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During a survey of virus diseases affecting pepper grown in plastic houses in Crete, during 1984–1986, tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) were detected. The most common virus was TMV, being present in samples of alle pepper cultivars carrying the L1 resistance gene, while ToMV was isolated only from susceptible pepper cultivars. According to responses ofCapsicum spp. the isolates from 640 samples checked were classified into three pathotypes: P0, P1.2 and P1.2.3. Results of this study show that P1.2 represents at present the major threat to the Cretan pepper industry.Samenvatting Bij een in de jaren 1984–1986 gehouden inventarisatie van virusziekten in paprika in plastic-foliekassen op Kreta werd zowel het tabaksmozaïekvirus (TMV) als het tomatemozaïekvirus (ToMV) aangetoond. TMV kwam zeer algemeen voor: het werd aangetroffen in alle monsters van de paprikarassen met het resistentiegen L1. ToMV werd alleen geïsoleerd uit planten van vatbare paprikarassen. Volgens de waargenomen symptomen die de isolaten van 640 monsters opCapsicum spp. vertoonden, konden de isolaten in drie pathotypen, nl. P1, P1,2 en P1,2,3, worden geklassificeerd. Uit het onderzoek is gebleken dat P1,2 de belangrijkste bedreiging vormt voor de teelt van paprika op Kreta.  相似文献   

引起番茄植株坏死病的病毒研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 2004~2005年,在上海郊区夏番茄上连续发生严重的植株坏死病。表现为番茄植株矮化、顶端坏死、果实畸形和整株枯萎症状,并在叶柄和茎干上出现不规则坏死条斑,具有典型的病毒病特征。通过采集典型病叶、病果,进行病毒分离、dsRNA分析、寄主生物学研究、病毒纯化、病毒蛋白分析、组织病理学与形态学观察和ELISA检测,初步确定是由番茄花叶病毒(Tomato mosaic virus,ToMV)和黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)侵染。经5次心叶烟单斑分离,获得N5分离物,对CP基因克隆测序的结果确定该分离物为ToMV。寄主反应测定显示,N5的寄主反应与常规ToMV株系存在明显区别,主要表现为常规番茄品种上出现严重坏死。进一步接种GCR品系番茄鉴定N5与ToMV-1株系相似。因此,作者认为,在上海地区番茄上流行并引起坏死病的主要病原可能是ToMV-1株系的1个变异株。  相似文献   

利用双抗夹心 酶联免疫吸附试验(DAS-ELISA)和反转录 聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法对来自韩国的番茄种子进行种传病毒检测。结果表明,在该批番茄种子中检测到番茄花叶病毒(ToMV)和烟草花叶病毒(TMV)。PCR产物测序结果表明,ToMV特异引物(ToA/ToB)与TMV特异引物(TA/TB)扩增的片段均为ToMV的外壳蛋白(CP)基因及3′非编码区(3′ UTR),该片段与其他ToMV分离物的核苷酸序列相似性为98.2%~99.9%。本研究利用重新设计合成TMV和ToMV特异引物对该批种子进行RT PCR检测,仅ToMV特异性引物(ToMf1/ToMr1)扩增到670 bp的预期片段,TMV特异引物(TMf1/TMr1)则未出现特异性扩增,表明重新设计的引物可准确区分ToMV和TMV。以上结果证实该批番茄种子仅携带ToMV。  相似文献   

In the isolated Arava region of Israel, virus epidemics in vegetables were avoided by enforcing a crop-free period of one month during June-July. It was found that the cultivated crops are the major reservoir of viruses, and that during these months the insect vector population and the natural virus sources are low. Therefore, a one-month crop-free period was declared during June-July, and since its enforcement in 1986, no economic damage caused by insect-borne viruses has been recorded. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization. No. 2323-E, 1997 series  相似文献   

