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Rosmarinic acid (RA) was obtained from Zataria multiflora tops' extract and its structure was confirmed by spectroscopic methods. Various in vitro cultures were established on Murashige and Skoog (MS) or Modified Tobacco (MT) medium containing growth hormones. The results indicated that cultures of Z. multiflora biosynthesize RA (55-355 mg/100 g dry wt.) and the highest accumulation were reached on MT media containing NAA 2 mg/l.  相似文献   

唐巍 《林业研究》2000,11(1):1-6
IntroductionOrganogenesis and somatic embryogenesis haveben regarded as the in vitro system of choice withthe Pbtenhal for eventual mass propagation of superior and gen6tically engineering forest tree genotypesIn both conal6rous and hardwood (Gupts et al. 1991,Becwar et al. 1995). Somatic embryogenesis andorganeqenesis have been induced from more than 30ired speCies in conifers, but plant regeneration viaSOmahc embryogenesis and organogenesis remainsdffeutt cd a low rqeneration frequency (A…  相似文献   

Genomic DNAs were isolated from both male and female plants ofAcer negundo L., by modified CTAB method of Doyle and Doyle for plant genomic DNA isolation and consequently tested with RAPD technique. Some sex-related specific oxyribonucleic acid bands were amplified by a group of decamer oligonucleotide random primers. This indicated that some genetic marks related to sexes of the species were found, which laid a foundation for sapling sex identification ofAcer negundo L. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

RAPD analysis on genomic DNA of male and female plants of Acer negundo L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionRAPDisawidelyadoptedmolecularbiologicaltechniqueinmanyfieldsincludingforestry.J.1.Hormazaetsl.(1994)appliedthistechniquetosexrelatedresearchondioecioustreespeciesPistsciaveraL.andresultedverywell.Arandomprimerthatproducesspecificamplificationsolelyforfemaleplantwasscreened.Itwassupposedthespecificamplificationwascloselylinkedtofemafesexcontrolgene.AndtherandomprimerwasprovedapplicabletoseedlingsexidentificationofPiStscisveraL.bysystematicalexperiments.ApreliminarystudyonAcerne…  相似文献   

De B 《Fitoterapia》2003,74(1-2):14-17
Regeneration of adventitious shoots from young leaves of Datura metel is described. Shoot buds developed on MS medium with 2 mg/l and elongated on hormone-free solid basal medium. The microshoots failed to produce alkaloids, but a number of steroidal compounds were detected. The C(28) sterol 3beta,24xi-dihydroxy-ergosta-5,25-dienolide, regarded as the precursor of withanolides and related steroidal lactones, was identified. The withanolide 12-deoxywithastramonolide was also detected.  相似文献   

薄层扫描法测定几种植物中熊果酸的含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用薄层扫描法对车前草、夏枯草、山茱萸中熊果酸的含量进行了测定,其TLC测定条件为:展开剂:环己烷-氯仿-乙酸乙酯(20∶5∶8),显色剂:10%H2SO4乙酸溶液。结果表明:在几种植物中,夏枯草的熊果酸含量最高,达0·812%,车前草的熊果酸含量最低,为0·516%,二者相差1·59倍。该方法简便、快速、准确、经济、数据可靠。  相似文献   

板栗主要栽培品种的遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用RAPD分子标记手段 ,研究了品种间的遗传多样性。对 46个板栗品种样品的DNA ,用 16个引物进行扩增反应 ,产生 69个多态位点。结果表明 ,各个位点上遗传多样性程度存在较大差别 ,有效等位基因数目 (Ne)最大值为 1 9990 ,最小值为 1 0 44 4;基因多样度 (H)的最大值为 0 4998,最小值为 0 0 42 5 ;Shannon信息指数的最大值为 0 692 9,最小值为 0 10 47。所检测位点的平均有效等位基因数目为 1 5 2 6 0 ,平均基因多样度为 0 3618,平均信息指数为 0 4832。有效等位基因数目、平均基因多样度和平均Shannon信息指数的标准误都较小 ,分别为 0 30 96,0 1418,0 1748,估计精度较高。这 3个遗传多样性度量表明板栗品种间具有较高的遗传多样度。品种间遗传距离最大值为 0 80 0 1,相应的遗传共享度为 0 44 93;品种间遗传距离最小值为 0 0 910 ,对应的遗传共享度为 0 9130。遗传距离是评价品种间近缘关系的重要指标。对板栗品种间的遗传分析 ,是板栗良种选育和研究品种间亲缘关系的理论基础  相似文献   

