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Entrainment and transport of larval fish assemblages by the East Australian Current (EAC) were examined from the coastal waters of northern New South Wales (NSW) to the western Tasman Front, via the separation of the EAC from the coast, during the austral spring of 2004. Shore‐normal transects from the coast to the EAC off northern NSW revealed an inner shelf assemblage of near‐shore families (Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Platycephalidae and Triglidae), an EAC assemblage dominated by Myctophidae and Gonostomatidae, and a broadly distributed assemblage over the continental shelf dominated by Scombridae and Carangidae. Further south and after the EAC had separated from the coast, we observed a western Tasman Front assemblage of inner shelf and shelf families (Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Serranidae, Scombridae, Carangidae, Bothidae and Macroramphosidae). The abundance of these families declined with distance from the coast. Surprisingly, there was no distinctive or abundant larval fish assemblage in the chlorophyll‐ and zooplankton‐enriched waters of the Tasman Sea. Water type properties (temperature‐salinity, T‐S), the larval fish assemblages and family‐specific T‐S signatures revealed the western Tasman Front to be an entrained mix of EAC and coastal water types. We found an abundance of commercially important species including larval sardine (Sardinops sagax, Clupeidae), blue mackerel (Scomber australasicus, Scombridae) and anchovy (Engraulis australis, Engraulidae). The entrainment and transport of larval fish from the northern inner shelf to the western Tasman Front by the EAC reflects similar processes with the Gulf Stream Front and the Kuroshio Extension.  相似文献   

Larval transport in the slope region off north‐eastern North America influences recruitment to juvenile habitats for a variety of fishes that inhabit the continental shelf. In this study, collections of larval fishes were made during springtime over the continental slope to provide insights into larval distributions and transport. Ichthyoplankton composition and distribution mirrored the physical complexity of the region. Three larval fish assemblages were defined, each with different water mass distributions. A Gulf Stream assemblage was found predominantly in the Gulf Stream and associated with filaments of discharged Gulf Stream water in the Slope Sea. Larvae of this assemblage originated from oceanic and shelf regions south of Cape Hatteras. Several members of this assemblage utilize habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) as juveniles (Pomatomus saltatrix, Peprilus triacanthus) and other members of the assemblage may share this life cycle (Mugil curema, Sphyraena borealis, Urophycis regia). A Slope Sea assemblage was found in all water masses, and was composed of epi‐ and mesopelagic fish larvae, as well as larvae of benthic shelf/slope residents. Larvae of one member of this assemblage (U. tenuis) are spawned in the Slope Sea but cross the shelf‐slope front and use nearshore habitats for juvenile nurseries. A MAB shelf assemblage was found in MAB shelf water and was composed of larvae that were spawned on the shelf. Some of these species may cross into the Slope Sea before returning to MAB shelf habitats (e.g. Enchelyopus cimbrius, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus). Previous studies have examined the effect of warm‐core rings on larval distributions, but this study identifies the importance of smaller‐scale features of the MAB shelf/slope front and of filaments associated with Gulf Stream meanders. In combination with these advective processes, the dynamic nature of larval distributions in the Slope Sea appears to be influenced, to varying degrees, by both vertical and horizontal behaviour of larvae and pelagic juveniles themselves.  相似文献   

Factors controlling the movement of fish larvae from coastal spawning environments to estuarine nursery areas are important to fish recruitment. In this paper, the role of physical processes in larval transport to estuarine nursery areas in the Aransas Pass region, Texas, is examined using a circulation model coupled with a fixed‐depth particle transport model. Two phases of transport are examined: transport on the shelf to the tidal inlet and transport through the inlet to estuarine nursery areas. Observed pulsing in the supply of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae to the tidal inlet is significantly correlated with modeled particle supply. This pulsing is not correlated with a specific physical process, but results from the interaction of several factors affecting water movement, including low‐frequency variations in water level and wind forcing. Simulations suggest that the primary spawning region for red drum larvae that utilize nursery habitat in the Aransas Pass region is located north of the inlet. Patterns in the trajectories of particles that successfully enter the inlet reveal that they move alongshelf in the nearshore region and then move into the inlet, rather than moving directly across the shelf to the inlet. The approach path of particles outside the inlet determines the spatial transport patterns for inlets with branched channels and multiple bays. This study demonstrates that physical processes play an important role in determining larval supply to a tidal inlet.  相似文献   

