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Spatial patterns of soil δ13C were quantified in a subtropical C3 woodland in the Rio Grande Plains of southern Texas, USA that developed during the past 100 yrs on a lowland site that was once C4 grassland. A 50 × 30 m plot and two transects were established, and soil cores (0–15 cm, n = 207) were collected, spatially referenced, and analyzed for δ13C, soil organic carbon (SOC), and soil particle size distribution. Cross-variogram analysis indicated that SOC remaining from the past C4 grassland community co-varied with soil texture over a distance of 23.7 m. In contrast, newer SOC derived from C3 woody plants was spatially correlated with root biomass within a range of 7.1 m. Although mesquite trees initiate grassland-to-woodland succession and create well-defined islands of soil modification in adjoining upland areas at this site, direct gradient and proximity analyses accounting for the number, size, and distance of mesquite plants in the vicinity of soil sample points failed to reveal any relationship between mesquite tree abundance and soil properties. Variogram analysis further indicated soil δ13C, texture and organic carbon content were spatially autocorrelated over distances (ranges = 15.6, 16.2 and 18.7 m, respectively) far greater than that of individual tree canopy diameters in these lowland communities. Cross-variogram analysis also revealed that δ13C – SOC and δ13C-texture relationships were spatially structured at distances much greater than that of mesquite canopies (range = 17.6 and 16.5 m, respectively). These results suggest fundamental differences in the functional nature and consequences of shrub encroachment between upland and lowland landscapes and challenge us to identify the earth system processes and ecosystem structures that are driving carbon cycling at these contrasting scales. Improvements in our understanding how controls over soil carbon cycling change with spatial scale will enhance our ability to design vegetation and soil sampling schemes; and to more effectively use soil δ13C as a tool to infer vegetation and soil organic carbon dynamics in ecosystems where C3–C4 transitions and changes in structure and function are occurring.  相似文献   

We used natural gradients in soil and vegetation δ13C signatures in a savannah ecosystem in Texas to partition soil respiration into the autotrophic (Ra) and heterotrophic (Rh) components. We measured soil respiration along short transects from under clusters of C3 trees into the C4 dominated grassland. The site chosen for the study was experiencing a prolonged drought, so an irrigation treatment was applied at two positions of each transect. Soil surface CO2 efflux was measured along transects and CO2 collected for analysis of the δ13C signature in order to: (i) determine how soil respiration rates varied along transects and were affected by localised change in soil moisture and (ii) partition the soil surface CO2 efflux into Ra and Rh, which required measurement of the δ13C signature of root- and soil-derived CO2 for use in a mass balance model.The soil at the site was unusually dry, with mean volumetric soil water content of 8.2%. Soil respiration rates were fastest in the centre of the tree cluster (1.5 ± 0.18 μmol m?2 s?1; mean ± SE) and slowest at the cluster–grassland transition (0.6 ± 0.12 μmol m?2 s?1). Irrigation produced a 7–11 fold increase in the soil respiration rate. There were no significant differences (p > 0.5) between the δ13C signature of root biomass and respired CO2, but differences (p < 0.01) were observed between the respired CO2 and soil when sampled at the edge of the clusters and in the grassland. Therefore, end member values were measured by root and soil incubations, with times kept constant at 30 min for roots and 2 h for soils. The δ13C signature of the soil surface CO2 efflux and the two end member values were used to calculate that, in the irrigated soils, Rh comprised 51 ± 13.5% of the soil surface CO2 efflux at the mid canopy position and 57 ± 7.4% at the drip line. In non-irrigated soil it was not possible to partition soil respiration, because the δ13C signature of the soil surface CO2 efflux was enriched compared to both the end member values. This was probably due to a combination of the very dry porous soils at our study site (which may have been particularly susceptible to ingress of atmospheric CO2) and the very slow respiration rates of the non-irrigated soils.  相似文献   

