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Fresh and dry plant weights were measured throughout a number of different CO2 enrichment experiments with six terrestrial plants and two aquatic species. Similar data were also extracted from the literature for 18 additional plants. In general, CO2 enrichment had little effect on plant percentage dry matter content, except under conditions conducive to starch accumulation in leaves, and then it caused an increase in percentage dry matter content.  相似文献   

Two of the major uncertainties in forecasting future terrestrial sources and sinks of CO2 are the CO2-enhanced growth response of forests and soil warming effects on net CO2 efflux from forests. Carbon dioxide enrichment of tree seedlings over time periods less than 1 yr has generally resulted in enhanced rates of photosynthesis, decreased respiration, and increased growth, with minor increases in leaf area and small changes in C allocation. Exposure of woody species to elevated CO2 over several years has shown that high rates of photosynthesis may be sustained, but net C accumulation may not necessarily increase if CO2 release from soil respiration increases. The impact of the 25% rise in atmospheric CO2 with industrialization has been examined in tree ring chronologies from a range of species and locations. In contrast to the seedling tree results, there is no convincing evidence for CO2-enhanced stem growth of mature trees during the last several decades. However, if mature trees show a preferential root growth response to CO2 enrichment, the gain in root mass for an oak-hickory forest in eastern Tennessee is estimated to be only 9% over the last 40 years. Root data bases are inadequate for detecting such an effect. A very small shift in ecosystem nutrients from soil to vegetation could support CO2-enhanced growth. Climate warming and the accompanying increase in mean soil temperature could have a greater effect than CO2 enrichment on terrestrial sources and sinks of CO2. Soil respiration and N mineralization have been shown to increase with soil temperature. If plant growth increases with increased N availability, and more C is fixed in growth than is released by soil respiration, then a negative feedback on climate warming will occur. If warming results in a net increase in CO2 efflux from forests, then a positive feedback will follow. A 2 to 4°C increase in soil temperature could increase CO2 efflux from soil by 15 to 32% in eastern deciduous forests. Quantifying C budget responses of forests to future global change scenarios will be speculative until mature tree responses to CO2 enrichment and the effects of temperature on terrestrial sources and sinks of CO2 can be determined.  相似文献   

Effect of CO2 enrichment on the carbon-nitrogen balance in whole plant and the acclimation of photosynthesis was studied in wheat (spring wheat) and soybean (A62-1 [nodulated] and A62-2 [non-nodulated]) with a combination of two nitrogen application rates (0 g N land area m-2 and 30 g N land area m-2) and two temperature treatments (30/20°C (day/night) and 26/16°C). Results were as follows.

1. Carbon (dry matter)-nitrogen balance of whole plant throughout growth was remarkably different between wheat and soybean, as follows: 1) in wheat, the relationship between the amount of dry matter (DMt) and amount of nitrogen absorbed (Nt) in whole plant was expressed by an exponential regression, in which the regression coefficient was affected by only the nitrogen application rate, and not by CO2 and temperature treatments, and 2) in soybean the DMt-Nt relationship was basically expressed by a linear regression, in which the regression coefficient was only slightly affected by the nitrogen treatment (at 0N, DMt-Nt balance finally converged to a linear regression). Thus, carbon-nitrogen interaction in wheat was strongly affected by the underground environment (nitrogen nutrition), but not by the above ground environment (CO2 enrichment and temperature), while that in soybean was less affected by both under and above ground environments.

2. The photosynthetic response curve to CO2 concentration in wheat and soybean was less affected by the CO2 enrichment treatment, while that in wheat and soybean (A62-2) was affected by the nitrogen treatment, indicating that nitrogen nutrition is a more important factor for the regulation of photosynthesis regardless of the CO2 enrichment.

3. Carbon isotope discrimination (..:1) in soybean was similar to that in wheat under ambient CO2, while lower than that in wheat under CO2 enrichment, suggesting that the carbon metabolism is considerably different between wheat and soybean under the CO2 enrichment conditions.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas fluorescens F113, which produces the antimicrobial compound 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, is a prospective biocontrol agent. Soil enzyme activities were used to investigate the ecological impact of strain F113 in the rhizosphere of field-grown sugar beet. There were distinct trends in rhizosphere enzyme activities in relation to soil chemistry [determined by electro-ultrafiltration (EUF)]. The activities of enzymes from the P cycle (acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and phosphodiesterase) and of arylsulphatase were negatively correlated with the amount of readily available P, whereas urease activity was positively correlated with the latter. Significant correlations between nutrient levels determined by EUF and enzyme activities in the rhizosphere were obtained, highlighting the usefulness of enzyme assays to document variations in soil nutrient cycling. Contrary to previous microcosm studies, which did not investigate plants grown to maturity, the biocontrol inoculant had no effect on enzyme activities or on soil chemistry in the rhizosphere. The results showed the importance of using homogenous soil microcosm systems, also employed in previous work, for risk assessment studies, whereby the effects of inherent soil variability were minimised, and effects of the pseudomonad on soil enzymology could be detected. Received: 3 February 1997  相似文献   