Larval fish assemblages were sampled using replicated oblique bongo net tows along a five‐station transect extending from inshore (18 m depth) to offshore waters (1000 m depth) off temperate south‐western Australia. A total of 148 taxa from 93 teleost families were identified. Larvae of Gobiidae and Blenniidae were abundant inshore, while larvae of pelagic and reef‐dwelling families, such as Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Carangidae and Labridae were common in continental shelf waters. Larvae of oceanic families, particularly Myctophidae, Phosichthyidae and Gonostomatidae, dominated offshore assemblages. Multivariate statistical analyses revealed larval fish assemblages to have a strong temporal and spatial structure. Assemblages were distinct among seasons, and among inshore, continental shelf and offshore sampling stations. Inshore larval fish assemblages were the most seasonal, in terms of species composition and abundance, with offshore assemblages the least seasonal. However, larval fish assemblages were most closely correlated to water mass, with species distributions reflecting both cross‐shelf and along‐shore oceanographic processes and events. Similarity profile (SIMPROF) analysis suggested the presence of twelve distinct larval fish assemblages, largely delineated by water depth and season. The strength and position of the warm, southward flowing Leeuwin Current, and of the cool, seasonal, northward flowing Capes Current, were shown to drive much of the variability in the marine environment, and thus larval fish assemblages.  相似文献   

This study was carried out over the central Cantabrian shelf during a post‐bloom phase in May. Late phases of the spring phytoplankton bloom, which are characterized by high crustacean mesozooplankton biomass, have been proposed to be a particular case for high‐energy flow towards large metazoans. The overall objective of the study is to analyse the influence of mesoscale physical forcing on primary production patterns, its implications on food web pathways, and on larval fish distribution during a period of intense spawning of Sardina pilchardus and Scomber scombrus. Physical and biological variables of different trophic levels show coupled cross‐shelf and along‐shelf heterogeneity. Quasi‐geostrophic analysis and other indirect approaches, such as the depth of the slope salinity maximum, reveal predictable patterns of vertical instabilities associated with mesoscale physical forcing that enhance production of large‐size phytoplankton. The latter is expected to enhance the energy flow towards higher trophic levels at a time of high mesozooplankton biomass. Distributions of S. pilchardus and S. scombrus eggs and larvae indicate retention related to the coastal salinity front and the overall eastward circulation pattern. The observed mesoscale physical processes may favour survival of early stages of fish by their influence on the energy flow of primary production towards higher trophic levels and larval retention at the coast.  相似文献   

The poleward flowing East Australian Current (EAC) drives sporadic upwelling, entrains coastal water and forms the western Tasman Front (wTF), creating a mosaic of water types and larval transport routes along south eastern Australia. The spatial distribution, otolith chemistry and growth rates of larval sardine (Sardinops sagax) were examined to infer spawning location and larval transport. A gradient of increasing larval size from north to south along the shelf was not detected but was evident between the shelf and offshore in the wTF. Here larvae were larger and older. Based on the occurrence of newly hatched larvae, spawning by S. sagax between southern Queensland and mid New South Wales (NSW) was more extensive than previously reported. The otolith chemistry from two wTF larval size classes differed, implying different origins. The otolith chemistry of wTF post‐flexion larvae was similar to larvae from northern NSW, whereas wTF flexion larvae were similar to larvae observed nearby from mid‐NSW. Two possible larval transport routes, direct and indirect, are inferred from otolith chemistry, current velocities and a previously published particle tracking study. Either larvae from northern NSW were advected south and entrained with younger larvae directly into the wTF, or larvae from a range of shelf regions were advected around the southern edge of an anticyclonic eddy, to join younger larvae directly entrained into the wTF. Based on the co‐occurrence of larval ages and sizes in the wTF and their advection routes, the wTF appears to be an important larval retention zone.  相似文献   

