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The aim of this study was to detect the associations between bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) status of a herd and respiratory disease (BRD) occurrence and reproductive performance in pregnant heifers and cows. The association between management-related factors and higher BRD occurrence was also estimated.


Serum samples, collected from cows and youngstock from 103 dairy cattle herds, were analyzed for antibodies against BHV-1, bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), and Mycoplasma bovis. A questionnaire was used to collect data concerning herd management factors and reproductive performance, as well as the occurrence of clinical signs of respiratory disease in the last two years, as evaluated by the veterinarian or farm manager. Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and logistic regression analysis were performed to identify and quantify the risk factors.


A low to moderate prevalence (1-49%) of BRSV antibodies among youngstock was associated with a high occurrence of respiratory disease (OR = 6.2, p = 0.010) in cows and in-calf heifers. Employees of the farm may participate in the spread of such disease. Larger herd size, loose-housing of cows, housing youngstock separately from cows until pregnancy, and purchasing new animals were factors possibly related to a high occurrence of respiratory disease symptoms in pregnant heifers and cows. The highest risk of abortions (> 1.3%) and increased insemination index (number of inseminations per pregnancy) (> 1.9) occurred in herds with a moderate prevalence of BHV-1 antibodies (1-49%) in cows.


BHV-1 was not associated with acute respiratory disease in adult dairy cattle, however was significantly related to reproductive performance. BRSV possesses the main role in respiratory disease complex in adult dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Protection against BHV-5 disease induced by inactivated BHV-1 or BHV-5 based vaccines was analysed. Two groups of calves were subcutaneously immunized with an inactivated BHV-1 or BHV-5 based vaccine. A third group was not vaccinated and used as control. In the post-vaccination period, we studied the humoral and cellular immune response resulting similar to both groups. The efficacy of the vaccines was tested after intranasal challenge of the calves with a virulent Argentinean BHV-5 isolate (A-663). All control animals developed neurological signs associated with BHV-5 infection and high levels of virus shedding. Calves immunized with the BHV-1 and BHV-5 inactivated vaccines were protected against BHV-5 disease. Our study provides evidence that strongly support the existence of cross-protection between BHV-1 and BHV-5 in calves. Even though this has already been suggested by previous works, this is the first time an exhaustive study of the immune response is performed and typical clinical BHV-5 meningoencephalitis signs are reproduced in an experimental BHV-5 challenge trial.  相似文献   

The herd seroprevalence of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) was studied in 59 dairy cattle herds using serology on random selected animals stratified by two age classes (heifers, cows). Risk factors for primary infections in heifers were investigated using a questionnaire on management conditions and data on bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) status. At least one seropositive cow was present in all the herds. In 25% of the herds all individual were seropositive and 22% of herds had all heifers seronegative. Analysis of the influence of risk factors retained summer pasture and BVD status. In particular, absence of summer pasture and the BVD positive status of heifers were associated with an increased risk of BRSV infection in heifers group.  相似文献   

Abstract Impetigo and fürunculosis appeared in a dairy cattle herd in association with intensive showering of the lactating cows during the summer months. Heifers and dry cows in the same herd, as well as those in a neighbouring herd in the same village, which was not showered and served as a comparison herd, remained unaffected. Skin lésions declined with the termination of showering. Only six animals [three cows (7.3%) and three first-calving cows (20%)] had to be treated parenterally with antibiotics. Resumen En un rebafio de vacas de leche aparecieron cuadros de impetigo y fürunculosis asociados a las duchas frecuentes aplicadas durante los meses de verano a las vacas lactantes. Las novillas y vacas secas en el mismo rebaño, asi como las de un rebaño vecino de la misma localidad y que no recibian duchas fueron usadas como rebaño de comparación, no se vieron afectadas. Las lesiones cutáneas remitieron al dejar de aplicar las duchas. Tan solo en seis animales [tres vacas (7, 3%) y tres vacas en primer parto (20%)] fue necesario aplicar una terapia parenteral con antibióticos. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Impetigo contagioso en un rebaño de vacas de leche). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.] Résumé Impétigo et füronculose se sont manifestés dans un troupeau laitier, en relation avec un douchage intensif des vaches allaitantes pendant les mois d'été. Les jeunes et les vaches taries du même troupeau, ainsi que celles d'un troupeau voisin du même village, non douchées et servant d'élément de comparaison, restèrent inaffectés. Les lésions cutanées ont régressé dês la cessation des douchages. Seuls six animaux (trois vaches-7, 3%-et trois vaches primipares-20%-) durent etre traités par antibiothérapie parentérale. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Impétigo contagieux dans un troupeau de vaches laitières). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.] Zusammenfassung Eine Impetigo und Furunkulose trat bei einer Milchviehherde in Verbindung mit intensivem Abduschen bei den laktierenden Kühen während der Sommermonate auf. Färsen und trockenstehende Kühe in der selben Herde sowie die einer Nachbarherde im selben Ort, die nicht abgeduscht wurden und als Vergleichsgruppe dienten, blieben unverändert. Die Hautveränderungen reduzierten sich mit Beendigung des Abduschens. Nur sechs Tiere (drei Kühe (7, 3%) und drei Kalbinnen (20%)) mußten parenteral mit Antibiotika behandelt werden. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Ansteckende Impetigo bei einer Milchviehherde). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.]  相似文献   