番茄斑驳花叶病毒(tomato mottle mosaic virus, ToMMV)是2013年发现的烟草花叶病毒属一个新种,目前在多国(地区)有发生。本文采用小RNA深度测序及RT-PCR检测方法在广东省广州市南沙区辣椒疑似病样中检测到ToMMV,命名为番茄斑驳花叶病毒广东分离物(ToMMV-GD-2020)。采用RT-PCR分段扩增获得了ToMMV-GD-2020的基因组全序列,该分离物基因组全长6 399 nt,包含4个开放阅读框,分别编码4个蛋白。序列相似性分析表明,ToMMV-GD-2020与已登录GenBank的14个ToMMV分离物基因组序列相似性分别为99.0%~99.7%,其中与中国辽宁分离物ToMMV-LN(GenBank登录号:MN853592)的相似性最高(99.7%),与危害我国番茄、同属烟草花叶病毒属的番茄花叶病毒(tomato mosaic virus, ToMV)、番茄褐色皱果病毒(tomato brown rugose fruit virus, ToBRFV)代表分离物的相似性分别为84.6%和81.0%。系统进化分析表明,ToMMV-GD-2020...  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) or gene silencing is a natural defence response of plants to invading viruses. Here, we applied this approach against pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) isolates in their natural host, tomato. PepMV isolates differ in their genetic sequences, the severity of the disease they induce, and their worldwide distribution. PepMV causes heavy crop losses, mainly due to impaired tomato fruit quality. Resistant varieties are not yet available, despite many years of resistance breeding efforts within the tomato seed industry. To generate broad resistance to PepMV strains, conserved sequences from three different strains of PepMV (US1, LP, and CH2) were synthesized as a single insert and cloned in a hairpin configuration into a binary vector, which was used to transform tomato plants. Transgenic tomato lines that expressed a high level of transgene-siRNA exhibited immunity to PepMV strains, including a new Israeli isolate. This immunity was maintained even after graft inoculation, in which a transgenic scion was grafted onto nontransgenic infected rootstocks. However, an immune transgenic rootstock was unable to induce resistance in a nontransformed scion. These results provide the first example of engineered immunity to diverse PepMV strains in transgenic tomato based on gene silencing.  相似文献   

Antiphytoviral activity of bruceine-D from Brucea javanica seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. is widely distributed throughout the southern parts of China and has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases. The objective of the present study was to identify the active antiphytoviral compound in the seeds of B. javanica and evaluate the inhibitory activity of the compound against plant virus. RESULTS: Bioassay-guided fractionation of the most active extract from the seeds led to the isolation of an antiphytoviral compound which was identified as bruceine-D by conventional spectroscopy methods. The compound exhibited significant inhibitory activity against the infection and replication of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), with IC(50) values of 13.98 and 7.13 mg L(-1) respectively. The compound also showed a strong inhibitory effect on the infectivity of potato virus Y (PVY) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Furthermore, the compound could effectively inhibit systemic TMV infection in the host tobacco plant under glasshouse conditions.CONCLUSION: The results suggested that bruceine-D from Brucea javanica may have the potential to be used as a natural viricide, or a lead compound for new viricides.  相似文献   

病毒病对番茄生产造成严重危害, 近年来在番茄种植新区发生严重, 疑似为种子带毒传播。本研究通过对云南省怒江州番茄种植新区的番茄病毒病样品采用RNA-seq高通量测序, RT-PCR验证的方法检测病毒种类;对番茄病果种子进行超薄切片制样透射电子显微镜观察, 将病果种子播种后对种苗进行RT-PCR带毒检测。结果表明, RNA-seq高通量测序及RT-PCR检测到的病毒有番茄环纹斑点病毒(tomato zonate spot orthotospovirus, TZSV)、番茄黄斑驳相关病毒(tomato yellow mottle-associated virus, TYMaV)、辣椒脉斑驳病毒(chili veinal mottle virus, ChiVMV)、南方番茄病毒(southern tomato virus, STV)。透射电镜观察到种胚细胞及胚乳细胞中分布典型的正番茄斑萎病毒属Orthotospovirus病毒粒体。病果种子播种28 d后的种苗具有病毒病症状, 通过RT-PCR检出TZSV、ChiVMV、STV, 检出率分别为60%、100%、80%。上述研究结果为TZSV通过种子传播提供了有利的证据, 并为源头防控番茄病毒病提供了依据。  相似文献   

