2 years. A generalized linear model with a logit link function and binomial distribution for incidence was used to quantify the effects of distance and side of the row relative to the inoculum source, plant density treatment, and their interactions on disease incidence. At all assessment times, there was a significant (P 相似文献   

A new pathogen of pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) causing anthracnose was described as Colletotrichum tanaceti based on morphological characteristics and a four‐gene phylogeny consisting of rDNA‐ITS, β‐tubulin (TUB2), glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and actin (ACT) gene sequences. The fungus produced perithecia in culture, requiring an opposite mating type isolate in a heterothallic manner. The initial infection strategy on pyrethrum leaves involved the formation of appressoria followed by production of multilobed infection vesicles in the epidermal cells. Infection and colonization then proceeded through thinner secondary hyphae, which resulted in the initial production of water‐soaked lesions followed by black necrotic lesions. The infection process was suggestive of a hemibiotrophic infection strategy. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis clearly showed that C. destructivum, C. higginsianum and C. panacicola were separate species that also had similar intracellular hemibiotrophic infection strategies as C. tanaceti, which all clustered in the C. destructivum complex. Colletotrichum spp. were detected at 1% incidence in seed of 1 of 19 seed lines, indicating the potential for seed as a source of inoculum into crops. Colletotrichum tanaceti was detected in leaf lesions from 11 of 24 pyrethrum fields surveyed between April and July 2012, at a frequency of 1·3–25·0% of lesions. Anthracnose probably contributes to the complex of foliar diseases reducing green leaf area in pyrethrum fields in Australia.  相似文献   

Compounds in mulberry leaves inducing sporulation of C. dematium, mulberry anthracnose fungus, were detected. Dissolved or suspended aqueous solutions (1%) of 16 amino acids and 10 vitamins occurring in mulberry leaves were applied individually at the margin of the fungal colony growing on PSA plate. Sporulation was induced only where a biotin solution was applied on the mycelium at a concentration of at least 0.01 ppm. This result suggests that biotin, which occurs in mulberry leaves (ca. 0.6 mg/kg of dried leaves), has a role in inducing sporulation of C. dematium. Received 20 August 1999/ Accepted in revised form 16 November 1999  相似文献   

黄瓜炭疽病拮抗细菌的筛选及其抑制效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
从连作多年的黄瓜根际土样中筛选得到1株对黄瓜炭疽病菌Colletotrichum orbiculare具有较强拮抗活性的菌株WF-3。通过菌落形态观察、生理生化特性及16S rDNA序列分析,该菌株鉴定为甲基营养型芽孢杆菌Bacillus methylotrophicus。活体盆栽条件下,该菌株对黄瓜炭疽病的防治效果为66.48%。两年的田间试验表明拮抗菌株WF-3培养物对黄瓜炭疽病具有良好的防治效果,防效分别为68.14%和73.70%。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum sp., is a serious problem of lupins (Lupinus spp.) worldwide. Morphological characters and molecular markers were used to characterize 43 Colletotrichum isolates from lupins, 8 isolates from other hosts, and 18 reference isolates representing related Colletotrichum spp., to assess the pathogen diversity and resolve its taxonomy. All lupin Colletotrichum isolates tested positive with C. acutatum-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and did not test positive with C. gloeosporioides-specific PCR. Spore shape and colony diameter as well as insensitivity to benomyl grouped the lupin anthracnose isolates closer to C. acutatum than to C. gloeosporioides. Analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of 57 Colletotrichum isolates grouped all lupin isolates with C. acutatum and distinct from C. gloeosporioides. Further, tub2 and his4 sequences revealed groups concordant with ITS, reducing the excessive dependence on the latter. Arbitrarily primed-PCR and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses revealed intraspecific subgroups, but neither was useful to decipher species level relationships. ITS, tub2, and his4 results strongly support designating lupin anthracnose pathogen as C. acutatum or its subspecies. Most Colletotrichum isolates from lupins from worldwide locations are genetically homogeneous and form a distinct subgroup within C. acutatum. Present results also underline the potential of the C. acutatum-specific PCR for routine pathogen diagnosis.  相似文献   

为开发新型植物源农药,探究油茶炭疽病的生物防治方法,以油茶炭疽病菌(Colletotrichum fructicola)为供试病原菌,采用生长速率法测定了49种植物的70种提取物对油茶炭疽病菌的抑制作用,筛选出活性较好的提取物,并通过浓度梯度试验测定其抑菌毒力。结果表明,在提取物浓度为1 mg/mL时,臭灵丹石油醚萃取物和益母草乙酸乙酯萃取物对油茶炭疽菌抑菌效果最好,抑制率分别为54.48%和50.75%,经毒力测定其有效中浓度(EC50)分别为0.7013和0.6246 mg/mL。本研究为进一步利用臭灵丹、益母草开发植物源抑菌剂提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

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