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An investigation was conducted in a watershed formed by the tributaries of the Little River in South Georgia to study the nature of the humic and inorganic fractions of black water, and their influence on stream water quality. Large amounts of black colored water were sampled during 1983 to 1984 according to streamflow pattern in December, March, June and September. Measurements of air and water temperature and dissolved oxygen were made at the gaging sites, whereas water analysis for conductivity, Cl, NO3‐N, NH4‐N, P, total N, and other macro‐ and microelements were conducted in the laboratory. Fulvic (FA) and humic acid (HA) were isolated from the water samples, and analyzed by infrared and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Suspended clay from the water samples were collected and determined by x‐ray diffraction analysis. The results showed that black water was characterized by low conductivity and low ion concentrations indicating satisfactory chemical quality. The Na content was half the amount of other rivers in the Southeastern United States, whereas the ? content was similar to the world average. A seasonal fluctuation was noticed for Ca and Mg concentration. The increase of these ions during high streamflow in spring and summer was attributed to agricultural practices in the surrounding lands. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration was highest in December during low streamflow. As DOM content decreased during high streamflow, water pH increased. A large part of the humified DOM was composed of fulvic acid, which was more aromatic in nature than soil‐fulvic acid as determined by 13C NMR. The suspended clay had a composition reflecting the clay mineralogy of Tifton soils in the surrounding uplands. It is believed that the Tifton soil, with its low activity clay and hence low CEC, may not be able to buffer the effect of acid leaching of black water.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency conducted the National Stream Survey (NSS) to provide unbiased estimates of the numbers and distribution of acidic and low acid neutralizing capacity streams in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States. The NSS employed a probability sample of 500 stream reaches to represent a target population of 64,300 stream reaches in the study area. All NSS samples were screened for acid mine drainage (AMD) influences, and population estimates of the regional extent of AMD impacts were made. Almost 10% of the stream reaches in the Northern Appalachians subregion were acidic during spring baseflow due to AMD. In the entire NSS, an estimated 4590 km (± 1670) of streams (2% of the total NSS length) were acidic due to AMD and another 5780 km (± 2090) of streams were strongly impacted, but not acidic. In subregions of the NSS with observed mine drainage effects, roughly the same number of streams were acidic during spring baseflow due to AMD as due to acidic deposition. The population estimates of mine drainage impact made in the NSS were similar to estimates made in previous surveys that attempted to census all of the streams in coal producing areas. These results demonstrate that a statistically based stream survey is a useful tool for evaluating regional water quality.  相似文献   

Sediment samples collected in 1980-1982 from riverine and pothole wetlands at 17 locations in the north central United States were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides, certain of their metabolites, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Concentrations were above minimum detection levels (5 ng/g of organochlorines and 20 ng/g of PCBs) in less than 4% of the samples taken. Fish samples taken at 9 of these 17 locations, and analyzed for the same compounds, showed a higher frequency of detectable contaminants. The most common compound found in fish was DDE, which was found in 51% of the samples at levels up to 512 ng/g. alpha-BHC was present at concentrations of 5 to 27 ng/g in 36% of the fish samples, and DDD was found at levels of 5 to 60 ng/g in 14%. Four other compounds, DDT, dieldrin, PCB, and trans-nonachlor, were detected in fish at relatively low concentrations in less than 10% of the samples. This survey, thus, indicated little contamination by organochlorine pesticides or PCBs in the wetland habitats of this region.  相似文献   

Using 13C/12C ratios in particulate organic carbon(POC), this study evaluated the fraction of terrestrially derivedPOC in Winyah Bay, South Carolina, an anthropogenically impactedestuary in the southeastern United States. Results from themixing model, which should be viewed as an upper limit becauseof possible dilution from additional potential end-members,showed that between 50 and 90% of POC in the Winyah Bay estuaryis of terrestrial origin. As this POC may be associated withriver-transported pollutants, the potential for accumulation ofpollutants in Winyah Bay is high because POC may become trappedin the estuary as part of either estuarine bottom sediments,circulation or food webs. Thus strategies for pollutionmonitoring and control in the estuary and its watershed arenecessary for the future management of Winyah Bay naturalresources.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of terrestrial ecosystems in the global carbon (C) cycle has become increasingly important as policymakers consider options to address the issues associated with global change, particularly climate change. Sound scientific theories are critical in predicting how these systems may respond in the future, both to climate change and human actions. In March 1993, 60 scientists from 13 nations gathered in Bad Harzburg, Germany, to develop a state-of-the-science assessment of the present and likely future C fluxes associated with the major components of the earth's terrestrial biosphere. In the process, particular emphasis was placed on the potential for improving C sinks and managing long-term C sequestration. The majority of the week's work was conducted in eight working groups which independently considered a particular biome or subject area. The working groups considered: the Global Carbon Cycle; Boreal Forests and Tundra; Temperate Forests; Tropical Forests; Grasslands, Savannas and Deserts; Land and Water Interface Zones; Agroecosystems; and Biomass Management. This paper presents a brief overview of their major conclusions and findings. In addition, Table 1 brings together the best estimates from each group as to the current magnitude and estimated future direction of changes in the terrestrial C fluxes.  相似文献   

