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The concentrations of 21 elements were determined in 1 yr old needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies) at 39 different sites: The following soil parameters were measured at 3 different depths: pH, loss on ignition, total and EDTA-extractable concentrations of 28 elements. Needle concentrations were tested for correlations with soil parameters. The following significant correlations were found with pH: Al, Co, Cs, Mn, and Rb in needles increased with decreasing soil pH, whereas Ba and Sr decreased. Needle concentrations of As, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, La, Mg, P, Sb, Sc, V, and Zn had no significant correlations with soil pH. AI and Ba in needles correlated also with A1 and Ba extracted from the soil. Needle concentrations of the pairs Co and Mn, Cs and Rb, and Ba and Sr showed significant positive interelement correlations, whereas concentrations of P and K had negative interelement correlations with Mn.  相似文献   

Many studies have dealt with the links between nutrient supply and tree growth. High N availability usually leads to increased growth but it may also be a stress factor and may affect the ability of the tree to take up both water and nutrients. We measured the nutritional status of the trees and estimated their tolerance to drought by examining the flushing of new shoots and needle loss. The studies were carried out on trees grown under different N and water supply in a field experiment using a 25–30 year old Norway spruce (Picea abies) in SW Sweden. The treatments included in this study were ammonium sulphate (NS) where 100 kg N ha?1 was applied yearly, N-free fertiliser (V) where P, K, Ca, Mg and S but no N was applied, and also the combinations of ammonium sulphate and drought (ND) and N-free fertiliser and drought (VD). The NS treatment caused increased N but decreasing P/N, K/N and Mg/N ratios in the needles whereas the N-free fertiliser resulted in increased P/N and Ca/N ratios. In ND and VD, nutrient ratios remained relatively unchanged compared with NS and V. Thus, trees keep a stable internal nutrient balance. However, as a response to the drought, ND seemed to stop the flushing of new shoots to a higher degree than VD. In conclusion, this study showed that nutrient status did affect drought resistance which could be seen as differences in the flushing of new shoots rather than changes in nutrient ratios in the needles.  相似文献   

The interaction of soil microbes with their physical environment affects their abilities to respire, grow and divide. One of these environmental factors is the amount of moisture in the soil. The work we published almost 25 years ago showed that microbial respiration was linearly related to soil-water content and log-linearly related to water potential. The paper arose out of collaboration between two young researchers from different areas of soil science, physics and microbiology. The project was driven by not only our curiosity but also the freedom to operate without the constraints common to the current system of science management. The citation history shows three peaks, 1989, 1999 and from 2002 to the present day. Interestingly, the annual citation rate is as high as it has ever been. The initial peak is due to the application of the work to studies on microbial processes. The second peak is associated with the rise of simulation modelling and the third with the relevance of the findings to climate change research. In this article, our paper is re-evaluated in the light of subsequent studies that allow the principle of separation of variables to be tested. This re-evaluation lends further credence to the linear relationship proposed between soil respiration and water content. A scaled relationship for respiration and water content is presented. Lastly, further research is suggested and more recent work on the physics of gas transport discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Global change scenarios predict an increasing frequency and duration of summer drought periods in Central Europe especially for higher elevation areas. Our current knowledge about the effects of soil drought on nitrogen trace gas fluxes from temperate forest soils is scarce. In this study, the effects of experimentally induced drought on soil N2O and NO emissions were investigated in a mature Norway spruce forest in the Fichtelgebirge (northeastern Bavaria, Germany) in two consecutive years. Drought was induced by roof constructions over a period of 46 days. The experiment was run in three replicates and three non-manipulated plots served as controls. Additionally to the N2O and NO flux measurements in weekly to monthly intervals, soil gas samples from six different soil depths were analysed in time series for N2O concentration as well as isotope abundances to investigate N2O dynamics within the soil. N2O fluxes from soil to the atmosphere at the experimental plots decreased gradually during the drought period from 0.2 to −0.0 μmol m−2 h−1, respectively, and mean cumulative N2O emissions from the manipulated plots were reduced by 43% during experimental drought compared to the controls in 2007. N2O concentration as well as isotope abundance analysis along the soil profiles revealed that a major part of the soil acted as a net sink for N2O, even during drought. This N2O sink, together with diminished N2O production in the organic layers, resulted in successively decreased N2O fluxes during drought, and may even turn this forest soil into a net sink of atmospheric N2O as observed in the first year of the experiment. Enhanced N2O fluxes observed after rewetting up to 0.1 μmol m−2 h−1 were not able to compensate for the preceding drought effect. During the experiment in 2006, with soil matric potentials in 20 cm depth down to −630 hPa, cumulative NO emissions from the throughfall exclusion plots were reduced by 69% compared to the controls, whereas cumulative NO emissions from the experimental plots in 2007, with minimum soil matric potentials of −210 hPa, were 180% of those of the controls. Following wetting, the soil of the throughfall exclusion plots showed significantly larger NO fluxes compared to the controls (up to 9 μmol m−2 h−1 versus 2 μmol m−2 h−1). These fluxes were responsible for 44% of the total emission of NO throughout the whole course of the experiment. NO emissions from this forest soil usually exceeded N2O emissions by one order of magnitude or more except during wintertime.  相似文献   

