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Changing environmental conditions have the potential to alter allometric relationships between plant parts, possibly leading to ecosystem-level feedbacks. We quantified allometric shifts in field-grown loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) in response to altered resource availability based on data from multiple harvests to correct for size-related changes in biomass partitioning. A replicated factorial arrangement of irrigation and fertilization treatments was applied for 4 years to an 8-year-old loblolly pine plantation on a well-drained, low fertility site in North Carolina. Destructive and nondestructive growth measurements were used to develop treatment-specific regressions to estimate stand-level biomass for ephemeral and perennial plant parts, both above- and belowground. Stand-level allometric analysis indicated that irrigation increased biomass partitioning to fine roots and decreased partitioning to foliage, relative to other plant parts. Fertilization increased partitioning to perennial tissues (coarse roots, taproots, and branches) and decreased partitioning to ephemeral tissues (foliage and fine roots). Changes in allometry were small (< 6 %) but statistically significant, indicating that biomass partitioning in loblolly pine changes with altered resource availability, but is probably under strong ontogenetic control.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of lignin in normal and compression wood of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) has been studied by the technique of lignin skeletonizing. Hydrolysis of the wood carbohydrates with hydrofluoric acid left normal wood tracheids with a uniform distribution of lignin in the S1 and S2 cell wall layers. However, the S3 region of both earlywood and latewood tracheids consistently retained a dense network of unhydrolyzable material throughout, perhaps lignin.Lignin content in compression wood averaged about 7% more than in normal wood and appears to be concentrated in the outer zone of the S2 layer. The inner S2 region, despite helical checking, is also heavily lignified. The S1 layer, although thicker than normal in compression wood tracheids, contains relatively little lignin.Ray cells, at least in normal wood, appear to be lignified to the same extent, if not more so in certain cases, than the longitudinal tracheids. Other locations where lignin may be concentrated include initial pit border regions and the membranes of bordered pits.This report is a detailed excerpt from the Ph. D. dissertation of R. A. P. Financial support provided by the College of Forestry at Syracuse University and the National Defense Education Act is hereby gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

介绍了火炬松形态特征及生物学特性,并论述了其种子处理、苗床、育苗基质的准备,播种、芽苗移栽、幼苗的管理以及病虫害防治等技术措施。  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that increasing atmospheric CO(2) concentration enhances accumulation of carbon in fine roots, thereby altering soil carbon dynamics and nutrient cycling. To evaluate possible changes to belowground pools of carbon and nitrogen in response to elevated CO(2), an early and a late successional species of pine (Pinus taeda L. and Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws, respectively) were grown from seed for 160 days in a 35 or 70 Pa CO(2) partial pressure at low or high temperature (30-year weekly mean and 30-year weekly mean + 5 degrees C) and a soil solution nitrogen concentration of 1 or 5 mM NH(4)NO(3) at the Duke University Phytotron. Seedlings were harvested at monthly intervals and growth parameters of the primary root, secondary root and tap root fractions evaluated. Total root biomass of P. ponderosa showed a positive CO(2) response (105% increase) (P = 0.0001) as a result of significant increases in all root fractions in the elevated CO(2) treatment, but all other main effects and interactions were insignificant. In P. taeda, there were significant interactions between CO(2) and temperature (P = 0.04) and CO(2) and nitrogen (P = 0.04) for total root biomass. An allometric analysis indicated that modulation of the secondary root fraction was the main response of the trees to altered environmental conditions. In P. ponderosa, there was an increase in the secondary root fraction relative to the primary and tap root fractions under conditions of low temperature. In P. taeda, there was a shift in carbon accumulation to the secondary roots relative to the primary roots under low temperature and low nitrogen. Neither species exhibited shifts in carbon accumulation in response to elevated CO(2). We conclude that both species have the potential to increase belowground biomass substantially in response to rising atmospheric CO(2) concentration, and this response is sensitive to temperature and nitrogen in P. taeda. Both species displayed small shifts in belowground carbon accumulation in response to altered temperature and nitrogen that may have substantial ecosystem consequences over time.  相似文献   