针对我国华北平原淡水资源短缺这一现状,合理利用其地下微咸水进行农业灌溉是缓解水资源供需矛盾的有效途径。持续5年的田间定位试验,开展微咸水灌溉对冬小麦根际微生物影响的研究,试验共设置5个试验处理:雨养(NI)、淡水和微咸水交替灌溉(FS)、淡水灌溉(FF)、微咸水灌溉(SS)、微咸水和淡水交替灌溉(SF)。研究结果表明:FS和SS处理导致土壤表层(0~10 cm)EC值显著增加29.9%~52.4%,并且SS处理对冬小麦造成了盐胁迫。但微咸水灌溉(FS、SS、SF)较FF处理未对根际微生物Alpha多样性和群落结构造成显著影响,仅SS处理显著增加了部分属生物标记物如噬冷菌属(Algoriphagus)和有害菌壳球孢属(Macrophomina)等的相对丰度。较雨养而言,灌溉处理(FS、SS、FF、SF)导致表层土壤含水量(SWC)和pH分别增加42.4%~56.2%和3%~5.2%;硝态氮(NO3--N)和铵态氮(NH4+-N)含量分别减少52.7%~65.2%和27.5%~43.2%。SWC值是影响根际细菌多样性的主要因子,因此,灌溉处理显著增加了根际细菌Alpha多样性;但未对真菌多样性造成显著影响。同时,根际微生物群落结构均受土壤pH值和NO3--N含量影响,因此灌溉处理和NI处理群落结构存在差异,显著增加了纤维弧菌属(Cellvibrio)和有益菌角菌根菌属(Ceratobasidium)等属生物标记物的相对丰度。以上研究表明,长期使用3 g·L-1微咸水灌溉未对根际微生物多样性及群落结构造成显著影响,但是会改变部分属生物标记物相对丰度。这些研究结果为华北平原冬小麦微咸水灌溉的推广应用提供科学依据和理论基础。  相似文献   

4TSQ-2型甜菜切顶机设计及试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对甜菜分段收获技术需求,结合国内外甜菜收获技术及装备,该文提出了一种甜菜秧缨粉碎与顶部定切厚方式,并设计了切顶机。该切顶机主要由碎缨清理装置和仿形切顶装置组成,可一次完成甜菜缨叶的粉碎及青头的切削。理论分析了该机的关键部件结构参数及传动配置关系,确定了辊轴上2排甩刀或4排橡胶条的排列方式、25片/m的甩刀排列密度和26片/m的橡胶条排列密度,以及甩刀、橡胶条的结构参数。通过对仿形切顶装置进行运动学和力学分析,明确了连架杆、仿形板及切刀决定仿形效果及切顶质量,并确定了位置仿形机构和定厚切顶机构的关键结构参数。田间试验结果表明,该机的切顶合格率为93.6%,多切率为2.1%,满足甜菜切顶收获的指标要求。  相似文献   

Samples from different parts of a beet sugar factory and refinery were analyzed with respect to volatile compounds by means of liquid-liquid extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A limited number of the samples were analyzed by means of gas phase extraction (headspace) followed by GC-MS. Selected compounds were followed through the sugar manufacturing process. The behavior of different compounds varied greatly throughout the process, with some compounds such as geosmin (trans-1, 10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol), dimethyl disulfide, and propionic and hexanoic acid present at the beginning of the process but disappearing rapidly after further processing. Other compounds, such as indole, dihydrobenzofuran, and 2-phenylethanol, were not detected at the start of the process but were formed later on and removed in the final product. In the final product, three pyrazines remained at fairly low concentrations, together with 3-methylcyclopentadione, ethylhexanol, and methyl pyrrole ketone.  相似文献   


The aim of the present work was to study the effect of humic preparation on the yielding capacity of winter wheat, the dynamics of mineral nutrients in the rhizosphere, and the activity of rhizosphere microbial community, as well as the protective properties of humate treatment under the stress caused by the application of a sulfonylurea herbicide.

