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Influence of the growth-regulators CCC and Ancymidol on the fertility of genetically monoculm ring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). 2 years pot experiments with monoculm barley resulted in a 25 % increase of grain yield by the application of a mixture of CCC and Ancymidol. The main reason for this higher yield of grains was an improved fertility of the ears, resulting in a higher number of grains in the upper part of the ear and also of the total ear. The harvest index was shifted towards a higher fraction of grains by the growth regulators, whereby She dry matter yield of plant material remained unchanged. In the straw of all growth regulator trials, the percentage of leaves was higher than in the controls, though the absolute leaf weight was highest in the controls.  相似文献   

Effect of Ca2+ and pH upon the fatty acid composition of phospholipids from roots of rape plants (Brassica napus L.) The influence of Ca2+ and pH upon the dry matter of the shoot and the root of rape plants (Brassica napus L.) as well as upon the accumulation of nutrients in the shoot and the fatty acid composition of phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PÄ) and phosphatidyl choline (PC) from rape plant roots was tested by means of a water culture experiment. The experiment was designed with two concentrations of Ca-nutrition (3 mM and 0,03 mM CaCl2 · 6 H2O) and with three levels of pH (3,5; 5; 8) on the basis of four replications. The amounts and percentages of macro nutrients in the shoot indicated a specific effect on ion uptake by the treatments. K and Mg absorbed as cations were accumulated most intensively in the shoot at pH 5 whereas P absorbed as an anion was accumulated independent of pH at the same Ca-concentration. The fatty acid composition of PÄ and PC was distinctly dependent on the treatments. With regard to linolenic acid it appeared that Ca-nutrition may soften the harmful effect of a high H+-concentration. The results were discussed in relation to membrane functions.  相似文献   

Influence of Ethrel upon morphology and sugar content of sugar beet Repeated spraying of growing sugar beet plants with 100 and 200 ppm solutions of Ethrel changed the shape of the storage roots and reduced their sugar content. When CCC was added to the Ethrel solutions, the negative influence of Ethrel upon the sugar content was nearly abolished.  相似文献   

Components of carbohydrates in wheat kernels during the ripening process influenced by nitrogen fertilization and chlorcholinchloride The variability of carbohydrates was analysed in ripening kernels of wheat treated with nitrogen and chlorcholinchloride. 1. Proceeding ripening in wheat kernels (green, yellow, matured kernels) shows an important decrease of monosaccharides and total sugar. A distinct Influence of CCC — just as a possible postponement of ripening — marked with usually higher contents of monosaccharides and total sugar could be ascertained in green kernels only. 2. The synthesis of starch is not influenced by high nitrogen fertilization and essentially finished till the grain is yellow. By CCC-treatment, compared with untreated plants, a much lower content of starch is caused in green and yellow grains, in matured such differences are detectable scarcely. The decrease of starch content with high nitrogen fertilization is more important than that caused by CCC.  相似文献   

Influence of ammonium nitrate on the growth and straw decomposition of higher fungi 1. Nine species of higher fungi were investigated in order to study the influence of increasing NH4NO3 amounts on mycelial growth, the decomposition of straw substrates, the induction of fruiting bodies and the pH value of the substrates. 2. Increasing ammonium nitrate concentrations in the substrate clearly inhibited mycelial growth of two species (Stropharia rugosoannulata and Flammulina velutipes) whereas the others were not visibly affected. 3. Ammonium nitrate in the substrate led to different substrate decomposition patterns, depending on the fungal species used. The decomposition rates of Pleurotus salmoneo stramineus and Pleurotus eryngii decreased at all N-concentration levels. The decomposition rates of Lentinus edodes and Pleurotus sp. ?Florida”? were stimulated only at the lowest N-concentration level. Flammulina velutipes, Stropharia rugosoannula ta, Agrocybe aegerita, Kuehneromyces mutabilis and Ganoderma applanatum showed enhanced decomposition rates over the whole N-concentration range. 4. The induction and yield of fruiting bodies were also influenced by addition of ammonium nitrate. Low levels of ammonium nitrate stimulated fruiting body formation and yield of Agrocybe aegerita. Fructification of Lentinus edodes was delayed and the yield of fruiting bodies decreased at all N-concentration levels. At the given experimental conditions most of the investigated fungi did not fructify o r developed only primordia. 5. Addition of ammonium nitrate to the sterile substrate caused a decrease in pH. A further decrease in pH was observed after colonization of the substrate by fungi.  相似文献   

