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Objective To evaluate seasonal effects on the presence or absence of fungal and aerobic bacterial flora of the conjunctival fornix of normal Florida Thoroughbred horses. Sample population Both eyes of 100 horses. Procedure Horses with normal anterior segment ophthalmic examinations from three farms in north central Florida were included. Each animal had the ventral conjunctival fornix of each eye swabbed with sterile culturettes. Samples were taken in October, January, April, and July (1999–2000). Aerobic and fungal cultures were plated. Bacterial cultures were reviewed at 24 and 48 h. Fungal cultures were reviewed weekly for 4 weeks. Logistic regression analysis with season as a factor and age of the horse as a covariate was performed. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.01. Results Horses ranged from 3 to 24 years of age, with a median age of 9 years. Twenty‐four genera of bacteria and 35 genera of fungi were recovered. Corynebacterium sp., Staphylococcus sp., Bacillus sp. and Moraxella sp. were the bacteria most frequently isolated. Mold species, dematiaceous mold species, Chrysosporium sp., Cladosporium sp., and Aspergillus sp. were the most frequently recovered fungi. Season did not have a significant effect on the presence of microorganisms isolated for individual horses adjusted for age. Younger horses had an increased incidence of gram‐negative rods and fungal isolates. The number of bacteria and fungi isolated are not uniform across seasons. Conclusion There were no significant differences between the number or type of organisms cultured during the sampling seasons in normal Florida horses. A large range of normal bacterial and fungal flora were isolated from these horses. The number of bacteria and fungi isolated are not uniform across seasons. The likelihood of detecting an organism depends on the horses’ age.  相似文献   

To study the effect of supplementation of tannin degrading bacterial culture (Streptococcus gallolyticus strain TDGB 406) on growth performance, nutrient utilization and urinary purine derivatives of goats fed on oak (Quercus semicarpifolia) leaves. For growth study, eighteen billy goats (4 month old, average body weight 9.50 ± 1.50 kg) were distributed into three groups of six animals each. The animals of group 1 served as control while animals of groups 2 (T1) and 3 (T2) were given (@ 5 ml/kg live weight) autoclaved and live culture of isolate TDGB 406 (106 cells/ml) respectively. The animals were fed measured quantity of dry oak leaves as the main roughage source and ad libitum maize hay along with fixed quantity of concentrate mixture. The feeding of live culture of isolate TDGB 406 (probiotic) did not affect dry matter intake and digestibility of nutrients except that of dry matter and crude protein, which was higher in T2 group as compared to control. All the animals were in positive nitrogen balance. There was no significant effect of feeding isolate TDGB 406 on urinary purine derivatives (microbial protein production) in goats. The body weight gain and average live weight gain was significantly higher (p = 0.071) in T2 group as compared to control. Feed conversion efficiency was also better in the goats fed on live culture of TDGB 406 (T2). The feeding of tannin degrading bacterial isolate TDGB 406 as probiotic resulted in improved growth performance and feed conversion ratio in goats fed on oak leaves as one of the main roughage source.  相似文献   



Recent surveillance studies for equine respiratory viruses have shown that equine influenza virus (EIV) continues to be a prevalent respiratory virus of equids throughout the United States and Europe.


To gain a better understanding of the prevalence and epidemiology of EIV shed by horses, mules and donkeys in the United States from March 2010 to November 2013.


2,605 equids.


Nasal secretions from index cases with acute onset of respiratory disease were tested by qPCR for EIV. Multilevel logistic regression was used to model the association between EIV status and prevalence factors. Furthermore, observations from EIV‐positive study horses were compared to previous data from March 2008 to February 2010.