Neosporosis-like abortions in a herd of dairy cattle   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Twenty-nine cows from a 240-cow drylot Holstein dairy in north-central New Mexico aborted over a period of approximately 5 months. Nine aborted fetuses were necropsied, and all but 1 of the fetuses were between 5 and 7 months of gestation. Microscopic examination of fetal tissues revealed focal necrotizing encephalitis and nonsuppurative myocarditis in 7 of the 9 fetuses. Additional lesions observed in some fetuses were focal hepatic necrosis, nonsuppurative myositis, focal necrotizing placentitis, focal nonsuppurative pneumonia, and focal nonsuppurative nephritis. A few groups of Neospora caninum-like protozoan organisms were observed adjacent to necrotic foci in the brain of 2 fetuses and in the kidney of a third fetus. No other cause of abortion was detected.  相似文献   

Beef and dairy cattle serum samples, collected during 2000 at sale barns throughout Georgia, were obtained from the Georgia State Brucellosis Laboratory and were used to conduct a retrospective epidemiological study. Statistical samplings of 5,307 sera, from over 200,000 sera, were tested for antibodies to Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, (Johne's disease) using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test kit. An overall period seroprevalence in all classes of cattle tested was 4.73%. The period seroprevalence in dairy cattle was 9.58%, in beef cattle it was 3.95%, and in cattle of unknown breed it was 4.72%. It was concluded that the seroprevalence of Johne's disease in cull beef and dairy cattle in Georgia is economically significant.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis estimates a single-group summary (effect size) for seroprevalence of Brucella spp. exposure in dairy cattle of Ethiopia. It also attempts to identify study-level variables that could explain the variation in apparent seroprevalence. The literature search was restricted to studies published in English language from January 2000 to December 2013. A template was designed to retrieve the most biologically plausible and consistent variables from the articles. A total of 29 published papers containing 40 animal-level studies were used in the analyses. The single-group summary of Brucella seroprevalence in cattle was estimated to reach 3.3 % with 95 % confidence interval (CI) (2.6–4.2 %). Of all the variables considered, region was the only specific factor identified to explain about 20 % of between-study variation. Accordingly, the region-based meta-analysis forest plot revealed the highest prevalence in central Ethiopia followed by southern part. The lowest prevalence estimate was observed in the western part of the country. The visual inspection of the funnel plot demonstrated the presence of possible publication bias which might dictate shortage of studies with higher prevalences or variance inflation due to infectiousness of Brucella. In conclusion, the quantitative review showed the seroprevalence to be low but widely distributed. More importantly, the review underscores the need for isolation and characterization of the circulating Brucella spp. to capture the type of Brucella spp. involved and its distribution in cattle in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

