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Two methods are described for the partial purification of a high molecular weight, heat-resistant component (CO1) of sonicates of smooth and rough Brucella abortus which is precipitated by sera of some infected cattle. Method 1, a combination of gel filtration chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was used to prepare CO1 from sonicates of a smooth field strain of B. abortus. Method 2, a combination of gel filtration chromatography and heat treatment, was used to obtain CO1, from sonicates of rough B. abortus strain 45/20. Rabbit antisera produced against CO1 prepared by either method contained only CO1 precipitins but were negative in standard agglutination and complement fixation tests conducted with whole cell antigens. Evidence is presented that CO1 is identical to Brucella antigen A2, and it is proposed that in future the designation A2 be employed.  相似文献   

Selected sera from cattle naturally infected with Brucella abortus precipitate water soluble antigens extracted by sonication from B. abortus. One of these antigens resembles antigen E (Baughn and Freeman) as it is excluded from Sephadex G-200 gels, migrates anodally when electrophoresed at pH 8.6, resists heating at 100 degrees C for ten minutes and appears to be susceptible to papain digestion. Precipitins specific for this antigen remained in sera from which all detectable Brucella agglutinating antibody had been removed by adsorption with live or heat killed B. abortus. The antigen has been extracted from smooth and rough strains of B abortus. Precipitins specific for this antigen have been detected in antisera produced against Brucella canis.  相似文献   

A double immunodiffusion test for precipitins against Brucella antigen A2 was developed and applied to a variety of samples. The A2 precipitins were produced by a heifer infected with B. abortus strain 2308, cattle vaccinated with killed B. melitensis strain H38 or live B. abortus strain 19 and by a dog infected with B. canis. Precipitins were also detected in the second International Standard for anti-Brucella abortus serum, in several anti-B. canis sera and at low levels in one anti-B. ovis serum tested. Antisera produced in calves against Yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:9 had no anti-A2 activity despite titers greater than or equal to 1/1024 and greater than or equal to 1/80 in standard Brucella agglutination and CF tests, respectively. The test for A2 precipitins lacked specificity as weak reactions were obtained with five of 295 sera from brucellosis-free herds. This test was relatively insensitive, detecting precipitins in only 16 of 24 sera from infected cattle and 27 of 54 sera positive by complement fixation and enzyme labelled antiglobulin tests performed with whole cell and smooth lipopolysaccharide antigens, respectively. The A2 precipitins were detected in nine sera from five cattle, in two infected herds, which were negative by agglutination and complement fixation tests.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity to Brucella abortus S19 vaccine was measured in young heifers by the microassay for stimulation of protein synthesis (SPS) with [3H]leucine and the skin test for delayed hypersensitivity. Brucella melitensis protein allergen and a crude B abortus S19-soluble antigen were compared in the SPS test. The SPS test was negative in 5 unvaccinated heifers and strongly positive in 3 twice-vaccinated steers. However, the SPS test was positive only in 13 of 30 S19-vaccinated heifers and the delayed hypersensitivity in 9 of 29 S19-vaccinated heifers. The 2 tests gave good agreement. Vaccination-induced residual antibody titers were partly correlated with the outcome of the tests used to measure cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

The half-life of bovine immunoglobulins was established in a group of 60 calves suckled on non-infected dams immunised with antigens to Brucella abortus. The half-life of the "incomplete antibody" as determined by the anti-bovine globulin test was 20.9 days. Up to 45 days, the mean half-life of antibodies in the calves was 17.1 days; from 46 to 99 days it was 21.1 days and for periods exceeding 100 days it was 24.4 days. In 39 calves born of and suckled on infected dams the mean half-life of antibodies was 22.4 days. Up to 100 days the figure was 19.5 days; over 100 days it was 22.8 days. There was no significant difference in the mean half-life of antibody between calves from infected and non-infected dams. In both cases the antibodies appear to be catabolised at a progressively slower rate.  相似文献   