Araucaria angustifolia(Bertol.) O. Kuntze exhibits dimorphism in its stem structure, where the trunk is orthotropic and branches and branchlets(primary and secondary branches) are plagiotropic. These stems exhibit different behavior when used for vegetative propagation,and only segments of trunk can form a complete plant. The physiological and biochemical mechanisms that characterize these stems are still little known. The aim of this study was to describe the free amino acid profiles in trunks,branches, and branchlets of A. angustifolia. Segments of 5 cm in length were excised from young individuals below the stem apex. The needles were removed and samples were frozen and lyophilized. The determinations were made by high-performance liquid chromatography, and the results were expressed as lg/g fresh weight(FW). The trunks and branches had the highest content of total amino acids, which were 112.23 ± 20.57 lg/g FW and 111.97 ± 27.78 lg/g FW, respectively. The amino acids—glutamine, aspartate and c-aminobutyric acid and tyrosine—were noticeably higher in the three types of stems.In the trunk, a higher amount of asparagine and tryptophan,was also detected. Glutamic acid and glutamine were found in higher quantities in the branches. The branchlets had very low total amino acid content (30.79 ± 4.19 lg/g FW), wherein asparagine is the only amino acid not detected. Thus, it was observed that the profile of the free amino acid differs among trunks, branches, and branchlets in A. angustifolia, indicating that they perform different functions.  相似文献   

There have been many arguments on the classification of Eriocaulon Linn. by morphology so far, and little is known about the use of molecular marker for genetic for genetic diversity of Eriocaulon plants. To apply the technique of molecular marker to the research of genetic diversity of Eriocaulon plants, the study of the extraction method of DNA from the Eriocaulon plants and the RAPD system are essential for researchers. In this paper, the extraction of genome DNA from the silica-gel-dried leaves of several species of Eriocaulon distributed in China was studied, and the best RAPD analysis technique condition of Eriocaulon plants was analyzed. [Supported by Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 01029)]  相似文献   

To accelerate the breeding and selection of Pinus densiflora Siebold and Zucc. resistance to pine wilt disease, a micropropagation system was established and nematode resistance evaluated in vitro. Cotyledon-hypocotyl explants from 28-day-old seedlings were first cultured on Gresshoff and Doy medium supplemented with 4.0 mg L-1 6-benzyladenine and 0.2 mg L-1 a-naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA) to stimulate the formation of buds. Induced buds were subsequently subcultured on Gupta and Durzan medium supplemented with 0.1%(w/v)activated charcoal for elongation. Stem sections derived from shoots were used as explants for the further multiplication. Roots were formed from shoots transferred to woody plant medium containing 0.2 mg L-1 NAA for4 weeks. The nematode resistance test showed that symptoms in micropropagated shoots after infection with pine wood nematode(PWN) were similar to those in plants infected in the field. The wilting rate varied from 20 to100% among different clones 18 days after inoculation.The most susceptible clone was Clone 6-4 with a 100%wilting rate, while Clone 8-4 showed a relatively high resistance with a 20% wilting rate. The number of nematodes recovered from Clone 8-4 shoots was significantly lower(P = 0.05) than from Clones 5-10 and 16-4. This work contributes to the breeding of PWN resistance in P.densiflora.  相似文献   

23个油橄榄品种的RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用RAPD技术对23个引种的油橄榄品种进行分类和鉴定研究.从80个10 bp的随机引物中筛选出11个扩增效果较好的引物进行扩增,共产生127条带,其中78条为多态性带,占61.4%,平均每个引物扩增的DNA多态性带数为7.09条.4个品种具有特异的位点,可作为种质鉴定的依据.根据扩增结果构建反映品种间亲缘关系的UPGMA聚类图,23个品种可划分为2大类.  相似文献   

Hacker J  Neuner G 《Tree physiology》2007,27(12):1661-1670
We studied ice propagation in stems and leaves of various angiosperm deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs and gymnosperms by differential thermal analysis (DTA) of thermal images captured with a digital infrared camera. This so-called infrared DTA (IDTA) technique should elucidate the smallest freezing exotherms in plant tissues. After intrinsic ice nucleation in the stem, ice spread into the leaves. On the leaf lamina, it was possible to differentiate between initial freezing in the veins and subsequent freezing in the mesophyll. The spread of ice followed the venation and could usually be tracked to third-order lateral veins. The exception was in mature leaves of Buxus sempervirens L., where large ice lenses formed in the central mesophyll lacunas. Longitudinal ice propagation within veins was faster (0.3-4.7 cm s(-1)) than measured in earlier studies (0.25-2.7 cm s(-1)). Peculiar leaf freezing patterns indicated that lateral ice propagation in the vascular bundles may take significantly longer than longitudinal ice propagation. Within the vascular bundle, the exact sites of initial vein freezing could not be resolved. However, the observed freezing patterns combined with chemical theory and anatomical structures suggest that initial freezing most probably occurs within the xylem vessels and tracheids. Ice barriers appeared to be present in leaf laminas of Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl., resulting in freezing of small mesophyll compartments produced by sclerenchymatic bundle sheath extensions. The IDTA was demonstrated to be a highly efficient method for resolving peculiarities of ice propagation at the plant tissue level.  相似文献   