The seroprevalence, in dairy cattle, of antibodies to Neospora caninum, the relationship between seropositivity and age (heifer versus cow), the relationship of herd infection with herd size and the relationship of herd infection with the presence of dogs on the farm were studied. The study involved 549 cows and 82 dogs in 59 dairy herds in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) with NC-specific monoclonal antibody was used to detect the NC antibodies in the sera. Individual and herd seroprevalence of NC were 5.5% (30/549) and 34% (20/59), respectively. No significant relationships between NC seropositivity with the age of the cows (heifer versus cow; P > 0.05) and between herd infection and the presence of dogs on the farm (P > 0.05) were found. Herd size significantly affected herd infection (P < 0.05) with higher infection in large than small herds (> or = 21 versus < or = 20 cows). Of 12 cows with a history of abortion, one was seropositive to NC. The seroprevalence of NC antibodies in dogs was 1.2% (1/82). This is the first NC seroprevalence study in dogs in Thailand. It was concluded that Neospora infection was more common at the herd level rather than the individual level in Thailand and the presence of dogs on the farm was not related to the level of herd infection. Caution should be taken in the interpretation of serological tests from the farm dogs.  相似文献   

Nationwide seroprevalence of Neospora caninum among dairy cattle in Japan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Serum samples from 2420 clinically healthy dairy cattle, randomly selected from stored sera in 18 districts of Japan, were tested for the presence of Neospora caninum antibodies using an indirect fluorescent antibody test (titer > or =1:200). Nationwide seroprevalence is estimated at 5.7% (139/2420). Seropositive cattle were detected in all surveyed districts despite the evidence of confirmed case reports of bovine neosporosis, showing that N. caninum is widely distributed throughout Japan. Age-specific seroprevalence did not increase with cattle age, suggesting that Neospora infection is likely to be transmitted vertically rather than horizontally in Japan. Considering that N. caninum seropositive cows are thought to be more likely to abort, substantial fetal losses may be induced by N. caninum infection in Japan. Devising strategies are needed to reduce the economic impact on the Japanese dairy industry. This is the first study to investigate the nationwide seroprevalence of N. caninum in cattle in Asia.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in an Israeli dairy cattle herd is described. The disease was characterized by ulcerative granulomatous lesions, which occurred in an epidemic form. Thirty-two cows and two heifers were affected, the ratio of the number affected to number at risk being 17.5 : 1 and 9.5 : 1, respectively. The culling rate was 50% of the affected animals. Most of the affected animals were cows (91.2%), with one first-calving cow (2.9%) and two heifers (5.9%) also affected. The infection occurred during the summer to autumn months (August-December), and lasted 118 days. The incubation period is about 2 months. The disease appeared in two clinical forms - cutaneous and mastitic - or as a mixed form. C. pseudotuberculosis organisms that were isolated from the ulcerative granulomatous lesions and from milk samples failed to reduce nitrate. A decrease in milk production (4%) and an increase in the bulk-milk somatic cell count from a herd mean of 240 x 10(3) mL(-1) to 460 x 10(3) mL(-1) were noted during the morbidity period. The organism was isolated from milk samples of eight animals (25%). Clinical, epizootiological and microbiological aspects of the infection are described.  相似文献   

Neosporosis is an infectious disease caused by Neospora caninum, an obligate intracellular cyst-forming protozoan considered a major cause of miscarriage in dairy cattle in many parts of the world. This cross-sectional study evaluated the relationship between reproductive abnormalities and seropositivity to N. caninum in 1,204 dairy cows from 40 farms located in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Producers were interviewed, and blood samples were collected to perform indirect immunofluorescence tests (IFAT 1:200). Association between reproductive abnormalities and seropositivity in cattle was evaluated with generalized estimating equations. The true herd-level seroprevalence of N. caninum was 95 % (83.3–99.1), while the individual-level true seroprevalence was 21.6 % (19.2–24.2). Several reproductive abnormalities were significantly associated with seropositivity to N. caninum: occurrence of repeated estrus (p?=?0.02; OR?=?3.84; 95 % CI?=?1.239–11.893), repeated miscarriages (p?=?0.001; OR?=?2.54; 95 % CI?=?1.423–5.402), and temporary anestrus (p?=?0.001; OR?=?3.44; 95 % CI?=?1.976–5.994). Furthermore, loose dogs (p?=?0.041; OR?=?2.20; 95 % CI?=?1.033–4.672) when fed raw meat (p?=?0.001; OR?=?1.91; 95 % CI?=?1.443–2.519) are risk factors for N. caninum infection. We observed that seropositivity to N. caninum in cattle increases risk of miscarriage by almost twice throughout the reproductive life of cows (p?=?0.004; OR?=?1.978; 95 % CI?=?1.249–3.131). Serologic evidence in this study indicates that N. caninum infection is widely distributed among dairy herds and significantly associated with reproductive disorders, especially miscarriage, repeated estrus, and temporary anestrus.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional serological survey of Dictyocaulus viviparus was carried out to determine the prevalence of lungworm infections in 28 dairy cattle farms distributed in five selected areas from Costa Rica. The influence of area, farm, host (breed, age and lactation number) and ecological factors (altitude and life zones) on the presence of lungworm infection was analyzed. A sub-sample of 924 sera collected between September 1998 and July 1999 was processed by ELISA (Ceditest). A total of 162 (17.5%) animals from 26 (93.0%) farms showed antibodies against D. viviparus. The overall seroprevalence detected among areas was Poás 25.0%, Cartago 24.3%, Tilarán 22.0%, Alfaro Ruiz 12.0% and San Carlos 12.1%. Using analysis of variance no significant influence of area and host factors on D. viviparus infections was determined, whereas the variable farm within area was highly significant (p<0.001). However, altitude and life zones showed significant association to seropositive animals, when a Chi-square test was applied. In altitudes of 1000-2000 m (p<0.001) and life zones of Lower Montane moist forest and Montane moist forest (p<0.001) D. viviparus infections in bovines were significantly higher. The results obtained in this study indicate a high D. viviparus seroprevalence in the analyzed farms and that the factors farm, altitude and life zones were significantly related to lungworm infections.  相似文献   

