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To determine signalment, injury type, trauma severity score, and outcome of feline trauma patients undergoing surgical (emergency room [ER] and operating room [OR]) and nonsurgical treatments in addition to time to surgery, specialty services involved, and cost in the OR surgery population.


Retrospective evaluation of medical record and hospital trauma registry data on feline trauma cases.


University teaching hospital.


Two hundred and fifty-one cats presenting for traumatic injury between May 2017 and July 2020.



Measurements and Main Results

Demographics and outcomes were compared for cats undergoing surgical intervention in an OR (12%, 31/251) or an ER (23%, 58/251) setting and feline trauma patients without surgical intervention (65%, 162/251). Between the 2 surgical groups, 99% survived to discharge compared to 73.5% of the nonsurgical group (P < 0.0001). For the OR surgical cohort, electronic medical records were reviewed to determine the specialty surgery service involved, time to and duration of anesthesia and surgery, and visit cost. The most common surgery services involved were orthopedics (41%, 12/29) and dentistry (38%, 11/29), and the most common surgeries performed were mandibular fracture stabilization (8/29) and internal fixation for long bone fractures (8/29). The ER surgical group had a significantly lower Animal Trauma Triage score than the OR group (P < 0.0001), but a significant difference was not found between OR surgical and nonsurgical groups (P = 0.0553). No difference in modified Glasgow Coma Scale score was found between any groups.


Surgical intervention in feline trauma patients appears to be associated with higher survival rates, but no difference in mortality was found across surgery services. OR surgical intervention, in particular, orthopedic surgery, was associated with increased length of hospitalization, increased cost, and increased use of blood products.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess which method of wild waterbird surveillance had the greatest probability of detecting highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 during a period of surveillance activity, the cost of each method was also considered. Lake Constance is a major wintering centre for migratory waterbirds and in 2006 it was the site of an HPAI H5N1 epidemic in wild birds. Avian influenza surveillance was conducted using harmonised approaches in the three countries around the lake, Austria, Germany and Switzerland, from 2006–2009. The surveillance consisted of testing birds sampled by the following methods: live birds caught in traps, birds killed by hunters, birds caught in fishing nets, dead birds found by the public and catching live Mute Swans (Cygnus olor); sentinel flocks of Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) were also used. Scenario tree analysis was performed including sensitivity analysis, followed by assessment of cost-effectiveness. Results indicated that if HPAI H5N1 was present at 1% prevalence and assuming HPAI resulted in bird mortality, sampling dead birds found by the public and sentinel surveillance were the most sensitive approaches despite residual uncertainty over some parameters. The uncertainty over the mortality of infected birds was an influential factor. Sampling birds found dead was most cost-effective, but strongly dependent on mortality and awareness of the public. Trapping live birds was least cost-effective. Based on our results, we recommend that future HPAI H5N1 surveillance around Lake Constance should prioritise sentinel surveillance and, if high mortality is expected, the testing of birds found dead.  相似文献   

Combatting antimicrobial-resistant bacteria is a high priority for both public health and agriculture in the United States and globally. Antibiotic use in animals and humans is considered a major risk factor in the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in animals, humans, and the environment. A worldwide emphasis on research into the development of new alternatives to antibiotics is ongoing. Alternatives to antibiotics are broadly defined as any substance that can be substituted for therapeutic drugs, which are increasingly becoming ineffective against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites. One promising approach involves host-directed immunomodulatory therapies, whereby natural mechanisms in the host are exploited to enhance therapeutic benefit. The objective is to initiate or enhance protective antimicrobial immunity while limiting inflammation-induced tissue injury. The interaction between poultry nutrition, nutrients, and dietary factors and the bird’s immune response has long been known. However, the interplay between nutritional processes and the immune system is incompletely understood. Specifically, precise cellular and molecular immune responses invoked by feed components and the role of the gut barrier and microbiota on the interaction between the immune system and nutrition remains to be fully elucidated. Further, this review will point out some of the areas that have been either neglected when studying the effects of nutrition and nutrients on immune function (the effect of the gut microbiome) or the non-intentional effects of over-feeding various nutrients on the avian immune response (feed-induced inflammation and meta-inflammation).  相似文献   