A total of 230 (9.7%) index cases tested qPCR positive for EIV. A higher‐than‐expected proportion of EIV qPCR‐positive horses occurred in the 1–5, 6–10, and 11–15 age groups when compared to the <1 year of age group. Fever, nasal discharge and coughing were positively associated with EIV‐positive horses. EIV qPCR‐positive study cases were significantly older and more often vaccinated against EIV compared to EIV qPCR‐positive animals from the 2008‐2010 study period.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

This study provides valuable and contemporary information on the frequency of EIV detected by qPCR in the United States. The results also underscore that older and previously vaccinated horses were susceptible to EIV.  相似文献   

A captive female square‐lipped rhinoceros born in 1993 had been showing intermittent signs of bilateral conjunctivitis and conjunctival proliferation since 1998. Periodic improvement was noted, especially in winter, but overall the condition had deteriorated over the years. Treatment with various topical, intralesional, and systemic antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids was largely ineffective, as were repeated dewormings. No primary cause for these lesions was found in biopsies taken in 2000 and 2006, although a severe infiltrate of numerous eosinophils was observed in the latter. As the condition worsened, secondary corneal changes were noted, and eventually vision was lost due to proliferative conjunctival tissue. Aggressive resection of the proliferating tissue in 2013 restored vision and submitted biopsies yielded a diagnosis of severe allergic conjunctivitis, eosinophilic granuloma, and habronematid (Habronema or Draschia) larval infection. As no other rhinoceros in the herd was affected, including two calves born to the patient who were in close contact with their mother, it was concluded the presentation was most likely due to a hypersensitivity reaction to the dead or dying larvae. Fly repellent is now regularly applied around the eye of this rhinoceros, and a protective face mask has been fitted. Ongoing periodic relapses are treated with oral ivermectin, topical antibiotics, and steroids.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of marbofloxacin (MBF) were determined in six healthy female goats of age 1.00–1.25 years after repeated administration of MBF. The MBF was administered intramuscularly (IM) at 2 mg kg?1 day?1 for 5 days. Plasma concentrations of MBF were determined by high‐performance liquid chromatography, and PK parameters were obtained using noncompartmental analysis. The MBF concentrations peaked at 1 hr, and peak concentration (Cmax) was 1.760 µg/ml on day 1 and 1.817 µg/ml on day 5. Repeated dosing of MBF caused no significant change in PK parameters except area under curve (AUC) between day 1 (AUC0–∞D1 = 7.67 ± 0.719 µg × hr/ml) and day 5 (AUC0‐∞D5 = 8.70 ± 0.857 µg × hr/ml). A slight difference in mean residence time between 1st and 5th day of administration and accumulation index (AI = 1.13 ± 0.017) suggested lack of drug accumulation following repeated IM administration up to 5 days. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) demonstrated that Escherichia coli (MIC = 0.04 µg/ml) and Pasturella multocida (MIC = 0.05 µg/ml) were highly sensitive to MBF. Time‐kill kinetics demonstrated rapid and concentration‐dependent activity of MBF against these pathogens. PK/PD integration of data for E. coli and P. multocida, using efficacy indices: Cmax/MIC and AUC0–24hr/MIC, suggested that IM administration of MBF at a dose of 2 mg kg?1 day?1 is appropriate to treat infections caused by E. coli. However, a dose of 5 mg kg?1 day?1 is recommended to treat pneumonia caused by P. multocida in goats. The study indicated that MBF can be used repeatedly at dosage of 2 mg/kg in goats without risk of drug accumulation up to 5 days.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii (C. burnetii) is the causative agent of Q fever both in humans and animals. The objectives of this study were to investigate seropositivity and bacterial shedding in heifers and primiparous cows in an endemically infected herd and to assess the effects on post‐partum diseases, fertility and milk production. At the age of 9 months, 96 Holstein heifers were included. Sampling was performed reproduction‐orientated: at the beginning of the study, at detection of first pregnancy, 3 weeks before expected calving date (blood serum), at parturition and after 21, 42, 100 and 150 days in milk (DIM) (blood serum, vaginal swabs and milk). Serum samples were investigated by a commercial ELISA for the presence of specific antibodies and vaginal swabs and milk samples by PCR to detect C. burnetii DNA. Individual animal data (calving ease, stillbirth, retained foetal membranes, puerperal metritis, endometritis after 42 DIM, presence of corpus luteum after 42 DIM, interval calving‐first service, interval calving‐conception, number of inseminations until 150 DIM, proportion of pregnant cows until 100 and 150 DIM, proportion of pregnant cows after first service and data of the dairy herd improvement test) were documented. All heifers were seronegative at the age of 9 months and 3 weeks before the expected calving date. Subsequently, the proportion of seropositive animals and the antibody score increased significantly towards 42 and 100 DIM, respectively. Vaginal C. burnetii shedding was highest at parturition (30.9%), while the most positive milk samples were detected after 100 DIM (15.3%). Coxiella burnetii seropositivity and shedding had no impact on parameters of reproduction. However, milk fat yield was declined in puerperal vaginal shedders and cows which seroconverted during their first 42 DIM, respectively.  相似文献   

