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将纳米矿物基土壤调理剂应用于镉污染耕地水稻种植,施用土壤调理剂对水稻产量无显著影响,但可显著降低稻米中的镉含量,也可以有效降低土壤中有效态镉的含量。施用该土壤调理剂1 500~4 500 kg/hm2,土壤有效态镉含量下降25.00%~35.71%,稻米镉含量则下降20.31%~50.00%,降镉效果随调理剂用量的增加而提高。同时,对纳米矿物基土壤调理剂的降镉机理进行了探讨,对材料应用的经济效益进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

有机硅土壤调理剂是一种新型肥料,具有改良盐碱土壤,促进作物生长的作用,研究其对盐碱土壤理化性状、作物生物学性状的影响及机制对于新型肥料推广具有重要意义.采用有机硅产品+灌溉洗盐的大田试验方法,2018~2019年,在全国6个省11个县不同类型的典型盐碱土壤6种主推作物上开展了13个小区试验,研究有机硅土壤调理剂对盐碱土...  相似文献   

铁尾矿和副产品云母、白云石经煅烧制备的矿物质调理剂呈碱性,且富含植物生长所需的钾钙镁硅等有益元素,具有改良酸性土壤的潜在作用.为探究矿物质调理剂在酸性土壤地区的应用效果,通过一年两地田间小区试验,研究了推荐施肥配施不同用量矿物质调理剂对土壤pH和碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾等有效养分含量及油菜生长和产量的影响.田间试验设有5...  相似文献   

Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) patterns were used to describe the composition of the soil microbial communities under 12 natural forest stands including oak and beech, spruce-fir-beech, floodplain and pine forests. In addition to the quantification of total PLFAs, soil microbial biomass was measured by substrate-induced respiration and chloroform fumigation-extraction. The forest stands possess natural vegetation, representing an expression of the natural site factors, and we hypothesised that each forest type would support a specific soil microbial community. Principal component analysis (PCA) of PLFA patterns revealed that the microbial communities were compositionally distinct in the floodplain and pine forests, comprising azonal forest types, and were more similar in the oak, beech and spruce-fir-beech forests, which represent the zonal vegetation types of the region. In the nutrient-rich floodplain forests, the fatty acids 16:1ω5, 17:0cy, a15:0 and a17:0 were the most prevalent and soil pH seemed to be responsible for the discrimination of the soil microbial communities against those of the zonal forest types. The pine forest soils were set apart from the other forest soils by a higher abundance of PLFA 18:2ω6,9, which is typical of fungi and may also indicate ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with pine trees, and high amounts of PLFA 10Me18:0, which is common in actinomycetes. These findings suggest that the occurrence of azonal forest types at sites with specific soil conditions is accompanied by the development of specific soil microbial communities. The study provides information on the microbial communities in undisturbed forest soils which may facilitate interpretation of data derived from managed or even damaged or degraded forests.  相似文献   

Liu  Huiling  Tan  Xiao  Guo  Jingheng  Liang  Xiaohui  Xie  Qilai  Chen  Shuona 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(4):2121-2129

Oil hydrocarbons are widespread pollutants in soil which pose serious threats to ecological environment. Thus, this study carried out the bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil by using the efficient petroleum-degrading bacteria and soil conditioner, to investigate the changes of physicochemical properties of contaminated soil during bioremediation, reveal the relationship among the exogenous degradation strains and indigenous microbe, and finally illuminate the effects of soil conditioner and microbe on the bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil.

Materials and methods

A PAH-degrading strain named Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was used in this study, which was isolated from an e-waste dismantling area. The soil conditioner in this present study was developed previously by using agricultural wastes, which was in a powdered form and rich in N, P, and K. The simulated experiments were conducted under the control environmental conditions of greenhouse, to study the effects of inoculation and soil conditioner on bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil. Then, the physicochemical properties of soil and the degradation rates of oil were measured at different set times to evaluate the bioremediation effect.