为进一步了解2014年分离自我国南方野鸟粪便中的一株H9N2亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)Wide Bird/Hu N/SC1400/2014(H9N2)(WB/400/14)的生物学特性,本研究对其进行全基因组序列测定、进化分析及SPF鸡、SPF鸭和BALB/c小鼠的感染性试验。序列分析显示:该分离株的HA裂解位点基序为333PAASDR↓GL340,其中不存在多个连续的碱性氨基酸,符合低致病性禽流感病毒(LPAIV)氨基酸序列特征。该分离株不同基因片段来源较复杂,分别与H9、H6、H4、H1、H11、H10、H3等多种亚型的LPAIV同源性较高,呈现明显的多样性。感染性试验显示,WB/400/14不能够在SPF鸡和小鼠体内有效复制,但病毒感染SPF鸭后能够在部分脏器中检测到病毒的存在,并且感染鸭能通够过咽喉和泄殖腔同时向外排毒,而同居感染鸭仅通过泄殖腔向外排毒,表明分离株在SPF鸭群中具有良好的水平传播能力。本研究为AIV的监测和防控提供实验依据。  相似文献   

从山东省一发病率、死亡率高的肉鸡群中分离到1株病毒,经HA、HI试验和动物回归试验确定所分离的毒株为新城疫病毒,命名为新城疫LVCX株。按常规方法测得LVCX株的MDT、ICPI和IVPI分别为47.4h、1.975和2.85,鸡胚半数致死量LD50为10-9.8。F基因分析表明分离株LVCX为基因Ⅶ型,其多肽裂解位点为112-RRQKRF-117,表明LVCX株为新城疫病毒强毒株。该毒株F基因核苷酸同源性与近几年分离的基因Ⅶ型鸡源毒株同源性在93.5%~98.3%之间;与经典强毒株F48E9和Lasota株的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为85.8%、91.3%和83.3%、88.4%;且与近几年分离的几株鹅源、鸭源核苷酸同源性也较高,在95.2%~96.5%之间。  相似文献   

Avian Influenza (AI), caused by Alphainfluenzaviruses (AIVs), is a contagious respiratory disease in birds and mammals. AIVs have been reported in poultry worldwide and the impact of AIVs on human health is immense. In this study, a serological survey of AIV subtype H5 and H9 was conducted in a live bird market (LBM) in Yangon, Myanmar during February 2016 to September 2016. A total of 621 serum samples were collected from chickens (n = 489) and ducks (n = 132) from 48 vendors in the LBM. The samples were examined for antibodies against influenza viruses by using NP-ELISA and specific antibodies against AIV-H5N1 (Clade 2.3.4) and AIV-H9N2 (Clade 9.4.2) by using Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) assay. The result of NP-ELISA assay showed that 12.88 % (80/621) of poultry in LBM was positive for AIV antibodies. In detail, 38.06 % (51/134) of layers, 7.08 % (8/113) of backyard chicken, 2.07 % (5/242) of broilers and 12.12 % (16/132) of ducks were AIV positive. The HI test for specific antibodies against AIV-H5N1 and AIV-H9N2 were 1.77 % (11/621) and 4.51 % (28/621), respectively. Our findings revealed the evidence of AIV-H5N1 and AIV-H9N2 exposure in both chicken and ducks in the LBM in Yangon, Myanmar. Risks of influenza infections and transmission among poultry and humans in the LBMs could not be ignored.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease (ND), infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) and avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) can be similar making it critical to quickly differentiate them. Herein, we adapted pre-existing molecular-based diagnostic assays for NDV and ILTV, and developed new assays for aMPV A and B, for use under synchronized thermocycling conditions. All assays performed equivalently with linearity over a 5 log10 dynamic range, a reproducible (R2 > 0.99) limit of detection of ≥ 10 target copies, and amplification efficiencies between 86.8%–98.2%. Using biological specimens for NDV and ILTV showed 100% specificity. Identical amplification conditions will simplify procedures for detection in diagnostic laboratories.  相似文献   

