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目的:分析我市2007-2009年人间狂犬病流行特征和流行相关因素,探讨目前防制过程中存在的问题,提出狂犬病的防制对策。方法:对全市近三年来人间狂犬病病例个案资料和流行病学调查结果进行统计分析,同时采集疫点扑杀犬或疫情活跃县(区)市售犬脑组织及部分原疫点屯犬唾液进行病原检测,并采集未佩带有免疫标识屠宰犬血清进行狂犬病抗体检测。结果:我市人间狂犬病病例分布以农村为主,是犬饲养量大、免疫率低、部门间信息沟通不及时以及人间暴露后末进行疫苗接种等是我市人间狂犬病流行的主要原因。结论:搞好动物狂犬病的防治是防控该病的核心工作。  相似文献   

通过对柳州市犬狂犬病流行病学的调查,认为近年来养犬数量剧增,免疫工作难以开展,免疫接种率达不到要求,群众对狂犬病的防范意识不强等是导致犬狂犬病发病率上升的主要原因。在分析的基础上,对防控对策进行了探讨。从政府重视、部门配合、增加投入、提高犬免疫积极性和主动性、加大督查力度等方面做好犬狂犬病防控工作。  相似文献   

狂犬病是由狂犬病病毒引起的人畜共患的烈性传染病,主要侵害中枢神经系统,多见于犬、猫等动物的直接咬伤、抓伤感染,病死率几乎100%。1996年至2002年,我市连续7年没有狂犬病病例报告,但从2003年开始,狂犬病疫情死灰复燃,在部分市、县先后发生狂犬病病例。虽然近二年来,我市采取犬类“管、免、严”等综合防控措施,但收效不显著。本文根据2006—2007年狂犬病高发期发病情况,分析全市狂犬病流行特点,探讨狂犬病回升的原因。  相似文献   

为了摸清安徽省猪病流行情况,对2001年-2006年期间安徽省猪病的发生、流行情况进行了调查.结果表明,生猪疫病流行时间为每年5月~11月,流行高峰期集中在7月~9月,流行区域主要集中在长江以北地区.发病原因不是由单一的病原体所致,而是两种或两种以上的病原体协同造成.  相似文献   

随着社会经济文化的发展,群众养犬数量不断增加。据统计数字显示,2005年全市共饲养各类犬10.07万只,2006年为10.26万只,农村牧区养犬数量约占总数的70%。饲养规模较大,但配套管理工作却相对滞后,特别是至今无特效治疗办法的狂犬病越来越近地威胁着人们。狂犬病的病死率是100%,在我国狂犬病的发病率和病死率多年来一直位居各种传染病之首,狂犬病的防治迫在眉睫。本文通过对狂犬病的流行趋势及发病原因的探讨,提出适合包头地区防治狂犬病的综合防治措施,建立完善的防治狂犬病长效机制,对狂犬病进行全面防治。  相似文献   

以2006~2012年本实验室狂犬病病毒分离株核蛋白基因完整核苷酸序列和GenBank收录的主要数据为基础,通过构建系统发生树和比对病毒分离株相互间的同源性,对中国狂犬病流行特征进行分析.结果显示,目前涉及中国17个狂犬病主要流行省区的62个狂犬病病毒代表流行株,均为基因Ⅰ型,但在系统发生树上可分为i、ii、iii、iv、v共5个基因群,群内同源性91.4%~99.9%,群间同源性84.5%~90.1%.其中,i、ii群占国内新分离株的绝大多数,为2个主要流行基因群.i群遍布各主要流行省区,主要为来源于犬的分离株.ii群主要分布于南方省区,迄今分离到的多个鼬獾狂犬病病毒株在系统发生上也属于ii群.iii群仅见于广西壮族自治区、云南省两地,与东南亚国家狂犬病分离株同源性高达97.7%.iv群的地区分布不规律,在中国东北、中原、东南和西部地区均有零星报道,分离株较少.v群近年来仅偶见于内蒙东北部及黑龙江省与俄接壤地区,与俄罗斯远东及韩国流行株同源性高达98.5%.综上,中国狂犬病流行以犬间传播为主,野生动物狂犬病的流行日益严重,东北和西南地区存在境外狂犬病传入.犬等动物种群免疫覆盖率低应是狂犬病持续传播的主因.  相似文献   

