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BACKGROUND: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is commonly diagnosed by Doppler echocardiography (DE) of tricuspid regurgitation (TR). However, TR may be absent or difficult to measure. HYPOTHESIS: Doppler-derived systolic time intervals of pulmonary artery (PA) flow may be used to predict PH in dogs. ANIMALS: Seventy-three healthy dogs and 45 West Highland white terriers (WHWT) with interstitial pulmonary disease (IPD). METHODS: Echocardiographic studies, including determination of right ventricular acceleration time (AT), ejection time (ET), and AT : ET ratio; right ventricular shortening fraction (RV-SF); and TR velocity, were performed. Pulmonary hypertension was defined by TR >3.1 m/s. RESULTS: In healthy WHWT, AT (median, range) was 73 ms (53 to 104) and AT : ET was 0.40 (0.28 to 0.55). AT : ET was minimally affected by age (R2 = 0.04, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.01-0.07, P < .001) but not by heart rate, body weight, or RV-SF. In all WHWT with TR, AT and AT : ET were inversely related to calculated systolic PA pressure (R2 = 0.52, 95% CI 0.42-0.62, P < .001 and R2 = 0.36, 95% CI 0.29-0.42, P = .001). Clinical cutoffs to predict systolic PH were defined for AT (58 ms; sensitivity [Se] 88% and specificity [Sp] 80%) and AT : ET (0.31; Se 73% and Sp 87%). CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: PH is common in WHWT with IPD. Analysis of right ventricular AT and AT : ET may be predictive of PH and should be particularly useful if TR is absent.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old, spayed, female West Highland white terrier was presented with a chronic cough, lethargy, and exercise intolerance. Thoracic radiographic findings were consistent with a marked interstitial lung pattern. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a disease anecdotally linked to this breed, was diagnosed on postmortem examination.  相似文献   

Interstitial lung diseases are a heterogeneous group of disorders with a variety of causes. In veterinary medicine, such lung diseases with a prominent fibrotic component of unknown etiology are often called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). In human medicine, this term is reserved for a distinct disease entity with specific histologic findings labeled as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). We identified 23 cats displaying histologic criteria of UIP The purpose of this retrospective study is to describe the presentation and response to therapy of these cats to better define this disease entity. All but 2 cats were middle aged to older (median 8.7 years), with no apparent sex or breed predisposition. Complaints included respiratory distress (n = 18) and cough (13). Duration of signs was less than 6 months in 17 cats. Physical-examination abnormalities included tachypnea, inspiratory or mixed inspiratory and expiratory effort, and adventitial lung sounds. No consistent hematologic or biochemical abnormalities, parasites, or positive serologic results for feline retroviruses, heartworms, or toxoplasmosis were present. Radiographic changes included dense patchy or diffuse interstitial, bronchiolar, and alveolar infiltrates. Analysis of bronchial lavage fluid revealed mild neutrophilic inflammation (n = 6) with no consistent pathogen growth. Clinical condition of 5 cats worsened after lavage. Coincident pulmonary neoplasia was identified in 6 cats. Response to therapy (corticosteroids, antibiotics, bronchodilators, and diuretics) was poor, and most cats died within days to months. Cats with histologic changes compatible with UIP had signs that mimicked many of the clinical findings of human IPF, and treatment response was similarly unrewarding.  相似文献   

O bjectives : To investigate whether West Highland white terriers exhibit significant variation in the position of the medial fabella compared to both small and large breed dogs.
M ethods : Criteria for the normal location of the medial fabella on a caudocranial radiograph were established. A retrospective analysis was undertaken of a consecutive series of bilateral caudocranial stifle joint radiographs from 70 West Highland white terriers, 100 small and 100 large control dogs by three reviewers. Medial fabellar location, cruciate ligament disease and medial patellar luxation were examined within and between groups.
R esults : Abnormal medial fabellar location was identified in 70 per cent, 9 per cent and 0 per cent of West Highland white terriers, small dogs and large dogs, respectively. In the vast majority of the affected dogs, the fabella was found in a mediodistal location. Presence of concurrent cranial cruciate ligament disease or medial patellar luxation and body weight was excluded as confounding factors.
C linical S ignificance : West Highland white terriers appear predisposed to, and have a high prevalence of, an abnormal mediodistal location of the medial fabella. The authors suggest this is an incidental finding and should not be confused with true pathological fabellar displacement.  相似文献   

Canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic, progressive interstitial lung disease particularly prevalent in West Highland White Terriers. In the present prospective pilot study, we evaluated the feasibility of modified VetMousetrap? device in high resolution CT to detect idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in West Highland White Terriers. Twelve awake West Highland White Terriers with canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and 24 clinically healthy West Highland White Terriers were scanned using a helical dual slice scanner utilizing VetMousetrap? device without or with minimal chemical restraint with butorphanol. Three evaluators blindly assessed the images for image quality and the presence of canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis related imaging findings such as ground glass opacity and reticular opacities. Additionally, the attenuation of the lung was quantified with ImageJ software using histogram analysis of density over the lung fields. Computed tomography was successfully completed and motion artifact ranked in statistical analysis barely noticeable to mild in all dogs. The agreement between imaging findings and clinical status was very good with overall κ value 0.91 and percentage of agreement of 94%. There was also very good intraobserver (κrange = 0.79‐0.91) and interobserver agreement (κ = 0.94). Moderate to severe ground glass opacity was present in all affected dogs. In the ImageJ analysis, a significant difference in lung attenuation between the study groups was observed. We conclude that modified VetMousetrap? device is applicable in diagnosing canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in awake West Highland White Terriers avoiding anesthetic risk in these often severely hypoxic patients.  相似文献   

A mortality event among recently captured feral donkeys (Equus asinus) occurred in south-central Utah in 2016. The deaths were sporadic, and clinical signs were indicative of respiratory disease, likely associated with an infectious etiology. Ten of 13 donkeys autopsied had moderate-to-severe interstitial fibrosing pneumonia, and one had pyogranulomatous pneumonia. Consensus PCRs directed toward the DNA polymerase and DNA packaging terminase subunit 1 for herpesviruses were performed followed by sequencing of the PCR amplicons and phylogenetic analysis. Asinine herpesvirus 4 (AsHV4) and 5 (AsHV5) were consistently identified in lung tissues of affected donkeys. No other herpesviruses were identified, and herpesviral DNA was not detected in lung tissues of 2 donkeys without evidence of respiratory disease. The detection of asinine gammaherpesviruses may have been associated with the lesions described. AsHV4 and AsHV5 have been reported in previous studies as novel gammaherpesviruses based on sequences obtained from donkeys with interstitial pneumonia and marked syncytial cell formation. Our findings suggest that the association of asinine gammaherpesviruses with respiratory conditions in equids deserves further attention.  相似文献   

This study was performed to radiographically examine the prevalence of aspiration sites and to evaluate their atomical correlation with the bronchial pattens. Ten healthy beagle dogs were repeatedly radiographed, at weekly intervals, in the left and right lateral, ventrodorsal (VD) and dorsoventral (DV) positions. Three mililiters of iohexol distilled with same volume of saline was infused into the tracheal inlet. Which lung lobe was aspirated was decided upon by the presence of a significant alveolar pattern due to the contrast medium. Alveolar patterns were identified at the left (100%) and right cranial lung lobes (77%) with the dogs in dependant lateral recumbency, at the right caudal lung lobe (71%) with the dogs in VD recumbency and at the right middle lung lobe (59%) with the dogs in DV recumbency, respectively. The anatomical correlation was evaluated by performing computed tomography. The right principal bronchus (165.8 ± 1.6°) was more straightly bifurcated than was the left principal bronchus (142.7 ± 1.8°, p < 0.01). In VD position, the right side lung had a greater opertunity to become aspirated. The ventrally positioned right middle lobar bronchial origin was more easily to be aspirated the other laterally positioned ones. We think that these anatomical characteristics can be one of the causes for aspiration pneumonia to occur more frequently in the right side lung.  相似文献   

A one‐year‐old intact male German shepherd dog was referred with a 3‐month history of dysuria and pollakiuria. Physical examination revealed a large firm mass in the caudal abdomen. Findings from survey radiography, negative contrast cystography, computed tomographic (CT) retrograde positive contrast cystography, and CT excretory urography were consistent with a large urinary bladder diverticulum. An exploratory laparotomy revealed a normal wall appearance in the ventral compartment (true bladder) and marked thinning of the wall in the dorsal compartment (diverticulum). Both ureters inserted into the ventral compartment. The dorsal compartment was excised and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of urinary bladder diverticulum.  相似文献   