Assessments of terrestrial carbon fluxes require a thorough understanding of links between primary production, soil respiration and carbon loss through drainage. In this study, stem girdling was used to terminate autotrophic soil respiration including rhizosphere respiration and root exudation in a temperate Norway spruce stand. Rates of soil respiration and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) formation were measured in the second year after girdling, comparing an intact plant-rhizosphere continuum with an exclusive decomposer system. The molecular and isotopic composition of DOC in the soil solution was analysed with a coupled Py-GC/MS-C-IRMS system to distinguish between the carbon sources of dissolved carbon. Pyrolysis products were grouped according to their precursor origins: polysaccharides, proteins or of mixed origin (mainly derivates of lignins and proteins). When dead roots became available for decomposition, rates of heterotrophic soil respiration in girdling plots peaked at 6.5 μmol m−2 s−1, comparable to peak rates of total soil respiration (autotrophic and heterotrophic) in control plots, 6.1 μmol m−2 s−1. A significant response of soil respiration to temperature was found in control plots only, showing that an unlimiting supply of organic substrates for microbial respiration may mask any temperature effects. The enhanced decomposition in girdled plots was further supported by the isotopic composition of DOC in soil solution; all three precursor groups became isotopically enriched as the growing season progressed (polysaccharides by 2.3‰, proteins by 1.9‰, mixed origin group by 2.2‰). This indicates a trophic level shift due to incorporation of organic substrate into the microbial food chain. In the control plots’ mixed origin fraction, the isotopic composition changed over time from a signature resembling that of lignin (−28.9‰) to one similar of the protein fraction (−25.7‰). Significant temporal changes of structural DOC composition occurred in the girdling plots only. These results suggest that changes in the microbial community and in decomposition rates occurred in both girdled and control plots in the following ways: (i) increased substrate availability (dead roots) gave rise to generally enhanced performance of the decomposer community in girdled plots, (ii) root-derived exudates probably contributed to enhanced decomposition of recalcitrant lignin in the control plots and (iii) the structural composition of DOC seemed to be more a result of decomposition than of plant root exudation in all plots.  相似文献   

Here we report on low molecular weight organic acids in root exudates and soil solutions of Norway spruce and silver birch grown in rhizoboxes, sterile microcosms and the field. Monocarboxylic acids dominated in all three experimental systems. Formic, shikimic and oxalic acids were found in both spruce and birch microcosms. Fumaric acid was exclusive for spruce, while lactic, malonic, butyric and phthalic acids were only found in the birch microcosms. In spruce rhizoboxes oxalic, lactic, formic, butyric and pthalic acids were found. In addition, citric, adipic, propionic, succinic and acetic acids were observed in the rhizosphere of birch. Behind root windows in the field, only oxalic and lactic acids were found in the rhizosphere of spruce fine roots, whereas also formic and phthalic were observed close to birch fine roots, all at low concentrations. The rhizosphere of mycorrhizal short roots of birch contained butyric acid along with the acids observed for birch fine roots. Our results emphasise that characteristics of both the trees e.g. species, developmental stage, root density, mycorrhizal status, and the experimental system, i.e. growth conditions are important for the composition and the amount of organic acids. We conclude that the rhizosphere of birch contains more organic acids at higher concentrations than spruce.  相似文献   

