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The mycelia of saprotrophic (SP) and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi occur throughout the upper soil horizons in coniferous forests and could therefore be exposed to high concentrations of monoterpenes occurring in the needle litter of some tree species.Monoterpenes are mycotoxic and could potentially affect fungi that are exposed to them in the litter layers. In order to investigate whether monoterpenes typical of coniferous litters could influence fungal communities, we analysed the monoterpene content of freshly fallen needles of Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and Picea sitchensis. The most abundant monoterpenes were found to be α-pinene, β-pinene and 3-carene. We evaluated the effects of these three monoterpene vapours on the biomass production of 23 SP isolates and 16 ECM isolates. Overall, 75% of ECM isolates and 26% of SP isolates were significantly inhibited by at least one of the monoterpene treatments and both intra- and inter-specific variations in response were observed.Monoterpene concentrations are highest in surface litters. The differential effects on fungal taxa may influence the spatial and temporal distribution of fungal community composition, indirectly affecting decomposition and nutrient cycling, the fundamental ecosystem processes in which fungi have a key role in coniferous forest soils.  相似文献   

The effects of seven different fertilization treatments on nitrification in the organic horizons of a Myrtillus-type (MT) and a Calluna-type pine forest in southern Finland were studied. No (NO?3 + NO?2)-N accumulated in unfertilized soils during 6 weeks at 14 or 20°C in the laboratory. Net nitrification was stimulated by urea in both soils (but more in the MT pine forest soil) and to a lesser degree by wood ash but not by ammonium nitrate or nitroform (ureaformaldehyde). Nitrification was not detected in nitroform fertilized soils although ammonium accumulation was high during incubation. In the MT pine forest soil, net nitrification appeared to be stimulated by apatite, biotite and micronutrients. Nitrapyrin inhibited nitrification indicating that it was carried out by autotrophic nitrifiers. In the urea-fertilized MT pine forest soil, nitrification took place at an incubation temperature of 0°C. Accumulation of (N0?3 + NO?2)-N was highest in soil sampled at < 10°C.  相似文献   

 Under normal conditions, CH4, one of the most important greenhouse gases, is subject to biological oxidation in forest soils. However, this process can be negatively affected by N amendment. The reported experiment was conducted in order to study the short- and long-term effects of N amendment on CH4 oxidation in pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest soils. Soil samples were taken from three experimental sites, two of which had been amended with N once, over 20 years earlier, while the third had been amended 3 weeks earlier. The soil samples were incubated fresh at 15  °C at ambient CH4 concentrations (ca. 1.8 ppmv CH4). The variation in CH4-turnover rates was high within the treatments: CH4 was produced [up to 22.6 pmol CH4 g dry wt. soil–1 h–1] in samples from the recently amended site, whereas it was consumed at high rates (up to 431 pmol CH4 g dry wt. soil–1 h–1) in samples from the plot that had received the highest N amendment 27 years before sampling. Although no significant differences were found between N treatments, in the oldest plots there was a correlation between consumption of atmospheric CH4 and the total C content at a depth of 7.5–15 cm in the mineral soil (r 2=0.74). This indicates that in the long-term, increased C retention in forest soils following N amendment could lead to increased CH4 oxidation. Received: 3 September 1997  相似文献   

A greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate the response of corn (Zea mays L.) to K fertilization on Kewaunee silty clay loam, Plainfield loamy sand, and Plano silt loam soils compacted to two bulk density levels. Treatments were established in a factorial combination of two soil bulk density levels, three soil K levels, with and without banded placement of K. Increasing soil bulk density did not affect the height growth of the corn on any soil, but did increase shoot dry matter weight on the Kewaunee soil. Root dry matter was reduced by increased soil bulk density on the Kewaunee soil. The shoot/ root ratio was greater at the higher bulk density on all soils. Increasing soil K increased the shoot dry matter content on all soils and increased root dry matter content on the Kewaunee and Plano soils. The banded K treatment did not affect height growth or dry matter accumulation. Shoot K concentration was reduced at the higher soil bulk density on the Kewaunee and Plano soils. Both methods of K application increased the K concentration of the shoots on all soils.  相似文献   

