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奶牛子宫内膜炎是奶牛普遍发生的子宫内膜的炎症,是奶牛生殖系统的常见病,发病率高达20%~40%,包括急性子宫内膜炎、慢性子宫内膜炎、隐性子宫内膜炎、子宫积水和子宫积脓;急性期治疗不及时,或治疗不彻底而转为慢性,多为子宫黏膜的慢性炎症。临床上按炎症的性质可将慢性子宫内膜炎分为粘液性、粘液脓性、脓性、脓性假膜性和坏死性子宫内膜炎。该病对繁殖的影响依据炎症的程度、子宫内膜损伤恢复需要的时间、子宫内膜腺体的损伤、输卵管环境的改变不同而不同,子宫内膜炎使产犊间隔延长、产奶量减少、  相似文献   

犬猫的子宫蓄脓症是异常的子宫内膜继发病原微生物感染,位于宫内膜囊发炎,子宫内贮留大量脓汁并伴有子宫内膜囊泡性增生。多见于发情后2—3个月内的未经产或经产而屡配不孕的中、高龄犬猫。由于子宫颈口闭锁或子宫颈过细不能排出脓汁,导致子宫内蓄积大量脓汁,初期容易误诊而耽误治疗时机,引起脓毒败血症而死亡。本病确诊后应尽快手术摘除蓄脓子宫。  相似文献   

大熊猫是中国国宝,世界珍稀动物。根据四川、陕西、甘肃3省调查,大熊猫在野外生存的总数仅千只左右,已处于濒临灭绝的境地。造成大熊猫日益减少的原因,除繁殖能力低、栖息地缩小、遗传交流中断和人为干扰等因素外,疾病摧残也是重要原因。寄生虫感染,尤其熊猫痒螨虫感染具有传播快、感染率高,严重影响熊猫睡眠。福州大熊猫研究中心,曾发现3只大熊猫受过痒螨虫感染,其中1只雌性成年大熊猫感染特别严重,现将感染致病情况与药物治疗实验效果报道如下:1材料与试验1.1症状熊猫2号,雌性,13岁,体重90kg,从野外引进后,发…  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症大鼠模型复制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
取Wistar大鼠30只,用手术移植的 方法把自体子宫内膜组织2块分别移植到壁 腹膜与子宫系膜处,建立子宫内膜异位症大 鼠模型。术后4周,再次开腹,观察异位内膜 的存活情况、与周围组织的粘连程度及病理 学变化。结果发现腹膜和子宫系膜处移植内 膜的成活率及病灶的体积差异无显著性(P >0.05),腹膜处病灶与周围组织的粘连程度 显著轻于子宫系膜处病灶(P<0.01),移植 物外观呈囊状,表面有血管,光镜下观察见子 宫内膜细胞、间质细胞、腺体和血管,与正常 在位内膜相比腺体减少。该模型复制方法简 便,成功率高,是研究子宫内膜异位症较理想 的动物模型。  相似文献   

<正>子宫蓄脓是指子宫内积有大量脓性渗出物不能排出。子宫蓄脓发病时间较长,是一种慢性疾病。多发于5岁以上的母犬,主要与母犬体内激素代谢紊乱、微生物感染、机械性刺激等有关。由于黄体激素长期作用于子宫内膜可引起子宫内膜囊性增生,使子宫内膜抵抗力降低,导致感染,因炎症刺激造成子宫颈肥大或狭窄使子宫内渗出物不能排出,而蓄积子宫内。所以,一旦确诊为本病,应尽早治疗,并采取合理的治疗措施。  相似文献   