To reveal the influence of freeze–thaw cycles (FTCs) on soil carbon and nitrogen changes, six typical soils in Northeast China were selected as the research objects to conduct a FTC simulation test in an artificial climate chamber. Three soil volumetric water contents (10%, 20%, 30%) and eight FTCs (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20) were set. The results showed that the soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) contents of different soil types under the FTCs initially exhibited a downward and then an upward trend, while the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content exhibited an upward and then a downward trend. Otherwise, the fourth and sixth FTCs were the key points of change. The SOC, MBC and DOC contents in paddy fields were higher than those in dry fields, showing upward and then downward trends spatially from northeast to southwest. The SOC and MBC contents in each soil type were the highest at the 20% water content, and the DOC content gradually increased with increasing water content. The ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) content in different soil types at different water contents under the FTCs showed an upward trend first, then a downward trend and finally an upward trend. The NH4+-N content in paddy fields was higher than that in dry fields. The nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) content showed a downward trend first, then an upward trend and finally a downward trend. The NO3-N content in dry fields was higher than that in paddy fields. The NH4+-N contents in the three soil types on the Sanjiang Plain were significantly higher than those on the Songnen Plain. The NH4+-N and NO3-N contents showed upward trends with increasing water content, but the differences were not significant. The results have implications for the study of different types of soils and provide references for research on the mechanism of soil carbon and nitrogen transformation in typical farming areas in Northeast China.  相似文献   

On sites where C4-plants have replaced C3-plants, changes in soil δ13C allow the turnover of C3- and C4-derived C to be separated. Studies of decadal scale turnover of soil C following conversion to C4-plants generally lack δ13C values for previous C4-residue inputs and assume that estimates of C4-derived soil C to be based on a fixed δ13C value. Further assumptions are that changes in the initial (time-zero) soil δ13C values are insignificant following conversion to C4-plants. We tested these assumptions by measuring: 1) the δ13C of annual samples of silage maize biomass (C4-plant) and winter wheat grains (C3-plant) grown during 1988 to 2006, and 2) the δ13C of soil kept under bare fallow during 1956 to 1983. The δ13C of plants was related to climate variables, and the impact of maize δ13C was based on estimates of maize-derived soil C using different approaches to establish the δ13C in maize inputs. The δ13C of both maize and wheat decreased with time, but the rate of change and annual variations were considerably larger for wheat than for maize. Maize as well as wheat δ13C was best related to year (probably reflecting a decrease in atmospheric δ13C) and the water balance during the active growth period. Using the smallest (−12.44‰) and the largest (−11.26‰) δ13C measured during 1988 and 2006, estimates of maize-derived C in soil after 18 years ranged from 13.2% to 14.2% of the soil total C. Despite a loss of 31% of the soil C pool under bare fallow, the increase in soil δ13C was significant only at P < 0.10. We conclude that annual variations in maize δ13C values and changes in the δ13C of the soil C fraction derived from the pre-conversion C3-vegetation have only little impact on estimates of maize-derived soil C that cover a few decades. For estimates covering several decades to centuries, the subtle but consistent changes in plant and soil δ13C need to be accounted for. The variability in δ13C in wheat grains suggest that the use of any fixed δ13C value for C3-residues in estimates of C turnover in soils on which C4-plants have been replaced by C3-plants can be associated with considerable uncertainty.  相似文献   

Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc) is the second most important indigenous food legume in Africa. The aim of this study was to evaluate plant growth, N2 fixation, N contribution, C accumulation, and plant water relations of Bambara groundnut grown in 26 farmers’ fields in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. The data revealed marked (p?≤?0.05) differences in plant dry matter (DM) yield, N concentration and content, δ15N, the proportion of N derived from symbiotic fixation (%Ndfa), and actual amounts of N-fixed between and among the 26 farms surveyed. Bambara groundnut plants obtained 33–98 % (mean?=?72 %) of their N nutrition from symbiotic fixation and contributed 4–200 kg N-fixed ha?1 (mean?=?102 kg N-fixed ha?1). Plant density correlated positively with %N (r?=?0.31***), δ15N (r?=?0.126***), and amount of N-fixed (r?=?0.15*), indicating that the high %Ndfa values obtained for Bambara groundnut in this study and the low symbiotic N yield associated with some farms were due to low plant density rather than poor symbiotic functioning. Bambara groundnut obtained more N from soil (e.g., 173 kg N ha?1) than from symbiosis (e.g., 135 kg N-fixed ha?1) in some fields, implying that the N2-fixing efficacy of the microsymbionts nodulating Bambara groundnut was low at some locations in South Africa. The data from this study showed δ13C values ranging from ?28.01 to ?26.20?‰, which indicates differences in plant water use efficiency on the different fields studied. Furthermore, the positive correlations between δ13C and N-fixed (r?=?0.15*) and between δ13C and N content (r?=?0.14*) suggest a functional relationship between water use efficiency and N2 fixation, just as the positively significant correlations between δ15N and DM yield (r?=?0.24***), N-fixed and DM weight (r?=?0.76**), and N content and DM yield (r?=?0.99*), as well as N-fixed and C content (r?=?0.76**) also indicate a functional relationship between N2 fixation and photosynthesis. In the same way, the positive correlation between δ13C and DM weight (r?=?0.14*), or δ13C and C content (r?=?0.15*), also implies a functional link between water use efficiency and plant growth. Thus, an increase in water use efficiency in Bambara groundnut, whenever it occurs, seems to functionally enhance plant growth, symbiotic N2 fixation, and photosynthetic activity, just as N2 fixation in nodules also seems to stimulate leaf photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Organic P can serve as an important source of P for plants and microbes when mineralized by extracellular phosphatases. Substrate induction, end-product repression and/or resource limitation regulate activities of phosphatase in bulk soils. Yet, factors controlling enzyme activities in fine-scale microsites may differ from those observed at larger scales. Understanding such differences is needed to improve estimates of global models of biogeochemical cycling. Imprinting of soil profiles using cellulose sheets infused with chromogenic substrates allows study of extracellular enzymes at mm scales under naturally occurring soil temperatures, with minimal disturbance to soil microbial communities. In this study, we used a soil imprinting approach to investigate soil chemical characteristics associated with mm-scale regions of high in situ phosphatase activities in a mixed paper birch – Douglas-fir forest in the southern interior of British Columbia. In addition, we tested whether the addition of simple (ammonium chloride plus sodium acetate) and complex (cellulose, collagen, chitin) forms of carbon (C) and/or nitrogen (N) to 1 cm2 microplots on soil profiles influenced in situ phosphatase activity. In unamended microplots, percent C was 30% higher on average (P = 0.05) and percent N was about 15% higher (P = 0.05) in high-phosphatase microsites. Extractable P did not differ between high and low-phosphatase microsites, regardless of the form of P measured. Within the first 24 h, no difference in imprintable phosphatase was observed between C and N addition treatments, but after 72 h, microplots receiving any substrate containing N had higher phosphatase activities than those receiving only water (P < 0.001). The results from both of our studies support a role for resource limitation in regulating phosphatase activities at this site because either (i) P became limiting in microsites with higher amounts of C and N, and/or (ii) microsites with higher C and N were the ones where these nutrients were in sufficient supply to allow microbes to excrete extracellular enzymes. We conclude that phosphatase excretion occurs in C + N-enriched soil microsites, but that any such phosphatase-active microsites located beyond the rhizosphere are unlikely to supply P to roots because of the low diffusion rates of orthophosphate.  相似文献   