中国北方四省小麦丛矮病病原鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦丛矮病是由灰飞虱(Laodelphax striatellus Fallén)传播的一种病毒病,具有流行性和暴发性,可致小麦减产甚至绝收.小麦丛矮病的典型症状表现为叶片有黄绿相间条纹,分蘖增多,植株矮化,形成明显的丛矮状.冬前感病株大部分不能越冬而死亡,冬前未显症和早春及拔节后感病植株上部叶片显条纹,一般不能抽穗而提早枯死,有的能抽穗,但穗小籽粒秕瘦,对产量影响较大.研究结果表明小麦丛矮病的病原为北方禾谷花叶病毒(Northern cereal mosaic virus,NCMV)[1-3].小麦丛矮病在我国分布较广[4,5].为了进一步明确小麦丛矮病病原发生、分布及其变异,2010年4月在河北、河南、山东和山西省多地采集标样,采用RTPCR方法对各地标样进行了鉴定与分析,以期为病害防治提供理论依据.  相似文献   

<正>在植物病毒中,马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus是最大的正链RNA病毒属,是已确定的植物病毒属中成员最多的一个。Potyvirus基因组长10 000nt左右,3'末端有多聚腺苷酸尾,编码一个大的多聚蛋白,可被剪切为10个功能蛋白。病毒粒体长700~900 nm,直径11~13 nm,经蚜虫以非持久方式传播,可侵染超过500种植物,包括茄科、苋科、  相似文献   

番茄斑萎病毒(tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV)和烟草花叶病毒(tobacco mosaic virus, TMV)是2种重要的植物病原病毒, 对多种经济作物的产量和品质均造成严重影响。2021年-2022年, 在云南省丽江市烟草种植区不同烟区采集叶片黄化、皱缩以及无症状的青蒿Artemisia caruifolia样品共计14份, 利用免疫金标速测卡和RT-PCR对其病原病毒进行检测。利用免疫金标速测卡检测结果显示, 在所检样品中有9份样品检测出TSWV, 检出率为64.28%, 有3份样品检测出TMV, 检出率为21.43%, 2种病毒复合侵染的检出率同样为21.43%;利用RT-PCR对复合侵染的3份样品进行分子检测, 结果显示, 在3份复合侵染青蒿样品中获得3条TSWV N基因序列、3条TMV cp基因序列和2条TMV RdRp部分序列。TSWV青蒿分离物与分离自云南的TSWV-2分离物相似性最高, 为99.6%;TMV青蒿分离物与分离自辽宁的TMV-Shenyang分离物和分离自云南的TMV-Yongren-1相似性最高, 均大于99.4%。这是首次发现TSWV和TMV 2种不同属病毒复合侵染青蒿。  相似文献   

番茄花叶病毒(tomato mosaic virus, ToMV)属于植物杆状病毒科Virgaviridae烟草花叶病毒属Tobamovirus成员, 主要危害番茄和辣椒, 多数茄科植物易感染, 严重影响果实的品质和产量。本研究根据ToMV编码的外壳蛋白的基因保守序列, 设计重组酶聚合酶扩增技术(recombinase polymerase amplification, RPA)特异性引物和簇状规则间隔短链重复序列(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, CRISPR)及相关蛋白12a(CRISPR-associated 12a, Cas12a)的crRNA并挑选报告基因。通过优化反应体系建立了ToMV的快速可视化检测方法, 当荧光报告基因FQ终浓度为400 nmol/L、Cas12a/crRNA比例为1∶5、终浓度为200 nmol·L-1/1 000 nmol·L-1时检测信号最强, 只需RPA和CRISPR/Cas12a分别反应15 min, 即可在便携式蓝光照射设备下直接观察到阳性信号。该方法可特异性检测ToMV, 对携带ToMV样品的RNA检测灵敏度可以达到172 ag/μL, 是普通RT-PCR检测灵敏度的10 000倍, 可用于ToMV快速灵敏的可视化检测。  相似文献   