Light traps were deployed to describe vertical and cross‐shelf distributions of late‐stage larval fishes during five cruises in each of the 1997/98 and 1998/99 summers in the region of the Gulf of Exmouth on the southern North West Shelf of Western Australia. At each light trap station on a cross‐shelf transect we measured water temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a and used vertical plankton tows to estimate zooplankton biomass and copepod abundance. Current meters were deployed on moorings near the transect and the data used to model flows and mixing on the NW Shelf and in the Gulf. The majority of reef, pelagic and baitfish larvae (81, 83 and 66% respectively) were collected at only two stations that marked the boundary between stratified waters offshore and well‐mixed water within the Gulf. Most baitfishes (primarily Spratelloides spp.) were captured by traps deployed near the seabed, while reef fishes (mostly pomacentrids, lethrinids and siganids) and pelagic species (mostly scombrids and carangids) were captured in traps deployed near surface. Catch composition varied between summers with 64% of baitfishes collected in the first summer, while the majority of reef and pelagic fishes (81 and 80% respectively) were captured in the second summer. Modelling of circulation showed that the velocity of tidal currents was enhanced by constriction of flow between NW Cape and South Muiron Island and by shallowing of the shelf. Flood‐tide intrusions of water allowed the thermocline to move up the continental shelf, upwelling cool nutrient‐rich water that was then mixed throughout the entire water column at stations in the mouth of the Gulf. This upwelling and mixing resulted in higher chlorophyll a concentrations and copepod abundances either as a result of local in situ growth or advection/aggregation processes, and may account for the great abundances of late‐stage fish larvae in the mouth of the Gulf.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and vertical migrations of fish larvae and implications for their cross‐shelf distribution were investigated in the northern limit of the NE Atlantic upwelling region during the late winter mixing period of 2012. The average positive values of the upwelling index for February and March of this year were far from normal, although the average hydrographic conditions during the period of study were of downwelling and the water column was completely mixed. Fish larvae, most in the preflexion stage, were concentrated in the upper layers of the water column and their distribution was depth stratified, both day and night. However, the larval fish community was not structured in the vertical plane and fish larvae did not show significant diel vertical migration (DVM), although five species showed ontogenetic vertical migration. In regions of coastal upwelling and in the absence of DVM, the location of fish larvae in the water column is crucial for their cross‐shelf distribution. Thus, the cross‐shelf distribution of the six most abundant species collected in this study can be explained by the surface onshore flow associated with coastal downwelling, retaining larvae of the coastal spawning species with a relatively shallow distribution in the shelf region and transporting larvae of slope spawning species onto the shelf. The wide vertical distribution shown by larvae of the offshore spawning species could be an adaptation of these species to ensure that some larvae reach the inshore nursery areas.  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies (100–200 km in diameter) propagating along the shelf‐break in the Gulf of Alaska are ubiquitous and have been shown to influence the ecosystem, but their influence on ichthyoplankton species composition and diversity has not been described. Evidence for larval fish entrainment in these eddies was examined using data from a cruise in 2005 that sampled three eastern Gulf of Alaska mesoscale eddies, and sampling that compared shelf to slope ichthyoplankton assemblages in the northern Gulf of Alaska (2002–2004). Hierarchical cluster analysis of oceanographic data showed that stations grouped according to location within an eddy. Species hierarchical cluster analysis revealed a latitudinal turnover in species composition, and an abundant species group. Species richness was correlated with distance from eddy center (P = 0.00025), and assemblages within eddies were significantly different (P < 0.05) from those in surrounding basin and shelf waters. These results suggest that mesoscale eddies propagating along the continental shelf‐break influence larval fish assemblages over the shelf and slope, which has implications for the timing and extent of larval fish distribution in the Gulf of Alaska.  相似文献   