Materials and methods

The humic preparation BIO-Don is prepared from vermicompost by alkaline extraction. The effect of humic preparation was estimated in a field experiment. The contents of the mobile ammonium and nitrate, exchangeable potassium, phosphorus, and humus were determined. Sampling and nutrient determination were performed in the tillering, booting, and grain maturing stages. Production experiments on the study of the combined effect of the humic preparation and the sunfonylurea pesticide Granstar Pro were performed in 2015 and 2017. The dynamics of mobile phosphorus in soil was studied. The abundance of culturable bacteria in the rhizosphere and bacterial species with different ecological strategies was determined. The dominant bacterial species were identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.

Results and discussion

The results of a small-plot experiment showed that at the tillering stage, the use of humic preparation has led to significantly higher supply of soil with mobile phosphorus. The winter wheat yield was 32.0 dt/ha in the control and 39.2 dt/ha with humic preparation or 22.5% gain in yield. The results of production experiment show that the application of sulfonylurea herbicide induced a chemical stress on winter wheat plants, but the use of humic preparation reduced this effect and increased the availability of phosphorus compounds. The treatment of plants with pesticides caused the general decrease in abundance of bacteria in the rhizosphere. The effect on quickly growing bacteria is more pronounced, while slowly growing bacteria and fungi are more resistant to this impact.


The application of humic preparation to winter wheat plantations allows to decrease the toxic effect of sulfonylurea herbicide, improve the supply of soil with mineral nutrients, and increase the crop yield. The favorable effects of humic preparation can be related to the active regulation of phosphorus mobilization by plants through the mechanism of root exudates due to the activation of root microbiota.


Samples of in-process liquid beet sugar were collected from three different parts of a beet sugar factory and a refinery. The samples were analyzed with respect to aroma compounds by means of both liquid-liquid extraction and gas-phase (headspace) extraction followed by gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The aromas of the eluted compounds were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively for the different samples. In general, earthy and sour aromas were often present in the raw juice sample, whereas caramel aromas were mainly present in the samples taken further downstream in the process. For fruity, floral, and solvent-like aromas, different parallel trends were noted. Some aromas were present only at the beginning of the process, whereas others developed toward the end of the process.  相似文献   

Additions of ammonium sulfate and urease inhibitor with urea might have potential to increase yield and quality due to increased supply of sulfur (S) and reduction in volatilization loss of nitrogen (N), respectively. Treatments consisting, (i) urea alone, (ii) urea with ammonium sulfate (UAS) and (iii) homogeneous granular fertilizer containing urea and ammonium sulfate (HBU), and (iv) urease inhibitor treated urea (UI), at two application rates, 134 and 168 kg N ha?1, were compared for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) production at Glyndon and Ada of Minnesota, USA, during 2014–2015. For both crops, additions of UI had increased yield due to higher soil N availability over urea only in 2015. In 2014, UI also increased the grain protein content over urea and UAS increased sugar content only over HBU in 2015. Spring wheat and sugarbeet yield and quality response to urease inhibitor or supply of S in the form of UAS depends on soil and climatic factors.  相似文献   

The species structure of the mycobiota in the rhizosphere and phyllosphere of sugar beet in ontogenesis was studied. The treatment of the plants with biopreparations based on endophytic bacteria and their metabolites (Phytosporin-M, Vitaplan, and Albit) were shown to create conditions for the colonization of the plant rhizosphere and phyllosphere by bacteria–antagonists displacing phytopathogenic microorganisms and stimulating plant growth, which induces the transformation of the microbial cenosis.  相似文献   

大型人工气候室条件下进行了350μmol/mol和700μmol/mol 2种CO_2浓度,湿润及干旱2种水分处理和0mg/kg_土、50mg/kg_土、100mg/kg_土、150mg/kg_土和200mg/kg_土5种N肥施用量试验结果表明,高CO_2浓度下春小麦分蘖并未增加,低N时分蘖明显降低,因而高CO_2浓度下春小麦分蘖必须补充足够N素。CO_2浓度增高下播后55d施用N肥,春小麦叶宽、叶面积指数均增加,而不施N肥叶宽、叶面积指数未增加。充足N肥和水分有利于促进春小麦叶片生长,明显提高叶面积和分蘖。CO_2浓度增高,春小麦地上部干物质量增加与N肥施用量有关,中N和高N处理地上部干物质量明显增加,而不施N和低N时则增加不明显。干旱条件且高CO_2浓度下地上部干物质量增幅低于湿润条件,因而CO_2浓度升高对N素和水分胁迫无明显补偿作用。且CO_2浓度升高其根干物质量和根冠比未增加,相反湿润条件下不施N处理根干物质量略有降低,而根冠比明显降低。  相似文献   

