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凤眼莲的生态特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
安鑫龙  李婷 《水利渔业》2007,27(4):82-84
凤眼莲一直是水产养殖、生态学、环境科学等多学科的研究对象,随着环境污染的加剧和凤眼莲造成的生态破坏日益严重,深入系统地研究其生态特征具有重大意义。从凤眼莲生物学特征、生态分布、植物体及其根分泌物组分、根际生物系统及其死亡引发的二次污染问题等5个方面,概括总结了凤眼莲的生态特征;这些特性既是利用凤眼莲进行污水净化、水产养殖、环境监测和美化环境的基础,同时又为其生态入侵等提供了可能,深入研究其生态特征是更好地利用和有效控制凤眼莲的理论基础。  相似文献   

目前,随着现代化进程与民众生活水平的提高,各种点源、面源的富营养化物质,通过各种形式向水体富集,导致了水体富营养化并爆发"水华",极大地破坏了水体的生态平衡,对水体生物多样性和安全产生灾难性后果。凤眼莲俗称水葫芦,能有效吸收水体中氮、磷等富营养化物质,起到净化水体提高水体透明度的作用,既能在重度富营养化水体中繁衍[1]也可存活于贫瘠水体。国内外对其净化养殖污水、工业污水和生活污水的研究取得了很多进展[2-4];同时凤眼莲繁衍速度快,管理跟不上时,会堵塞河道,腐烂后污染水质形成二次污染,需采用  相似文献   

凤眼莲的生态特征与开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凤眼莲Eichhornia cvassipes,隶属被子植物门、单子叶植物纲、百合目、雨久花科,中文异名水葫芦,俗称大水萍、水鸳鸯、水莲花、布袋莲。暖水性淡水漂浮植物,原产热带美洲的巴西东北部,后移植至世界各温暖地区,上世纪初(1901年)作为花卉引入我国台湾,30年代引入祖国大陆,现分布于辽宁南部、华北、华东和华南的19个省(自治区、直辖市),以长江流域以南的分布量较大。  相似文献   

基于水体污染生物修复技术现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了水体污染生物修复技术的概念、方法、特点及应用实例。概述了近年来国内外生物修复技术的研究应用现状,指出生物修复技术存在的问题和研究方向。  相似文献   

通过生物修复技术,促进C、N、P在养殖水体中循环,保持了水产环境的动态平衡,修复受损的养殖水体生态系统,加速生态系统的物质循环和能量循环,增加水体溶氧,减少水产养殖的污染,改善水质和养殖水体自净能力,提高水产养殖产量和品质,实现水产养殖的可持续发展.  相似文献   

对比分析贵州草海重污染湖区沉水植物生态修复区与对照区沉积物内源磷释放通量,探讨外源负荷得到有效控制后草海重污染区沉水植物生态修复效果,为草海综合污染治理与生态恢复提供一定的数据支撑和科学依据。2018年在草海修复区内和对照区各布设3个采样点, 10月至次年10月每个月分别对修复区和对照区水质开展连续跟踪监测。利用薄膜梯度扩散技术(DGT)对比分析了修复区和对照区内源磷释放通量,综合评估了草海重污染区生态修复效果。结果表明,沉水植物修复工程实施一年后,修复区水体氨氮(NH3-N)、总磷(TP)和溶解活性磷(SRP)浓度分别降低为对照区的65%、42%和67%。修复区沉水植物生长茂盛,水体DO含量稳定在8 mg/L以上,透明度显著提高,水质明显改善,CODMn 、NH3-N、TP浓度分别降低至5.7、0.39 、0.05 mg/L,达到地表水Ⅲ类标准。生态修复工程对内源磷释放量削减30% 以上,修复区内源磷贡献率38%,远低于对照区(74%)。当草海流域外源污染得到有效控制后,沉水植物生态系统恢复成为重污染区内源污染控制与水环境修复有效的手段。  相似文献   

