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Dairy farmers may be exposed to high levels of noise and dust. Protections against these hazards exist, but many farmers do not use them. An intervention consisting of hearing and respiratory screenings combined with personalized education was implemented. This study evaluates the impact of this intervention on farmers' self-reported use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and implementation of noise and dust abatement. Participants were screened as to noise (n=209) or dust (n=392) hazards and use of PPE. Following this, they were counseled on PPE use, and identification and reduction of noise or dust hazards. Counselors sought a pledge from the farmers to eliminate hazards and increase PPE use. Farmers were subsequently surveyed and asked whether they had implemented the changes. At baseline, 70% (146/209) of farmers exposed to high levels of noise reported poor use ("sometimes", "rarely", or "never") of hearing protection. Results indicated that two months after intervention, 25.2% (28/111) of these subjects had successfully improved their PPE use. At baseline, 79% (311/392) offarmers reported poor use of respiratory protection, with 27.3% (41/150) showing improvement in PPE use within the same time. Strategies to reduce noise hazards were identified by 92.8% (194/209) of hearing screening attendees; 13.2% (18/136) successfully reduced or removed exposure. These values for dust screening attendees were 98.2% (385/392) and 30.7% (54/176), respectively. Use of this intervention appears to be an effective method for increasing PPE use on the farm. However, it is not effective for reducing noise hazards.  相似文献   

Farming is the second most hazardous occupation in the U.S. The high mortality rate is due in large part to farm equipment hazards, particularly tractor overturns. Injuries and deaths associated with tractor overturns could be prevented with the use of a rollover protective structure (ROPS). In spite of the known dangers associated with overturn incidents, farmers are reluctant to retrofit ROPS on older tractors. Few agricultural safety campaigns target the issue of ROPS retrofits, and none have been evaluated systematically. This article reports a study that examines a set of messages that were central to the Community Partners for Healthy Farming project. This study indicates that narrative-based messages and messages incorporating fear appeals are more favorably evaluated by farmers than messages that simply inform farmers or messages that rely on statistics.  相似文献   

This research compares state-level rollover protective structure (ROPS) prevalence rates from the early and mid-1990s to those observed in the years 2001 and 2004. In addition, state-level ROPS prevalence rates are compared to state-level tractor overturn fatality rates. Tractor data for 1993-1995 and for 2001 and 2004 for all tractors and ROPS-equipped tractors in use on U.S. farms were derived from surveys conducted for NIOSH by the USDA-NASS. Changes in ROPS prevalence rates at the state level between the two time periods were assessed using a two-sample paired t-test with unequal sample sizes. Poisson regression was used to assess the association between ROPS prevalence rates and tractor overturn fatality rates at the state level. Overall, 49 of the 50 states had an observed increase in the percentage of farm tractors equipped with ROPS from 1993-1995 to 2001 and 2004. This increase was statistically significant for 34 states. Large shifts in ROPS prevalence were found within individual states and in clusters of states. These include a major increase in the southeastern U.S. and some western states. However, a core of states in the northeast (many of them in or near the Appalachian Mountains) through the upper midwest remain in the bottom quartile for ROPS prevalence. For the years 1992 through 2004, the highest fatality rates were observed in many of the same states that were identified previously as having persistently low ROPS prevalence rates. There is a clear relationship between low state-level ROPS prevalence rates and high state-specific tractor overturn fatality rates. While progress has been made in increasing the percentage of ROPS-equipped farm tractors, it is projected that ROPS prevalence rates will not reach a protective level nationally until after 2015. Regionally, the northeast and midwest will not reach protective levels of ROPS-equipped tractors until after 2020. Based on the adoption rates observed, tractor overturn rates will likely continue to be a more localized, but significant, public health issue for several states beyond the year 2020. The results of this study show the geographic areas of the U.S. where the greatest need exists, and where a greater emphasis should be placed on ROPS promotion activities. However, addressing this public health issue on a large scale will require resources and an organized commitment, which have historically been lacking.  相似文献   