At the study site Tharandt Anchor Station in Saxony/Germany sap flow measurements are conducted in an old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) stand. During the study period from 2001 to 2007 several events like thinning, long and short drought periods and a winter storm significantly affected the amount of canopy water use. We show that intra-annual variation of Ec is strongly related to VPD and PPFD. While there is a non-linear relationship between daily Ec and VPD, daily Ec is limited by daily integrated PPFD indicating stomatal control of Ec through photosynthesis. On a monthly or seasonal basis, reduction of Ec is not only related to high VPD and non-saturating PPFD, but also to higher frequencies of precipitation. In comparison to this, nearly 55% of canopy precipitation and 20% of available energy were used for transpiration during the growing season. Intensive seasonal soil water measurements at the site revealed that on average about 74% of soil water removal within the rooting zone can be related to tree water uptake. A good correlation was found between annual Ec and Ecmax, usually occurring in June or July. Further, the monthly sums of June plus July were good predictors of annual Ec. Within the study period, the extreme drought in 2003 revealed a clear threshold of soil water content by 9.5 vol% and had the most pronounced effect on annual Ec followed by a stand thinning. The winter storm “Kyrill” in January 2007 had caused loss of green needles and twigs. It is assumed that the observed reduction in Ec during spring was related to the reduced leaf biomass and potentially to root damage of bended trees. Excluding the effect of extreme drought and forest management, a mean inter-annual variation in Ec of ±15% and in Ec/VPD of ±8% remained. It is concluded that lag-effects of drought and the winter storm add lacking explanation to the inter-annual variability of canopy transpiration besides the typical variation of atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

 The aims of this study were to characterize dissolved soil organic N (DON) and C (DOC) in a coniferous stand and an adjacent clear-cut, and to evaluate the importance of DON in N leaching. The study was carried out in a Norway spruce stand and a clear-cutting treatment in the same forest stand. Concentrations of DON in soil solution were monitored for 5 years after clear-cutting with gravity lysimeters. In the Norway spruce stand DON comprised 62–83% of the total N in soil solution over the 5-year period. The concentrations of DON in the clear-cut were higher than in the forest stand, but the proportion of total N was lower. To characterize dissolved organic matter, soil samples were aerobically incubated for 6 weeks in the laboratory, and the quantity, molecular size distribution and chemical nature of both DON and DOC were determined from water extracts made before and after the incubation. In the soil samples from the Norway spruce stand, C-rich compounds with a high C/N ratio and large molecular size were formed. In contrast, after the incubation the major carriers of DON in soil samples from the clear-cut were N-rich organic compounds with a low C/N ratio and a small molecular size. The distribution of different chemical fractions of DOC in soil did not differ much whether recovered from the Norway spruce stand or the clear-cut. It was (from highest to lowest concentration): hydrophobic acids>hydrophilic acids>phenols>hydrophilic neutrals. A major part of DON was also carried by these fractions. During incubation the concentration of N-containing hydrophilic acids increased, especially in the soil from the clearcut. In soil samples from the Norway spruce stand, the rate of net N mineralization was low and no NO3 was formed, whilst the rate of net N mineralization was high and net nitrification was intensive in soil from the clear-cut. Received: 12 June 2000  相似文献   

