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不同耕作方式对土壤水热变化的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了研究各免耕处理下土壤的水热变化,2005~2008年在黄河流域清水河县对玉米进行了5种不同耕作方式的试验研究。结果表明,土壤含水量、温度在5种不同耕作方式下均达到了显著(p0.05)或极显著(p0.01)差异。①三年间在0~10 cm土层,整个生育期内留高茬覆盖、留低茬覆盖、留高茬、留低茬处理的平均土壤含水量分别较常规耕作增加了29.92%、26.23%、17.30%、13.95%。在0~40 cm土层,留茬覆盖处理能有效地抑制土壤水分蒸发,提高作物的水分利用率。在80~100 cm土层,土壤含水量达到最大值。土壤水分变化主要受季节影响,随秸秆覆盖和降雨量的变化而变化。②土壤温度在5 cm土层变化幅度最大,留茬覆盖能有效地调节土壤温度,使土壤温度日变化平缓,且随土层深度的增加土壤温度的变化幅度减小。③不同耕作方式形成的土壤微环境为玉米的生长发育提供了更好的基础,其中留茬覆盖处理效果最佳,由于水热状况良好,留茬覆盖下作物产量较高。 相似文献
不同收获方式含水率对油菜收获物流损失的影响 总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3
收获物流损失是影响油菜生产成本的重要因素,以DMH145油菜品种为对象,在丹麦FOULUM 农业研究中心试验研究了油菜籽粒含水率对油菜分段收获和联合收获中3种主要损失的影响,建立了含水率与3种主要损失及总损失之间的数学函数,另外秸秆含水率对秸秆收获物流损失的影响也进行了研究。结果表明:随着含水率的降低,脱粒损失和清选损失降低,但是过低的含水量会使割台损失增大。总损失与含水率之间存在CUBIC函数关系且关系显著;不同含水率情况下,分段收获和联合收获籽粒平均损失率分别为16.358%和18.771%,分段收获平均高出联合收获2.4%;在三大损失中割台损失最低值0.976%,平均低于脱粒损失和清选损失;秸秆含水率对秸秆收获物流损失影响不显著。 相似文献
Effects of different cooking methods on nutritional and physicochemical characteristics of selected vegetables 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Miglio C Chiavaro E Visconti A Fogliano V Pellegrini N 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2008,56(1):139-147
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of three common cooking practices (i.e., boiling, steaming, and frying) on phytochemical contents (i.e., polyphenols, carotenoids, glucosinolates, and ascorbic acid), total antioxidant capacities (TAC), as measured by three different analytical assays [Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter (TRAP), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP)] and physicochemical parameters of three vegetables (carrots, courgettes, and broccoli). Water-cooking treatments better preserved the antioxidant compounds, particularly carotenoids, in all vegetables analyzed and ascorbic acid in carrots and courgettes. Steamed vegetables maintained a better texture quality than boiled ones, whereas boiled vegetables showed limited discoloration. Fried vegetables showed the lowest degree of softening, even though antioxidant compounds were less retained. An overall increase of TEAC, FRAP, and TRAP values was observed in all cooked vegetables, probably because of matrix softening and increased extractability of compounds, which could be partially converted into more antioxidant chemical species. Our findings defy the notion that processed vegetables offer lower nutritional quality and also suggest that for each vegetable a cooking method would be preferred to preserve the nutritional and physicochemical qualities. 相似文献
Cavagnaro PF Camargo A Galmarini CR Simon PW 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2007,55(4):1280-1288
The raw form of garlic and some of its preparations are widely recognized as antiplatelet agents that may contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Herein, we examined the in-vitro antiaggregatory activity (IVAA) of human blood platelets induced by extracts of garlic samples that were previously heated (in the form of crushed versus uncrushed cloves) using different cooking methods and intensities. The concentrations of allicin and pyruvate, two predictors of antiplatelet strength, were also