Rollover protective structures (ROPS) are an effective engineering control known to prevent tractor overturn deaths, the leading cause of occupational fatalities for farmers and farm workers in the U.S. However, the use of ROPS is known to vary greatly from farm to farm. A national sample of 11,458 farm operators from the 2004 Occupational Injury Surveillance of Production Agriculture (OISPA) survey was used to assess the association between the prevalence of ROPS and ten farm operator and farm demographic variables using logistic regression. The variable were: operator's age, operator's sex, operator's education, farm sales, full- or part-time farming, acreage, type of operation, number of hired workers, number of injuries, and region. All ten variables were found to have significant associations with the prevalence of non-ROPS tractors on farms in the univariate logistic regressions. For the multivariate model, all variables except for the sex of the farm operator remained significant. Farms with less than three adult injuries, no hired workers, less than 300 acres in size, a Midwest location, and a primary farm type of tobacco, fruit and nuts, dairy, or poultry and eggs all had adjusted odds ratios of 2 or greater. Increasing the prevalence of ROPS-equipped tractors is essential for reducing the leading cause of death on farms, tractor overturns. Economic factors play a major role in the prevalence and distribution of non-ROPS tractors on farms. The identified associations can be used to effectively target areas of the U.S. for ROPS promotion activities.  相似文献   

Agriculture remains one of the most hazardous industries in the U.S., with tractor overturns producing the greatest number of agricultural machinery-related fatalities. Rollover protective structures (ROPS) and seatbelts effectively reduce tractor overturn deaths. However, a large proportion of tractors in use in American agriculture are older tractors without ROPS and seatbelts. This article describes the tractor-related responses from participants in a population-based study conducted in Keokuk County, Iowa. This study was designed to measure rural and agricultural adverse health and injury outcomes and their respective risk factors. Questionnaires were partially developed from well-documented national surveys. Questions about agricultural machinery use, presence of safety equipment on the machinery, work practices, and attitudes about farm safety were included. Study participants on farms who owned tractors had an average of 3.1 tractors with an average age of 27 years. Only 39% of the 665 tractors had ROPS. Tractor age was associated with the presence of ROPS; 84% of tractors manufactured after 1984 were ROPS-equipped, whereas only 3% of tractors manufactured before 1960 were ROPS-equipped. ROPS-equipped tractors were significantly more common on larger farms and households with higher income. Only 4% of the farmers reported that their tractors had seatbelts and they wore them when operating their tractors. The results of this study support the findings of other studies, which indicate that many older tractors without ROPS and seatbelts remain in use in American agriculture. Until a dramatic reduction in the number of tractors in the U.S. operated without ROPS and seatbelts is achieved, the annual incidence of 120 to 130 deaths associated with tractor overturns will persist.  相似文献   

Tractor overturns are the leading cause of all tractor- and machinery-related fatalities in the agricultural industry. A rollover protective structure (ROPS) on a tractor is the most effective mechanism for protecting a tractor operator's life during a tractor overturn incident. Unfortunately, about half of all tractors presently in operation in the U.S. do not have a ROPS. Retrofitting such tractors with ROPS could result in an as much as a 99% reduction in fatalities associated with tractor overturns. The overall aim of this study was to determine the level of financial incentive required to motivate the maximum number of farmers to install ROPS on non-ROPS equipped tractors and thus affect the greatest level of change within the farming community. This was done by offering a range of subsidy levels by percentage and not by specific dollar amounts to a random sampling of New York farms. A secondary goal was to find any hidden problems associated with retrofitting. Study results showed that cost was not the only factor affecting farmers' reluctance to retrofit. A perceived and actual "hassle factor" was found to be endemic to the retrofitting process and a significant obstacle to farmers' willingness to retrofit, no matter the level of financial subsidy.  相似文献   