采用三室根箱研究了磷高效小麦 81( 85)-5-3-3-3及磷低效NC37两个小麦品种根际磷转化及VA菌根对根际土壤磷转化的影响。结果表明 ,磷胁迫下 ,81( 85)-5-3-3-3的吸磷量略高于NC37,两种小麦品种根际土壤均形成了明显的Olsen-P ,Ca2-P ,Ca8-P ,Al P等形态磷的耗竭区。两种小麦品种在不施磷肥和施用磷肥下接种VA菌根 ,小麦的生物量、植株磷浓度、小麦根际Olsen-P,Ca2-P ,Ca8-P,Al-P ,Fe-P的消耗量均显著增加 ;根际、非根际土壤各形态磷素的浓度梯度明显降低。  相似文献   

CO2加富处理甜瓜幼苗光合特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以甜瓜幼苗为试材,研究不同浓度CO2对其光合特性的影响.结果表明与对照相比,经800,1000,1200,1400 μL/L加富的甜瓜幼苗的最大净光合速率的增幅分别为39.59%、70.52%、80.64%和131.21%.蒸腾速率分别下降12.16%、27.18%、37.34%和54.65%,同时叶气温差也呈上升趋势.胞间CO2浓度上升12.04%~14.25%.高浓度CO2在降低甜瓜幼苗光补偿点的同时,还使光饱和点升高.甜瓜幼苗CO2加富的适宜浓度为1200 μL/L左右.  相似文献   

日光温室二氧化碳施肥技术研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
给出了施与不施二氧化碳(CO2)温室内二氧化碳浓度的日变化状况,分析了施用二氧化碳对蔬菜生长发育和产量的促进作用,提出了对不同种类蔬菜施用二氧化碳的适宜施放期、一天内适宜施放时间以及适宜施放浓度。  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高、氮和水分对春小麦养分吸收和土壤养分的效应   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
研究了 2种CO2浓度水平 ,2种土壤水分处理和 5种N肥施用水平对春小麦 (TriticumaestivumL cv DingxiNo. 8654)养分吸收和土壤速效养分的影响。结果表明 ,高CO2浓度 (700 molmol-1)明显降低春小麦对氮(N)的吸收 ,低N时降低更为明显 ,但对磷 (P)、钾 (K)吸收的影响不明显。小麦对N、P、K吸收 ,干旱处理明显比湿润处理低。CO2浓度增高对土壤速效N的影响与土壤水分状况有关。湿润处理 ,CO2浓度增加的处理速效N量比当前CO2浓度的处理低 ;而干旱处理 ,施N 50、100、150mgkg-1时 ,速效N则较高。高CO2 浓度对土壤速效P、K量的影响不明显 ,而低N和水分不足 ,土壤速效P、K量较高  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of elevated CO2 on C dynamics in cultivated croplands are critical to a better understanding of the C cycling in response to climate change in agroecosystems. To evaluate the effects of elevated CO2 and different N fertilizer application levels on soil respiration, winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Yangmai 14) plants were exposed to either ambient CO2 or elevated CO2 (ambient [CO2] + 200 μmol mol-1), under N fertilizer application levels of 112.5 and 225 kg N ha-1 (as low N and normal N subtreatments, respectively), for two growing seasons (2006-2007 and 2007-2008) in a rice-winter wheat rotation system typical in China. A split-plot design was adopted. A root exclusion method was used to partition soil respiration (RS) into heterotrophic respiration (RH) and autotrophic respiration (RA). Atmospheric CO2 enrichment increased seasonal cumulative RS by 11.8% at low N and 5.6% at normal N when averaged over two growing seasons. Elevated CO2 significantly enhanced (P 〈 0.05) RS (12.7%), mainly due to the increase in RH (caused by decomposition of larger amounts of rice residue under elevated CO2) during a relative dry season in 2007-2008. Higher N supply also enhanced RS under ambient and elevated CO2. In the 2007-2008 season, normal N treatment had a significant positive effect (P 〈 0.01) on seasonal cumulative RS relative to low N treatment when averaged across CO2 levels (16.3%). A significant increase in RA was mainly responsible for the enhanced RS under higher N supply. The correlation (r2) between RH and soil temperature was stronger (P 〈 0.001) than that between RS and soil temperature when averaged across all treatments in both seasons. Seasonal patterns of RA may be more closely related to the plant phenology than soil temperature. The Q10 (the multiplier to the respiration rate for a 10 ℃ increase in soil temperature) values of RS and RH were not affected by elevated CO2 or higher N supply. These results mainly suggested that the increase in RS at elevated CO2 depended on the input of rice residue, and the increase in RS at higher N supply was due to stimulated root growth and concomitant increase in RA during the wheat growing portion of a rice-winter wheat rotation system.  相似文献   