Samenvatting In cowpea-planten die onvatbaar zijn voor het cowpea-mozaïekvirus (CPMV) kan dit virus, mits infectieus, infectie door vier andere, onderling geheel verschillende virussen remmen. Dit vermogen tot aspecifieke remming komt tot uiting in cowpea-planten met onvatbaarheid die bepaald wordt door één dominant gen, maar niet in planten met onvatbaarheid op basis van één recessief gen. De beide typen van onvatbaarheid laten dus in verschillende mate expressie van de genetische informatie van CPMV toe.  相似文献   

北京大兴区某蔬菜种植基地的辣椒和番茄发现疑似病毒感染,造成较大经济损失.经症状分析和RT-PCR检测,证实其感染番茄斑萎病毒(tomato spotted wilt virus,TSWV).基于TSWV序列特征对该地区TSWV进化及来源进行分析,结果显示其与北京顺义区已经报道TSWV毒株进化关系较近,但较国内其他地区株...  相似文献   

The occurrence in Dutch bulbous irises (Iris hollandica) of two viruses — iris mild mosaic virus (IMMV) and iris severe mosaic virus (ISMV) — in association with two diseases — mosaic (mozaïek) and grey (grijs) — was reported so far. In the Netherlands, three virus diseases have been distinguished: mild mosaic (mozaïek), mild yellow mosaic (bont), and severe mosaic (grijs). These diseases were associated with IMMV (750 nm), IMMV plus iris mild yellow mosaic virus (IMYMV, a newly recognized virus; 660 nm), and IMMV plus ISMV (750 nm), respectively. The viruses are antigenically distinct and their presence could be established serologically. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), tobacco rattle virus (TRV), and tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV) were also detected in irises, but not in association with particular symptoms.Generally, the symptoms of the diseases can be distinguished early in the growing season, particularly in March. Later on, the distinctive symptoms mostly disappear on plants showing mild symptoms but not on severely affected plants. Growing and forcing conditions influence the symptoms. The IMYMV and the ISMV transmitted in May and early in June byMacrosiphum euphorbiae cause more severe symptoms than those induced by transmissions late in June and in July. Problems related to disease control in irises are discussed.Samenvatting Het virusonderzoek bij Hollandse irissen (Iris hollandica) in Nederland leidde tot het onderscheiden van drie ziekten, namelijk: het mozaïek (mild mosaic), het bont (mild yellow mosaic) en het grijs (severe mosaic). Het voorkomen van iris-mozaïek virus (deeltjeslengte 750 nm), iris-mozaïek virus plus iris-bontvirus (660 nm) en iris-mozaïekvirus plus iris-grijsvirus (750 nm), welke virussen serologisch zijn te onderscheiden, werd in verband gebracht met respectievelijk het mozaïek, het bont en het grijs. Geen verband werd gevonden tussen het voorkomen van tabaksmozaïekvirus, tabaksratelvirus en tabakskringvlekkenvirus en de genoemde ziekten.Op basis van de symptomen zijn de ziekten te velde vroeg in het voorjaar meestal wel te onderscheiden. Later in het groeiseizoen verdwijnt dit onderscheid veelal bij planten met milde symptomen, maar niet bij planten met ernstige symptomen. De symptomen van het mozaïek worden pas een paar maanden na de opkomst van de planten zichtbaar. De licht- en donkergroene mozaïeksymptomen doen zich duidelijk voor omstreeks de bloei. Het bont is bij opkomst te herkennen aan het geelgroene mozaïek, dat voornamelijk aan de bladranden voorkomt (Fig. 1). Na de lengtegroei van de planten worden de symptomen op de bloemscheden en op de brede bladgedeelten zichtbaar (Fig. 2). Het grijs (Fig. 2) uit zich met brede geel-en donkergroene strepen op de bladeren, die tot onder het grondniveau doorlopen en bij opkomst duidelijk zichtbaar zijn. Het geelgroene, soms streepvormige mozaïek blijft bij de lengtegroei van de planten duidelijk zichtbaar op de bladbases. Ernstige grijs-symptomen zijn bloembreking, gedraaide stand van smallere bladeren en dwerggroei van de planten. De duidelijkheid van de ziektebeelden, zowel van het mozaïek als van het bont en het grijs, is afhankelijk van de cultivar en van de teeltomstandigheden te velde en in de kas.Het iris-bontvirus en het iris-grijsvirus geven bij overdracht door de bladluis (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) in mei en in de eerste helft van juni in het volgende groeiseizoen ernstiger aangetaste planten dan bij latere overdracht.De mogelijkheden van de herkenning en de bestrijding van virusaantastingen in iriissen worden beschreven.  相似文献   