Results and discussion

Adding 1% soil conditioner could significantly improve the soil conditions and offer microorganism enough N, P, and K, which would promote microbial growth and played a key role on bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil. Although in polluted soil, the microorganism could maintain metabolic activity and use the petroleum as carbon source. The soil indigenous microbe was more easily to adapt to the contaminated surrounding. However, when both of them co-existed in soil, they would restrain each other, and go against the oil decomposition. Thus, making two types of microorganisms work to achieve synergy was the key to gain much better remediation effect. Because the indigenous microbe was good at decomposing low molecular compounds and saturated hydrocarbons, while the oil-degrading strains can effectively decompose high molecular weight aromatics.


The soil nutrient and microorganism, including the exogenous oil-degrading strains and the soil indigenous microbe, had an important effect on degradation of petroleum. The addition of soil conditioner, presence of indigenous microbe, and inoculation of oil-degrading strains all were conducive to bioremediation of oil-contaminated site, but the key was to control the proportion and relationship of the three.

Graphical abstract


The nature of the main selenium (Se) carrier phases in soil is in debate, with some authors emphasizing the role of minerals, and others the role of organic material. In this study, we address the role of the different soil components in Se sorption by determining its interaction with easily separable and workable fractions of bulk soil. Thus four separated fractions (two organic and two mineral) isolated by size density fractionation from a grassland soil were taken as models for soil Se carrier phases. Two concentrations of selenite were used to estimate its reactivity during experiments. In addition, SEM-TEM analyses (coupled with EDS) were used to determine the chemical environment of Se sorbed onto the different fractions. The results showed that for the smaller selenite concentration nearly all the fractions gave the same selenite sorption (approximately 99%). For the larger concentration, selenite sorption ranged between 44% (mineral fractions) and 93% (organic fractions), indicating that the sorption capacities of organic fractions were greater than those of mineral fractions. In all soil fractions, elementary analyses and SEM/EDS and TEM/EDS observations revealed that Se sorption and the detection of Se hot spots on the soil particles correlated with the presence of Fe and Al. Although a direct association between Se and organic material could not be excluded, we suggest that Se sorption on organic particles is indirect, mainly resulting from association with surface Fe oxides or clays. These findings question the current view of a direct correlation between organic carbon and Se in natural soil samples.  相似文献   

天然多孔矿物在孔隙结构、吸附特性、离子交换特性、催化特性、微溶效应等多方面呈现明显特殊性和优异性,能够有效地改善土壤微环境和修复污染的土壤。文中对天然多孔矿物及其改性材料在土壤改良和土壤环境修复中的应用及研究进展进行了综合阐述,其中包括天然多孔矿物材料的环境属性、结构化学特性、在土壤改良中应用、在重金属污染土壤修复中应用、在有机物污染土壤修复中应用和在病毒污染土壤修复中应用等多个方面的内容,为天然多孔矿物在土壤环境科学研究中使用提供必要的技术依据。天然多孔矿物的资源特性和环境属性非常适合于我国土壤环境的改良和修复的应用条件,具有重要的研究和经济意义。  相似文献   

针对设施叶菜土壤次生盐渍化和酸化严重,研制生物有机类复合调理剂,并从改良土壤综合性状方面探明其改良机制,为研制生物有机类复合调理剂及其在设施障碍土壤中的应用提供技术支撑和科学依据。以植物源有机肥、生物炭和耐酸耐盐功能微生物为原料研制生物有机类复合调理剂1和调理剂2,市场购买生物有机类调理剂3,并以化肥处理为常规对照,在苏南苋菜和鸡毛菜大棚中进行小区试验。调理剂1和调理剂2降低了土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量,降低了电导率7.2%~12.9%,并显著增加了产量11.7%~24.5%。调理剂3增加了土壤有效磷和速效钾含量,显著增加电导率9.8%~20.8%,降低了土壤pH值,增加1.8%苋菜产量,但减少3.0%鸡毛菜产量。土壤生物学性状方面,调理剂1和调理剂2能显著增加土壤酶活性和有益微生物数量及微生物活性和多样性,并增加7.8%~30.2%土壤细菌数量,减少8.0%~45.2%土壤真菌数量。调理剂3则对土壤酶活性和微生物数量影响不显著,但降低了微生物活性和多样性。统计分析显示,对于高养分酸化设施叶菜土壤,高生物活性调理剂1和调理剂2主要通过降低盐分含量和改善土壤生物学性状有效缓解连作障碍,进而达到增产。在盐渍化和养分过度积累的设施障碍土壤中,应施用养分适宜、生物活性高的有机类土壤调理剂。  相似文献   

