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Fast-growing and highly adaptable avian species such as the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) have greater potential for use in alleviating food and nutrition insecurity. However, the continued use of soybeans as a protein source may reduce the contribution of quails to food and nutrition security. It is, therefore, prudent that alternative dietary proteins, with no direct food value for humans, be evaluated to allow for sustainable intensification of quails. One such protein source is canola meal, a by-product of oil extraction from canola seed. This review explores the potential of canola meal as a replacement for soybean meal in quail diets by presenting a comparative analysis of the composition and functional properties of the two proteins. A balanced assessment of in vivo responses to canola meal in quails and other avians is presented with the objective of enhancing the quail's contribution to food and nutrition security.  相似文献   

The total bacterial community of Fibrobacter succinogenes and Ruminococcus flavefaciens in fibre-enriched culture of the foregut contents of 12 adult feral camels (Camelus dromedaries) fed on native vegetation in Australia was investigated using quantitative PCR. Foregut contents were collected postmortem, pooled and filtered before divided into two fractions. One fraction was used for extraction of DNA, while the other fraction was inoculated straight away into BM 10 contained filter paper (FP), cotton thread (CT) or neutral detergent fibre (NDF) as the sole carbohydrate sources in Hungate tubes. The tubes were incubated anaerobically at 39 °C for 1 week. After a near complete degradation of the FP and CT and extensive turbidity in the NDF, media subculturing was carried out into fresh media tubes. This was repeated twice before genomic DNA was extracted and used for quantification of bacteria. Using an absolute quantification method, the numbers of cells in 1 ml of each sample ranged from 4.07?×?106 to 2.73?×?109 for total bacteria, 1.34?×?103 to 2.17?×?105 for F. succinogenes and 5.78?×?101 to 3.53?×?104 for R. flavefaciens. The mean cell number of F. succinogenes was highest in the FP enrichment medium at approximately 107-fold, whereas for the R. flavefaciens targeted primer, the NDF enrichment media had the highest mean cell number at approximately 4-fold when compared to the rumen content. The data presented here provide evidence of fibre type preference by the two main fibre-degrading bacteria and would help us understand the interaction between fibre type and fibre-degrading microorganisms, which has ramification on camel nutrition at different seasons and environments.  相似文献   

牛脊椎畸形综合征(CVM)是由牛3号染色体上SLC35A3基因第4外显子上的G/T突变引起的隐性遗传疾病,其隐性纯合子可以造成母牛妊娠早期流产、死胎或出生犊牛畸形,而CVM携带者表型正常,无发病表现。本研究利用PIRA-PCR方法对北京地区552头母牛样本进行了检测分析。研究结果表明,所检测的样本中,荷斯坦母牛CVM携带者为21头,携带率为3.80%,有害基因频率为1.90%。通过系谱分析,其中13头携带者的致病基因来源于其母亲,15头CVM携带者为Carlin-M Ivanhoe Bell(USA1667366)的后代。因此,牛场应当开展母牛CVM筛查,防止CVM携带个体之间的交配,减少经济损失。  相似文献   

牛脊椎畸形综合征(Complex vertebral malformation,CVM)是荷斯坦牛群中发现的一种常染色体上单基因控制的隐性遗传缺陷,该病的发生会导致母牛早期流产和非计划性淘汰,给奶业生产造成严重的经济损失。本研究利用PIRA-PCR方法对北京昌平地区1 465头中国荷斯坦母牛进行了CVM有害等位基因检测,共发现CVM携带者34头,对CVM有害基因在该地区的分布情况有了初步了解,并针对携带者个体制定了合理的选配方案。  相似文献   

牛脊椎畸形综合征(Complex vertebral malformation,CVM)是由牛3号染色体上SLC35A3基因第4外显子上的单碱基突变引起的隐性遗传疾病,其隐性纯合子可以造成妊娠母牛早期流产、死胎或出生犊牛畸形,而携带者表型正常。本研究利用PIRA-PCR方法对北京密云地区500头荷斯坦母牛样本进行了检测分析。结果表明,所检测的样本中,无CVM携带者。通过对调查地区荷斯坦母牛CVM携带情况的筛查,对该遗传缺陷在北京密云地区荷斯坦母牛群中的分布情况有了初步了解,并为CVM遗传缺陷的监控和合理选种选配提供了依据。  相似文献   