In large regions of Europe and eastern North America atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen (N) compounds has greatly increased the natural external supply to forest ecosystems. This leads to N saturation, in which availability of inorganic N is in excess of biological demand and the ecosystem is unable to retain all incoming N. The large-scale experiments of the NITREX project (NITRogen saturation EXperiments) are designed to provide information regarding the patterns and rates of responses of coniferous forest ecosystems to increases in N deposition and the reversibility and recovery of impacted ecosystems following reductions in N deposition.The timing of ecosystem response generally followed a hypothesized cascade of response. In all sites N outputs have responded markedly but to very different degrees within the first three years of treatment. Within this time significant effects on soil processes and on vegetation have only been detected at two sites. This delayed response is explained by the large capacity of the soil system to buffer the increased N supply by microbial immobilization and adsorption. We believe that this concept provides a framework for the evaluation and prediction of the ecosystem response to environmental change.  相似文献   


Canola (Brassica napus) is the primary oilseed crop in western Canada; however, it is often grown on sulfur (S)-deficient soils. Moreover, canola has a high S demand compared to cereals and, therefore, is particularly sensitive to S deficiency. This study examined the growth and nutrient uptake responses of a high-yielding canola hybrid cultivar to S fertilization when grown on three contrasting soils differing in S fertility, with and without the addition of fertilizer S. The soils were collected from three soil-climatic zones within Saskatchewan (Brown, Black, and Gray) and three different fertilizer S forms were used: ammonium sulfate (AS); ammonium thiosulfate (ATS); and a composite fertilizer containing nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and S (NPS; 50-50 blend of sulfate (SO4) salt and elemental S). Sulfur fertilization increased the canola biomass, along with plant uptake of N, P, and S on all three soils. Fertilizer S use efficiency (i.e. recovery) ranged from 11-75%. For all three soils, the general trend among fertilizer S forms for biomass, nutrient uptake, and fertilizer use efficiency was AS?>?ATS?>?NPS. The greatest differences were observed with the Gray soil, which had the poorest S fertility. Residual soil SO4 after harvest was greater for ATS and NPS; reflecting continued oxidation of thiosulfate and elemental S to SO4. Principal component analysis demonstrated the importance of tissue N:S ratio as a key diagnostic measurement related to canola growth and nutrient uptake in S-deficient soils.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a central role in driving many chemical and biological processes in soil; however, our understanding of the fluxes and composition of the DOM pool still remains unclear. In this study we investigated the composition and dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in five temperate coniferous forests. We subsequently related our findings to the inputs (litterfall, throughfall, atmospheric deposition) and outputs (leaching, respiration) of C and N from the forest and to plant available sources of N. With the exception of NO3?, most of the measured soil solution components (e.g. DOC, DON, NH4+, free amino acids, total phenolics and proteins) progressively declined in concentration with soil depth, particularly in the organic horizons. This decline correlated well with total microbial activity within the soil profile. We calculated that the amount of C lost by soil respiration each day was equivalent to 70% of the DOC pool and 0.06% of the total soil C. The rapid rate of amino acid mineralization and the domination of the low molecular weight soluble N pool by inorganic N suggest that the microbial community is C‐ rather than N‐limited and that C‐limitation increases with soil depth. Further, our results suggest that the forest stands were not N‐limited and were probably more reliant on inorganic N as a primary N source rather than DON. In conclusion, our results show that the size of the DON and DOC pools are small relative to both the amount of C and N passing through the soil each year and the total C and N present in the soil. In addition, high rates of atmospheric N deposition in these forests may have removed competition for N resources between the plant and microbial communities.  相似文献   

Summary Microfungal species composition was studied in coniferous forest soils which had been treated with lime or wood ash. The pH increased by about 2.5 units at the highest rate of application. Fungi were isolated 4–5 years after the treatments using a soil washing technique. At one site, Öringe, clear differences in species composition due to liming were found. Penicillium spinulosum, Oidiodendron cf. truncatum, Mortierella spp., and two sterile taxa decreased in abundance in limed areas, while Geomyces pannorum, Penicillium cf. brevicompactum, Trichoderma polysporum, and Trichosporiella sporotrichioides increased in isolation frequency. At another site, Torrmyra, the effect of liming was less pronounced, although the pH changes due to the treatments were larger compared to the Öringe site. However, T. polysporum increased, while a sterile taxon decreased in abundance in lime- and wood ash-treated plots. The changes in microfungal species composition after liming were similar to those found earlier in urea-treated soils, and opposite to those found in artifically acidified or ammonium nitrate-fertilized soils.  相似文献   

Emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3) from a fertilizer factory and the resulting input of nitrates (NO3 ?) and ammonium (NH4 +) into the soil were the main reasons of nitrogen (N) cycle disturbance in forest ecosystems near Novgorod, North-Western Russia (50°31′ North, 31°17′ East). Total N atmospheric input was about 100 kg/ha annually. NH3 was a dominant pollutant, causing the increase of atmospheric precipitation pH within the polluted region compared to background territories (6.0–6.5 and 4.5–5.0, respectively). Soil acidification through NH4 + nitrification was observed. N-NO3 ? concentrations in soil solution reached 20–30 mg/l, and proton (H) production was equal to 4.1 keq/ha per warm season (from April to October). Compared with soil status in 1983, pH decrease by 0.2 pH units was found in A horizon. The content of exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) decreased by the factor of 2–3 and 1.5–2 in A and B horizons, respectively. Triple increase of exchangeable aluminium (Al) content was detected in A horizon. Through recent decrease of pollutant emission, the polluted territory is now a suitable subject for recovery studies.  相似文献   

Very few studies have been related to soluble organic nitrogen (SON) in forest soils. However, this nitrogen pool could be a sensitive indicator to evaluate the soil nitrogen status. The current study was conducted in temperate forests of Thuringia, Germany, where soils had SON (extracted in 0.5 M K2SO4) varying from 0.3 to 2.2% of total N, which was about one-third of the soil microbial biomass N by CFE. SON in study soils were positively correlated to microbial biomass N and soil total N. Multiple regression analysis also showed that mineral N negatively affected SON pool. The dynamics of the SON was significantly affected by mineralization and immobilization. During the 2 months of aerobic incubation, the SON were significantly correlated with net N mineralization and microbial biomass N. SON extracted by two different salt solution (i.e. 1 M KCl and 0.5 M K2SO4) were highly correlated. In mineral soil, SON concentrations extracted by 1 M KCl and 0.5 M K2SO4 solutions were similar. In contrast, in organic soil layer the amount of KCl-extractable SON was about 1.2-1.4 times higher than the K2SO4-extractable SON. Further studies such as the differences of organic N form and pool size between SON and dissolved organic N (DON) are recommended.  相似文献   

The effects of clear-cutting on the ammonia-oxidising bacterial community were studied in the soil of limed and non-limed spruce forest plots located in the central part of southern Sweden. The communities were studied using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification from total DNA with primers reported to be specific for -subgroup ammonia-oxidising bacteria. The bands on the DGGE were sequenced and each unique sequence was interpreted as representing one ammonia-oxidising population. The relative abundance of each population was determined by measuring the fluorescence of the respective DGGE bands. In both limed and non-limed soil, the same two Nitrosospira populations were found, one belonging to cluster 2 (NScl2) and one to cluster 4 (NScl4). However, while NScl4 first appeared a year after the clear-cutting in the non-limed plot, it was present both before and after the cutting in the limed plot. Irrespective of previous liming, clear-cutting caused a shift in the ammonia-oxidiser community, from dominance by the NScl2 population to a community with approximately equal relative abundance of NScl2 and NScl4. In both plots the total size of the community increased after clear-cutting (based on increased DGGE band intensity), most likely due to increased NH4+ availability, but the growth response was faster in the limed plot. Hence, the prior liming increased the responsiveness of the ammonia-oxidisers to the changes caused by cutting. This is the first study to report the effects of clear-cutting on the ammonia-oxidising community, and the results show a clear correlation between increased potential nitrification and a shift in the ammonia-oxidiser community.  相似文献   

Examination of three forest soils from Malaysia using the soil incubation technique suggests that nitrification was not inhibited in these oligotrophic soils. Nitrification rates were between 40 and 750 ngN produced g?1 dry weight soil day?1 of incubation. Addition of phenolic metabolites (tannic acid) and leaf filtrates from hill and lowland forest litter did not significantly inhibit nitrification. Addition of sucrose (1% w/w carbon source) decreased nitrification but not ammonification.  相似文献   

The deposition flux of O3 to a Douglas fir forest in the Netherlands was monitored by eddy correlation during nine months. At the same time the concentration gradients of NO, NO2 and O3 were determined over the forest. The canopy resistance to O3 uptake was calculated from the measurements and it compared well with model estimates. The sensitivity of the stomatal resistance to humidity calculated in the model was adapted to improve the comparison. A multi-layered model of canopy exchange which included the influence of chemical reactions between NO and O3 and soil emissions was used to interpret the results for NO2. The observed fluxes of NO2 away from the surface into the atmosphere were probably caused by soil emissions of NO. The soil-emitted NO was converted to NO2 in the trunk space and vented into the atmosphere. The model showed that the NO2 flux above the canopy was either away or towards the canopy depending on the strength of the soil emission and the amount of NO2 taken up in the canopy. A canopy compensation point for NO2 could be established above which deposition was the main process and below which emission was observed. The model calculations supported the observations which indicated a compensation point of approximately 10 ppb NO2.  相似文献   