为了摸清安徽省猪病流行情况,对2001年-2006年期间安徽省猪病的发生、流行情况进行了调查。结果表明,生猪疫病流行时间为每年5月~11月,流行高峰期集中在7月~9月,流行区域主要集中在长江以北地区。发病原因不是由单一的病原体所致,而是两种或两种以上的病原体协同造成。  相似文献   

为了解上海市人间和畜间狂犬病流行状况以及犬免疫情况,探查感染来源和防控漏洞,采用摸底调查和数据分析方法开展调查,并分析流行原因。调查显示,自2009年以来,上海市几乎每年都有人间狂犬病病例出现;2019年5—6月发生的3起犬咬伤事件中,有2起确定感染来源为流浪犬;2011—2018年上海市免疫犬的狂犬病免疫合格率一直保持在75%以上,但2019年1—5月流浪犬猫的抗体阳性率仅为11.32%,远低70%的国际要求。结果表明,上海市流浪犬中存在狂犬病流行,并导致了人的发病死亡,它是上海市狂犬病流行的主要风险源。因此,要加强流浪犬的管理、监测和免疫,降低流浪犬的数量,提高流浪犬的免疫密度和免疫质量;加强防控技术培训和防治知识宣传,提高公众防范意识;完善相关法规,进一步明确相关部门的工作职责。本调查探明了上海市狂犬病流行的主要原因,并提出了可行性建议,为上海市控制和消灭狂犬病提供了参考。  相似文献   

梁家攀 《广西畜牧兽医》2007,23(1):41-41,44
为切实加强全市的犬类管理和狂犬病防控工作,有效预防和控制狂犬病的发生和流行,保障人民群众身体健康和生命安全.近日,广西玉林市制定《玉林市进一步加强犬类管理和狂犬病防控工作方案》.要求达到三个主要指标:县(市)区以上城区以及曾发生过狂犬病疫情的乡(镇、街道办)、村的犬免疫率要达到100%;在犬类禁养区病犬、野犬、放养犬和违章犬捕杀率达95%以上;其余地区家犬的平均免疫率要达到80%以上.玉林市实行"分级负责、部门配合、社会参与"工作原则,各级政府负责本辖区内犬类管理和狂犬病预防控制工作,各有关部门各司其职、各负其责、共同配合,动员社会力量积极参与.为有效遏制狂犬病疫情上升趋势,该市通过采取以下六项有力措施进一步加强犬类的规范管理和狂犬病防控工作.  相似文献   

狂犬病是当前严重危害我国公共卫生的重大疫病。野生动物是本病原的自然宿主,带毒犬是人狂犬病的主要传播来源。带毒动物咬伤和破损皮肤被带毒动物舔舐是狂犬病传播的最主要途径。我国在世界上属狂犬病高发地区,据卫生部公布的全国重点传染病疫情监测数据显示,近几年来,狂犬病病死数居我国37种法定报告传染病首位,每年有千人以上因感染狂犬病而死亡,且死亡率达100%,发病和死亡人数仅次于印度,居世界第二位。现将当前我国狂犬病的流行原因及防制策略简单介绍如下:一、流行原因(一)犬免疫覆盖率低是中国人狂犬病流行的主要原因。(二)缺乏管理,…  相似文献   

针对目前狂犬病在全世界流行日益严峻的形势,通过大量的数字详细列举了国内外人和动物狂犬病的流行现状、欧美等发达国家防制狂犬病的有效措施及我国防制措施,结合我国狂犬病流行现状,分析了狂犬病流行的原因,提出了我国防制狂犬病的几点建议。  相似文献   