Background: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, interstitial lung disease primarily affecting West Highland White Terriers (WHWTs). Objective: To describe the clinicopathological and diagnostic imaging features in WHWTs with IPF. Animals: Twelve WHWTs with IPF and 14 healthy control WHWTs. Method: Prospective study. Clinical signs and findings of physical examination, blood and arterial blood gas analyses, radiography, high‐resolution computed tomography (HRCT), bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) of IPF dogs were obtained and compared with controls. Histopathologic changes in IPF dogs were evaluated. Results: Mean partial pressure of oxygen was significantly lower in IPF (mean ± SD, 65.5 ± 15.4 mmHg) than in controls (99.1 ± 7.8 mmHg, P<.001). The alveolar‐arterial oxygen gradient was significantly higher in IPF (50.1 ± 17.3 mmHg) than in controls (17.5 ± 4.9 mmHg, P<.001). In HRCT, ground glass opacity (GGO) was detected in all IPF dogs, traction bronchiectasis in 4, and honeycombing in 1. Bronchoscopic airway changes were noted in all IPF dogs. On BAL fluid (BALF) cytology, the total cell count (TCC) was higher in IPF dogs, and the numbers but not the percentages of macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells were increased. On histopathology, multifocal or diffuse interstitial fibrosis, type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, prominent intraalveolar macrophages, distortion of alveolar architecture, and emphysematous change were detected. Conclusion and Clinical Importance: IPF causes substantial hypoxemia. In HRCT, GGO is a consistent finding. IPF dogs have concurrent airway changes and an increase in BALF TCC.  相似文献   

Pulmonary fibrosis is a devastating and often progressive condition leading to exercise intolerance and frequently the demise of the animal. Although uncommonly encountered in horses, the condition is intensely researched both in human medicine and animal models. Viral infections have long been suspected to play a part in the development of pulmonary fibrosis and neoplastic conditions in other species. In 2007, an association between equine herpesvirus 5 (EHV‐5) infection and nodular pulmonary fibrosis in horses was suggested and the name equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis (EMPF) was introduced. Recently, the presence of EHV‐5 in equine lymphoma has also emerged. The case report by Schwarz et al. in this issue describes a horse suffering from concurrent T cell leukaemia and EMPF in association with EHV‐5. This article summarises current knowledge about EMPF and EHV‐5 infections in horses, recent developments in the understanding of pulmonary fibrosis in man and the proposed contribution of viral infections to pulmonary fibrosis and neoplastic conditions.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe skin barrier is important in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis and stratum corneum lipids have a critical role. Skin surface lipids have been largely overlooked but also contribute to barrier function. An untargeted approach was used to compare the skin surface lipids from atopic and non-atopic West Highland White terrier dogs (WHWT).ObjectivesThe primary hypothesis was that a difference in the lipidome would exist. The secondary hypothesis was that affected and unaffected skin lipids would differ.Animals and methodsThis prospective, cross-sectional, case-controlled study included thirty-nine privately owned WHWTs. Dogs were assigned to one of four disease status groups based on strict criteria. Samples for lipid analysis were collected from the skin surface of unaffected and affected sites. Lipid analysis was by untargeted liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and utilised lipid identification software packages. Principle component analysis (PCA) and partial least-squares discriminant analysis (sPLS-DA) statistical methods analysed the association between the relative lipid abundance and disease status and affected and unaffected skin.ResultsSamples for lipid analysis found 421 lipid soluble features of which ten lipids were positively identified. Statistical analysis could not distinguish between non-atopic and atopic dogs but did reveal a statistically significant difference in the lipid profiles from affected and non-affected skin irrespective of disease status.ConclusionsA large array of unidentified lipids from the skin surface were found with a difference between affected and unaffected skin unrelated to disease status. Investigation into the lipidome of the skin surface is an emerging area of research with clinical and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Background: Diagnosis of canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is challenging. Endothelin‐1 (ET1) is a biomarker of IPF in humans, but whether ET1 can detect and differentiate IPF from other canine respiratory diseases is unknown. Objective: To evaluate whether measurement of the concentration of ET1 in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) can be used to distinguish canine IPF from chronic bronchitis (CB) and eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EBP). Animals: Twelve dogs with IPF, 10 dogs with CB, 6 dogs with EBP, 13 privately owned healthy West Highland White Terriers (WHWT), and 9 healthy Beagle dogs. Methods: Prospective, case control study. ET1 concentration was determined by ELISA in serum and in BALF. Results: No significant difference in serum ET1 concentration was detected between healthy Beagle dogs and WHWT. Serum ET1 concentration was higher in dogs with IPF (median interquartile range; 2.32 pg/mL, 2.05–3.38) than healthy Beagle dogs (1.28, 1.07–1.53; P < .001), healthy WHWT (1.56, 1.25–1.85; P < .001), dogs with EBP (0.94 0.68–1.01; P = .001), and dogs with CB (1.54 0.74–1.82; P = .005). BALF ET1 concentration was below the detection limit in healthy WHWT and in dogs with CB, whereas it was measurable in all dogs with IPF. A cut‐off serum concentration of 1.8 pg/mL had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 81.2% for detection of IPF, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.818. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Serum ET1 can differentiate dogs with IPF from dogs with EBP or CB. ET1 can be detected in BALF of dogs with IPF.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of internal tibial rotation on the computed tomographic (CT) and standard radiographic assessment of tibial torsion (TT) in dogs. STUDY DESIGN: In vitro study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Cadaveric canine hind limbs (6 pairs). METHODS: The cranial cruciate ligament was transected, and caudo-cranial radiographic and transverse CT images were obtained with the femur and tibiae in a neutral position, and after 15 degrees internal tibial rotation. Radiographic TT was determined by measuring the distance (d) between the calcaneus and the sulcus of the talus. CT determination of TT was performed using the proximal transcondylar and the distal cranial tibial axes. The distance (d) in the 2 groups and the difference in the CT determination of TT between groups were compared with a hypothetical mean value of 0 mm and 0 degrees, respectively. RESULTS: The mean distance (d) for the neutral radiographic group was not significantly different from 0 (P=.473); however, for the 15 degree group it was significantly different (P<.0001). The difference in the CT determination of TT did not differ from 0 (P=.317). CONCLUSION: The standard radiographic technique does not discriminate between internal TT and internal rotation of the tibia. Thus, dogs with normal tibial conformation can be depicted by radiography as torsed, whereas dogs with TT may be misinterpreted as normal because of arbitrary positioning. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Lateral displacement of the medial border of the calcaneus on a caudo-cranial radiograph should not be used as the sole arbiter of TT before surgical correction.  相似文献   