Microbial biomass, β-glucosidase and β-glucosaminidase activities, and availability, storage, and age of soil organic C were investigated after 26 years of conversion from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) to forest (Eucaliptus robusta or Leucaena leucocephala), pasture (mixture of tropical grasses), and to vegetable cropping (agriculture) in a vertisol in Puerto Rico. Soil organic C (SOC) at 0–100 cm was similar under Leucaena (22.8 kg C/m2), Eucalyptus (18.6 kg C/m2), and pasture (17.2 kg C/m2), which were higher than under agriculture (13.0 kg C/m2). Soil organic N (SON) at 0–100 cm was similar under the land uses evaluated which ranged from 1.70 (under agriculture) to 2.28 kg N/m2 (under Leucaena forest). Microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN) of the 0–15-cm soil layer could be ranked as: pasture > Leucaena = Eucalyptus > agriculture. The percentages of SOC and SON present as MBC and MBN, respectively, were nearly 1% in pasture and less than 0.50% in forest under Leucaena or Eucalyptus and agricultural soil. The activity of β-glucosidase of the 0–15-cm soil layer could be ranked as: Leucaena = Eucalyptus > pasture > agriculture; while β-glucosaminidase activity was ranked as: Eucalyptus > Leucaena = pasture > agriculture. The soil δ 13C changed from 1996 to 2006 in forest under Eucalyptus (18.7‰ to 21.2‰), but not under Leucaena (20.7‰ to 20.8‰). The soil under Leucaena preserved a greater proportion of old C compared to the forest under Eucalyptus; the former had an increased soil mineralizable C from the current vegetation inputs. The soil under agriculture had the lowest enzyme activities associated with C cycling, lowest percentage of SOC as MBC, highest percentage of SOC present as mineralizable C, and highest percentage of MBC present as mineralizable C compared to the other land uses.  相似文献   


Prescribed burning is projected to be adopted more frequently with intensifying climate change; thus, a long-term study is necessary to understand the burning impacts on forest productivity and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling. Litter fall production rate can be used to indicate burning impacts on forest productivity, whereas N concentration, and C and N isotope composition (δ13C and δ15N) can be used to infer burning impacts on C and N cycling in plant-soil system.

Materials and methods

In this study, the impacts of low-intensity prescribed burning on litter production, N concentration, and C and N isotope compositions were continuously investigated for 6 years at five study sites in a natural eucalypt forest of subtropical Australia.

Results and discussion

Higher leaf litter production rate, N concentration and δ15N, and lower δ13C could be seen shortly after prescribed burning. The higher leaf litter N concentration and lower δ13C were likely due to the ease of competition for soil N and moisture from understory vegetation in the short term by prescribed burning. Leaf δ15N and N concentration were closely correlated, and seasonal changes in leaf litter production rate, δ13C and δ15N were observed. Burning season and related severity might determine the suppression degree of understory vegetation. Time since fire (TSF) was a significant impact factor influencing the litter fall production rate, N concentration, δ13C and δ15N of leaf litter fall for a decade following prescribed burning. However, monthly rainfall and temperature were less consistent in their impacts.


Nitrogen limitation was enhanced by prescribed burning through the removal of litter and understory vegetation in the N poor forest and might be responsible for the long-term burning impacts. Low-intensity prescribed burning might have a long-lasting impact on forest litter productivity in nutrient poor forests in subtropical Australia.


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of inorganic nitrogen (N) and root carbon (C) addition on decomposition of organic matter (OM). Soil was incubated for 200 days with nine treatments (three levels of N (no addition (N0) = 0, low N (NL) = 0.021, high N (NH) = 0.083 mg N g−1 soil) × three levels of C (no addition (C0) = 0, low C (CL) = 5, high C (CH) = 10 mg root g−1 soil)). The carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux rates, inorganic N concentration, pH, and potential activities of β-glucosidase and oxidative enzyme were measured during incubation. At the beginning and the end of incubation, the native soil organic carbon (SOC) and root-derived SOC were quantified by using a natural labeling technique based on the differences in δ 13C between C3 and C4 plants. Overall, the interaction between C and N was not significant. The decomposition of OM in the NH treatment decreased. This could be attributed to the formation of recalcitrant OM by N because the potentially mineralizable C pool was significantly lower in the NH treatment (3.1 mg C g−1) than in the N0 treatment (3.6 mg C  g−1). In root C addition treatments, the CO2 efflux rate was generally in order of CH > CL > C0 over the incubation period. Despite no differences in the total SOC concentration among C treatments, the native SOC in the CH treatment (18.29 mg C g−1) was significantly lower than that in the C0 treatment (19.16 mg C g−1).  相似文献   


