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温家宝总理在今年的政府工作报告中提出:“积极稳妥地分类推进事业单位改革,依法规范对事业单位的授权行为”。毋庸质疑,全国各地农机事业单位机构改革已势在必行。当前青海省农机事业单位改革已经开始。三月中旬,西宁市已率先完成了对涉农事业单位(包括农机部门)的前期调研工作。这次事业单位改革对于我们农机行业来说,是一个千载难逢的机会。我们必须抓住这次事业单位改革的良机,通过各方面的努力,依据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》及其《实施条例》、《行政许可法》、《农业机械化促进法》及我省已颁布实施的《青海省农业机械管理条…  相似文献   

自常州、苏州、扬州、南通等市人民政府发文,在本市或市区机关、事业单位试行和加快养老保险制度改革之后,最近,经省人民政府批准,同意从1993年10月1日起在我省省级机关、事业单位中试行养老保险制度改革。至此,我省机关、事业单位养老保险制度改革已进入起步阶段。 改革的原则:要与干部人事制度改革和工资制度改革紧密结合起来,通盘考虑,要充分体现机关、事业单位的特点,兼顾财政与个人承受能力;要有利于促进人才交流和经济建设。  相似文献   

2012年2月9日上午,山西省委副书记、省长王君主持召开省事业单位改革领导组会议,听取全省分类推进事业单位改革工作情况汇报,讨论通过《山西省分类推进事业单位改革的实施意见》,研究部署相关工作。省委常委、常务副省长李小鹏出席。  相似文献   

近年来,各级财政对公益类农业事业单位投入日益增加,在促进农业的发展,全面提高农业公共产品、公益服务的供给总量和效率,促进农业公共服务均衡化、多样化发展方面发挥了重要作用。但随着事业单位分类改革的进行,目前公益类农业事业单位以"基数法"为核心的基本支出财政保障政策已不适应事业单位分类改革的需要,亟待改革创新。笔者在国家政策范围内,就深化公益类农业事业单位分类改革后基本支出财政保障政策提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

随着国家机构改革的深化和细化,行政机构改革己进入最后阶段,事业单位机构改革则列入国家机构改革的重要议事日程。由于各地事业单位机构改革政策、财力的差异性和人员分流的压力以及关系到社会稳定等不确定因素的制约,致使各地事业单位机构改革操作起来步履维艰,并且给改革带来诸多后遗症:人员分流的去向难以妥善解决,人员解聘的安抚缺乏资金来源。所  相似文献   

<正>2014年是我国全面深化改革之年,按照党中央和国务院的要求部署,事业单位改革成为2014年全国各地事业单位人员关注的热点。《中共中央国务院关于分类推进事业单位改革的指导意见》已经出台并下发到各省、直辖市,各地也相继下发了具体《实施方案》,作为承担农机安全监督管理的职能部门——农机监理(事业单位)也在这次改革分类之中。按照《吉林省事业单位分类目录》确定的事业单位类别,农机监理被划定为"公益一类",引起了很多农机监理人员的热议。笔者作为农机监理的一  相似文献   

事业单位是我国的独有现象,其目标是提高社会效益。当前我国正在逐步过渡到社会主义市场经济,因此我国的事业单位也需要改革,而人力资源管理改革是核心。本文首先分析了目前我国事业单位存在的问题,接着从不同角度提出解决现存问题的对策。  相似文献   

事业单位是我国的独有现象,其目标是提高社会效益.当前我国正在逐步过渡到社会主义市场经济,因此我国的事业单位也需要改革,而人力资源管理改革是核心.本文首先分析了目前我国事业单位存在的问题,接着从不同角度提出解决现存问题的对策.  相似文献   

自2002年以来,全省乡镇农机站机构改革工作陆续铺开,各地深刻领会并认真贯彻川委发(2002)17号、川委办(2002)30号、川委办(2003)2号文关于乡镇事业单位机构改革的方针政策,开展了极富创造性的工作,取得了乡镇农机站机构改革的阶段性成果。实践证明,乡镇农机站机构改革势在必行,省委关于乡镇事业单位机改的文件是符合乡镇农机站的实际的,文件所规定的原则是正确的,提出的办法是可行的。乡镇事业单位机构改革要政事分开、事企分开,要明确事业机构的公益性职能,使事业单位精兵简政,减少财政供养人员,减轻农民负担,事业机构真正负担起公益性职能…  相似文献   