 The effect of the form of N nutrition on soil stability is an important consideration for the management of sustainable agricultural systems. We grew soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] plants in pot cultures in unsterilized soil, and treated them by (1) inoculating them with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, fertilizing with (2) nitrate or (3) ammonia, or (4) by providing only minimum N amendment for the controls. The soils were sampled at 3-week intervals to determine changes in water-stable soil aggregates (WSA), soil pH, the development of roots, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) soil and root colonization, and selected functional groups of soil bacteria. The soil fauna was assayed at the end of the experiment (9 weeks). WSA was correlated positively with root and AM soil mycelium development, but negatively with total bacterial counts. Soil arthropod (Collembola) numbers were negatively correlated with AM hyphal length. Soils of nodulated and ammonia-fertilized plants had the highest levels of WSA and the lowest pH at week 9. Sparse root development in the soils of the N-deficient, control plants indicated that WSA formation was primarily influenced by AM hyphae. The ratio of bacterial counts in the water-stable versus water-unstable soil fractions increased for the first 6 weeks and then declined, while counts of anaerobic bacteria increased with increasing WSA. The numbers of soil invertebrates (nematodes) and protozoans did not correlate with bacterial counts or AM soil-hyphal lengths. Soil pH did not affect mycorrhiza development, but actinomycete counts declined with decreasing soil pH. AM fungi and roots interacted as the factors that affect soil aggregation, regardless of N nutrition. Received: 20 December 1997  相似文献   

The effect of sucrose (4 g kg−1) on the population dynamics of nematodes and enchytraeids and on N mineralization was studied in laboratory microcosms containing 30 g of Norway spruce forest humus. Sucrose did not have a positive influence on nematode and enchytraeid dynamics but neither ammonium nor nitrate concentration was affected. The results indicate that faunal activity can counteract microbial N immobilization at C limited conditions.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of liming and short-term effects of an experimentally induced drought on microbial biomass and activity were investigated in samples from the O-layer (Of/Oh) and uppermost mineral soil (0—10 cm) in a spruce forest near Schluchsee (Black Forest, South-West Germany). Seven years after lime application a marked increase of pH values was restricted to the O-layer. The contents of C and N in the O-layer of the limed plot appeared to be lower, whereas in the A-horizon from the limed plot the contents of C and N appeared to be higher than on the control. However, these differences were statistically not significant due to a distinct spatial variability of topsoil conditions. On the limed plots Cmic, Nmic, and Pmic in the O-layer were lower in comparison to the control whereas differences in the A-horizon were negligible. In both sampling depths of the limed plot protease activity was higher while N-mineralization was lower. The other microbial activities studied (basal respiration, catalase activity) followed no consistent pattern after liming. Drought and drought in combination with liming, respectively, had no clear effects on microbial biomass and activity. Only in the A-horizon of the control, there is some evidence for drought stress for microorganisms. The high variability of results from the drought experiment (roof installation) is likely due to the marked spatial variability of top soil properties as well as imperfect and uneven achievement of experimental drought. Nevertheless, our study indicates that long-term effects of liming on microorganisms highly depend on site conditions. Thus, liming operations which currently affect vast areas of forest land should be accompanied by monitoring of soil organisms and their activities to reduce the possibility of a loss in functional diversity of soil organisms.  相似文献   

The foliar status and the factors affecting the foliar chemistry in a natural Aleppo pine forest grown on calcareous soils in Greece were examined. It was found that the Aleppo pine needles had significantly higher calcium (Ca) concentrations, but significantly lower concentrations of magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) than the respective average concentrations of natural Aleppo pine forests in Spain. It was also found that only foliar Ca and Mn had a significant correlation with the exchangeable Ca and available Mn in soils, respectively. Principal component analysis showed that the nature of the calcareous parent material, (colluvial rocks and hard limestones) were the main factors affecting both foliar and soil chemistry. This finding is important as colluvial soils always coexist with other soil types in hilly and mountainous regions containing calcareous material.  相似文献   