The factors that regulate the self‐recruitment of fish larvae were explored in Cabrera National Park (CNP), an insular Marine Protected Area (MPA) located off southern Mallorca (Western Mediterranean). Our study attributes the regulation of larval arrival to the MPA to a combination of retention by topographically generated circulation patterns around the island and shelf break frontal dynamics. Specifically, within the shelf, interaction of the wind‐induced oscillatory flow with the island was shown to generate ephemeral recirculation patterns that, over time, favor larval retention in the proximity of the MPA. According to our measurements, oscillatory flows produced by wind‐forced island‐trapped waves (ITWs) dominate the flow around CNP. ITW‐forced dispersion simulations were in agreement with the observed distributions of several typical fish species that breed in the CNP. A second regulator of environmental variability is the influence of boundary currents and open ocean mesoscale structures at the shelf break. These structures generate frontal zones that are comparatively more long‐lived than inner‐shelf circulation patterns, and they were shown to act as barriers to the offshore dispersion of coastal fish larval assemblages. Finally, inferences from larval size distributions around the MPA together with particle‐tracking model simulations suggested the relevance of behavioral processes for larval recruitment to the MPA. Based on these observations, the waters around the CNP can be viewed as a relatively stable system that allows breeding fish populations to rely on self‐recruitment for their long‐term persistence, independent of other source populations along the coast of Mallorca.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments were performed to investigate the transport processes of eggs and larvae of Sergia lucens in Suruga Bay, Japan, focusing on the physical effects of the river water spreading. In the experiments, labeled particles, which were regarded as the eggs or early larvae of S. lucens with no (or weak) swimming ability, were passively transported in flow fields that were calculated by an ocean general circulation model. In the innermost region of the bay (off the Fuji River mouth) where there is no continental shelf, a retention area where the eggs and larvae could stay in a nutrient‐rich environment for a long time was formed, especially in the upper part of their habitation layers, by the large bulge with anticyclonic (clockwise) circulation. No retention area was formed in the western region of the bay (off the Oi and Abe River mouths) or in an additional experiment in which a continental shelf was artificially created in the innermost region. It was estimated that in the retention area, the residence time of the eggs and early larvae is prolonged by about a month. The formation of the retention area is controlled by the dynamics of the river water spreading, affected by the bottom topography and the Earth’s rotation. Moreover, the reason why S. lucens are only caught in abundance in Suruga Bay was discussed.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of fish larvae was studied in the Canaries‐African Coastal Transition Zone, outside the strong upwelling season. An onshore–offshore transition in the larval fish community structure was observed, from a coastal assemblage dominated by small pelagics (sardine, anchovy, mackerel), bounded by the upwelling front, to an offshore assemblage dominated by mesopelagic species (mainly Myctophidae, Phosichthydae, Gonostomatidae). Distribution of the neritic larvae was deeply influenced by the intense mesoscale activity found in the area, both horizontally (larvae were advected offshore but were always retained within the upwelling area) and vertically (larvae were deepened in the vicinity of two anticyclonic eddies). A combined effect of the upwelling front and a cyclonic–anticyclonic eddy dipole is likely the successful retention mechanism for these larvae. These results support the current belief that retention may be higher than previously thought in upwelling areas. Oceanic larvae were also collected in higher abundances near the front and an anticyclonic eddy. Neritic and oceanic larvae frequently showed a differentiated position in the water column, although they sometimes coexisted. Finally, larval connectivity between Islands within the Canary archipelago is suggested. The present study thus contributes to the understanding of the complex dispersal and retention processes in the Canaries‐African Coastal Transition Zone. However, results also highlight the poor knowledge of this region compared with the other three main Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems in terms of ichthyoplankton dynamics. The importance of routine monitoring programs of commercial and non‐commercial species in the area is emphasized.  相似文献   

罗源湾夏季鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类组成与数量分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勇  沈长春 《福建水产》2012,34(4):309-315
分析研究了2009年7月福建罗源湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成及数量分布。共鉴定19种鱼类的鱼卵和仔稚鱼,隶属于13科。其中,鱼卵10种、仔稚鱼14种。夏季,罗源湾水平拖网鱼卵和仔稚鱼平均密度分别为1.80 ind/m3和0.54 ind/m3;垂直拖网鱼卵和仔稚鱼平均密度分别为4.11 ind/m3和2.63 ind/m3。鱼卵、仔稚鱼以鳀科数量最多,优势种类为中颌棱鳀(Thrissa mystax)和康氏小公鱼(Stolephoruscommersonli)。与历史资料相比,不但种类数减少,且优势种由多科鱼类并存向鳀科鱼类为主转变。夏季鱼卵、仔稚鱼主要分布在罗源湾中北部海域及湾口附近。  相似文献   

The small‐scale distribution and retention mechanisms of white perch (Morone americana) and striped bass (M. saxatilis) early‐life stages were investigated in the upper Chesapeake Bay estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM). Physical measurements and biological collections were made at fixed‐location stations within the ETM during three research cruises in 1998 and two in 1999. Results were compared with mapping surveys of physical properties and organism distributions above, within, and below the ETM. Physical conditions at the fixed stations differed markedly among cruises and between years due to differences in freshwater flow and wind. In each year, striped bass and white perch larval concentrations were highest in waters of salinity 1–4. Larvae were more abundant in the ETM region in 1998, a high‐flow year, suggesting that the ETM provides favorable nursery habitat when low salinity waters and the ETM coincide in high freshwater‐flow conditions. In 1998, the earliest pelagic life stages of fish larvae (eggs, yolk‐sac larvae) and the copepod Eurytemora affinis, an important prey of feeding larvae, apparently were retained in deep, landward‐flowing water within the salt front and ETM region. Statistical analyses indicated that distributions of white perch and striped bass post‐yolk‐sac larvae were associated with E. affinis distributions and suggested that retention of larval fish could result from tracking prey. Comparing fixed‐station and mapping approaches demonstrates the importance of sampling at different spatial scales within the ETM region and suggests that larvae are faced with trade‐offs between selecting zones of high retention or high visual‐feeding success.  相似文献   