This study characterizes a monoclonal antibody (mAb) produced against the cytoplasmic tail region of the epsilon chain of the CD3 (CD3?) transmembrane protein found on T lymphocytes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy conducted on trout leukocytes with the anti-trout CD3? mAb showed a distinctive population of IgM? CD3e+ lymphocytes fitting the expected profile of T-cells. Immunoprecipitation of lysates derived from trout lymphocytes revealed a 19 kDa protein and peptide analysis confirmed its specificity for CD3?. In vitro proliferation assays with T-cell mitogens, ConA and PHA, resulted in a 3 fold increase in the percentage of CD3?+ lymphocytes compared to LPS and control cultures. The mAb characterized in this study will be useful in further elucidation for both the role and distribution of T lymphocytes in the teleost immune system.  相似文献   


There have been a number of significant advances in recent years to the theory and practice of managing anthelmintic resistance in sheep in Australasia. The general principles of resistance management are, firstly identification and mitigation of high-risk practices, secondly using effective anthelmintics, and thirdly maintaining a refuge of unselected parasites. The first of these principles has been updated recently with the findings from a series of farm-based trials in New Zealand, in which the economic benefits of both short- and long-acting anthelmintic treatments in ewes pre-lambing were found to be inconsistent and not always positive. There have also been significant changes to the second principle, particularly given the introduction of new active families onto the market. Evidence continues to favour the use of combination products to maximise efficacy and delay the onset of treatment-failure. Many farmers have readily accepted the effectiveness of maintaining a refuge of unselected parasites; the challenge for researchers and advisers is now to improve adoption of properly designed and implemented resistance management programmes. A recently completed education programme in New Zealand has demonstrated that when this is achieved, then anthelmintic resistance can be controlled, and in many cases reduced in severity.  相似文献   

Domestic cats are preferred models for normal physiology and several human diseases. In the present study feline fetal fluids and membranes were evaluated as possible sources of MSCs. Samples were recovered from 4 pregnant queens after ovarian-hysterectomy. Gestational sacs were separated from uterine wall; after allantoic and amniotic fluids aspiration and chorion-allantois and amniotic membranes separation, all cell lineages were cultured into 25 cm(2) flasks, in DMEM/TCM199, in a 5% CO(2) incubator at 38.5 °C. At passage 3, chondrogenic, osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation ability were evaluated by culturing cell monolayers in differentiating media for 21 days. Cellular characterization with CD90, CD44, CD105, CD73, CD34, CD14, CD45, was performed by flow cytometry. In all samples, adherent fibroblastoid spindle-shaped cells were observed. Positive von Kossa and Alizarin Red staining confirmed osteogenesis. Alcian blue staining of matrix glycosaminoglycans illustrated chondrogenesis, and positive Oil Red O lipid droplets within cell cytoplasm suggested adipogenesis. All cell lines isolated were positive for CD90, CD44, CD105 and negative for CD34, CD14 and CD45; as unexpected and different from human cells, feline cells resulted negative for CD73. Based on this preliminary results, fetal fluids and membranes could represent an alternative sources for mesenchymal stem cells in feline species.  相似文献   

When Bill Manktelow died at his home in his 74th year on the 3rd of May, the veterinary profession lost a major figure whose work over 50 years has influenced many people in all branches of the profession.  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications - Although laboratory animals experience pain as a necessary component of the objectives of experimental protocols, the level of pain should be minimized through...  相似文献   