Mice repeatedly immunized via the intraperitoneal route with a Brucella abortus antigen lost their ability to develop a strong in vitro lymphoproliferative response. This result correlates with a decreased tendency of the lymphoid population to produce interferon-gamma when stimulated in culture with the immunizing antigen. With respect to the humoral response, as the number of immunizations increased, the animals produced more specific immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G1 antibodies. It is postulated that the long-term exposure of an animal to Brucella antigen changes the nature of the immune response from a T-cell-mediated response to a humoral response favouring the establishment of the disease.  相似文献   

Considering the poor facilities available for microbiological diagnosis in some countries where Brucella abortus is a frequent cause of bovine abortion, a study was conducted to determine if isolation of B. abortus from an aborted bovine fetus could be predicted from a detailed histological study of the formalized lung. Thirty-nine samples of B. abortus positive and 20 negative fetal samples were examined for the presence of 14 different pulmonary lesions. Differences in the frequency of observed lesions between the positive and negative groups, were determined by odds ratios and chi square statistic. The confidence of the prediction was calculated by means of the logistic computer model. The frequency of eight lung lesions was found to be significantly (p less than 0.05) different between the groups; nevertheless, these lesions were not specific enough to be able to incriminate B. abortus as the cause of abortion.  相似文献   

Brucella abortus and B. melitensis antigens were used in parallel on the National Standard Brucella abortus antiserum and on field sera coming from cattle where practically exclusively B. abortus biotypes 1 and 2 have been isolated over the last 11 years. With the National Standard serum the titres to B. melitensis were consistently lower than those to B. abortus antigen. Most were 1 dilution (twofold) lower. Although a similar trend was seen with the field sera, there were 7/346 sera which had twofold or higher titres to B. melitensis antigen. Although this may be due to the vagaries of the test it also warrants closer investigation of the animals concerned to see whether M-antigen predominant Brucella biotypes are possibly present. The use of the dual antigens could identify herds which are infected only with A-antigen predominant brucellae but would not be reliable for classifying individual animals.  相似文献   

The Dutch national Brucella abortus eradication programme for cattle started in 1959. Sporadic cases occurred yearly until 1995; the last infected herd was culled in 1996. In August 1999 the Netherlands was declared officially free of bovine brucellosis by the European Union. Before 1999, the programme to monitor the official Brucella-free status of bovine herds was primarily based on periodical testing of dairy herds with the milk ring test (MRT) and serological testing of all animals older than 1 year of age from non-dairy herds, using the micro-agglutination test (MAT) as screening test. In addition, serum samples of cattle that aborted were tested with the MAT. The high number of false positive reactions in both tests and the serum agglutination test (SAT) and complement fixation test (CFT) used for confirmation seemed to result in unnecessary blockade of herds, subsequent testing and slaughter of animals. For this reason, a validation study was performed in which three indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), the CFT and the SAT were compared using a panel of sera from brucellosis-free cattle, sera from experimentally infected cattle, and sera from cattle experimentally infected with bacteria which are known to induce cross-reactive antibodies (Pasteurella, Salmonella, Yersinia, and Escherichia). Moreover, four ELISAs and the MRT were compared using a panel of 1000 bulk milk samples from Brucella-free herds and 12 milk samples from Brucella abortus- infected cattle. It is concluded that the ELISA obtained from ID-Lelystad is the most suitable test to monitor the brucelosis free status of herds because it gives rise to fewer false-positive reactions than the SAT.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Sixty cows, 48 of which had been vaccinated with live Brucella abortus strain 19 (S19) or with killed B. abortus strain 45/20 (S45/20) and 12 of which were unvaccinated animals, were challenged with B. abortus strain 544. Ten of the 27 cattle found to be infected after challenge showed aberrant serological reactions to the Rose Bengal Plate test, serum agglutination test and/or complement fixation test. These 10 cattle were all previously vaccinated with S19 or S45/20. It was concluded that infection in cattle vaccinated with S19 or S45/20 may be more difficult to detect than infection in animals that have no history of vaccination.  相似文献   