山药的生长发育与土壤环境质量关系密切,因此,土壤质量的改善是提高山药抗性与产量的必要措施。本研究在江西瑞昌山药种植区通过施用土壤调理剂对山药土壤进行处理,旨在探明土壤调理剂对山药土壤理化性质和细菌微生物群落组成的影响,为山药土壤微生态环境的改良和栽培管理措施提供有效的技术支持。结果表明:1)土壤调理剂改变了土壤的理化性质,调理剂处理的土壤p H值、有机质含量、全氮含量、有效磷含量、速效钾含量、土壤含水量、团聚体几何平均直径、总孔隙度均增加,而土壤容重下降;2)与对照相比,调理剂处理的土壤中细菌多样性较丰富,其中酸杆菌门的相对丰度明显增加,变形菌门的相对丰度下降,GAL15和AD-3门的相对丰度明显下降,绿弯菌门、疣微菌门、芽单孢菌门的相对丰度明显增加,浮霉菌门的相对丰度明显下降,拟杆菌门的相对丰度明显增加;3)土壤调理剂增加了山药生长期叶片中叶绿素和脯氨酸的累积,提高了山药块茎组织超氧化物歧化酶的活性,提升了山药块茎抗病虫害能力及产量。研究表明土壤调理剂可通过改善土壤的理化性质及土壤中某些细菌的相对丰度,显著改善山药土壤的微生态环境,提高山药抗病虫害侵染能力,为山药品质改善及产量增加提供了有效的手段。  相似文献   

土壤调理剂的研究和应用进展   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:19  
综述了土壤调理剂的研究和应用进展。土壤调理剂目前尚无统一定义,且存在不同的分类方法,其主要功能包括改良土壤质地与结构、提高土壤保水供水能力、调节土壤酸碱度、改良盐碱土、改善土壤的养分供应状况、修复重金属污染土壤等。在土壤改良过程中,针对不同土壤障碍问题有针对性地选择土壤调理剂将达到较好的改良效果。然而,土壤调理剂在推广应用中也暴露出一系列问题,包括潜在的环境风险、功能定位和认识问题、产品质量良莠不齐、包装标识混乱等,因此亟待建立一套完善的土壤调理剂科学评价体系。  相似文献   

Depleted soil fertility and high-yielding cultivars have been associated with low mineral nutrient contents in vegetables. This study explored if mineral nutrient concentrations of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) can be increased though selection of cultivars and management of soil fertility. Cultivars including butterhead, romaine, and loose-leaf phenotypes of heritage and modern origins were studied. Conventional, compost, and organic regimes were assessed. Elements in whole heads were determined. Heritage cultivars had about 7% higher magnesium, sulfur, copper, and iron (Mg, S, Cu, and Fe) concentrations than modern cultivars with no differences occurring for phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc, manganese and boron (P, K, Ca, Na, Zn, Mn, and B). Differences for each element occurred among phenotypes and fertilization but with no consistent trends. Head weight had only minor effects on nutrient concentrations, but total accumulation increased with head size. Some cultivars had nearly twice the accumulation of nutrients as others. This work suggests that cultivars can be selected for production of nutrient-rich lettuce.  相似文献   

土壤调理剂PAM的农用研究和应用   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
90年代 ,新型PAM产品 (具有很高分子量的阴离子型PAM )和改进的应用技术 (低用量配合灌溉水 )使得PAM在农业上的使用成本大大减少 ,而农用效益大大提高 ,土壤调理剂PAM的农用重新受到重视。目前美国西部已将PAM的农用作为一项农田水土保持新技术而得到越来越广泛的应用。土壤调理剂PAM曾于 80年代后期介绍到我国 ,但是由于成本高等其它问题而未能在农业上推开 ,目前新型PAM的农用研究也在我国引起重视。国外大量研究和国内有关研究表明 ,PAM的农用效益体现在水土保持、灌溉效率、农业生产、环境、经济等方面。土壤调理剂PAM用于农田水土保持、防止水土流失前景看好  相似文献   

