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为了通过植物细胞培养获取胡桐抗HIV的活性物质,首次报道胡桐愈伤组织的诱导条件。研究结果表明:胡桐幼苗的叶、茎段与胚根均可诱导出愈伤组织,其中以茎段的诱导率最高,达95.6%,而胚乳难以诱导愈伤组织。胡桐愈伤组织生长与培养基中无机盐含量有关,在B5、MS、White三种不同的基本培养基中,以B5最适于胡桐愈伤组织的诱导,MS次之,White最差。  相似文献   

Sapwood density and bark thickness of Calophyllum inophyllum L. (a multipurpose durable timber species) were studied in various locations in Northern Australia and in Sri Lanka. Measurements were taken non-destructively by using core sampling and bark gauge. From each provenance, 4-15 mature trees having girth at breast height over bark (GBHOB) at 100-150 cm were selected on the basis of the population size. Significant (p<0.05) hemispheric and provenance variations in bark thickness were found. Variations in the bark thickness are influenced by environmental variables. Variations in sapwood density were less pronounced compared to that of bark thickness. Variations in sapwood density are likely to be governed by genotypic variations.  相似文献   

Seed morphometric characters and oil content were studied in multiple-use plant, Calophyllum inophyllum L. of two countries, Australia (southern hemisphere) and Sri Lanka (northern hemisphere). Seven provenances were selected which included three from northern Australia and four from Sri Lanka. Twelve Candidate plus trees (CPTs) each were selected from 2 to 3 different locations within each provenance based on the morphometric and qualitative traits (GBH > 100 cm). Seed collection in both hemispheres was carried out from May to August 2008. Calophyllum inophyllum L. provenances showed a distinct hemisphere variation in their seed-related characters and oil content. All provenances differed significantly (P < 0.05) with one another in seed length. Seeds from Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka and seeds from Cardwell Australia recorded the highest (≈57%) and the lowest oil (≈31%) content respectively. Strong correlations were found between seed morphometric characters. Relatively weaker correlations were found between seed morphometric characters and oil content. Variations in seed-related characters were largely attributed by the provenance contribution which shows the significance of the effect of genetic variability on above mentioned seed related characters.  相似文献   

A review of agroforestry research and practice in Sri Lanka is provided with emphasis on traditional systems, plantation intercropping, silvopastoral systems, fertility improvement and community approaches. Comments are presented on the potentials and difficulties of each technology along with recommendations for further research and training. Some information on components of a number of agroforestry systems has been collected during the last 8 years. A brief account of the results is presented together with comments on current agroforestry practices.  相似文献   

Coconut is a major commercial crop of Sri Lanka. Growing a number of other crops in association with coconuts is a widespread practice in all coconut-growing areas of the country. The rationale for the practice is that other crops can profitably be grown between or under the coconuts during the different growth stages of the palms and thus the overall productivity of the land under this long-duration crop can substantially be increased. The paper gives a concise account of the practice in Sri Lanka indicating the crops most commonly grown as intercrops, arrangement of different crops and early research results on the productivity of the intercrops and their effect on coconuts. Adequate supplies of water and labour are the two major inputs needed for the success of the system. Drought, lack of funds, price instability, lack of technical know-how on intercrop management and problems of timely availability of inputs are the major constraints experienced by farmers in expanding intercropping. Research on both biological and socio-economic aspects is needed to overcome these constraints and extend this potentially attractive system.  相似文献   

红厚壳(Calophyllum inophyllum)是热带地区多功能的优良树种。为筛选出适宜的红厚壳嫁接 技术,研究采用完全随机区组设计,设置了不同嫁接方式、穗条类型、穗条存放时间等3 因素不同水平 的嫁接试验,分析不同嫁接处理组合对成活率和抽芽数的影响。研究结果表明:劈接、合接、切接3 种 不同嫁接方式中切接的成活率最高,显著高于合接和劈接;半木质化穗条比木质化穗条嫁接成活率高3.5 个百分点,差异未达到显著水平;穗条存放0~2 d 后嫁接的成活率显著高于存放3 d;利用存放2 d 的半 木质化穗条进行切接,抽芽数最多,达到3.9 个。综合分析,采用半木质化穗条存放0~2 d 后进行切接有 利于提高红厚壳嫁接的成活率。  相似文献   