Aim Topical cyclosporine has been widely used in the treatment of canine keratoconjunctivitis sicca without apparent documented clinical side effects. Thus the finding of reduced lymphocyte proliferation in animals treated with the drug at a concentration of 2% was both surprising and concerning. This study aimed to repeat the previous study and to compare the systemic effects of 2% cyclosporine in corn oil and 0.2% topical cyclosporine ointment (Optimmune, Intervet‐Schering Plough, Welwyn, UK). Methods Twenty dogs treated with Optimmune or with topical 2% cyclosporine in corn oil where previous treatment with Optimmune had failed were included in this study. Blood samples were taken at the time of first evaluation and at 1, 3 and 6 months of treatment to provide a biochemical and hematological health evaluation of the dogs and at each examination to measure circulating levels of cyclosporine and to obtain a lymphocyte population with which to determine a mitogen stimulation index (MSI) on treatment with phytohaemagglutinin‐P (PHA) and conconavlin A (con‐A). Levels of circulating cyclosporine were measured with an enzyme‐multiplied immunoassay method and also the more sensitive quantification technique of mass spectroscopy (MS). Results No blood samples contained over 15 ng/ml cyclosporine, the lower limit of detection using the radioimmunoassay or the enzyme‐multiplied immunoassay technique. Positive control samples taken from dogs treated with oral cyclosporine for anal furunculosis showed measurable levels in blood, demonstrating that the technique worked. Mean MSI values at 0, 1, 3 and 6 months of treatment were 10.2, 11.4, 11.6, and 10.5 for dogs treated with 0.2% cyclosporine and 10.4, 11.9, 11.7, and 12.9 for dogs treated with 2% cyclosporine. Mitogen stimulation index values were not statistically different between the first examination and any subsequent examination time‐point. Conclusions The findings of the study contradict those of the previous studies. No change in lymphocyte stimulation index was noted, neither were significant blood levels of cyclosporine documented after topical administration of either 0.2% or 2% cyclosporine. This study shows that topical cyclosporine is safe to use in the canine eye in line with the drug’s safety record in this therapeutic regime over the past 20 years since its first use.  相似文献   

Characterizing spatio-temporal patterns among epidemics in which the mechanism of spread is uncertain is important for generating disease spread hypotheses, which may in turn inform disease control and prevention strategies. Using a dataset representing three phases of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 outbreaks in village poultry in Romania, 2005–2006, spatio-temporal patterns were characterized. We first fit a set of hierarchical Bayesian models that quantified changes in the spatio-temporal relative risk for each of the 23 affected counties. We then modeled spatial synchrony in each of the three epidemic phases using non-parametric covariance functions and Thin Plate Spline regression models. We found clear differences in the spatio-temporal patterns among the epidemic phases (local versus regional correlated processes), which may indicate differing spread mechanisms (for example wild bird versus human-mediated). Elucidating these patterns allowed us to postulate that a shift in the primary mechanism of disease spread may have taken place between the second and third phases of this epidemic. Information generated by such analyses could assist affected countries in determining the most appropriate control programs to implement, and to allocate appropriate resources to preventing contact between domestic poultry and wild birds versus enforcing bans on poultry movements and quarantine. The methods used in this study could be applied in many different situations to analyze transboundary disease data in which only location and time of occurrence data are reported.  相似文献   

为了建立一种简便、快速而且能同时检测新城疫病毒(NDV)和禽流感病毒(AIV)的方法,本试验采用柠檬酸三钠还原法制备胶体金颗粒,分别标记NDV单克隆抗体6C4和AIV单克隆抗体制备免疫检测探针。在硝酸纤维素膜上,用微定量喷头喷好2条病毒检测线(T线)和1条羊抗鼠抗体质控线(C线),制备复合型免疫层析检测试纸条。结果在10 min内,可同时检测出两种病毒。试纸条检测NDV的灵敏度比HA试验结果提高8倍;AIV重组抗原的检测灵敏度为1.7μg/mL。两种病毒互相测试,未出现交叉反应。用缓冲液对照测试结果为阴性。在密封、干燥、低温的条件下,试纸条的灵敏性与特异性没有明显变化。说明本研究建立的NDV和AIV免疫层析检测法具有特异、灵敏、稳定、操作简单等特点,符合现场快速检测的要求。  相似文献   

