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The monitoring of antimicrobial use is an essential step to control the selection and spread of antimicrobial resistance. Between January and October 2010 data on prophylactic and metaphylactic antimicrobial use were collected retrospectively on 50 closed or semi-closed pig herds. Ninety-three percent of the group treatments were prophylactic whereas only 7% were methaphylactic. The most frequently used antimicrobials orally applied at group level were colistin (30.7%), amoxicillin (30.0%), trimethoprim-sulfonamides (13.1%), doxycycline (9.9%) and tylosin (8.1%). The most frequently applied injectable antimicrobials were tulathromycin (45.0%), long acting ceftiofur (40.1%) and long acting amoxicillin (8.4%). The treatment incidences (TI) based on the used daily dose pig (UDD(pig) or the actually administered dose per day per kg pig of a drug) for all oral and injectable antimicrobial drugs was on average 200.7 per 1000 pigs at risk per day (min=0, max=699.0), while the TI based on the animal daily dose pig (ADD(pig) or the national defined average maintenance dose per day per kg pig of a drug used for its main indication) was slightly higher (average=235.8, min=0, max=1322.1). This indicates that in reality fewer pigs were treated with the same amount of antimicrobials than theoretically possible. Injectable products were generally overdosed (79.5%), whereas oral treatments were often underdosed (47.3%). In conclusion, this study shows that prophylactic group treatment was applied in 98% of the visited herds and often includes the use of critically important and broad-spectrum antimicrobials. In Belgium, the guidelines for prudent use of antimicrobials are not yet implemented.  相似文献   

The helminth infections on 13 pig fattening farms with different management systems (complete or partial all-in-all-out system or continuous fattening) in North-Western Germany were investigated over at least three fattening periods. Pooled faecal samples were taken from pens once before and three times after anthelmintic treatment. At the beginning of fattening 34.9% of the samples contained helminth eggs, mainly from Oesophagostomum spp. (27.5%). Ascaris suum eggs were found in 10.5% of the samples, while other parasites were only rarely found. The number of pig-supplying farms was positively correlated with the helminth infection prevalence. Immediately after deworming, all pen samples were free of helminth eggs. However, the prevalences increased again, and by the end of fattening A. suum was found in 33.0% and strongylids in 6.0% of the samples. Pens harbouring A. suum-excreting pigs at the beginning of fattening had higher infection levels at the end, and this was also the case for nodular worms. The final prevalence of Ascaris was higher in partial exchange systems than in complete all-in-all-out systems and in old pig houses compared to new ones. Transmission of both Ascaris and Oesophagostomum was highest in autumn and winter. Thus, a single anthelmintic treatment at the beginning of fattening could not prevent infection during fattening, and the state of infection at the beginning was associated with the helminth burden at slaughter. Therefore, the purchase of parasite-free pigs in combination with appropriate hygiene management may minimise the initial infection pressure and keep subsequent infection of the herd at a minimum.  相似文献   

A fattening pig with enlarged head and abdominal lymph nodes was examined. An aspirate of the abscesses did not produce a conclusive diagnosis. Only an excision with subsequent histological and bacteriological examination showed the mould Mycocladus corymbiferus (syn. Absidia corymbifera) to be present. Similar abscesses should be examined as actinomycosis and leucosis are the main differential diagnoses.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the risk factors for swine dysentery in East-European middle-to-large sized, farrow-to-finish units, with separate breeding and grower-finisher facilities. Samples of faeces from 10 breeding animals (3-10% of the female inventory) and 10 grower finisher pigs (80-140 days of age) were collected for polymerase chain reaction testing (PCR) for Brachyspira hyodysenteriae (B. hyo). Of 139 farrow-to-finish units, 51 (36.7%) were positive, 49 (35.3%) were negative, and 39 (28.1%) were inconclusive for B. hyo by PCR. In breeding subunits, twelve variables passed the screening criterion for risk factors (P < .2) for B. hyo PCR positivity. The odds of the breeding subunits being B. hyo PCR positive were 3.5 times greater when the grower-finisher subunit was positive and the fibre content of the diet was > 6%. Use of 'all-in-all-out' farrowing policy and having >60% multiparous sows each reduced the odds of being B. hyo PCR-positive by 4-fold. In grower-finisher subunits, fourteen variables passed the screening criterion for risk factors (P < .2) for B. hyo PCR positivity. B. hyo PCR-positive status of the breeding subunits and higher fibre content of the diet were the most influential variables, with the odds of the grower-finisher subunits being B. hyo PCR positive being almost 8 times greater when the breeding subunit was also B. hyo PCR positive. Grower-finisher B. hyo PCR positivity was also associated with the percentage of pigs housed on concrete slats, with the odds of being positive being 7.5-times higher for subunits where more that 70% of the animals were kept on concrete slats compared with all other floor types. There was a strong association between grower-finisher status and whether the animals were on outdoor lots, with the odds of being B. hyo PCR positive being substantially lower for pigs on outdoor lots compared with all other surfaces. IN CONCLUSION: All-in-all-out management in the breeding units, B. hyo negativity of adjacent grower-finisher units, high fibre content of the diet, and older parity structure in a sow herd may reduce the risk of swine dysentery. In grower-finisher units, slatted flooring is associated with a higher risk, while B. hyo negativity of the breeding units, the fibre content of the diet, and outdoor production are associated with lower risk of swine dysentery.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out in France in 1999 in a Densely Populated Pig Area (DPPA) and a Sparsely Populated Pig Area (SPPA) from which 80 and 55 pig farms were respectively investigated. The two areas were compared regarding the number of respiratory disease outbreaks in fattening pigs on each farm per year with a multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering. The two areas exhibited different typologies: in the DPPA, high density was associated with a high proportion of finishing-pig units resulting in much moving of piglets within the area. Farrow-to-finish farms located in the DPPA had many contacts with external vehicles; this was associated with more than two respiratory disease outbreaks per farm per year. There also was a lack of biosecurity measures implemented on these farms. Conversely, the good health situation of the farms located in the SPPA was associated with few external contacts and good biosecurity measures. In a second step, risk factors for the occurrence of more than 2 respiratory outbreaks per year were studied. Having more than 4 pig farms within a 2 km radius area, more than 30 incoming rendering trucks per year, and storage of the carcasses of dead animals within the farm yard perimeter increased the risk of occurrence of more than 2 respiratory disease outbreaks per year on the farm. This risk was also increased when there were more than 2 animal-transport lorries entering the farm per month and more than 1 veterinarian's or technician's vehicle coming in every 2 months. These results were discussed because of possible bias due to the retrospective design of the survey and the sampling scheme (randomisation within two areas).  相似文献   