A survey of interculture practices and research in Sri Lanka   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey on interculture research in Sri Lanka is outlined with details of species composition, spatial arrangement and justification for growing the crops as mixtures. The systems include interculture in tea, rubber and coconut plantations, spice gardens and alley cropping between leguminous tree crops. Soil conservation, generation of fuel and fodder, incentives for replanting and export diversification are some of the justifications put forward for interculture along with microclimate modification and reduction of pest incidence. The predominant expected yield criterion was some yield of associated intercrop with no reduction in tree crop yield rather than a land equivalence ratio of greater than unity. Major methodological problems were encountered due to lack of published information in mixture yields and the heterogeneity of experimental sites. Techniques for determining the biological basis of any yield advantage and the optimal spatial arrangement of intercrops were also missing.  相似文献   

Natural forest in Sri Lanka has been decreased significantly in the last few decades. The remaining natural forests especially in floristic region seven have undergone less conservation efforts in the past. Considering the capacity of the government and dependence on forest resources by local villagers, the only way for conservation of these forests in the Southwest lowland is forest management through local participation. Management plans for community-based resource management have been completed. However promotion of such management requires integrated measures, which are beyond jurisdiction of Forest Department. A holistic approach with political commitment concerning buffer zone villages and economic incentives with income generation opportunities supported by external inputs are expected to be implemented as a matter of urgency.  相似文献   

Growing of Casuarina equisetifolia as a small shelterbelt on the beach in Hambantotota City was implemented to protect the beautiful natural sand dunes, preserve visual amenity and be a barrier to seawater salt spray. The casuarina shelterbelt has become popular because it was the only undamaged area in Hambantota City after the devastating 2004 tsunami. The objective of the study was to assess the impacts of the casuarina shelterbelt in economic, social and environmental terms. A survey was conducted to elicit observations and experiences of city dwellers close to the shelterbelt. Respondents did not consider that the shelterbelt reduced wind speed. Although the belt has increased the size of the sand dunes, the casuarina trees have suppressed the growth of native species as an under-storey. The belt has improved the aesthetic value of the beach. No impact of the shelterbelt has been identified in protecting agricultural crops and reducing the corrosion of household goods from seawater salt spray. The city dwellers have not recognized the economic importance of casuarina timber but are impressed with the increase of fuelwood supply from the shelterbelt. The shelterbelt has prevented illegal settlement, but facilitated anti-social and illegal activities among lawless city dwellers. The attractiveness of the beach for tourism has been enhanced. Empirical evidence reveals that the casuarina belt in Hambantota City has greater environmental and social impacts than economic impacts.  相似文献   

Spices constitute an important sub-sector of the economy of Sri Lanka. Most perennial spices are cultivated in agroforestry types of farming systems. A field survey was conducted covering 127 agroforestry farmers in six divisional secretariats in Matale district during the period of October to December 2002. Technical efficiency of spice based agroforestry systems was estimated in order to identify the potential increase in production without incurring additional costs for farm inputs. The factors affecting technical efficiency and constraints and potential of the agroforestry system were also investigated. According to a stochastic frontier production function using a Cobb–Douglas model, hired labour, organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, land size, and soil conservation measures showed significant positive effects on the agroforestry production. The mean technical efficiency of the spice based agroforestry systems was 84.32%. According to the inefficiency model the efficiency increased significantly as a result of farm visits by extension officers, participation in farmer training, less sloping lands, more experience, and higher diversity of the agroforestry system. Technical efficiency decreased, however, with higher education level of the farmer and with higher off-farm income. Unsustainability of the agroforestry system is seen as a result of a␣range of constraints related to productivity, market, technology and institutions.  相似文献   