monitored. Oven-heating at 200 degrees C or immersing in boiling water for 3 min or less did not affect the ability of garlic to inhibit platelet aggregation (as compared to raw garlic), whereas heating for 6 min completely suppressed IVAA in uncrushed, but not in previously crushed, samples. The latter samples had reduced, yet significant, antiplatelet activity. Prolonged incubation (more than 10 min) at these temperatures completely suppressed IVAA. Microwaved garlic had no effect on platelet aggregation. However, increasing the concentration of garlic juice in the aggregation reaction had a positive IVAA dose response in crushed, but not in uncrushed, microwaved samples. The addition of raw garlic juice to microwaved uncrushed garlic restored a full complement of antiplatelet activity that was completely lost without the garlic addition. Garlic-induced IVAA was always associated with allicin and pyruvate levels. Our results suggest that (1) allicin and thiosulfinates are responsible for the IVAA response, (2) crushing garlic before moderate cooking can reduce the loss of activity, and (3) the partial loss of antithrombotic effect in crushed-cooked garlic may be compensated by increasing the amount consumed. 相似文献
Ferracane R Pellegrini N Visconti A Graziani G Chiavaro E Miglio C Fogliano V 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2008,56(18):8601-8608
In this study, the effects of three common cooking practices (i.e., boiling, steaming, and frying) on the artichoke phenolic compounds pattern were evaluated by LC-MS/MS analysis. The variation of carotenoids, antioxidant capacity, and artichoke physical properties after cooking was also investigated. The major phenolic compounds present in the raw sample were 5- O-caffeoylquinic and 1,5-di- O-caffeoylquinic acids; after cooking treatments, an increase of the overall caffeoylquinic acids concentration due to the formation of different dicaffeoylquinic acid isomers was observed. Steamed and fried samples showed similar patterns of dicaffeoylquinic concentrations, which were higher with respect to the boiled samples. On the other hand, all cooking practices, particularly frying, decreased flavonoid concentration. The antioxidant capacity of cooked artichokes, measured by three different assays, enormously increased after cooking, particularly after steaming (up to 15-fold) and boiling (up to 8-fold). The observed cooking effect on the artichoke antioxidant profile is probably due to matrix softening and increased extractability of compounds, but the increase of antioxidant capacity is much higher than the increase of antioxidant concentration. These results suggest that some common cooking treatments can be used to enhance the nutritional value of vegetables, increasing bioaccessibility of health-promoting constituents. 相似文献
Donya A Hettiarachchy N Liyanage R Lay J Chen P Jalaluddin M 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2007,55(14):5827-5833