This work describes for the first time the incidence risk of passively reported canine rabies, and quantifies reported human exposure in N'Djaména (the capital of Chad). To diagnose rabies, we used a direct immunofluorescent-antibody test (IFAT). From January 2001 to March 2002, we were brought 34 rabies cases in dogs and three cases in cats. Canine cases were geographically clustered. The annual incidence risk of canine rabies was 1.4 (95% CI: 1.2, 1.7) per 1000 unvaccinated dogs. Most of the rabid dogs were owned-although free-roaming and not vaccinated against rabies. Most showed increased aggressiveness and attacked people without being provoked. Eighty-one persons were exposed to rabid dogs and four persons to rabid cats (mostly children<15 years old). Most of the exposed persons were neighbours or family members of the animal owner. Most exposures were transdermal bites, but nearly half of all exposed persons did not apply any first wound care or only applied a traditional treatment. In N'Djaména, humans are often exposed to canine rabies but do not use the full-course post-exposure treatment and wound care is insufficient. Most rabid dogs would be accessible to parenteral vaccination. Pilot vaccination campaigns are needed to determine the success of dog mass vaccination in N'Djaména as a way to prevent animal and human rabies.  相似文献   

Thirty-two seronegative pups were vaccinated at 8 weeks of age with modified-live canine distemper virus (CDV), canine adenovirus type-2 (CAV-2), and canine parvovirus (CPV) vaccine and at 12 weeks with a modified-live CDV, CAV-2, CPV, and killed rabies virus vaccine. An additional 31 seronegative pups served as age-matched, nonvaccinated controls. All test dogs were strictly isolated for 3 years after receiving the second vaccination and then were challenged with virulent rabies virus. Clinical signs of rabies were prevented in 28 (88%) of the 32 vaccinated dogs. In contrast, 97% (30 of 31) of the control dogs died of rabies infection. These study results indicated that no immunogenic interference occurred between the modified-live vaccine components and the killed rabies virus component. Furthermore, these results indicated that the rabies component in the test vaccine provided protection against virulent rabies challenge in dogs 12 weeks of age or older for a minimum of 3 years following vaccination.  相似文献   

Canine vaccination--providing broader benefits for disease control   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reviews the broader benefits of canine vaccination to human and animal health and welfare with an emphasis on the impacts of mass dog vaccination against rabies in countries of the less-developed world. Domestic dogs are the source of infection for the vast majority (>95%) of cases of human rabies worldwide, and dogs remain the principal reservoir throughout Africa and Asia. Canine vaccination against rabies has been shown to dramatically reduce the number of cases in dogs, the incidence of human animal-bite injuries (and hence the demand for costly post-exposure prophylaxis) and the likely number of human cases, primarily in children. Further benefits include the mitigation of the psychological consequences of rabies in a community, improved attitudes towards animals and animal welfare and reduced livestock losses from canine rabies. Mass vaccination has recently been used in the conservation management of wild carnivore populations threatened by transmission of rabies and canine distemper virus from domestic dog populations. Vaccination of wildlife hosts directly may also provide an option for mitigating infectious disease threats. The development of integrated control measures involving public health, veterinary, wildlife conservation and animal welfare agencies is needed to ensure that control of canine diseases becomes a reality in Africa and Asia. The tools and delivery systems are all available--all that is needed is the political will to free the world from the ongoing tragedy of these diseases.  相似文献   

根据GenBank已公布的狂犬病病毒(rabies virus,RV)核蛋白(N)基因序列设计并合成一对特异性的引物和探针,建立基于TaqMan探针的荧光RT-PCR检测狂犬病病毒方法。对狂犬病疫苗提取核酸后进行RT-PCR扩增,将目的条带切胶回收,克隆测序,重组质粒作为标准阳性对照。对建立的TaqMan探针荧光RT-PCR方法做灵敏度、特异性、重复性及稳定性试验。结果显示,该方法可以达到10拷贝/μL的灵敏度,可以将狂犬病病毒与犬瘟热病毒、犬细小病毒、犬腺病毒、犬冠状病毒和犬副流感病毒分开,方法重复性好,稳定可靠。  相似文献   