A 21‐year‐old Thoroughbred gelding was examined for intermittent fever, lethargy, inappetance and weight loss. Initial diagnostic evaluation revealed pancytopenia (anaemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia), hyperfibrinogenaemia and multifocal pulmonary nodules. Bacterial and fungal culture and viral isolation on transtracheal aspirate samples were negative, consistent with either pulmonary neoplasia, idiopathic granulomatous pneumonia or equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis (EMPF). Bone marrow evaluation was consistent with pancytopenia due to a combination of peripheral consumption/destruction and suppression/destruction of progenitor cells at the level of the marrow. Pancytopenia resolved and clinical signs improved transiently with immunosuppressive corticosteroid therapy, but the horse deteriorated rapidly one month after presentation and was subjected to euthanasia. Necropsy findings were consistent with EMPF, and equine herpesvirus‐5 (EHV‐5) DNA was found in both the lung and bone marrow. The specific role of EHV‐5 in the development of the pulmonary pathology in EMPF and the pancytopenia in this horse is unclear, but an aberrant host immune/inflammatory response to EHV‐5 infection may be important.  相似文献   

There has been an increase in the number of Jack Russell Terriers (JRTs) diagnosed with adenomas and adenocarcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract in Japan. This study retrospectively investigated the clinical and histopathological features and prognosis of adenocarcinomas arising in the gastrointestinal tract in JRT dogs. Seven JRTs and 39 dogs of other breeds diagnosed with gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma were included in the study. The most common sites of gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma in JRTs were the pylorus and rectum. On histopathological examination, these adenocarcinomas showed a papillary or tubular growth pattern, and the lesions were confined within the mucosal epithelium and poorly invasive. Among all dogs with gastric adenocarcinoma, the median survival time (MST) for five of the JRTs could not be determined because more than half of the cases remained alive, while the MST for nine non-JRT dogs was 34 days. Among all dogs with adenocarcinoma in the large intestine, the MST for three of the JRTs could not be determined, while the MST for nine non-JRT dogs was 1,973 days. The difference in MST between JRT and non-JRT dogs with gastric adenocarcinoma was significant (P=0.0220). Since gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas in JRTs show distinct characteristics with respect to their clinical features, treatment course, and prognosis, a different surgical and medical treatment plan should be considered compared to the management of gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas in other dog breeds.  相似文献   

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