正记者近日从山东省济宁市人民政府获悉,济宁市农业机械现代化发展促进中心发布事业单位注销公告。根据济宁市机构改革领导小组办公室《关于做好市直承担行政职能事业单位改革相关工作的通知》文件要求,济宁市农机安全监理站行政执法职能划入市农业综合执法支队,撤销事业单位建制。按照《事业单位登记管理暂行条例实施细则》的有关规定,向济宁市事业单位监督管理局申请注销该单位的法人登记,现已成立清算组。济宁市农机安全监理站的债权人将按照《事业单位登记管理暂行条例  相似文献   

Most methods used to predict irrigation water consumption at a regional scale are based on biophysical models and cropping patterns. Their aim is to provide accurate estimations of “water demand” that are useful for water resource management. However, in the case of free access to the water resource, for example pumping from a water table, it is only possible to prevent overexploitation by “managing” the demand for water, which thus needs to focus on farmers’ choices and behavior. In this paper, we propose a framework to represent agricultural activities using typologies of farms and production units aggregated at a regional scale. The framework can be used to estimate consumption of irrigation water and of other inputs, as well as the production of outputs. The framework can also be used to evaluate the effects of technical, economic or institutional changes on farm income, and to predict the consequences of changes for farmers’ choices at regional scale. We used this method in Central Tunisia to estimate irrigation water demand in 1999. We then simulated the changes that would occur if drip irrigation were adopted. The results of the simulation showed some savings in water and in labor, and, with fertigation, an increase in yields. Using drip irrigation would consequently enable farmers to extend the area of drip-irrigated land. We then simulated the widespread adoption of drip irrigation and the resulting extension of irrigated areas: the results showed no savings in water at the regional scale. These hypotheses were confirmed in 2005 using new typologies to estimate the new demand for irrigation water. We also simulated the effects of economic changes on farm incomes. A major increase in the cost of water affected a minority of farms, which consumed only 17% of total irrigation water, whereas a slight decrease in watermelon and melon prices affected a majority of farms, which consumed 78% of total irrigation water. Water demand management tools therefore need to focus on the effects of technical, economic, or institutional changes and on farmers’ choices.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2003,78(2):213-241
This paper argues that impact assessment research has not made more of a difference because the measurement of the economic impact has poor diagnostic power. In particular it fails to provide research managers with critical institutional lessons concerning ways of improving research and innovation as a process. Our contention is that the linear input–output assumptions of economic assessment need to be complemented by an analytical framework that recognises systems of reflexive, learning interactions and their location in, and relationship with, their institutional context. The innovation systems framework is proposed as an approach where institutional learning is explicit. Three case studies of recent developments in international agricultural research are presented to illustrate these points. We conclude by suggesting that the innovation systems framework has much to offer research managers wishing to monitor and learn new ways of addressing goals such as poverty alleviation. The greatest challenge however, is that such holistic learning frameworks must contend for legitimacy if they are to complement the dominant paradigm of economic assessment.  相似文献   

笔者通过细读罗伯特.金.默顿的《社会研究与社会政策》一书,着重分析了默顿三个层面的制度问题,即科学的四类制度性规范,制度化利他主义和制度变迁。笔者认为,在当代社会,默顿的制度理论将继续在人类的科学研究中发挥重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

During the past two decades with farmer participation in irrigation management moving to center stage, the traditional view of having a centralized control over the water resources for better management has changed. Nevertheless, success of irrigation management transfer depend on a whole set of institutional arrangements or the rules-in-use and the willingness of the users to comply and enforce and/or change the rules in the light of changing circumstances. There are many institutional analyses of water sector, much of them touch on law, policy and administration, and characteristics of the users. The present paper is based on the study carried out to examine the institutional arrangements in one of the water users association that was first in the Maharashtra state. It focuses on the institutional arrangements governing water use and distribution and attempts to elicit the perceptions of the members regarding the rules-in-use. The findings reveal that the WUA has been successful in devising and enforcing the rules for water distribution, fee collection and conflict resolution for over a decade. However, current socio-economic developments such as political heterogeneity have required explicit conflict resolution mechanisms. These issues have now become issues demanding immediate attention and may be use of existing courts or legal institutions to help the WUA sustain in future.  相似文献   