Tractor overturns contribute significantly to fatalities in New York State agriculture. On-site inspections a decade ago indicated that approximately 60% of tractors were without effective rollover protection. Our objectives were: to describe the current prevalence and distribution of rollover protective structures (ROPS) on New York farm tractors, to identify characteristics associated with the absence of ROPS, to explore segmenting the New York farm community on readiness for ROPS retrofitting, and to identify demographic characteristics that might assist in this segmenting. A random selection of 644 livestock, dairy, fruit, cash crop, vegetable, and organic farms were contacted for a telephone survey. Of 562 farms (87%) participating, 102 (18.1%) had all tractors equipped with ROPS and 138 (24.6%) had none. A disproportionate number of livestock, cash crop, and organic operations had no ROPS. Rates of ROPS-equipped tractors correlated directly with farm size and annual hours of tractor operation. Older farmers had a lower proportion of ROPS tractors. The presence of a child operator did not affect the proportion of ROPS tractors. After weighting the sample, the total number of non-ROPS tractors in New York is estimated at more than 80,000. In addition to providing key farm demographics, the survey enabled placement of farmers on a "stage of change" continuum related to readiness for retrofitting. Three-quarters of New York farmers are in the "precontemplation" stage of change relative to ROPS retrofitting, and this varies little by size of operation, age of farmer, or the presence of child tractor operators. Stage of change may relate to hours of tractor operation (p = 0.05) and does relate to commodity (p = 0.003) due primarily to the higher proportion of crop farmers in the earliest stage of change. The goal of retrofitting all New York farm tractors with ROPS appears nearly as daunting as it did a decade ago.  相似文献   

以能值理论方法为手段,从资源的投入和输出结构角度,对广东省惠州市惠阳区典型水稻种植户的耕牛和小型拖拉机这两种典型的农业驱动力产出系统的转化与生产效率,环境负载和可持续性进行比较分析与评价。研究表明:耕牛系统在单位面积水稻田上消耗的不可更新资源量是拖拉机系统的4.57倍;人力能值消耗是拖拉机系统的6.14倍。相对于拖拉机动力,耕牛产出动力处于较低的能量等级,其环境负载率(ELR)仅是拖拉机系统的24%,可持续能值指标(ESI)是拖拉机系统的4.25倍,但有巨大的优化空间和可能。而广东小型拖拉机系统产出驱动力的使用效率则稍高于典型65 kW拖拉机系统。从提高能值效率角度分析,减少耕牛系统生产过程中过多的人力投入,着力提高耕牛系统产出驱动力的利用效率比发展小型拖拉机系统更有潜力。生产过程中的人力投入和使用过程中的维护投入是农机驱动力产出系统不可忽视的能值投入项。  相似文献   

Work in swine and poultry units is associated with exposure to significant levels of organic dust and endotoxins with the highest concentrations found in poultry houses, whereas values found in dairy and in cattle farming are much lower. Corresponding to this is an excess of work-related respiratory symptoms in swine farmers. A dose-response relationship exists between symptoms and number of working hours. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated an accelerated decline of lung function in swine farmers large enough to cause clinically significant disease in some farmers. Because of the large number of people needed in swine farming and the long working hours, swine farming has emerged as the major respiratory problem in farming. Experimental studies indicate that exposure has to be lowered substantially to avoid acute effects and longitudinal studies demonstrate that loss of lung function occurs in non-smoking swine farmers without respiratory symptoms and that accelerated decline in lung function occurs below endotoxin concentrations in dust (100 ng/m3) proposed as a safe threshold.  相似文献   

Cost-effective rollover protective structures (CROPS) are less costly model-specific rollover protective structure (ROPS) retrofits that are being developed and evaluated with the hope of increasing adoption and eventually preventing or mitigating injuries due to tractor overturns. A dynamic cohort of the estimated retrofittable non-ROPS tractors (accounting for attrition due to aging) was tracked over a 20-year period to determine the expected costs, as well as the expected number of fatal and non-fatal injuries resulting from tractor overturns. Two alternatives were tracked: No-ROPS and Install-CROPS. For a starting cohort size of 1,065,164 (an estimate for the year 2004), the Install-CROPS option prevented an estimated total of 878 (192 fatal and 686 non-fatal) injuries over the 20-year period. Expected costs were $513 million (cost of installing CROPS on all the non-ROPS tractors plus cost of the associated injuries) and $284 million (cost of injuries resulting from the No-ROPS option) over the same time period. Thus, the net cost per injury prevented was $260,820. When the cost of intervention ($1000 for purchasing, shipping, and installation of existing ROPS retrofit) was used in the analysis, the cost-effectiveness ratio was $927,000 per injury prevented over the 20-year period. Thus, installing CROPS instead of existing ROPS retrofits improved the cost-effectiveness ratio substantially, with a 72% reduction in the net cost per injury prevented.  相似文献   