Psittacosis is a rare but potentially fatal zoonosis caused by Chlamydia psittaci, an organism that is typically associated with bird contact. However C. psittaci is capable of infecting other non‐avian hosts, such as horses, sheep, cattle and goats. Stud staff and veterinarians have significant exposure to parturient animals and reproductive materials in their routine work. To investigate the zoonotic potential associated with the emergence of C. psittaci as an abortifacient agent in horses, we established a programme of joint human and animal surveillance in a sentinel horse‐breeding region in Australia. This programme comprised cross‐notification of equine cases to public health agencies, and active follow‐up of known human contacts, including stud workers, foaling staff, veterinarians and laboratory staff. We identified no confirmed cases of acute psittacosis despite intensive surveillance and testing of heavily exposed contacts; however, further work in the area is needed.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the usefulness of the gamma-interferon assay in the diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis in comparison with a single intradermal tuberculin test, and to obtain a group of animals free from this infection in a herd with a high prevalence.
Design An immunological study involving four serial comparative gamma-interferon and single intradermal tuberculin tests.
Animals A herd of 87 goats of Guadarrama breed.
Procedure Serial testing and segregation of animals.
Results We found that the number of infections detected by the gamma-interferon test was considerably greater than the number detected by the single intradermal tuberculin test. A group of 10 animals was negative to both tests in two consecutive rounds and three kids were negative in the last round of testing.
Conclusions Gamma-interferon assay is appropriate for diagnosis and eradication of tuberculosis in goats. This test is able to detect early Mycobacterium bovis infection. Avian reactors with simultaneous increased reaction to bovine PPD in the gamma-interferon assay (designated as avianB reactors) should be considered test positive for M bovis . By serial testing with the gamma-interferon and the single intradermal tuberculin tests, and a policy of segregation of kids at birth, it is possible to achieve a group of animals test negative for tuberculosis from a herd of goats with high immunoreactivity to this infection.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is a causative pathogen of human acute bacterial gastroenteritis. Infected poultry products are regarded as a major source for human C. jejuni infection. The flagellar capping protein (FliD) is highly conserved among C. jejuni strains/isolates and is antigenic as analysed by immunoblot. In this study, we used the FliD protein as a probe to survey the prevalence of C. jejuni antibodies in chickens from two areas in the United States. A total of 394 samples were tested. Sera from layer breeders of 44–52 weeks of age tested 100% positive, while 4‐ to 6‐week broilers from 22 premises showed 7–100% positivity. These results demonstrate that anti‐FliD antibodies were prevalent in the poultry population in the areas of serum samples collected.  相似文献   