双峰驼心脏组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过光学显微镜和电子显微镜观察表明,双峰驼心脏组织结构的特点为:心内,外膜中较丰富的纤维结缔组织和平滑肌,心肌膜厚,心室与心房的肌束间均有数量不等的脂肪和结缔组织;心室内膜中的浦肯野纤维间以闰盘连接,纤维里的原纤维较粗但松散,它们在盘处数量较多,并与闰盘垂直分布,心肌纤维粗大,其肌丝区间有丰富的成行排列的线粒体,线粒体嵴较长,甚至构成典型的同心板层状。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 4月 ,江苏省新沂市某饲养户饲养的 2 0 0 0只雏鹅 ,18日龄前生长发育正常 ,18日龄后开始发病 ,1周内死亡 40 0多只。经市兽医站诊断为鸭疫里氏杆菌感染。现将诊断情况报告如下。1 临床症状患病雏鹅厌食 ,精神沉郁 ,鼻部肿胀 ,眼鼻分泌物增多。跗关节肿胀 ,软脚 ,行动迟缓 ,伏卧不起或呈犬坐姿势 ,痉挛抽搐 ,排绿色稀粪。有的流泪 ,呼吸困难。2 剖检病变主要病变是纤维素性气囊炎、心包炎、肝周炎。心包液明显增多 ,心包膜增厚 ,表面可见一层灰白色或灰黄色的纤维素渗出物。肝脏表面覆盖有一层灰白色的纤维素性膜 ,易剥离 ,多数病…  相似文献   

子宫内膜炎是指在奶牛分娩时或产后由于微生物感染而引起的子宫内膜发炎,是适繁奶牛所患的一种常见病,它通常是子宫膜的黏液性或脓性炎症,由于炎症所产生的有毒物质可致死精子和胚胎而成为奶牛不孕的常见原因之一.分娩时消毒不严、阴道感染、难产、子宫内恶露滞留、胎衣不下、死胎、阴道及子宫脱出等是引起子宫内膜炎的主要诱因.  相似文献   

子宫蓄脓是指子宫内膜异常增生,并继发病原微生物的感染,形成多量粘液脓性或血性分泌物,蓄积于子宫腔内的一种疾病。按子宫颈口的开放与否分为开放型子宫蓄脓和闭锁型子宫蓄脓。闭锁型子宫蓄脓,由于脓汁无法排出,易继发脓毒败血症,而造成死亡。本病多见于发情后2~3月的未经产犬或屡配不孕的中高龄犬只。4岁泰迪犬来我院就诊。腹围增大、精神沉  相似文献   

<正>子宫内膜炎是奶牛产后最常见的产科疾病之一,主要在奶牛产后数天,因微生物感染所导致的子宫内膜发炎,该病发病率高达20%~40%,占不孕症的70%左右。它通常是子宫膜的黏液性或脓性炎症,常继发于阴道感染、难产、子宫内恶露不尽、胎衣不下、死胎、阴道及子宫脱出等。如果不及时治疗,炎症容易扩  相似文献   

There are conflicting reports in the existing literature on the nature of the epithelial lining and the content of the supporting connective tissue of the respiratory air sacs of birds. The present study describes the light and electron microscopic structure of the thoracic air sacs of the fowl. A simple squamous epithelium lined the greater part of the thoracic air sacs. The squamous cells characteristically contained vesicles filled with lamellar or myelinoid material. Localized areas of cuboidal to columnar ciliated epithelium were randomly distributed and often associated with underlying blood vessels. Isolated ciliated cells first appeared on squamous or low cuboidal cells and increased in frequency as the cells became taller. Occasional basal and goblet cells were seen between the ciliated columnar cells. A fibrous connective tissue stroma supported the epithelium. Fine elastic fibres were particularly prevalent immediately below the epithelium. Isolated smooth muscle myocytes were present in the connective tissue stroma. A sheet of smooth muscle extended some distance into the membrane from the attachment of the latter to the body wall. Numerous small blood vessels, lymphatics and occasional nerve bundles were observed in the stroma.  相似文献   

Histological examination of the peripheral circulation of the ovary of 18 females of the one‐humped camel revealed a series of blood vessels with special structures. Throttle or occlusive artery was recorded in the ovarian zona vasculosa and in the cortex, and it showed an intimal cushion‐like thickening made up of intimal bolsters that formed of smooth muscle fibres and glomus cells. The smooth muscle cells of the tunica media and the tunica adventitia of throttle artery pursued a circumferential pattern. Anastomosis arteriovenosa included simple bridge‐like anastomotic vessels between arteria and venae, and glomus vessels of typical structure were demonstrated. Glomus organs were recorded in the ovary and were comprised of the tortuous glomus vessels and the related afferent and efferent vessels. Glomus cell complexes also were commonly occur at the cortex ovarii that possessed an extremely convoluted course with a hyperplastic wall and a narrow lumen. Atypical glomus vessels were demonstrated within the ovarian zona vasculosa, and the wall of these vessels was relatively thick and consisted of double tunica media with an intimal bolster. Some vessels contained an intimal bolster device of exclusively glomus cell structure (glomus bolster) with a tunica elastic interna demarcated it from the glomus cell media. Some venae represented several layers of longitudinally arranged smooth muscle fibres in the tunica media. Other venae showed wall with variable thickness. Venae with double muscular tunica media were recorded in the medulla. Some venae showed double internal elastic lamina. Also, venae with thick adventitia contained dispersed smooth muscle fibres were determined. Spirally oriented arteriole and venule were demonstrated within the cortex and medulla ovarii. Gestation sclerosis was demonstrated in ovarian zona vasculosa of pregnant females.  相似文献   