针对福建红壤酸化、土壤钙镁限制影响蔬菜栽培等问题.在大田条件下,研究了施用钙镁型土壤调理剂对土壤理化性状和花椰菜产量与商品品质的影响.结果表明:施用供试土壤调理剂为750~1500 kg/hm2,一个花椰菜生长季后土壤pH值为6.0~6.5,提高了0.4~0.7个单位,达到花椰菜生长发育的最适土壤酸碱度;土壤和花椰菜花...  相似文献   

土壤调理剂对滨海吹填土的改良效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用蘑菇棒、锯末、诺沃肥、脱硫石膏组成的土壤调理剂,通过调理剂掺拌和水力淋洗相结合的方法,对滨海吹填土进行土壤改良试验,检验该调理剂改良吹填土的可行性,并确定调理剂的最佳用量。研究结果表明:调理剂可有效改善土壤物理性状,减小土壤容重,增大渗透率和非毛管孔隙度。调理剂的使用虽然没有明显改变吹填土土壤盐分的去除总量,但可以有效提高土壤脱盐效率,减少洗盐用水量,试验组用水量为对照组的69.23%。其所去除的盐离子以Cl~-和HCO_3~-为主。调理剂减弱了土壤溶液中盐分对植物的毒害作用,其自身也为植物提供了所需养分;随着调理剂用量的升高,植物生物量也相应增大。综合考虑使用土壤调理剂对滨海吹填土的改良效果,确定其最佳用量为15%。  相似文献   

盐碱土壤调理剂对玉米生长及土壤的改良效果   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
采用盆栽试验研究了以糠醛渣、腐植酸尿素等为主成分研制的盐碱土壤调理剂对玉米生长及土壤的改良效果。结果表明,在氮、磷、钾用量相同的情况下,与速效肥料处理相比,盐碱土壤调理剂处理的玉米生物量增加1.86%~48.56%,叶绿素含量增加2.60%~4.77%,植株的氮、磷、钾吸收量增加3.51%~64.2%,土壤有机质含量增加12.77%~14.28%,土壤氮、磷、钾增加0.70%~9.46%,土壤含水量增加11.29%~11.36%,土壤pH值下降0.03,土壤EC_(25)降低15.8%~20.10%。说明施用盐碱土壤调理剂能促进玉米生长,增强玉米叶片光合能力。  相似文献   

土壤改良剂节水增产效应的田间试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用田间试验,探讨了施用土壤改良剂对冬小麦的产量及水肥利用效率的影响.结果表明,施加土壤改良剂能降低作物生育期耗水量,提高冬小麦的产量,增加水肥利用效率.在不灌水条件下,施加土壤改良剂1 500 kg/hm~2,能够使冬小麦较对照增产15%,水分利用效率(WUE)提高了21.65%,磷肥利用效率(PUE)较单施磷肥增加2.92%.在灌水33.3 mm的条件下,施加土壤改良剂较对照可增产28.57%,将土壤改良剂与磷肥混施增产可达到42.86%.而且,PUE较单施磷肥增加了11.11%,WUE达到25.06kg/(hm~2·mm).  相似文献   

Investigations on porosity and pedological features were carried out on thin sections of samples of a clay soil treated with a ferric conditioner. The effect of wetting-drying cycles was considered and also surface shrinkage was determined. Micromorphometric determinations of porosity, pore size distribution and number of pores per mm2 were carried out by a Leitz-Classimat apparatus. Pore shape and pedological features of ferric compounds were analysed by the point-count method. Surface shrinkage data show great differences between treated and control samples at the first wetting-drying cycle but similar values at the end of the experiment. The statistical processing of micromorphometric data shows significant differences between the control and treated soil material. Wetting-drying cycles influence the number of pores and porosity mainly in the treated soil samples. The pore size distribution is more homogeneously represented in all size classes within treated samples. Also the statistical processing of data of pore shapes and pedological features shows significant differences between control and treated soil samples. Only planar pores are not influenced by the treatment. The wetting-drying cycles affect neither the pore shape, except for planar pores, nor the different pedological features.  相似文献   