Bark beetle‐vectored ophiostomatoid fungi, Leptographium terebrantis, is inoculated on the roots and lower stems of stressed Pinus species during the feeding activity of bark beetle. To determine the exact host response following inoculation, it is critical to challenge the host with a realistic amount of fungal inoculum. Thus, we designed a series of stepwise experiments using L. terebrantis colonized toothpicks which focused on the inoculum transfer from the toothpicks to excised Pinus taeda stem segments and living saplings, respectively, at different inoculum densities. The toothpicks served as a substrate for fungal growth and sporulation and the inoculation showed their utility in eliciting host's response to the pathogen. The inoculated fungus caused blue‐stain and sapwood occlusions in P. taeda stems and saplings, respectively. The volume of occluded, visually damaged sapwood increased by 1.96 cm3 per radial inoculation point on average. Fungal colonized toothpicks can be used as a suitable alternative to agar discs for studying bark beetles vectored fungi and their host interactions.  相似文献   


Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) is one of the most abundant timber species in the United States and needles from this species contain essential oils (EOs) with antibacterial properties. Needles from trees of one loblolly pine clone were assayed for the EOs α-pinene, β-pinene, terpineol, limonene, and caryophyllene across a growing season. Results showed strong positive correlations among EOs, except for caryophyllene, with Pearson’s correlation values ranging from .66–.96. Simultaneously, physiological attributes of tree stomatal conductance, water stress, and environmental attributes including soil moisture, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity were measured. The plants modulated the EO concentrations as a function of a changing environment season. The collection month had the largest effect on EO yields and highest yields were during the beginning of the growing season. Decreases in EOs were evident as the growing season progressed and as plants exhibited greater water stress, temperatures, solar radiation, and less stomatal conductance and soil moisture. Loblolly pine’s main constituents of EOs were tightly linked and were influenced by seasonal changes (i.e., month); still, environmental/physiological attributes exhibited significant effects on α-pinene, β-pinene, and limonene concentrations. Early spring conditions with ample water were most conducive to high concentrations of EOs.  相似文献   

The changes in basal area, volume and tree shape in an ‘optimum fertility trial’ in Norway Spruce were studied after the treatments had been applied for 15 years. There was a marked response to N and a lesser response to P. Increased average tree taper was associated with the N application. Form factors tended to show less change, but, even allowing for tree height responses, there was up to a 10% reduction. Phosphate fertilizer in the presence of N increased form factor slightly; applying a ‘complete’ fertilizer reduced form factor and increased taper while the trees were under about 6 m tall. The use of individual treatment regressions of volume on basal area resulted in increased precision in estimating the volume of individual treatment means.  相似文献   

以多糖得率为指标,从火炬松松针中浸提多糖,并测定其体外抗氧化活性。在单因素试验基础上采用响应面法优化超声波辅助热水浸提火炬松松针多糖,最佳的工艺参数为:30 g松针粉末在超声波作用时间25 min,热水浸提1 h,液料比25∶1(m L∶g),热水浸提温度91℃。在此条件下,火炬松松针多糖得率达1.867%,提取率达91.39%。通过测定松针多糖对苯基苦基肼自由基(DPPH·)、羟基自由基(·OH)和2,2-联氮-二-(3-乙基-苯并噻唑-6-磺酸)自由基(ABTS+)的清除能力评价其体外抗氧化能力。结果显示:火炬松松针多糖对自由基DPPH·、·OH和ABTS+都有较强清除能力,且都呈较好的量效关系,火炬松松针多糖具有较强的体外抗氧化能力。  相似文献   


Tree growth and wood density are influenced by forest management. Nevertheless, few studies have evaluated their variability responses to fertilizer treatments at inter-annual, inter-tree and stand-production levels. Therefore, the annual ring width (RW) and density (RD) of sixty 17-year-old-Pinus taeda trees fertilized with six doses of composted pulp-mill sludge (CPMS) were analyzed. Ten trees for each treatment were felled and from which wood discs were taken at different trunk heights. The annual RW and RD were provided by X-ray microdensitometry, synchronized and the trunk basic specific gravity (SGB) and biomass calculated. The effects of CPMS treatments were explored using interaction of variables RW and RD with cambial age, diameter, trunk SGB and biomass production. Trees treated with CPMS grow faster, increasing their biomass (up to 108%), presenting lower wood density values (significant up to the 6th year) and reaching the mature wood later than untreated trees. Furthermore, the potential use of RW and RD in allometric equations showed good accuracy to predict trunk SGB and biomass. Altogether, our results indicated that ring width and density revealed the impacts of fertilization treatment on wood quality and production. Our study also provides useful information for forest managers on the fertilization monitoring process.