Objective To determine the type, prevalence, and prognosis of ocular and periocular lesions in free‐living little owls (LO) and scops owls (SO), injured by blunt trauma. Procedures Medical records from LO and SO with ocular or periocular lesions secondary to blunt trauma were reviewed. A complete ophthalmic examination was performed in all birds. Short protocol electroretinography (ERG) and ocular ultrasound were performed as dictated by the case. Results During the study period, a total of 158 LO and 99 SO with blunt trauma were admitted. Among these, 43 LO (27.8%) and 27 SO (27.3%) had ocular or periocular lesions. Bilateral injuries (72.1% LO and 81.5% SO) were more common than unilateral. Common findings in both species were: corneal erosions/superficial ulcers, anterior and posterior uveitis, cataracts, hyphema, posterior synechia, vitreal hemorrhage, and retinal detachment. Electroretinography was performed in 32 LO and eight SO, which had posterior segment lesions or opacity of the transparent media. Normal to nonrecordable b‐wave amplitudes were observed. Follow‐up was available in 13 LO and 11 SO. Among these, nine LO (14 eyes) and 10 SO (17 eyes) had resolution of the clinical signs following medical treatment. Conclusions Ocular lesions are common in LO and SO injured by blunt trauma. Electroretinography is a valuable diagnostic tool to assess the severity of retinal dysfunction secondary to blunt trauma and to determine the response to medical treatment. A complete ophthalmic examination is a determining factor in the early management of trauma in these species.  相似文献   

Objective To summarize the clinical and pathologic findings in a group of dogs and cats with progressive clinical ocular disease, which were diagnosed with suppurative endophthalmitis and lens capsule rupture. Animals studied Twenty cats and forty‐six dogs that underwent unilateral enucleation or evisceration for intractable uveitis and/or glaucoma. Procedure Biopsy submission requests and microscopic case material were evaluated for clinical and histological features, including history of ocular trauma, duration of ocular disease, pattern of inflammation, and the presence of intralenticular microorganisms. Results The median duration for cats and dogs was 6 and 5 weeks, respectively. A history of trauma was reported for four (20%) cats and 18 (39%) dogs. All confirmed cases of trauma—three in cats and 14 in dogs—were caused by a cat scratch. Microscopically, all cases had suppurative endophthalmitis centered on the lens, lens capsule rupture, cataract, and lenticular abscess. Infectious organisms were identified by Gram stain within the lens of 14 (70%) cats and 30 (65%) dogs. Gram‐positive cocci were seen most commonly. Male cats were overrepresented as compared to females. There were no apparent gender, age or breed predilections in dogs. Conclusions A unique pattern of slowly progressive or delayed‐onset endophthalmitis with lens capsule rupture, lenticular abscess, and frequently intralenticular microorganisms is associated with traumatic penetration of the globe and lens capsule. The term Septic Implantation Syndrome (SIS) is favored in lieu of ‘phacoclastic uveitis’ to avoid confusion with phacolytic uveitis and to clearly implicate the role of intralenticular microorganisms in the pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fungal infections continue to be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in birds that can, in part, be attributed to the lack of a diagnostic “gold standard” for Aspergillus infection, and which delays the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of avian patients. At present, none of the available methods in veterinary care can detect aspergillosis early enough and with the accuracy, precision, and specificity required of an ideal diagnostic tool. Therefore, researching methods of Aspergillus detection is still an active area of inquiry, and novel techniques continue to emerge. This review will provide a brief overview of current clinical methods, with an emphasis on avian care, in addition to a series of techniques in development that could offer distinct advantages over existing methods.  相似文献   

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