蚯蚓粪作为新型有机肥料对于土壤改良有一定的积极作用。以甜瓜为供试作物,分析对比单施蚯蚓粪(T1)、蚯蚓粪配施生物炭与沸石(T2)、蚯蚓粪配施聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)(T3)、蚯蚓粪配施生物炭与沸石及PAM(T4)处理对甜瓜产量、品质及土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明,与其他处理相比,蚯蚓粪配施生物炭与沸石及PAM处理的甜瓜的产量、维生素C含量及土壤养分含量最高,分别达到23539.65kg/hm2、16.17mg/100g、有机质27.08g/kg、全氮2.64g/kg、有效磷403.61mg/kg、速效钾302.02mg/kg,且可滴定酸含量较低,为0.12%;此外,可溶性固形物与含量最高的T2处理差异不显著,类胡萝卜素与含量最高的T3处理差异不显著。由此可见,采用蚯蚓粪配施生物炭、沸石及PAM的土壤改良措施对提高甜瓜品质、改善土壤种植环境具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, ‘Red Cherry Small’), grown in 15 cm diameter plastic pots with a standard greenhouse medium (1:1:1, by volume, soil:peat:sand) were irrigated for 15 weeks with liquid sewage sludge containing a liquid cationic conditioner (Petroset SB, Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma) to determine the effect of the conditioner on Cd and Zn availability. Half of the plants received 50 ml week?1 liquid digested sludge with no conditioner and half of the plants received 50 ml week?1 sludge containing 0.25 ml conditioner (200:1, by volume, sludge:conditioner). Plant height was measured weekly. Plants were harvested 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 weeks after sludge treatments began and separated into roots, shoots, and fruits for dry weight determination and Cd and Zn analyses. Soil and sludge crusts were sampled at the same times and analyzed for extractable concentrations of Cd and Zn. Dry weights of plants grown with conditioned sludge were similar to those grown with nonconditioned sludge. Plants with conditioner flowered and fruited one and two weeks earlier, respectively, than plants without conditioned. Six weeks after treatments began, when the plants had grown to their greatest height, Cd concentrations in sludge crusts, soil, and roots receiving conditioner were 2.0, 1.5, and 2.1 times greater, respectively, than crusts, soil and roots not receiving conditioner. After the six weeks sampling time, Cd concentrations in crusts, soil, and roots receiving conditioned sludge were similar to those in crusts, soil, and roots receiving nonconditioned sludge. At the third-week sampling time, shoots of plants grown with conditioner had 2.6 times more Cd than shoots of plants grown without conditioner. Cadmium concentrations in shoots from both treatments were similar at later sampling dates. Cadmium content of fruits was the same for both treatments all sampling times. Zinc content of roots, shoots, fruits soil, and sludge crusts was no affected by the conditioner. Results showed that a cationic conditioner, added to sludge, increased the availability of Cd, but not of zn, for tomato plants until maximum height was reached.  相似文献   

采用土壤培养及盆栽试验研究5种调理剂(生石灰、油菜秸秆、有机肥、钾硅肥、土壤改良剂,用量均为1.8 g/kg)对酸性土壤(pH值3.9)酸度指标和大麦幼苗生长的影响。土壤培养试验结果表明,施用生石灰、有机肥和钾硅肥均能明显提高土壤pH值,降低土壤交换性酸总量、交换性H+和交换性铝含量。其中以生石灰降酸效果最好,到培养第90 d,相比于对照处理提高了0.66个单位,土壤交换性铝含量减少了2.01 cmol/kg;其次是有机肥和钾硅肥处理,pH值较对照处理分别提高了0.14和0.15,土壤交换性铝含量分别降低了0.23和0.19cmol/kg;油菜秸秆和土壤改良剂处理从酸度指标来看,与对照并没有显著差异。大麦幼苗盆栽试验结果表明,与对照相比,生石灰、油菜秸秆、有机肥、钾硅肥和土壤改良剂处理的大麦幼苗地上部生物量分别增加71.5%、24.1%、27.6%、28.2%、24.7%,大麦株高、根长、根系总表面积和根系活力均显著高于对照处理,根系平均直径减少,有利于养分和水分的吸收。综合结果表明,不同类型的调理剂对酸性土壤的降酸效果不尽相同,其中以生石灰效果最好,秸秆处理尽管没有有效降低土壤酸度但仍可明显促进作物生长,因此也可用作酸性土壤的改良物质,在实际生产中应因地制宜应用各种调节物质来促进作物生长。  相似文献   

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