The effects of soil warming and nitrogen (N) fertilization on nitrogen metabolism and nutrient status of Picea asperata Mast. and Pinus tabulaformis Carr. seedlings were studied in this paper. Infrared heaters increased monthly average soil and air temperature by 2.6 and 2.1°C above the ambient, respectively. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) was added in an amount equivalent to an additional 25?g?N?m?2?a?1. Interestingly, soil warming, N fertilization, and their combination decreased foliar phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg) concentration of Picea asperata seedlings, but increased them in Pinus tabulaformis seedlings. Moreover, the combination of warming and N fertilization induced greater increments of amino acid, area-based N concentration and mass-based N concentration, manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn), and further decreased P and calcium (Ca) concentration in Picea asperata seedlings. However, this phenomenon was not observed in Pinus tabulaformis seedlings. These results indicated that Picea asperata seedlings are more sensitive to the combination of warming and N fertilizer than Pinus tabulaformis seedlings.  相似文献   

Nutrients constrain the soil carbon cycle in tropical forests, but we lack knowledge on how these constraints vary within the soil microbial community. Here, we used in situ fertilization in a montane tropical forest and in two lowland tropical forests on contrasting soil types to test the principal hypothesis that there are different nutrient constraints to different groups of microorganisms during the decomposition of cellulose. We also tested the hypotheses that decomposers shift from nitrogen to phosphorus constraints from montane to lowland forests, respectively, and are further constrained by potassium and sodium deficiency in the western Amazon. Cellulose and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and combined) were added to soils in situ, and microbial growth on cellulose (phospholipid fatty acids and ergosterol) and respiration were measured. Microbial growth on cellulose after single nutrient additions was highest following nitrogen addition for fungi, suggesting nitrogen as the primary limiting nutrient for cellulose decomposition. This was observed at all sites, with no clear shift in nutrient constraints to decomposition between lowland and montane sites. We also observed positive respiration and fungal growth responses to sodium and potassium addition at one of the lowland sites. However, when phosphorus was added, and especially when added in combination with other nutrients, bacterial growth was highest, suggesting that bacteria out-compete fungi for nitrogen where phosphorus is abundant. In summary, nitrogen constrains fungal growth and cellulose decomposition in both lowland and montane tropical forest soils, but additional nutrients may also be of critical importance in determining the balance between fungal and bacterial decomposition of cellulose.  相似文献   

Summary Nematodes were sampled in untreated, acidified, and limed plots in a Norway spruce (Fexboda) and a Scots pine (Norrliden) stand. At Fexboda, the total number of nematodes was significantly reduced after the acidification. This reduction was probably due to a shock effect, because the samples were taken only 5 months after an application of 200 kg H2SO4 ha-1 to the forest floor. However, the root/fungal-feeding Aphelenchoides was not reduced, probably because it is more tolerant of high acid concentrations than most other nematodes. At Norrliden, where the samples were taken 7 years after the last application of H2SO4, no significant differences were found between the acidified and untreated plots. If the treatment with H2SO4 caused similar effects as at Fexboda, the results indicate a recovery of the nematode populations. Decreased predation from lumbricids rather than a recovery of microfloral populations probably allowed this recovery. No marked effect of lime, spread 2 (Fexboda) and 12 years (Norrliden) before the sampling on the numbers of any of the nematode feeding groups was found. This correlated with almost no change in bacterial biomass after liming, while the active fraction of fungal hyphae was unaffected by liming at Fexboda and reduced by liming at Norrliden. A tendency for decreasing numbers of all nematode feeding groups in the limed plots at Norrliden coincided with increasing numbers of lumbricids.  相似文献   