Tannins are polyphenolic compounds that may influence litter decomposition, humus formation, nutrient (especially N) cycling and ultimately, plant nutrition and growth. The aim of this study was to determine the response of C and N transformations in soil to tannins of different molecular weight from Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles, tannic acid and cellulose. Arginine was added to test whether the soil microbial community was limited by the amount of N, and arginine+tannin treatments were used to test whether the effects of tannins could be counteracted by adding N. Soil and needle samples were taken from adjacent 70-year-old Scots pine and Norway spruce stands located in Kivalo, northern Finland. Tannins were extracted from needles and fractioned based on molecular weight; the fractions were then characterized by LC-MS and GC-MS. Light fractions contained tannin monomers and dimers as well as many other compounds, whereas heavy fractions consisted predominantly of polymerized condensed tannins. Spruce needles contained more procyanidin than prodelphinidin units, while in pine needles prodelphinidin units seemed to be dominant. The fractions were added to soil samples, pine fractions to pine soil and spruce fractions to spruce soil, and incubated at 14 °C for 6 weeks. CO2 evolution was followed throughout the experiment, and the rates of net mineralization of N and net nitrification, concentration of dissolved organic N (DON) and amounts of microbial biomass C and N were measured at the end of the experiment. The main effects of the fractions were similar in both soils. Light fractions strongly enhanced respiration and decreased net N mineralization, indicating higher immobilization of N in the microbial biomass. On the contrary, heavy fractions reduced respiration and slightly increased net N mineralization, suggesting toxic or protein-precipitating effects. The effects of tannic acid and cellulose resembled those of light fractions. DON concentrations generally decreased during incubation and were lower with heavy fractions than with light fractions. No clear differences were detected between the effects of light and heavy fractions on microbial biomass C and N. Treatments that included addition of arginine generally showed trends similar to treatments without it, although some differences between light and heavy fractions became more obvious with arginine than without it. Overall, light fractions seemed to act as a labile source of C for microbes, while heavy fractions were inhibitors.  相似文献   

Soil‐frost events may influence the dynamics of fine roots and therefore affect root‐derived C fluxes to the soil. We studied the impact of soil frost on the fine‐root dynamics of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) by a replicated snow‐removal experiment in a mature forest in SE Germany. Snow removal in the three treatment plots reduced soil temperature significantly with minima <–5.5°C in the O layer while the snow‐covered control plots never reached temperatures below the freezing point. Sequential soil coring in the O layer at the beginning and at the end of the soil‐frost period as well as after thawing revealed that the soil frost treatment increased fine‐root mortality by 29%. However, enhanced fine‐root production in the snow‐removal plots nearly compensated for the fine‐root losses caused by low temperatures. These findings were confirmed by minirhizotron observations in the O layer and the upper 25 cm of the mineral soil showing that relative fine‐root loss was by far higher in the snow‐removal plots than in the control plots. Compensatory fine‐root production in the snow‐removal plots exceeded fine‐root production in the control plots during a period of 8 weeks after the soil frost application by 39% in the O layer while it was similar in both plot types in the mineral soil. Sequential coring and minirhizotron observations led to substantially different fine root–longevity estimates for the soil frost period. However, in both cases, the snow‐removal treatment was characterized by a significant reduction in root longevity indicating a faster fine‐root turnover. As a consequence, experimental soil frost enhanced the C input to the soil via root death at our study site by approx. 42 g m–2 and stimulated the C investment towards the root system of the spruce trees due to a higher sink activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to monitor the concentration of some plant secondary metabolites, such as low- and high-molecular-weight phenolics, condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins), and sesqui-, di- and triterpenes, in litter (L), fermentation (F) and humified (H) layers of the soil organic horizon in stands dominated by silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and from samples taken from birch leaves and spruce and pine needles. Concentrations of low- and high-molecular-weight phenolics and terpenes from the four most dominant species of ground vegetation taken from the stands were also determined. In general, the L layer showed higher concentrations of both phenolic compounds and terpenes than the F and H layers did. Concentrations of terpenes decreased relatively more with soil depth than did concentrations of total phenolics (=low + high) or condensed tannins. Of the total phenolics, the proportion of low-molecular-weight phenolics increased from the L to the H layer with all tree species. Concentrations of all terpenes were highest under pine and lowest under birch. Concentrations of the studied secondary metabolites in the ground vegetation species were similar under different tree species. Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) contained considerably higher concentrations of total phenolics than did feather moss (Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt.) and wavy hair-grass (Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin.). Concentration of total phenolics in soil correlated positively with soil respiration and microbial biomass C, and terpenes showed positive correlation with soil C-to-N ratio.  相似文献   