我国赤潮频发现象分析与海藻栽培生物修复作用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
徐姗楠 《水产学报》2006,30(4):554-561
In this paper, the history, main events and present status of red tide (HAB, harmful algal blooms) along China coast in recent years were reviewed and presented. It showed that the HAB's frequency and scale, number of HAB spec ies, percentage of toxic HAB events and the degree of damages to marine environment and economy have sharply increased in China since 1960's. Eutrophication was key factor for high occurrence of red tide. In this paper, main causes of frequent HAB occurrence along China coast was discussed. Many factors might influence the occurrence of red tide, which included weather, climate, coastal current, tidal current, water temperature, salinity, hydrodynamic and nutrient conditions, trace metals and the variation of biological environment. Numerous evidences from all over the world revealed the linkage between the increases in nutrient loading and the occurrences of high biomass blooms. Eutrophication was one of the important causes that involved in high occurrence of HAB. The main sources of nutrients potentially stimulating HABs included terrestrial runoff, aquaculture selfpollution, atmospheric deposition, sea projects and other pollution events in the ocean. Studies showed that the input from land contaminations and the selfpollution of marine aquaculture accelerated eutrophication in coastal waters and were also important impact factors on red tide. Researches suggested that nutrient composition could affect the species composition of phytoplankton as well as the development of some HABs. The changes in nutrient supply ratios, primarily N∶P, often resulted in shifts in red tide species composition. The correlation between cysts and formation of HAB was discussed from the viewpoi nt of transformation of cyst and vegetative cell, the effects of trace elements and other organic substances on the occurrence of HAB were presented also. It indicated that the nutrient control could be an effective way to reduce the risk of red tide occurrence. Seaweed would play an important role for decreasing marine eutrophication. Among the different methods of red tide controlling studied, seaweed biomass has received much attention due to the cost saving, low sensitivity to environmental and impurity factors, the possible contaminant recovery from the biomaterial and its elevated adsorption capacity. Cultivated seaweeds have very high rates of productivity higher than that of seaweed in its natural habits and grow well in water bodies with higher nitrogen and other nutrients. Seaweeds are able to absorb large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon dioxide, produce large quanti ties of oxygen, and have excellent effect on decreasing eutrophication. Large amounts of C, N and P are accumulated into seaweed tissues as they accumulate considerable biomass over a period of months or years depending on the cultivation season. When seaweeds are harvested, nutrients are removed from the sea area. An investigation was carried out for inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus concentration at Lusi Coast, Qidong County, Jiangsu Province in China, where there were about 270 hm2 for Porphyra yezoensis cultivation with eutrophic sea water in recent years. While during Porphyra yezoensis cultivation, from Sep 2003 to May 2004, the concentration of ammonium nitrogen declined form 0.511-0.778 mg·L-1 to 0.006-0.057 mg·L-1, nitrite nitrogen concentration declined from 0.010-0.040 mg·L-1 to 0.001-0.009 mg·L-1, and nitrate nitrogen concentration declined from 0.466-0.549 mg·L-1 to 0.286-0.0568 mg·L-1, the average concentration of inorganic phosphorus declined from 0.024 mg·L-1 to 0.019 mg·L-1. Furthermore, during five hours, the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the seawater declined form 220.88 μmol·L-1 to 8.59 μmol·L-1 by cultivated Gracilaria lemanaiformis, and the concentration of ammonium nitrogen declined form 213.84 μmol·L-1 to zero by cultivated Enteromorpha clathrata. Other bioremediation mechanisms of seaweed inhibiting the red tide microalgae such as nutrients competition and allelopathic effects were also discussed.  相似文献   

固定化微生物修复养殖池塘污染底泥的围隔试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
摘要:通过测定上覆水的多项水质指标、底泥总有机碳(TOC)、底泥生物降解能力(G值)、底泥异养细菌数和反硫化细菌数等指标值,在野外实验围隔条件下比较了固定化微生物和游离微生物(FR-M)对污染底质的生物修复能力。微生物固定所用载体包括:纤维网状活性炭,生物活性炭,沸石和硅藻土(相应的固定化微生物分别标记为FC-M、 BC-M、ZE-M和DI-M组)。结果显示:固定化微生物对围隔内水质有间接影响,试验后期固定化微生物组(ZE-M、DI-M和FC-M组)的上覆水硝氮浓度显著高于对照组;BC-M组和ZE-M组上覆水中的COD值显著低于游离微生物组(FR-M)和对照组,说明固定化微生物有效削减了水底界面还原性物质的污染程度;与游离微生物或对照组相比,固定化微生物组(FC-M组、DI-M 组和ZE-M组)能更有效地降解底泥有机质。固定化微生物对底泥生物降解能力(G值)的影响明显,实验后期固定化微生物组((BC-M组、DI-M组和ZE-M组)的G值均显著高于对照组和游离微生物组,说明固定化微生物技术的运用显著提高了围隔底泥的生物降解能力;固定化微生物对围隔内底泥异养细菌总数影响不显著,可能是由于底泥微生物群落结构受其它多种因子的综合影响所致。固定化微生物对底泥反硫化细菌影响显著,与对照组和游离微生物组相比,固定化微生物(尤其是ZE-M和BC-M组)能更有效地减少围隔底泥反硫化细菌数。本实验结果显示,利用载体固定微生物技术能显著提高微生物对污染底质的生物修复能力,其中以ZE-M和BC-M组效果最好。  相似文献   