In 2004, the Agricultural Safety and Health Centers, supported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, launched an initiative to conduct research on the consequences of and approaches to control of agricultural tractor-related injuries. The most significant cause of fatal injuries is associated with tractor overturns, and a recognized intervention to control these injuries is equipping the tractor with a rollover protective structure (ROPS). The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of tractor-related fatal and nonfatal injuries and their social costs. Based upon the annual average incidence of 125 tractor-overturn-related fatalities in the U.S. for the period 1992 to 2002, an analysis was conducted of injuries over the 25-year period 1997 to 2021. Using the number of fatalities as an index value, the analysis found that in 1997, there were a total of 2,412 tractor overturns. These overturns were associated with 125 deaths and 573 nonfatal injuries requiring at least outpatient treatment. Compared to ROPS-equipped tractors, 123 (98.6%) deaths and 543 (95%) of nonfatal injuries were associated with non-ROPS tractor overturns. The undiscounted social cost of these injuries totaled $1.5 billion in 2006 dollars for the 25-year period when using cost factors for the agricultural population. When discounted at 3%, this total was $1.1 billion, and when discounted at 5%, it was $0.9 billion. In an alternative analysis, when using cost factors for all occupations including agriculture, the undiscounted social cost totaled $2.9 billion, $2.1 billion when discounted at 3%, and $1.7 billion discounted at 5% for the 25-year period. Non-ROPS tractors as compared to ROPS-equipped tractors account for at least 97% of the costs, no matter the discount rate or cost factors used.  相似文献   

This study focuses on farmers' perceptions of roadway safety and reviews specific and pertinent North Carolina rural road crash data to evaluate their perceptions and concerns. A survey was mailed to 1,357 prospective participants throughout North Carolina. Of these, 656 (48.3%) North Carolina farmers completed and returned the survey. The study revealed that while the majority of respondents took a number of specific safety measures to ensure their safety while driving their tractor on rural roads, most believed that driving their tractor on rural roads was more dangerous than it was five years ago. Few respondents believed that laws governing tractors on rural roads are well known by urban residents. While a majority of the respondents would support a law to mandate the use of a slow-moving vehicle (SMV) emblem on the back of slow-moving farm equipment, a majority also believed that a more effective way to mitigate potential crashes would be to ensure that all farm vehicles had blinking or flashing lights, that diamond-shaped caution signs depicting a tractor were posted on roadways with frequent tractor traffic, and that roadway shoulders were created or widened on roads with heavy farm traffic so that tractors could move off the roadway. Only 22% of respondents felt safe driving their tractor on rural roadways in North Carolina. Most respondents felt that the biggest problem with roadway safety was the lack of respect and increased speed of other drivers. Recent data indicate that in crashes involving farm vehicles, citations were issued to 34% of the non-farm vehicle operators and 24% to farm vehicle operators. For those driving non-farm vehicle who were deemed at fault, 66% were cited for failure to reduce speed. For those driving farm vehicles, the most frequent citation involved the lack of safe movement.  相似文献   

The prevalence of tractor rollovers among agricultural workers has made the retrofitting of tractors with rollover protective structures (ROPS) and seat belts a public health priority for agricultural health and safety specialists. To address this concern, the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH) developed a seven-question survey, designed to assess perceptions of risk as well as potential motivators and barriers to retrofitting. Data from 465 phone surveys were gathered from New York State farmers representing various commodities and farm sizes. Analysis of responses to three qualitative questions contained in the survey indicated that most farmers in New York understand the importance of ROPS but lack the proper motivation to consider retrofitting. It appears that more convenient safety strategies, cost, and age of the tractor compete with a farmer's initiative to retrofit. In addition, survey responses illustrate that although many farmers believe ROPS are important in a general sense, many believe that this safety measure is not necessary for them in particular. Frequent motivators to retrofitting are concerns about safety, although the authors conclude that a more thorough analysis of these "general safety concerns" in qualitative interviews is important.  相似文献   