Spatial variation of bicarbonate soil test phosphorus (P) and bicarbonate soil test potassium (K) was studied by measuring soil test values for 40 individual soil samples collected from random locations within eight uniform 100 m by 100 m field sites in south‐western Australia. In addition, for five of the sites, spatial variation of the three P sorption indices (ammonium oxalate extractable iron, ammonium oxalate extractable aluminum, and the P retention index) and of organic carbon (C) was measured for 20 individual soils samples. Spatial variation was found to be large, with coefficient of variation (CV) exceeding 20% in most cases, and 50% in some cases. It is therefore essential to collect an adequate number of soil samples from uniform areas in paddocks in order to provide a representative composite sample to measure the soil properties.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment into grasslands and savannas is a globally extensive land-cover change that alters biogeochemical processes and frequently results in soil organic carbon (SOC) accrual. We used soil physical fractionation, soil respiration kinetics, and the isotopic composition of soil respiration to investigate microbial degradation of accrued SOC in sandy loam soils along a chronosequence of C3woody plant encroachment into a C4-dominated grassland in southern Texas. Our previous work in this system demonstrated significant changes in the chemistry and abundance of lignin and aliphatic biopolymers within particulate soil fractions during the first 40 yrs of woody plant encroachment, indicating selective accrual of purportedly more recalcitrant plant chemicals. However, during the long-term soil laboratory incubation presented herein, a greater proportion of SOC was mineralized in soils from older woody stands (34-86 yrs) than in soils from younger woody stands (14-23 yrs) and grasslands, providing no evidence for greater biochemical recalcitrance as a controlling mechanism for SOC accrual. In addition, δ13C values of respired CO2 indicate that the mineralized SOC was predominately of C3 origin from all woody stands along the chronosequence, and that respired CO2 was primarily derived from the free light fraction (density <1.0 g/cm3) and macroaggregate-sized soil fraction. Our data suggested that the location of SOC among soil fractions was more important than plant polymer chemistry in determining SOC turnover rates during incubation. Surprisingly, estimates of the size and turnover rate of the active SOC pool based on respiratory kinetics did not increase with woody encroachment, and the turnover rate of the slower SOC pool decreased, again supporting the notion that increases in biochemically recalcitrant biopolymers did not hinder decomposition in the lab. These data indicate environmental conditions that may allow for C accrual in the field were alleviated during the controlled incubation. Therefore, C accrual in these sandy loam soils following woody encroachment should not be assumed stable, and this factor should be taken into account when considering responses of SOC to climate change or when making management decisions regarding land cover impacts on SOC.  相似文献   


Regression equations for the relationship between Walkley‐Black carbon and carbon by dry combustion in a tropical humic brown clay soil were variable in four different vegetation regimes. In one case, statistically different correlation coefficients were obtained for grassland surface and the corresponding subsurface soils.

Calibration of the Walkley‐Black method against dry combustion carbon is recommended for each treatment in soil fertility studies as soil organic matter might have a different composition and hence carbon recovery value because of treatment.  相似文献   

The location of microorganisms and substrates within soil pore networks plays a crucial role in organic carbon (C) processing, and its microbial utilization and turnover, and has direct consequences for C and nutrient cycling. An optimal approach to quantify responses to new C inputs from microorganisms residing in specific pores is the addition of new C to pores of target sizes in undisturbed soil cores. We used the matric potential approach to add 14C-labelled glucose to small (< 40 μm, root free) or large (60–180 μm, potentially inhabited by roots) pores of undisturbed soil cores. Localization of glucose-derived C via 14C imaging was related to pore size distributions and connectivity, characterized via X-ray computed microtomography (μCT), and to β-glucosidase activity, characterized via zymography. After 2-week incubations, 1.3 times more glucose was mineralized (14CO2) when it was added to the large pores; however, more 14C remained in microbial biomass when glucose was added to the small pores. Consequently, although utilizing the same amounts of easily available C, the microorganisms localized in the large pores had faster turnover compared to microorganisms in small pores. Stronger associations between β-glucosidase activity and glucose-derived C were observed when glucose was added to the large pores. We conclude that (a) the matric potential approach allows placing, albeit not exactly, of soluble substrates into pores of target diameter range, and (b) microorganisms localized in large pores respond to new C inputs with faster turnover, greater growth and more intensive enzyme production compared to those inhabiting the small pores.  相似文献   