微生物作为一种生态调节剂,它不仅能改善机体微生态平衡,还能改善水产动物的代谢并无致病性,且对水环境中致病微生物具有一定程度的抑制作用.微生物在水产养殖环境中的生物修复作用主要是利用微生物(细菌、真菌、酵母菌或提取物)对水体环境污染物的吸收、代谢、降解等功能,在环境中对污染物的降解起催化作用,从而去除或消除环境污染的一个受控或自发的过程.  相似文献   

微生物在水产养殖环境生物修复中的作用机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
微生物作为一种生态调节剂,它不仅能改善机体微生态平衡,还能改善动物的代谢并无致病性;对致病微生物具有一定程度的抑制作用。微生物在水产养殖环境中生物修复的作用机制主要是利用微生物(细菌、真菌、酵母菌或提取物)对环境污染物的吸收、代谢、降解等功能,在环境中对污染物的降解起催化作用,从而去除或消除环境污染的一个受控或自发的过程。  相似文献   

The primary productivity of the water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes was estimated from diel measurements of NO3N uptake in an aquaculture system using a continuous, automated nutrient analyzer apparatus. Productivity values obtained by this method agreed favorably with those made by directly harvesting the biomass. Since productivity measurements based on harvesting methods would be impractical on a large scale, the use of diel nutrient uptake measurements would be a significant improvement for proper management of aquatic macrophytes in an aquaculture system. There were few diel changes in NO3N uptake by Eichhornia, a fact which is potentially beneficial to this species not only to its ecological success in its natural ecosystem, but also to its ability to remove nutrients as a component in tertiary sewage treatment.  相似文献   

Although water hyacinth is an adventive aquatic plant that threatens the Japanese ecosystem, its high growth rate may be a benefit in terms of its potential as a raw material for the production of bioethanol. In our study, water hyacinth was saccharified with 3?% (v/v) sulfuric acid and subjected to cellulase treatments to determine optimum bioethanol production conditions. The original saccharified solution yielded both glucose at 5.3?±?0.2?g/l and reducing sugars at 9.7?±?0.1?g/l. Concentration of the saccharified solution under vacuum at 70?°C yielded both glucose at 21.5?±?2.9?g/l and reducing sugars at 33.3?±?2.1?g/l. An aquatic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae TY2 produced ethanol at 9.6?±?1.1?g/l from the concentrated saccharified solution. In comparison, Ogawa et al. (Afr J Microbiol Res 2:110?C113, 2008) reported that this yeast produced 0.90?g/l and that the production of bioethanol was about 11.2-fold lower than that obtained in our study. These results suggest that refinement of the saccharification process and application of the selected yeast could improve the efficiency of obtaining bioethanol from the water hyacinth.  相似文献   

The potential of water hyacinth leaf protein concentrate (WHLPC) as an alternative protein source to soybean meal in formulated diets for the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) postlarvae, was assessed. Isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets were formulated containing 40% protein and 8% lipid. WHLPC replaced 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% of soybean meal protein in the formulated diets. Twenty postlarval Litopenaeus vannamei weighing 5.0 ± 0.00032 mg were randomly assigned to twelve 30‐L aquarium tanks and were fed experimental diets for 70 days. Results show that the overall biological performance of shrimp in terms of specific growth rate (SGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), feed efficiency (FE) and survival in treatment receiving the 25% WHLPC replacement is comparable to that of the control diet. Replacement levels beyond 25% exhibited significant depression in terms of growth performance of the shrimp. Collectively, these findings indicate that WHLPC can replace 25% of soybean meal protein in the formulated diets of L. vannamei.  相似文献   