Bitter melon (Mormodica charantia L.) has been associated with health benefits such as hypoglycemic, antiatherogenic, and anti-HIV activities. The vegetable, however, has an unpleasant bitter taste. The purpose of this research was to establish the effect of various processing methods on the moisture, lipid, and protein content of the Sri Lanka variety of bitter melon and to determine the effect of the processing methods on momordicosides K and L contents. The processing methods used were frying, blanching, sun drying, oven drying, freeze drying, and bitter masking with five different commercial bitter masking agents. Moisture, lipid, and protein analyses were done using standard AACC methods. Drying decreased moisture content from 92% to 9.5-10.2%. Frying lowered moisture content to 0.8% while increasing lipid content from 3.6 to 67%. Protein content remained unaffected by treatments. A liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/MS) method was used to identify momordicosides K and L in methanolic extracts of fresh and processed samples. Only extracted ion chromatographs for blanched bitter melon and bitter melon with MY 68 agent showed the absence of momordicosides K and L. 相似文献
不同施磷量对蔬菜地土壤硝态氮淋失的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
【目的】在两种蔬菜地土壤上研究不同磷肥施用量对土壤硝态氮淋失的影响,为武汉城郊蔬菜合理施用磷肥和安全生产提供理论依据。【方法】利用大型原状土柱渗漏装置,2种实验土壤(粉质粘土和粉质粘壤土)均为武汉城郊典型蔬菜土壤,分别采自华中农业大学校内蔬菜基地和湖北新洲。试验期间共种植了四种蔬菜(小白菜、 辣椒、 苋菜及萝卜)。试验设置了4个P2O5水平处理(0、 125、 250、 375 kg/hm2),氮肥施用量均为N 750 kg/hm2,钾肥施用量均为K2O 500 kg/hm2。试验期间年降雨量为1043.0 mm,各土柱总灌溉量为120.1 L。秋冬季每15天、 春夏季每10天收集一次淋洗液,另外根据天气和降雨情况适当调节,每次收集淋洗液时记录淋洗液体积并测定淋洗液硝态氮浓度。在每季蔬菜生长成熟后将蔬菜收获称重,烘干后测定蔬菜中氮素含量。【结果】1)与不施磷肥相比,施用磷肥显著增加了两种土壤上小白菜、 苋菜、 萝卜产量以及四季蔬菜总产量,其产量随磷肥施用量增加而增加或显著增加,在磷肥施用量最大时产量达到最大值。粉质粘土上的产量显著低于粉质粘壤土上的产量,粉质粘壤土总产量约是粉质粘土总产量的1.63~2.36倍。2)施用磷肥显著增加了小白菜、 苋菜氮素吸收累积量以及四季蔬菜总吸收累积量,且两种土壤上总氮素吸收累积量均在磷肥施用量最大时达到最大值。粉质粘壤土上氮素总吸收累计量显著高于粉质粘土上氮素总吸收累积量。3)磷肥水平对土壤总渗漏液体积并无显著影响(粉质粘壤土P2O5 125 kg/hm2处理除外),粉质粘土渗漏水量显著大于粉质粘壤土。4)施用磷肥降低或显著降低土壤淋失液硝态氮浓度(粉质粘土苋菜季除外),随着磷肥施用量的增加硝态氮淋失浓度不断降低,4季蔬菜平均淋失浓度最大降低了38.6%(粉质粘土)和28.8%(粉质粘壤土)。5)磷肥施用显著降低了两种土壤上硝态氮淋失量(苋菜季除外),且在粉质粘土上随着磷肥施用量的增加硝态氮淋失量不断降低,而在粉质粘壤土上硝态氮淋失量先降低后上升。粉质粘土硝态氮淋失量显著大于粉质粘壤土,磷肥施用降低硝态氮淋失量分别达到达26.4%~33.7%和23.5%~39.9%。【结论】磷肥施用增加了蔬菜产量和作物氮素吸收累积量,从而显著降低了两种土壤上硝态氮的淋失; 土壤质地对硝态氮淋失有较大影响,质地较轻的粉质粘壤土硝态氮淋失显著小于质地较重的粉质粘土; 粉质粘壤土上施用P2O5量为250 kg/hm2时能提高产量同时减少硝态氮淋失,而粉质粘土上施用P2O5量为375 kg/hm2时能获得较大产量和较少硝态氮淋失量。 相似文献
基于几种土壤测试方法的华南菜田磷素丰缺指标研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
依托2002—2009年开展的蔬菜田间试验结果,土样分别用Olsen法、Mehlich 1法、Mehlich 3法和ASI法测定其有效磷含量,建立上述测试方法的菜田土壤磷素丰缺指标,并进行不同测试方法的相关研究。以蔬菜产量<75%、75%~90%、90%~95%和>95%为标准,将菜田土壤有效磷分为“低”、“中”、“高”和“极高”4个肥力等级; 对应的土壤有效磷丰缺指标Olsen-P为<23、23~59、59~81和>81 mg/kg; M1-P为<19、19~102、102~179和>179 mg/kg; M3-P为<19、19~96、96~165和>165 mg/kg; ASI-P为<22、22~68、68~98和>98 mg/kg。Olsen法、M3法、M1法和ASI法4种方法,两两的相关性均达到极显著水平。 相似文献
对不同贮藏方法中板栗糖类物质的变化以及贮藏效果进行了研究.结果表明,板栗不溶性淀粉含量呈逐渐下降趋势,下降速率以室温散装贮藏最快,室温密装最慢;可溶性淀粉和可溶性总糖含量逐渐增加,室温散装增加趋势最明显,而室温密装则先减少然后缓慢增加.不同糖分含量变化结果表明,还原糖含量在砂藏和冷藏过程中逐渐增加,在室温贮藏过程中则缓慢下降,砂藏板栗还原糖含量增加最快、含量最高;果糖和蔗糖含量的变化趋势是缓慢增加,增加最明显的是室温散装板栗,而室温密装板栗呈下降趋势.板栗保鲜效果表明,砂藏、冷藏和室温密装都能起到保水作用,保鲜效果以冷藏最好,砂藏次之,室温密装最差. 相似文献
机械收获方式及籽粒含水率对玉米收获质量的影响 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3
该文选用13个玉米品种为研究对象,通过田间试验系统研究了常规玉米栽培模式下延缓收获期间玉米含水率的变化规律,分析了果穗收获和籽粒收获2种收获方式对玉米收获损失率、籽粒破碎率和含杂率的影响,初步研究了不同机械收获方式及籽粒含水率对不同品种玉米收获质量的影响,建立了含水率与籽粒含杂率之间的数学函数。结果表明,延缓收获期间不同品种玉米的含水率均有显著的降低(P0.05),但其变化率存在差异。同期进行的果穗收获和籽粒收获2种收获方式的收获总损失率之间没有显著差异(P0.05),机械收获方式仅显著影响落粒率(P0.05)。延缓收获使落粒率和落穗率都显著下降(P0.05)。采用果穗收获方式时,籽粒含水率与各损失率之间不存在显著相关性;而籽粒收获时,籽粒含水率与落粒率、总损失率、破碎率和含杂率之间存在显著相关性。延缓进行籽粒收获后,籽粒含杂率均值为1.32%,总损失率均值为1.74%,均低于国标要求;而平均籽粒破碎率达13.23%,高于国标要求。含杂率与籽粒含水率之间满足线性关系,根据二者之间关系预测可知,籽粒含水率低于32.40%的收获就可以保证含杂率满足国标要求。该研究可为玉米籽粒收获技术的研究与推广提供数据支撑和科学依据。 相似文献