A survey of farms in Washington State was conducted to determine tractor characteristics and the presence of rollover protective structures (ROPS) in a state with more inclusive rules on tractor retrofitting than federal regulations. A total of 544 valid surveys were completed from a proportional random sample across different types of farms. Responders indicated that 58% of tractors overall were equipped with ROPS, and 42% of the tractors without ROPS were exempt from the state rules. Seatbelts on tractors equipped with ROPS were reportedly used "sometimes" or more 30% of the time, and 17% of these tractors had no seatbelt installed. Tractors used for row crop farming were significantly more likely to be equipped with ROPS than those used for tree, vine, or hops farming. Older tractors were used for fewer hours, were less likely to be ROPS-equipped, and were less likely to be operated while wearing a seatbelt. The results were consistent with a positive effect of the Washington State ROPS requirements, demonstrated by the increased percentage of ROPS-equipped pre-1976 tractors, as compared to other states, and by the difference between ROPS-equipped tractors in exempt and non-exempt types of farming. The results point to the need for prevention activities to increase seatbelt use on ROPS-equipped tractors, and for further development of practical protection for tractors operating under overhead obstacles.  相似文献   

该文模拟了未来2030年气候变化和社会经济情景下东北地区粮食作物玉米、水稻和大豆空间竞争情况,并将竞争结果空间化,以期为相关研究和农业区域布局政策制定提供参考。该文设置A2C1D1(IPCCA2 CO2排放气候变化情景、农民无打工收益、3种作物政府收购价格翻一番)、A2C1D2(IPCCA2 CO2排放气候变化情景、农民无打工收益、3种作物政府价格翻二番)、B2C2D1(IPCC B2 CO2排放气候变化情景、农民无打工收益、3种作物政府收购价格翻一番)和B2C2D2(IPCC B2 CO2排放气候变化情景、农民无打工收益、3种作物政府价格翻二番)等4种IPCC气体排放气候变化和社会经济混合情景,与2009年3种作物空间竞争结果比较,可以得到如下结论:1)在A2C1D1情景下,玉米面积所占粮食作物农田面积比例由82.3%下降到77.36%,大豆由7.7%上涨至8.93%,水稻则由10%上涨到13.71%,空间上,玉米在小兴安岭与嫩江平原区之间的过渡地带及辽宁省腹地水系较为发达地区的周边地区有所减少,而大豆在小兴安岭与嫩江平原区之间的过渡地带,水稻在辽宁省腹地辽河平原面积相应有所增加;2)在A2C1D2情景下,玉米面积比例由82.3%下降到75.56%,而大豆由7.7%上涨至9.52%,水稻则由10%上涨至14.92%,空间上,这一情景的变化与A2C1D1非常相似;3)在B2C2D1情景下,玉米所占面积比例由82.3%上升到84.16%,而大豆由7.7%下降至7.27%,水稻由10%则下降到8.57%,空间上,玉米面积在小兴安岭与嫩江平原区之间的过渡地带和辽宁水系较为丰富的腹地地区,大豆种植区在小兴安岭与嫩江平原区之间的过渡地出现萎缩,而水稻在辽宁腹地种植面积逐渐减少,这一现象与A2C1D1和A2C1D2相反;4)在B2收购价格翻两番的情景下,玉米所占面积比例由82.3%下降到80.06%,而大豆由7.7%上升至9.01%,而水稻由10%则上涨到10.93%,空间上分布没有明显变化。从指导实际生产的角度分析,在中国经济发展呈现新常态特征的情况下,2030年B2C2D1和B2C2D2的情景预测可能更加符合实际情况,从农产品相对平衡发展的角度出发,收购价格无差别化提高2倍对于优化农产品布局更加有利。  相似文献   