A forest ecosystem study was conducted along a deposition gradient of air pollutants in old Scots pine stands located near the industrial belt around the city of Bitterfeld in northeast Germany from 1999 to 2000. In order to estimate the impact of different atmospheric deposition loads on microbial biomass and enzyme activities, samples were taken from the forest floor (L, F, and H horizon) and the mineral topsoil (0–10 cm). The emission-induced increases in ferromagnetic susceptibility, soil pH, concentrations of mobile (NH 4NO 3 extractable) Cr and Ni, effective cation exchange capacity, and base saturation in the humus layer along the 25-km long transect reflected that great portions of the past depositions were characterized by alkaline fly ash. Alkaline depositions significantly ( P <0.05) decreased the microbial biomass C and N contents, microbial biomass C-to-organic C ratios, and microbial respiration rates, but increased the metabolic quotient (qCO 2) of the mineral topsoil and forest floor. Variations in microbial biomass and activity can mainly be predicted ( r 2 =0.60) by the concentrations of Ca, Zn and Cd in these forest soils. The specific activities (activity kg -1 organic C) of l-asparaginase, l-glutaminase, arylsulfatase, and in part, acid phosphatase were significantly ( P <0.05) higher at forest sites receiving higher fly ash loads than those of the other sites, and thus followed the trend of the qCO 2. In contrast, the specific activity of ß-glucosidase was significantly ( P <0.05) decreased at heavily affected sites compared to moderate and less affected sites, suggesting an inhibition of C mineralization in the forest floor of pine stands affected by predominantly alkaline emissions. A great portion ( r 2=0.91) of the variation in the specific enzyme activity data in forest soils in emission areas can be predicted from a linear combination of the variables total organic C and NH 4Cl-extractable Ca, pH and effective cation exchange capacity.  相似文献   

Fate of inorganic 15N in the profile of different coniferous forest soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fate of inorganic 15N added to different coniferous forest soils was traced throughout the soil profile (0–25 cm) in a laboratory experiment under controlled conditions of temperature and water content. Six soils with different chemical climates were compared. The sequestration of labelled N was significantly explained by the clay content but the correlation was improved when C and N content were included. The level of acidification, even in soil with a fine texture, reduced the immobilization. For a similar N input, sandy soils with low C content or high acidification showed a reduced N storage capacity, so that N excess would be able to pollute the ground-water.  相似文献   



Long-term fertilization can influence soil biological properties and relevant soil ecological processes with implications for sustainable agriculture. This study determined the effects of long-term (>25 years) no fertilizer (CK), chemical fertilizers (NPK) and NPK combined with rice straw residues (NPKS) on soil bacterial and fungal community structures and corresponding changes in soil quality.

Materials and methods

Soil samples were collected from a long-term field site in Wangcheng County established in 1981 in subtropical China between mid summer and early autumn of 2009. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and the real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (real-time qPCR) of bacterial and fungal community and microbial biomass (MB-C, -N and -P) were analyzed.

Results and discussion

Redundancy analysis of the T-RFLP data indicated that fertilization management modified and selected microbial populations. Of the measured soil physiochemical properties, soil organic carbon was the most dominant factors influencing bacterial and fungal communities. The bacterial and fungal diversity and abundance all showed increasing trends over time (>25 years) coupling with the increasing in SOC, total N, available N, total P, and Olsen P in the fertilized soils. Compared to chemical fertilizer, NPKS resulted in the greater richness and biodiversity of the total microbial community, soil organic C, total N, MB-C, -N and -P. The high biodiversity of microbial populations in NPKS was a clear indication of good soil quality, and also indicated higher substrate use efficiency and better soil nutrient supplementation. Otherwise, unfertilized treatment may have a soil P limitation as indicated by the high soil microbial biomass N: P ratio.


Our results suggest that NPKS could be recommended as a method of increasing the sustainability of paddy soil ecosystems.  相似文献   

Soil samples were taken from an Ermans birch (Betula ermanii)-dark coniferous forest (Picea jezoensis and Abies nephrolepis) ecotone growing on volcanic ejecta in the northern slope of Changbai Mountains of Northeast China, to compare soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) transformations in the two forests. The soil type is Umbri-Gelic Cambosols in Chinese Soil Taxonomy. Soil samples were incubated aerobically at 20℃ and field capacity of 700 g kg-1 over a period of 27 weeks. The amount of soil microbial biomass and net N mineralization were higher in the Ermans birch than the dark coniferous forest (P < 0.05), whereas the cumulative C mineralization (as CO2 emission)in the dark coniferous forest exceeded that in the Ermans birch (P < 0.05). Release of the cumulative dissolved organic C and dissolved organic N were greater in the Ermans birch than the dark coniferous forest (P < 0.05). The results suggested that differences of forest types could result in considerable change in soil C and N transformations.  相似文献   

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