凤眼莲养鱼及其效益研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢伟 《淡水渔业》2000,30(9):25-27
凤眼莲又名水葫芦 ,是一种多年生草本植物。根须发达 ,叶肉肥厚 ,具有喜暖怕冷、喜肥怕瘦、喜光怕阴的特性。我国大部分地区均可种植。其生长速度快 ,产量高 ,亩产鲜草可达 30吨。营养较为丰富。是草食性鱼类喜食的青饲料之一。为了配合环保部门对城郊污水进行综合治理 ,利用凤眼莲净化水质 ,取得良好效果。为避免产生二次污染 ,我们开展了凤眼莲养鱼、养鹅、养猪等一系列研究。本文对凤眼莲养鱼及其效益做一初步总结。1 材料和方法1 1 池塘条件 :实验塘为马鞍山市林里养殖总场 6 #、 7#和 1 2 #标准精养塘 ,面积同为 7 5亩。平均水深 2 …  相似文献   

The different products of Eichhornia crassipes leaves including dried E. crassipes powder (DEP), hot‐water treated E. crassipe (HTE), hot‐water extract of E. crassipe (ECE) and dreg of hot‐water extract of E. crassipe extract (dECE) were produced and incorporated into the diet of the prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, as an immunostimulant. Results showed that prawn fed the HTE‐, ECE‐ and dECE‐containing diets for 4 months had increased total haemocyte count, different haemocyte count, phenoloxidase activity, respiratory bursts, superoxide dismutase activity, glutathione peroxidase activity especially in HTE and ECE treatments. The phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency against Lactococcus garvieae of prawn fed the HTE‐ and ECE‐containing diets were significantly higher than those of prawn fed the control diet at 2–4 months. The relative percentage survival of prawn fed the DEP‐, HTE‐, ECE‐ and dECE‐containing diets for 4 months following 144 h challenging with L. garvieae were 19.0%, 38.1%, 38.1% and 33.3%. It was concluded that E. crassipes leaves containing an active component which was easily extracted by hot water can enhance innate immunity and resistance against pathogen of M. rosenbergii by dietary long‐term administration, and the administration of HTE in the diet was the best strategy due to the availability and convenience.  相似文献   

凤眼莲对铜绿微囊藻的化感抑制作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了凤眼莲种植水抽滤液、不同部位的活体凤眼莲和干体凤眼莲的甲醇和丙酮提取物对铜绿微囊藻的化感抑制作用。结果表明:凤眼莲种植水抽滤液及不同部位的提取液均对铜绿微囊藻产生一定的化感抑制作用,并降低了稳定期的铜绿微囊藻产量。10%、50%、100%种植水抽滤液对铜绿微囊藻的抑制率分别81.06%、89.23%和89.78%。凤眼莲不同部位的甲醇和丙酮提取液对铜绿微囊藻的抑制强度不同,其中以根部的甲醇提取液效果最佳。由此得出:凤眼莲作为杀藻剂的材料具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

凤眼莲漂浮密度与净化能力的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为进一步研究凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)漂浮密度与水体净化效果,在100 L水体中进行了凤眼莲100 g、200 g、300 g、400 g和500 g的梯度水培试验.经过10 d养殖试验,凤眼莲均相对增重80.9%以上.根据漂浮密度与相对增重率关系式)y=6×10-6x2-0.005x 1.850 7(r=0.998 9),凤眼莲最大漂浮密度为1.3 k/m2.试验组对水体总氮、总磷最大降解速率为33.8mg/kg·d和8.4 mg/kg·d,为把凤眼莲控制在合理漂浮密度并有效净化水质提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

凤眼莲对城郊污水鱼塘的净化试验   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
蒋艾青 《淡水渔业》2003,33(5):43-44
试验表明凤眼莲对城郊污水鱼塘中的NH4-N、N0 2、3 -N、COD、T -N去除率分别为 70 %、88 1%、 5 6 %、 73 1%。试验塘比对照塘平均每亩多产鱼 172 3kg ,平均每亩收凤眼莲 2 5 0 17 5kg。  相似文献   

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