Health, productivity and antimicrobial use in the production of pigs are expected to be interrelated to some extent. Previous studies on register-based data have investigated these correlations with a subsequent large variation residing at the farm level. In order to study such farm factors in more detail we designed an elaborate interview-guide. By in-depth interviews of farmers with well-managed 7–30 kg (weaner) productions we sought to describe a set of common key-factors characterizing their management practices. Identification of such common practices could be used in follow-up projects, investigating whether identified factors really are characteristic for good-practicing famers.


Eleven farms were selected for a farm visit and in-depth interview. Participating farms used less antimicrobials than the national median (8.2 animal daily doses/100 weaners/day), had a mortality below the national average (2.9%) and an average daily weight gain above the national average (443 g/day). Similarities were observed among participating farms, including the sectioning of farms, use of all-in-all-out procedures with subsequent cleaning, purchasing 7 kg weaners from only one source, as well as active participation in management by a committed farm owner. Most farmers had a specific point of focus in their management, and were convinced that this was the reason for their success. This included; feeding, treatment strategy, refurbishment of facilities and presence in the shed.


According to register data, participating farms were alike; in the good league regarding use of antimicrobials, mortality and daily growth. However, on-farm interviews elucidated more heterogeneity among farmers than expected. Most of the farmers had a specific point of focus, which they considered to be crucial for their good results. These results indicate the importance of non-registerable factors, highlighting the value of qualitative study techniques in the understanding of human actions. Further studies on the effect of various farmer types are recommended.  相似文献   

The social and physical environments of animals and man have long been implicated in the etiology of infectious diseases. However, controlled experiments on adverse social and environmental stimuli and animal health are meagre (Kelley 1980). Recently the term psychoimmunology was coined to reflect the growing interest in the relationship between stress, reduced immune function and illness. For more than a decade it has been known that prolonged secretion of stress hormones, particularly corticosteroids, contributes to regression of the lymphoid tissues (Selye 1974, Freeman 1975). Now it has been shown more specifically, that the level of secretory immunoglobulin A is reduced in periods of high stress and that the activity of lymphocytes and natural killer cells are significantly reduced after intense stress periods (Wood 1985). Although the relationship between stress and immunity thus seems to be clear, studies linking those to disease are still a rarity.  相似文献   

Responsible use of antimicrobials by veterinarians is essential to contain antimicrobial resistance in pathogens relevant to public health. Inappropriate antimicrobial use has been previously described in practice. However, there is scarce information on factors influencing antimicrobial usage in dogs and cats. We investigated intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing decision-making of antimicrobial usage in first opinion small animal practices in the UK through the application of qualitative research methods.  相似文献   