Tractor overturns contribute significantly to the number of work-related deaths that occur every year on U.S. farms. Although the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industries have the highest fatality rates of any industries, researchers predict that the elimination of tractor overturn fatalities could result in a noticeable reduction in the farm fatality rate. Rollover protection structures (ROPS) are 99% effective in preventing overturn fatalities. However, roughly 50% of U.S. tractors do not have a ROPS. In order to identify prominent barriers and motivators to installing ROPS, a phone survey was conducted with a random sample of farmers (n = 327) in Vermont and Pennsylvania, two states interested in developing ROPS installation programs. Results indicated that cost and perceived need were the most frequently highly rated barriers to ROPS installation in both states, while working near hills or ditches and concerns regarding liability were the most frequently highly rated motivators for installing ROPS. Additionally, older farmers identified limited use of a tractor as a highly rated barrier.  相似文献   

农牧交错区农户耕地流转及其影响因素分析   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
耕地承包经营权流转因涉及到农业现代化和国家粮食安全,已经成为研究的热点问题。文章以内蒙古太仆寺旗为例,利用二元logistic模型分析农牧交错区农户间的差异对的耕地流转的影响。研究表明:太仆寺旗近一半的农户存在耕地转入或耕地转出行为;务农劳动力数、农业机械、种植业收入占比和畜牧业收入占比对农户转入耕地有显著正面影响,而对转出耕地的影响为负;由于机械替代劳动力,外出务工劳动力数较多的农户反而扩大经营规模的能力越强;户主年龄较大的农户不愿意再扩大耕地经营规模,但由于对土地的依赖性较强,也不愿意把自家土地转出;户主文化程度和劳均耕地面积对耕地流转没有显著影响。对农用机械实施补贴政策,会促进耕地向有扩大经营意愿和有明显优势的农户流转。  相似文献   

Fungicides are routinely applied to deciduous tree fruits for disease management. Seventy-four private orchard applicators enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study participated in the Orchard Fungicide Exposure Study in 2002-2003. During 144 days of observation, information was obtained on chemicals applied and applicator mixing, application, personal protective, and hygiene practices. At least half of the applicators had orchards with <100 trees. Air blast was the most frequent application method used (55%), followed by hand spray (44%). Rubber gloves were the most frequently worn protective equipment (68% mix; 59% apply), followed by respirators (45% mix; 49% apply), protective outerwear (36% mix; 37% apply), and rubber boots (35% mix; 36% apply). Eye protection was worn while mixing and applying on only 35% and 41% of the days, respectively. Bivariate analyses were performed using repeated logistic or repeated linear regression. Mean duration of mixing, pounds of captan applied, total acres sprayed, and number of tank mixes sprayed were greater for air blast than for hand spray (p < 0.05). Spraying from a tractor/vehicle without an enclosed cab was associated with wearing some type of coverall (p < 0.05). Applicators often did not wash their hands after mixing (77%), a finding not explained by glove use. Glove use during mixing was associated with younger age, while wearing long-sleeve shirts was associated with older age (p < 0.05 each). Self-reported unusually high fungicide exposures were more likely on days applicators performed repairs (p < 0.05). These data will be useful for evaluating fungicide exposure determinants among orchard applicators.  相似文献   

Stormwater ponds are an increasingly common feature in urban landscapes. Because these ponds retain runoff and particulate-bound contaminants from impervious surfaces, organisms inhabiting stormwater ponds may be exposed to elevated metal levels in sediments. This study evaluated temporal changes in sediment and macroinvertebrate Cu, Pb and Zn over an eleven-year period with specific attention to land use in pond watersheds. Sediment and invertebrate metal levels were quantified using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (1993 samples) or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (2003–2004 samples). Sediment trace element levels did not significantly change from 1993 to 2003-2004 with the exception of Zn in ponds receiving runoff from highways, which increased from a mean of 32 mg kg?1 in 1993 to 344 mg kg?1 in 2003–2004. Sediment Pb and Cu generally remained below published threshold effects concentrations (TEC) except for two instances of elevated Cu in 2003–2004. Zn remained below the TEC in 1993 but exceeded the TEC in six ponds in 2003–2004. Trace metal body burdens varied among invertebrate groups, and to a lesser extent among land uses, but in both cases this variation was a function of year. In general, trace element body burdens were more similar among invertebrate groups or land use or both during 2003–2004 when compared to levels in 1993. Our results suggest sediment and invertebrate trace metal levels are at steady state in these stormwater management ponds and that risk to organisms inhabiting these ponds does not vary as a function of pond age.  相似文献   

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