Protothecosis is a severe form of mastitis in dairy cows caused by colorless algae of the genus Prototheca. Since P. zopfii is highly resistant to all known chemotherapeutics, infected cows must be removed from the herd. Eradication measures are difficult since many chronically infected cows may become intermittent shedders. Therefore, cultural methods are insufficient for control measures. In order to eradicate Prototheca zopfii-mastitis in dairy cattle herds, two isotype specific indirect ELISA for detection of IgA and IgG1 in whey were used in a dairy herd highly affected with protothecal mastitis. All cows (n = 313) were tested four times in intervals of six months. Milk specimens were examined in parallel by cultivation and serologically using two indirect ELISA systems for specific IgA and IgG1 in whey. Cows tested Prototheca positive were consequently separated from the herd and slaughtered. At the first examination, 15.6% of the animals were found positive by culture, and 23.3% were positive in at least one of the ELISA systems. Within two years, protothecal prevalence and incidence decreased to zero indicating that the eradication strategy used was successful. In summary, serological identification of P. zopfii-infected lactating cows is an useful tool to eradicate protothecal bovine mastitis in infected herds.  相似文献   

Severe respiratory disease associated with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infection has been identified in dairy cattle in New York State. The cases identified occurred in dairy calves and heifers. The disease was characterized in 4 animals by pathologic changes including interstitial pneumonia, necrotizing bronchiolitis with multinucleated syncytial epithelial cells and interstitial emphysema. BRSV antigen was demonstrated in lung samples or was isolated in tissue culture in all 4 cases. A retrospective survey of 6279 bovine diagnostic accessions between 1977 and 1982 revealed 66 cases of interstitial pneumonia, often with concurrent bronchiolitis. In this 5 year period, only 1 case in 1981 had interstitial pneumonia and bronchiolitis with pathologic features consistent with BRSV infection. It is concluded that pathogenic BRSV has entered New York State and that it is contributing to clinical respiratory disease in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis in cattle most commonly result from ascending urinary tract infection with Corynebacterium renale, Corynebacterium cystidis, Corynebacterium pilosum or Escherichia coli. We describe the clinical, bacteriological, clinical-pathological and epidemiological findings in a dairy cattle herd with urinary tract infection (UTI). Blood and urine samples from 17 calves and 19 cows were submitted to laboratory examinations. Depression, muscle wasting, weakness and frequent urine dribbling were the main characteristics of UTI in calves. Affected cows showed weight loss and an abrupt reduction in feed intake and milk production. Enlargement of the left kidney and loss of normal lobulation were evident on rectal examination. E. coli was the most frequent cause of UTI but C. renale, alpha-haemolytic Streptococcus spp., Proteus spp. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp. and Oligella urethralis were isolated as well. Differences in total protein and several protein fractions were found between affected and healthy animals.  相似文献   

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