Rabies is an animal disease which is transmitted to man only by accident, most often through the bite (more rarely after scratches or licks of mucosa) of a rabid animal, domestic or wild. A good knowledge of the epizootiology of animal rabies is therefore necessary to establish, on solid grounds, the prophylaxis of human rabies. Inter-human transmission of rabies being an exceptional event which will be considered separately, the epidemiology of human rabies mainly studies the sources and circumstances of human exposure to rabid animals, which differ according to the epizootiology of animal rabies in a given country: either enzootic (or hyperenzootic) canine rabies, or enzootic selvatic rabies. It appears that the risk of human rabies is higher in the first situation for two reasons: (i) rabies viruses show an increased virulence due to numerous serial passages in dogs (viruses with short incubation period) and (ii) high frequency of dog-man contacts due to the high density of both populations.  相似文献   

Rabies kills approximately 60,000 people each year, mainly in sub‐Saharan Africa and Asia, of which 40% of victims are less than 15 years old. Once clinical signs develop, the disease is almost invariably fatal. Globally, rabies has been estimated to cause 3?7 million disability‐adjusted life years and $8?6B in economic losses annually. The vast majority of human rabies cases are caused by bites from rabies‐infected dogs. Despite this loss of human life and resultant economic and societal costs, rabies can be prevented in both humans and dogs by vaccination. This has been demonstrated in many countries, notably in Central and South America, where large‐scale, high coverage mass dog vaccination programmes have dramatically reduced the incidence of rabies. Even in parts of Africa and Asia, projects have shown that rabies can be eliminated locally. Nevertheless, rabies remains an important cause of mortality in many sub‐Saharan and Asian countries. The reasons why some countries have been able to effectively eliminate rabies whereas others have not are complex and often impossible to definitively identify; commonly cited explanations include political, economic, logistical and societal barriers.  相似文献   

The incidence of canine rabies has been widely reported in Brazil, and new rabies virus (RV) variants, genetically similar to canine RV, have recently been isolated from foxes. In order to derive the epidemiological characteristics of Brazilian Carnivora RV, Brazilian RVs isolated from dogs, cats, and foxes were genetically analyzed. Brazilian Carnivora RV isolates were divided into 2 main lineages. The predominant lineage was found in dogs and cats, which included the Argentinean and Bolivian Carnivora RV isolates, and was extensively distributed throughout Brazil and surrounding countries. The other lineage consisted of three sublineages containing Brazilian dog and fox RV isolates, with the dog sublineages located on an internal branch of 2 fox sublineages, suggesting that RV transmission events might have occurred between foxes and dogs in the past. These results suggest that contact between dogs and wildlife has the potential to generate new rabies variants and that it is important to control RV infection cycles in both dogs and wildlife to prevent spread of rabies infection.  相似文献   

采用狂犬病抗体ELISA试剂,于2008、2009、2010年3年间,对宁波地区702份家犬血清进行跟踪检测。结果显示,宁波市家犬狂犬病综合抗体水平达到65.3%;在免疫后60 d与90 d时,总体抗体水平均保持在较高水平;宠物犬免疫抗体合格率优于农村犬;非免疫犬抗体检出率为15.3%,与近年来我市人的狂犬病发病率居高不下关系密切。  相似文献   

Rabies has been present in Zambia since the early years of the 20th century. It is a significant public health problem in Zambia. Domestic dogs accounted for 69.7% (1348/1935) of the samples received for rabies diagnosis for the period 1985-2004. Of the 1069 positive cases confirmed by the fluorescent antibody test, 747 (69.9%) were from domestic dogs, 139 (13.0%) from cattle and 98 (9.2%) from humans. Wildlife samples accounted for 4.5% (87/1935) of the samples tested with the jackal (Canis adustus) being the predominant species. Cases of rabies were highest in Lusaka Province followed by the Copperbelt, Southern and Central Provinces. The monthly distribution of canine rabies showed an average of 2.93 (95% CI 2.59-3.29) dog positive cases per month. The study confirms that rabies is endemic in Zambia and that the domestic dog is the principal maintenance host. The epidemiology and control measures currently used in Zambia are herein discussed highlighting their limitations and successes. Based on the findings obtained from this study we advocate for strengthening the delivery of public health services and that steps must taken to reduce the incidence of rabies in Zambia.  相似文献   

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