对引进美国的湿地松(Pinus taeda)和火炬松(Pinus elliottii)的生长状况,与当地马尾松(Pinus smassoniana)进行对比分析。第15年试验测定结果表明:在同样的立地和抚育条件下,马尾松在生长量方面表现最好,而湿地松在通直度、分枝角度等树形指标方面表现最优。综合各因子,选出了火炬松、湿地松各1个优良家系和3个马尾松优良家系作为育种和推广材料。  相似文献   

The seedling growth trait, cyclic growth, is well-correlated with older-tree heights measured in Pinus taeda L. field trials. These results have been repeatable across locations and seed sources if a standard greenhouse procedure is followed. This work is been limited to cyclic growth measured on P. taeda families and seed sources. The use of a standard greenhouse procedure will facilitate comparison with other early genetic evaulation methods for P. taeda and with similar studies on other Pinus species.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the chemical composition of wood and extractives of Pinus taeda and Schizolobium parahyba (guapuruvu) as potential feedstock for new applications in the biorefinery industry. For this purpose, their content of α-cellulose, hemicellulose, insoluble lignin, hot water solubility, NaOH1% solubility, inorganic materials (ash), and monomeric sugars by high-performance liquid chromatography was quantified. Attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were also used to complete the physicochemical characterization of the studied woods. The extractives were obtained by soxhlet extraction with ethanol:toluene and dichloromethane and identified with pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy technique. The results showed that guapuruvu wood has the higher amount of hemicellulose (16%) when compared to pine wood (10%), which resulted in higher solubility in alkali solution. Furthermore, in relation to other biomasses, the two woods presented more percentage of lignin and minor content of hemicelluloses. The P. taeda wood presented the highest percentage of extractives mainly composed of fatty acids and aromatic hydrocarbons, while guapuruvu wood had a higher percentage of phenolic compounds and also fatty acids. Both the materials have low content of extractives with dichloromethane and were mainly composed of lipophilic compounds.  相似文献   

采用火炬松带子叶项芽为外植体建立了组织培养再生体系。结果表明,火炬松丛生芽的形成受诱导培养基中激素浓度及外植体年龄的影响较大。适合火炬松丛生芽诱导的培养基为改良GD 6-BA 4 ms/L NAA 0.02 mg/L(诱导率86.7%),截取外植体的最佳苗龄为14-21 d。已分化的丛生芽继代培养在无6-BA但附加0.5- 1.0 g/L活性炭或0.02-0.05 mg/L NAA的培养基上伸长很快。伸长的丛生芽接种在附加0.05 ms/L NAA的1/2改良GD培养基中,1个月后有12.5%产生不定根。  相似文献   

Two annual crops of container-grown loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings raised outdoors differed from those grown inside a covered chamber with a clear top. After a 90-day growth period, outside-grown container seedlings had shorter heights, smaller root collar diameters, and lower root, stem, foliage, shoot, and total dry weights than chamber-grown seedlings. Fall-planted, outside-grown seedlings raised the first year had up to 10% higher field survival than those from the chamber. However, chamber-grown container seedlings that survived retained their initial height and diameter advantages following one complete growing season. Fall-planted seedlings raised the second year showed no differences due to growth treatments when favorable weather for seedling growth occurred after field-planting. Container-grown seedlings raised outdoors during the summer months are well suited for fall-outplanting.  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - Brazil has extensive areas planted with Pinus taeda L. primarily in southern areas with poor soil fertility and nutritional management. Identifying optimal...  相似文献   

Eradication of brush, defined as hardwood trees, shrubs, blackberries, vines, and volunteer pines, was not necessary to maximize juvenile pine growth in northern Louisiana Pinus taeda L. plantations. Pine height and diameter gains were similar on treatments when either (1) only the above ground portion of the brush was cut yearly or (2) both the above ground stems and root systems of brush species were controlled each year. At age 10, planted pines on both treatments averaged 0.9 m taller with a 2.5 cm greater stem diameter at breast height (1.4 m) than those on untreated checks. Total outside bark volume per pine averaged 51.9 dm3 on checks vs 78.5 dm3 on treated plots.  相似文献   