The effect of temperature and duration of cooking on plantain and banana fruit texture and cytpoplasmic and cell wall components was investigated. The firmness of both banana and plantain pulp tissues decreased rapidly during the first 10 min of cooking in water above 70 degrees C, although plantain was much firmer than banana. Cooking resulted in pectin solubilzation and middle lamella dissolution leading to cell wall separation (as observed by SEM). Dessert banana showed more advanced and extensive breakdown than plantain. Although dessert banana had a higher total pectin content than plantain, the former had smaller-sized carboxyethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (CDTA) soluble pectic polymers which are associated with plant tissues that have a propensity to soften. Plantain had higher levels of starch and amylose than banana but this was associated with a firmer fruit texture rather than a softening due to cell swelling during starch gelatinization. Different cooking treatments showed that cooking in 0.5% of CaCl(2) solution and temperatures below 70 degrees C had significant effects on maintenance of pulp firmness. 相似文献
Kamran Afsahi Marziyeh Nazari Heshmat Omidi Farid Shekari Abdol Amir Bostani 《Journal of plant nutrition》2020,43(8):1070-1079
AbstractZinc (Zn) as a microelement plays a salient role in the vital processes of plants such as metabolism and nutrition. This experimental study was conducted in the research field of Agriculture Faculty, Zanjan University using two genotypes of canola as main factor (Okapi and Tassilo) and zinc fertilizer application method in 7 levels including control, foliar spraying (2, 3.5, and 5?g/L) at the beginning of flowering and soil application (25, 50, and 75?kg/ha) were considered as sub-plot factor. The results showed that the application of zinc significantly increased the chlorophyll content as compared to control treatment. The highest chlorophyll content was observed in foliar spraying of 3.5 and 5?g/L zinc in Okapi cultivar. While, the highest value of RWC content resulted only with spraying 5?g/L of zinc. The result showed that zinc foliar of 5?g/L obtained the highest oil and seed yields and seed yield components. In addition, the highest qualitative seed traits (oil and protein content and zinc content in seed and plant) resulted with spraying 5?g/L of zinc. Also, Okapi cultivar had more quantitative and qualitative yields than Tassilo cultivar. The foliar spray of 5?g/L Zn can be recommended to increase the quantity and quality seed yield of canola. 相似文献
大棚菜田种植年限对土壤重金属含量及酶活性的影响 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
为了探讨大棚种植年限对大棚菜田土壤重金属累积、土壤酶活性的影响以及二者的关系,采集不同种植年限(0、5、10、15、20、25、30 a)大棚菜田土壤样品共140份,测定土壤样品中重金属的含量以及土壤酶活性。结果表明:大棚菜田土壤中重金属Zn、Pb、Cu的含量和种植年限极显著相关;重金属Cd、Ni、Mn的含量和种植年限显著相关;重金属Cr的含量和种植年限不相关。大棚菜田土壤中过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶、淀粉酶活性和种植年限极显著相关,磷酸酶、蔗糖酶活性和种植年限显著相关,过氧化氢酶、脲酶、蛋白酶活性和种植年限相关性不显著。随着种植年限的延长重金属Zn、Cu含量对多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶活性有抑制作用,其敏感性顺序为:过氧化物酶对Zn敏感性>多酚氧化酶对Zn敏感性>过氧化物酶对Cu敏感性>多酚氧化酶对Cu敏感性。土壤中过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶可以作为重金属Zn污染的指示酶,过氧化物酶可以作为重金属Cu污染的指示酶。该文为设施污染土壤环境质量评价提供依据。 相似文献