Plant species differ in their potassium (K) efficiency, but the mechanisms are not clearly documented and understood. Therefore, K efficiency of spring wheat, spring barley, and sugar beet was studied under controlled conditions on a K fixing sandy clay loam. The effect of four K concentrations in soil solution ranging from low (5 and 20 μM K) to high (2.65 and 10 mM K) on plant growth and K uptake was investigated at 3 harvest dates (14, 21, and 31 days after sowing). The following parameters were determined: shoot dry matter (DM), K concentration in shoot dry matter, root length (RL), root length/shoot weight ratio (RSR), shoot growth rate/average root length ratio (GRs/aRL), K influx, and soil solution K concentrations. Wheat proved to have a higher agronomic K efficiency than barley and sugar beet, indicated by a greater relative yield under K‐deficient conditions. As compared to both cereals, sugar beet was characterized by higher K concentrations in the shoot dry matter, only 30—50 % of the root length, 15—30 % of the RSR and a 3 to 6 times higher GRs/aRL. This means that the shoot of sugar beet had a 3 to 6 times higher K demand per unit root length. Even at low K concentrations in the soil solution, sugar beet had a 7 to 10 times higher K influx than the cereals, indicating that sugar beet was more effective in removing low available soil K. Wheat and barley were characterized by slow shoot growth, low internal K requirement, i.e. high K utilization efficiency, and high RSR, resulting in a low K demand per unit root length. At low soil K concentrations, both cereals increased K influx with age, an indication of adaptation to K deficiency. The mechanism of this adaptation merits closer investigation. Model calculations were performed to estimate the K concentration difference between the bulk soil and the root surface (ΔCL) needed to drive the measured K influx. For the two cereals, the calculated ΔCL was smaller than the K concentration in the soil solution, but for sugar beet, ΔCL was up to seven times higher. This indicates that sugar beet was able to mobilize K in the rhizosphere, but the mechanisms responsible for this mobilization remain to be studied.  相似文献   

Only little is known about the effect of a varying sulfur (S) nutrition on the pattern of metabolites in different organs of the ears of winter wheat (Tritcum aestivum L.) at final maturity. More insights into the metabolome as influenced by increasing S‐fertilizer rates would, however, be of particular interest in order to unravel S‐dependent physiological processes related to grain filling in wheat. We have therefore investigated the effects of varying sulfur nutrition on metabolite composition and distribution in the organs of the wheat ear and vegetative organs at final maturity. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry–based metabolite profiles revealed that S deficiency decreased the bulk of metabolites in the straw in favor of an increasing metabolite concentration in the husk, rachis, and grains. Surprisingly, only four out of 109 detectable metabolites, namely N‐acetyl glucosamine, lysine, ferulic acid, and β‐aminoisobutyric acid were most responsible for organ‐specific differences in the metabolite profiles. Under S‐deficient conditions, N‐acetyl‐glucosamine, lysine, and β‐aminoisobutyric were increasingly transferred from source tissues into the ears and grains.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted for three seasons (1978–1979, 1979–1980 and 1981–1982) on a Palouse silt loam near Pullman, Washington, to compare the effects of broadcast and deep banding of nitrogen (N) fertilizer beneath winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seed on N uptake and dry matter production of downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.) and jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host.), and on N uptake, dry matter production and grain yields of winter wheat. Three tillage systems were used: conventional tillage; shallow roto-tilling, or no-tillage prior to planting. Rates of N were 0, 65, 130 and 190 kg N ha−1 as ammonium nitrate. Additional plots were maintained free of weeds at the 130 kg N ha−1 rate. In 1983–1984, deep banding of the fertilizer between rows in a paired-row configuration was compared to surface-broadcast N fertilizer using N rates of 0, 45, 90 and 135 kg N ha−1. There were no significant differences between broadcast and deep-band application of N on grass weed N uptake or dry matter production with mold-board plowed or no-tillage, but there was greater weed growth with surface-broadcast N with shallow roto-tilling. Wheat N uptake, growth and grain yields were consistently higher with band-applied N compared to broadcast N. The yield response to banding N was the same with or without the presence of grass weeds.  相似文献   

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