In the United States, more farms are composting than municipalities, commercial/institutional establishments, and other private sector groups combined. To obtain an overview of agricultural composting in the United States, industry, government, and university representatives from the top 10 beef and dairy cattle, poultry, and swine producing states were contacted between January and April of 1995. These states represent at least 70 percent of the nation's production of these commodities (except for beef cattle at 52 percent). The representatives provided information about the number of farms composting, the materials composted, composting methods, how the compost is used, and motivating and impeding factors for farms to compost. In addition, information was gathered concerning composting crop residues. In this case, specific applications of crop residue composting were identified and individuals knowledgeable about the applications were contacted for background information.

Note the estimated numbers of composting operations presented here represent a best attempt to quantify the composting activity taking place on various types of farms. In many cases, the numbers are rough estimates, based on the assessments of the representatives contacted in each state. Also, they only include the composting operations in the top 10 producing states. A considerable amount of composting occurs outside of these states. Therefore, Tables 1 and 2 underestimate the number of farms that compost.  相似文献   

The need to conserve United States populations of Lepidoptera has been recognised for a century, but intensive programmes to do so have only recently come into being. The evolution of the butterfly and moth conservation movement in the United States is followed from the earliest instances to the present state of progress. The origin and growth of the Xerces Society as the chief body for terrestrial arthropod conservation in America are described. Currently, ecological research and political action aimed at specific lepidopteran protection issues are under way. Several of these are examined and the most acute needs for further study and action indicated. Habitat alteration emerges dramatically as the chief problem in the decline of butterfly and moth populations. The relative importance of pesticides and overcollecting is discussed and reinforces the conclusion that the habitat is paramount. Introductions of organisms for purposes of conservation likewise receive consideration, showing this strategy to be problematical and subject to careful review prior to its use. The various levels of government as well as private bodies and individuals have distinct roles in insect conservation. Greater public awareness of beneficial insects must precede optimal effectiveness of conservation schemes. The appointment of an official federal insect conservator is announced along with his initial proposal for endangered species listings for certain North American butterflies. The prognosis for a national programme is suggested. Lepidoptera conservation in the United States has become a fully fledged movement with numerous successes and with many difficult problems to face. The situation is viewed with immediate alarm but cautious long-term optimism as well.  相似文献   

Increased strandings of dead loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta on southeast US shores may be the result of increased fishing efficiency and improved recruitment of young turtles to the population. Possibly, the practice of discarding overboard large amounts of unwanted fish and biological material may provide a major energy resource for loggerhead sea turtles and crabs, which are also loggerhead food items. Our observations show that many dead loggerheads stranded on Cumberland Island had eaten man-caught food in addition to the expected diet of crabs and other bottom-dwelling animals. Consideration of alternative methods of handling the incidental fish catch while trawling for shrimp may be useful in reducing the problem of killing of sea turtles in shrimp trawls.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) contamination from a variety of point and non-point sources, including atmospheric inputs, is currently considered to be the most serious environmental threat to the well being of fish and wildlife resources in the southeastern United States. Fish consumption advisories have been issued in all ten states comprising the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Southeast Region. Both freshwater and marine species have been affected with levels ranging as high as 7.0 ppm in some individuals. Many other species, including various species of reptiles, birds and mammals (including humans) are also contaminated. Impacts noted range from reproductive impairment to mortality.  相似文献   

Perchlorate has the potential to cause thyroid dysfunction by inhibiting iodide uptake by the sodium iodide symporter. Perchlorate-contaminated waters may lead to human exposure through drinking water and food chain transfer in crops by way of irrigation water. Perchlorate has been found in dairy milk collected nationally and internationally. This study was conducted to evaluate perchlorate in the feed-dairy continuum in the southwestern United States. All feed products collected at dairies in this study had detectable levels of perchlorate as analyzed by ion chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The calculated total perchlorate intake across dairies ranged from 1.9 to 12.7 mg/cow per day. The variation in total perchlorate intake across dairies was largely associated with variation in forage and silage products. Alfalfa products were the single most important source of perchlorate intake variability among dairies. The estimated perchlorate intake from drinking water ranged from 0.01 mg per cow per day and was generally less than 2% of the total perchlorate intake. The perchlorate content of milk ranged from 0.9 to 10.3 microg/L and was similar to levels reported by the Food and Drug Administration's Total Diet Study. The perchlorate content of milk was significantly related to the presence of perchlorate in feed but the variation of perchlorate in milk could not be explained by feed intake alone.  相似文献   