Data from 67 pig farms with a variety of farrowing systems were used to identify factors associated with preweaning mortality in British pig herds. The median mortality reported by the farmers was 10.7 per cent (interquartile range 8.5 to 14 per cent). There was a significantly higher mortality when the pigs were weaned when they were older. A multivariable Poisson model was developed into which the types of farrowing system on each farm and the age at weaning were forced. Factors associated with a lower preweaning mortality rate were insulating the farrowing building, providing extra heat at farrowing, giving the piglets iron injections, dipping their navels, using fan ventilation and using artificial lighting systems. Factors associated with a higher mortality rate were a later weaning age, the use of infra-red lamps rather than other forms of supplementary heat, and the use of a creep without any bedding.  相似文献   



The prevalence of pleurisies recorded at slaughter is increasing in Sweden, and acute outbreaks of actinobacillosis that require antimicrobial treatments have become more frequent. As an increased use of antimicrobials may result in the development of antimicrobial resistance it is essential to develop alternative measures to control the disease. Vaccinations present an appealing alternative to antimicrobial treatments. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of two different vaccination strategies in a specialized fattening herd affected by actinobacillosis.


The study was conducted in a specialized fattening herd employing age segregated rearing in eight units. The herd suffered from infections caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 2, confirmed by necropsy and serology. The study included 54 batches of pigs grouped into five periods. Batches of pigs of the second period were vaccinated against actinobacillosis twice, and pigs in the fourth period were vaccinated three times. Batches of pigs of the first, third and fifth period were not vaccinated. Concentrations of serum antibodies to A. pleuropneumoniae and serum amyloid A (SAA) were analysed and production data were recorded.


Despite vaccinating, medical treatments were required to reduce the impact of the disease. The mean incidence of individual treatments for respiratory diseases during the rearing period ranged from 0 to 4.7 ± 1.8%, and was greatest during the triple vaccination period (period IV; p < 0.05 when compared to other groups). A large proportion of the vaccinated pigs seroconverted to A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 in the absence of a SAA-response. The prevalence of pleuritis decreased from 25.4 ± 6.5% in the first period to 5.0 ± 3.7% in the fifth period (p < 0.001).


The vaccine did not effectively prevent clinical expression of A. pleuropneumoniae infections, but seroconversion to A. pleuropneumoniae in the absence of a SAA-response in a large number pigs indicated that the vaccine had activated the immune system. Further, the prevalence of pleuritis decreased with time. This indicates that vaccinations together with intensified medical treatments of affected pigs could be useful in reducing the impact of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 infections.  相似文献   

采用阻断ELISA检测法,对猪瘟免疫程序为4、6周龄的猪只分别在4、6、8、16和30周龄采血检测猪瘟抗体,查看猪瘟免疫效果。结果表明,猪瘟抗体阳性率从4周龄的92.9%下降到6周龄的65.8%,继续下降到8周龄的50%,直到16周龄才升高到90%并持续到30周龄。  相似文献   

One hundred and thirteen finishing pig units and 74 sow units in Catalonia, Spain, were examined to determine the prevalence of salmonella infections and the factors that could be associated with them. Pooled faecal samples were taken from the finishing units, and samples of faeces were collected from individual sows. The Salmonella isolates were serotyped, phage typed and examined for their antimicrobial susceptibility to 18 common antimicrobial drugs. In addition, blood samples from pigs on 141 farms were analysed by ELISA. In both the bacteriological and serological surveys, a questionnaire with 84 questions was completed for each farm. Salmonella species were isolated from 20 per cent of the finishing units and 24 per cent of the sow units; 14 serotypes were detected in the finishing pigs and 11 in the sows. More than 30 per cent of the strains were resistant to tetracycline, sulphonamides, ampicillin or streptomycin, and 69 per cent of the strains were resistant to three or more agents up to 10 compounds. Seventy-seven per cent of the farms had at least one seropositive animal, and 26 per cent of these farms had an individual seroprevalence of 50 per cent or more. The factors associated (P<0.05) with the excretion of Salmonella species in the finishing units were the practice of raising livestock other than pigs (odds ratio [OR]=6.18), the herd size (OR=5.87), and a past history of clinical salmonellosis (OR=4.97). For the sows, the factors associated (P<0.05) with the excretion of Salmonella species were having open-flushed drainage of sewage (OR=34.48), a lack of rodent control measures (OR=0.05) and the number of sows in the unit (OR=9.26). Factors associated with seropositivity in the finishing units were a lack of bird-proof nets (OR=0.30) and the use of water from private wells (OR=3.64).  相似文献   

A five‐year‐old, female, neutered boxer, with neuroanatomical signs consistent with a C1‐C5 myelopathy, was diagnosed with a prosencephalic mass and associated severe cervicothoracic syringohydromyelia. After treatment with corticosteroids and lomustine, neurological examination was normal. Imaging repeated three months later showed significant reduction in both the size of the mass and the syringohydromyelia. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported case of a dog with syringohydromyelia secondary to a rostral brain mass that had clinical signs on presentation solely due to the syrinx, and the first reported case in a dog of partial resolution of syringohydromyelia after treatment solely with chemotherapy.  相似文献   

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