The spiny lobster Panulirus argus is of ecological and commercial importance in the South Florida coast of the continental USA and throughout the Intra‐Americas Sea. Essential spiny lobster habitat in South Florida is primarily located in the Florida Keys coastal zone (including the Dry Tortugas), where the dynamic regional circulation coupled with the long planktonic larval duration (6–12 months) of P. argus raises questions of larval retention and recruitment. Locally spawned phyllosomata entrained in the Florida Current are likely to be expatriated out of the Straits of Florida, which implies that the local spiny lobster population is sustained by the transport of larval recruits from upstream locations. We examined the physical processes that may influence recruitment. Transport processes in the Keys coastal zone are spatially variable. Observed and modelled data suggest that the upper Keys is a point of onshore larval transport via the inshore meandering of the Florida Current, and the lower Keys to Dry Tortugas region apoint of retention through wind‐driven onshore/countercurrents and eddy recirculation. Eddies that propagate between the Dry Tortugas and the lower Keys facilitate the exchange of larvae between the Florida Current and the coastal zone. Northerly wind events associated with cold fronts can enhance recirculation of larvae in the upper Keys. The association of older larvae with the Florida Current front supports the hypothesis that spiny lobster larval recruits come from upstream sources in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

Two species of codlet (Bregmacerotidae) larvae were collected during nine survey cruises conducted in the south-eastern Brazilian Bight between 23oS and 30oS in 1985-91. Of 4846 codlet larvae collected during nine cruises, 99.2% were identified as Bregmaceros canton and only 0.8% were B. athanticus. The two species were more abundant during winter in the neritic region (60–135 m depth). Vertical distribution of codlet larvae was studied using the BIOMOC net, and vertical profiles of temperature/salinity and chlorophyll a concentration were recorded by CTD and fluorescent sonde. Only 9.0% of larvae were collected in the upper 30 m and 91.0% were found deeper (> 40 m). The depths of highest density of larvae bore a close relationship to the subsurface chlorophyll maximum layer. Some B. canton larvae were found in the upper 30 m layer at night, but no larva was found during the day. Water temperatures where B. canton larvae occurred ranged from 16 to 23oC, but most larvae were found at 18–20oC and in salinities of 35.5–36.5 psu.  相似文献   

In mass culture of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis, yolk‐sac larvae of other species are fed as a major prey item to tuna larvae from 7 to 8 mm in total length. Marked growth variations in tuna larvae are frequently observed after feeding of yolk‐sac larvae, and this variation in the growth of tuna larvae is subsequently a factor leading to the prevalence of cannibalistic attacks. To elucidate details of the mortality process of hatchery‐reared tuna larvae after the initiation of yolk‐sac larvae feeding, we compared the nutritional and growth histories of the surviving (live) tuna larvae to those of the dead fish, found dead on the bottom of the tank, as direct evidence of their mortality processes. Cause of mortality of tuna larvae 3 and 5 days after the initiation of feeding of yolk‐sac larvae was assessed from nitrogen stable isotope and otolith microstructure analyses. Stable isotope analysis revealed that the live fish rapidly utilized prey fish larvae, but the dead fish had depended more on rotifers relative to the live fish 3 and 5 days after the initiation of feeding of yolk‐sac larvae. The growth histories based on otolith increments were compared between the live and dead tuna larvae and indicated that the live fish showed significantly faster growth histories than dead fish. Our results suggest that fast‐growing larvae at the onset of piscivory could survive in the mass culture tank of Pacific bluefin tuna and were characterized by growth‐selective mortality.  相似文献   

Identifying spawning sites for broadcast spawning fish species is a key element of delineating critical habitat for managing and regulating marine fisheries. Genetic barcoding has enabled accurate taxonomic identification of individual fish eggs, overcoming limitations of morphological classification techniques. In this study, planktonic fish eggs were collected at 23 stations along the northwestern coast of Cuba and across the Florida Straits to United States waters. A total of 564 fish eggs were successfully identified to 89 taxa within 30 families, with the majority of taxa resolved to species. We provide new spawning information for Luvarus imperialis (Louvar), Bothus lunatus (Plate Fish), Eumegistus illustris (Brilliant Pomfret), and many economically important species. Data from most sites supported previously established patterns of eggs from neritic fish species being found on continental shelves and oceanic species spawning over deeper waters. However, some sites deviated from this pattern, with eggs from reef‐associated fish species detected in the deep waters of the Florida Straits and pelagic species detected in the shallow, continental shelf waters off the coast of northwestern Cuba. Further investigation using satellite imagery revealed the presence of a mesoscale cyclonic eddy that likely entrained neritic fish eggs and transported them into the Florida Straits. The technique of combining DNA‐based fish egg identification with remotely‐sensed hydrodynamics provides an important new tool for assessing the interplay of regional oceanography with fish spawning strategies.  相似文献   

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