美国土地利用的生物环境保护工程措施—缓冲带   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
通过实地考察和研究 ,全面论述了美国土地利用的独特方式缓冲带 ,并依照其分布位置与主要作用将其分为 5大类型 ,进一步说明了每类缓冲带的直接效益和外部效益 ,扼要对比了我国某些研究 ,提出借鉴建议。  相似文献   

Soil Taxonomy was developed primarily for the practical purpose of supporting the National Cooperative Soil Survey Program in the United States. The previous system of classification was limited in its usefulness and could not be applied consistently by a large cadre of soil scientists with diverse levels of skill and experience. The first edition of Soil Taxonomy, published in 1975, was developed under the leadership of Dr. Guy Smith over a period of about 25 years. The magnitude and complexity of the information favored the use of a hierarchical system presented as a key for consistent application. Operational definitions were used to identify taxonomic limits and diagnostic horizons and features, so that each taxon conveyed the same meaning to every user. The application of Soil Taxonomy had several important impacts on the soil survey program in the United States. The emphasis on objective, measurable diagnostic horizons and features to define classes made all competent soil scientists, regardless of experience and rank, equally capable of accurately and consistently classifying soils. The use of quantitative class differentia improved the quantity and quality of the field data collection. The property ranges of soil series and their geographic distribution have generally been narrowed over time, thus, allowing more precise interpretations to be made. Soil Taxonomy has benefited the soil correlation process by grouping the nearly 22 000 series currently established in the United States in ways that allow us to efficiently compare and differentiate competing soil series and coordinates their use among survey areas. After publication in 1975, Soil Taxonomy was further refined through the work of nine international committees and many individuals. This work culminated in the publication of the second edition in 1999 and, most recently, the 9th edition of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy in 2003. Today, two international committees are considering revisions to the moisture and temperature regimes and improvements to the classification of anthropogenic soils. Published in Russian in Pochvovedenie, 2006, No. 2, pp. 161–167. This article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The average deposition rate of sea salt chloride over the world continents is about 10 meq m?2 yr?1. Only about 14 ± 1% of chloride in the pollution-corrected world average river is contributed by seasalt aerosols and the rest from the dissolution of evaporites. The significant increase of the ion concentrations in the Mississippi river from the year 1905 to 1987 was caused by anthropogenic inputs such as fossil fuel burning, common salt consumption, and dissolution of carbonate and silicate rocks by acids derived from acid precipitation.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the trends in agricultural injuries and illnesses in the past decade, as well as the needs for surveillance in the future. Agriculture is one of the most hazardous industries in the U.S. The fatality rate in agriculture remained high (about 22/100,000 workers) through the 1990s. and tractors remained the leading source of death, causing approximately 300 fatalities each year. Non-fatal injuries and illnesses decreased in the employed agricultural worker population. There are no adequate injury and illness data for self-employed farmers and family members to show trends over time. The reported injury rates have been 0.5 to 16.6/100 workers, based on the source of information. Many studies have shown high rates of respiratory and musculoskeletal symptoms, hearing loss, and skin disorders in agriculture. The overall cancer rate is lower; however, certain cancers are elevated in farmers. Surveillance information has not improved significantly in the past decade; however, many studies have provided more insight into the prevalence, incidence, and risk factors for injury and illness. Further efforts are needed to better define the populations at risk, including farmers and ranchers, family members, workers, migrant and seasonal workers, and others exposed to farm hazards. Fatalities are well documented, and it is important to continue existing surveillance in the future. Surveillance systems should be developed to collect information on agriculture-related non-fatal injuries and illnesses.  相似文献   

Acid rain has become a major environmental concern, the current extent of which is illustrated in this paper. Maps of both pH and H+ deposition in precipitation have been developed for the continental United States by analyzing laboratory pH data from nine precipitation chemistry networks and two single stations spread across the continental United States and southern Canada during the late 1970's. Average laboratory pH values were obtained or calculated for approximately 100 stations, and isopleths of weighted mean pH and mean annual H+ deposition in precipitation were drawn. Results of this analysis show that in spite of a wide variety of collection methods and sampling intervals, there is remarkable uniformity in the average pH among the various stations. The northeastern United States continues to exhibit the most acidic precipitation, with remaining portions of the eastern United States, states along the western coastline and a pocket in central Colorado also experiencing acid precipitation.  相似文献   

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