For a first time the endothelin (ET)-positive mast cells were examined in the wall of kidney renal artery and vein. The specimen's were collected from six 8-month-old Danmark Landrace pigs, immediately after slaughtering. Mast cells immunopositive to ET granules were observed in the wall of both artery and vein. In the renal artery, they were found mostly between the media and the adventitia. Some mast cells were found in the media, next to smooth muscle cells. Relatively few mast cells were found in the intima and between intima and tunica media. In the renal vein a smaller number of mast cells were observed. They showed similar localization as in the renal artery. Immunopositive mast cells were established also close to endothelial cells - mostly between internal elastic membrane and basal membrane of the endothelium. In conclusion, on the basis of obtained results, presumptions for active participation of ET (most probably mainly ET-1) in the motility of the vessels' smooth muscle and for stimulation of nitric oxide release from the intimal endothelial cells were made.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the histological structure of the dog's coronary artery by light and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The coronary artery consisted of three tunics: tunica intima, tunica media and tunica adventitia. The tunica intima consisted of endothelium rested directly on internal elastic lamina without the subendothelial connective tissue layer. The tunica media were composed of smooth muscle fibres interspersed with few elastic and collagen fibres. The tunica adventitia consisted of collagen and elastic fibres intermingled with fibroblast cells; it had vasa vasorum and nervi vasorum. Some histomorphometric measurements were performed and compared statistically. The ultrastructural study showed that the endothelial cells were communicated through complex junctions and characterised by filiform cytoplasmic processes passed through the opening of the underlying internal elastic membrane. The smooth muscle fibres of tunica media communicated with each other through cytoplasmic processes. The tunica adventitia showed minute non-myelinated nerve. This work revealed that the dog's coronary arteries are typical muscular arteries, which show little structural variations from that of other mammals.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular changes associated with indwelling catheters were evaluated in 51 adult beagle dogs catheterized for 4 to 9 weeks. Pathologic changes consistent with traumatic injury were in the vena cava and endocardium of the right atrium of 88% of cannulated dogs. Lesions were characterized by surface denudation and diffuse intimal thickening due to myointimal hyperplasia and deposition of extracellular matrix. Affected intima was lined by hyperplastic, poorly differentiated endothelial cells and contained round to oval cells with characteristics of smooth muscle cells. After 9 weeks, thickened intima was vascularized and composed of spindle-shaped cells and fibrillar stroma. Intimal sclerosis and localized proliferative papillary projections in the vena cava cranial to areas of myointimal hyperplasia occurred infrequently. Traumatic lesions, regardless of location or severity, did not extend below the internal elastic membrane. Inflammatory cellular responses, when present, were minimal. The location, distribution, and morphogenesis of catheter-related cardiovascular lesions distinguishes them from those induced by chemical toxicity or pharmacotoxicity.  相似文献   

应用组织学方法对猪延髓微血管及静脉注射呕吐毒素(DON)后在猪延髓的分布进行了初步观察.结果显示,进入延髓的动脉有较厚的弹性纤维膜,平滑肌层厚度为弹性膜的一半,向背侧延伸的分支,管壁薄,仅见内皮细胞和周细胞.在网状结构与纤维束间见有微血管,管壁未见弹性纤维.电镜免疫组化染色结果显示,延髓最后区毛细血管内皮细胞间有的部位有紧密连接,而有些部位缺失,内皮细胞与胶质细胞之间有较宽的空隙,有些部位缺少周细胞.D()N免疫阳性反应为棕褐色或棕黄色颗粒,主要分布于延髓微动脉管壁及最后区毛细血管周边神经元细胞质中,细胞核内量少或无反应.结果表明,猪延髓内不同部位的微血管的分布及结构均有差异,为猪的中枢神经系统脑血管的组织学增加了内容.  相似文献   