The impact of alley cropping on post-lignite mine soils developing from quaternary deposits after 9 years of recultivation was evaluated on the basis of microbial indicators, organic C and total N contents, and the isotope characteristics of soil C. Soils were sampled at the 0 to 3, 3 to 10, and 10 to 30 cm depths under black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), poplar (Populus spp.), the transition zone and in the middle of alley under rye (Secale cereale). There was no significant effect of vegetation on microbial properties presumably, due to the high variability, whereas organic C and total N contents at the 0- to 3-cm layer were significantly higher under black locust and poplar than in the transition zone and rye field. Organic C total N contents, and basal respiration, microbial biomass, and microbial quotient decreased with soil depth. Soil organic C and total N contents were more than doubled after 9 years of recultivation, with annual C and N accretion rate of 162 g C org m−2 year−1 and 6 g N t m−2 year−1. Microbial properties indicated that the soils are in early stages of development; the C isotope characteristics confirmed that the sequestered C was predominantly from C3 plants of the alley cropping.  相似文献   


Joffell described in his book “Pedology” that in the process of weathering, autotrophic organisms grow on the bare surface of rocks and their metabolic products contribute much to the weathering. Treub2) observed also that the surface of volcanic ash was covered by the vigorous growth of algae in less than three years after the eruption of Krakatoa. From these statements it appears evident that microorganisms play an important part through the production of organic matter at the early period of soil formation. As soil-forming-process advances, however, microBrganisms are replaced by the higher chlorophyllbearing plants with regards to organic matter production in land, and they become more important in the decomposition of than in the production of organic matter.  相似文献   

The stem productivity of the hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) in relation to plant nitrogen status and water-use efficiency was investigated in the Okuono (OKU) and Karakawa (KRK) areas in Shikoku district, Japan, where abundant precipitation occurs. The nitrogen concentration and carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) in the leaves were used as indexes of plant nitrogen status and water-use efficiency, respectively. The leaf nitrogen concentration increased with decreasing soil carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio and with increasing soil pH. There was a marginally significant negative correlation between leaf δ13C and soil water content in the KRK area, but leaf δ13C in the OKU area did not correlate with the soil water condition, and increased on the upper slope. The results suggest that hinoki trees in the KRK area have higher water-use efficiency (high leaf δ13C) under lower soil water conditions. In the OKU area, meanwhile, leaf δ13C in the upper slope was higher due to adaptation to adverse conditions. When 12 plots in two areas were included, the mean height and stem increments increased with increasing leaf nitrogen concentration and with decreasing leaf δ13C. These findings suggest that nitrogen acquisition is a primary factor for stem productivity in the areas concerned but the productivity of some forests is restricted by the soil water condition or other conditions, as indicated by the high value of leaf δ13C. The measurement of nitrogen concentration and δ13C in leaves can provide us with valuable insights into the relative importance of nitrogen, water and other conditions on stem productivity in the two areas.  相似文献   

The effects of five conservation tillage drills with crop residue levels covering between 17% and 79% of the soil, and tillage depths ranging from 25 to 200 mm, were examined over 3 years. The tillage systems ranged from a relatively disruptive Farm System to a Low Disruption system, with three intermediate treatments labelled Sumo DTS, Claydon and Mzuri. The study involved field sites on a clay or clay loam soil, where winter wheat and oilseed rape were grown in rotation. In the clay field, the Mzuri and Low Disruption treatments, which produced the highest residue coverage, showed the greatest increase in surface total soil organic carbon (1.1 and 0.48 Mg C ha−1, respectively) between years 1 and 3. The least disruptive tillage system also resulted in the highest density of earthworms (181–228 m−2), and the most disruptive system produced the lowest densities (75–98 m−2). In the third year, the least disruptive system also showed a higher proportion of water-stable aggregates (29.8%) than the other treatments (22.7%–25.3%). Linear regressions showed positive relationships of both soil organic carbon and earthworm density with surface residue cover, and of the proportion of water-stable aggregates with soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

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