This review underlines the public health significance of ‘Indian Bison Type’ of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) and also its potential as ‘zoonotic infection’. In the absence of control programs, bio-load of MAP is increasing and if we take total population of animals (500 million plus) and human beings (1.23 billion plus) into account, the number of infected animals and human beings will run into millions in India. Our research on screening of over 26,000 domestic livestock for MAP infection using 4 different diagnostic tests (microscopy, culture, ELISA and PCR), during last 31 years has shown that the average bio-load of MAP in the livestock population of India is very high (cattle 43%, buffaloes 36%, goats 23% and sheep 41%). ‘Mass screening’ of 28,291 human samples between 2008–2016 revealed also high bio-load of MAP. It has been proved that MAP is not in-activated during pasteurization and therefore live bacilli are continuously reaching human population by consumption of even pasteurized milk and other milk products. Live bacilli have also been recovered from meat products and the environment thus illustrating the potential of MAP as pathogen of public health concern. However, at present, there is inadequate scientific evidence to confirm a conclusive link between MAP infection and Johne's disease in ruminants and some cases of Crohn's disease in human beings.  相似文献   

Duck virus enteritis (DVE), also called duck plague, is one of the major contagious and fatal diseases of ducks, geese and swan. It is caused by duck enteritis virus (DEV)/Anatid herpesvirus-1 of the genus Mardivirus, family Herpesviridae, and subfamily Alpha-herpesvirinae. Of note, DVE has worldwide distribution, wherein migratory waterfowl plays a crucial role in its transmission within and between continents. Furthermore, horizontal and/ or vertical transmission plays a significant role in disease spread through oral-fecal discharges. Either of sexes from varying age groups of ducks is vulnerable to DVE. The disease is characterized by sudden death, vascular damage and subsequent internal hemorrhage, lesions in lymphoid organs, digestive mucosal eruptions, severe diarrhea and degenerative lesions in parenchymatous organs. Huge economic losses are connected with acute nature of the disease, increased morbidity and mortality (5%–100%), condemnations of carcasses, decreased egg production and hatchability. Although clinical manifestations and histopathology can provide preliminary diagnosis, the confirmatory diagnosis involves virus isolation and detection using serological and molecular tests. For prophylaxis, both live-attenuated and killed vaccines are being used in broiler and breeder ducks above 2 weeks of age. Since DEV is capable of becoming latent as well as shed intermittently, recombinant subunit and DNA vaccines either alone or in combination (polyvalent) are being targeted for its benign prevention. This review describes DEV, epidemiology, transmission, the disease (DVE), pathogenesis, and advances in diagnosis, vaccination and antiviral agents/therapies along with appropriate prevention and control strategies.  相似文献   

Equine canker is a chronic, hyperplastic, exudative pododermatitis affecting one or more feet. Although many causes and treatments have been suggested, the cause of the disease is still unknown and most probably multifactorial. Local treatments include radical surgical debridement of the diseased hoof tissue and application of caustic substances, antibiotics, and pressure bandaging. Nevertheless, the number of recurrences is high (45%). This article presents a 3-year-old New Forest pony-cross mare in which all horny structures (frogs, coronets, spurs, chestnuts) of all feet were affected. Bacteriological and fungal cultures of the frogs were found negative for the pathogens tested. Papilloma virus was not found. Clinical findings raised the hypothesis that the non-specific hyperplastic inflammation of these horn-like structures might have been caused by an (auto-)immune reaction. On the basis of the clinical findings, the pony was treated with surgical debridement of the frogs of a diagonal pair of feet and oral administration of prednisolone (1 mg/kg sid). The frogs, coronets, spurs, and chestnuts of all four feet healed completely within 8 weeks, thus making an (auto-)immune reaction more likely. In conclusion, this case report raised the hypothesis that an aspecific, hyperplastic inflammation of all four feet ('equine canker') and other horny structures may be caused by an (auto-)immune reaction, and that corticosteroids (prednisolone 1 mg/kg sid per os) are effective as treatment.  相似文献   