Inflammation of the cardiac coronary artery in ICR mice is occasionally observed in toxicity studies; however, this has not been well explored histologically. Herein, we investigated the detailed histology of the associated lesions in 6–8-week-old ICR mice. Coronary artery inflammation in the right ventricular wall was observed in 10 of 142 mice (7.0%). Histopathological examination revealed hypertrophy of the vascular smooth muscle cells and perivascular infiltration of macrophages in mild cases. In moderate to marked cases, single-cell necrosis of vascular smooth muscle cells, hemorrhage of the tunica media, and fibrinoid necrosis of the vessel wall were observed, in addition to the changes seen in mild cases. Electron microscopic examination of moderate cases revealed a discontinuous internal elastic lamina suggestive of rupture, and vascular smooth muscle cells beneath the elastic lamina showed degeneration and necrosis. These findings suggest that the lesions developed as a rupture of the internal elastic lamina and necrosis of vascular smooth muscle cells, while leaked plasma components caused vascular and perivascular inflammation. In ICR mice, dystrophic calcinosis (DCC) is known to occur rarely in the right ventricle. DCC is defined as focal calcification in necrotic myocardial fibers, the pathogenesis of which is considered to involve ectopic calcification. Since calcification was not observed in any part of the heart, including the inflammation region, the pathophysiology of cardiac arterial inflammation seen in our ICR mice was considered to differ from that of DCC.  相似文献   

Mortality in poultry due to aortic rupture is characterized by sudden death. The condition is seen in fast-growing male turkeys but has also been described in chickens, ostriches, and waterfowl. Losses in affected flocks usually only reach 1-2%. Post-mortem examination shows a large blood clot in the abdominal cavity subsequent to a dissecting aneurysm. Fragmentation of elastic fibres and degenerative changes of smooth muscle cells are seen in the region of the rupture. Intimal sclerotic plaques are present adjacent to the site of rupture. Copper deficiency, hypertension, hormonal influences, diet, lathyrism, zinc deficiency, pharmaceuticals, and parasites are precipitating factors for aortic rupture. Field studies suggest that favourable results are obtained with reserpine and copper as treatment for ruptured aorta.  相似文献   

用外科手术方法取山羊皱胃的平滑肌组织,采用组织块培养的方法,在体外进行山羊皱胃平滑肌细胞的分离培养,为反刍动物皱胃疾病的研究提供了实验材料。结果表明,本研究成功培养出山羊皱胃的平滑肌细胞。倒置显微镜下,细胞生长状态良好,呈现平滑肌细胞特征性的"峰-谷"状结构,活细胞达95%以上,免疫组化染色显示细胞浆内平滑肌肌动蛋白呈阳性表达。  相似文献   

Objective Canine leishmaniosis is a disease characterized by the wide distribution of the parasite throughout the tissues of the host. The purpose of this study was to describe the presence of Leishmania spp. and associated inflammation in ocular‐associated muscles of dogs with patent leishmaniosis. Procedures Smooth muscles (iris dilator muscle, iris sphincter muscle, ciliary muscle, Müller muscle, smooth muscle of the periorbita and smooth muscle of the nictitating membrane) and striated muscles (orbicularis oculi muscle, obliquus dorsalis muscle and dorsal rectus muscle) were evaluated. Routine staining with hematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemistry to detect Leishmania spp. were performed on tissue sections. Results Granulomatous inflammation was seen surrounding muscular fibers and was composed mainly of macrophages with scattered lymphocytes and plasma cells. This infiltrate could be seen in 52/473 (10.99%) samples of smooth muscle and 36/142 (25.35%) samples of striated muscle. Parasites were detected in 43/473 (9.09%) samples of smooth muscle and in 28/142 (19.71%) samples of striated muscle. Conclusions To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report assessing the presence of Leishmania spp. and associated infiltrate in intraocular, extraocular and adnexal smooth and striated muscles. The inflammation present in those muscles could contribute to clinical signs already described, such as blepharitis, uveitis, and orbital cellulitis.  相似文献   

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