火炬松纸浆材优良家系人工林修枝效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对7 a生火炬松优良家系(L—11)示范林进行修枝试验表明:修枝促进了林分生长,修枝3 a后,与对照相比树高生长增加了7.1%~14.1%,胸径生长增加了1.9%~7.4%,单株材积增加了9.98%-29.10%,林分蓄积量增加12.13-26.53 m3/hm2,其中促进林分生长效果最好的处理是修枝强度为50%;修枝降低了火炬松优良家系林木的尖削度,与对照相比,H/D值增加了5.1%~9.5%。  相似文献   

The dynamics of rapid changes in carbon (C) partitioning within forest ecosystems are not well understood, which limits improvement of mechanistic models of C cycling. Our objective was to inform model processes by describing relationships between C partitioning and accessible environmental or physiological measurements, with a special emphasis on short-term C flux through a forest ecosystem. We exposed eight 7-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees to air enriched with (13)CO(2) and then implemented adjacent light shade (LS) and heavy shade (HS) treatments in order to manipulate C uptake and flux. The impacts of shading on photosynthesis, plant water potential, sap flow, basal area growth, root growth and soil CO(2) efflux rate (CER) were assessed for each tree over a 3-week period. The progression of the (13)C label was concurrently tracked from the atmosphere through foliage, phloem, roots and surface soil CO(2) efflux. The HS treatment significantly reduced C uptake, sap flow, stem growth and fine root standing crop, and resulted in greater residual soil water content to 1 m depth. Soil CER was strongly correlated with sap flow on the previous day, but not the current day, with no apparent treatment effect on the relationship. Although there were apparent reductions in new C flux belowground, the HS treatment did not noticeably reduce the magnitude of belowground autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration based on surface soil CER, which was overwhelmingly driven by soil temperature and moisture. The (13)C label was immediately detected in foliage on label day (half-life = 0.5 day), progressed through phloem by Day 2 (half-life = 4.7 days), roots by Days 2-4, and subsequently was evident as respiratory release from soil which peaked between Days 3 and 6. The δ(13)C of soil CO(2) efflux was strongly correlated with phloem δ(13)C on the previous day, or 2 days earlier. While the (13)C label was readily tracked through the ecosystem, the fate of root C through respiratory, mycorrhizal or exudative release pathways was not assessed. These data detail the timing and relative magnitude of C flux through various components of a young pine stand in relation to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

以湖北省荆门市彭山林场不同林龄的湿地松纯林、火炬松纯林和湿地松+火炬松混交林为研究对象,采用木材解析法,比较研究了湿地松、火炬松两个树种在纯林和混交林的生长特性,以了解两树种混交效果是否具有明显的增产效果。结果表明:与纯林相比,在15年时,湿地松和火炬松在混交林中直径分别增加了12.05%和10.60%,材积分别增加38.91%和24.25%。在所有5个混交林中,湿地松和火炬松的相对产量均大于1。湿地松和火炬松混交在生长量和材积上表现出正效应。在混交林中,湿地松获得更多的效应,但无论在纯林还是在混交林中,火炬松均比湿地松生长得好。  相似文献   

The amino acid, proline (PRO), may have an important role in plant adaptation to drought stress. To study the effect of drought stress on PRO content of pine tissues, we measured free PRO by high pressure liquid chromatography in control ( -0.4 MPa) and drought-stressed ( -0.8, -1.0, -1.3, -1.6 MPa) callus tissue of Pinus taeda L. after eight weeks of growth. Drought stress was induced by adding polyethylene glycol (PEG) to the nutrient media. The relation between PRO accumulation and water potential was influenced by composition of the medium and temperature. Callus growing in media with water potentials of -0.8 MPa showed no increase in PRO compared to control callus in media at -0.4 MPa. When callus tissue was subjected to low water potentials (-1.6 MPa), endogenous PRO concentration increased 40-fold, while callus fresh weight decreased by more than 90%. When exogenous PRO was added to the nutrient media, endogenous PRO was directly proportional to the exogenous PRO concentration rather than reduction in callus growth. Thus low water potential in callus results in endogenous PRO accumulation and large reductions in callus fresh weight growth. Proline accumulation in pine cells appears to be related to mechanisms associated with tolerance to desiccation.  相似文献   

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