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《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,214(4517):134
The mezzotint of Isaac Newton on page 1341 of the issue of 18 September should have been credited to the Prints Collection, New York Public Library, by permission of New Republic Books.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1977,197(4310):1266
In the report "Fatty acids ... smooth muscle cells" by J. J. Huttner et al. (15 July, p. 289), Table 1 was reset after the authors had approved their galleys. Through faulty proofreading at Science, an omitted line was not detected and the table as printed is meaningless. The body of Table 1 should read.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1990,248(4957):802
The photograph of a mechanical Triceratops in the issue of 20 April (Briefings, p. 307) was taken by Chip Clark of the Smithsonian Institution.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1976,191(4226):451
In the report "Transcontinental baselines and the rotation of the earth measured by radio interferometry" by I. I. Shapiro et al. [186, 920 (1974)], the heading for columns 5 and 6 of Table 1 should read "Atomic time-universal time (A.1-UT.1)" and the second entry of column 1 should be followed by a double dagger (double dagger).  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,215(4539):1458
The correct price for The Grant Swinger Papers (News and Comment, 26 Feb., p. 1081) is $4.95 including postage and handling.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,226(4673):393
In two Research News articles by Arthur L. Robinson (24 Aug., p. 822; 14 Sept., p. 1137), the affiliations of three researchers were given incorrectly. Peter Smith and Thirumalai Venkatesan (24 Aug.) are with Bell Communications Research (Bellcore), not AT&T Bell Laboratories, as stated. David Hwang (14 Sept.) is also with Bellcore.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1985,230(4729):992
In the letter by M. F. Balandrin and J. A. Klocke (13 Sept., p. 1036), it was incorrectly stated that nabilone (Cesamet) has been approved for marketing by the Food and Drug Administration. Nabilone has not yet been approved by the FDA. The synthetic cannabinoid recently approved is in fact dronabinol (Marinol), a synthetic form of delta-9-tetra-hydrocannabinol. In the same letter, the affiliation of the authors should have been Native Plants, Inc., not Nature Plants, Inc. In the original article by Balandrin et al. (7 June, p. 1154), references 23 and 65 were incorrect. They should have been as follows: 23. Y. Aharonowitz and G. Cohen, Sci. Am. 245, 140 (September 1981); 65. D. E. Eveleigh, Sci. Am. 245, 154 (September 1981).  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,217(4558):398
The publisher of The Biology of Seaweeds, edited by Christopher S. Lobban and Michael J. Wynne, listed in the Books Received column of 16 July (p. 272), should have been given as University of California Press, Berkeley.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1988,240(4851):376
At the end of his Research News article "New superconductors answer some questions" (8 Apr., p. 146), Robert Pool's name was misspelled.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1988,240(4849):130
In the report "DNA amplification for direction detection of HIV-1 in DNA of peripheral blood mononuclear cells " Chin-Yih Ou et al. (15 Jan., p. 295), the fourth sentence of reference 21 (p. 297) should have read, "The PCR reaction mixture contained 1 microg of PBMC DNA, 100 pmol each of primers (Table 2), 200 microM each of four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, 10 microM tris-HC1, pH 8.3, 50 mM KC1, 2.5 mM MgCl(2), 0.01% gelatin and 0.6 unit of thermoresistant DNA polymerase of Thermus aquaticus."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,224(4647):340
On page 1426 of the report "Association of parvoviruses with rheumatoid arthritis of humans" by R. W. Simpson et al. (30 Mar., p. 1425), a portion of the text beginning on line 18 of the first full paragraph in column 3 was incorrectly printed. It should have read, "We were unable to detect 24-nm particles in brains of normal mice from our colony or mice intracerebrally inoculated with extracts of synovial cells from patients with noninflammatory degenerative joint disease (DJD). More conclusive evidence for the identity of RA-1 as a parvovirus comes from our recent success in demonstrating that CsCl gradient fractions containing the infectious 24-nm particles can be extracted for a single-stranded DNA which is approximately 4.5 kilobases in size."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,224(4645):110
In the letter "Nuclear test yields" by Jack F. Evernden and Lynn R. Sykes (17 Feb., p. 642), the symbol for surface wave magnitudes was incorrectly given as m(b) in line 39 of the second column of page 644. The correct symbol is m(s).  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,226(4672):242
In the last paragraph of Arthur L. Robinson's Research News article "High spatial resolution ion microprobe" (14 Sept., p. 1137), J. Ronald Hass' name was misspelled.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,226(4681):1377
In the report "Growth inhibitor from BSC-1 cells closely related to platelet type beta transforming growth factor" by Ronald F. Tucker et al. (9 Nov., p. 705), figures 1 and 2 on page 706 were incorrectly interchanged. The figure captions are correct.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1985,228(4700):653
In figure 1 of the report "How bees remember flower shapes" by J. L. Gould (22 Mar., p. 1492), the results shown for the 24-clement patterns (K(1) and K(2)) should have been P > 0.05.  相似文献   

The caption for the photograph on page 1405 in Leslie Roberts' article "Federal report on acid rain draws criticism" (News & Comment, 18 Sept., p. 1404) incorrectly implies that acid rain has damaged spruce trees on Whiteface Mountain. The cause of the spruce decline is not yet known, although air pollution is generally believed to have contributed.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1987,237(4820):1284
In table 1 of the article "Changes in the distribution of American family incomes, 1947 to 1984" by Frank Levy (22 May, p. 923), the first quintile (%) for 1949 was inadvertently omitted. It should have been 4.5.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1987,238(4832):1341
The dates of receipt and acceptance were inadvertently omitted at the end of the report "Unwinding of duplex DNA from the SV40 origin of replication by T antigen" by Mark Dodson et al. (13 Nov., p. 964). They should have been, "20 May 1987; accepted 11 August 1987."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1985,227(4690):989
In the report "Antibodies to peptides detect new hepatitis B antigen: Serological correlation with hepatocellular carcinoma" by A. M. Moriarty, H. Alexander, G. B. Thornton, and R. A. Lerner (25 Jan., p. 429), the legend of table 1 should have begun, "Reactivity of human serum samples with peptide 99 and peptide 142," not "Reactivity of human liver samples...."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1985,228(4697):264
In Gina Kolata's article "Avoiding the schistosome's tricks" (Research News, 18 Jan., p. 285), Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum were inadvertently interchanged in the first full paragraph of the first column on page 286. Schistosoma japonicum lives in the mesenteric veins of the upper (small) intestine, and S. mansoni lives in the mesenteric veins of the lower (large) intestine.  相似文献   

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