Twenty days after an open castration, a 5-year-old dromedary was presented to the Dubai Camel Hospital with severe central nervous symptoms. The dromedary showed the following signs: off feed, stiff gait with extended neck, external swelling of the preputial sheath and groin region, and foamy saliva drooling from the mouth. The dromedary was unable to swallow. Three days after admission, the camel developed lockjaw, and on the fifth day it was unable to stand owing to paralysis of the hindquarters. Because of the severity of the disease and because it did not respond to treatment, the camel was euthanized 26 days after the operation and submitted to the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory for further investigation. Both castration wounds were closed and spermiducts were filled with necrotic masses from which Clostridium tetani was isolated. Two mice, which were injected with the filtrate of the thioglycolate broth, developed typical signs of tetanic spasm of the hind leg. Faecal samples from camel and horse paddocks that were only 50 metres apart were negative for C. tetani. However, C. tetani was isolated from two soil samples of the horse paddock. It is recommended that camels should be vaccinated against tetanus prior to castration.  相似文献   

This study describes signalment, history, antibiotic administered, clinical signs observed, therapy, and outcome of anaphylactic events within 4 h following ophthalmic administration of an antibiotic to cats. Data came from survey responses (45 cats) or Federal Drug Administration reports (16 cats). Cat age (7 weeks-19 years), breed, and gender ranged widely. Most were healthy (87%) prior to anaphylaxis. Ophthalmic antibiotics commonly were administered for conjunctival (65%) or corneal (11%) disease, or ocular lubrication (7%) and contained bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B (44%), or oxytetracycline and polymyxin B (21%). Polymyxin B was present in all cases. Vaccines or other drugs were also administered to 51% of cats. In 56% cases, anaphylaxis occurred within 10 min of drug application. Most (82%) cats survived. Although a causal association was not proved, ophthalmic antibiotic administration preceded anaphylaxis in all cats. Like other drugs, ophthalmic antibiotics should be used only when indicated.  相似文献   

BackgroundAs the quality of care received by pet rabbits improves, the age at death of these animals is expected to increase; however, reliable data on the age at death of pet rabbits is lacking. The present retrospective study aims to clarify the age at death and cause of death of pet rabbits.Materials and MethodsThe age at death, cause of death, and clinical details of 898 rabbits that died between 2006 and 2020 were obtained by reviewing paper-based medical records, including necropsy and/or biopsy reports, at a referral exotic animal hospital in Japan.ResultsThe median age at death in the 898 rabbits was 7 years (interquartile range: 5to9 years), and 18% of all rabbits lived beyond 9 years. The main causes of death included neoplasia (n = 223; 24.8%), gastrointestinal disease (n = 135; 15.0%), bacterial abscess (n = 90; 10.0%), urinary disease (n = 85; 9.5%), trauma (n = 44; 4.9%), and cardiac disease (n = 27; 3.0%). Gastrointestinal disease was the most common cause of death in younger-aged rabbits (4 years or less), while neoplasia was the most common cause of death in the middle to older-aged rabbits (5 years or more).Clinical significanceThis is one of the largest retrospective studies on the age at death in pet rabbits conducted to date; thus, the findings will serve as a useful reference for veterinarians working with such rabbits. Nevertheless, additional studies are needed to elucidate differences in the age at death of rabbits according to sex and neutering status.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte antigen (BoLA) typing on 247 Baoule cattle (Bos taurus) and 106 Sudanese zebus (Bos indicus), allowed us to determine gene frequencies of 43 class 1 specificities, as international "W" and European "EU", as African local from Kenya "KN" and Burkina Faso "BF". In comparing these frequencies, it appears that some specificities could be considered as significant breed markers for Baoule cattle and zebus.  相似文献   


After an epizootic of amyloodiniosis (caused by the protozoan Amyloodinium ocellatum) in a commercial aquaculture facility for hybrid striped bass (female striped bass Morone saxatilis × male white bass M. chrysops), sera from these fish, as well as from others that had been experimentally immunized with the parasite, were evaluated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibody specific for the parasite. Titers were similar between the fish infested in culture and the experimentally immunized fish, and were significantly higher in both the cultured and artificially exposed fish than in unexposed fish. These results suggest that an infestation of A. ocellatum can stimulate the production of humoral antibodies to the parasite, providing further evidence that natural infestations of the parasite may confer protective resistance in fish that survive the initial parasitic infestation.  相似文献   

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