Nonopsonized Brucella abortus and bacteria treated with fresh antiserum, heat-inactivated antiserum, or normal bovine serum were evaluated for their ability to stimulate production of superoxide anion and myeloperoxidase-mediated iodination by neutrophils from cattle. Brucella abortus opsonized with fresh antiserum or heat-inactivated antiserum stimulated production of approximately 3 nmol of O2-/10(6) neutrophils/30 min. Similarly treated bacteria also stimulated the binding of approximately 4.3 nmol of NaI/10(7) neutrophils/h to protein. Significant (P less than 0.05) production of O2- and iodination activity by neutrophils were not stimulated by nonopsonized bacteria or organisms treated with normal bovine serum. Seemingly, B abortus stimulated oxidative metabolism in bovine neutrophils; however, the stimulation was dependent on the presence of bacterial associated opsonins.  相似文献   

Preimplantation bovine embryos were exposed in vitro to Brucella abortus to determine if the bacteria would adhere to zona pellucida (ZP)-intact embryos or adhere to or infect ZP-free embryos. Brucella abortus was not isolated from ZP-intact or ZP-free groups of embryos after 10 sequential antibiotic-free washings. Brucella abortus was isolated from all groups containing ZP-defective embryos after the exposure period and washing. Detrimental effects on healthy in vitro development of embryos were not observed.  相似文献   

A total of 250 adult cows and 13 (young) heifers, all seronegative for brucellosis, were vaccinated with a reduced dose (3 × 109) Strain 19 (S‐19) vaccine. Twelve months after vaccination all cattle were negative to the serological tests. The results obtained are similar to those found by other authors and support the use of reduced dose S19 under the heat conditions found in Zambia.  相似文献   

Ko KY  Kim JW  Her M  Kang SI  Jung SC  Cho DH  Kim JY 《Veterinary microbiology》2012,156(3-4):374-380
To overcome the limitations of serological diagnosis, including false positive reactions caused by other pathogens, specific antigens for diagnosis of brucellosis other than LPS have been required. The present study was conducted to separate and identify immuno-dominant insoluble proteins of Brucella abortus against the antisera of cattle infected with B. abortus, or/and Yersinia enterocolitica, or the sera of non-infected cattle. After separating insoluble proteins of B. abortus by two dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), their immuno-reactivity was determined by western blotting. A portion of the immunogenic spots against the positive antisera of B. abortus that have the potential for use as specific antigens were identified by MS/MS analysis. Overall, 18 immunogenic insoluble proteins of B. abortus 1119-3 showed immuno-reactivity against only the positive antisera of B. abortus, but failed to have immunogenicity toward both the positive sera of Y. enterocolitica and the negative sera of B. abortus. Identification of these proteins revealed the following: F0F1 ATP synthase subunit β, solute-binding family 5 protein, 28 kDa OMP, Leu/Ile/Val-binding family protein, Histidinol dehyddrogenase, Hypothetical protein, Twin-arginine translocation pathway signal sequence domain-containing protein, Dihydroorotase, Serine protease family protein, β-hydroxyacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) dehydratase FabA, Short-chain dehydrogenase-/reductase carbonic anhydrase, Orinithine carbamoyltransferase, Leucyl aminopeptidase, Cold shock DNA-binding domain-containing protein, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase, and Methionine aminopeptidase. The 18 immunogenic proteins separated in the present study can be considered candidate antigens to minimize cross reaction in the diagnosis of brucellosis and useful sources for Brucella vaccine development.  相似文献   

In vitro intraphagocytic killing of Brucella abortus in bovine mononuclear leukocytes was enhanced by cationic, anionic, and neutral multilamellar liposomes-containing gentamicin. Free gentamicin not entrapped in liposomes. and liposomes without antibiotic did not enhance intraphagocytic killing of B. abortus in bovine phagocytes. In vivo killing of B. abortus in guinea pigs was also enhanced by liposomes-containing gentamicin when compared to free gentamicin. Liposomes-containing alpha tocopherol acetate failed to enhance in vivo killing of B. abortus.  相似文献   

Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) explants were used to determine the in vitro growth and cytotoxic potential of 3 strains of Brucella abortus. Bovine CAM explants were inoculated with 2 x 10(7) colony-forming units of the pathogenic strain 2308, attenuated strain 19, or the rough strain RB51 of B abortus. After inoculation, the explants were harvested and examined at 2 or 4 hours, 12 or 14 hours, and 24 or 26 hours of incubation. Bacterial growth associated with each explant was determined by counting colony-forming units. The degree of cellular damage in each explant associated either with bacterial growth or bacterial toxins was evaluated by morphometric analysis after trypan blue staining. Significant differences were not detected in the numbers of bacteria of any strain of B abortus in the CAM explants at comparable time intervals. The rate of growth of the bacteria in CAM explants was higher between 2 and 12 hours after inoculation than between 12 and 24 hours after inoculation. Cytotoxic effects associated with strain 2308 were significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than that caused by other strains. Cytotoxic effects associated with strain 19 and rough strain RB51 were similar, and both were significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than the phosphate buffer solution control. Chorioallantoic membrane explants inoculated with a filtrate of heat-killed strain 2308 induced minimal cellular damage, compared with that caused by the viable bacteria. These results indicated that the number of B abortus in trophoblasts was independent of the degree of cellular damage.  相似文献   

The higher sensitivity of the ABGT (Coombs Test) makes it the most useful test for comparison of total specific immunoglobulins for Brucella abortus in different secretions. Using it in the present study it was found that in 85 cows the mean selective concentration of immunoglobulins in colostrum was six to eight fold, whether the cows were infected or not. In the non-infected group calves acquired mean levels of immunoglobulins of about one third those in colostrum whereas in the infected group this ratio reduced to about one seventh. There were wide individual variations. However, mean values indicate that in both groups the calf acquires a level of antibodies up to twice the level of the dam's pre-partum serum, again with individual wide variations. Titres to the SAT and CFT are also given for all animals.  相似文献   

A Brucella abortus-soluble antigen was investigated, using in vitro assay of lymphocyte immunostimulation, to determine which concentration of this antigen and which period of incubation of the lymphocyte cultures would induce maximum specific lymphocyte immunostimulation as an additional method for further study of B abortus infection in cattle. Soluble antigen was prepared from autoclaved cells of B abortus strain 1119-3. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were obtained from cattle infected with B abortus and from healthy control cattle not infected with B abortus. The lymphocytes were prepared by the Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient technique, suspended in RPMI 1640 medium (1.5 X 10(6)/ml), cultured with several dilutions of soluble antigen, and incubated. Prior to termination of incubation, cultures were labeled with 1 muCi of [3H]thymidine and, after harvesting, assayed for [3H]thymidine incorporation in DNA by a liquid scintillation spectrometer. Maximum specific immunostimulation of lymphocytes from B abortus-infected cattle was induced in this assay system with 6 days' incubation and 22 microgram of protein/ml/1.5 X 10(6) lymphocytes, using protein content to express concentration of soluble antigen in this system.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from cattle were tested in a blastogenesis test with outer membrane proteins isolated from smooth strain 2308 and rough strain 45/20 of Brucella abortus. The titration assay developed for measuring blastogenesis to microbial antigens (Baldwin, Antczak and Winter, this issue, pp. 319-333) was used to assess the response to both group 2 (porins) (Douglas et al., 1984) and group 3 proteins (Verstreate et al., 1982). Blastogenesis was evaluated for distinguishing cattle infected with virulent B. abortus strain 2308 from unimmunized cattle, cattle vaccinated with attenuated strain 19, or inoculated with Escherichia coli 0116:H31, known to cause serological cross-reactions with B. abortus (Nielsen et al., 1980). Strain 45/20 porin was the most effective for this purpose and data analyses utilizing the titration assay were better than those relying on a single point assay. When compared with BASA, an antigen preparation used in other studies (Kaneene et al., 1978a), responses to porin provided a more specific index of infection with B. abortus. Reactions to 45/20 porin occurred, however, in some heifers vaccinated as adults with strain 19 or inoculated with E. coli 0116:H31. Furthermore, nonpregnant heifers had negligible or only transient blastogenesis responses to the porin during the first 14 weeks after infection even though they developed strong 0 antibody responses. We do not recommend the blastogenesis test in its present form as a useful adjunct to serological tests, and could allow measurement of cell mediated immune responses relevant to protective immunity.  相似文献   

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