We examine the financial aspects of three silvicultural systems to encourage the sustainability of valuable hardwood species in mixed-dipterocarp forests of southwest Sri Lanka. We compare the net present value (NPV) of the current forest management approach (diameter limit harvests) with shelterwood harvests that promote light hardwood timber species. In this analysis, we also consider the potential of enrichment planting various precious timber (Diospyros quaesita — calamander), and non-timber forest product (NTFP) species (Caryota urens — fishtail palm; Elettaria cardamomum var. major — cardamom; Calamus zeylanicus — rattan) in conjunction with timber harvests. Two real (inflation adjusted) discount rates were used, 4 and 6%, respectively. Results show that when real discount rates are low (4%), and advance regeneration is present, NPV is highest for the one-cut shelterwood (US $9983 ha−1). At a high discount rate (6%), reflecting the current short-term concession system and unstable rights to harvest, and where no advance regeneration was present, the diameter limit system (US $7173 ha−1) was the optimum. On sites with advanced regeneration, the one-cut shelterwood system is clearly preferable. For all but rattan, shelterwood treatments provide higher NPVs for NTFPs than diameter limit cuttings primarily because of the higher light regimes and more growing space made available early in the rotation. The value for tea cultivation (US $26,000 ha−1) far exceeds the value of managing these lands for timber alone, explaining the dramatic expansion in tea plantations on private lands. However, our results suggest that managing these lands for a combination of timber and enrichment plantings of NTFPs (US $23,000 ha−1) can be comparable to tea plantations. By managing for NTFPs and timber, forest managers have new opportunities to solve the old problems of high-grading and land-use conversion.  相似文献   


? Context

Little is known about the potential of gene flow and resulting genetic structures of trees employing sea-drifting seed dispersal in island populations.

? Aims

Current genetic structure and the magnitude of historical gene flow were estimated in island populations of Calophyllum inophyllum L., a typical plant employing sea-drifting seed dispersal.

? Methods

Samples were collected from the northern extreme of the species’ distribution (Taiwan and the Sakishima, Daito, and Ogasawara Islands, Japan) and genotyped using 15 EST-SSR markers. Genetic differentiation (F ST and AMOVA), genetic structure (STRUCTRE analysis), and historical gene flow (assignment testing) were determined.

? Results

Frequent gene flow within and rare gene flow among island groups was determined using assignment testing. Clear genetic structures were also detected using the STRUCTURE analysis, which demonstrated differentiation between dominant clusters among geographically constructed island groups.

? Conclusions

The potential for gene flow via sea-drifting seed dispersal was high, and this was possible even among small islands. However, the extent and frequency of gene flow were not great enough to prevent genetic differentiation in a range of over a few hundred kilometers.  相似文献   


The volume of a tree's crown represents the accumulated historic crown surfaces integrated over time and environmental conditions. As such the crown volume of a tree should be correlated to the stem diameter, which represents accumulated historic wood increment. This study examines the relationship between crown and stem metrics of four tree species, Macaranga peltata, Schumacheria castaneifolia, Shorea megistophylla, and Shorea trapezifolia, from an evermoist forest in southwestern Sri Lanka. Shorea megistophyllahad the highest correlation between crown volume and stem diameter of the four species (r2 = 0.55). The addition of an inverted parabola, to represent historic crown surfaces not included by the current crown volume, improved correlations with stem diameter significantly, especially in the flat-topped pioneer species, Macaranga peltata. Schumacheria castaneifoliashowed poor correlations between stem and crown dimensions, suggesting that allocation to fruit and flower production may receive higher priority than diameter growth. The relative importance of current crown volume and cumulative crown volume in explaining variation in stem diameter offers insight into species life-history patterns.  相似文献   