文章对大连地区植物造景进行调查,介绍了该区栽培植物的种类、特点及植物配植应用现状,并结合科学的植物造景原则和美学原理,对盐碱地城市不同类型用地的植物景观进行评价。  相似文献   

新疆枣资源亲缘关系的ISSR和RAPD分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用RAPD和ISSR标记对24份新疆主产区枣资源进行分析。9条RAPD引物共在75个位点获得了扩增,多态性位点比例为62.7%;8条ISSR引物共有48个位点获得了扩增,多态性位点比例为56.3%。基于RAPD和ISSR标记,利用UPGMA法分别构建了24份枣资源的亲缘关系图谱。结果表明,RAPD和ISSR的聚类结果相似但是不完全相同,在大类的分析上2种方法的聚类结果表现出差异,但是在细节的表现上趋向一致;综合2种方法的聚类结果,以相似系数0.80为标准,将供试的24份新疆枣种质划分为4大类群。  相似文献   

Ocimum gratissimum L. is popularly used to treat diabetes mellitus. The hypoglycemic activity of this medicinal species has been confirmed by in vivo studies. The present study conducted a chemical investigation of a leaf decoction (10% p/v) of O. gratissimum monitored by in vivo hypoglycemic activity assays. Four phenolic substances were identified: l-caftaric acid (1), l-chicoric acid (2), eugenyl-β-d-glucopyranoside (3) and vicenin-2 (4). The acute hypoglycemic activity of the O. gratissimum decoction fractions Og1-S (300 mg/kg), Og1-A (240 mg/kg) and Og1-B (80 mg/kg) was evaluated intraperitoneally in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. They reduced glycemia by 63%, 76% and 60% (in 120 min), respectively, in the diabetic mice. Subfractions of Og1-A were also evaluated under the same conditions: Og1-AS (200 mg/kg) and Og1-AP (40 mg/kg) produced a decrease of only 37% and 39%, respectively. Among the major phenolic substances, only chicoric acid (2; 3 mg/kg) reduced significantly the glycemic levels of diabetic mice by 53%, 120 min after treatment. This is the first study describing the hypoglycemic activity of chicoric acid in an animal model of diabetes mellitus. In addition, we suggest that there may be other substances contributing to this activity. Thus, for the first time, a correlation is established between the hypoglycemic activity of O. gratissimum and its chemical composition.  相似文献   

Much attention is focused today on predicting how plants will respond to anticipated changes in atmospheric composition and climate, and in particular to increases in CO(2) concentration. Here we review the long-term global fluctuations in atmospheric CO(2) concentration as a framework for understanding how current trends in atmospheric CO(2) concentration fit into a selective, evolutionary context. We then focus on an integrated approach for understanding how gas exchange metabolism responds to current environmental conditions, how it previously responded to glacial-interglacial conditions, and how it may respond to future changes in atmospheric CO(2) concentration.  相似文献   

油茶优良无性系是当前生产上的主要良种.通过采用RAPD分子标记方法,从180多个引物中筛选出22个具有多态性的随机引物进行扩增,得到141个位点,其中有91个是多态位点,以此为基础建立油茶优良无性系的RAPD分子鉴别体系.同时还探索出油茶叶片总DNA的分离技术和建立了RAPD反应体系,为油茶分子技术育种积累了相关的知识并奠定了DNA技术基础.  相似文献   

湘鄂西地区珙桐天然群体遗传结构的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以珙桐叶为材料,对湘西和鄂西两天然珙桐群体的60个样品进行RAPD分析.结果表明,9个随机多态引物,获得24个多态标记位点,平均每个引物产生2.67个多态位点;湘西和鄂西两群体之间的遗传多样性差异不明显,Shannon指数分别为0.427 4和0.448 1;种内平均遗传多样性为0.326 9,群体内平均遗传多样性为0.297 6,群体间的遗传多样性为0.029 3,基因分化系数为0.089 6,基因流为5.079 2.两个天然珙桐群体的遗传相似性非常高,达到0.923 3,遗传距离为0.079 8;湘西群体的多态百分位率略高于鄂西.这表明,湘西和鄂西两群体间存在着非常频繁的基因流.  相似文献   

以百合新鲜鳞叶为材料,利用RAPD分子标记对来自我国5省共16份百合样品进行了分析。结果表明:采用改良CTAB法提取百合鳞叶中DNA条带清晰较,且从120条随机引物中筛选出35条有效引物,共得到769个扩增位点,其中628个位点具有多态性,占81.7%。聚类分析表明,16个百合材料在阈值为0.940 7时分为2个RAPD群,即分别属于百合科的百合属和大百合属;阈值为0.579 0时,百合属分为3个种,即分别为百合、卷丹和细叶百合。这些均可为进一步研究百合的分子生物学特性打下基础,为鉴定中药材百合品种品系的新方法提供充分的实验依据。  相似文献   

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