滨海盐渍化土壤理化性质与小麦生产间的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为促进滨海区域粮食生产,以盐渍化麦田为研究对象,在测定土壤(0~20 cm)基本性质及小麦产量、生物量基础上,分析土壤肥力特征与小麦生产能力间的关系。结果表明,土壤含盐量与小麦产量、地上部生物量(生物量)呈极显著负相关(p0.01),其关系符合三次函数方程。若以4 500 kg hm-2作为最低目标产量,土壤含盐量应在3.1 g kg-1以下。土壤有机质含量与土壤含盐量呈显著负相关(p0.05),与小麦产量、生物量呈极显著正相关(p0.01)。土壤有机质含量增加能够降低盐渍化程度,促进小麦生产。将直接相连的下层(10~20 cm)与上(表)层(0~10 cm)土壤含盐量比值作为抑盐效率(E),来评价有机质的抑盐作用,表层土壤有机质含量与E符合二次函数方程,有机质含量超过19.1 g kg-1时,抑盐效果显著,可以作为土壤肥力培育目标值。此外,提高土壤速效钾含量对小麦生产也具有显著促进作用。研究结果对研究区域及相似地区进行土壤肥力培育和粮食生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Relationships between soil pH and microbial properties in a UK arable soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of changing pH along a natural continuous gradient of a UK silty-loam soil were investigated. The site was a 200 m soil transect of the Hoosfield acid strip (Rothamsted Research, UK) which has grown continuous barley for more than 100 years. This experiment provides a remarkably uniform soil pH gradient, ranging from about pH 8.3 to 3.7. Soil total and organic C and the ratio: (soil organic C)/(soil total N) decreased due to decreasing plant C inputs as the soil pH declined. As expected, the CaCO3 concentration was greatest at very high pH values (pH > 7.5). In contrast, extractable Al concentrations increased linearly (R2 = 0.94, p < 0.001) from below about pH 5.4, while extractable Mn concentrations were largest at pH 4.4 and decreased at lower pHs. Biomass C and biomass ninhydrin-N were greatest above pH 7. There were statistically significant relationships between soil pH and biomass C (R2 = 0.80, p < 0.001), biomass ninhydrin-N (R2 = 0.90, p < 0.001), organic C (R2 = 0.83, p < 0.001) and total N (R2 = 0.83, p < 0.001), confirming the importance of soil organic matter and pH in stimulating microbial biomass growth. Soil CO2 evolution increased as pH increased (R2 = 0.97, p < 0.001). In contrast, the respiratory quotient (qCO2) had the greatest values at either end of the pH range. This is almost certainly a response to stress caused by the low p. At the highest pH, both abiotic (from CaCO3) and biotic Co2 will be involved so the effects of high pH on biomass activity are confounded. Microbial biomass and microbial activity tended to stabilise at pH values between about 5 and 7 because the differences in organic C, total N and Al concentrations within this pH range were small. This work has established clear relationships between microbial biomass and microbial activity over an extremely wide soil pH range and within a single soil type. In contrast, most other studies have used soils of both different pH and soil type to make similar comparisons. In the latter case, the effects of soil pH on microbial properties are confounded with effects of different soil types, vegetation cover and local climatic conditions.  相似文献   

农业生态与土壤中化学元素关系的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究农业生态与土壤环境中化学元素的关系结果表明,农业生态与土壤的N、P、K、Na、Ca、Mg、S、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、B、Mo、V、Co、Ni、Cr、Pb、Cd、Hg、Se、F、Tl、Ba、Te、Ta、Sr、Ti、Si及稀土元素密切有关。  相似文献   

Soil water regime, oxygen status and rooting pattern under Sitka spruce were characterized in five soil types: a waterlogged peaty gley, a peaty gley, a flushed peaty gley, a surface water gley and a brown forest soil during 1982. The waterlogged peaty gley had a high water-table which only dropped below 30 cm depth for 46 d during the summer. Below the water-table the profile was anoxic and rooting was restricted to a depth of 12cm. The peaty gley experienced seasonal waterlogging with a winter water-table around 15cm depth. Roots that grew further down the profile during the summer as the topsoil dried to –100 kPa matric potential were later killed when the water-table rose. The top 30 cm of the flushed peaty gley remained oxygenated even below the water-table. Roots survived below the winter water-table. The top 30 cm of the surface water gley and brown forest soil were freely draining and remained aerated throughout the year. The platinum electrode polarographic method demonstrated that there was a sharp transition to anoxic conditions just above the water-table at the first two sites.  相似文献   

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