The residual effects of logging on forest fauna and flora have been well studied in other regions of the world, with many investigations finding that recovery of species richness and abundance can occur within one or two decades after the logging event. In this study, we use ant assemblages to compare logged (>30 years) and unlogged mixed dipterocarp forest in the Sinharaja Forest Reserve, a World Heritage Site in Sri Lanka. Species richness and abundance were higher in the logged forest than in the unlogged forest, but not significantly so. Species assemblages, on the other hand, were significantly different and were associated with different environmental variables in the logged and unlogged forest. The findings from this study corroborate other studies that have shown that species composition in logged forest does not appear to return to unlogged forest composition, even after three to six decades have passed. Since this study was not a before-and-after comparison, it is difficult to confirm whether the differences arise from the residual effects of logging or from the general patchiness of species distribution in tropical forest. However, the cumulative results do suggest that there is a residual effect of logging on ant species composition in this forest, even after more than 30 years of regeneration.  相似文献   

Santalum album (Indian Sandalwood) is found in the mountainous regions of the intermediate zone of Sri Lanka. Few studies have been conducted on sandalwood ecology in this region, and ours is the first recorded study of essential oil content and chemical composition of heartwood. We harvested two trees with State permission and took crosssections for analysis. We demonstrated a difference in the heartwood formation and oil yield of the trees. The composition of the oil was found to be consistent between trees and along the trunk of the tree. Main aromatic compounds were santalols and other compounds are recorded in lesser quantities. Results of this study comply with the other published work on sandalwood elsewhere. This initial study on S. album in Sri Lanka provided promising results for the future of sandalwood agro- forestry.  相似文献   

The use of contour hedgerows of woody legumes to control soil erosion has been promoted amongst smallholders in the Upper Mahaweli catchment of Sri Lanka since 1988. The success of this program depends greatly on the properties of the different production systems occupying the alleys created by these hedgerows such as: profitability, time taken for profit to be realized, labour requirements, seasonal distribution of labour, environmental and economic stability, biophysical sustainability, the contribution of the system to the domestic needs of the farm family, adoptability of the system and successful management of the hedgerows. These properties were used to evaluate seven desktop farm models with different combinations of: seasonal crops, coffee-pepper intercrop, fodder-dairy, woodlot, and analog forest established in the alleys. The analog forest is a perennial polyculture which, like the traditional forest garden, is structurally and functionally analogous to the natural forest. It was found that a model with 40% seasonal crops, 20% perennial crops (coffee-pepper) and 40% analog forest made the best compromise between the properties under consideration. It is recognized that the socio-economic conditions that determine the appropriateness of this model in the Sri Lankan context are not universal and the extension of the analog forest concept into other tropical uplands is discussed.  相似文献   

Within agroforestry research relatively little attention has been given to water management practices. In order to illustrate the relevance of this management practice, an analysis is made of the integrated management of buffalo ponds and forest gardens in the Badulla district, Sri Lanka. The cultivation of multi-storeyed agroforests around small water reservoirs allows the combined management of vegetation and water resources. The ponds are primarily used for storing water, regulating streamflow, catching sediments and wallowing of water buffaloes. The inclusion of the ponds increases the multifunctional nature of the forest gardens, especially in relation to water, erosion and sedimentation management and animal husbandry, and thus optimizes the complementary nature of forest gardens in the total farming system.  相似文献   

This study examined the vegetation growing beneath Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea) plantations established within previously abandoned tea lands adjacent to intact rain forest in southwest Sri Lanka. To examine the pattern and composition of secondary succession and factors affecting it, vegetation was sampled in different relative locations (interior and edge conditions) within plantations. Results demonstrated that more vegetation was found near the plantation edges than in the interior, and this pattern was prominent for both wind- and bird- dispersed species. The vegetation represented a mixture of species belonging to a range of successional guilds representing early (17 species, 42.4% in stem count) and late-successional species (52 species, 40.6%), although native long-lived canopy tree species were mostly absent. Bird-dispersed species dominated the flora (80 species, 86.7% in stem count). Abundance of an exotic shrub Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae) showed a negative correlation with that of other species, indicating its impact on native flora. Underplanting of native canopy species may be effective in assisting secondary succession and control C. hirta in the plantations.  相似文献   

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