Effect of Cl-supply on yield and nitrate content of spinach and lettuce The N-supply for maximum yield could be reduced for spring spinach from 250 to 200 kg N/ha, for autumn spinach from 200 to 150 kg N/ha without yield depressions by optimized Cl-supply. The optimal Cl-supply consisting of Cl-content in 0–60 cm soil depth and Cl-fertilization was about 350 kg Cl/ha. However, Cl-supply in top soil should not exceed 300 kg Cl/ha in order to avoid emergence decreases. Different amounts of Cl-fertilizer were necessary because soils of experimental sites contained chloride in the range of 66 to 435 kg Cl/ha. The nitrate content was reduced up to 50% by Cl-fertilization. This was caused by reducing the N-supply by 50 kg N/ha and to an increased nitrate reduction. The heighest head weight of lettuce could be achieved with N-supply of 90 kg N/ha and additional Cl-fertilization. Reducing the N-supply from 120 to 90 kg N/ha and improvement of Cl-nutrition decreased nitrate content considerably. Cl-supply should not exceed 150 kg Cl/ha in 0–30 cm, because lettuce reacts sensitive to saline conditions.  相似文献   

Influence of nitrogen and cytokinin applications on the development of flag leaves and grains of wheat In two experiments spring wheat cv. Solo was grown in hydroculture under greenhouse conditions. The influence of cytokinin applications during grain filling period (Cy: 0 – 100 μg BA/l nutrient solition) combined with different nitrogen supply (N: 0, 0.25, 0.50 and 4.0/1.3 mMol/l) was studied in regard to the development of flag leaves and grains. As to flag leaf, only N was capable to increase specific fresh and dry matter and delay the decrease during development. Similar changes in the chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and N-content of leaves and grains, resp., could be induced by either N or Cy. Grain growth and grain N-content was favoured by N, with the first effect becoming visible early and the second late in the grain filling period. At maturity Cy gave the same effects, but time course was slightly modified. At high doses of N (4.0/1.3 mMol/l) Cy-applications reduced chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and N-content of leaves and grains. This gave rise to the conclusion that cytokinins limit the corresponding physiological processes only if nitrogen nutrition is low.  相似文献   

Influence of the amount of sulfur supplied on the soluble leaf protein, the synthesis and the specific activity of some enzymes of young sunflower plants The influence of a sulfur supplement on the pattern of leaf proteins, soluble in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, was studied in experiments with young sunflower plants. The leaves were harvested after growing periods of 14 and 21 days, respectively. In addition, the electrophoretic distribution of isoenzymes of some enzyme systems and their specific activities have been analyzed. 1. Plant fresh weight was not affected by the level of sulfur supply, although symptoms of S-deficiency were observed in the low S-treatment. 2. In contrast to this finding, a clear effect of S-deficiency on the electrophoretic patterns of the leaf proteins was detected. This was specially the case in plants. grown for three weeks at a low sulfur level. Increased contents of low molecular protein fractions were found, whereas the relative amounts of high molecular proteins were reduced. 3. In plants, which were kept S-deficient, the number of isoenzyme components was lower in comparison to plants, which were adequately supplied with sulfur. The isoenzymes of malate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase, however, were synthesized to about the same degree in both S-treatments. 4. The specific activities of most of the enzymes studied in these investigations were lower in the plants, grown at S-deficiency in comparison with the control. These findings were particularly evident after a growth period of 3 weeks. The specific activities of glutaminate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase and a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase were not significantly influenced by the level of S-supply. The specific activities of acid phosphatase and malate dehydrogenase were relatively high even in those plants, which were treated with low amounts of sulfur.  相似文献   

Phytotoxicity of Thallium (Tl) in Culture Solution Part 1: Effects of Tl(I) on the Growth and Heavy Metal Contents of Pea and Field Bean Plants The effects of TlNO3 and Tl(I)EDTA on growth and heavy metal contents of pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv. Aromata) and field bean plants (Vicia faba L. cv. Hangdown) were compared in hydroponic culture experiments. In the presence of TlNO3, the essential heavy metals were available to the plants in their ionic forms. When Tl(I)EDTA was present the essential heavy metals were available as chelated complexes. TIN03 content of each organ was increased. The highest TI content was found within the stems. The increased TI contents were accompanied by depressed Mn, Zn, and Cu contents of the roots and depressed Mn contents of the stems, but increased Fe contents of the stems. Substitution of TIN03 by TI(1)EDTA resulted in a stronger growth inhibition of the pea plants, and higher TI contents of each organ. The highest TI content was found within the stems. TI(1)EDTA depressed Mn in the roots, but increased Fe and Mn in the stems, and Fe, Zn and Cu in the leaves. The increases may due to concentration by growth inhibition. The growth of the field bean was not effected by TIN03 nor by TI(1)EDTA. The field bean contained most of the TI within the roots and translocated only relatively small amounts to the shoots. This pattern was independent of the TI compound. Increasing concentrations of TIN03 resulted in depressed Mn and Zn contents of the roots, and Mn contents of the stems. Chelation of Tl(1) resulted in a decrease of the TI content of each organ. TI(1)EDTA depressed only the Mn content of the roots.  相似文献   

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