Urban wastewater is increasingly used for agricultural production, particularly in those areas where access to fresh water resources is limiting. Depending on the prevailing institutional arrangements, this agricultural use is planned or unplanned. If planned, a general policy is to minimise health risks and environmental pollution, leading to an often centralised collection of the city’s sewage, followed by primary, secondary and further treatment until the prevalent discharge effluent use standards are met. If society can afford them, advanced treatment technologies are installed, backed by a well functioning institutional infrastructure. In contrast, in less prosperous countries the agricultural use of wastewater is driven by the high needs for water and the absence of affordable fresh water resources along with insufficient financial means to construct treatment systems and distribution networks that comply with the official regulations. Combined with a poor institutional framework, this results in unplanned and unguided direct or indirect use of raw, partially treated or diluted wastewater. In an effort to mitigate health and environmental problems, we propose using a reverse water chain design approach, in which the ultimate fate of the water is the basis for the design of conveyance and treatment facilities.  相似文献   

The activities of the Care International Irrigation Rehabilitation Project in Kosovo which are related to the installation of flow measurement structures are described in short. The reason for installation of the structures, institutional framework, design criteria and the construction and costs of the devices are briefly touched. The paper concludes with a discussion on institutional aspects of physical rehabilitation and technical innovations in irrigation schemes.  相似文献   

农机股份合作制是新形势下适应我国农业和农村经济发展的一种制度创新。这种新型的农机经济组织形式,对于创新农业经营体制、加快传统农业向现代农业转变、推进农村现代化建设具有重要意义。为此分析了农机股份合作制产生的诱因,由于产权主体不同体现出的不同组织形式,以及分析了制度创新的优势所在。这种社会化、企业化的农机发展道路必将成为我国农机社会化服务组织形式未来发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

The paper reviews some of the relationships which apparently exist between the progress made in (1) the economics of irrigation, and (2) the institutional framework and system of water pricing. It suggests that under conditions of scarcity of irrigation water and conceptional understanding of the economic relationships involved in irrigation, pressure develops to adapt the institutional and pricing systems to obtain a more rational utilization. Highlights of the development of these two interrelated fields in Israel since 1950 are reviewed and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is to challenge the widespread perception of irrigation management as a purely technical system based on rational decision-making and implementation. It builds on a case study of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, two transitional developing countries in Central Asia. Both countries are characterized by a highly unsustainable water use. An institutional reform of irrigation management is conducted to make it sustainable (through efficiency), market-oriented (through cost-recovery, less state interference), and democratic (through decentralization, user participation). Main tools are the establishment of Water User Associations (WUAs) and the introduction of irrigation service fees (ISF). However, the mainly donor-driven reforms did not meet their objectives so far. The research is based on expert interviews and a case study of one WUA in each country. The study builds on a neo-institutionalist approach by analyzing the role institutions (defined as formal as well as informal rules) play in shaping actors perceptions, choices and strategies. The paper argues that obstacles to reform are rooted in two main aspects: (1) The institutional environment in agriculture and in local governance does not provide the necessary incentives and conditions for the reform to become effective. Hence newly established formal rules are not perceived as legitimate and are undermined by informal ones. (2) WUAs as new organizations are – in a process of “institutional bricolage” – incorporated in existing societal and political institutions.  相似文献   

Three smallholder dairy production systems in Zambia, Sri Lanka and Kenya are analysed and compared. The focus is on the relationships between the animal production system, the farm household system, and the institutional environment. Attention is given to the valuation of marketed and non-marketed products and the intangible benefits of livestock in insurance, financing and status display. The comprehensive and comparative analysis of the production systems shows the direct relationship between type and intensity of dairy production and the presence or absence of markets for milk and other products, services and employment. The generally unobserved income components resulting from products other than milk and from the intangible benefits prove to be a substantial proportion of the total income in all three systems. The comprehensive perspective on the dairy production system results in policy suggestions that include institutional linkages.  相似文献   

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