Eight different strains of TMV were used to inoculate tomato plants when the first truss was in flower. The proportion of the seeds infected by TMV was highest with the enation strain followed by tomato and winter necrosis strains. The other strains, viz. yellow ringspot, yellow mosaic, crusty fruit and tobacco strains and the symptomless mutant MII-16, either resulted in a low proportion of seeds with TMV or none at all. MII-16-inoculated plants consistently gave the lowest proportion of TMV-infected seeds. The possibility of using this strain to produce virus-free seeds is discussed.  相似文献   

番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)是一种由烟粉虱传播的单链环状DNA病毒, 在田间可与多种病毒发生复合侵染, 如番茄褪绿病毒(tomato chlorosis virus, ToCV)等?本文对比了TYLCV单独侵染和TYLCV与ToCV复合侵染对烟粉虱获取和传播TYLCV的影响?结果表明, 与取食TYLCV单独侵染的番茄相比, 取食复合侵染番茄的烟粉虱对TYLCV的传毒率显著提高, 且番茄植株和烟粉虱体内TYLCV的病毒积累量也显著提高?试验结果说明复合侵染会提高烟粉虱的传毒率, 促进TYLCV的发生与流行?  相似文献   

Two viruses, detected frequently in the Netherlands in pelargonium, were identified by serology and test plant reactions. Antisera were prepared and an ELISA procedure was developed to detect the viruses in pelargonium.One of the viruses, PFBV-N, proved to be pelargonium flower-break virus. With the antiserum to PFBV-N, it could be detected reliably throughout the year inPelargonium zonale Springtime Irene.The other virus, PLPV-N, was serologically closely related to pelargonium line pattern virus (PLPV) and to pelargonium ring pattern virus (PRPV), as were an old virus isolate from Saturnus, collected in the Netherlands in 1971 (L128), and PLPV isolates from Yugoslavia (PLPV-Y) and Denmark (PLPV-D). There were only minor differences in host-plant reactions between the virus isolates. Based on these tests, PLPV and PRPV are considered as isolates of the same virus, for which, for practical reasons, the name pelargonium line pattern virus is proposed.PLPV could be reliably detected by ELISA inP. zonale Springtime Irene and Amanda throughout the year with only a few exceptions. InPelargonium peltatum Tavira, however, reslts were erratic due to uneven distribution of virus in the plant. Best results were obtained when petioles of fully expanded leaves were tested.  相似文献   

Plastic-house experiments were conducted over a 2-year period (2004–05) to estimate the effects of successive applications of flumorph or a mixture of flumorph with mancozeb to cucumber plants on selection for flumorph resistance in the downy mildew oomycete, Pseudoperonospora cubensis . Application of flumorph alone favoured the selection of resistant isolates of Ps. cubensis . Resistant populations were detected at a frequency of 2·5% after six successive applications of flumorph alone in a plastic house in 2004. Resistant isolates were also detected (4·8%) after eight successive applications of the mixture of flumorph and mancozeb in 2004, although the mixture gave significantly better disease control than flumorph alone and produced a slight delay in the development of resistance. In a second cucumber crop in the same plastic houses in 2004, the frequency of resistant isolates increased to 100% after three successive applications of flumorph or four of flumorph + mancozeb. Under laboratory conditions, most flumorph-resistant isolates showed high levels of resistance and their levels of pathogenicity and sporulation were as high as that of wild-type isolates. Flumorph showed cross-resistance with dimethomorph and iprovalicarb, but not with azoxystrobin, cyazofamid, cymoxanil or metalaxyl. These studies suggest a high risk for the occurrence of resistance to flumorph in Ps. cubensis in cucumber crops under plastic-house conditions.  相似文献   

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