Salidroside liposomes were prepared by using five different methods: thin film evaporation, sonication, reverse phase evaporation, melting, and freezing-thawing. The effect of different preparation methods and salidroside loading capacity on the formation of liposomes and their physicochemical properties were evaluated by means of encapsulating efficiency, particle size, morphology, and zeta potential. Results showed that the encapsulating efficiency of liposomes was highest when prepared by freezing-thawing, followed by thin film evaporation, then reverse phase evaporation and the lowest with melting and sonication. Loading capacity of salidroside had a significant effect on encapsulating efficiency, average diameter, and zeta potential of liposomes. Liposomal systems prepared by sonication, melting, and reverse phase evaporation displayed better dispersivity. Determination of leakage of salidroside from different liposomal systems revealed that the melting method had the lowest leakage of 10% and 15%, at 4 and 30 degrees C after 1 month of storage, respectively. In all cases, a straight-line leakage behavior of salidroside was found. This revealed that the leakage of salidroside was a diffusion process from the membrane of liposomes. Furthermore, the storage stability of different liposomal systems showed that salidroside liposomes prepared by melting had a better physicochemical stability. Instability in the systems was exacerbated when temperature increased. Salidroside liposomes showed the slower increase in particle size than liposomes without salidroside. This could indicate that salidroside played an important role in preventing the aggregation and fusion of liposomes. 相似文献
不同耕作措施对土壤水分和青贮夏玉米水分生产率的影响 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
适宜的耕作与覆盖措施可在不同程度节约农业用水。本文选用了翻耕处理、燃茬免耕处理和覆盖免耕处理为主要耕作措施,开展了为期2a的田间试验,研究不同措施对农田土壤含水量、土面蒸发、夏玉米生长指标、产量和水分生产率的影响。研究结果表明在降雨较少年份(2010年),覆盖免耕处理0~20cm土壤含水量均高于其他2处理,2a试验期间覆盖免耕处理0~120cm土壤贮水量一直高于其他2处理,且其土面蒸发量最小。2a试验期间,覆盖免耕青贮夏玉米产量较翻耕和燃茬免耕分别提高了11%和9%,青贮夏玉米水分生产率分别提高了11.7%和14.8%。覆盖免耕能减少土面蒸发和提高水分生产率,因此建议在北京地区夏玉米种植采用覆盖免耕措施。 相似文献
Hiromi Ikeura Hideaki Takahashi Fumiyuki Kobayashi Michio Sato 《Journal of plant nutrition》2017,40(1):115-127
To provide the necessary oxygen for plant growth, the effectiveness of different generating methods of microbubbles (MB), a gas-water circulation type or a pressurization type (pressurization treatment), was investigated by comparing the growth characteristics and morphological observation of Brassica campestris L. var. Komatsuna Matsum. The plant growth in the pressurization treatment were significantly less than those in the circulation treatment at 3 weeks after planting. In plants grown in the pressurization treatment, epidermal cell abrasion and plasmolysis, indicators of cell death, were observed in root tip cells at 3 weeks after planting. The growth inhibition of plant in the pressurization treatment is suggested to be related to the oxidization of Fe in the nutrient solution under super-saturated dissolved oxygen conditions, the generation of hydroxyl radicals from MB, the oxidization of the root tip cell membrane, and osmotic stress to the roots. 相似文献