Multistate outbreaks of salmonellosis associated with live poultry contact have been occurring with increasing frequency. In 2013, multistate outbreaks of salmonellosis were traced back to exposure to live poultry, some of which were purchased at a national chain of farm stores (Farm store chain Y). This study was conducted at 36 stores of Farm store chain Y and was concurrent with the timing of exposure for the human outbreaks of salmonellosis in 2013. We used environmental swabs of arriving shipment boxes of hatchling poultry and shipment tracking information to examine the distribution, diversity and anti‐microbial resistance of non‐typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) across farm stores and hatcheries. Isolates recovered from shipment boxes underwent serotyping, anti‐microbial resistance (AMR) testing and pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Postal service tracking codes from the shipment boxes were used to determine the hatchery of origin. The PFGE patterns were compared with the PFGE patterns of NTS causing outbreaks of salmonellosis in 2013. A total of 219 hatchling boxes from 36 stores in 13 states were swabbed between 15 March 2013 and 18 April 2013. NTS were recovered from 59 (27%) of 219 hatchling boxes. Recovery was not significantly associated with species of hatchlings, number of birds in the shipment box, or the presence of dead, injured or sick birds. Four of the 23 PFGE patterns and 23 of 50 isolates were indistinguishable from strains causing human outbreaks in 2013. For serotypes associated with human illnesses, PFGE patterns most frequently recovered from shipment boxes were also more frequent causes of human illness. Boxes positive for the same PFGE pattern most frequently originated from the same mail‐order hatchery. Only one of 59 isolates was resistant to anti‐microbials used to treat Salmonella infections in people. This study provides critical information to address recurrent human outbreaks of salmonellosis associated with mail‐order hatchling poultry.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is a parasitic infection that can result in a progressive dilated cardiomyopathy. Here, we present the epidemiologic details of a suspected locally acquired transmission case originating from the southern United States. This is the first published report of Chagas disease in a young, healthy United States veteran with repeat triatomine exposures in Arizona. Military personnel and Arizona residents should be aware of their Chagas disease transmission risks.  相似文献   

Dysautonomia of domestic animals is pathologically characterized by chromatolytic degeneration of the neurons in the autonomic nervous ganglia that results in clinical signs related to dysfunction or failure of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The exact cause is unknown. It has a poor prognosis among all species reported and no definitive treatment is available currently. To date, most reported feline cases have occurred in the United Kingdom and Scandinavia. The cases reported here highlight the clinical signs, physical examination findings, and results of autonomic nervous system function testing in nine cats with dysautonomia in the US. Feline dysautonomia is uncommon in the US, but may have a regional prevalence, as is seen in dogs with most cases reported in Missouri and Kansas.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Rissen has been recognized as one of the most common serovar among humans and pork production systems in different parts of the world, especially Asia. In the United States, this serovar caused outbreaks but its epidemiologic significance remains unknown. The objectives of this study were to compare the phenotypic (antimicrobial susceptibility) and genotypic attributes of Salmonella Rissen isolated in Thailand (Thai) and the United States (US). All the Thai isolates (= 30) were recovered from swine faecal samples. The US isolates (= 35) were recovered from swine faecal samples (= 29), cattle (= 2), chicken (= 2), dog (= 1) and a ready‐to‐eat product (= 1). The antimicrobial susceptibility of isolates was determined using the Kirby‐Bauer disk diffusion method with a panel of 12 antimicrobials. Pulse‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to determine the genotypic diversity of isolates. All Thai isolates showed multidrug resistance (MDR) with the most frequent antibiotic resistance shown against ampicillin (100%), sulfisoxazole (96.7%), tetracycline (93.3%), streptomycin (90%) and chloramphenicol (30%). About half of the isolates of USA origin were pan‐susceptible and roughly 30% were resistant to only tetracycline (R‐type: Te). Salmonella Rissen isolated from Thailand and the USA in this study were found to be clonally unrelated. Genotypic analyses indicated that isolates were clustered primarily based on the geographic origin implying the limited clonality among the strains. Clonal relatedness among different host species within the same geography (USA) was found. We found genotypic similarity in Thai and US isolates in few instances but with no epidemiological link. Further studies to assess propensity for increased inter‐regional transmission and dissemination is warranted.  相似文献   

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